Glitters And Lazers Can't Help Being OBESE?? Alan Roberts fat Phobic!?

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hello youtube today we're going to talk about a medical condition that actually keeps an individual fat ooh is this an excuse or real either way we're going to talk about it you see the dripping i'm fitting my car in the video guys this video is sponsored by me and my small company proto bakery where we make protein donuts with 2 grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein and donuts that remind me of those delicious sugar cookie animal crackers from my childhood just wanted to also remind you that we are in the works to get a warehouse but i need your help don't worry it's free so please after this video click the link below for a poll just to tell me if you are interested in purchasing this product the numbers will help us determine the size of the warehouse we will get along with all the equipment that we need to be able to keep the shelves stocked and open doors for gluten-free donuts a vegan donut and hopefully go international also if you want to hear the little backstory behind my business i link the story below it's wild and it involves shark tank and donuts so why not but thank you guys so much for your support and yes donuts will be restocked every tuesday at 10 am pst now let's get it hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer who's wearing a donut necklace for obvious reasons isn't it cute a proud a dedicated mother to a pug a past theater had gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because we all know when you share your opinion somebody's bound to get offended even before they watch the video yeah that's right i see some of y'all maybe try and watch it first it's gonna be like 10 minutes and chat it's okay but if there's anything already offending you let us know in that comment section tell the world what is offending you and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because i post one to two times a week sometimes three and normally way more than normally dressed in cosplay okay topic anna o'brien known as glitter and lasers is one of the most popular fat positive tick-tockers she loves posting about fashion for obese women her battle with a condition called lipoedemia and her workout routine which people have a problem with which we will talk about later on in this video but first let's talk about lipoedemia an actual medical condition that keeps mostly women fat lypidemia is a disorder characterized by symmetric enlargement of the legs due to deposits of fat beneath the skin it is a common condition occurring almost exclusively in women affecting up to 11 percent the cause of lipidemia is unknown however there is evidence of hormonal and hereditary influences many people with lypidemia have a family history of similar enlarged legs while there is no one effective treatment for a lepidemia a number of therapies may be useful in managing symptoms symptoms vary from person to person but usually include abnormal deposits of body fat in both legs extended from the buttocks to the ankles this often painful disorder usually worsens gradually although some individuals develop minor liponemia that stabilizes in the early stages of lipoedemia most individuals have a normal appearance above their waist as the disorder progresses the chest torso abdomen and upper extremities may also become enlarged there is no one effective treatment for lipoedemia management to alleviate symptoms and prevent progression involves exercise diet and nutrition emotional support and management of co-existing health problems that may cause leg swelling the main conservative treatment is complete decongestive therapy cdt combines several approaches including manual lymph drainage and physical mobilization surgery may be considered if conservative and supportive therapies are not effective surgical options may include liposuction using specialized techniques for lipoedemia so i remember being a new trainer fresh out of school and thrown right into the wonderful world of la fitness you've seen my story times it wasn't wonderful it was the worst i remember being in the gym and spotting a woman behind the counter she had a very still obese upper body but pretty average to american standard and then she walked from behind the counter and i'm not gonna lie it was very shocking her lower body made her upper body look like mine it was my first and pretty much last time ever really seeing that in real life before anyway she signed up with one of my co-workers so i could always hear their conversation this lady was a very very nice sweet person until diet got brought up and i would hear numerous little squaffles between clients and trainer about diet her diet consisted of a multitude of hot pockets and pop-tarts and her excuses consisted of why i look like this because of my condition i am not a doctor i am not educated on this but anyone that's died consists of mostly junk food it's not going to be good so i would think with this medical condition it would just make everything 10 times worse right this is such a horrible thing to have i feel so bad for the people who have it but talking about this client in particular to have a diet consists of mostly mcdonald's and cheesy hot dogs because that's what she really ate and then use the medical issue as an excuse is kind of whatever this face is that's what it is i don't know how anna eats i can't speak on that but she does work out according to you guys she's fat positive i saw mostly body positive type things on her profile i don't follow her i follow anime cartoons and cosplay so i didn't feel like dissecting her instagram it's not the point of this video i just wanted to talk about the condition she has the condition and she also works out which is the point so since we're talking about fitness let's talk about anna and her fitness recently every damn day fitness made a post on his profile reposting anna's fitness video in the video she does a bunch of explosive movements with this caption yesterday i pulled my knee and i'm just so extremely gutted about it today is actually my two month anniversary of working out five to six times a week isn't that just hilariously ironic i had a lot of big plans for the next few weeks that now have to be rethought and possibly even abandoned between my leg hurting and the quick demolition of something i'd always dreamed of as a result i'm not feeling super awesome correction i'm alternating between tears and rage and stress shopping i'm checking out for a few days to just mentally take care of myself it won't be long i just need time to process it all and then the next day she posts this i'm not too sure if it's just because she's trying to prove that it wasn't a serious injury and because alan reposted it and probably a bunch of people went to her instagram and then did the