Fat Personal Trainer Uses PCOS as an EXCUSE | My Big Fat Fabulous life | GIVEAWAY

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Michelle McDaniel is a class act. Just a unique, funny go-getter. And she has this protein donut company that rocks! I highly suggest everybody sub to her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beautiful-Star πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Michelle McDaniel is great!! She gives really solid advice about living healthy too

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoo20077 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

at first I was like whitney vs white walker yes let's go

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pinkchopstickmonster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first few minutes I wasn’t sure what the hell I was watching but I ended up watching the whole thing. She’s great...and her fact-filled video and message were amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cleveland_leftovers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Meh, too long to get to the point, then inaccuracies that folks have pointed out but she didn't Reddit to correct... finally her tone came off sounding envious at whitney's TLC contract etc. She had good useful information but her delivery came off as ugh... yet another hater of someone else's life.....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/betat98 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
previously on my thoughts will probably offend you i'm done with this [Music] was the night before christmas and all little pug children trotted their paws off to bed so that santa would come by with toys treats and snuggles in his sled but down in the tiny suburb in california lived a little pug named yoshi who was determined to stay awake so she could meet santa when he brings her the one thing she wished for the most a little human baby brother so she put out the milk she put out the cookies she even kept a few for herself and left her wish list out for santy pause and turned on her favorite show puppy dog pals and she waited and waited and waited then finally she heard the footsteps and [Music] do you know who i am mama krampus half goat half demon punishes naughty little pugs around christmas time been in a variety of movies where i have to add did not do me justice anyway that's not the point i'm here because you've been a bad dog oh so the little naughty pug still has the audacity to ask for a present well then fine here you go [Music] child [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group yes this is my day look the lifetime support group that comes with a 12-week gym program two home workout programs and a lifetime facebook support group that's right getting healthier is a lifestyle so of course you need a support group that will always be open where i'm very active daily if you're interested the link is below and on instagram i promised a giveaway and to win the giveaway all you have to do is literally look below i am very grateful for all of you hitting the subscribe button and just being here and communicating with me i didn't want to just reward one person when there's so many of you so down below i have a grocery list an example meal plan of how i eat and a pretty basic back and shoulder workout because you guys are always asking what i do for my shoulders you do need a gym so if it's not open due to the pandemic please just save it and use it later and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on all notifications okay it took a lot of work to morph into my true form now let's get started for months now i've been getting inquiries on my instagram dms inquiries like michelle i noticed in your video you don't have abs anymore and you just look kind of big in that area are you expecting michelle i really noticed you've been glowing not to mention the protruding baby bump that you're trying to hide i don't mean to be rude but can you please tell us if you're pregnant or not i've been getting these messages not just this month since i've been teasing it but for the past probably two months honestly i can't blame you guys i had a huge gut that would not go away and increasing every week i kept putting on weight my pants weren't fitting i even had morning sickness and swollen feet hell i thought i was pregnant myself i even took a pregnancy test and weeped while i was waiting for the results and about to be on i didn't know i was pregnant because it wasn't a good pregnancy something was wrong with me and the baby because i was still uh bleeding right that's that's not good if you're pregnant and you're bleeding i don't know it was frustrating because i felt like it was overnight or i was so busy working i didn't notice the signs until my stomach just dropped like i said i don't know i just have a fear a deep deep fear of pregnancy and ripping my vagina into two so i was horrified but i had to take the pregnancy test and i was not pregnant it was just my endo with a dash of pcos but usually the gut would go away in a day or two and this time it wasn't these two things had me going insane feeling like i was going to poop out a little minion who was going to wipe their little peanut butter and jelly hands all over my evil layer white walls and then of course people started noticing on youtube almost as if they were demanding that i make sure to tell them if i'm having a little fledgling or not because they noticed my huge baby bump so i thought i would answer in the most elaborate theatrical way possible with a christmas series stringing you guys along with an episode extravaganza and of course in my true form yes watchers i am mama krampus no i am not pregnant yes i have a new son named buttered everyone knows it's butter yes i have something called pcos and endometriosis that make me look at least five months pregnant that a few of you guys have noticed a few months ago which has led us here and we have an action-packed episode today so let's run through the schedule whitney waythor a fat personal trainer who says she's obese because of pcos two what is pcos and endometriosis celebrities who