He Paid $100,000 For an AWKWARD HUG! (I CAN'T) [90 Day Fiance]

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[Music] Yeah right y'all know she go was better than Kim [Music] bye bye Kim now hello YouTube Chiyo here taking a well needed break from one idiot in a trench coat to talk to you about another idiot in a trench coat you see the jumping on city dogs in my car in the skinny I secure the bag I get the spending money on a date is a very normal cordial thing to do you want to get to know someone that you're interested in so you ask them on a little outing hopefully they say yes and you do the dinner the movie and maybe get a little sugar after cosmopolitan magazine we love them found that men spend about 80 dollars on a first date on average other sources suggest that the typical person spends between 50 to 100 on a date occurring on average once a month this wonderful man spent $100,000 on a woman that he never met this is his story David is a 60 year old man living in Las Vegas Nevada and has done quite well for himself when it comes to money but now David is finding with all of his hard work he's done it's time to retire he's going to sell his home and most of his belongings and move the rest into an RV and just drive exploring the open roads Oh Scotty warp 5 David in the past has not had great relationships come on baby I love my cats but I definitely want to be married cats don't replace that I would surely hope not David I don't think that's legal so good job but fortunately for David for the past 7 years he's been in a very stable loving real and most importantly passionate okay come on David's been basically dating a computer for the past almost eight years where he thinks that he's talking to a 28 year old Ukraine woman that he's never met I've been chatting with Lana for seven years and even though I've never met Lana in person we feel like an old married couple but don't judge love conquers all age is just a number and this is true love so true that he has spent over a hundred thousand dollars to have very bland conversation but supposedly this woman feels like she's more part of my life when when I get to talk to her in different places there there she goes on a very outdated dating website she's giving me a little icon walking guy doing this I haven't seen emojis like that since my MSN Messenger days this is the website that he's spent over a hundred thousand dollars on I expect prime emojis rare emojis okay more rare than a muon Pokemon go and also have travel to the Ukraine from the United States many times and Lena always reschedules because things just come up every single time every time you know it's very normal for someone who's in a seven-year relationship a seven-year long-distance relationship where the person is in a different country and when they spend the money to visit and get there and have the huge long plane ride and you know things just come up just things come up we get that we don't judge here never we wouldn't have the audacity to judge any of these people you sit on a throne of lies David one on a recent trip to the Ukraine and hopes to meet his woman that he's been dating for seven years i he's never met and they set up this very well anticipated date at a local coffee shop he made it very easy so he can meet the love of his life and I'm guessing he is the love of her life because why wouldn't he be have you seen the way he works that unicycle I'm having to use my hands for balance if that's not gonna get a twenty-something you're all hot I don't know what it I can't wait to start this new life I'm living in the RV full time and I want to sure that was someone well of course David makes it promptly to that coffee shop hours in hand ready to meet the woman of his dreams that he's fantasized about since he was a child PS from a very young age David had a thing for the woman in rocky and bullwinkle khinkali dig there must be something really rotten we can do today and ever since David's little ears heard this character he had that real love for women with that accent a show that I feel like a lot of 20-something girls didn't watch I remember my dad kind of watching it but I never watched it but I'm sure they're gonna connect very well with this generation gap because true love conquers all and this is true love we feel like an old married couple definitely not a man that has that and a woman or a scammer that ones but who am I to judge we don't we don't do that this is not the place stop judging Oh David Waits and waits and awaits I've been waiting for Lana to show up since 2:00 p.m. and I'm starting to get nervous that all of this was for nothing and wait and she doesn't show up if she just meets me for five minutes it's five minutes longer than I ever spent with her before so the coffee shop owner pretty much said yeah this happens all the time a lot American men travel to the Ukraine because they've been talking to some chick over a dating web site and they're trying to meet her and they never show up and that she takes their flowers that they brought [Music] [ __ ] luminaria device' thought she was so quick to take those flowers that David laughs so whoo sorry I just thought it was really funny and a mood if I had a coffee shop and someone left free flowers I'm gonna take advantage of the flowers beauty could you two exact Aceveda can you pick what did you also be no option see things all consumed so now David is a little distraught this is yet another time that he's trying to meet the love of his life and she did not show up why so he drives her hat dress you know older man from the internet that smiles like this sexy gazes down at your picture in a part hello and rides a unicycle I'm having to use my hands for balance you know on a real note though it's very impressive he must have a very strong core very good stability and very good ballad anyway he drives through her apartment I deserve her to come face to face with me and talk to me I did find her address and thinking about driving out there and he ends up getting to her place and someone is home is it Lena or is it gonna be this guy nope neither it's some random old man that has no clue what's going on because Lena gave him a fake address which is very smart kids and adults don't give your address out that's not safe and we stay safe on this channel but we do not judge never so David goes back home empty-handed again but this time he's mad so he decides to do what any logical person does and hires an investigator brains okay sorry my friend this is David's friend who is from the Ukraine who constantly tells David this is a scam because you know she's from the Ukraine and she says this is very common and she has common sense but she's here to translate because the investigator is Ukrainian and doesn't speak English honestly no matter what language this person would speak the words are most likely not going to get through David's dense head this is not only names she she use in same picture was different names that's right folks the investigator that David hired just told him that during his investigation he found that Lena has multiple accounts on different dating websites where she collects money from multiple men but let's see how our boy David a response to that those are not hurt obviously logical response how all you gonna lie to us be real here you don't know her I do girl just let him be