Episode 173 - Netflix Ruins Everything

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace all right i've got some housekeeping to start this one off which we never do um first and foremost we want to announce the uh bone zone live episode that we're doing next week yup cody will be getting live hair transplant surgery so we will be that's kind of a good idea stitching his hairline live you know it's [ __ ] wild how many people do that on tick tock hair plug tick tock is huge dude is it it's average to talk is elon at the top of it i don't know um bonezone live we did we did a tester of this like a month ago now where we did like a live episode we streamed it on patreon if you're not part of our patreon and you don't know what the [ __ ] that is then i don't i don't know how you don't at this point but patreon.com tinymeatgang we do a bonus episode every single week and now once a month starting out maybe gonna build into more but we're gonna do a live episode on patreon every month so we did it uh on discord basically we streamed it on patreon and then we we had the chat going on discord so that people could actually be a part of the the stream so we're gonna keep it keep doing it like that next week we're gonna be doing it again so if that interests you then subscribe to our patreon at patreon.comtinymeatgang it's gonna be a lot of fun yeah uh we can't wait to see what cody's new hairline looks like we actually didn't discuss what it would be we're just gonna let the the surgeon do what he feels so yeah if he wants to put it right at cody's eyebrows that's what i was kind of thinking is like you might as we might as well [ __ ] around with having it too low yeah no one really does that no like go just go way too crazy you know when girls get like way too big lips you know what i'm saying like it looks weird that's wrong that's the guy version of that let's get some like way too low hairline that's just sitting right here i look like khabib hey man careful what'd you say why khabib fans are crazy he's what he's got he's got a hair you've got a crazy hairline yeah and oh damn i forgot the widow's peak i mean they call him the eagle for a reason bro his forehead is like an inch high yeah i'm not saying it's a bad thing it's impressive is what it is no no no i'm just [ __ ] with you god damn it's got a great this dude is never going bald it's impossible yeah um and then the second housekeeping thing that we have is uh so kyle last year worked at the beginning of last year uh one of one of the all through the year yeah he was working with this guy named jim who is a comic book artist and they worked together to uh uh comicify comic book yeah they took scenes from our they basically took all like our sketch riffing improv jokes from the from the podcast and turn them into comics so they're they're not you know some of them are long some of them are shorts but most of them are just sort of one pager so you know if you remember dr bad dick there's a there's a nice one panel of dr bad dick which is really funny yeah he took all here we have an example here this is the cover [Laughter] that's dr bad dick that's the cover of this comic and then do we have like a sample of the inside to my [ __ ] a foul stench pours from the la national bank miles away the horrible smell reaches the ding ding palace home of the tiny meat gang my god that foul odor it smells like rice it smells like wretched stench stretch and it's coming from the bank i i know of only one man with [ __ ] funk this terrible doctor bad dick [ __ ] he must be planning to expose his penis to innocent citizens and rob them with their hard-earned money not if man baby has any anything to say i don't even remember this bit that's the thing like dude these are so it's great because these are like old podcast bits i don't even know i i'm thinking i mean if you're just listening you have to go check out this art it's [ __ ] ridiculous jim is so talented like the detail on this is incredible dude yeah this stamp is hilarious not approved by the comics code authority so basically we have 50 pages i think that he did and i think we're gonna we're thinking about having him do 10 more maybe from like the last year of podcast but what we're wondering is if we turned this into merch somehow like we did like an actual coffee table book or something is that something that you guys would be interested in purchasing like we want to do it right have nice paper like really nice paper have it be thick not like a classic comic book more of like a nicely printed super vivid coffee table book i don't know that's my vision for it yeah yeah just like yeah heavyweight paper and and and you know it's a fun little we were i was thinking you know i was pitching that we make the title of the book something kind of innocuous so when your friends come over and read the [ __ ] they're like what the [ __ ] is this book this is like a history of comics or something yeah so yeah something like that yeah stan lee's b sides [Laughter] really dr bad dick this is a stan lee comic oh yeah yeah yeah yeah these are the ones that uh you know got trashed he pitched these originally but then they went with like stupid stuff like spider man yeah yeah lame [ __ ] so dr bad dick was stan lee's that was his passion project yeah yeah so yeah we yeah we're if you guys might be interested luke and kyle are going to put together a little google form so yeah we would have just done it but we kind of have to garter garner interest because that it's kind of not that easy to create this we have to get in touch with publishers and we have to make this a legit thing and they're annoying they're like well how many things you think you're gonna sell yeah [ __ ] no five yeah it's eight can we make eight yeah just give me give me that nice paper come on yeah just print a couple for us yeah actually just give us the paper and we'll print it ourselves okay yeah exactly um what else do we got for housekeeping i think that's it right that was it but okay so here there's gonna be a google form i guess that we're gonna make to to garner interest for this and so we'll put that in the description and or you can just say that you're interested in the comments if this is something that you would buy you know i don't know how much it would be 40 bucks maybe maybe more maybe less i don't really know how much it costs to create this [ __ ] but we want to make it a real thing i think it will be fun