have endometriosis and pcos but don't use it as an excuse for bloating and inflammation and how i fixed mine what the what's going on with that gut and why wouldn't it go away we're gonna talk about it recommended diets for pcos and endometriosis working out with pcos and indo in the world of fat positivity where people get praised to be obese or in their words that there is a woman who was named whitney waythore she received a show called my big fat fabulous life she was first recognized because way thor is a large woman who can also dance and her video racked up a lot of views and boom tlc had to get some of that sweet sweet recognition too and thus gave her a show called my big fat fabulous life there's pc terms for everything these days but fat people are fair game someone has to fight for us i'm whitney way thor i'm 30 years old i live at home with my parents and i'm a fat dancer and way thor's younger day she was about 200 pounds lighter than she was now and said she had always struggled with self-image and weight and she blames all of her weight gain on something called pcos polycystic ovarian syndrome okay that might be a stretch but i have never heard her say that she eats too much whenever i watch the show and her weight struggle comes up she brings up pcos i hate people thinking that i'm lazy i have polycystic ovarian syndrome that's pcos for short two-thirds of women with pcos are overweight or obese really easy for me to gain weight and really difficult to lose weight rather than her diet except for the episode where her trainer calls her out while she's crying in the car with a bunch of empty junk food wrappers all around her and then i'm in the middle of the day and i'm starving so i go and i make a choice that is not a great choice but i try to make it better make the choices during the planning stage you plan it out you don't wait until your only option is a fast food restaurant but other than that whitney really plays up the fact that she's this way because of pcos but the show was a hit people said she was funny adorable relatable and not skinny the show is doing so well that it's on its eighth season which is getting pretty juicy apparently the fiance that she was with who was kind of iffy about having children cheated on her married some other woman impregnated her wait for it a thinner woman oh come on she's thinking it i would be i would also be rather pissed honestly whitney waither also went on to become a personal trainer her business is called no bs aka no bull active fitness for everyone it's 20 a month and according to the website they're pretty active in the program you get about five workouts every week and a bonus video and the only equipment you would need is two to five pound dumbbells a mat or a pillow along with a chair and it's a very good price if you really want quantity i can't rate the quality because the part that i'm critical with though is the name no bs no [ __ ] which translates in my head to no excuses the business name and the fact that she uses pcos to justify weighing 330 pounds and is a personal trainer when you learn when you're at least getting certified that obesity is not something that you want to attain but nonetheless she says she has it this is why she's fat and besides the fact that she doesn't have a baby yet and pcos can make it significantly hard it's working out great for her whitney waythor reportedly makes five to ten thousand dollars per episode and each season seems like it has about 11 to 13 episodes except for season 2 which has 23 episodes so she's making quite the pretty penny just from the show that highlights how fabulous her life is being fat along with the sweet sweet dollas from the show she has brand endorsements a book called i do it with the lights on and 10 more discoveries on the road to a blissfully shame-free life and of course her personal training business where she probably gets most of the traffic and clients from fans who watch the show fans who probably are also overweight and look up to her allegedly for the year 2020 her estimated income is close to four million dollars but people started to speculate and question whitney waythor's intentions she makes so much money on the pure facts of being obese she has a show where her weight is the main subject she's an avid voice in the body positivity or fat acceptance community she even became a personal trainer which means she's making money to help people become a better them she's gone through a few weight loss journeys all of which she has failed so the question stands does she really want to lose the weight or is she just dandy the way she is because if she gets thin she will just be an average person the phatic weapons community won't be happy with the weight loss we all saw how they flipped over rebel wilson adele and now lizzo future video fyi so she would lose the bulk of her support in which her business could possibly fail even her show would have to change it would no longer be my big fat fabulous life maybe my skinny fabulous life shh who the hell would watch that and the word fat really just reels people in i know look at the title and you're here boom proof fact does she just use this pcos stick to shut the people up calling her lazy and not dedicated to her weight loss journey because she has a condition that supposedly prohibits her from losing weight all while still being able to make a substantial amount of money while looking motivational as the girl who overcame pcos and didn't let it hold her back when she didn't overcome pcos at all in fact she gave right into the deep dark pits of pcos by overeating and being in the obese category because these two aspects can make pcos a hell of a lot worse and that's exactly what it wants so with all of that being said let's take a deeper dive into what pcos is and endometriosis and see if pcos really does force someone to be over 300 pounds is it just a set in stone condition that seals your fates have absolutely no way out of setting yourself free from the realm of obesity [Music] pcos or polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age women with pcos may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excessive