You Have The Right To remain Fat | Virgie Tovar is...ODD

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thanksgiving a time where everyone is all of the sudden thankful except for the turkeys but now turkeys have been learning adapting and evolving this video is sponsored by me yes that's my day look and my protein donut business along with my workout support group for this week up until thanksgiving we are having a cell on my 12-week program and lifetime support group that's right you stay in the group for life because having a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle also if you would like to see how i put this evil revenge turkey together check out the first video on my second channel michelle mcdaniel after dark and don't forget to share this video leave a comment and of course please subscribe then hit the bell now let's get into it gluttony habitual greed or excess in eating one of the seven deadly sin thanksgiving is the time when humans seem to embrace the word gluttony by over-indulging in mashed potatoes deviled eggs and turkey most of you american humans are facts but i do have to say that most of you humans know that over-indulgence is negative treating every day as if it's thanksgiving is not something you want to do if you want to live a long healthy and prosperous life and if you want to see your toes but what if i told you there are people who embrace gluttony and tell their followers it's okay to overeat all the time in fact it's your right to remain fat we have talked about many people from the fat acceptance movement but we haven't really tried to deep dive into their personal life their background their arc and really give them the benefit of the doubt as to why they are the way they are today recently i stepped out of my comfort zone no not comfort food human comfort zone and entered the world of fat liberation i read the book titled you have the right to remain fat now normally i would look at this and say what a bumbling piece of but ever since i evolved i'm trying this new thing of not being a stuck up turkey and look at you humans like your venice over indulging bloodthirsty fat murderers we can all benefit from not judging and listening to people today we are taking a deep dive into the life of fat girl blogger writer and radical fat feminist book you have the right to remain fat urgi tovar is a loud fat activist the woman from take the cake you know where she complained about women asking for a smaller piece of cake because it's so annoying and takes so much effort to cut a smaller piece of cake if you're like many women you've been to a birthday party or a small office gathering an event that's meant to bring people together and then it comes time to cut the cake and someone decides to ruin everything oh my god that slice is huge shake the cake is also a weekly online column that vergie writes she's the creator of the podcast rebel eaters club a podcast about breaking up with diet culture one corn dog at a time what the and launch the hashtag campaign lose hate not wait she even created a body positive school don't worry we're gonna cover all of that but let's try to focus on the book you have the right to remain fat so let's start from the beginning at a young age according to the beginning of virgie's book she recalls her favorite memory when she was a young girl she would come home from elementary school run past the living room past the dining room and strip all of her clothes off sprint it into the kitchen where her grandmother was cooking and she would just jiggle her fat body that was the beginning of the book i'm all for childhood memories but this fascination with gut jiggling comes into play in her adulthood and i think it's weird when she was young she never thought of herself as fat she was a bubbly little girl that loved her family loves laughing and jiggling she explains it that jiggling her fat body was very freeing then like many of us she was called fat for the first time in preschool and the whole perception of her body changed with that one comment the comment came from a little boy who would chase other little girls trying to look up their skirts but he would never chase vergie she would imagine that he would chase her and she wanted him to chase her because she wanted his approval she knew that he didn't chase her because he thought she wasn't desirable like the other girls as she aged she would find herself trying every diet in the book starving herself to attain the perfect body all while she fought to get mint approval acceptance and to be desired once she was either 19 or early 20 she dated a secretly married pretty wealthy businessman who liked her to wear clothes that and i quote made her look like a teenager he would take her out on expensive dates where she wouldn't order anything she might pick out his food a little bit but she normally would not order one day she decided you know what i'm going to actually order food i'm hungry i'm going to order a dish and enjoy food on this date with this wealthy businessman and she did and she told him you know what i'm going to order something this time he looks up from his steak and says why you aren't going to eat it anyway according to virgi she felt kind of like a failure because he obviously noticed that she was refusing to eat on their dates and she broke that routine by saying that she was going to eat and his response didn't help this is what the book is mostly about stories of how she struggled before she found fat liberation stories of how she struggled with body image and realizing that she shouldn't be blaming herself for hating her body or blaming herself that these men weren't treating her the way that