Shark Tanks New Miracle Weight Loss pill (Bonus: How I Almost Got on the Show)

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hello babies welcome back to the channel yeah when you couldn't get the Jeffrey star and Shane Dawson fellas so you just decide to wear it when you couldn't get this Jeffrey star and Shane Dawson's Hollow so you freaked out because you wanted some new makeup anyway so you go on Amazon again $15 super cheap ones I think the makeup came out pretty well like hello what's going on like excuse me we're gonna do a little bit more pigment okay anyway you guys welcome back to the channel and for anyone new here hello welcome my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud husband and a cosplayer and this week is influencer week and Geoffrey star was highly requested when I asked you guys what influencer you would like me to impersonate for a week now it just kind of started out with me not even cosplaying as Geoffrey star just kind of I just wanted to wear this to to make that joke that I did since like I couldn't get the palette when I really wanted it apparently so many people were trying to buy the new palette that they literally shut down Shopify so talk about a successful product that is amazing so I originally just was going to cosplay as the damn palette and then a Jeffrey inspired hair because I noticed he wears a lot of blue wigs so I kind of just mark it all together and this is what I thought akh basically buggy the clown so like I said a lot of people had trouble getting the pellet that they wanted from it the new release from Jeffrey starring Shane I was one of them I would love to get out of the house I'm like always here on my knees so I would love to get on your knees there yeah I actually ended up getting one because I posted how I couldn't you know check out and on his website and some one of my followers said oh try this website it's like a uk-based and I'm not sure you can get it but you can at least try and I checked out and I got through so it should be here in a couple days and it will be very interesting because I usually buy cheap Amazon makeup or Walmart makeup and this is my first time buying a very expensive palette COFF COFF I live at Walmart chief check over here Nell's $3 Walmart but Jeffrey star and Shane Dawson freaking marketed the poop out of this palette Jane Dawson made me fall in love at Jeffrey star from his first series on him then they completely just sold me with the new series that they came out with for some reason Shane and Jeffrey have just taken me 1/2 my heart and i religiously watch them so tell me in the comment section do you love or hate Shane Dawson and Geoffrey star and why but anyway congrats shade you have gotten my money this is the first palette that I have ever paid over 25 dollars for now for today's video we actually have a two and one video today I thought this Jeffrey star was such a great businessman you'd be the perfect kickoff for influencer kind of month because I'm gonna pick another influencer for next week and then another influencer for the next week so we have a scandal when it comes to the show shark tank and we have a short story time of when I was just one step away of getting my small business on shark tank only two kids deny rejected cast it aside like a toy from Toy Story [Music] what's happening we're getting thrown out you idiot that's what's happening only because I didn't have the same amount of followers as the other company so I know what you guys want to hear first the scandal the tea baby wait where's my where's my mug hold on I'm going to be known as the donut shake soon and it's true okay so shark tank the show with all the small businesses wanting to get an investor so that they can grow with their business is now investing in a miracle weight-loss pill that just melts off the fat within days yeah so when I saw this I was like I'm a little salty towards Shark Tank imma make a video see the product this fitness guru pitched a shark tank that has them give her a standing ovation and how you can get yours guys we can even get a bottle for free now supposedly this product helps someone lose 50 pounds exactly fifty in 61 days exactly 61 days so pretty much half of a hundred pounds gone and as little as three months that is definitely a miracle pill because 50 pounds in three months is not the healthiest way to lose weight new no exercise skinny pill melt belly fat why every judge on shark tank back this product and then they have the judges with their mouths wide open super excited about this charge since filming the show-stopping episode the sisters that's so weird because they said it was one person but then later on in this like article that pops up in my Yahoo woo advertisement it's kids that just starts talking about sisters that created some miracle pills so I guess it's either two people sisters or a fitness guru I'm not too sure which one is maybe these sisters are the fitness gurus maybe they just go by one person I don't know dark tank is a mess right now the sisters have been hard at work putting the advice of their mentors into play we completely rebranded our company and came up with the new packaging set Anna the pair of recently unveiled the products that netted them millions of dollars in investments the product we displayed on the show have been rebranded into slim fit 180 keto it's the original formula all we've done is changed the name of the packaging explain Samantha okay so Samantha and