Bang Energy Drink Models Are Weird (and Can't Take Criticism)

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[Music] [Music] today we're talking about bang hello youtube and welcome to the final level of Mario we can you save Princess Peach I don't think you can hi guys and welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you and if you are like what the heck is going on loving introduce myself my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a cosplayer personal trainer and mom of a pug who just got captured by me so if you haven't noticed this is the end of our Mario themed week and if you guys want to tell me in the comment section if you want me to bring this back because I only did two characters from Mario and there are so many characters that I want to be my split personality is not satisfied so please tell me in the comment section if you want this to come back and what character you want to see me at like I said in the other two videos I didn't have a lot of time this week because of Comic Con my first Comic Con I'm going to and one more announcement before I get into today's topic I'm going to be on Papa's folios podcast yes slowly up up but slowly oh this is how Papa slowly go rose so yes I will be on Papa's folios podcast monday tomorrow 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time also sorry for the little list today my things give me that kind of a thang so you're gonna have a little bit of a Belzer slash Jimmy jr. cosplay I guess let's get today's topic so we are going to talk about bang energy drink and I have a lot to say about this company so I'm going to just try and stay organized and separate this it's a three different parts in the video like chapter I bet you never thought that clean koopa was this organized did you I have to if I want to stay ripping Mario's booty cheap part one will be why I don't drink bang I literally purchase this for mail and money to use other problem parts you a bang model got severely pissed at Queen Koopa seriously they were very upset of me and we were going to talk about that and three it will be that bang hire some pretty weird people who create some very excuse me yeah do you get those pens on sale no why because in my house they're 100 percent off Kamik what what yeah big what huh interesting content so we're gonna look at that too so there's two reasons that I personally do not drink Bank so number one is that I would rather just have water and two I am extremely sensitive to caffeine get people you heard it here first the clean Koopas kryptonite is caffeine and bang has a lot of caffeine 300 milligrams of caffeine per can one cup of your average coffee contains 95 milligrams so if you had two cups of coffee that's 190 milligrams still a significant amount less been bang the popular energy drink Muenster has 86 milligrams of caffeine per serving a 12 ounce can of redbull another popular energy drink contains 111 milligrams hey sounds like they just wanted to make sure their product has the most caffeine out of their competition it has zero sugar and is extremely marketable to people looking to go apeshit obviously they can because of the caffeine all while watching their waistline food and chemical toxicology looked at 700 studies to determine what qualifies as safe caffeine consumption levels 400 milligrams for healthy adults 300 milligrams for pregnant women two point five milligrams per kilograms of body weight for children and adolescents according to that it seems pretty safe so maybe in Queen Koopa should reconsider through can't couple visa really make Mario having so the study states that 400 milligrams of caffeine is safe for a healthy adult another thing is is that most people are not healthy many people have heart issues and other issues where this is not going to make them any better I'm so sensitive to caffeine to the point where if I drink a just basic cup of coffee things get weird I can't focus get hot I flip for a few Slee more than I normally do just standing there I don't want sweaty your pitch and I don't need so out of your picks nobody wants me to have so what are your picks actually a bonus reason why I don't take Bing or other caffeinated type drinks or stimulants so there was a time where I took a lot of fat burns because I wanted to lose a lot of weight and everyone was like well you have to take fat burners to lose weight so what I do I take fat burner I was about 19 and I took it from the fur eight me I have never been on any type of drugs but I expect that that's how you kind of feel scratching sweating blurred vision room spinning it was freaky but I was also 19 and very desperate and so I said to myself I might be so I took it every single day and so my body finally got used to it and remember these fat burners are pretty much caffeine they're expensive cups of freaking coffee you don't need them and I want to say all of them are not healthy my body got used to it I got addicted I needed it to function and eventually the amount of caffeine that I was taking was not giving me the amount of energy that I needed because my body became acclimated to it I needed something stronger more caffeine so I kept increasing the dosage so I can only imagine what happens to your body if you are banging on the daily and you're starting yourself off at a whopping 300 milligrams of caffeine you can only go up from there and then down to probably death seriously you can die from a caffeine overdose I don't think that's fun or worth it for a pump for the gin okay so do you guys remember the video I made about Davey you know Davey the funniest bodybuilder ever that makes hilarious skits that are hilarious hey sir it's a little awkward okay but I was married but cream is