Fat Women Mad at World Obesity Day

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you see the trip in my car hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer proud mother of a bouncing baby eight year old pug and a past theatre nerd agon a corona of cosplayer this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you or I share my thoughts that will probably fit at least one person because whenever you share your opinion on the Internet people lose their noodle and take it personally and I'm sure with this topic people are gonna be pissed so let's start so on March 4th it was a world obesity day world obesity day is promoting practical solutions to end the global obesity crisis it is organized by the world obesity federation a non-profit body which is an official relations with the World Health Organization and is a collaborating body on the Atlantic Commission on obesity world obesity states that its aim is to lead and drive global efforts to reduce prevent and treat obesity sounds great right make people more aware of the dangers of obesity and hopefully give out information that help reduce and bring down the numbers because they are very high and the numbers and obesity in itself is a problem oh crap okay it's the fat positive fleece I said something very offensive I'm sorry obesity is not a problem for them and you you should you should celebrate your fatness so I thought it would be cool if we hop on it together and see what's going on under the hashtag we rolled obesity day so it looks like from what I saw part of it our doctors and just people in general and talking about the realities of obesity what can happen early death heart disease etc etc are also some running events and other activities to get people outside and get people moving and then the other part for a bunch of fat woman upset about a day that warns people of obesity and their initial goal is to hijack and show everyone how cool being fat is we are in for a special treat today let's hop into the world of Instagram my body is not a problem to be solved your body is not a problem to be solved a big you to hashtag world obesity day and everyone who subscribes to the notion that fat babes are just thin people looking to escape I mean I'm not sure I don't know the statistics we don't we don't we won't ever know but it looks like most people do want to escape obesity it's a very hard thing to get out of so I personally find that people just kind of settle with it it's hard you guys I'm definitely not going to lie it's a difficult thing if it wasn't been the numbers of obesity especially in the US would not be so high so I can understand why people settle but also I think the movement takes advantage of people being very vulnerable and tells them it's okay so feed into this pun completely in ten days that's a feed into this whole oh just accept it you're fine we would absolutely never do that to someone who was too thin I do want to say that a small part of the body acceptance before it got hijacked by the obesity clan I completely understand I think people that have average body struggle very hard with self-image and so there are good parts of the body acceptance movement that I think can help people be more accepting to have you know some fat on the stomach some jiggle jiggle to the thighs like you're gonna have stuff going on so that part I agree with I just wanted to shut that out there okay now let's go back into the world of Instagram today is hashtag world obesity day March is hashtag kidney Awareness Month and this is not a whole list of statistics about obesity obesity increases the development of risk factors diabetes hypertension both these have been identified as the number one cause of kidney failure and then in the comment section Kristin weight stigma is more harmful than obesity already rolled obesity day my take on it some people are fact not all of us are ill not all of us are sad now all of us eat cakes not all of us hate exercise not all of us are single now all of us are funny but all of us deserve basic human [ __ ] dignity and respect I mean some of these I can see I can agree with and I understand how frustrating it is to have people just assume certain things about you but some of these are kind of like okay not all of us are ill yeah there are some people out there that are obese and have gotten away with not having the doctor find anything in their body that's going on but that doesn't mean that it won't happen I have friends that smoked a lot and nothing showed up until they were in their 40s and what they got was because they smoked not all of us eat cake yes but most likely if you are obese especially morbidly obese and I see a lot of the people in this fat positive community be very very large MIT women test holiday size and when I see someone like that we can make a smart conclusion and say they eat way too much I have an aunt that always says yeah I can't lose weight I have ice cream but yes she's still eating double fried chicken yes that's the thing in my family going to buffets and eating everything except ice cream that's because you don't eat one specific food doesn't mean that you can't be obese super fast do not exist to make you feel better about your body if you're racist if thinking people are obese now like races are they calling like the hash tag racists okay I guess I am a racist influencer since its hashtag rolled obesity day I whipped up this fat person to make this point I spent a lot of my time as a small fat comparing myself to death fats wait remember what I told you in my last video they have like different levels of fatness I thought it was just like small fat to Infini fat now that said small fat so like death fat I had no Clou that was a level but if you have death fat and one of the measuring tools that you use and they have to know there's a problem and being like well at least I'm not as big as that or as unhealthy and that's a mindset to have no that's I mean kind of because you're like oh that person over there they're way more obese than I am so I'm good I know on the other side it's kind of a good thing to realize that you are obese and you probably once you get a handle on it before you get to that side apparently it was world obesity day yesterday just a reminder that it doesn't matter one god damn fit what size you are you are deserving of respect love joy whether you are curvalicious wobbly soft muscular she included the muscular people ha look my boobs can't even take it they are excited the only person I've ever seen to include me in the body acceptance community at buttock big thing tall short whatever you are beautiful as you are thank you I needed that today let me be clear being fat is not a shameful thing I have been debating for about a week whether to post this photo but you know what I am beautiful I am so so passionate about us not being body team whether that's by our self hello internal monologue or the rest of the world so [ __ ] it it's my body I love all of it and I can demonstrate that it's possible to be happy in your skin by getting down to my undies with no shame it's worth it we are all worthy I mean I do like what she said I'm not in complete agreeance the hash tag and the movement is great to bring awareness to obesity we can disagree there but I absolutely love that she actually included everyone and then