she wanted to be treated or that these men were not giving her attention or didn't find her attractive horror of the book is really about how she realized that she doesn't have to blame herself for anything instead she blames everyone else mostly men in the book vergie likes to use a lot of trigger words that will make a lot of people reading it emotional she compares fat phobia to transphobia racism and sexism and pretty much blames straight white men and how their power to control and trap women on how they view their body that women dumb themselves down so that they can fulfill what are expected of them marriage and babies and not be so loud not to take up space and of course be physically appealing to them so that they will want to us and allow us to have their babies that was almost a quote from the book and there is some truth to that we have our issues too in the turkey world when it comes to certain type of men she gives an example of a woman from a prestigious dinner party that she wasn't excited about she had one good friend that invited her so she went because of that but these weren't her regular group of friends and she didn't feel very comfortable these people talked about school work and her friends talk about fun stuff but that's what she said hey we all have our own definition of what is dinner talk and virgie's butt stuff one of the women were six feet tall and getting a phd she was creeping into her 30s and getting frustrated with dating because men have said that she was too much too tall too educated and they seemed to be very intimidated by that she told virgi since she cannot control her height she can control her education and was thinking of quitting school which i can relate to i can see what she was saying i am a turkey but i am a buff turkey and i would occasionally get the comment not completely straightforward like this but i kind of got what they were saying the whole i'm too opinionated i'm too muscular it seemed that when i would bring up my goals or if i made more money than the man they all of a sudden would lose interest and all of a sudden i was too much i was also someone who would say the thing that a lot of entitled people do not like no i remember even reducing the muscle in my arms and doing a lot of cardio only working out my glutes just so this guy i was slightly interested in who made one comment about how boxy my arms were would like me he even noticed and gave me a ton of attention once my arms got slimmer and he asked me on a date oh my god yeah i started lifting heavier than i've ever lifted after i noticed how stupid i was being and how much i was downplaying myself just to make this dude feel comfortable so that he would find me a bull so i did relate to that and understood but to blame specifically all white cis males for fat phobia and the reason why many men didn't want to date fat woman is pretty outlandish of her sometimes you do have to take a step back and look at yourself i was a person who was mad at men because the majority of men that i was attracting were just egotistical selfish men that really didn't have the best interest in me plus i had daddy issues girl i have been through it and it seemed i was blaming every single man who had nothing to do with those douchebag guys but i would make sure that any man in my verbal reach knew it knew that they were a man and they have a problem and that's not fun to be blamed judged or put into a box because of other people's actions just like fat people do not like to be blamed judged or also put into a box why is it okay to blame all white straight men and call them bigots and fatphobic when they say they aren't attracted to a fat woman bigotry comes up a lot in the book bigotry obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief opinion or faction in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group which i have to point out that virgie is kind of a bigot when it comes to straight white men let's talk about fat phobia and dieting from virgie's perspective according to our gluttonous queen a dieting is fat phobia and unresolved fat phobia anything that's appeal or goal is to lose weight or change your body to become thin is a diet period and thus is fat phobia this is straight from the book and the sole purpose of diet culture according to virgi is ultimately control controlling women to hate their bodies if we don't fit into what society or white straight men define as acceptable bodies he even kindly gives us an example of what dieting is like dieting is like someone pissing on your leg then telling you it's raining except it's more like someone [ __ ] on your face and then asking you for a dollar then going to your house [ __ ] on everything you own and then setting that home that used to be filled with laughter and love that's now filled with [ __ ] on fire and then blaming you for it dieting is telling people that they can't live their life on their own goddamn term once again straight from the book very odd way to put it in my humble opinion now according to virgi fat and thin are make-believe categories like gay and straight brought into existence for no other reason than to control women but she says no woman diets because they want to they diet because they have to survive in this world that is controlled by men let's go over the section about gaslighting and diet culture to manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity in the books she said that she was constantly gaslit just by diet culture and people around her to ask herself is she actually hungry or is she just bored but then a few paragraphs after that she pretty much gaslights her reader saying if you can answer yes to any of these