Episode 147 - Crying on Camera

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace yeah i went back and watched a ton of bizanachi videos last night bro like the old crypto [ __ ] yeah but like he had some like recent ones that are let me we could watch one it might start the podcast off on a super bleak note but that guy is a [ __ ] artist man the way he captures like just just that like the soul crushing spirit of just like like capitalism like like like the american ideal of like you have like the 60 hour a week job when you try to trade some crypto to like change your life and it just doesn't work oh my god i mean it's funny and then you get under the surface and you're like oh man yeah is this is this really bad is this me dude you know what i've been looking into recently penny trading oh like penny stocks get out of here dude no no like penny trading your mom hi what penetrating your mom oh okay penetrating these nuts [Laughter] uh hold on but can i just can i plug one real quick before we get into this yeah yeah yeah can i can i plug one percent family yeah plug it oh wait can i can i can i can i do this really quickly yeah that's what i'll say guys i'm sorry for going so hard on one percent boys they they mean well i'm sorry i got carried away man just they like they are probably the most innocent version of all this [ __ ] that i get frustrated with and it's like i feel bad the first time was funny by the way if you don't know what we're talking about this is this is bonus episode [ __ ] yeah man they definitely deserve an apology man yeah i'm sorry too i'm sorry too go drive your vipers and drive the enjoy your [ __ ] enjoy it live just live your life just stop buying shorts from the gap man please you got money just get a little dripped up man i know you got it i know you guys got it please but yeah man that that's that being said you guys i just want to announce that we have brand new merch [Laughter] brand new you know what's funny is that this is the polar opposite of a one percent hoodie is a hoodie that says broke [ __ ] oh the antithesis yeah we are yeah that's all it is we we one percent there are like our we're like their nemesis we're like the villains in their story you know exactly yeah brand new tmg merch tmgpod.com there's like a whole [ __ ] ton of new [ __ ] we did a whole new uh yeah a whole new line yeah we worked with uh dan barkel on all this stuff he's a designer he's [ __ ] very talented and he killed all of this [ __ ] i'm holding up to the camera for people that are listening shout out to the boy there's a bunch of [ __ ] this one's got a bandsaw there's one with a couple diamond pistols on it very cool uh i love it i think it's the best [ __ ] that we've come out with honestly if you're so inclined copy some threads man yes that comes out uh friday so if you're listening to this on youtube or whatever then it should be already out yeah you can go grab some tmgpod.com is the website so thank you should we uh should we do like a like a you know nah i was gonna say let's do a podcast with the one percent but that just might get weird i would i would [ __ ] do that i don't know yeah i'm down i don't care but either way you know maybe they don't want to maybe yeah that's what i'm saying we got to have them watch the bonus episodes first and then be like there's owners what are we talking about man why don't we talk it out i'll say it to their face i'll be like look man i think you guys are the product of a terrible society aspect of society that we live in but i think you guys have the potential to be great people and that's what i'm here to find out yeah you sound like a [ __ ] dick man get out of our house get out of our big ass house and don't hit our [ __ ] beautiful ass seven-figure cars on the way out [ __ ] dweeb yeah with your phone yeah watch your piece of [ __ ] lease yeah on the way out of here okay whatever that little what is that [ __ ] kia get that [ __ ] out of here get your golf cart out of our out of our driveway don't hit the viper hey man be sure you don't let my electric bill hit any of the [ __ ] beautiful cars here okay how much you pay a month for that thing [ __ ] five six hundred dollars [ __ ] out of here that's our that's our fiji water budget lame ass and we were wrong about the oven or the the stove too apparently it really doesn't burn your hand when you put it on it's cool [ __ ] magnet technology or some [ __ ] magnets dude i don't know now they work no one gets that who invented those things no one gets that no is that too old i think so i read a i read a tweet this morning about some dude let me read this [ __ ] let me get the twitter username right this [ __ ] was so goddamn [ __ ] funny [Laughter] i'm chewing some nuts right now son all good all right so uh the bros username is b-o-c-x-t-o-p i tutor high school juniors in coding and today we were making a messaging app and i needed a name for a user so a kid said try jeff and i did the my name jeff voice from vine and not a single kid laughed completely wait these are high school students uh yeah yeah oh that's so depressing completely silent zoom call after like 15 seconds one kid asked if i was okay [Laughter] i think mr stevens is having a stroke mr stevens are you okay oh yeah no no i'm not i'm not actually because here's the thing i'm only like 22 and i for sort of thought i was still relatable but i'm but i'm not and i wasn't supposed to feel this until like 35 this has come 13 years too early i'm gonna need you guys to sit here and watch these vine compilations before i bug the [ __ ] out he's like come on you guys my last name what about that manic sweating like with playing a vine compilation like it's funny right come in here come get y'all juice what about that come on and then all the kids are just like [ __ ] weird and meta and boring they're like that's not very nice oil on the floor was a bad idea and she's probably very injured it looked like that kid was really hurt there yeah i don't know why it's not that's not the point it's the thing shot it's funny it was a prank yeah i don't know mr stevens i don't know if other people's pain is really that funny do you laugh when like you know uh people get injured on the street or just in general he's like come on what the [ __ ] is wrong with you kids just just just laugh she hit the [ __ ] oven [Laughter] you know come get y'all joining the knee into the come on it's funny come here come get y'all juice what about the drop good the croissant one huh no i guess he couldn't drop the croissants on the ground okay okay easier one nicer free shivakadoo come on come on it's not it's clearly fresh avocado look at all these [ __ ] chickens kids are like um yeah i think i'm gonna switch professors those aren't chickens mr stevens they're geese [Laughter] yeah yeah i i it's just all right yeah no it's cool no you you win yeah i guess this [ __ ] isn't funny someone in the back oh he needs some milk the class erupts and laughter yeah yeah and it's just the laughter is like evil and [ __ ] mean it's echoing in his [ __ ] head and he's just sitting there he needs some milk oh my god damn he needs some milk oh damn he needs some milk [Laughter] oh man dude i got this like cheetah