and i think yeah i don't know tell me if you're interested it's a fun idea yeah man uh speaking of dr bad dick it's not really the same but i have to i have to tell this on the street so i was streaming last night and i said i told the story about going to mcdonald's and i said i like sweet and sour sauce okay and someone in the chat said it's like sweet and sour i know you're straight and i said what and i said sweet and sour makes me straight and i i asked are you telling me that there's like a designated gay sauce yeah what is the gay sauce yeah and it just turned it just it just took off man gaoli chipotle gayo [Laughter] i said there needs to be a a restaurant that's lgbtq and someone said lgbt lgbtq something stupid yeah i just had to bring that to your attention man that there is a gay sauce apparently what is the gay sauce though i don't know it was like the consensus was all over the place some people were like ranch is definitely gay sauce what then i'm gay i'm gay [ __ ] then dude i'm [ __ ] gay oh yeah he saw i'll eat ranch alone by itself with a spoon it's someone is eating ranch right now and they just found out it's gay and now they don't know how to proceed with their meal they have that fry half dipped in the ranch and they're just staring at it like whoa fries and ranch that's a little i mean i don't do yeah yeah do you do that do i yeah no ketchup is for fries yeah i mean depends on who you ask i don't [ __ ] with ranch at all nah nah why not i don't know just never every time you're straight dude every time i got a whiff i'm just kind of like um oh okay do you like mayo yeah sure okay yeah do you like honey mustard oh you want a little do you like honey mustard you like a little concoction i posted last night honey popsicle oh yeah i would eat that that sounds like a salt and straw flavor doesn't it oh yeah i i searched mustard popsicle to see if that was real we can make those we should just make some more next episode just freeze some mustard i would vomit man i would probably eat the [ __ ] out of that i would eat that out deep oh my god yeah i'll just sweet sour sauce that's how i know you're straight meanwhile i'm deep throating a mustache i'll probably eat his i'll probably eat a sweet and sour popsicle would you i think i think i could definitely all right you got mustard i'll have sweet and sour okay that's fair and then we'll we'll dude we should do oh you know if you don't we do that we make those and then we go eat them with the mcdonald's sprite fresh maybe maybe that's this is actually more housekeeping we want to know if you guys would buy mustard popsicles hold on bro i found this tick tock of a dude drinking mcdonald's sprite dude we have to let me say this this edit damn it killed me anyway wait you don't have it no no i just sent it to to luke and luke can pull it up okay can you play it yeah we can agree we can agree though straight gay bi whatever you are mcdonald's sprite is for nobody yeah yeah i don't think there's anyone that can handle mcdonald's sprite man i think next week we're going to go and get it live yeah in next week's episode let's see this culture i got a mcdonald's sprite boy i didn't know i had to do it for the culture i got a mcdonald's machine man [Laughter] that's [ __ ] good that's really good hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of this of today's episode keeps did you know two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35. the best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have hair left there are only two fda approved medications that can prevent hair loss and keeps offers both of them yeah you know uh hair loss is pretty common keeps has easier access to hair loss treatment prescription medications delivered to your home and online doctor consultations man so you know it makes that process pretty easy for you keeps offers a simple stress-free way to keep your hair with convenient virtual doctor consultations and medications delivered straight to your door every three months you don't even have to leave your home low cost treatments start at just ten dollars per month and keeps offers generic versions and prevention is key treatments can take four to six months to see results so act fast so if you're ready to take action and prevent loss go to k-e-e-p-s dot com slash tmg to receive your first month of treatment for free that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash tmg to get your first month free keeps k-e-e-p-s dot com slash tmg keeps sorry i'm just thinking about uh the gay sauce just thinking about you know getting i was like thinking about a whole news story based on the gay sauce you know all these people doing interviews i was i was driving through the area you know i don't really come over this way and uh yeah i popped into lgbq and i figured i'd give it a shot and i walk in and they say do you want gay sauce with your ribs i'm like excuse me and they said you want gay sauce it's it's a house sauce it's what we make here so i say oh okay it goes through and i put the gay sauce on the ribs and i liked it very much so you know i do find that i come back for the gay sauce every night again i might i might be gay i ain't gay but i'm gay for the gay song i'm gay for that sauce i'll tell you that i ain't gay but i'll suck that sauce off ribs any any day of the week my husband just loves the gay sauce [Laughter] yo uh you saw that you saw i'm deviating from the points today there's a lot to talk about okay first of all we'll get to the we'll get to the big one that no one wants to talk about which is you know everybody can hose by gamestop gamestop yeah but real quick i just have to call it back did you see armie hammer's later ladies post about no said cannibalism no what'd you say i mean she made his instagram post uh you know in so many ways was just like yeah you know i my heart hurts for victims it was pretty it's pretty like heavy [ __ ] wait is this his ex-wife yeah okay when did you post it uh i think yesterday oh okay or maybe two days ago i don't know i saw that and i said damn it's crazy how fast things go because like a week ago or two weeks ago it was like just a twitter rumor like oh you see these screenshots i don't know if these are real two weeks later we're like oh damn he's like he's [ __ ] weird yeah and his wife is like basically in so many ways confirming that this dude is strange oh did she i mean i also saw a post from his i think his like last