out he dances around uses his little Mexican friend for comic relief I'm looking for the salsa guys remember him our special friend Davey the bang model well he got very upset that I didn't find his comedic effort funny and he decided to tell me well all I have in a response to this video about me is this lady has way too much time on her hands I mean wow like she knows me better than my cold hard fans if you will yet she doesn't follow me so I just made sure to heart his comment and pin it so in the comment section you can see if you go to that video I explained to him that I absolutely don't have that much time on my hands because I actually take time to thoroughly edit my videos create interesting content make sure to do my research all while trying to make entertaining from my watcher I personally just don't twerk in front of a camera and then spill some bang all over my body so I actually don't have a lot of time on my hands because I create quality content which would take a lot of time to do and so the part when you said I don't follow him yeah I know I don't follow you Davey I don't find you funny I don't like your content so why would I follow you [Music] yeah I blocked her on IG I could care less when people say stuff about me but when they make passive-aggressive comments about my wife's body and face not cool never did that it was not possible guess if I said his wife was beautiful and I also said that she looks uncomfortable by his weird content that he wanted to include her [Music] it's not passive-aggressive I completely mean that she looked very uncomfortable with your content so this to clear this up Dania I think your wife is gorgeous beautiful your content is what it's cringy I don't know how that could be passive-aggressive I just said I don't like it so then Danny comes back with an even longer comment about how he doesn't care what people think and make sure to tell us that the rock himself thinks I had an amazing personality criticism the rock personally called me and told me I have an amazing personality and energy and hand-selected me on a TV show yet I'm supposed to sit here and listen to a random girl on YouTube so it was really long like I said I pinned his whole comment so you can read the whole thread about how he's not listening to some random girl on YouTube and how he doesn't care what I think so then baby ended up on my Instagram to respond to comments of people who didn't find him funny either I mean this guy is really showing us that he doesn't care right just yet I guess the comedy part is where we laugh at how fringy this is well I get paid good money to make these so I don't give a [ __ ] I personally love them people say well I get paid to do it so huh because I mean just gonna get paid to do it doesn't mean that I'm going to find it funny you get paid to do it and that's great but it doesn't change my mind I still find it cringy people think that me dressing up is weird I get paid my channel has increased amazingly and now that I do cosplay on my channel it's not gonna stop people from thinking that I'm weird that originally still thought it was weird before they knew I got paid to do it probably not they're still gonna think it's weird and maybe I still think your content is cringy please snap dudes getting worse than these females how can anyone watch these and not want to throw their film through the window don't get mad just cuz I get paid to make these bang video snow if only people realize how much they pay for video and know how hard it is to come up with content y'all would feel really bad smack talking so while you've truly lived in the generation mer if you don't like someone's content that means they're smack talking no I personally just said in the video never than anything personally to him I just didn't like the content I didn't find it funny apparently if you don't find it funny than you are hating no I just my body didn't laugh I can't force my body to laugh I stopped doing that in my early 20s you got to earn the lab and it's not that hard I watch Spongebob I don't feel bad for not liking your content just like I don't feel bad for thinking Jean Paul is a blooming disgusting idiot it's probably the richest person on YouTube and I still think he is a shitty person so how much you make is not going to change my thought about your content [Music] I feel like there are plenty of other options than making [ __ ] that's absolutely cringe-worthy I have more coming buddy you do you boo boo oh I will there's a reason I'm out where I'm at you're out where you're at lol not everyone gets a call from the rock to be on a TV show keep posting your memes a good luck and sponsored little guy he's literally so far up his buff butthole that he thinks every single person is out are you trying to get sponsorships from bang I feel like getting a sponsorship from bang is one of the easiest things to do you will see what I'm talking about later on in this video so then to prove how much he doesn't care about anyone's opinion he then goes to this guy's page and starts to critique his content when this guy is not even a content creator he's just some random guy that just whites the list awaits and post means and this is why you are hating on DS killing the game making money lol it all makes sense now you're not going anywhere posting this stuff your mistake is thinking I give a [ __ ] but it was like a video of my friend deadlifting and that's what he decided to critique yeah you're definitely not gonna get a good sponsorship lol my friends got a really good job and has his own house and living life he doesn't have to twerk around and pour bang all over his body he's making good money baby he's fine I just thought it was funny that you