Fat Activists Found Tik Tok (Oh Lordt!!!)

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hey guys I'm we're posting a video because it got copyright claim even though I only use two to three seconds of a song for a chick talk and they even claimed some of my speaking voice so I couldn't even do the option to take out the song because then I would be taking out my own speaking voice like what the heck you can't copyright my freaking speaking voice butt-faces so if you could watch the first few minutes again even if you already watched it thank you so much anyone who is new thanks for being here because it took me a long time to film and edit these videos yoshi also wanted to say thank you by dressing up because it's almost Easter and because she likes to eat a lot of treats so thank you so much you got it all right into the video we go well it looks like everything's going pretty well with my fellow-citizens everyone's getting along for the most part but it seemed happy and fine I'm really dealing with the recent pandemic really well oh god it's freaking sick talk again I mean at least is just sick talk not really a threat mostly just little kids mouthing words oh the fat acceptance probe is now on there now take talking their movement god dang it well let's move in you see the drippy unfitted up in my car in the kitty I do you secure the bag I get the hey guys this video is sponsored by me and my 12-week program and support group that I'm very active in where you get lifetime access to if you're interested in a 12-week gym routine along with receiving the at-home workout program for free when you join the link is below youtube welcome to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a little pug who is a female you guys keep misgendering her i'm gonna get offended in a second just kidding yo she says she can be whatever you want her to be a past theater nerd going a grown up cosplay and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably have been at least one person so if there's anything offending you yes your cute face right there if there's something that's offending that beautiful face write it in that comment section tell the world this is the place to do it and while you're down that you might as well hit that subscribe button so that you can tell us what's offending you on a regular basis because i post one to two times a week sometimes three and sometimes dressed in cosplay so a lot of you guys have made me aware that the fat acceptance group a group made of mostly very angry women have found the app called tic toc and now take talking about being fat and how liberating it is how cool it is and they're also being funny so today we are gonna check it out i love laughing I love goofy stuff 98% of what I watch on TV are cartoons I am a grown up child who still laughs at bargains so it should not be that hard to make all of this laugh also this are you crying if you just saw having some hot cheetos right there you'll see an exact replica of me at the end of a very bad day so now that you know a little random unneeded fact about me I want to see if we genuinely laugh at these fat acceptance tic TOCs disclaimer do the people sing and there's always at least one that reacting to public content is bullying no it's not critiquing is only going to the weak-minded individuals who are not living in reality and not educated in what public content is if you put something on the internet there is a chance that sone will grasp it with they're tiny hands and some five foot two little hobbits chick dressed as Wonder Woman is going to react to it and that's just what happens when you mix reality with YouTube it happens to my black behind all the time I just rhymed and I should probably be a rapper so let's have some fun no we are not making fun of these people's looks that's not how I do things on my channel unless I really don't like you head from 90 day fiancé but we are just reacting and critiquing to public content that people willingly put on the internet to get attention so if that is an issue for you this is probably not the best page for you you should head on out and maybe look into the fat acceptance community they they really need allies so that's that's always an option different strokes different folks alright let's have some fun I love all the brave fat folk claiming this sound fast tired body posi hashtag chunky hashtag fat positive hashtag spread love hashtag duet this so right there in the caption it said duet this which means they want people to react to it we don't really do wedding we're just reacting so here we go okay I agree with this I am NOT curvy or bigger I agree oh let's stop using these frilly words and just own it if you are proud to be fat call it what it is we are in agreeance celebration and then she jiggles her stomach just so we know that she's fat but this is when we start disagreeing because she says well I'm beautiful because then she goes along and says they are not exclusive and when it comes to beauty that's very just objected and then she ends up with two count'em two middle fingers a tongue out and a fat bow stay mad I'm not too sure because according to the fact sevens group I am fat phobic because I don't believe in health at every size I don't think obesity is beautiful just like I don't think anorexia is beautiful so I have been diagnosed with fat phobia but I'm not too sure if anger is what resonates in my body when I see people like her or people in the fat acceptance movement saying you know that they're so healthy and happy being obese and morbidly obese it's more like huh that is weird because obesity is pretty deadly just as if if there was a movement for smokers that promoted you know health at every pump and promoted that smoking is perfectly healthy at any puff and every puff every puff of smoke is beautiful I would be looking at them like why are you guys like this mixed with the - of what because it would just be so odd because science has proven that it's not healthy no matter how cool you look with the ciggy in your mouth and no matter how cool you look with your fat dancing around on tick-tock heart attacks and lung cancer don't care how cool your internet presence is so that's something to think about when people tell me I'm gonna die tomorrow because I'm fat okay I liked that one I thought that one was funny ten out of ten perfect okay so this one is reacting to this type of tweet how bitches look trying to hide their stomach I beat it's not a lie how many people have you seen walking around Walmart like this let's be completely honest it's pretty realistic so this is a girl reacting to it okay the tweet is actually body shaming if a fat person has their stomach out then they get ridiculed that is true no matter like what means that goes with anything no matter what you do someone's going to make fun of you I got made fun of when I was fat when I was skinny and then now that I'm muzzled people still make I can't do anything right everything I do is wrong and that's why I do whatever I want so that's just what I do if you like to cover up your stomach like that or let it all hang out then just do it and you and me can crush them with our muscles and Fupa fact but then when we try to wear something more comfy then it's still a joke when once again that's with anything when I wear comfy clothes people are like oh god you don't even try and they want to get all dressed up and wear makeup and do the whole you know thing people like well you're so