girlfriend or a recent girlfriend and she said that he he same sort of thing he like they started dating and he was like you can only call me daddy and all that stuff and she was like okay like just wanted to please him and then and then he like to had like serious conversations with her about having a doctor remove her bottom two ribs so that he could barbecue and eat them like you could just hit up marilyn manson i'm sure marilyn's got that [ __ ] floating in a in a tube he's on his own ribs yeah his own ribs but bones last a long time right does you know does army want the meat or the bone you think i don't think he wants at all i think he wants it i think he wants to put it in a blender it just wants to be sick somebody get him that bone broth protein powder and shut him up anyways i just i just saw that i thought that was crazy i want to barbecue your rib and throw a little gay sauce on it have you had the uh gay sauce from lgbq i could eat that i i tried to convince timothy to give me his two bottom ribs so i could eat it with the lgbq gay sauce but uh he said he still needs them to continue his career unfortunately so without eating his ribs with gay sauce would be a nice homage to our work together timothy i want your gay little ribs in my anyway oh yeah sorry i did the kid cudi oh gamestop this shit's at 100 man it's at 100. yeah yeah so gamestop so this is what we're talking about yesterday it's like unbelievable how global and how short the news cycle is now why is it like that everybody in the [ __ ] world was talking about this [ __ ] on friday on friday it was like everyone i i've seen like tweets from people that have never traded a stock in their goddamn life i guarantee it talking about gamestop and gm me everyone was talking about it [ __ ] everyone face banks was going off about it you know what i'm saying right like everybody was talking about this monday nobody i didn't see a single tweet two days three days later gamestop starts going down everyone's like well guess it's over no one talked no one talked about it you know why bro because between friday and monday there's a 33 drop in value when everyone checked their robin hood account that monday morning they're like they're like i don't know if this is for me i'm out yeah we're getting the billiard oh yikes holy [ __ ] i gotta get out i got to get out oh yeah yeah you guys hold the line i'm out yeah yeah everyone else no no but but power to you hold that [ __ ] hold that definitely hold the line i gotta pay for the line yeah i mean it's i don't know it dude do you know man i just i i can't i can't wait to read the posts we i mean i tweeted this but i you know it's so relevant you know in a month how many relationship advice po advice posts are gonna be about my husband gambled away x amount you know our rainy day fund on gamestop yeah you know yeah my husband we're gonna be doing some relationship advice and posts about [Laughter] it's going to be really funny to see all the dudes with on their burners commenting well if you look at the chart you know i don't know how many of you trade stock but if you look at the chart you know it'd be reasonable for him to expect to make some earnings okay yeah here's why and i can't believe they're making a [ __ ] movie with noah centineo it's like way to ruin everything yeah netflix come on what's the [ __ ] yeah we have to make this applicable to teen girls yeah get [ __ ] game stop noah centineo how do we get teenage girls to give a [ __ ] about the stock market exactly that's what they talked about in that meeting okay the story's great i mean it's happening in front of our eyes it's unfolding it's an incredible story these hedge funds you know are going down finally after what the financial markets did to us in 2008 finally we're getting our redemption how can we make teen girls relate to this though dude i'm crying at a writer going through all that and then who in the room is like we have to attach noah to this noah sentinel i think he'd be great for this he's really got the chops for this did you see him in the kissing booth three he really [ __ ] he really showed his range with that one i think dude okay also who's he gonna play deep [ __ ] value that's what i'm saying yeah he's gonna be in his [ __ ] apartment with the headband on yeah hey fellow gamers i'm a nerd that guy i'm a smelly nerd [Laughter] it's so hard being a stinky nerd tracking stalks all day i'm a stinky nerd that likes tendees [Laughter] they're going to make him grow some like patchy facial hair so he like looks a little bit unkempt you know he's still going to be hot no what if noah just goes full method what if he just gets like fat yeah just gets out of shape gets thick grows an uneven beard he like he he forces himself to sit with horrible posture for eight months straight he's like that dude from south park yeah just yeah just crazy method and he shows up to that movie everyone goes oh my [ __ ] you know like when christian bale did the mechanic yeah yeah exactly yeah let's let's get these attendees boys when are we rolling [Laughter] yeah deep [ __ ] value looks like a snitch yeah what's his what's his youtube kitty roar roaring kitty here uh yeah luke and kyle pulled up some clips let's get here we go first of all okay i'm sorry go ahead go ahead go okay no no go ahead you go i was gonna say this is what he looks like if you didn't know first of all he should have stayed anonymous i don't know why he did this but i guess it was because he got doxxed one of the news outlets like found his real name for somehow and published it and so he kind of had no choice but he should have [ __ ] stayed anonymous right yeah like if he could have like yeah definitely well dude first of all i think this matching red the red chair the headband i hate how like you know positioned this photo is i even feel like the stack of uno cards with the red on them it's all just this picture just seems too put together okay you know like i feel like he's sitting on a set i don't feel like this is his actual dwelling right i don't know i watched his videos the one where he's got the game over iron on is the one that made me think he he's he's not a real person really yeah i thought he was pretty charismatic it was fun to watch i was like this guy could definitely be a youtuber if he wasn't worth 30 million dollars now that's why i think he's a plant dude let's let's watch one of his clips who planted them you think the