The Odd World Of Mukbangs..uh They're Gross (Niko Avocado, SSoyoung)

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hello I've heard you've been waiting for me I kept you waiting for a little bit longer than then I expected but I'm here now and I'm ready to entertain I've heard that my brothers and sisters have been doing a pretty alright job but they're not quite on my level of Terror get out here and I'm all the way off the screen but this classic sound is ready to deliver you yes you with entertainment and tear straight to your little faces you - I can tell you're hungry and I'm gonna give it to ya yes people welcome to the finale of clown week I've heard that many people are very low on funds in this time and good thing for you that I provide very low costing food that doesn't break your bank account you could say I'm mix 1 minutes I see I spotted a child [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't be afraid little small person I'm not going to hurt you oh don't don't pay attention to this here take this it comes with a toy and a very slow and painful death that I get so much what's I told you I'm not the one that's gonna be hurting her you see the jumping I'm sitting in my car in the Kitty Hawk do you secure the buggy I get the bus [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get to stay in our very positive and nerdy group for a life you also receive a 12-week gym program along with the home workout routine also in the group we do live zoom sessions on most Saturdays where my clients look at me like this through the screen if interested hit the link below for more information we would love to have you tube goes through trends I mean they even have a trending button and many youtubers goals is to get that sweet sweet spot on the trending page a popular youtuber will host a certain type of video and end up here then all the other youtubers will follow and boom we have a trend vlog style videos were very popular yes David alright and start this where do I even started your story times were very intriguing because like blogs the viewers got to learn more about their favorite youtubers they like to watch hey guys if it looks like I'm in my pajamas that's because I am before I start the story time I want to just say this is a collab day in my life wait a minute Kylie I thought she had a show I show that shows her life like every day why are you on YouTube 42 million views Jesus drive-thru taste tests beauty tutorials clothing holds reactions collaborations what I in a day are all very popular trends we have seen or still see on the wonderful website you're on right now called YouTube enrolls in the weirdest most disgusting scent obvious bliss wash genus trend I've ever seen mud banks what does cracking tissue is you guys I'm back for another video are you hungry well it looks like we've come across Ione species a cosplayer mukbang are meokbang is a Korean word for eating it's an online audio-visual broadcast and what a host consumes food while interacting with the audience it became very popular in South Korea in 2010 and has since become a trend worldwide varieties of foods ranging from Pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera so as I was watching his videos I kind of got interested as to why do people find this type of content so amusing because from what I've seen so far it's just no an article in The Economist contended that the popularity of eating shows can be attributed in part to widespread anxiety and unhappiness in Koreans due to their country's long term economic slump mukbangs are paired quite often with ASMR autonomous sensory meridian response is a calming pleasurable feeling often accompanied by a tingling sensation this tingle is set to originate in a person's head and spread to the spine and a response to stimulation [Music] according to research from 2015 some people find experiencing ASMR helps relieve negative mood symptoms including feelings of depression or stress it also appears to help reduce chronic pain for some people another one is popping pimples and I will not show you that because I find that just gross pimple popping can fill a great reduction in stress and anxiety the buildup of tension while washing procedures such as lipoma removal of blackheads extractions is instantly released when a point occurs which activates part of the brain that seek rewards or stress reduction and I completely get why don't completely understand the whole thing cuz it makes me cringe when I hear mouth type noises but there are certain sounds that do call me or that I just find so just satisfying to see or hear as I'm like slowly cutting a really cool-looking cake or a chocolate object and then they like slice it open and chocolate spills out what do you expect exFAT girl here of course food calms me and there was a one-month banger that really caught my eye that I wanted to talk about in this video because whenever I go on sick top or Instagram and I'm scrolling I see her and I quickly scroll on past because grips chewy so young oh this name not even gonna try because I know I'm going to fail is a South Korean youtuber who combines ASMR and mukbang into satisfying videos she has gained more than 3.6 million subscribers her most wast video she is seen eating a live squid as you can see her early videos don't have many views but then the Korean influencer found her niche her videos are very animated uh wet she get slapped in the face of it this is a little weird amazing fresh truth beat fish-eating sound real sound mukbang so I washed it a little bit she kills the fish on camera amazing monster fish black Mouth angler eating sound real sound mukbang was included an epic battle scene she what [Music] disclaimer no fish were harmed by making the filet-o-fish mostly because there's no fish in it so you're safe at my restaurant