Episode 185 - First TikToker in Space

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guys welcome back to the podcast we have a guest today actually it's a very special day first time we've ever had a guest on the ship come visit us so we're super stoked and uh so this is in in honor of the hype house's new netflix show which you might have heard of today we have uh someone from the hype house joining us and that is brylan anus joining us brielinus come on in oh what up bro what's up brylan how you doing man that was [ __ ] rough dude what was just the whole like up oh yeah coming up here yeah yeah it's definitely it's definitely a trip yeah it's definitely a trip yeah that's that's what i'm saying yeah yeah crazy yeah so how you doing man thanks for joining us oh bro i'm great congrats on the show by the way thank you say i was like what the [ __ ] who even watches netflix anymore tripped me out i mean i do yeah like you like my mom right everything's on youtube dude oh okay i see and tick tock or everything [ __ ] with tick tock yeah i go on there occasionally okay you might have seen me then yeah yeah i know i definitely know of you but yeah netflix is super chill so the one question i have about the netflix show is what like between you guys filming tick tocks and stuff what else do you do ah dude it's like it's going to be so lit like so popping like we just like we're just always chilling just almost just [ __ ] chilling oh we chill like all so much like sometimes i chill at briston's house sometimes i'm at um you know taelynn's house it's just like so much chilling like there's so much that goes on but what do you guys do what do you talk about when you're chilling oh [ __ ] you know like anything like [ __ ] put can i cuss go ahead yeah you do talk like [ __ ] fighting dude fighting's like a big one okay yeah i got a huge fight coming up do you massive bro nice against who um ah forget the kid's name he makes like workout videos or something okay yeah he works out a lot yeah okay so like i definitely had to work out a lot for this fight yeah okay so you've been training oh yeah tons of pod work pod work pod work yeah what's that it's like when your coach holds up like pods and like you hit them oh pads oh oh oh gotcha yeah okay cool cool yeah oh dude it's so sick cause like my parents were like you have to go to college and i'm like no that's shit's so lame dude like i could understand if you guys got in like a big school you know like harvard or something like they [ __ ] party but like i'm not gonna pay to party dude i can get [ __ ] like anywhere right that's what college is for yeah let's see yeah right um so what you guys eat do you guys go out to eat yeah we chill hold on [ __ ] what's the menu hello no [ __ ] way dude hold on just taking call saddle rant oh yeah all right i'm on my way yeah i'm on the way okay bye late late bye bro i gotta go what my boys are going to saddle ranch i thought you were going to be here for the hell no hollywood fix guy is there and he's like talking mad [ __ ] so i got to handle it i'll see you bro this was chill though okay so big chungus has a new song [Laughter] [Music] what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode of ad free and an extra bonus episode you can find that right now on our patreon patreon.com [Music] you're not a stoner goodbye the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army [Music] [Music] your seatbelt and get ready for debate hello everyone welcome back i'm glad you're back dude i'm glad you're back you should have seen who was in your seat before it was yeah no i caught him on the way up anus yeah is his name yeah i think it's annis anis oh why was it spelled like anus hey that's a good question i know his friends call him anus so yeah but it was nice chatting with him and he um he left apparently yeah um but uh so yeah he's doing great and all you know best of luck with the netflix show i'm sure it's gonna be yeah he seemed heated on his way out yeah i think the hollywood fix guy was talking some more [ __ ] yeah he was he he was like dude let him know like don't ever talk about my [ __ ] girl or my jab like that like right like i'm on my way i'm gonna [ __ ] like i was like whoa it can't be that serious yeah dude he didn't talk to me he didn't talk to you you saw him on the way yeah you were beaming and he was beaming down no like i had just finished i'm like cleaning off i was like what's up bro and he just like just finished what like the beam oh the beam you know like that little after moment where it's like you like it's like all your molecules come together yeah it's kind of like vibrating for a second you just can't say i just finished and i was cleaning off and then do this oh yeah sorry yeah now i was finishing beaming guys okay that's not a it's not a euphemism for anything all right beaming is a whole different context up here but yeah and so he just like he dipped and i'm like you [ __ ] [ __ ] like i'm co-owner of this uvo and he sat in your chair too i think he's gonna sit in the guest chair which is right there by the way kind of bold right yeah anyway we do have some other guests today we do yeah thank you we we want to give a big special shout out to these guests because they have been um patiently waiting for this moment they've put in some big patreon support donations and it's finally time that we feature them the way the way we intended