male hormone levels which can cause acne and facial hair the ovaries may also develop numerous small collection of fluids and fail to regularly release eggs the exact cause of pcos is unknown if you're diagnosed with pcos by a doctor and you're not just self-diagnosing yourself and using pcos to justify your lack of ability to be able to stay at a calorie deficit you can expect all or few of these complications infertility gestational diabetes miscarriage or premature birth non-alcoholic seato hepatitis which is a severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver which is why obesity is something you probably should want to avoid visceral fat is not the business high blood pressure high blood sugar and abnormal cholesterol triglyceride levels that significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease abnormal uterine bleeding cancer of the uterine lining and obesity is associated with pcos and can worsen complications of the disorder so why do so many people pair pcos with obesity women with pcos produce too much insulin or the insulin they produce does not work as it should the inability of insulin to function normally is why women with pcos tend to gain weight or have a hard time losing weight but that doesn't mean it's not possible it just takes a long time it's just a lot of you mortals don't have the attention span to be able to stick to a calorie deficit long enough to be able to see results and pcos makes it harder participating in daily exercise in certain diets can help you erase a lot of the concerns connected with pcos eating high in sugar foods or food that spike your insulin levels affects women with pcos more than regular people and the fatigue is a [ __ ] i have passed out on the floor being so tired especially when i was eating junk food but because of the change in my diet i don't have many symptoms from pcos now we will get to the diet and exercise portion in a minute or five but first let's tackle mama krampus nemesis pcos i laugh in its face but endometriosis even the name as mama krampus chains just shaken endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus the endometrium grows outside of your uterus endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries fallopian tubes and the tissue lining your pelvis rarely but can occur endometrial tissue may spread beyond pelvic organ with endometriosis the endometrial like tissue acts as endometrial tissue wood it thickens breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle but because this tissue has no way to exit your body it becomes trapped the pain from all of this can be severe many women who have been through childbirth says that the pain is similar to the contractions you get before you give birth in the past i would black out in public from the pain it's wonderful it's great every month you get contractions for up to seven days and you're not even pregnant who wouldn't want that it really makes me want to birth my own little minions so that i can experience the real thing let's go over most of the signs of endometriosis painful periods pelvic pain and cramping may begin before and extended several days into your menstrual period you may also have lower back and abdominal pain pain with intercourse fatigue pain with pooping excessive bleeding constipation nausea bloats let's talk about bloat because that's the reason why we're here because y'all noticed months ago that my stomach didn't look the same way it did previously bloating and fluid retention are common endometriosis symptoms one older study found that 96 of women with endometriosis experience belly bloating compared with 64 of women who didn't have the condition and sometimes even eating healthy won't exclude you from getting the endometriosis gut buildup of endometrial like tissue can cause inflammation in the abdomen this can result in swelling water retention and bloating the endometrial like tissue can cover or grow into the ovaries when this happens trapped blood can form a cyst which may cause bloating women with endometriosis are more prone to small intestinal bacterial growth and fibroids which may also lead to bloating endometriosis often causes issues with digestion such as constipation and gas which you guessed it can also lead to blood and can i just say many people will tell me that i'm crazy or you don't look pregnant or they just kind of downplay my belly pain because i'm fit i even get comments sometimes saying well you're standing different [ __ ] no i'm not well now i gotcha most of y'all said i look pregnant gotcha [ __ ] it's actually very frustrating when i talk about my bloat and people look at me like yeah whatever you're fit who cares when it really can mess with your head it really me up when i was a younger demon and didn't know what was going on and how to fix it and it can still f me up i mean to go from this to this in a few days and it wasn't going away i haven't experienced that in a long time so the most painful and depressing symptom of endometriosis for many women who want children is infertility i'm just fairly lucky that i don't want to birth my own child i get it if i change my mind i am completely fine with just adopting but for many others it's an extremely sensitive and sad topic for them if i was someone who really wanted children and got those messages that i got earlier a few months ago that would have sucked because i look freaking pregnant and i don't have a baby and constantly having to tell people no i'm not pregnant i'm just [ __ ] bloated as [ __ ] thanks for noticing while i look like [ __ ] and feel like [ __ ] thank you thank you so much actually small story time there was a time when no one could go get my medication from cbs and i was forced to leave my evil lair and pick it up myself i strolled into cvs with hair smashed up in a messy bun shorts that were cut at the side because my stomach was huge and i didn't want anything tight around my gut a t-shirt where my stomach still was very protruded over my shorts i'm standing in line looking like a straight up wall martian and the lady in front of me turns around and says oh my gosh you're glowing and