print heating pad on my side i got to get my webcam back [ __ ] my mom took my webcam oh dude that sentence that sentence sounds so bad considering what this landscape of only fans is now yeah my mom took my webcam to get to get uh her you know her new business off the ground yeah she said she has a job interview um just a video chat with clients i guess yeah i don't know i guess it's all like it's like a virtual gig it's all it's all virtual like it's like one-on-one like consulting i guess dude my favorite thing about [ __ ] the the rise of only fans is seeing how many girls post on their instagram stories like uh uh i'm having so much fun chatting with you guys no you're not no no you're not and neither neither are they why the [ __ ] is that the most promoted feature of only fans is the chatting function chatting with you guys all day oh [ __ ] dude she chat dog i can what is this it's not a [ __ ] robot that only fans just let it's like yeah just enable money like enable chat money and then they're just like yeah all right our ai technology will chat with your creepy fans for you dude i can only imagine what those chat rooms look like like i either imagine they're just completely um like actually no since they're paying i imagine them like reddit threads like really pointed statements you know what i mean like oh i i love when you use this tool uh it's really one of my favorites i love the color and how it glistens in your [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i love when you use the ribbed glass one it makes your [ __ ] look so beautiful and then the ai robot's like what's your name [Laughter] and he's like did you not hear what i just said no it's not even a robot it's just like a guy paid like 11 bucks an hour just sitting at home yeah doing [ __ ] just what's your name dude [Laughter] dude did i tell you like a while back i went uh i think this is when uh siva was in town and we went on twitch and we forgot what category we were on but we just sorted by um viewers and we were just like bro what is it like to be a woman streaming like just starting out you know before you get like the cool lights and all that [ __ ] like when you're just starting out we found this lady streaming counter strike it was like five guys in that chat and the level of respect was so low i could not ah it'd be oh sorry that's just uh hello that's just uh you know that's just pepsi calling me asking me to do another commercial i gotta say yeah [ __ ] yeah they're just little [ __ ] uh always on my back dude these [ __ ] suits to the girl is playing and this guy i'm like not exaggerating he just kept copy pasting show feet oh and she wasn't like banning them she kind of was like she was like she knew what she was doing man she was you know she was laying on her stomach with her feet in the air she was kind of swinging him around so you know yeah so she was giving it back to him a little bit but i was just like that guy just copy paste like mad aggressive like chauffeur show feet he's just switching hella tabs is pacing every single chat yeah it's like 20 20 20 girls yeah it just sounds like he's playing starcraft my god dude i was going to smash my keyboard but i don't want to [ __ ] ruin the recording here yeah did we we think about the people that stream that have crazy battle stations with nine monitors but you gotta think about the the biggest consumers of twitch yeah like those dudes who watch nine feet streams at the same time they're like red zone you know they got it all they got like 15 monitors one up on each thing right there's software to switch the main like whenever there's a feet detection software so anytime anyone shows speed it swaps that one to the main monitor bro i'm picturing like like as like a like a sports bar equivalent but for perverts and they got like 12 different streams of it it's like 40 guys in there drinking beer placing bets and [ __ ] it's like on when they on when they're gonna show feet and like they can donate through the bar like they pay a premium hey mike put 20 on a fairy princess i like what she did up there you mind uh attaching a message to that one tara said show them piggies again oh that's how you chat yeah yeah that's just like some minimum wage kid who has to like donate on the behalf of the bar and hey [ __ ] jukebox yeah yeah five people in the bar already already donated and told her to show feet so you're gonna be the sixth one it's probably gonna happen in an hour he has to go around all the tables hey uh there's a pool going on uh pool donation to show feed started by table six those guys over there um so you know it's at like 60 bucks right now so if you want to throw some [ __ ] in four guys like hell yeah cheers to that brother here's a fiver god damn dude bleak guys we want to interject real quick to thank talkspace for sponsoring this episode of the podcast if you've been waiting months to figure out what your what your future is going to look like you're not alone between the uncertainty the waiting for answers and the everyday stresses of work school relationships and more it's a lot to balance yes but if anything helps to reduce stress and anxiety it's talking things out uh talkspace has thousands of licensed therapists training over 40 specialties including anxiety depression relationship issues and more if you have something specific you want to work on right now they'll find someone for you it's affordable talk 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talkspace.com twitch girl trivia uh oh no they get in like a dive bar and they just they have all these twists when did linda you first [ __ ] i don't know what did you do to her cat again didn't she do some [ __ ] to her cats yeah she's trying to like work through that man she like she had like a public therapy session with this dude dr k um that's just really interesting michael reeves has done that what is it um let me get maybe i'm pretty sure dr k twit yeah dr k so um uh he is a uh therapist and he has tons of tons of like you know content where people have um they just do live therapy where they just talk to him about their issues and like you can watch a therapy session which is on twitch yeah on twitch which you know some people i've seen you know they're critical like oh uh why the [ __ ] would you talk about something so vulnerable and this and that but it it made me think like it's kind of interesting if someone does that and you're going through some [ __ ] in a way maybe it's cathartic or it helps you start to address the problem because you see someone else do it and like you feel you don't know how yeah i don't know i think it's like it's definitely like risky territory but um there was a there was a vice show where was it hbo where they said yeah that was pretty interesting but i feel like it kind of defeats the purpose yeah may i yeah definitely what do you mean by that like do you mean because it's like so produced i don't feel like you're you'll have any real breakthroughs because uh you know privacy is one of the main like actually being able to open up to your i mean maybe it's maybe the paradigm is a little bit different now because people are so used to opening up on their streams yeah and in front of