real quick I don't know what the filet-o-fish is made of but if it wasn't made of fish I wouldn't be surprised okay back to character basically she makes a lot of noise when she eats which I cannot stand because that's disgusting but many of her videos have the same routine pick a food make sure it's alive and be a scared little anime girl for a few minutes guys seem to really love that and then kill it eat it smiled and break in all the views her most popular ones seem to be the videos that have the word live in it she doesn't always eat it live but she shows what it does when it's still breathing and then she kills it just looking at these thumbnails though looks like she's having a hard time and they put they put in a good fight a for effort guys but we all know how this ends so there's actually a petition to ban her from YouTube that has over 125,000 sign signatures and the goal is 150,000 and it is still growing we got a little interested when I heard about mug things but I didn't really know what they were because I actually love to watch food shows I constantly watched Food Network Cupcake Wars love it there's a channel on YouTube called best food reviews and I love that kind of stuff where people try the food with their mouth closed and they act very civilized I personally love to see people try foods that I would not normally eat or that I haven't tried before and they explained the texture the taste they compared to other foods they show us the food I really like that because I like food I'm interested so originally thought mukbangs Burrell like the YouTube version of Food Network and originally I think it started out like that it went from very few attractive youtubers trying food online for their viewers to see to a very sick twisted and slightly eating disorder II type around needy or binge eating disorder is a severe life-threatening and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantity of food often very quickly and to the point of discomfort of a loss of control during the binge experiencing shame distress or guilt after and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures for example purging to counter the binge eating it is the most common eating disorder in the United States and also the most overlooked they have for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I am someone who struggled with BEB I talk about it a lot on this channel and make jokes about it but I really really did struggle very hard you feel very trapped you feel like this food controls you when I would sleep I would just dream of Philly I would really think that I had to go downstairs and eat that full tub of peanut butter I don't need this one tablespoon I need the whole thing because whatever's bothering me in my wife that peanut butters gonna make it better even though it usually just made everything worse someone that many of you probably think of when the term McVeigh comes up is Mikoto avocado hey guys it's me [Applause] but first a story time this is a Michelle random story time the part of the show where Michelle shares a random story drawn by a subscriber and you sit there and pretend they're funny deal with it it's happening so I don't know about you and your sibling but me and my little sister were pretty close she was pretty much my little minion and me and her would raise havoc in our living room but sometimes you need a break from your little siblings you know when your girls come over and you guys want to play beanie babies or Polly Pockets without some kid you're sophisticated nine-year-old who needs her space and time with other sophisticated nine-year-old my little sister didn't understand that I had a friend called Brittany and Brandon and my three-year-old sister loved when they came over she would literally just scream at the sight of them well we wanted to play a grown-up game of Barbie toy adventure to the death don't worry about it simple game only the strong Barbie survives and I didn't feel like my sister being there so I knew what I had to do my friends came through my sister screamed of course and I came downstairs like a sinister anime villain ready to eloquently annihilate the overly sensitive protagonist hey guys let's tell Keisha a story they looked a bit perplexed I said let's tell Keisha a story wink wink oh you mean a story my sister pops her little headache what story oh just the story of that because that's what the victims say right before he gets in I watched way too much Sponge Bob as a kid anyway but but what does he do he searches for little kids mostly a little how old are you again we three year olds what what does he do with us well he takes little kids feet especially the small ones you see he was born without them and he doesn't like loud children that scream and run so to stop that he's known to just take your feet and come back to eat whenever he feels like it because it's an easy cat because they're footless well then I see I'll just run faster than him he can't be that fast if he doesn't have feet that's the problem Keesha he camouflages just to his surroundings his victims never see him he has a 100% shaking almost down at our feet huh she was right they are pretty small but there was a slight difference between our feet and my sister's feet so I turned to her and said but he should look we're all wearing socks and you're not my sister to salsa highest pitch scream I have ever heard and Sprint's up the stairs I hear her drawers opening and closing forensic Glee she finally runs back down wearing brown scooby doo socks and let out a sigh of relief on her face that whatever monster I called it didn't rip off her feet and come back later and eat her whole body so I looked her straight into her three-year-old eyes and said Keesha your skin it's brown yeah and well the socks they're also brown they won't know the