takes her hand and places it on my stomach which by the way it was painful to touch back then and says don't worry you're almost done hello darkness my old friend approximately one-third to one-half of women with endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant like i said many women who want kids or even don't want kids to just have body issues are very very sensitive to this people will come up to them and just randomly congratulate them on their pregnancy and it's a constant reminder that they don't have a little minion inside their stomach it's just blue many women who have indo will find some type of fertility treatment the fertility treatments that are recommended is an iui or ivf in vitro fertilization which keep in mind can get pretty expensive and is not always successful which can be very depressing to many women according to the ncsl the average ivf cycle can cost anywhere from twelve thousand to seventeen thousand dollars and that's not including medication with meds the cost can then rise to about twenty five thousand dollars so you can see the frustration that many women who have endometriosis might have if they want to have their own biological child that is something that whitney struggles with and the fact that the dude cheated on her got another woman pregnant oh i might not agree with everything she says but i have to agree that that is a shitty move i see many people in the body positive community similar to whitney waythor use pcos as an excuse to be obese and to justify their unhealthy size i've had many people in my very own comment section when i critique people from the fat positive movement say some people have issues like pcos and that's why they're fat and then i come back and have to respond with honey i have pcos and endometriosis it's a double whammy over here i truly believe winnie wadethor uses it as an excuse to stay obese and profit off being fat and hey profit off of being fat i'm all for that if that's what you want to do but don't try to act like you have to stay that way because of pcos pcos does not steal your fate and force you to be over 300 pounds that's a myth and quite frankly a straight up lie there are other celebrities that have it and struggle but also know that they have to pay extra attention to what they put in their bodies one being celebrity trainer julian michaels who has endometriosis and pcos you know the woman that people say is super mean and she's naturally thin and it's so easy for her in my opinion when it comes to pcos the key is to look for the reasons your hormones are out of whack in the first place and address that the top reasons are as follows crap food and way too much of it the crap food can completely screw up your insulin levels and your body's ability to properly utilize insulin plus chemicals and heavily processed foods and foods sprayed with various pesticides herbicides and fungicides can also throw off androgen and estrogen balances fitness is the number one way to improve insulin sensitivity so an activity on top of a poor diet is insult to injury she also stresses to not overeat and that goes for anyone but woman with pcos it just makes it even harder other celebrities who have pcos include daisy ridley she spoke openly about the necessity and importance of keeping track with your health daisy also has endo and pcos oh i love when i find a fellow sister but she goes on to describe how with some dietary changes she's feeling better saying with some help from a dermatologist and cutting out dairy wham except for spontaneous ice creams and cutting down sugar bigger wham but gotta do what you've gotta do victoria beckham who also mentions paying attention to what she eats and many others who all have similar struggles with sensitivity to weight gain and the struggle of infertility but knowing to not let pcos or endo get worse the key is to have a healthy lifestyle and weight so what is the difference between these women and whitney waythor and the other people in the fat positive community they seem to have found a solution instead of saying i'll just embrace pcos and be obese no they embraced pcos by not letting it take control of their lives and use it as a crutch they took control and found a solution yes they had to work harder than the average person but they did it and they're still doing it instead of saying well this is my life now bill's car with junk food and then says pcos this stuff keeps you from dancing the way you need to dance for me like you look at this and you think how bad it is and i look at this and i think how good i did and since diet and exercise can really help women with these conditions live a more normal life let's go over all of that now i definitely still struggle with inflammation the time i was getting all those messages like i said i thought i was pregnant because my blow and inflammation around my whole body was not going away and i haven't experienced that probably since i was a teenager before i discovered what pcos and endometriosis was there was a few things that i've stopped that i've been doing for so long that i really had the reminder that it's very important for me to stick to this routine otherwise it shows when it started getting cooler in california i stopped drinking the amount of water my body needed i struggle with drinking water as it is but especially when it's cold outside and drinking water helps with inflammation i also stopped for a while now drinking my ginger root and dandelion root tea which helps significantly with digestion gut health and inflammation i personally just hate the taste but after not drinking it for months it really caught up to me and i finally got back into drinking it and like you see my stomach is feeling so much better they're pretty beneficial for anyone but especially for people who have gut issues aka people with endometriosis and pcos also was staying at a calorie deficit or maintenance but i was eating way too many hot cheetos treats and junk food really affects me hard but we gotta be truthful y'all that gut didn't just sprout out for absolutely no reason something else was going on and it turned out i was slacking and it