hedge funds yeah because they were actually long games yeah they they knew what they were doing yeah yeah this guy bet you okay let's see how robotic this guy really is hey what's up everybody welcome to roaring kitty this channel revolves around live streams where i share my daily routine of tracking stocks performing investment research and a whole bunch of boring stuff like that lately it just seems like there's been heightened interest in the stock market especially among investors new to the industry right and for these folks i'm thinking seeing a legitimate investment process like mine in action day-to-day could help set you on the right path to building out your own again little did he know pause for a second little did he know what he did what he put in motion led instagram models to be interested in the stock market more than me somehow that's what i mean by everyone was tweeting about it literally everyone in the world was buying gamestop stock oh i took screenshots of all the horrible investment takes from all kinds of people but we can we can finish this oh now i can lie we'll be doing some boring stuff on this stream like analyzing financial statements looking at spreadsheets and charts and all that i mean research is boring right but maybe if it's more collaborative and interactive maybe we could have some fun with it you know or maybe not what the hell do i know if you're interested in something like this check out the other videos on this channel because they give you more background on things like my investment style and the tools i use and all that white positive yeah this guy's teaching a finance class to to a college bro it feels like what it feels like to me is this dude knows exactly what the [ __ ] he's doing like dude this this what is this in like his fifth theater room in his big ass house in new jersey or some [ __ ] like it looks like he's cosplaying as a nerd like on the other side of that are like five [ __ ] investment bankers who are like they all live in the hamptons or some [ __ ] and they're just listening to him do his thing and they're just giving him notes no they're in the control room they're controlling him yo let this play yo a positive posit luke this is exactly bro this is how you know he he's been in this business for a while because that 5x money does not he doesn't give a [ __ ] like there's no you know what i mean like if one of us was like 5x on our money like that i feel like we'd start the stream and be like oh yeah [Laughter] yo i don't believe this [ __ ] i'm rich yeah there'd be some element of a [ __ ] game stop yeah i mean if i can you know you'd be [ __ ] bricks and this dude gets on he goes yo let's go uh you guys um if you couldn't tell happy surprise happy friday uh oh my gosh i'm a 5x jeez on this gamestop money thank you guys so much and in celebration i'm going to crack this sudsycraft beer that i have here because i also like dark craft beers is he the mark wiens of finance yeah maybe maybe yo let it go a little bit further luke this and and by and large it unfolds as you hope that it could um that's nice so it shouldn't be taken for granted it doesn't always happen so he's such a nice guy dude yeah it's uh just to clear up some potential misconceptions this this was a true yolo for me position last year we had nowhere close to a million dollars i certainly do not drive a lambo we rent this house the juice that you see so it's been a wild ride for us as a family and um and i i it has been just so much fun to experience that with you over the past couple of months i hope you had some some fun as well and maybe if you even picked up some educational elements along the way all the better but it has brought me tremendous joy to to just share in this what has turned out to be a bit of a case study right as some of us feel and it has brought me tremendous joy had a good time as well what if at the end of this he just like rips that shirt and there's a like a perfectly pressed suit underneath and just pulls the headband off that's why at kitty roar financial yeah i mean he's a really really nice guy though he has you can tell this guy's got a heart of gold no i know i know he's not a plant he's not a snitch he's just you know but here's the thing though he's too good of a guy he should have gotten out when he was 40 million up he should have gotten out and i don't care if you're like no what do you mean he was the martyr like we we were sticking into the hedge funds and it was all because of him yeah but i don't know like apparently sorry go ahead no apparently apparently he is i guess maybe he said this somewhere that he is setting himself up so that he will exit on eight figures whether it's 10 or 40. yeah but that's such a big difference i know bro i know it's huge but you know that uh it was a true yellow for him so you know i mean we're talking like yeah i don't know it's like you're holding the line for a group of redditors i mean i guess it's it is more than that now it's like a movement amongst like everyone right that to get back at like wall street for 2008 right yeah also like generational wealth for your family where you're like kids as kids as kids as kids will be fine you know i mean that's pretty cool too yeah well you know uh yeah 40 million but 40 million to 10 10 million versus 40 million that's what i'm saying it's like that's a couple extra houses you know what i'm saying yeah that's a that's a lot like what he has at least what's this one is he the big short squeeze from five to fifteen most compelling asymmetric opportunities in the market today really i understand how you can disagree with that that's why it's the top position in my portfolio and also dr mike berry's portfolio but based on prevailing sentiment the market in popular culture many think it's a foolish investment but everyone's wrong it's like the big shorty did he say mike barry invested in that too yeah really i guess the same guy that was the first one to buy the short the housing market isn't that him i don't remember that'd be crazy i don't know someone please tell me if that's if that's correct because that would be [ __ ] insane anyways this guy knows what he's doing and also it is cool that he like actually had a case for this stuff yeah definitely no it's it's it's super crazy i don't take i don't want to take away from the work that this guy has done you know this shit's insane like a lot of them actually like a lot of i watched some