their audiences and if you're if you're actually really willing to do that then maybe it it works but for someone like me like i would i would i would be so scared to actually like unpack [ __ ] oh yeah yeah because there's no you know one of the things is doctor client uh yeah confidential yeah confidentiality whatever that phrase is yeah doctor client um sexual tension yeah yeah exactly that's what it is well is it no yeah i think that's what it is yeah doctor client um um yeah show feed reality show show a little bit of feet and you know maybe this could work in a different uh dimension kind of thing yeah yeah yeah um that's gonna be fun i wanna i wanna we should do one of those uh like an open therapy session on the podcast yeah i don't know man [Laughter] all right guys um just like two dudes going through it with a therapist just like yeah what's up it's like we're like uh man this should be funny this would be hilarious let's get him on whatever 30 minutes and we're both just bawling our eyes out and my mom said like wow guys uh never seen it this way looks like you need some milk [Laughter] what'd you say i said uh he needs some milk oh that's so funny god damn that's one of the best in a while dude yeah what the [ __ ] was i going to say um oh lord let's get into this relationship advice oh yeah oh yeah this one this one's this one yes this one is very very special very poignant do you wanna do you wanna read the the title sure how do i 22f make my boyfriend 23m understand that he can't drop out of law school to be a full-time podcaster you can read it get into it here's the thing i don't we don't have to because yeah you can you can you can you take it from us man you can you can you can do it i wouldn't even go as far as saying do it yeah yeah we're we're [ __ ] idiots and we did it uh you can do it man you can definitely do it it's got to be the worst advice ever what yeah do it for us just to be like do it do it do it no you won't you won't do it actually i don't think he'll do it [ __ ] oh you wanna you wanna go to law school you wanna go the safe route risk it all man throw it all away throw away all that hard work i have some cajones [Laughter] leave the what are you gonna work for some suits in a lot right looking contracts what are you going to do participating society [ __ ] loser loser you need some milk yeah you need to be you need to be 30 years old joking about old vine memes digitally yeah that's what you got to be doing yeah bro um so okay so they've been uh this is in in her voice the f's voice whenever i see like a single f i just can't not think of twitch someone's like 22 f i just think of like a 22 year old who like needs respect it's like 22 f like giving multiple respects here are 22 f's which is so dumb that's really funny actually 22f yeah oh my man 22f for you 22. i really support you 22f [Laughter] i'm not going to sub but i'll give you 22 apps 22 f's man yeah that's for me to eat yeah all right uh dude wait a [ __ ] dad streaming and everyone in the chat is just going typing poggers and f and he gets all offended why do you guys keep typing f why are you effing me what did i do yeah f you guys yeah yeah oh it's now it's more f's yeah oh wow now what 22 22 x cool wow f f you guys back oh yeah this [ __ ] website you kids they're like dude we're just trying to show you respect that's respect to you guys let me teach no dad it's like a it's like a it's like a reference to a game yeah it's a never mind all right so 22f says they've been together for two years i moved 1200 kilometers uh what is that like 10 feet yeah 10 feet to be with how many how many liters is that um i don't know like two like two i moved 22 kilometers to be with him in february that's really wait wait the wall 1200 dude you said 22. oh no it's 12 yeah 1200 yeah sorry 22 kilometers i moved 27 literally five blocks i moved like three blocks i moved 1200 kilometers to be with him in february and things were great until may when my boyfriend and his friends started a sports podcast all right at first it was just a hobby my boyfriend is a big podcast nerd so it was really nice to see him do something he liked so much but then he started getting more and more invested and stopped watching his remote classes studying studying to dedicate his full time to his podcast he's seriously considering dropping out of law school because he can't concentrate on both studying and running a podcast and he would rather do what he loves man come on whoever wrote this i can't wait for your book to come out which would be fine if what he loved wasn't a two-month-old podcast it was barely 30 listening damn give him a chance wow and the same content of at least 100 other podcasts that's just mean you gotta you gotta try and understand what he's going for yeah yeah give him a chance on top of that his parents who pay our rent are threatening to cut us off if he goes through with this oh he just says his parents that's rough you say what that's rough for her yeah yeah he just says his parents are gonna take us in but i don't really want to live with my parent-in-laws and i'm an intern at a in a big i'm an intern in a big expensive city i can't pay rent with my wages can't [ __ ] off back to my town due to coveted restrictions and even if i could i don't have the money so really how do i convince him this is the worst idea ever i tried reasoning explaining but he really believes they're gonna break through they're good but it's just not easy to make a living out of these things man that's that's actually this is tough yeah it's actually pretty brutal you know the fact that like she just can't get on board yeah exactly she's like let's talk about who is in the wrong here yeah you want to talk about wrong yeah her yeah i stand with my my podcast yeah in solidarity we gotta root for our boy and just by default just be you know you're wrong just toxic just straight up wrong he will break through and they are good okay okay okay look all right look look look look so what there's a couple other sports podcasts a couple of them it's like it's like two it's like espn and ufc oh maybe the nba yeah what else it's like just it's like three or four there's room for another one is that he's got more sorry go ahead no i was gonna say how do you actually convince this dude do you think like what what do you what do you actually convince this dude with i i don't know if this is your boy this is your boy and you're like oh man you're trying to prevent him from making a really potentially bad decision what do you mean this is your friend yeah if it's like if this is if this is your boy this is your podcast bro from one podcast bro to another how do you convince him hey man don't this might be a bad idea i don't know like she said she tried reasoning with him that's the only thing i would say is sit him down and be like dude you really you're gonna go live with your parents again so you can podcast you realize how absurd that [ __ ] sounds this is a hobby it it and it's and make it a hobby it's a great [ __ ] hobby but you can do both two things at once if you really want to do this and it really is a passion of yours don't make it your full-time thing until you actually have evidence that this