showed and these three little simple fixes minus reducing the hot cheeto consumption really helped me now let's talk about overall diet for endometriosis and pcos because women with pcos have higher than normal insulin levels many doctors will tell clients to go on a keto diet but that was way too extreme for me so i made sure to make sure that my diet was full of high fiber foods which can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the impact of sugar on the blood foods like broccoli cauliflower brussels sprouts collard greens arugula green and red peppers beans almonds berries sweet potatoes foods that help reduce inflammation is also key salmon salmon is something i try to incorporate even though i hate most fish salmon is fattier so i do tend to like that more spinach and kale i make sure to freeze a lot of spinach put about a cup and a half in a smoothie with a little bit of strawberries and a few slices of bananas also something i stopped doing when it got colder the things you want to avoid are really things that most people probably want to avoid but with pcos and endometriosis it can make all of your symptoms worse refine carbohydrates refined carbohydrates cause inflammation and exacerbate insulin resistance which once again is the reason why pcos women have a hard time losing weight that constant rise of insulin since pcos puts you more at risk to cardiovascular disease cardio is very important 20 to 30 minutes of cardio like walking jump rope sprinting jacob's ladder are all great to do three to five days a week honestly i try to get some type of activity in daily strength training can improve the function of insulin in your body and can also improve your metabolism by building more muscle mass as you can see it's pretty much how most people should be working out strength training mixed with some cardio nothing special i saw a few articles saying the pcos workout or the beginner workout for pcos where it's just push-ups and body weight squats they aren't special for pcos resistance training and cardio are great for most people if you see anyone marketing towards pcos workout that's kind of weird something i do notice with myself though is that i can't do any type of sprinting a few days before my period starts if i do i will end up with worse cramps than i do on my period so i've learned to stick with just weight lifting and moderate cardio a few days before my period and lastly i found that a chinese herb something that you guys mentioned to me in my comment section called dong i don't know but taking it a few days before my period then right when my period starts the first sign of back pain really i take the real drugs from my doctor called neoproxin and that was a game changer i tried only taking the chinese herb and not the neoproxin and it worked for a few cycles and i don't know what's with my body but i think it just loves to work against me and it adapted and it doesn't work by itself anymore but now this method seems to work out great for now i'm able to walk around i don't do anything crazy but i can function and yes many doctors prescribe birth control and i've tried that i will never go on it again i went back crazy bloating was through the roof even my face was puffy it was insane there are also surgeries for endo like laparoscopic surgery you can also get your tubes tied or a full on hysterectomy i want to get the surgery but just like pregnancy i have a deep fear of surgery so i just try not to think about it so people let me make it clear to you i am not pregnant and pcos and occasionally on video because i have learned to accept the blow and not really hide i kind of just do my thing and occasionally you'll see my stomach look quite large and not all the way snatched as it usually is also you probably shouldn't ask random people if they're pregnant or not i'm personally fine with it it just helps me bring more awareness to these two problems but i do know many people who are very sensitive about it maybe she's pregnant maybe it's just endometriosis mixed with pcos and she feels like [ __ ] leave her alone y'all i just saw this randomly before i finalized this video and we all love 90 day fiance on this channel well erica posted this photo no caption even hinting that she's pregnant and people are commenting in the comment section and asking her but if she's pregnant and she is not and i'm pretty sure she's upset because people are pretty much calling her fat but she had a lot of body issues in the past so i'm sure it's very hurtful for her i do have to say thank you and i truly am not offended by that you guys can ask me if i'm pregnant whenever you want i'll tell you i have endometriosis i just wanted to make a very deep video about this topic because i have been getting a lot of these questions in my comment section when i mentioned i have pcos and endometriosis but i think if you guys didn't ask it wouldn't have twin to something in my brain to at least like check it out and actually start doing a little bit of research and what i'm doing differently as to why it won't go away so thank you from mama krampus but i do have a new baby or what i consider a baby and his name is butterscotch yes yoshi's little brother everyone knows it's butter join us next time for his induction to the cult and merry christmas i'll see you next time [Music] this year i'll think about how i'm so lucky to have a place that i can come home to yes i am on my put our way aside and just enjoy this moment of peace and love and happiness we come together to celebrate yes every time the snow is falling down and it is
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 346,585
Rating: 4.9254456 out of 5
Keywords: fat personal trainer uses PCOS as an excuse, my big fat fabulous life season 8 episode 7, my big fat fabulous life trailer, my big fat fabulous life chase, whitney way thore interview, whitney way thore personal trainer, my big fat fabulous life, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, endometriosis, endomorph weight loss, endometriosis symptoms
Id: fn3_WWoLiSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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