of these and he like legitimately thinks that gamestop is gonna have like a resurgence as a business so like he's not totally betting on the fact that people are just like the the that he could rally up enough support for a short squeeze he really thought that like the fundamentals of the stock uh the value was too low which is kind of cool which just legitimizes the whole thing i'd be curious to know okay revitalizing the in-store experience yeah i'd be curious to know what his thoughts are on why he thinks gamestop would be a thing again this man just people playing games gaming together bro that's you remember going to walmart and like standing up and playing one of those like sample xboxes yeah for like an hour in the blockbuster all that yeah that [ __ ] all the time there's like three snot-nosed kids behind you waiting for a turn can i can i please can i please no bro it's my turn yeah let me see what we're seeing still in 2020 gamestop maintains a healthy market share within the gaming industry it's the only major brick and mortar retailer dedication we can pause this now before we get too many people being like um he has a point it is the only brick and mortar retailer in gaming right now guys uh quick break very very swift break to thank the sponsor of this episode with which is honey a company that we all know and love um honey is a fantastic way to shop online it's uh it's easy as hell we've all seen that promo code field taunt us at checkout and you're like i don't know code i don't know good code to use because you know you haven't you don't have one because you're a loser well thanks to honey you don't have to manually search for coupon 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a few seconds and by getting it you're doing yourself a solid and supporting this podcast hell yeah so give honey for free at joinhoney.comtmg that's joinhoney.com tmg i mean so that whole thing's crazy but it's also no one's talking about it now everyone as of monday it was like didn't see a single tweet about it a couple billboards i saw got put up but it was kind of like people are over it people just get over things so fast now it's like okay i i spent my entire friday reading about this now it's now on to the next thing yep well i almost feel that the news cycle has been so you know it's been so intense so at least the past year you know someone dies something political you know this this and that that now people you know [ __ ] has to the the bar for interesting is so high now yeah it says every day is something new that's what i mean yeah but it with the raising bar comes uh like faster uh i don't know you know getting over it no yeah that's your return to norm i guess yeah we we need like uh we need a new cycle that's stays harder longer yeah like what we need we need what's the gonna be the viagra for the news cycle it keeps it up keeps it interesting it keeps it going you know yeah now that's a good thing maybe it's a good thing but maybe it's not i don't know this year has been the [ __ ] craziest year ever bro it's only [ __ ] five weeks in i know that's what i mean it's like been so crazy it's like okay when's the next thing gonna happen probably tomorrow so let's get over this as fast as we can so we can like emotionally be ready for whatever is gonna like the aliens that land tomorrow one of elena's friends texted her and she was like seeing tr seeing a video of trey's songs getting his dick sucked at 8 30 in the morning is not what i was expecting what yeah this video leaked of him getting top good okay all right good for him man cody's like and uh what so what'd you say you found that particular website was that on send that to someone who really likes to try songs yeah a couple of my friends really like him oh my aunt is a huge trey songz fan hey man speaking of speaking of getting sucked off yeah that [ __ ] british headline story oh yeah oh you're just disabled screen sharing [ __ ] all right all right here's a british news story it says my wife sucked off our neighbor while i clapped for carers which yeah clap for health workers what does that mean clapped people would go outside and clap oh really it literally means clapped yeah yeah for once clapped is used in the literal let me get this straight he went outside to clap for the carers yeah she was sucking off the neighbor yeah she's sucking off the neighbors she's sucking off his knob i'm outside clapping clapping for the healthcare workers what's she doing she's in the house sucking off some other man giving the sloppy top to the neighbor eating his knob and all that i'm out though i'm out there now i'm out there clapping for the front line workers doing my part and she's in there giving throat to the neighbor she sucked them off too i love how sucked off is it sucked off big pink we need to make it a shirt that just says sucked off let's see if that shit's offensive here hero just real quick boom there it is right there there it is my wife sucked off our neighbor oh my wife has sucked off the neighbors the tweet says i've never been makes me feel proud to be british so that's a good story that's that's what needs to be on the news you know i can't believe you've done this i can't you sucked off the neighborhood the neighbor i can't believe you sucked off me flat mate i can't believe it you've sucked off me flat mate in the louvre [Laughter] what's wrong with you it's rubbish and then it's rubbish no it's not rubbish mate she's actually quite good i'm not talking about her throat mate you're my flat mate you're my flatmate how dare you get sucked off by my bird in the loo in the loo of all places i can't help it mate a mouth it just feels like a nice warm falafel it's just like just like warm and nice inside it's cozy it gets cold in the winter here you know it is oh if my penis was cold and she went to keep it warm with her mouth and i just happened to be in the loo she sucked it like like she was sucking some gay sauce off a chip [Laughter] no mate it's fine i'm gay she just wanted to know what the gay sauce was like oh piss off mate piss off oh piss off ain't got no gay sauce there's no gay sauce in your balls mate you're lying yeah it's ba are you battering are you wanking are you winking me off i don't know if okay brav you're battering with my ghost and you've got gay sauce in your balls is that what you've said to my woman oh when he said he got the gay sauce in his balls i just had to find out more