Dr. Mike The Hypocrite EXPOSED | Fat Amy Ain't Fat NO MORE! (Rebel Wilson)

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oh what a wonderful day to be on a boat during a pandemic friends drinks good music hey michelle take a picture it's just so nice to be a popular youtuber not a peasant like you jensen i would love to have some more hors d'oeuvres and put a mask on my god we're in the middle of a pandemic sir have some common decency another picture michelle hey guys before we start make sure to hit the bell and turn on all notifications otherwise youtube will choose which videos to notify you which means they will never notify you anyway thank you so much let's start hello and welcome back to the channel where's yoshi's goal is to get 1 million subscribers she tells me it every day and don't you want to make a poor little small pug happy so press the button and help a poor feeble pug out okay we're gonna actually go on the couch for this because for some reason my whole plan was to be in front of the christmas tree for a christmas wonderland for the first day of december but for some reason on camera the life keep dimming on and off and it makes it look very weird and i'm getting irritated because i want it to be completely christmassy and the only things that are up right now are my boobs and the tree which is not showing up appropriately on camera so let's just go to the couch before i get irritated before i get more irritated hi if you're new here my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm so sorry i'm a little irritable my hormones are crazy but i am a proud pug mother a past theater nerdcon grown-up cosplayer and a personal trainer and welcome to another episode of does this offend you where i share a couple of stories where you guys tell me in the comments section does this offend you or not so you can help me boost the algorithm for this video for real though i'm just being truthful it helps so don't be shy because some influencers have been very naughty and offending other people and right before santa is about to go on his journey and leave the good boys and girls lots of present oh well more presents for me let's start oh i suggest staying for the whole video if you want a little surprise easter egg at the end now let's start best known for her roles in movies like bridesmaids and the pitch perfect musical comedies 40 year old wilson named 2020 her year of health and has been documenting her fitness regimen on instagram her intense workouts and diet plan are focused on mindful eating gut health chewing each mouthful 40 times has led to her losing in a lot of weight and on a past post rebel says that she's only six pounds away from her target weight 165 pounds not too thin right 165 is not unhealthily skinny actually technically it's overweight i don't know her muscle to fat ratio but on paper it is overweight but people were mad again rebel in the beginning of her career took pride in her body she said that she immediately got signed by an agent for the pure fact that nobody looked like her in 2016 she was the cover star of the cosmopolitan magazine and said i wouldn't ever want to compete with what i call the glamour really gorgeous people i'm about the brain the heart and what's on the inside i feel really lucky to be the body type i am lying and lying is naughty because now about four years later she has decided to get healthy aka lose weight that how dare she why why does she need to lose weight she makes other obese women feel great about themselves how dare she does she even give an explanation oh she she did i literally feel as if i have to physically transform myself because for some reason even though we are in a very imaginative industry it's very difficult for people to imagine me as a serious actress and i feel that i physically have to show that i'm different so i'm guessing she's tired of getting the funny fat rolls and she fails to get out of that whole loop she has to lose weight and maybe people will take her more seriously which i understand a lot of media will perceive the obese person as the funny fat person she looks like she's good at sitting on couches i have ninja skills just like whenever there's a muscular person usually a muscular man i never really see a lot of very muscular women in shows or movies but when there is what are we doing lifting stuff in hand and snarling at the mouth because that's just what muscular people do i mean if you really want to know how i act off camera there it is so there's an article that came out that a lot of you guys sent me titled why rebel wilson's weight loss is sad for so many women like me her back tracking is surprising of course she can do anything she likes with her own body but her boldness as a beautiful bigger woman was totally refreshing she made so many women feel good and especially in the current lockdown where many of us have put on a few in my case quite a few pounds we need all the boosts we can get it feels uncomfortable to think that if an a-lister isn't good enough at an unacceptable weight what does that say about the rest of us i'll hold my opinion until after this whole segment the irony is that one of the things that makes wilson such an endearing and successful performer is that she is different not appearing to care for the usual hollywood nonsense she's funny rude and real so sh is she imaginary now is she a sim character did she just poof out of existence i'm all right and has made a career out of the way she looks in roles she often created for herself now wilson has a slimmer frame she's lost the usp that made her so in demand and will now be competing with the glamours for roles the kinship that bigger woman felt when she represented and championed them both on and off screen is broken much as it was when adele became the skinny minnie she had earlier vowed not to become okay i can say my opinion now sounds like a u problem and completely not a rebel wilson problem it looks like she's going up and up and you're just upset that she's