Anna are the creators of this 180-degree keto what is it called slim fit 180 keto the sisters launched the product of cell theatre company website and they sold out within five minutes impressive that they sold out faster than Jeffrey starring Shane Dawson's makeup palette and they've got millions of followers and I don't know who the Freak these people are I've never heard of my life they got it they got a miracle product obviously says it right here we even made sure we had more product than we thought we could sell but all of it sold out within five minutes exclaims Samantha well the shark tech investors are toasting to their smart business move women are round are flocking online purchase slim-fit 180 degree heat oh and say the results have been life-changing clinical trials have uncovered that women who use slim fit 180 degree quito were able to drastically reduce fat and with continued use prevented weight gain from reoccurring slim fit 180 quito is revolutionizing weight-loss medicine explain to barbara corcoran from shark tank so i'm sure you guys want to see like what the bottle looks like and you know the judges with the bottle all excited here they are no clue why those sponges aren't there whoo-hoo those were firm I think the first season not sure why pair those are on the table with the keto pills but here's the picture they just invested into this miracle pill and they are very excited about it and I'm sure you guys want to meet the sisters right now well let's introduce them they're key actually they're not because we can't introduce them they're not real none of this is real everything was fake about this that popped up into my yahoo email after I did the research the whole article the magic pill the sisters this is a fake advertisement you guys I'm not exactly sure how these people are allowed to advertise straight lies but they were never on Shark Tank this product was never on shark tank this is photoshopped for anybody who didn't catch my sarcasm and you guys have messaging me they're very like sketch before-and-after pictures which it was like 30 days at baby blues like 60 50 maybe even a hundred pounds and I wasn't gonna do a video on it and I'll show you why in a second but then I got the email and I also got another email today's the third November 3rd I got one November 2nd so yesterday so the reason why I didn't want to make a video on this is because I already made a video on this company you remember the video I made about the college student that goes to Harvard or some type of top Ivy League school and she had amazing before-and-after pictures we also found out the school that she claims to go to didn't even offer any type of nutrition degree that she claimed I also found because a video took me a couple days to make that every single time I would go back to the website the name of the product would change the product so I could do my research later and they keep changing the name of the product so at first it was called keto supreme forskolin I completely remember that name because me and my boyfriend were laughing that it sounded like foreskin I was super excited to make a lot of jokes in the video about that but then I went back and I said keto max burn and so I thought maybe me and my boyfriend just imagined all of that but then I went back again and now it's called keto rapid max pure are we agreeing that it's a just a little bit sketch now and the label would change when you go to that video you'll see after I expose them that they do the same type of advertising base the same asian girl in the front everything is pretty much the same except that the label is different and the name is different and the weird odd story is also different the girl from college discovered it there was someone else like a mom that discovered some weight loss pill and now it's two sisters on Shark Tank that sold millions of bottles within five minutes that nobody else has heard of everything is badly Photoshop and everything is a huge line in the video the original video that I made they even have a disclaimer saying that everything they're saying is alive but yeah you can still buy the product the topping on the cake was the disclaimer in smaller print at the very bottom of the screen oh you guys are gonna love this when I read it to you the story depicted on this side and the person depicted in the story are not real rather the story is based on the results that some people who have used these products have achieved the results portrayed in the story and in the comments are illustrative and may not be the results that you achieve with these products I didn't feel the need to keep exposing them when I have a video up already what's more to say other than their people but when I originally saw the advertisement like pop up in my email I clicked on it and I was like ah so this show will have this complete lie bullcrap Love Me products on their show but they can't have five-foot-two fairly entertaining me why let's see Adam let me Adam hold me back okay and then I found out it's just that company and doing their thing using big names to try and get people who are not educated and weight loss in health and fitness to make a quick buck also something that's probably a placebo or some kind of thing that can really hurt you if you take it so do not take these pills no start inks is not invest in this crappy supplement line if they even do exist not even sure if you order if you'll even get anything or they'll just take