will take off because right now there's no evidence 30 listeners is nothing you know maybe when she says reasoning with him maybe she might be focusing too much on the reality in that she might be focusing too much on there are other podcasts and you're just another one in the mix and that just invalidate you know you might be getting defensive like well you don't believe in me you know versus what you're saying which i think is the way to go where you go hey man how much money do you make from this if you stick with law school how much you gonna make from that all right which one is gonna provide guaranteed yeah yeah yeah but when you're 23 like you don't really give a [ __ ] about providing for anyone you're just like that's true yeah he's gonna do whatever it takes to make this dream happen which which people tell you to do that's another thing is that that's not that's a widely accepted idea is do whatever it takes to make what your passion is come to life but i just feel like when it's at the expense of like other people like there's a way you can do it yeah like i said if you really want to make it work do two jobs bro i'll never forget this [ __ ] brutal clip um from the the kill tony show um when they would they would upload uh part of the podcast is is uh someone doing like a like one minute on stage like kind of open it's like an open mic they like do a raffle and they let some comics come up and do a minute of material and hold on to the live show um kill tony yeah yeah okay roast battle um comedy store dude i feel so bad that i'm forgetting this dude's name um he's the host of the rose battle uh oh jeff ross no no not jeff ross is it uh here we here we go here we go no no yeah brian moses brian moses um he's comedian forever host of the rose battle i believe it was him so this dude gets up there and he does a minute and it's it's not a super sharp minute okay and then they're like where are you from dude he's like i moved here from such and such and uh he either moved to la or he had uh it was like a bunch of money or he had been living in l.a and he just quit his job to pursue comedy and right away brian moses i want to say it was him he was like uh yeah just word of advice guys um don't quit your jobs it's like he's like comedy takes time in fact a job is a good thing because you could take that money and you could put you in a writing class you can you can spend that money on things to get you better uh with your creativity yeah he's like because at least if you have a job and you're bombing open mics then you still have a job but you don't have a job then you're just unemployed bombing open mics yeah it was like some brutal comparison like that and i just like wait they were listening the guys had just done that the guy's just sitting there on stage like oh okay and the whole room is just like ow ow wake-up call guys i want to tell you about something real sweet okay and that's honey sweet honey we all love honey okay because we all shop online yes and we've all seen that promo code field taunt us at checkout but thanks to honey manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past yes as you know or as you should know honey is the free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one uh it finds to your cart okay honey supports over 30 000 stores online and they range from sites that have tech and gaming products to popular fashion brands even food delivery imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite sites when you check out the honey button just drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupons wait a few seconds as honey searches for coupons it can find for that site and uh if it finds one you'll watch the prices drop and that's yeah that's on god then that's on no i what what i use it on recently um oh i can't remember i actually tried to make a point like make a mental note because it's man 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about this before but i saw that and it's like no like you don't want that you don't want like the instant [ __ ] like i feel like everything is always presented in extremes you don't want to [ __ ] explode and you don't want to just give up everything like gradual is good yep yeah the only the only case that i that i think that i can think of where that actually worked is caller daddy yeah they blew the [ __ ] up and then normally when you blow up that fast to taper off is just as steep yeah whereas if you grow slowly it it you know it generally sticks around a little bit but here's the thing with podcasts how do you how do you even blow up with a podcast starting from scratch you can't like even when even with us when we were very like starting right at the beginning and even with me with insanely chill it's like i already had a pretty sizable youtube audience that you know drove traffic to the podcast i have no idea how the [ __ ] yeah you would you would a blow up when starting from scratch just audio podcasts yeah and be why you would think that you would yeah i mean like there's no like viral sharing mechanics like built into the podcast it's just literally word of mouth that's got to be the slowest way to grow i mean people have done it for sure but because yeah with like a viral clip even if you have like a cliff go crazy on your pocket dude take the [ __ ] breakfast club when like birdman walked out that was like a crazy viral thing how many people saw that and were like man i'm gonna tune in at at whatever time to listen to this hour-long show for the potential of a 60-second no one does that you know they might they might go watch because they could very easily go oh man it looks hilarious and they go watch the full clip and they can go oh this is boring yeah i don't care about this yeah um but yeah even to this day when people like ask like oh how did you get the podcast where it was like we don't we don't really have like a definitive answer yeah it's literally just i haven't i mean yeah we just i don't know you just keep doing it i guess yeah but it's also like we had a head start yeah right at the beginning we had people that were watching because we had worked on growing an audience but you know on youtube that's an easy thing to do easier than podcasts because youtube has all the you know they'll push your video if people are watching it yeah you have like an engine behind you that's helping you i feel like this is a good thing to discuss because i feel that there are a lot of people that hit us up and say like oh i want to start a podcast but i don't know where to begin and i think if the only thing i feel that we can nail down for sure about when we made when we started ours is i think uh by doing it like at your place and uh my [ __ ] apartment and like like just doing it in a natural setting i feel like that above anything [ __ ] all the equipment and all that that [ __ ] does not matter i mean it does but just make it listenable but like just keep it keep it true to you i feel like people sniff that out before anything before the quality if the [ __ ] feels just super like fake and forced people tune out from that so they want to hear that yeah so anyway um i have to shout out my sister's podcast now yeah go for it the time the