mate i've got the gay sauce in me bowls if you want to take it anyway that's russell bryan right there babe i've got a gay sauce in me balls if you want to give it a taste i start a cold you can eat the gay sauce from me balls [Laughter] too much too much sorry that sounds just like him doing the most i apologize oh you know how you know russell brand had logan paul in his podcast do you ever see that episode no yeah logan paul was on ridiculousness i saw a clip of that it was rob dyrdek being like dude if you somehow first of all i bought your fights man he goes i bought your fights man they're incredible so entertaining i saw that too that was recent i think so yeah but that show is still going yeah yeah really yeah how old is rob dyrdek now um 68. wow 68. yeah he's getting up there i mean i love that show and i love rob dierdick no he believe that's still going i know it was just i just felt that logan is really doing was doing anything and everything to promote that fight and it just wasn't working promote what the floyd fight yeah okay his manager is like what if you go on ridiculousness it's like all right yeah yeah yeah sure sure i'm fighting floyd mayweather general public if you would like to see me internet star logan paul fight floyd mayweather 15-0 boxing champion please press one please yeah please please buy the scam the pay-per-view which will go up 40 next week yeah yeah so it's still happening then no no i don't think anymore really yeah it's sales postponed let's see huh let's see logan paul i think he said on his podcast that it was that was fake or something it was fake uh he said it was like that news story wasn't real or something and if the fight is still happening i don't know i mean i don't know it might honestly nope cbs sports the zone mma fighting oh they all said it's three hours delayed yeah fight has been delayed oh till when mate unspecified okay wow it's a weird year man so what did rob dyrdek say i love your fights he's like they're they're very entertaining man and i said no they're not come on man in the spirit of boxing as boxing matches they're not good yeah you know you like the drama but don't say the fight was entertaining the build up is more fun yeah you know when they're in there and they're like forgetting all their training i mean you know logan logan sticks to his training i'll say that much i feel like jj gets in there and he's like i just want to take his head off but neither here nor there and then you know he says you know if you somehow you know make a hundred million dollars off of this fight or something that would be incredible man that would be amazing then chanel west coast says that's worth a knockout not that you're gonna get knocked out but and then logan's like who the [ __ ] gonna get knocked out also who the [ __ ] are you yeah he's like who [ __ ] gonna get knocked out that was so funny wait can we find that clip that's worth a knockout search for it oh i might even still have it man that's hilarious chanel west coast disney logan paul just it's just rude as hell [Laughter] that's worth a knockout what the [ __ ] is it who said i'm gonna lose what what [ __ ] what hold on hold on hold on though but i mean that's not that's not that crazy of a thing to say uh no not at all yeah i just you know just the way it came out was funny uh guys excuse me okay we want to quickly interrupt this week's episode to say thanks to babel the sponsor of this episode now maybe you notice i said excuse me because that's french for please excuse me probably you know but and i learned that from babel the number one selling language learning app one of my goals for the new year is to learn a new language it's not but the copy says that it is so i'm going to keep saying that and babel has made the whole process addictively eat fun and easy with bite-sized lessons that you'll actually use in the real world that's right because that actually will be pretty nice to like go to spain and know spanish you know what i'm saying babel's 15-minute lessons make it the perfect way to learn a new language on the go unlike infamous language classes you talk in high school babel designs their courses with practical 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saw a whole bunch of tweets about it this morning but i couldn't really figure out this is literally just full pink diamond implanted into his forehead yeah so you can't even see it this is crazy this is crazy 24 million dollar diamond implanted in his head ow why ow so you can't even see it oh so what's the point what is the point i don't know it like gives him energy or it's like sort of anime uh yeah i don't know it's like an anime thing to do or something it's like a sailor moon type thing ah i couldn't even say but yeah maybe you got inspired off of anime i have no clue 24 million dollars too see that's why someone's gonna someone's gonna rob him and tear this [ __ ] out of his phone yeah so someone tweeted a gif of [ __ ] uh thanos from avengers taking what's his face is diamond out of his forehead see that's the diamond oh there it is right there so you got you can actually see it yeah no it's not that tiny ass thing it's that big ass joint right there it's kind of cool i mean it's weird as [ __ ] but like as for a body mod it's like kind of cool bro that that's why old money is wack like old billionaires don't even deserve their money because they don't even do cool [ __ ] with their money they just buy like planes and boats and go on vacation like that's the most give give uzi a billion dollars see what crazy [ __ ] he does you'll get a car made of diamonds you know what i mean like yeah yeah they're creative okay this is definitely creative yeah i was gonna say rappers and like new money are creative with how they blow their [ __ ] cash play this just this in the booth oh man that freaks me the [ __ ] out but people do weirder [ __ ] to their bodies what i'm saying like the split tongue [ __ ] and like the even like gauges i feel like like big gauges kind of freaked me out more than this yeah i don't know that's pretty wild i mean it goes into your skull but it's it's here or there that's crazy yeah bro rappers and new money they they need to get all the money you know yeah take jeffy did you see blueface wrapped his entire house in like camo oh no it's [ __ ] crazy like bape style camo his whole house looks like that see looking awesome that's what i'm saying yeah yeah see i see what