your money who knows but it's not real it's all alike they'll put my salt back in super salt container but that's it with that and now that means it's story time about my experience with shark tank [Music] so my boyfriend went to school for food science and had his own a baking business he used to run with his mom my boyfriend is more into healthy food rather than high sugar snacks so he didn't love the fact that he was just selling people high sugar food that wasn't going to be the best for them fun fact when I first met him and he said that he had a baking business and they were cookies which is my arch-nemesis because I love soft baked cookies not hard unless they're Oreos soft baked that is my nemesis with melt hmm yep love it but he told me that he had a cookie soft cookie baked business and I was sold I don't even want to get married and I was like well let's get married right now so that you can bake cookies all the time anyway speed forward into our relationship he started trying to create a healthier low sugar high protein type cookie now I am a college dropout and yes I went to school for fashion but I also went to school for business marketing so when he said he's trying to figure out a high protein cookie I was kind of confused because it's already been done why do you need but why do we need another protein cookie there are tons on the market when you come up with a product you have to think of what really stands out with yours and but this not a dating thing is going to really stand out the one that he was just thinking hard sweating frustrated then there's my big boy eating a donut and I say between bites why are you make protein donuts with low sugar and some protein in them that would be bomb and that fool what's up from his work all irritated and says that's stupid [Music] so I did what any petty person would do after someone called their ideas stupid decided to pursue it the next day I buy the little donut baking pan I buy an apron I've got my chef's hat I knew exactly what I wanted my little donuts to replicate hostess doughnuts but healthier my goal was to get them cute and small colorful with low sugar but still a cake donut because I don't like regular doughnuts like the airy type ones like I don't want air in my food I want a cake donut cake is my other nemesis I just I just like food but I basically wanted to make something that my past overweight eating hot cheetos dipped in cheese and the dipped again and Ranch self wanted to eat so I got everything and started baking I'm in the kitchen listening to Michael Jackson greatest chef in my boyfriend's face with an amazing creation I pulled out my little donut creations out of the oven and said I forgot I suck at baking like I can bake like like follow the directions but I can't just create a concoction out of my head baking is like chemistry and I sucked at chemistry my doughnut looks like little solid rocks of nasty dang it but I kept trying using new combinations and different formulas and it started getting better you have to understand that working with protein especially just like not even following a recipe is lethal Otto room for disaster protein can really up your recipe and it can just leave it dry because the that dr. pasty put too much and it could turn out gross so eventually my boyfriend figured out what he wanted to go for and he wanted to create something like if that would give you a serving of vegetables but in ship form so a veggie [ __ ] so one day he comes home and he asked me what are you doing this week and I said watching TV and playing the sin like I do every weekend so he tells me shark tank is coming to Las Vegas and he wants to go pitch his veggie chips and I said okay cool have fun I'll be on the couch watching TV and then he begged me to come and even bribe Z with cheesecake so of course I said yes because cheesecake and he said well since you're gonna be there you might as well you know pitch your little donut thing so I said yeah I'm gonna guess gonna be there I might as well do something while I'm there so we drive from Arizona to Las Vegas we get there extremely early and once we get into the area where you're supposed to wait outside of the area that they'll let you in there's about five people and everybody seems pretty normal - the couple that was right in front who was advertising some type of toilet thing I'm not too sure what exactly it did but I know they had a song and they had kept practicing it over and over again and every single time the wife would mess up the husband who looks like honey I struck the kid's father would freak out you know when you're trying not to look at someone but you are looking at someone because they're weird and not the good kind of weird like the actual weird so after about five to six hours the lobby was full and just so you guys know if you guys did you ever go out to a shark tank that show you don't have to get there early they let pretty much everybody in so when you get there there's a room that they fill up no this is what as many people as I can in and you take a seat and then to help everybody else wait out there and the routes pretty big there was at least I don't know how many people were there but it was a big room and it was all full and there are some people that were standing - so they'll like make sure everybody is sitting down there's no hostile people like on the side waiting in the back and like around you know the whole room so there's all these like big businessmen