questions that i'm about to ask you you have been subjected to fat phobia or the control that men have over you did you want to eat something and say no did you work out at the gym for hours did you wear clothes that were uncomfortable but you wore them anyway because they looked good did you answer yes any of those questions oh my god i'm sorry to tell you but that's the man controlling you i mean what if someone doesn't want to overeat to reduce their stomach pain and wants to do a personal marathon on a treadmill then after wash up and put a shirt on that squeezes their tits all the way up to their face for themselves another word that plays a role in fatphobia according to virgie is misogyny misogyny the dislike of contempt for or ingrained prejudice against women and then just like the other terms that she used in the book she tells stories from her past to relate to the word misogyny according to virgie heterosexual masculinity is also rooted in fatphobia heterosexual masculinity is a cultural pressure exerted on males to be masculine in traits and heterosexual and orientation or else be viewed as feminine and socially unacceptable she gave an example of how men experience fat phobia man boobs if a man is fat and has man boobs he gets shamed because women are supposed to have boobs and men are not she only had a very very tiny section when it came to men and fat phobia which let's be real that's not a surprise but she pretty much said that when men experience fat phobic comments it's because they have something that women have boobs from what i got this could be just me reaching they are insecure about seeing a womanly thing on a man and so they are going to shame them just like they see a bigger woman and they think it's manly so something i've always wondered is why they latch onto them when talking about fat phobia as a woman of color it does irk me when these women put discrimination from obesity and race on the same level harriet tubman is hard side eyeing the fat clan acceptance group for that one but i kind of got my answer from virgie's perspective of course fat people aren't presented in media like trans people people of color and disabled people another one that irks me because disabled people can't tell that they're disabled from what i understand that fat people are kind of portrayed in media as not really human they never have the main roles they're either fat and funny what's your name that amy they're the butt of the joke all the time harold someone's here to see you go away it's the pizza man and fat black women are portrayed even worse so if you're a fat white woman yes you'll have it bad according to virgie but if you are fat and black or a woman of color or darker complexion you are at the bottom of the barrel it was very vague and i found it interesting that virgie is so educated but she kind of skimmed over this just enough to get a black audience on her side i'm reading a book called fearing the black body the radical origins of fat phobia which goes into detail on the subject and yes i'll be making a review of that once i finish it make sure to subscribe leave a comment share the video boost the ratings people but back to virgie but for someone who talks about racism so much i would think that she would go a little deeper into it so near the end of the book she tells us what really shifted her into getting into a and i quote a mega fat babe lifestyle she went to a conference called no lose the revelation just got bigger literally no lose is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to ending the oppression of fat people and creating vibrant fat queer culture and the activist and empowerment work that we do we envision a world where beauty morality health humor and fashion are divorced from size and shape and all bodies are celebrated they really actually mean fat bodies but we'll let them pretend we're all people have a right to basic human rights as well as joy sensuality and self-determination and let's be clear that fat people have human rights where fighting fat phobia is seen as integrally linked to other social justice issues such as the women's movement anti-racist and anti-imperialist struggles of people of color at home and around the world queer and transgender movements class struggle disability right movements and more you see how they are always trying to wrap in all these other minorities issues every moment they get but i know why they do it because they need a lot of people in their group so that less people look at them like y'all are crazy can you imagine being called crazy by an evolved turkey humanoid that's when you know it might be time to take a little step back and reflect on your life choices and how you present yourself and where the diet industry closes up shop as the world sees their products for the oppressive and ineffective scams they are agree when it comes to like diet pills and what they promised fergie stepped into the hotel and heard a bunch of women laughing she walked near the pool and was amazed a bunch of fat bodies just enjoying life she saw a fat femme redhead with men holding umbrellas for her and was sold test holiday by chance at that moment she realized after years of dieting and being told that her body was wrong she learned that she didn't need to change her body she needed to change the way she felt about her body let's talk about virgi's perspective between the difference between body positivity and fat liberation or fat acceptance body positive warriors according to virgi are silent about their demands they don't want to be too threatening and they're not radical enough they want to make political strides through hugs and cute lunches they