dietitian project on on apple podcast or wherever you consume your podcast she's been doing this now for she's got 16 episodes okay okay and she does this like outside of her job she'll write these like they're really good like really good sick what is it for people that want to be nutritionists or dietitians or uh it's a podcast where she has real gritty and honest conversations about the role of a dietitian and provide practical empowering advice for finding your passion within the field if that interests you go check it out smash it i think that's the cool thing about podcast was definitely one for like everything yeah yeah no definitely and maybe that's maybe that's a good way to get into it find a good niche you know sports oh yeah yeah yeah instead of like talking about you have something good with f1 and and ufc because you know i feel like that's that even within the concept of sport i'm assuming this guy sports podcast is about football something yeah yeah general yeah or baseball or something whereas like i feel like the intersect between ufc and f1 doing both of those at the same time you found a niche uh oh yeah i mean i wasn't even going to bring it up but if for anyone who cares what the [ __ ] cody's talking about i've taken all my f1 and mma punishment to a separate area so i stopped punishing everybody with these [ __ ] long tangents about sports they don't give a [ __ ] about uh it's called everything but the points so feel free to dial in um but no i mean yeah like uh it act like and i i will say you know uh like to the point of starting a niche i feel like what's cool about that is right away if you have a niche it's um there's a conversation that already stimulates because the people who are into that niche are like [ __ ] no one talks about this i punish all my friends with this [ __ ] now i can just punish this comment section and it's like we can punish each other yeah it's just called you should have called it the punishers yeah the punishers uh we're here to talk about all this [ __ ] that is wildly annoying to everybody else um but yeah it's uh yeah that's such a [ __ ] great point yeah if you want to start a podcast hit a niche man um yeah because if it to your point about word of mouth that [ __ ] will spread like [ __ ] wildfire within that community because if you're like one of the only people really hitting on a certain topic you know you're naturally like if you're into a niche you're naturally going to find like-minded people and you're just going to say yo you have to listen to this because it's the only [ __ ] you know source of whatever discussion for this thing we're into so damn you know what i wish i wish that she had said the title of the podcast so we could shout it out yeah yeah [ __ ] that would have been great yeah we're doing cool um give up give buddy a little boost if anyone knows what it is yeah let's see let's see man we'll uh we'll uh we'll check you out bro one of the comments one of the comments says it's totally up to an individual what they do with their life whether it's perceived right or wrong this person seems concerned that they're no longer going to be able to sponge off his parents ooh i mean who lets their other half's parents keep you be your own person i mean that's kind of true but it's like it's also when you're 22 and you're an intern like you have to start somewhere yeah yeah sometimes that's the especially now during covet and everything where she can't go home yeah and she's stuck in this big city yeah it's like it's like if you got a good deal like that where it's an agreement between your you and the significant other that yeah my parents are gonna pay our rent for a little while we're gonna freeload off them for a little bit and then all of a sudden i was in jeopardy in the middle of this time where you could like bro you know lose your job and whatever i i kind of understand but at the same time yeah no to me that's a full-out bait and switch oh yeah move all the way out here it's fine you'll be covered yeah you can get that job and you [ __ ] you take that job on that premise and now buddy's like hey you know what i'm gonna switch it up on you uh and if you get mad about it you're a gold digger like what [ __ ] you man i moved out here yeah because you were like we're going to build this life and put this [ __ ] on me yeah and now it's actually i just want a podcast with my bros yeah their podcast is about their soccer club not only matches but transfer rumors finances history etc thanks for your advice it's honestly not just about the unstable living situation but also that he would give up a solid future and bet on a wild card okay about their soccer club maybe that's too niche or or like a song no no no no we're talking like they're like the the one that they're a fan of and yeah actually i think that's a bit yeah that might be a bit too general it's like yeah well any anyone can start a uh especially like a big organization like that if you choose like a smaller one i think yeah maybe but i don't know i don't know [ __ ] about soccer so i can't speak to that but this is a this is actually a really this probably might be the most this is this one is super polarizing i think yeah in a weird way right but i think it hits on a super modern thing which is like i think a lot of people don't want to work um i guess a traditional corporate job and they then they see like the freedom and content creation as a as a job uh so of course it's natural to like you know want to go with something a bit more free-flowing but um it's funny to think that you know 15 years ago if you would have said you know the two most poppin forms of content in 15 years are gonna be video games and podcasts oh people be like what the [ __ ] are you talking about everyone would have told you to get [ __ ] yeah dude there's a rock star literal podcast rockstar his name is joe rogan he makes hundreds of millions of dollars because he's so in demand and he just talks for an hour people be like what the f what are you talking about and he has higher engagement than a lot of television literally he does insane yeah his podcast actually does better than films yeah you know something i read that's interesting and i'm not even trying to contribute to some [ __ ] weird red scare [ __ ] but what um there's an article about how hollywood is now afraid to um present china specifically as a villain in any film uh because it's such like a needle mover for them and it like supports you know because kids you know young people don't really watch movies like that and i guess like foreign sales of films is like a big deal still and it's like it's a big account for hollywood whereas like back in the day you know whether it was russia or china or whoever like a foreign villain was like a common trope but now hollywood spends a lot of money changing like if a if a villain has like chinese you know flat like insignia or like a flag like they spend money to vfx that [ __ ] out or change it um just because they're afraid of not being able to sell films over there it was just wild to me just given that and the whole situation with tick tock being sold and all that yeah it's just crazy how much influence china like china has on media