with their suits and boards and diagrams my boyfriend - he got this whole like custom-made like banner all this professional stuff going on and I was kind of insecure because I didn't know who's gonna be like that intent so while everyone else is looking super businessí there's my ass with a small tray of doughnuts and a forty second pitch so in my head I was like wow not that exciting I'm most likely out so eventually one of the producers came into the front of the room and was going to tell us how exactly everything was going to go on so behind him there was about eight other producers all sitting in a row but they also had these panels in between them so what was going to happen was he said that we are everyone's going to be able to pitch their idea but you're not going to know it's not like the voice like when you go out for the voice or something they give you like a little ticket and you just go perform in front of another set of judges or producers really is what if it's who they are but for this one he said that you're not gonna know if we are interested in you and getting on the show and you might not know within like a month or two like we if we like you we might contact you like even sometimes like four months down the line so we pretty much flat out told us if you get another investor go for them like you will probably have a better time with another investor don't worry about the show pretty much thing you're not gonna get that much money if you do get invested in the show and there's still a huge likely chance that we aren't going to call you so don't wait up and then he said the way that you guys are gonna pitch is that a lot of us are going to pitch at one time that's why there's eight people up there because there's gonna be eight people pitching at one time and you've got about 40 seconds to a minute to get you know your idea out there and then they're gonna tell you to but gone out so we said a lot of people get very confused make sure to try and focus on the person that you're talking about and don't listen to these people singing about toilet so they start calling people up and it is Oh loud and they're like when he said that you need a focus you need a focus because it is just a lot of things going on there's Tom Dick and Harry over there singing about showers and they've got toilet people over there so you have to really make sure that you say focus listen to yourself listen to yourself speak make sure you're talking loud enough and you're looking directly at the producer in the eyes because there's just so much going on because everybody else must be heard everybody else wants to be the center of attention and everybody wants to get on this show so me and my boyfriend are kind of like next in line they kind of like call each section up of chairs and they put you in the center and they're like hey you that versus you that was you over there so they point at my boyfriend they're like hey you go over here or this way is the way that they points it and he was like hey Michele you go before me and so I was like okay I'll go this way and then he got called up to a woman over here was like oh he's lucky he got a girl because girls seemed to really love my boyfriend and I was excited because I got a guy and I'm just gonna say it I know how some chicks are you were a little judgey judgey to girls and when there's another girl in the room and one girl has power and one girl doesn't they kind of use that power to their advantage they're like huh I'm not lend do anything I can't have her be successful because you know multiple girls can't be successful I have to be the one to be successful so I have to say it I was very happy that I got a guy producer the producer I got was probably like in his 30s maybe in late 20s and he was a very thin man I'll tell you why I said that in a second but I get up there and do my little spiel and pitch about my little donuts on my tray and he loved it and they aren't supposed to tell you like if they love the idea or not but we started soon the Baron is talking about fitness and he said well if it's my goal to like put on weight like if I have this then I would probably try to eat more because they look amazing I started talking about what to do like how to fit in more calories or someone who is someone that can't put on a lot of weight or just doesn't have that big of an appetite and what to do like in the gym to gain weight and so we started having a good old time talking about fitness and one of the other like main producer I don't know the head guy came over and said hey like you need to go like Oh bye and like ran out to my boyfriend and was like the hub was so easy I want to pitch more things and I realized he didn't look too happy and apparently this chick was not in a good mood because 20 30 seconds into his feel she cut that stuff off and said nope next so he didn't even get to finish and it was kind of irritated at that so I couldn't really talk about how well mine went and how much fun that I had because you know the setting like the exact next day I got a freaking call and they said that they loved my personality they loved my idea can you please send us a video following this format and I was like she that'll be easy because I was making videos for a while then and making videos was my thing so I made a amazing video I put tons of jokes lots of charisma I even threw in some Disney references I sent it in they called me a few days later so we love the video we just