Sierra Schultzzie Uses PCOS as an Excuse For Weight Gain (The Truth About my Weight Gain)

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[Music] wife I'm the Red Queen today we're talking about periods hey guys before we start I just wanted to give you a big sloppy kiss because last week proto sold out in 16 minutes after I announced the restock so thank you thank you thank you I really can't say thank you enough I don't know if you guys know how much that means to me I'm also here to say that we restocked today a little earlier than usual because of the upcoming holiday so if you would like to order proto my small own business what the cake doughnut which has 10 grams of protein and 2 grams of sugar I linked it boleto once again thank you so much alright let's start today's video hello everyone welcome back to the channel welcome the newcomers who are upset about my title it's ok you are new but you probably should know that a lot of the titles on here are quite base come on be real did I get you and I yeah come on you can tell me are you leaving those mean comments in the comment section before even listening to the video just be real okay so today as you can see from the title we are talking about PCOS so a youtuber by the name Ciara Scholl - is a body-positive influencer recently posted a video titled the truth about my weight gain in the video she gets pretty emotional and expresses that she has recently been diagnosed with PCOS PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects a woman's hormones levels women with PCOS produce higher than normal amounts of male hormones this hormone imbalance causes them to skip minstrel periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant some side effects of PCOS is hair loss depression acne infertility diabetes obesity and more Ciara is very emotional because one of her goal is to become a mother and PCOS does make it pretty hard to do that depending on how severe did now something that I didn't notice that Ciara said in the video is that she blamed all of her weight gain strictly on PCOS you guys wants me to be like wrong excuses cierra you're not working hard enough are you they're eating cheesecake aren't you doing it and we all know the Red Queen can be a big ol and most people don't even really like the Red Queen very much but she's not being a big ol today I'm not doing that because I don't know her situation what I can do is tell you my experience with PCOS and how I don't have any symptoms anymore and past people that I worked with with PCOS my how I just realized I did not introduce myself hello to anyone that is the you my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and of course a cosplayer to his dress as a Red Queen which I wanted to make it more popping but I just didn't have time I wanted to make this video and get it out by Saturday for you guys so we will build off of this character but we wanted to be the Red Queen for obvious reasons so my story is a little weird I was having a lot of painful periods a lot of crazy symptoms and a lot of people out I'm very open about it so I would post on Facebook when that was the cool thing to do and everybody was trying to tell me that I have endometriosis so I went to the doctor and when I looked up all of these symptoms Oh like this is it boom right here this is what I have I know it because I have all of the symptoms so when I went to the doctor I already knew what they were gonna say I was completely just stuck on they're gonna tell me I ain't no meat Rios's if I go to the doctor I get all the tests done I'm here back and it turns out I have no meat Rios's and PCOS and I was like that can't be right that's not what what what's supposed to happen cuz let's have one thing that hinders you from you know being normal but you've got two things but apparently you can so that was just wonderful so when I got diagnosed with PCOS I was in the beginning of me trying to get into a healthier life so I really wanted to lose weight I wanted to be a fitness model I want to do all those things I wanted to have like a very lean body I wanted to get muscular you know all that great stuff so when I was the doctor and I was talking to her and she kind of told me all of these side effects and things and happen when you have PCOS and she was very very gung-ho about telling me how it's going to be very hard to lose weight and she would be like oh you you you probably you probably tried to lose weight right and it's really hard you can't lose weight it's like impossible right you can't do it you tried everything it felt like she was giving me excuses and like I said this was the beginning of my me wanting to lose weight and I was kind of already in that mindset where like I eat way too much so what she's telling me this I'm like I mean I could use this as an excuse or I could just be very truthful about me eating 2 to 3 bags of hot cheetos and hold cheese cakes but I didn't say anything and she wrote down all this medication that I could take to help me lose weight and said balance off my hormones and all that doctor stuff and I didn't end up taking any of that I was just like well let me see if I can actually stick to a diet for teens cuz the most that I stuck to it I was like a week and I already knew in my head because I was mentally right when it came to dieting a week isn't that isn't enough