this one is a chart of where obesity places the biggest burden on healthcare average annual health expenditure per capita due to obesity from 2020 to 2050 and USA is the highest reposting because i miss world of BCD day because I was too busy living my best hashtag fat girl magic life and also because the post is so right the [ __ ] on whole damn thing this is why we do what we do happy world of BCT day aka wow it's 2020 and people are still dying because of fat phobia in the medical industry and are denied treatment misdiagnosed discriminated against and treated with little to no respect and society as a whole still thinks that bling fat people online and in real life is okay and fail to realize the harm they are causing okay first of all most sensible people don't think it's okay to bully anyone online once again is not just fat people I think bullying is completely rude and people online think they're who mother freaking crocodile from one piece and think they can say whatever they want over the Internet I think that's wrong but something that I just don't like from the fat acceptance community is that they make it seem not only fat people get bullied that's not it and that's pretty selfish and self-centred in my opinion just call me fat it's okay I promise we are going to see if that holds true with the title of this video because whenever I title something with the F word in it people flip out and they don't even watch the video they're just so focused on that outward and they just want to leave me a huge paragraph of how ugly and manly I am ironic that the first thing I'm body positive group attacks my lips but that's okay they just see the fat word and then they have a goal but it says it right here just call me fat it's okay I promise calling people leave the in fat is hindering fight against obesity I mean I completely agree with that in some senses like some people are very sensitive and people like making fun of them make them indulge more on food and then of course it increases the calories increases their body size for me whenever people made fun of my body when I was bigger it just fired me up but yeah all I needed was a couple comments and that sent me into overdrive because I wanted to prove them wrong and it is the best feeling to walk past the person that's called you ugly and fat like this [Applause] okay not exactly like that but you get it and then look at you like so work for me but not everybody's the same I can see how some people can just go into a deeper depression if the commenter like really hurts them this girl has a shirt that says that [ __ ] on it with two middle fingers this picture is exactly how I feel about the concept of hashtag world obesity day dieting is more likely to cause an eating disorder than weight loss intentional weight loss also has an extremely low success rate they always say that that weight loss has such an extremely low success rate so like why do it what if we have that idea with anything else you really need this surgery but it has a pretty low success rate so we're not even gonna try you're just gonna die applying for this job has a very low success rate so you know what don't even try just go somewhere else give up is that what we're teaching people now just give up because the success rate is low I have seen tons of people lose weight and they have done it and if they can do it so can you it just takes a lot of dedication a lot of consistency and a lot of not giving up the O word is based on the BMI chart long debunked garbage science wise its weight designations are arbitrary and it is worthless as a tool to measure anything other than the answer to scientifically pointless math equations it doesn't tell us anything about health or well-being and the BMI chart definitely has its flaws but when you are morbidly obese BMI chart probably should mean something to you can't be like oh it's it's got flaws throw it out also she complains that the BMI chart tells you nothing but then when a doctor tells them that obesity is very unhealthy then they're like well no no no no you don't know that doctor role obesity Federation have declared this hashtag roll of BC today so here I am appropriating their hashtag to promote my fierce fat FEM body Here I am being fast and happy imagine hashtag Beachbody ready hashtag rolls and all rows rolls and lulz top shark radical fatty happy world obesity day hello everybody in Instagram and its smashley Monroe here I just wanted to do a little quick video and just because I've been reminded by some wonderful fat people that today is world obesity day but all that back phobia bucket of right off being fat does not mean unhealthy so I just wanted to wish everybody a [ __ ] fantastic fabulous fabulous face fat vote obese today take your BMI skill and shove it right up your [ __ ] god dang you guys it's isn't it she is upset respect everyone for who they are I agree what they do and how they live I do not agree not gonna respect like Voldemort wife is too short for you to protect all your [ __ ] on to me my body is my palace my body is a [ __ ] temple which you will all worship at ok and then she graces her temple with a huge ass burger I've literally just gone and danced at the curve catwalk and now best thing about it what a big man sorry a grand Big Mac so I'm going to enjoy this I'm gonna and you guys know how I love my burgers with hot cheetos but it's just kind of ironic that she's like my body is in Temple and usually when people say that they like they eat healthier foods so I had no idea that it was rolled obesity day you guys were sending me and you know certain memes and pictures of the hashtag so I thought it'd be interesting to talk to my YouTube people about it I personally think the day is great it brings awareness I do think there's a lot of random you know days out here the only one I don't find weird is National Pet day because my baby deserves a day but like I said it brings awareness and I think that's awesome if these people really have an issue with it why not just you know wait till the next day and then it's all over all right you guys tell me what you think of this in the comment section if there is a video idea that you want me to put on this channel make sure to tell me in the comment section and I will see you guys next time remember you do not have to be a size 2 my steps are great to have but not needed to be healthy but help is very important and I want all my washers even the people that are watching this Xperia T to be as healthy as possible that doesn't mean to look like a fitness model it just means get some activity and a reasonable amount of calories that's it I'll see you guys next time bye guys you see the GP I'm sitting in my car in the city you see the trippy I'm finished and my karma kitty secured to Mikey I get the bus I never scare like bone crush
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 201,123
Rating: 4.9588861 out of 5
Keywords: fat chicks instagram posts, fat chicks, responding to fat chicks, obesity awareness video, obesity awareness campaign, fat positive, fat acceptance, body acceptance, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will, my thoughts will probably offend you, fat positive workout, fat positive asmr
Id: 5O9y3Nc90Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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