need a few more steps and you'll be on your way to getting on shark tank and hopefully picking up that business so that you don't have to be a broke up anymore eventually I got to the last that banner was a bunch money questions and you have to remember this is still not a business I have no business it's just purely an idea in my head the formula isn't even right the donuts still taste like poo they were asking me a lot of intense business type questions about money when it comes to my business and I couldn't answer any because I have no business I didn't make any money from it I didn't even have an Instagram for the donuts at that time and that was enough for them to cut me loose throw my butt to the side and have another protein donut company on their show I was extremely sad and then I got mad because it's just the competitive nature of Michele so the madness took over me like dr. Stein but also motivated me to also keep pursuing this new business that I was pretty passionate about it also motivated my boyfriend to hop on board and he saw how passionate I was about the idea so he wanted in as well so with his help because he went to school for this and he also worked with bodybuilding company she creates formulas in this way for product or shelf-ready products and with my whole marketing background vibrant personality and able to captivate that judges our producers from Shark Tank we went into this business together and he really helped me a perfect the donut formula able to help me bring down the sugar he did all the research that I needed to bring up the protein he literally crafted exactly what I wanted so I was doing plans in my head as to how are we going to advertise this so people can actually start trying it and we gonna at least make some type of profit or at least break even and just advertise as much as possible I had a savings built up I'd like to put money away quite a bit and so I had a savings the LA Fitness Expo was coming up and I was like why don't I just splurge all my money put all my money into this and get a booth and hope and pray that we actually make a profit and so I surrendered all of my money and whoever takes the money so that you can get a booth at these Fitness Expos and my bank account was that zero and I was like please bring that money back because I'm already broke and I need a savings so our first Fitness Expo you guys what I say that it takes a lot of work to make these doughnuts it takes a lot of work we literally are in the kitchen that we have to rent out for about thirty two hours non-stop we have to dip doughnuts we have to make packaging ourselves get to put the stickers on ourselves we have to bake the donuts ourselves dip the donuts ourselves sprinkle the donuts ourselves we have to do everything ourselves you know those amazing big machines that you see and like when they're making like hostess doughnuts we don't have those we have people to people's no-sleep we made over 2000 doughnuts and now we're driving to LA to get to our booths very lethargic but we get there the show starts and you guys we sell out in under an hour which is amazing it's just like 32 hours of work gone in an hour and it was a two-day show so all of the stuff that we brought for that was supposed to last for two days gone in an hour I keep saying that I'm just I was just so amazed that I cried and I was just so happy that people liked a product that I put out there so we have to go back and make more Donuts for the next day because we didn't have anything for the next day and I paid for two days and we're gonna get we're gonna get use out of both of those days since I paint all my money so I ended up getting all my money back and we actually made a profit for the first time and we started doing more and more shows and we would sell out every single time so every show that we've done we have always sold out and I hope that doesn't seem like I'm bragging I'm just very proud of myself and I don't think it's about to be proud of yourself so I knew something was there but also I didn't know how to grow this business even more because what I needed to grow the business was a lot of money and seeing how Shark Tank just like cut my butt off I had no clue how else to get the money that I needed so one day that Jim thought I was currently working Arizona let me put up a booth so that the members could try my doughnut and purchase them if they wanted to so I'm there minding my own business handing out samples being nice you know doing the whole promo girl thing and this guy walks up doesn't smile doesn't really say anything but he says can I try that and of course I you know give it to him he just stands there and just like really thinking about this small sample that I just gave him and then he asked to try another one try another one and then try another one I was like ah I got you it's okay I love samples too I go to Costco just for the samples and so he tries every one and then he asked me what's your goal for this business and I say well my goal was originally to get on Shark Tank and he cuts me off he's like why do you need Shark Tank and I'm like sir because I'm a broke who has no money and going growing this business sir okay I didn't really say that I just said you know I don't have enough funds to be able to grow the way that I want it to grow and he like looks at me oddly and he says can I buy this and I say yeah he's like no I want to buy like all of these so he buys like pretty much every single flavor