superficial of course I hurts because it's body shaming and these jokes have no place that kind of hurt you know causes like why would you paint man I mean I'm just a horrible person because I do I laughed at it let tell the truth did you laugh don't lie this is a safe place for people who laugh at jokes I grew up watching South Park almost everything is funny to me me a fat bitch eating a salad because I like salad don't look at me like that okay I like that one too I do have friends that are bigger and I when they tell me whatever they eat a salad people are like good job good job fatty fat good job for eating a salad you are so fat and eating a salad and those things combined will help you not be so fat congratulations you are you're so good when they're just trying day to eat okay so I like that one okay so the same girl made another one and I found her first one funny so I'm hoping I find the next one funny when you go to your doctor for an ear infection and they tell you to lose weight my just go son oh okay so that one I didn't laugh you know in this Julie but I can see what it's talking about say that if you are obese and you know you just happen to get your leg ripped off by a Wolverine and you go to the doctor and they look at you and they say did you ever think about losing weight that's the issue here so I didn't laugh but I I can I can get it I do think that the cannot accept this movement goes a little overboard with this because if any doctor tells any obese person to lose weight at a check-up which is the doctor's job to tell you because doctors know that obesity isn't good they they like to yell on the screen big fat phobic doctor shut down his practice when it's his job it's like when people get mad at me as a personal trainer telling people that obesity is unhealthy what do you think I'm gonna say it just be like I'm so fat [Music] I am actually in and out of the company I like that I think it's like the zoom in and like that like subtle smile like okay so this is one I found which is an anti fat acceptance tik-tok but they use Sponge Bob and I am a spongebob ologist so it's only natural that we look at it anyway even though I'm sure I will agree with a lot of it so no you know but to be really mad at me but it must be said this is why I don't really view associated with body positivity this is where I hail the post about Bobby positively because y'all ain't body-positive let me fucking tell you she's about to go off so buddy cousin see me is for everyone exclusion of thing people yes just because someone's in they don't get harassed about it like okay we have already covered this in many videos where if someone fin wants to be body-positive the fat acceptance people get very upset even though the fat acceptance people claim to be body-positive they don't understand that thin people can also have body issues like body dysmorphia etc etc eight comments when someone wants to lose weight because I guess the only way you can fucking love yourself is if you stuff your face we've talked about this that people get upset in that community when people in the community start losing weight intentional weight loss is the devil in that community that's why I think when says holiday started posting her workout she always says I'm not doing this to lose weight I'm doing this for my mental state okay I mean I get that people exercise to help their their mental state I do it to working out makes me feel great mentally and physically but can we just can we just be real just be really real real real really real really real and I'll be real with you too when I initially started wanting to lose weight I did not once think oh I want to be healthier my only goal was to have a slim waist stacked arms to beat people up that made fun of me and a fad then I started saying family members get their feets cut off yes feets it's a word on this channel and I was like huh I probably should also focus on the quality of my food rather than just counting calories of junk food honey rina song this one's just disgusting huh I know as a black woman who ended to lose weight I didn't get quite to that point where my family is because my family are are are is are very large people and if I said things like oh I need to lose weight they always said black people are supposed to be this size I wasn't the best reenactment they had a bunch of double fried chicken all in their mouths and yes double fried chicken is a thing in my family but yeah I got numerous times that black women specifically are not supposed to lose weight tell that to my 5 foot 2 Hobbit frame because when I was bigger my knee is really hurt I've seen this one happened I just go try harder like we can't be attractive so what we're not attracted to I'm sorry I'm like that one too because if you don't find out that person attractive then you are fat Bobeck but if people don't find me attractive are they muscle phobic no if you don't find someone thin attractive you don't think that they are thin phobic no it's just with obese people sorry women because it's mostly women in that group you can't force people to find you attractive actually if you try to force people to find you attractive it just makes you even less attractive it honestly makes you a really ugly person just like those dudes that get upset in my inbox when I'm like oh not just not interested Thanks and they're like women today are all high pergamus slut feminism has turned women into entitled whores I should be entitled to their sexual access they literally just morphed into a slug monster to me and so do all of y'all fat acceptance woman when you complain about someone not being attracted to your fat body take that comment however you wish I'm looking at your test holiday fuck you I don't need to add anything to that oh look the final outcome because that's what's gonna fucking happen well I think we can end on that note I like I liked that one kind of just summed up everything I think of the bad acceptance community so that's good and it had spongebob in it 10 out of 10 so you guys know my thoughts now time tell me your thoughts in the comment section did you laughs which ones did you enjoy which ones were you just like I'm looking forward to seeing all of your comments because I read every single comment when the video is still new and remember you do not have to be a size two having big biceps to scare away all the boys is great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and I want you Yoshii all of the girls that I use in this video and Beyond and beyond to be as healthy as possible thank you so much for being here and I will see you guys next time you see the GP unfitted in my car in the kitty do you secure the baggie I get up you know you see the trippy I'm finished up and my karma kitty he's secured of my key I get to bust open on the flexors frets are never scared like bone crunch I don't feel my Lombino car [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 323,296
Rating: 4.8799114 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, fat ac, fat activists found tik tok (oh lordt!!!), fat acceptance, fat activists have found tik tok (oh lordt!!!), wonder woman, cosplay, fat positive, body positive, body positi, body positivity, body positivity vs fitness, tik tok cringe compilation, tik tok cringe reaction, tiktok cringe comp, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: qABd84-wpt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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