losing weight and you're gaining weight she made so many women feel good that's not her job her job is to be an actress not for you but for herself so that she can make money and obviously according to her losing weight will probably bring in more money and if it doesn't she'll probably be able to live a lot more years at least that's the best part of this actually the kinship that bigger woman felt when she represented and championed them both on and off screen is broken if you only feel confident in yourself only because someone else in the hollywood small circle looks like you your life is going to be a very huge disappointment you're going to have the opposite of a good time a bad time like you are right now i can understand the feeling yeah when i see other muscular women i get super excited just because i personally don't see a lot of muscular women but when i do see a woman with muscular legs broad shoulders and biceps it does make me feel like oh yes i have a body like that and she's doing her thing and being confident and i'm doing my thing and being confident we're just too muscular women just being confident in a world that calls us men but at the same time there's a lot of fitness models that get fat so what am i going to do lose all my confidence just because they got obese or better yet let's put it on a motivational scale because i did use a lot of fitness models for my motivation when i first started getting into fitness if one of my favorite fitness models got obese am i now going to lose all my motivation if you are truly motivated if you are truly confident you are going to find it within your boobs okay i'll be serious also these people are mad that she is uh overweight still or is it because she's on the way to getting thin like adele what is wrong with you people if you are upset about this let me know in the comment section but what is wrong with you we live in the day and age where people get offended that people are getting healthier let's move on oh doctor mike you've been a naughty boy dr mike is an instagram personality and widely proclaimed sexiest doctor alive and he just couldn't wait to party during a pandemic and people are pissed since nearly the beginning of the pandemic dr mike has been urging his over 4 million followers to take the virus very seriously it takes one to get many other sick who then will travel home and get many others sick constantly saying to wear a mask wear a mask wash their hands and of course he constantly reminds his followers to social distance so we need to be smart we need to wear masks we need to socially distance the fall season is upon us and things can get really bad if there is a second wave actually mike appeared on fox business in january to converse the issues of the virus when it first came out of china and i quote please if you're going outside in public and are going to be around other people wear a mask it doesn't matter if it's silk cotton or a surgical grade he's even interviewed dr fosse answered tons of questions and dispelled myths or rumors let's check out some of the videos that he has been constantly posting on his youtube channel doctor challenges media and president trump on 19. i'm afraid it's going to get worse virus spikes doctor fact checks president trump on virus there are tons and all these videos got over a million views the most attractive doctor was doing the most and making bank off of this virus and here we are not even allowed to say the real virus names or we get demonetized if you're wondering why i never say the name that's why whenever i do demonetization he's putting it in titles he's making i don't know how many videos about it and getting millions of views funny how that works anyway he was caught doing the very opposite of what he preaches wear a mask so we need to be smart we need to wear masks we need to socially distance students let's be mature let's not throw parties in all of those videos that got millions of views the instagram's hottest doctor was caught partying maskless on a boat for his birthday party in miami after months of stressing the importance of face coverings to his millions of followers huh look at that it looks like a good time what's this chick doing ooh hugging face touching no masks odds are if you're young and you get covered 19 it's not going to be the end of the world but you can potentially spread it to many other people anyway dr mike said that he took a lot of precautions and abided by all the rules and capacity limits except he didn't the limit was 10 and well there was about 15 people on the boat there were some massages and neck cracks i mean i guess he was wearing a mask while he gave the massage under his nose the way that medical professionals say not to wear cozy it's just nice so cozy so close wow students let's be mature let's not throw parties give me some of that oh wait we're not allowed to he did issue an apology we love youtuber apologies it was actually very short a little over four minutes so you can watch it if you want to but i'll give you a quick rundown basically he said he was surprised with a party for his birthday by his friends the good old friends excuse didn't our governor our wonderful california governor jess get caught at a party and he used the excuse that his friends threw him a party i love that i love those friends that's real awesome anyway let's get back to the let's get back to this and they had a bow and so he did the right thing took all the precautions that you're supposed to you know like staying away from people six feet apart wearing a mask according to his people the pictures where he's not wearing that thing you know that he constantly told his followers that is very important to wear so we need to be smart we need to wear masks that little thing yeah his people said that he only took it off and he was getting in and out of the water as you can see in all these pictures so that's all cleared up he also took full responsibility by saying he was wrong and he made a mistake they