trying to prove to us that he didn't care that we didn't think he was funny by trying to prove to us I he is funny and has a great personality because the rock said so because he's got sponsorships and because he's got followers I don't think you're understanding maybe we never said you weren't successful we said that your content wasn't funny now I understand it was just a misunderstanding why Davey was upset at me he thought that I said he wasn't successful oh I'm pretty sure you are very successful Bay has a keen eye of picking the unique people who know how to create this type of content that you create [Music] other people on Instagram to watch their content so that the person watching it can see the product and say huh it's a little weird but they still see see the can and so they keep seeing it and once they're in the store though like I seen that can before think I'll try it bang isn't necessarily saying that oh this guy's special his coffins gonna be really good no they're more thing oh this guy can't do some weird [ __ ] and they know that weird shake it's notice on Instagram so people are going to see their logo a lot it's actually a very normal business practice make sure people keep seeing your logo and then they buy it but that's what we're going to do right now we are going to look at the wonderful content that these Bing models like to create and learn from the best that we can all make quality content that is extremely hard to make like Davey said so I've got my notepad here I've got my my marker and I'm ready to take notes because I'm gonna learn from the best include arcade games and have an odd facial expression as if you want to challenge anyone that walks by random Zoo in on kin with us the white look-back my god this is genius [Applause] interesting just standing around what the can and just take a sit [Music] [Applause] play some games so simple but I would have never thought of that stand there with a blank look on your face perfect more standing more plain make sure to get eighth place in the motorcycle game and we definitely can't forget that can of bay in this shot duh and then end it with another awkward facial expression pure freakin genius so I got some pretty good tips from that level let's look at another one to make sure we've really get this down Trey said I got style for you hey see you at the toughest penalty instagram enthusiasts start their videos in this way you know when they're doing some type of action and the camera is just centered right on their budget I don't know why but for some reason it gets a lot of you then these people become very popular very quickly so they really cracked this code that I personally haven't cracked I stuff I don't get it something about that angle really get certain type of people watching I'm just gonna jot that down right here in my own magazine always face the butt oh you big you up and tricks yes tricks lots of tricks on damn how do these people think of this so let's just do one more because I think I'm starting to understand what Davey's talking about this you know how hard it is to create content I think one more though will really just just really shove it into this head because I I never knew that it was so hard to create this content and these people especially Davey is really opening my eyes so I want to make sure I do a superb amount of research I see I see walk in very slowly almost a little awkwardly as if you're not trying to act and have a random bag on your shoulder with a huge-ass logo because you want people to see the logo oh my god this is good this is good stuff you guys vanilla nothing wakes you up more than caffeine free bang energy drinks if you're 18 and older they have caffeinated items they love bang okay guys so scream and run around and act like a lunatic and if you can get water to be involved into the scene do it okay well I think I have everything now to be able to produce an amazing perfect non cringy promotional video for Bing Davey said it's really hard so I'm sure mine won't even get as close as amazing as his but I'm just gonna try you guys so wish me luck let's uh let's go do it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh good okay oh wait shoot we didn't I mean like include and we didn't include water I don't want to get wet No [Music] wait a minute that wasn't hard at all David said it was hard to create content didn't mean it took me about five seconds to think of and that was the easiest part out of the whole video to edit huh I wonder why I said it was hard anyway let's get a round of applause to all the actors that participated in today's video Yoshi who was very pissed at me that I forced her to wearing this and a crown all at the same time so she needs a little bit of lovin so make sure to comment hashtag you look adorable though in the comment section also shout out to all the people we met at Comicon you guys are so sweet you made my first comic-con epic so sweet thank you so much for watching I am so grateful for that but I am going to Bowser bite you right on your neck I will see you guys next time oh and I'll see you Monday on Papa's folios podcast now I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 173,510
Rating: 4.9648118 out of 5
Keywords: bang energy, bang energy drink review, energy drink, energy drinks, calling out instamodels, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle mcdaniel workout, davy michael bodybuilder, davy michael titan games, davy michael barnes, nbc titan games, instagram, calling out, trolls, comedy, reaction, the truth about bangm fat burners, bang energy drink is unhealthy
Id: Lky_tsXqxpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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