you're saying now rat rappers they they do cool [ __ ] with their money that's why people want to be rappers boring [ __ ] yeah they buy compounds and they do it but it's like the same shit's like yeah nice landscaping couple lakes whatever ponds personal bodies of water boring who gives a [ __ ] yeah here look at this face painted his house blue camo look at that look at that and look at he's cheesing about it look at this [ __ ] this is my house yeah because it's like kid stuff it's like what would you do if you or if you asked an eight-year-old what he would do if he had a billion dollars he'd be like i want to put a diamond in my face and i want to wrap my entire house into blue camo yeah modern billionaire they try to like build companies and rocket ships and stupid-ass [ __ ] like that no yeah no like roar kitty he should have took his 48 million and wrapped his house in [ __ ] cat print yeah or just something you know just pouring like in melvin in the melvin capital logo this is melvin kaepernick now i am melvin captain i am melvin capital now nah yeah he should have what were they saying he should have he should have bought the old melvin capital building and opened a gamestop no they should have bought the the guy who owns melvin capital or like the managing partner or whatever he has like a 40 million dollar miami mansion or something oh he said he should have just bought the mansion and torn down the house and just put a game stop right [Laughter] yeah like little uzi's got this crazy r8 the rap is insane on it the paint yeah it's like beige or what is it i remember seeing no it's like something i think it's some anime characters wrapped on under the car he's oh right right right right i got a couple different wraps in the car anime and [ __ ] he says his bio says asian in the inside i think a word on instagram i was just looking at this today because i was trying to find some it says asian on the inside [Music] yeah they uh um 20 million bucks on a diamond like i mean i guess it would it was that a good investment is it a bad investment i don't think it matters to him here's his uh r8 right here that's pretty wild it's crazy i know we gotta do more [ __ ] like this dude i know just [ __ ] absurd money on stupid [ __ ] yeah that's that's way cooler at least it keeps you young a little bit you know why don't we get something implanted into us [Laughter] just take all the [ __ ] podcast earnings for one year and share a diamond between our forehead doesn't have to be a diamond it could be a tendee or something like that okay oh what about because we can't do diamonds what about a a tendy shaped from glass or something you know like a sculptured oh yeah i see we're saying yeah like a pendant like a nice like a trendy rocket ship for the new stew and like you could become like a you know a relic in the background oh like oh we don't implant it this is just a statue it's just a yeah it's just a thing i like that we gotta we definitely gotta do more [ __ ] like that with the new with the new studio and the new office you were talking body mods what the hell body mods are we gonna do that's what i'm saying i mean uh synthol said get that big-ass cake dude that'll feel like sitting on a water bed at all times i want a fat booty dude i want a big fat ass i look good with some big giant wagon on me you know you know that that russian dude that has synthol in his arms is like a tick-tock star yeah yeah and like he hasn't died yet somehow somehow he's got so much synthol bro like that has to get to your heart eventually right doesn't he have to have his like arms amputated at some point i don't know about amputated but i think something bad will happen most definitely yeah it's kind of it's got to be bad in the long run let's see long-term side effects of synthol i mean amputation is definitely one of them because it cuts off like the flow of blood or just normal uh body functioning yeah um oh this [ __ ] can cause nerve damage oh it's [ __ ] up would not would not recommend cerebral stroke yeah hey what's good uh we want to take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode stitch fix all right did you just look over your current cold weather wardrobe options and get a chill it's time to ditch that old sweater and upgrade that jacket stitch fix personal stylist can help you pick new pieces that are timeless and can help you looking can help you look drippy tomorrow or today stitch fix offers clothing hand selected by expert stylist for you your unique style size and budget every piece is chosen for your fit and your life and it's the easy solution to finding what makes you look and feel your best try on pieces at home before you buy keep your favorites and 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wouldn't shame us with all the trend use we can't we can't get in trouble for wanting to take this stuff yeah that's fair so and we are serious by the way we are going to start taking steroids a list of major anabolic steroids and everything you wanted to know about them [ __ ] all right here we go hgh okay so on the list the the one the three that are on the list first one is trenbolone so it's just trend that's where you get trend cough from i know about dianaball little d ball so there's a [ __ ] ton of steroids or deca i've heard i've heard deca i've heard those too um let's look up let's look at trent because i still don't understand trend but i want to know what is sarms because i see a lot of psarm [ __ ] now for some people can you buy it online i think it's like technically legal i don't know if this is true or not and i don't want to end up on the [ __ ] steroids youtube channel like every time we talk about steroids i mean yeah some youtube channel from some steroid guy that's like they were wrong about this and it's like i know i don't [ __ ] take this [ __ ] i'm just wondering what is sarms and because i saw someone talking about it how he bought it online but they're really dangerous or something and that's what i think the tick tock guys were on i don't know um well for okay so with tren considering the most effective steroids by bodybuilders trend is dividing two types acetate and and then they what what the [ __ ] does that mean it helps you lose big amounts of body fat and gain big amounts of muscle mass uh it will give you some aggression too yes that's what i'm looking for i need some more anger it's just turning you into the [ __ ] angry emoji i'm not