Adele Went From FAT and Ugly To Skinny And PRETTY!

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oh did my title catch your attention perfect since i have you let's talk about adele you see the dripping i'm fitted up in my car [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get to stay in our very positive and nerdy group for life you also receive a 12-week gym program along with the home workout routine also in the group we do live zoom sessions on most saturdays where my clients look at me like this through the screen if interested hit the link below for more information we would love to have hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i am a personal trainer a proud mommy of a pug a past theater gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person today we're cosplaying as cami from street fighter with just a little bit more chocolate and brown sugar mixed into her chocolate chocolate and also the finale for clown week will be on the 19th of this month i know i've been saying that ronald mcdonald will be here but he will be here exploring the wonderful world of mukbangs you guys have been wanting to hear my thoughts on that so we are going to explore it it is taking a little bit more time because i am putting a random story time in the middle of the video and a subscriber actually contacted me and wanted to do the artwork so i was like of course why would i say no to that i love telling stories i love cute little cartoons we putting in the story and it's gonna be scary a side of yoshi so make sure to mark your calendars so that you don't miss it adele one of my favorite singers has lost weight and the world is pissed correction normal people are either congratulating her feel very motivated or say hmm cool and then move on the fat positive people are not having a very good time you guys they are mourning because they have lost a member to the skinny side and their numbers are dwindling [Music] i find it hilarious when people get upset when people lose weight also imagine if lizzo lost weight bro that would make me ugly cry of laughter all at one time anyway a doubt losing weight is newsworthy so let's see what cnn had to say about the tragedy i don't know what to call it because in 2020 when people lose weight it's it's not a good thing adele lost weight are we allowed to praise that when she first burst on the scene with her debut album 19 in 2008 the british singer was not for being plus-sized then she lost weight but apparently not enough to suit some people which is right there proof you can't please everyone in 2012 famed fashion designer carl lingerfield lagerfield lagerfeld apologized after reportedly calling the grammy winner a little too fat adele shot back i've never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines the then 23 year old told people i represent the majority of women and i'm very proud of that just to make it know you're going to hear a lot of that quote once we get to the comment section our favorite section of everyone complaining but let's read on around the same time she discussed body image with cnn's anderson cooper during a 60-minute interview and said she never felt pressure to look a certain way i've never seen magazine covers and seen music videos and been like i want to look like that if i want to be a success okay keep a note she said i don't want to look like that to prove that i have to be successful she got her success while she was still obese keep that in your head in the years since adele has climbed to even greater heights as an artist she's also become a mother gotten married and then divorced in an instagram post wednesday in celebration of her birthday adele now 32 damn she's three years older than me and accomplished so much more while i sit here being a cosplayer that makes me feel jealous you know what i'm gonna complain about her too how dare she loses weight she's she looks ugly once again once we get to the comments you'll see that a lot adele now 32 appears thinner than she's ever been since she became famous is praising adele's current appearance somehow criticizing how she looked before or are we simply acknowledging the transformation you guys can answer that question in the comments but i can totally understand what some fat activists are saying i got comments after losing weight like wow you look so much prettier now thanks didn't ask you those are the same type of people that would be like you know you've got a great athletic body but you'd be so much prettier if you were slim same freaking thing it's like a backhanded i don't know what it was but i didn't like them anyway so it didn't matter so i just wanted to make sure to insert that and say i see what some people are saying but i feel like the fat positive community takes it to a whole another level like there's nothing wrong with complimenting someone's hard work and she according to her past trainer worked very very hard adele's former trainer pete [Music] okay we're gonna try garasimo hmm you guys will probably tell me if i'm wrong or right in the comment section you always do and that's why i love you it was never about getting super skinny it was about getting her healthy oh straight to the heart of the fat positivity group because remember health at every size i'm saying that her past body was not healthy is pretty much debunking what the fat positive community stands for health at every size which is not a thing it's disheartening to read negative commentary and fat phobic accusations questioning the genuineness of her amazing weight loss the london-based trainer wrote that he worked with the singer post-pregnancy and post-surgery on a 13-month grueling schedule you have to keep in mind that she is a performer her job is very long and so the fact that she's still working out because let me tell you for me it was very hard to go to school full-time and work and get up at 4am to get my workout in all trying to not eat five bags of hot cheetos in one sitting so good for her he said that with exercise and better food choices adele lost a considerable amount of weight and people took notice her past trainer praised adele's hard work and commitment to healthy eating and fitness this metamorphosis is not for album cells publicity or to be a role model she is doing it for herself and for her son so something in the fat positive community is that they say that what we don't know if people that are losing weight is doing it intentionally so we probably shouldn't say anything well right there her past trainer just said her goal was to get healthy for herself not for you fat positive community okay and for her son so all the people complaining in that community should just and go back to their universe of lollipops and hamburgers falling from the sky that sounds amazing and just stay over there okay this personal transformation has nothing to do with me or you it's about adele and how she wants to live her life she has not changed from the adele we grew up with and have loved there is just a little less of her to go around you know the first time that i heard adele heard being the key word because i just heard her voice on like the radio and when i first heard her i was instantly connected because i heard this rich lower creamy alto voice