at this point in time yeah that's that's really interesting hey everybody we just quickly want to thank none other than me undies uh a classic a classic a classic classic i'm rocking them right [ __ ] now you know this me undies wants to talk about your underwear like seriously they have a lot of feelings about it and they want to chat with anyone who will listen so here it goes me undies just wants everyone to feel comfy as heck with the freedom to express themselves that's why they make the world's softest undies and classic colors and fun prints like dinos and surfboards whatever you put on every day they want you to be comfortable being you little dinosaur boy i'm i'm the surfboard one that piques my interest yeah i'll rock some surfboards on the junk yeah for sure you gotta you gotta you wanna tell them any more about your me undies collection i gotta tell you i got i got a bunch of prints i mean they send them all the time and so my drawer is full of them and i wear them every day now and they're they're zero complaints they're fantastic all right they're serious about softness no like so serious that they scoured the world for the softest fabric known to man it all starts with sustainably sourced beechwood trees that magically turn from pulp to yarn to undies undies that kind of feel like heaven on your skin um for comfort from the outside literally too in yeah so keep your undie drawer stocked with meat undies with a me undies membership subscription that sends new pairs right to your door plus get site-wide savings and exclusive sales me undies has a great offer for listeners right now any first-time purchasers you will get 15 off and free shipping that's it's a no-brainer especially because they have 100 satisfaction guarantee so uh to get your picture yeah send off your first order 15 off your first order free shipping and a 100 satisfaction guarantee go to meundies.com tmg that's me dot com slash slash tmg yeah it's also very interesting we were talking last time about the potential like you know propaganda or whatever on tick tock and then literally like three days later trump himself was like yeah we're banning it we're banning tick tock i was like it's it's just hilarious to even hear trump say the words tick tick tock i know i can't wait for microsoft to buy it and ruin it yeah so funny i saw that tweet from that from what's his name aaron whatever he said i can't wait for tick tock enterprise edition oh yeah oh yeah they're gonna build some [ __ ] weird feature of like like hooking in like like uh i don't know [ __ ] captioning and like and and subtitles through like word like if you download word on your windows phone you can you can set up auto captioning like this it's just tick tock corporate it's just going to be all like just water cooler jokes yeah just go oh my god chilling at the water cooler to like [ __ ] brand new lamborghini like a cop car it getting water at the water cooler sync your tick tock account with your xbox and make [ __ ] tick tocks with your xbox connect trace the dances with your xbox connect yeah just shoehorning all the stupid tech that no one has adopted dude they're gonna [ __ ] try to sell all the xbox connect dev kits that they couldn't sell [ __ ] five years ago yeah you ever get one of those i did one of those because i wanted to [ __ ] around with like uh like motion tracking [ __ ] but i just i just gave up on it a connect yeah i never tried it i never had it it could have been cool i actually thought what was that definitely could have been cool well yeah i mean i feel like they're kind of getting into it now but i always thought specifically with mma and i promise i'm going to talk about mma but i thought like if there was some betting company because you know betting organizations like i don't know the only one that comes to mind is like [ __ ] full tilt but or like some uk sports betting company like they have they make [ __ ] loads of money so i thought it'd be dope if one of them deved out like um some type of motion tracking for like mma and if they could provide like crazy [ __ ] stats uh for fighters like like average speed of punch like um and like even like break down the data like on their combos and stuff and and like basically turn mma into like like horse racing betting where they have like tons of information and to speculate on i felt like that could have been just a [ __ ] million dollar thing like just yeah because sports betting guys i feel like they don't necessarily always care about the sport but if they're given data to understand it i feel that they'll get into it because of you know just because they can feel like they can study it but you know i could be totally wrong about that and no one could give a [ __ ] but that's a good idea thanks dude yeah someone out there go do that someone go do that [ __ ] let us know when you finish [Laughter] now you can tick-tock right from your microsoft surface learn the dance with your microsoft surface pop those shoulders more power point now built right into tick tock create a multi-frame tick tock in powerpoint export it and upload it to tick-tock people like they put wart word art yeah remember [ __ ] early 2000's word art all the captions in tiktok are now like blue shiny block letters that would be kind of tight actually it would be a pretty dope aesthetic yeah so funny yeah bro um yeah i can't wait i wonder if this [ __ ] is even gonna stick which this whole you know microsoft buying them and all that i i don't know i mean trump made it very clear 15th of september unless unless a u.s which is also such a weird demand unless a very american company which first of all what the [ __ ] is that tick tock they're shutting it down [ __ ] it dude very american like some [ __ ] it's like chevy has to buy it yeah it's like like american [ __ ] or like goya or whatever that was like what so it's got to be american dude so then it can be american propaganda huh yeah just the other side dude um oh that was gonna say we got some danny bolzarian updates oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go ahead read that quote that [ __ ] is like this is the most 16 year old response to this [ __ ] dude i love it yeah so we chatted about him was that last episode or the one before i think it was like the one before let me last episode and uh about how he's like embezzling money from his company and all this stuff he tweeted some journalists said ignite was funding my life [ __ ] i've been going hard for 10 years and been famous for going hard for seven i started ignite two years ago raised around 100 mil and i own the majority of the company suck my dick the first step first reply is you oh is it really no way no way what someone just tagged you no way oh i thought you meant like the vine on oh no no no no just i'm just i'm tagging you what's this thing dan bilzerian yeah that's a really funny sentence [ __ ] i've been going hard for 10 years and been famous for going hard for seven dude famous for going hard is like that's a that's a pretty dope mixtape like that's a pretty dope mixtape name i must say in you know 2008 famous for going hard famous for going hard yeah yeah yeah i'm famous for being hard [Laughter] like famous for my