time for me to actually get results at least the results that I wanted and the doctor looked at me like I was crazy she was like well you know PCOS it's really it's you need these pills and I was like ok I mean I take them if I really need help but I've never actually stuck to a diet I don't think PCOS is making it hard for me to not stick to a diet forcing me to eat a whole cheesecake so like calm down doc and let me do it my way for a little bit a way that should work and if my PCOS is that bad then okay then I have a medical issue that is prohibiting me from losing weight and I lost weight now let me be clear it did take a lot of time but in that time it didn't feel like a lot of time I've said it before in a lot of my videos when I talk about like my journey that I got into a mindset where this is my life now I'm sorry I'm going to stop like litter got on me I'm going to stop like staring out of scale like waiting for it to go down every single day and kind of just go through my life and this is my new you know nutrition routine and I'm gonna be active and it felt like a weight just flew off because I wasn't constantly thinking okay gotta lose two pounds this week the heaviest three pounds that week I do this gotta get my body right by summer you know I was kind of out of that mentality and I was more like this is my lifestyle I'm gonna live my life and then the weight kind of just came off very similar to you want to talk about my hair and my hair videos it's not on your channel I don't want to start talking about hair but when I when all my hair fell out and then I like kept going like just airing out my hair waiting for it to grow once I stopped all that just got into a good healthy hair routine my hair was suddenly all the way down my back so I pretty much just stopped stressing over it and it went a lot faster so like I said mine is kind of weird because I have PCOS and endo and I personally didn't really notice the PCOS symptoms because the endometriosis took the spotlight so in this video we're gonna be talking about both since I have both so the first thing that I did to help my PCOS is reduce my salt intake I am a Salter I did not know that I was a Salter and so my boyfriend brought it up to me and I was like no I'm a fitness chick I don't I'm healthy but I really did once he brought it to my attention Ben my eyes saw how much I would be salting my food and it really opened my eyes when my grandfather was on his deathbed and he was adding a ton of salt to his food and one of the doctors said hey you might not want to add so much saltier food and my grandfather had very big bulging red eyes and salt down is that I'll stop adding salt when I'm and then he died shortly after rest his soul but that really opened my eyes and I reduced my salt intake immediately after my grandfather's death I started to incorporate more low inflammatory foods into my diet especially before my period I see a huge difference when I eat these foods right before my period and that's very important for my endometriosis girls out there inflammation is aid so be careful with your sodium it's very hard sometimes for me because I get very nauseous I'm not sure if my other Indomie to your PCOS people out there get like this but before my period I am just like things like that in my normal diet my normal healthy diet things that I usually really really like just make me sick and I will throw up if I eat them but things like hot cheetos it is just amazing for my palate during that time and so I really want to eat hot cheetos because I'm hungry because I can't eat anything else because I'm gonna throw up but then I eat the hot cheetos and i see a huge difference in my pain when i eat it reducing my sodium in my diet was one of the biggest things that helped my PCOS because my PCOS went away in the middle of my weight-loss journey and then when I met my boyfriend who said that I still add quite a bit of salt into my food helps me see that I do and that helped my endometriosis tremendously stopped quitting I noticed a lot of girls who say they have PCOS and they can't lose weight do what most people do when they're on a diet they constantly quit their diet it seems like they'll be consistent for like a week or maybe two weeks and then the weekend comes or vacation comes and then they kind of over indulge in calories or they binge I see a lot of people binging and then that binge can out do your whole two weeks of hard work literally just throwing it into the trash so I really had to learn to be consistent because if you have PCOS it makes it that much harder and a lot of people can't stick to a diet anyway we PCOS people have to work harder than the regular people who can't stick to a diet we have to be more consistent to our diet if our goal is to lose weight Tom's pretty strict throughout my weight loss journey it doesn't mean that I couldn't have like a slice of cheesecake or you know a handful or like I usually try to do one ounce of hot cheetos rather than they hold southern you can't have those little things that cut everything out I'm not a believer of cutting everything out I'm not too sure why people do that because I would fail but for me I can have like a little bit and make sure not to over indulge me over indulging like I don't think some people understand I can eat three-party size or big I don't know what