an idiot so pretty much David thinks the investigator is the scam not Elena the investigator is lying Lena is not and he's dumb and doesn't know how to do his job that David hired him for and then he proceeds to tell him that he's fired just count your losses and start a new life fight it's just three friendly advised she is not scamming she's not earning money from the website I may have questions about why she didn't meet but that doesn't mean I'm being scammed anyway David finds himself in the Ukraine again because this time it's gonna happen Lena is real Lena is his girlfriend Lena is not a scam artist and she is going to show up so he puts on his favorite trench coat you know my boss wears a trench coat and he has honestly no luck with the ladies and most people find him creepy and socially awkward but but there has been some bomb moments of people wearing trench coats and movies oh I see what David's doing here so he's waiting and the monument that I'm gonna meet her in is right there and waiting I told her 11 o'clock and waiting I told her to meet me under the monument and waiting five more minutes this is getting pretty repetitive [ __ ] she showed up but you know we've seen before what the power of reality television can do in the reality television universe a woman who has never showed up in seven years now all the sudden has found time to show up it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he is now on TV and she wants to be on TV because it is love and we don't know her like David knows her let's be real here you don't know her I do anyway David makes a lot of sounds when he meets her and touches her oh you're so beautiful Oh imagine someone hugging you and they do that Wow hmm I would feel like a rack of ribs and very uncomfortable hmm so David is very adamant about getting to know Lena and when I say getting to know Lena I mean needing to know her Ukrainian pussycat I want someone who shows affection can I get that from just knowing somebody through chat for seven years even though she made it clear that is too early for all of that calm down David a big boy hmm calm down baby you need a big wine or a tequila on a date she says she wants to take it slow David proceeds to ask her if she wants to spend the night in his hotel room and you note that I would really like to invite you to my hotel tonight well unfortunately for David she said no so I guess one of those yummy hugs will have to do eventually the two passionate very in love couple go bowling and David wants to do a friendly little bet he pretty much leans over in that dashing trenchcoat and says hey Lena if I get a strike and I have a kiss so I get a strike if I get them all down in one ball I get a kiss sorry I smelled a gross man you remember that I used to bowl professionally right Oh David it the whole let me make a bed but I get to touch you and what I'm gonna bet on it's something that I know I can do and it professionally uh-huh yeah David you're gross I stand by wholeheartedly my previous gross comment about you being gross this earns you 500 million Michelle virtual creepy points congratulations I don't know if anyone's gotten that high on this channel oh wait never mind this is why his past two proposals didn't go well he's trying to make odd bets with American women who were already in America and he had no control over them Lena wants to get to America so bad and he knows he can get away with being more gross than he already is anyway our man David is a little rusty when it comes to bowling so maybe I get the kiss just because I came all the way here hey that's not part of this creepy deal David but then you finally get the strike and does this very attractive move to Lena I get it and by the look on her face she is loving it also if you've been watching 90 day fiancé for a while why in the holy ghost evil do these older men besides you get a quote-unquote gift for a significantly younger woman in a different country the gift he brings is always lingerie well I swear to God if some man that I am about today and met maybe once or did not meet and he's coming to visit me and he says I got you a gift and that gift is not a jumbo bag of hot cheetos with a big ol both swaps on the front anyway this completes this very odd but loving love story David actually got his Ukrainian princess or so you thought according to David they have broken up because Lena had issues with the notoriety she received from the show or it's because Lena was found cheating on David a youtuber from the YouTube account your wet sock actually infiltrated a dating website where Lena had an account while she was with David and shared very flirtatious messages proving that Lena speaks to other men but I'll leave that link below so you can give him the view because it was hilarious Lena got super triggered and said he was gay because that's an insult you know does his girlfriend know that he is dating with gays yo David come get your girl Lana because she thinks actually calling someone gay as an insult give it a watch and tell him some crazy cosplay chick sent you but in the end it turned out that David didn't really know Lena the way that he thought he did everyone else knew her more than him and they didn't even have to spend over a hundred thousand dollars to have a very awkward conversation on a very outdated dating website anyway so are we a fan of David I am NOT are we a fan of Lena I am NOT in my opinion David is nothing more than an old man who can't get back in the States so he has to go to a different country and fight significantly younger women that can be easily controlled so he can get his little unicycle way these type of women are more inclined to deal with his creepy or Lina is nothing more than a scammer in my opinion she has multiple accounts and takes any bunch of money from men like David so I just whatever I'm not a fan of either one but I am gonna walk because it's addicting and I love watching trainwreck but I said my thoughts in my opinion so now is your turn to tell me your but the most important question it if some man hugged you like this after meeting him for the first time Wow what is your first thought anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and remember we never done on this channel this is a very true loving relationship and saying mmm when you had someone it's common courtesy I'll see you next video when I dress like a pig maybe maybe miss Monday huh we'll figure it out bye guys you see the trippy unfit in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag you see the trippy I'm finished and my karma kitty secured the Mikey I get to bust open on the flexors fresh [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 136,320
Rating: 4.9669304 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv series, foreign love, international dating, 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, david and lana, lana cheats on david 90 day, Lana Cheats on David and they call off the engagement | 90 Day Fiancé, yourwetsock, michelle mcdaniel 90 day fiance, my thoughts will probably offend you, 90 day fi, 90 day fiance pillow talk, david and lana go bowling, lana is real, Will David Get a Chance to Propose? | 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days, reality tv
Id: VEf4JL1duyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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