difference she was horrified she started going through hysterics and she freaking ran to my mom what type of three-year-old runs to their mommy anyway we had to play beanie babies with my sister that was the last time my sister ever believes any of my stories because my mom said that I was being stupid and I was a liar so that was rude my mom ruined that not fun for me anyway fun fact I don't want kids but I'm waiting for my friends to have them so I can be the weird aunt that sits my plug on my lap and tells them my odd tales hey guys this story time was drawn by an amazing subscriber her YouTube is new but she will be posting about the history of animation along with crafts and whatever else her little artist heart desires please tell her thank you and we very much appreciate our drawing for the channel Nicholas Perry Nona nikhat Oh avocado has over 1 million subscribers and gained the following by posting extreme eating Vox style videos as you can see his before and after pictures are astonishing Nicholas started attaining more attention because youtubers started accusing him of having a manipulative and very abusive personality during collaborations irrational behavior during his response videos made many Watchers a little perplexed and questioned his mental health and fun fact binging or eating too much food at one time can't affect you mentally and physically in the short and long term so what exactly happens to your body when you overeat on junk food well according to dr. Amy and her last name that I'm not going to say it hits you right in the sweet spot your brain junk food can make us high when we eat junk food the reward circuits within our brains activate and release the chemical dopamine our brains can become overwhelmed by the pleasure from these rewarding foods and in response the brain adapts and makes more receptors for dopamine this means a greater amount of junk food is needed to get that same kick making us eat more and more and more in the same way that an addict develops a tolerance to drugs junk food can inflame your brain this is called neuro inflammation and it sets off a self-perpetuating series of events leading some more inflammation that can damage brain cells called neurons Australian researchers recently showed that as little as 5 days on a diet of sugary drinks cakes and cookies cause increased levels of inflammation and the hippocampus people with damage to the hippocampus report being hungry all the time food reduces the generation of new and neurons the birth of new neurons happens throughout life in the hippocampus these new neurons have high levels of neuroplasticity reduction in the population of young neurons have been related to mental health disorders including depression which brings us back to the notion of self-perpetuating cycles junk food can make us feel pleasure when we are sad so we eat more which makes us sadder now I personally don't have an issue with people eating food on camera obviously I don't have a personal issue with mukbangs in general if people want to blow their gut out they have every right to do it it's not exactly fun the aftermath while you're doing it it's a blast I'll be completely honest I loved how I felt during the binges but after is when all the guilts stomach pain being lethargic all settled it but once again if that's path you want to choose and that's what's gonna you views have fun I don't think it will end very well but I definitely think the 20/20 rendition of mukbangs have crossed a line that I don't find entertaining I find it very classless sloppy and gross like did anyone teach you guys table manners honestly but as someone who struggled with be Edie it doesn't offend me in any way I just find it very odd that people would only put this on the internet for people to see and make fun of them instead of getting help now a lot of trainers have jumped on the mudbank train and that's their free well to do so I personally think that they completely had a chance to show people that you can still eat junk food being fit but you just do it in a certain way I'm personally not a person that believes in cutting out everything I think that moderation is the biggest key out there and I think it's kind of sad that a lot of these trainers didn't take the opportunity to show people that look I can eat junk food but I'm going to eat it in moderation I'm gonna weigh it out I'm gonna have a serving size this is how many calories are in it and I'm good to go I don't think that anybody on this planet needs to eat 10,000 calories in a day you don't need all that food neko alpha powder doesn't need all that food and Trisha Paytas surely does not need all of that food and nobody is doing it the way that I want to see it be done I guess you'll have to tune in next time for when this channel has their first mukbang Oh am i click baiting you am i lying am i stretching the truth do I have you at the edge of your seat well I guess you're gonna have to find out next time don't worry I'll be back on this channel I'm never going away you see the chip in my car you see the trippy unfinished up in my karma kitty already secured of my key I get the bugs on the flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 193,626
Rating: 4.9625926 out of 5
Keywords: niko avocado, mukbang, trisha paytas, ssoyoung, ssoyoung animal cruelty, ssoyoung octopus, mcdonalds mukbang, mcdonalds, mcdonalds asmr, eats octopus alive, nikocado, nikocado avocado breakdown, ssoyoung shark video, ssoyoung shark reaction, ssoyoung shark funny, 10000 calories, 10000 calorie challenge, 10000 calorie cheat day, epic cheat day., epic cheat day girl, epic cheat day bodybuilding, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, mukbang korean
Id: huywfl7AkCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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