just pouring into my ears and i loved it because i am an alto and most girls are sopranos so when i heard her i was like wow this is amazing she sounds so beautiful i love her music i love the tone of her voice so the first time that i saw an image of her i was like oh she's a bigger girl all right open that mouth that's what she said and start singing to me let's get back to the music cause i didn't care how she looks like i wanna hear that voice baby you know how the fat positive people claim to be it's not about looks or appearance sure let's read some comments and see how not about appearance this group is [Music] so first of all this picture was about her birthday there was absolutely no uh nothing about weight loss in the picture she's just looking happy minding her own business and something that we've talked about in the past is that a lot of fat people are about women because that's what the group is made out of a lot of the fat women will post pictures and then someone will comment about their weight and they're like this picture's not even about i just want i just want to be fat and live my life i just i just want to exist okay but this picture was nothing had nothing to do with weight loss she just posted a picture living her life smiling and happy to be alive at 32. let's read the comment [Music] adele once said she was proud to represent the majority of women and she would never become skinny minnie i guess she wasn't proud after all she has to come to society's pressure that you are only most beautiful when you are a skinny mini okay a few things uh people can change their mind just like they're relatively thin women and then they gain weight and then they hop on the fat positive you know bandwagon y'all don't say anything about that but okay second just imagine if we reverse his comment and the term skinny mini what if we like said fatty watty what did the fat positive community think that was pretty rude just a thought is it only me or did she look much in parentheses better before i just can't recognize her anymore this too much lost weight she looks sick you know what i'm just gonna do exactly what his picture says and say okay you were more beautiful before sorry the body is only a stereotype what do you mean stereotype patty with two a's is being healthy now a stereotype so um what happened to i make music for ears not eyes boo i'm so sad you felt so much pressure about your already healthy weights first of all no to go to this extreme second of all no she's not extremely thin either it makes me sad you were just as beautiful before if not even more so to be honest poop she looks like okay you know i'm not gonna say anything about your looks but that was very rude i guess being just like everyone else is cool and these people are definitely proving that it's just about her voice right only about her voice boo i bet she's had weight loss band fitted even if she did she still lost weight what what if she did she destroyed her beauty remember people it is not about looks imagine you work your ass off to be healthier when you finally are at your goal you feel amazing in your skin finally and love your body and people are out here saying you look just as good as before dead and girl we're just gonna stop right there because i swear to god if i busted my black butt cheeks getting up at 4am wearing two sports bras because i'll take an eye out if i don't getting button boob cracks sweat in the wee hours of the morning and i lose weight and i come out looking bomb with a new burst of just energy and confidence and feeling better and people are like this or say that i looked better before when my thighs would constantly chafe even in the winter time to the point where they would bleed i swear to god we gonna have a problem most people when they lose weight are doing it intentionally and they would really like for someone to notice their hard work that they just put in unlike in the fat positive community universe compliments are actually a very nice thing if i see you losing weight guess what's gonna happen you go girl you are looking great you are doing so good i'm gonna be your personal anime five foot two weirdo cheerleader a lot of you guys send your before and after pictures and i try to put as many as i can on my profile to help motivate people imagine if someone sent me their before and after picture and i was like you have very nice hair goodbye such an odd universe that place is isn't it 100 of the time that i've complimented someone's hard work they get super excited their face blows up and they seem to get like a power during their workout and start working out even harder so sorry to burst your fat chick world you can't stop me and other people from congratulating other people's hard work that's just too damn bad girl the next thing i'm about to say is gonna really piss you off because i personally think adele looks way better because she looks way healthier what are you gonna do call me ugly call me a man cause i'm muscular that's perfectly fine i know i get it it's not about looks but it doesn't change my opinion she looks better and healthier so yes if you are someone who is upset that adele lost weight you are insecure with a side of peanut butter and jealous if you're upset because people are saying she looks better now well that's too damn bad your insecure self is gonna have to deal with it and come here ooh girl come here look your insecurities they're showing you might just want to fix that if you're happy with being fat be happy if you're happy with being muscular be happy how would it look if i was sitting there bashing thin women i would look like a stupid insecure hobbit when you act like these people you reek you literally stink you are oozing out the stench of insecurity and instead of worrying about adele maybe fix the insecurity issue you'll probably be happy a lot happier after that i was one of those people that would bash skinny woman when i was heavier until i worked hard physically and mentally and now i'm so much of a happier person when people make fun of my looks it's more like okay what am i going to do start a movement and force people to accept my looks no who would do that insecure people that's who remember you don't have to be a size 2. having big biceps to scare away all the boys and have the fat positive women call you a man is great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important i am super happy that adele got healthier and if you're someone who's not happy about that then just let it go and move on simple as that you guys thank you so much for watching this video cammy out oh dang it we almost made a whole video without knocking this damn thing over [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 290,315
Rating: 4.8952484 out of 5
Keywords: adele, adele weight, adele weight loss 2019, adele weight loss ellen show, adele weight loss, adele before and after, before and after, weightloss, weight loss, weight loss journey, Adels fans are torn over her massive weight loss, internet obsesses over adeles weight, celebrity weight loss, adele 2020, entertainment news, body positivity, adele skinny
Id: tmAQIsY7LF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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