they're called big size bag of hot cheetos I can eat a whole cheesecake so when I say I can eat I can eat and when I say if I if I say I overindulged I over indulge in it it can really affect my period to the point or I'm throwing up blacking out and just screaming and pain from all of the pain going on in here comes I write clean so I saw the whole binging thing and make sure to stay at a calorie deficit for a very significant amount of time you can't just say I'm gonna stick to this calories for a week and then you don't lose weight and then you say okay it's because of my PCOS no you have to stay consistent consistency is very key for everyone trooper super duper key for PCOS people or other people who have medical issues that make it harder to lose weight so all of those things helps clear up my PCOS I'm not sure if it's gone but I have absolutely no symptoms from it anymore now the endometriosis is still around so let's talk about that so one of the things that I started doing because I heard that it was going to make it all go away according to a lot of vegans and vegetarians or plant-based people whatever you want to call them feel free to fight about it in the comment section whenever I say anything of the such people get into fights in the comment section have fun but I was told to cut meat and dairy out of my diet and that's exactly what I did because I was very very desperate to not go through that pain every single month and my endo gall worse I will personally never do that again I know that's probably offensive these days of people who want me to go vegan for some reason or want me to go plant-based I will personally never do it because I already got very close and it was not good I don't want to ever feel that pain ever again I started incorporating grass-fed beef and salmon and making sure to not like over salt and not you know put all these things on it that I don't need that's going to make me inflamed and I feel better than ever now with that being said it doesn't mean that a vegan diet or a plant-based diet is horrible for someone with and don't mean Rios's or PCOS one of my clients who was an anorexic before she gained a significant amount of weight up into the 200s she could not figure out why she wasn't losing weight like she was doing so good we would work her out she was a very very fit for an obese person and then she could not lose weight like she was not losing weight at all she was very strict with her diet it turned out she has PCOS the doctor tried to give her some kind of medication she didn't want to do it and she ended up just going on a vegan diet and she lost so much weight you see was someone who was very very scared of pictures she made it she was just me in tears we could not take your pictures nothing but she is about 125 130 pounds now completely different person I'm so proud of her so you have to just kind of find what works for you different strokes for different folks green water I have the most trouble drinking water especially before and especially on my period but when I force myself to do it it helps tremendously it definitely helps reduce my inflammation and my Abalos because I get very bloated if you fall about Instagram you've seen all my bloated pictures where I just show you my gut and yeah so if you want to see my gut during my period follow me on Instagram to build off the last leg ginger and tumeric tea oh my god night and day I think my mom is like very like natural holistic like not you and not into doctors or anything type perp who's calling me all right type person and she's been telling me forever to do ginger tumeric tea and I was just in so much pain where it's like nothing's gonna work I'm just gonna die by a period a lot of my clients were like you got to do the ginger and tumeric tea I kept hearing it over and over again I was and Ben my boyfriend my boyfriend said do ginger and tumeric tea he went to school for nutrition he does a lot of research on this kind of stuff because he sees me dying on the couch he made it for me so I was kind of does forst syndrome get since I was sitting right there and it made such a huge difference and now I make it for myself I found that it makes a very very big difference when I just drink every day so I've gotten to the point where I do like at least a cup a day and that was a big thing that just started and this year I started doing it this year that's how long it took me to actually do it so I've already seen a huge difference in my periods and just to put in perspective how much butter I'm doing is I used to be at least six to seven days every single month in bed Cheers this coming down crying buckled over throwing up blacking out nothing was helping not even medication I got to a point where medication didn't even do anything for me and the doctor you just want to put me on birth control and that made me feel even really really like crappy I was a lunatic my periods were all over the place they would come and go and it was just so horrible so I'm not going on birth control ever so it'd be just seven days a pure Red Queen hell and then once I started eating better it would go down to five days and then once I started the ginger tea it's literally down to freakin three days and that's still like painful I hate three days of pain but then which comes to my next thing that I did the very last thing that