defend diets and weight loss and she says it's a bunch of white straight females that are submitting to men's standards by being quiet and non-threatening so that these white females can access or keep their privilege that they get from their men an issue i have with body positivity is that the face of it becomes increasingly whiter straighter and thinner they're too afraid to be like the women from the fat acceptance community because if they acted like them men wouldn't be able to handle how proud and loud they were body positive movements demands according to virgi are basically they want close to fit more substantial access to heterosexual romance and the right to claim that they are radical their expectations are dangerously low and according to virgi they are still taking care of men and their feelings according to virgi straightness has long kept women from what is ours and it holds us hostage the fat queers were proudly political and radical in their demand and this is probably a great time to point out that she's with a dude like a pretty attractive thin dude but i wanted to point out that whenever these fat activists date men they seem to never date the male version of their body type it just reminds me of those fat dudes that would never be caught dead with a fat woman anyway all right next bridge also put a segment where she got asked would her life be better if she was just thin and she responded no my life would be easier if the world would stop oppressing her because she's fat you don't get rid of bigotry by accommodating it you get rid of bigotry by getting rid of it and then at the almost end of the book she kind of gives the reader almost a sales pitch actually it was a sales pitch i felt like i was 18 walking into gnc and saying oh i really want something to help me lose weight and then the cashier sprints over with the most expensive most outlandish claims of a diet pill except with virgie it's in reverse most people can't imagine what freedom tastes like but in my opinion it's close to butter let me ask you something what would life look like if you weren't constantly trying to lose weight what would your life look like if i told you you could eat whatever you wanted where whatever you wanted what if we lived in an imaginary world where we were never taught that certain foods were good or bad or healthy what if we lived in a world where food wasn't charged with any moral meaning hot dogs weren't morally inferior to carrots and lettuce wasn't morally superior to nutella imagine that you could wear whatever you wanted any color horizontal stripes or vertical imagine that your first words in the morning weren't i hate this body imagine that when you're walking around in public that people treated you with humanity and respect and they didn't blame you when they didn't imagine that you never learned that butter was wrong imagine you learned that all bodies were equally deserving of affection but if i told you that you have the right to that world what if i told you that you didn't have to lose a pound to earn that life because it was yours a long time ago before it was stolen by men didn't say that part but it's implied heavily so after this else but she tells a reader how amazing her life is now that she has found fat liberation she tells us all the food that she's eaten while overlooking amazing scenery like the golden gate bridge while she peed in the hilton hotel pool twice and how she can once again do what she cherished about herself when she was little without shame take off her clothes and just jiggle so i got curious since i read the book and in the book it states that men control what is collectively attractive and that is thinness basically exactly what we see portrayed in mainstream media so i had a question for virgie what does she think of women who bodybuild these women are definitely not the norm they aren't portrayed usually in main roles or in the media and if they are it's really a joke example sandy cheeks why all the buff people on screen have to scream and snarl out the mouth i'm not saying i hate it but the fat acceptance warriors always complain how fat people are portrayed in the media but folks are the butt of the joke too example number two starla do you think anybody thinks i'm a failure because i go home to starla at night they aren't making themselves thin honestly according to many they're making their selves quite masculine something straight white men wouldn't find attractive at least according to virgie so what do i do when i have a question i ask except i couldn't ask we have to be sneaky my little fledgling so a secret client of mine volunteered she said michelle wouldn't be less suspicious if a fat girl messaged her and i said oh my gosh and you're black it's almost too perfect so she infiltrated virginia tovar safe space and asks or shall i say i wrote out the question and had her deliver the message acting like she's the one that is so concerned about this horrible fat phobic situation that she's going through hey i really love your videos i just read your book and loved how you broke down the connection between fat phobia racism and colorism i do have a question what do you think of bodybuilding for women my sister is constantly in the gym and has built her body not to be thin but to be super masculine what's your opinion on women who technically are not giving into the typical western beauty of thinness but are harming their body through strenuous lifting constant dieting and searching for their definition of perfection i would like to give my sister some advice before she goes overboard she's also constantly making me feel horrible about my body and always brings up lower