multiple packages and I'm like him I guess he really likes it and he took one of my cards and goes off and works out the next day I got a call from this guy he's actually a very big investor I later find out that he's extremely oddly wealthy but he basically tells me that he wants to invest in my business he asked my goal and even where I would want the business to be and I said I want to get it on shelves and once you have like my own you know I want to get it made in a warehouse you know professionally and get everything done like that and he said I agree I think we can take it there and if you're interested I'd like to talk about investing in your business so we can get to that goal [Music] Skai daddy was looking out and it was just an amazing thing that happened because I felt like such a loser and just defeated because I had this idea and I got so like yes I'm gonna actually like do something and then you just broken down I was still working out like a conventional gym getting paid very very little and you just feel kind of stuck it was just very proud of myself for putting myself out there getting rejected not letting a rejection stop me and just keep going and hoping that something would eventually come or discover you know my business and it did something actually works out in my favor and it did take quite a while you guys we were working on this business for three to four years before the investor came around but it took that long before the recipe took that long to just get everything together and the flavors and and the investor it took a very very long time so it wasn't like idea Shark Tank and then boom investor took a while so here we are we finally got everything started up again with an investor this time you have a freaking business lawyer we've got people like doing things for us people doing the marketing for us like it's very very cool to see because I do want to have other businesses so now I'm like like in it like seeing how everything is supposed to be done so when I want to start my other businesses I can do it the right way so I'm excited about that I'm excited about learning I'm excited to see what happens with proto bakery like I said it right now we are just testing things out and seeing how you guys respond to it because the end goal is to get a co-packer to make mass amount of donuts for us so that we can finally distribute to stores and then you guys don't have to order them you can just go see your local Walmart which shouldn't be calls have you gotten to Walmart because I'm always in Walmart and I would love to just be that person to run in and like this is my goal I just want to run into Walmart and stand next to my product like so when I saw Shane Dawson series on Jeffery star and where he came from in fact that he kind of built up his own you know line of makeup and now we have a freaking warehouse where his market where his makeup gets made so here's the first one we have this whole entire blog what the [ __ ] is this real yeah is crazy that's huge that takes so much work dedication a lot of money and that's kind of like where our end goal where my end goal or the Engel for the business that's what we want just find him very very motivating when it comes to business so he motivated me Shark Tank telling me no motivated mean people saying my product is stupid motivates me me and my boyfriend laugh about that all the time I know he didn't completely mean it he just said like he just didn't understand it but as a past like chubby girl I mean who are you gonna trust when it comes to the snacks my boyfriend who has never had a weight issue and preferred broccoli as a child or the ex chubby chick turned personal trainer who still has a sugar addiction and my nerd and snack eating but my caspase to him is you work for me now but that is my experience for getting rejected from shark tank so if you have an idea for a business do it expand that idea work hard at it stick to it you can do it we all can do it thank you everyone for walking today thank you everyone who purchased the Donuts you guys means so much to me the fact that you even bought a product for me means a lot to me thank you thank you thank you it literally means a lot I don't think I can say thank you enough if you would like to purchase proto bakery donuts I left the link right below and if there's a youtuber slash influencer that you have mike meets you a replicate let me know in the comment section as well once again thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time oh wait Jeffrey's are probably doesn't flex like in his videos huh and I'm wearing a long freaking sleeve shirt I'm not too sure what to say except by babies pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the GP I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the baggie I get to buy you know you see the trippy I'm finished up in my karma kitty he's secure to Mikey I get the buzz I'm gonna flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 169,291
Rating: 4.9471617 out of 5
Keywords: shark tank, scam, weight loss pills, shakr tank invests in sketchy weight loss pill, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, lose 50 lbs, 50 lbs lost, shark tank miracle pill, my experience with shark tank, shark tank open call, open call, reality television, keto boost, keto diet, jeffree star, shane dawson, conspiracy pallet
Id: i3TPS8iApik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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