I did as I started taking a dong quai donk' I don't know how to say it but I didn't wouldn't have discovered this unless I started YouTube because it was you guys you cute people in the comment section who said Michelle try this and I was like no and then more people are like Michelle try and it sounds like nope I'm not taking anything and then people started slipping this fight in to my beams on Instagram and I thank the Lord you know people are offended by the term sky daddy I think it's hilarious so Skyy daddy the Lord holy cheese's I don't know what like anything is offended offensive to people these days but I said thank the Lord bee that I checked my DMS and that you guys suggested to this to me I don't know who to say thank you too because a lot of you guys said try this and so thank you to anyone who said that but okay something that I've seen the biggest change in my period and no I'm not selling this to you because you can get it from Amazon you can get it from sprouts I don't know you might be able to get it from Walmart I'm not sure I haven't checks but I had the three of the pain right so if I do everything correctly I don't eat the hot cheetos before my period I don't you know binge before my period I make sure to have like my my diet without all the you know high sodium foods and I take the supplements I had one day of pain not even a full day and I wasn't even like that bad either I was just kind of in bed watching TV had a little bit of like like uh kind of pain but no tears or anything and and then I went to sleep wake up I felt like a normal person and this I the first time I started taking the supplement and it was my boyfriend's birthday the next day usually I'd be like well pass fun happy birthday leave me alone close the door get out I'm on my period and I could go I was walking around the mall I thought I was walking I was smiling I was communicating and that is not something that I do and the only thing that I changed was the tea and then soon after I started doing the tea what's the dong quai or the dong whatever that stuff is so I went to the doctor and this wasn't this was before like the the tea and the dong quai and everything so it's just when I was just getting a lot healthier reduce my sodium and doing all that stuff but I was at the doctor and she was like hey you should have no problem getting pregnant and I was like I got something good to know I don't what kids but if I ever changed my mind and give Josi a little human sister thanks for telling me but that's basically what my experiences is with PCOS and endometriosis it just takes a lot longer to lose weight and you have to kind of find something that works for you everybody is completely different I've seen a lot of people struggle and be frustrated but once again I see the majority of people that I have worked with I can't speak for anybody else I can't speak for Sierra but the girls that I worked with they never stick to a calorie deficit long enough except for the girl that I was talking about in this video which is why I wanted to point her out it's because something in her diet was hindering her from losing weight something was going on and she just found one that really helped and so maybe a plant-based or a vegan diet is going to be something that would be good for your PCOS for me it was not the best thing at all but that just goes to show you that we are all different so I wish Ciera the absolute best I know it's probably very very frustrating I can tell that she's very upset by this and I am wishing her the best and the video she said that she is working with a specialist so I hope everything works out in her favor so she can bring in some cute little minions into this world for anyone who wanted a little bit of motivation or your goal is to lose weight and you have PCOS and you think that it is just impossible I posted something on Instagram and asked for anyone who had PCOS and went through it we lost your needs to send me their pictures and so I wanted to leave you guys with my subscribers who have PCOS and lost weight so I hope that gives you some type of motivation or hope that you can do this I believe in you they believe in you everybody believe in you you can do it remember you do not have to be a size 2 abs are great to have but not need it to be healthy but health is very important it's very important to find a diet that works for you thank you so much for watching if you would like to order pronto remember I left the link below and I will see you guys next video bye guys you see the jumping I'm sitting in my car in this game the back it up pick it up pick it you see the trippy unfitted and my karma kitty I secured of my key I get the bugs [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 290,576
Rating: 4.7319131 out of 5
Keywords: sierra schultzzie, weight gain, weight loss, pcos, endometriosis, endometriosis symptoms, pcos and getting pregnant, pcos weight loss, pcos diet, inflammation, michelle mcdaniel, weight loss journey, i gained weight, sierra schultzzie weight gain, pregnant, pcos and pregnancy, pcos and pregnant, gained weight, before and after weight loss, before and after pictures, before and after, diet, body positivity, body positive, body positivity vs fitness, pcos myth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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