even put this apology video on his channel oh no not the channel that has over 6 million subscribers no he decided to put it on a channel that was just slightly smaller slightly smaller as in 59.2 000 subscribers just a slightly smaller channel okay scratch that his subscribers actually increased a little bit on this channel it's called dr mike clips dr mike this is not a clip i'm guessing that these are clips from his main channel but this this apology video isn't on your main channel it's not a clip of anything it's a full video this makes no sense one of these things are not like the other one of these things just doesn't belong can you tell me one thing that's not like the other before i finish my song that one that one right there it doesn't belong there it goes on your main channel why do youtubers do that it's just so shifty when they have this big scandal and they put the apology on the smaller channel it's like if i did some crazy thing and people are writing about it making youtube videos about it and i put an apology on my tick tock when was the last time i posted on my tick tock i'm actually quite offended by this and i'm usually uh well whatever type of person congratulations dr mike you're the first person to offend me this year because i personally can't stand the people who say oh do this you don't care about other people if you're outside of your house wear a mask and then they're out here rubbing on girls necks drinking shirtless and maskless on a boat while their nose is up telling everyone else to sit at home and we're all in this together no we are not obviously it seems like the people at the top enforce the rules um california governor gavin believe they are above the rules that they made or pushed to their audience and can we talk about this whole oh my friends put this gathering together if you really stand by what you mean then you would just leave you would say thank you but we're in a pandemic right now and i have a responsibility to lead by example and you would walk your little feet right on home like you've been telling everyone else to do and you would sit on your couch and watch tlc 90 day fiance or how about participating in those wonderful zoom parties you guys are always talking about those are fun but now many people are going to look at this and be like look at these guys why should i have to stay inside while all these rich dudes telling me to stay at home are on a [ __ ] boat that's what people are saying makes it look like two things the virus is not as scary as the media is making it seem and two that these people think that they are better than everyone else and above the rules it does not look good it looks very hypocritical and funny but at the same time shows that having a lot of money or being the governor or being instagram sexiest doctor makes you as it seems immune to the rules and the virus can we also talk about this comment under the apology grace and kindness my friend to yourself and others what the freak mama dr jones does that have to do with the video i've said this before but many people look to influencers as if they are these perfect people and what you see on youtube is how they are in real life i truly think that many people on youtube are very truthful but i also think and believe that many people say things that will get them more followers and say what their followers want to hear in short people lie okay i hate bringing up jake paul but he said something that i think is true recently he was speaking about a lot of influencers who posted to get trump out of office and they ended up not voting or they actually voted for trump actually in the comment section when we were reading comments about the election many people in my comment section said that all their friends hate trump so they pretend to hate him too but they voted for him in secret same with the virus i have caught so many people regular people and celebrities preaching stay home wear a mask care about others and i have a few friends who are major popular among the rich and many of them are having private parties booties all up in their face no masks juices flowing it's just interesting to see so dr mike isn't the only one saying one thing and then doing another he's just the one that got caught and it looks very hypocritical i'm really not surprised i cannot believe what's going on there is hypocrisy but it does irritate me when people act so high and mighty and then they're doing the stuff that they're telling people not to do ew anyway i'm done talking about this i have a lot of hormones just bursting through right now my feet hurt i'm nauseous this shirt is tight oh that is so much more freeing and quite frankly looking at hypocrites faces it's really working me up and at this point in my life it's probably not very worth it to get worked up so i'm done with this hey guys thank you so much for watching the video and if you made it to the end you get a big virtual wet kiss on your forehead i just wanted to tell you we have so many new things coming to this channel new videos new costumes new characters for christmas month so make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on all notifications for this channel and my second channel which is linked below i'm so excited for this month i have so many new things to bring you and i hope you are too okay i love you guys so much i'll leave the music playing so you can jam out with santa you
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 252,650
Rating: 4.9552803 out of 5
Keywords: DR. MIKE, Doctor mike, doctor mike apology, doctor mike party, doctor mike clips, doctor mike boat, doctor mike controversy, rebel wilson weight loss, rebel wilson funny moments, rebel wilson movies, rebel wilson weight loss 2020, rebel wilson bridesmaids, fat amy funny moments, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel workout, my thoughts will probably offend you, Dr. mike memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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