whole instagram thing but she posted this the next day so checking in to say i'm feeling so much better luckily the swelling went down significantly indicating it wasn't a serious long-term injury and now my pain is minimal i still have some weird muscle tightness and it will be seven weeks before i try any type of jump change again i'm using it as a little push to be creative in transitions that said it could be a million times worse and i'm grateful to be happily on the mend allen in his post and then video pretty much said yeah of course you hurt yourself someone of your size shouldn't be doing this explosive type movement walking swimming low impact type exercises would lower the risk of hurting yourself he also said that it sounded like she self-diagnosed herself and there's no indication that it's not long term if she didn't actually get checked and then boom a full load of fat positive women bulldoze into his comment section ready to give him the horn virtually [Music] fitness community fitness is for everyone fat people should get off the couch stop being lazy and exercise fat person exercises fitness community no not like that you're doing it wrong i mean technically there is a wrong way to exercise as in form what's good for this person might not be good for this person etc etc and jump being at her size is mostly not recommended by many health professionals genuine concern would be you trying to have a private conversation not publicly shaming her okay so one thing i highly doubt she would want to have a private conversation with him because just from experience from the fat positive community when someone suggests something to do with your time or body they either get blocked dust out reposted and cussed out and then thrown into the fiery pits of hell second i really wish they would clear up what shaming is because to me he didn't shame her he just said that these type of exercises is not ideal for someone of her side because knees she's pretty public about having lipodemia do some research please and she is i think that's very very good for other people to see and know that there is something that can have people have you know a physical look that is beyond their power but at the same time just because she has lypodemia doesn't execute the fact that she is a very big woman and all of that weight getting lifted up into the air and then crashing down to the floor is bad for her knees lipodemia or not it increases the risk of injury and she got injured so alana roberts your whole brain is making fun and exposing fat people hiding it behind health when no one literally no one especially the people you keep advising publicly without actually speaking to them asked for your opinion you're really sad is there anything about you or in your life that's interesting or is that phobia your only character trait so i don't know if ellen is a very sad sad man but it doesn't defeat the fact that she puts it out there publicly she's a huge advocate for either body positivity or fat positivity like i said i'm not too sure which one she's going for some of you guys have said fat positive some of you guys said she's just body positive and likes to live her life which i'm all for that if you're just someone of that size even if you're that size without the medical condition and you just want to be fat want to exercise want to do your thing want to eat a lot of hot cheetos crushed onto a double meat lover's pizza girl if you don't call me on my cheat meal day imma be mad i got the anime you got the pizza let's do this anyway enough ranting back to the comment even if alan is a sad man even if he has nothing interesting about him or his only topic he talks about is fat phobia it still doesn't execute the fact that she is extremely obese and extremely obese people jumping and crashing down onto the floor is not good for their joints maybe glitters and lasers should force damn force this account to stop using her images so i love i love that comment because you can't force someone to stop using your images that you put on a free platform and you have a public profile where you literally just screenshot like i did to this comment and then repost it you should not hashtag fat acceptance and be calling someone obese or also be hashtagging it obesity is a tool to dehumanize and medicalize fatness wait a minute i am so confused because when i say the word fat people from the fat acceptance community ironic because it's called fat acceptance get mad at me okay and then you use the word choking on all of this bull and then you use the medical term obese and that's also wrong so which is it because i'm now getting triggered and has had very detrimental impacts to the fat acceptance movement please research and rethink this also i agree with others if you are genuinely concerned you should message her directly and not post to shame her whilst appropriating a movement but you can't just gatekeep a hashtag i can hashtag hufflepuff am i part of the hufflepuff class no i'm slytherin but is that going to stop me from hashtagging hufflepuff no because i can if i want to be weird [Music] i thought it was really interesting it's unfortunate for people to have this medical condition if i had it i won't lie it would probably be really hard for me not to use it as an excuse especially if i wasn't educated in health and fitness and what to eat like if my younger self got it and i never got educated on health i'd be like well hot cheetos dipped in ranch but knowing what i know now i'll try to do everything in my power to help you know just reduce the amount of symptoms you get from the medical condition i would also be completely transparent probably do the liposuction if it got very bad question would you guys get the surgery if you had this whole thing going on my opinion on anna it's great that she's working out but i did feel all of that in my knees and my lower back and my achilles and you guys know i'm all for fitness it's just be safe while you do it i know many of you guys talk about her personality i don't really know much about her personality but i did have a little encounter with her over instagram which i found very interesting but we can keep that for another time and place and i'll just leave you with that little cliffhanger because slytherin anyway the next time i see you it's gonna be disney month there's going to be an abundance of disney characters on this channel ready to talk to you and it's going to get very creepy bye you see the dripping fitted up in my car in the video [Music] neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 195,873
Rating: 4.9318223 out of 5
Keywords: glitterandlazers, alan roberts, anna obrien, glitters and lazers tik tok, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel
Id: admmPOlndJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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