angry enough i should have told that guy when you ask for gas no [ __ ] you how dare you confront me you take trend just to have a [ __ ] just to have some semblance of push over stand your ground gary you know what gary no i i won't have that memo for you by end of day today it's 44 30. i'm going home it's 44 30. what's their favorite side effect of taking trent well i i finally have no problem telling my brother i will not be coming over on sunday sunday is my day my brother keeps asking me for money and i finally told him no no more so do you work out no no i don't no no [Laughter] holy [ __ ] taking trend just to [ __ ] just to have the confidence to want to cast yourselves how are you doing just ending it i'm good not asking how are you back or even being able to say the right thing yeah you know normally in that scenario i would say uh you know not much how are you not much you oh oh oh and then i walk away with my tail between my legs not anymore not on this none of this trend stuff i confidently can answer that question with good you know i'm pretty good i'm pretty good [Laughter] pretty good i'm pretty good all right wait what was what was uh on the sarms debate heats up over sarm's fitness supplement an fda warning letter and a rate of california companies offices highlight issues concerning the supplements some feel are a healthy substitute for steroids okay so it's a supplement okay uh what's in it they aren't currently approved for use in humans [ __ ] yeah yeah let's go let me get a lot of that oh let's go what the [ __ ] is this yeah is this like is it a fitness world is this like horse training material like what do they use this for to grow lizards um sarm's crazy name sounds like sars androgenic steroids are known to increase muscle development but are accompanied by a host of undesirable effects for men it often means acne breast development oh let's go let's go i want some milkers and enlarged prostate and shrinking of the testicles i got testicle to give i can give up some tests it doesn't sound like side effects to me yeah oh you're gonna make my huge balls a little bit smaller and you're going to give me a [ __ ] great rack a pair of jugs down for that all day i'll slap around my own titties [Laughter] one major side effect of psalms is it it completely erases genitals so the private area is just completely smooth [Laughter] okay it also has been known to give users big juicy milk wagons that'd be crazy it just erases your penis it gives you gigantic boobs and you're ripped as [ __ ] it gives you big fake tits like the definition it gives you big big bolt-ons yeah the definition on them is just crazy too like everybody thinks they're fake like those are implants right like nah these are these are my naturally serums crafted breasts they found that only half of them actually contained sarms about 60 contained ingredients different from what was featured on the label nearly 10 of the products tested didn't contain an active ingredient of any kind holy [ __ ] oh these are sarms that you can buy online so ten percent of sarms bought online it doesn't even contain anything you're just buying water or just bad [ __ ] awesome straight placebos dude are you on those placebos i'm getting bigger dude i swear i don't know man life-threatening reactions including liver toxicity having occurred in people taking products containing syrup storms also have the potential to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke long-term effects on the body are unknown yeah it's all right man yeah that's that's the main thing is that like it's gotta put a lot of pressure on your heart but then so so does drinking you know so it's like as well yeah i might as well at this point no but it's like i feel like we we're pretty fast to judge people that take steroids and stuff because of like the heart risk and stuff but like alcohol has to be one of the most poisonous things in your body and everyone's totally fine with that yeah well i'm i i don't judge people to take steroids i'm just you know i'm not i'm not crazy enough to take them i'm getting on sarms i'm getting sick yeah i'm getting on the water sarms can i get water flavored sarms please it would be fun to do it for a year just to get kind of jacked up you know yeah but they don't then you just lose it all yeah and then you get soft skin and i would do that she turned to a baby afterwards it like it's like it's like the fountain of youth you get really like roided up and beautiful and then you just turn into a soft little baby again you become emotional yeah you get benjamin button disease after that [Laughter] back to square one literally the fountain of youth is right there it's arms get yolked for a year then turn to a baby i have to piss so [ __ ] bad people i've had to piss for 30 minutes i went [ __ ] ham on the peloton oh yeah i got a peloton that's something that we we're going to talk about this in the bonus because i have a lot to say about the peloton classes what a ridiculous it's so it's it's great first of all i'm a fan but second of all it's just twitch for moms that's what peloton is and i think we have uh some clips and stuff that we're gonna watch in the bonus yeah you know how it goes because the peloton instructors are just the everything the classes are so funny i'm ridiculous so we're gonna talk about that but i went ham and i drank a whole bunch of water and i have to piss really bad like so bad um all right well on the bonus episode cody's gonna pee into his mouth yes so guys let us know if you want that comic if you want the coffee table book whatever it's gonna be let us know if you're interested hit the form in the description yeah um we're working on a lot of [ __ ] great stuff right now so i'm i'm excited for the future of this show yeah um i just can't wait till we get our studio yeah it's gonna be great it's gonna be a good time so all right thank you everyone and we'll see you in the bone zone peace
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 373,184
Rating: 4.9430742 out of 5
Keywords: Roaring Kitty, Gamestop, Noah Centineo, Netflix, McDonald’s, Armie Hammer, Cannibal, Trey Songz, Lil Uzi Vert, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, TikTok, Sprite, Kissing Booth, Deep, Value, Reddit
Id: lgIt9as9_0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 22sec (3982 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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