erections the hard-ass one yeah my hard boner my bone dog dude what like you ever think he goes man remember remember the remember the three years remember those three beautiful blissful years where we were going hard but we weren't famous for it yet famous for it yet man you could just go hard without ending up in the [ __ ] tabloids you know but now we're famous for it has changed the way we go hard we can't go hard as sincerely anymore now we just you know the fame [ __ ] up the hard fame [ __ ] with your heart man once you go fame you can't go hard yeah you know they say mole's gonna dig burr's gonna flat bro it's just that's just how it goes yep what was that joke again i don't even remember bull's gonna dig and i was like burr's gonna fly moles finn and dig or like i don't know fame [ __ ] with your heart bro that's all i can say dude yeah you know so don't let the fame get to your heart don't let the fame [ __ ] up your hardness you can still go hard regardless of how famous you are yeah you just need to not let the fame get in the way of how hard you go how hard you get how hard just just how hard you can get every time you go you need to let the people know just how hard you can get dude just some some dude listen to this he's like hell yeah he comes out to a [ __ ] bar it's like social distance like [ __ ] he brings all his friends in and they're like oh you can't do that he's like no listen man you make my friend stand outside this is a [ __ ] violation of my heart you're violating my capacity my hard capacity you do this you [ __ ] with my hard dog and i'm not gonna let it happen this is america dude this is the 420th amendment is the freedom to go [ __ ] hard dude now pour my boy some [ __ ] well liquor and let's [ __ ] go yeah yeah then we talk whiskey gingers when's the last time you drank man me yeah the last time i drank yeah just curious two hours ago like right now no i'm kidding i drank on saturday where i had a few sudsy pops man yeah a couple cold ones and um what did i drink some white claws i think what about you you haven't drank for a while i mean you know me i never do i've been debating it because i just you know cut the weed out so how you been feeling honestly a lot better man all the [ __ ] i would complain about was completely self-induced i get up at like 7 30 eight no problem i fall asleep on time my sleep is solid yeah trigger my sleep apnea yeah yeah i mean it's isn't that amazing yeah it's weird it's like you don't give up substance it's like you know it [ __ ] you up you know and then as soon as you cut it out like you know i went two weeks without drinking on a weekday right because sometimes i'll have a beer before bed and then and then my sleep's shitty and i know it's the [ __ ] beer yeah i know you know i wake up in the middle of night my body's processing the sugar the alcohol and i can feel it i can feel it's [ __ ] me up and i knew it and so i went two weeks without and i slept great all week it felt [ __ ] amazing come on weekend i felt amazing and then last week you know i i started having beers again before bed and i just went right back to what i felt like before i was depressed wasn't sleeping this week it's been fine again you know and it's like i know it [ __ ] me up i know it does but you yeah i know i i feel you i i uh i [ __ ] i'm i'm i didn't think it was possible to like fiend for weed but i i've never wanted to be high so bad well that's the thing is when you don't when you when you when you have a vice and you get rid of it the first week is like you're you're still high on the fact that you're you you didn't you're not doing it right and you're like you feel great this is awesome and then all of a sudden you get over that hump and you're like you're like your body's like okay now i just haven't been feeling good for a while let's feel really good yes feel like oh yeah you're feeling really good let's feel even better yeah dude we're good at like that's how binging works that's literally how it works man i i mean you saying that just makes me think like how shitty we were treating ourselves on tour oh my god yeah oh my god dude i like i man i didn't think i developed a gut but yeah coming back like like looking at myself after the whole year and looking at this like thing that was living on the bottom of my body i'm like where did this come from i know dude i i go back and look at pictures of me and i was just pale [ __ ] skin was bad and you know and then come back spend two months here i'm going outside every day i'm getting sun i just look healthier you know you can just see it i'm like oh my god what was i doing back then i was eating poison bro every everyone thinks post was on drugs and [ __ ] during his tour no i mean he's just on tour torre is a drunk yeah torah is so funny man it just it the the fact that we would get off it's like you know it's like that [ __ ] we get off work and we're like all right let's get [ __ ] let's [ __ ] it up it's just [ __ ] yeah does that have oil in it i want to eat it all right we're done time to go [ __ ] hard and get famous for it time to go hard like we're famous for it the bartender's like hey man you've like had like three baskets of onion rings are you sure you wanna hey do you know who i am you know the [ __ ] i am dude you know what they're coming back famous for this [ __ ] this is how i got to where i am dude do you want fame you want fame right you know what's even better than fame fame from being hard that's the new that's the new phrase anytime anyone's going out you're boy you're going out with your boys whatever you got to say we got to go hard tonight like we're famous for it yeah and was like oh oh [ __ ] goes crazy danny b style tonight boys we're going hard like we're famous for it oh some more some wolf of wall street type [ __ ] speech yeah my [ __ ] living ah yeah i wanna dude this is crazy this kid that got arrested the 17 year old oh yeah for hacking twitter yeah i don't really want to talk [ __ ] about him because he like he has friends and like clearly they have capabilities so you know i'm going to just say what he did was very bold yeah i mean i just crazy that he was 17. yeah that part is actually wild let me let me i mean it's crazy because the they're trying him i think they're going to try him on the basis that he could have had like worldwide lasting economical effects happen because of this attack oh you know oh my god so either work for the nsa or go to prison for [ __ ] 30 years yeah i mean i guess because he really could have changed the world you know he had [ __ ] obama's twitter account that is so wild dude i mean elon musk's he could have made the markets tank for a day he could have lost people billions of dollars and it's very true i mean bro he he looks like man man he looks evil man yeah there's a little smurf just dude i would not [ __ ] with this kid wild bro 17 years old how do you even get into hacking when you're set like how do you what disc order what discords are you in you know i mean i want to see the hacker discords you play minecraft long enough dude you meet some people yeah yeah dude bro i've been i played playing counter strike i meant like some [ __ ] i told i told this story this dude [ __ ] uh call them like green or like green 69. we were uh we were playing some scrim and these these dudes were talking [ __ ] to him he's like all right watch this and he [ __ ] like hacked their server and he like took it away from them like changed like their admin password and he was like in their irc channel being like [ __ ] you like you want your server back kiss my ass what like how do you even get into it though i do well so what's the first forum you land on just by accident and you're like well this seems kind of cool and then how do you what 17 years old how do you know that much about like machine code and like that part is crazy i i know at least in uh back in the day there was a forum called mygot myg0t and they were like uh they they i would imagine that's how you get into it as a kid because i assume that's still a thing like hackers make like like clans or like groups on games and like i would imag maybe not but i'd imagine that's that's how like they kind of tout the ability to hack the game and the game is irrelevant to them because they [ __ ] they can do whatever they want yeah um all right i remember we played a game and this dude came in with a my god tag and we were like ah no way dude um he was playing with us and then he changed his name from the my god thing we're like oh are you in he's like nah nah it's a joke and then on irc you could used to be able to check if people were idling channels okay he he was uh he was what they call opt like he was given like admin access in in the mygot channel and we were like yo what the [ __ ] this dude is a my god i remember we were like freaking the [ __ ] out that we were like just like this [ __ ] hacker hacker and he could have just hacked your your guys's [ __ ] i mean maybe he could have just been like a 30 year old dude with like a script and like like we didn't know his proficiency but yeah but i'm just saying i say all that to say i feel like that's how maybe now you would get into it as a kid like you're 14 and you're playing with some dudes who are older than you they're like yeah bro like you want a [ __ ] hack it's like some weird gang [ __ ] yeah yeah dude we got to jump you in on minecraft you got to build a [ __ ] beautiful ass city minimum 20 000 hours and we gotta [ __ ] it up he's like no sorry man that's the price and if you don't cry during the whole thing you're in just like what's your what's your favorite minecraft thing that you've built oh man i built the death star dude i love it so much we're gonna [ __ ] up bonsai buddy plays yeah i love the death star i built the test store i love the death star we're going to [ __ ] zuckerberg what's your favorite thing you've built i built this really cool interconnected network with with uh communication abilities and yeah cool bro it's gonna disappear tonight if you want to join join the hacker squad yo look that [ __ ] up dude there's like this well-known [ __ ] animation of a kid like downloading scripts from my god and then it just ends up like frying his computer oh no i'll play like the first 10 seconds of it yeah uh maybe we should also finish with a um a fibonacci oh oh no bisenachi bizanachi sorry bro maybe we should finish with a with a fibonacci number dog this [ __ ] was like on new grounds look at let me let me screen share this [ __ ] maybe today can poon enough noobs bro this is like straight up flash animation [ __ ] um bonsai watch stream yeah watch stream there we go oh you're streaming to me oh my god i love the map dust i've been pulling so many noobs on it maybe today i'll prune enough noobs that can raise my rank in the server from three to one hey what the [ __ ] is this this is like guys let's move out so i'm just like i'ma just talk it over but it's basically like a flash animation just recreating like you know some kid playing counter-strike he's like super proud of his accomplishments in just like a single server okay and so this is him like setting up to camp you know and then uh he's gonna get clapped real quick and so the story is that he gets so pissed that he gets clapped that he uh uh he goes to the my god forums and he downloads hacks and then he just ends up frying his computer oh no so this is him again [Laughter] yeah this is like some deep cut [ __ ] that is some deep cut [ __ ] yeah it's like i don't even i'm pretending like i get this but nah this is like some weird cult animation shade after 13 years this thing only has 256 thousand views wow that's a deep cut right deep cut bro yeah aged myself but anyway uh will you say you want to end it on um what did i say i wanted to end it on we can end it on that video the video that i sent what's your name sir oh yeah yeah oh my oh my god bro oh my god it's [ __ ] okay here we go someone here this guy is hugging private property if i put my hands on him you gotta be going to jail no way you're wrong you're on camera too i'm not gonna put my hands on you but why do you keep talking to me sir i asked you to leave me alone you come out here being disrespectful all right being disrespectful you're at a funeral home all right we understand you should've you should have just said who the truck when you come out here getting all people's faces like we won't knock you the [ __ ] out hey shut up man state your name what's your name now you won't walk off what's your name what's your name sir my name is these please what sir these nuts i've never seen i mean that one when you got me that was good but this i feel like this takes this takes first place i've never seen one that good before he like can't believe it he can't believe it he can't believe he got him he's just these these what sir the confidence these what [Music] these what dude don't [ __ ] with delivery drivers man i do i don't think people understand the world does not give a [ __ ] about delivery drivers but they everyone wants them to do their job it's like i know this [ __ ] this is like some weird goofy thing where he has to put the truck somewhere and he doesn't know where the [ __ ] to put it this guy comes like you're on private property right right right there it's like bro shut the [ __ ] up i'll be out of here in 10 minutes and then you get this what's your name sir my name is these please what sir these nuts what did the white guy say he's like ah good one a good one bro you know you oh my god dude these what he's what he's not i gotta hear it one more time dude he's like in his [ __ ] face i know the chin to shoulder these what my name is deez what's your name sir my name is these ones these nuts all right dude i gotta i gotta piss my ass off [Laughter] all right guys you in the bone zone guys tmgpod.com pick up some merch that broke [ __ ] hoodie that i showed that's also in black it's super dope and there's just a bunch of dope [ __ ] so tmgpod.com yeah uh for all for all the um people out there that want to support the one percent boys yeah how are you all right all right see you soon
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 519,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vuszF9focao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 13sec (4333 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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