calorie options and guess what she responded and guess what else she gave us some vague bs answer where she really didn't even answer the question i think fatphobia is bigger than beauty standards so she didn't answer any of my super basic questions but i have a theory she can't answer my questions because she would have to contradict herself in the book she said that anything that changes your body to make you smaller is a diet and is fat phobic these women are actually making themselves lean but also big and aka masculine if she says that they're great and liberating wrong because they're on a diet and if close to a competition they're on an extreme diet where they are constantly avoiding certain foods that would take them away from that nice plastic trophy on their show day she can't answer the question because guess what she will lose and i a fit turkey will win oh fergie i enjoyed reading your book it helped me learn where you were coming from and help me validate exactly what i thought about you my judgment was correct you are someone who was hurt when they were young and you got a lot of comments that i got also when i was younger some of those comments i still get enough let them know and i agree those people are rude the difference though is that what you're doing virgie is killing people in the long run you advocate eating as much as you want not caring about what you put in your body intentional weight loss is evil and if anyone does any of those things they are a bad person you're doing exactly what you say that you hate the media or straight white men do if people do not conform to the way that you say they should live their life then they're wrong they are a bigot they are fat phobic or they're under some spell of the straight white man and don't know that they're being oppressed and they need you to break down how oppressed they are because they haven't eaten a whole cake and jiggled their body in a pool that they peed in you use these trigger words to spark an emotional reaction to your reader and use examples of [ __ ] men to help your agenda which you say in your book that you do not have an agenda but it's clear that you do uh you said that you are a part of the fat acceptance movement the fat acceptance agenda is to make the world think obesity is just dandy i mean you even said that the body positive demands or agenda is not radical enough for you you just didn't use the word agenda you are nothing more than someone that is clearly insecure and had a lot of hurtful comments thrown at you bullied when you were younger and your pain has carried into your adulthood you have found your voice which is great and i agreed with a few things that she stands for holding him in or like to say people accountable speaking up for yourself extreme crash diets are not sustainable actually they're more harmful than good looking at your body and just being your biggest fan wearing whatever you want there's a lot that i agree with but there's a lot i don't agree with such as this whole it's totally fine being fat yeah if you want to be fat go ahead but don't try to silence the people who talk about health while in the same breath you say that you're tired of people telling you to be silent reading this book i can see why the movement gained so much traction the people that follow her are clearly insecure probably have dealt with similar experiences and relate to her and it's so easy to say you know what just take the cake and blame everyone else for your issue if they aren't attracted to you simply say it's fatphobia and the misogyny of men it's so easy honestly virgie is the female version of a neckbeard expects men to like her and when they don't she gets angry except she just covers it up and says fat phobia and misogyny and then people feel bad for her why she's in the same category as this guy and belongs in those reddit forums so virgi tovar yes you are right you have every right to remain fat but i have every right to say that obesity is dangerous not healthy sad you are the definition of gluttony at its finest and you profit off of people who are insecure easily manipulated and searching for acceptance without having to change a thing in their life and then there's you corn dog in hand arms open wide ready to teach these women all about body positivity the right way not the white straight woman way but the virgi tovar way the 300 way yes 300 and you can enter whatever realm virgie tovar's in it's kind of like the cheesy sells pity trainers at the gym that will specifically target the fat people that look uncomfortable and manipulate them into getting extremely expensive training with low quality trainers virgie tovar i have to say thank you so much for writing this book and allowing us to get into that head of yours i'm so happy that i got to see your point of view and learn your background as to why you are the way that you are today i understand but i'm not surprised so yes you do have the right to remain fat and i have the right to work out be lean be muscular get thin and choose whatever diet i like and it just so happens to be us new humanoid turkeys thanksgiving too and it seems that my dinner is right in the audience i've been on the flex since flex zones
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 292,488
Rating: 4.9446654 out of 5
Keywords: You Have The Right To remain Fat, Virgie tovar, fat acceptance, virgie tovar cringe, virgie tovar cake, virgie tovar ted talk, virgie tovar cake reaction, virgie tovar reaction, lose hate not weight, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: SjA0UhpnNFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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