so everybody thank you for that if you're listening on audio um this is a sequence that you really can't hear yeah or comprehend yeah so uh go to the youtube video i guess or we're thanking the people on patreon that donated what a thousand bucks or something like yeah he's the highest tier for at least a month yeah and it's three people he's one of these people put one grand so yes that money was put into the ship so thank you and if you don't know we do bonus episodes every single week on patreon.comgang um so there's a little plug and also we want to say that we have a brand new song out yeah yeah if you're if you're here and you don't know we got a new song out it's called daddy yeah yeah or if you're listening to this thursday night then it comes out tomorrow no yes no it'll come out tonight it's out the video comes out on friday yes yes correct correct the song's out yeah the video will be out on friday yeah and then so we're not gonna we'll we'll talk more about it next week but uh for now we'll just say just listen to it yeah and enjoy it yeah just based i think we could hype it up a little bit and say you know a long time ago we joked about doing a song that was all dad jokes this is kind of like a a little it's a version of that that's where the idea started and then it became what it became yeah and and we're very proud of it and i think that uh quinn also queen 92 is on the course of the songs if you like him he absolutely smashed it out of the park yeah um i think you know we we you know some some of you have said that you felt like some of our music felt like it was getting too serious so i had to remind you we don't take ourselves seriously yeah exactly we are small bald losers every day we wake up and we got ketchup all over our small decks yeah all over our little tindy [ __ ] so i can't really call it a [ __ ] because it's so small so you know it's more of a wiener yeah barely yeah it's a small little uh sauce like a breakfast sausage yeah yeah it's something you can definitely pee with right but that's it that's about it that's all it does you can only pee with it right yeah so but yeah you know we just had to remind you all that we were small ball losers at heart and so daddy is you know it's just a it's a fun comedic joint it is we got jokes still believe it or not we do um easily uh yeah we should talk about it more next week but i did want to kind of hype up the video and say that's the most lax set you've ever had i think it was pretty relaxed like you know even super zan was [ __ ] stressful yeah yeah man can i tangent for a second and say you know we did all of superzan for thirty hundred 500 really we pulled so many favors for that video that's nuts yeah yeah and the amount of different shots we had in that video and the amount of like different [ __ ] that happened crazy the grandma like everything the professional grandma yeah uh really quickly you know i do want to give a a big thanks to nema he was great on this obviously the whole crew i do want to say thank you to elena as well because she pulled some strings and got us a super fire colorist yeah dude named matt osborne so matt if you somehow see this thank you so much for coloring our video i was deathly afraid that when we gave him the footage he was going to be like i'm sorry guys i color literal movies yeah well and he's english so our color literal movies [Laughter] yeah sorry what was his name sorry matt that's not that doesn't that's not you that's my bad impression of a british person yeah so we joined sorry we joined like this virtual color session and he um he was like oh pleasure to meet you i i quite like the song actually it's a lot of fun i i need to know these lyrics i really connect with this i'm like oh yes we nailed it yes so you know we got a cosign from matt osborne so i think that is worth mentioning to that matt i say thank you yeah um and then again um i just want to give big thanks to alina's six-year career in advertising to bring us that it's a yeah we can talk about that more next week okay yeah yeah yeah watch the video first that's all we'll give you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh we're gonna talk more about it next week and what the set was like and yeah the makeup was like and everything oh yeah um because that's a whole different story yeah hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode skylight frames are you looking for the perfect gift for mom for another or for another loved one listen it's it's very hard 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took all of our podcast episodes like our voice fed them into like a nlp engine or whatever like an ai engine and just recreated us yes and like uh what's the word sin simulated simulated i guess yeah simulated what we would sound like like actual or actual audio basically it's an audio podcast ai generated that's totally like falsified simulated i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm saying did you send that to the thread because i have it here uh i think i did i'm not sure i could um i could uh i could punch this through here i'll i'll send it to her it's crazy that like we can get you know imessage and stuff working up here it said starlink yeah yeah it is at starlink that's to elon for that one we need to we need to find like we need to go somewhere and figure out the like um we got to find like the intergalactic like att store yeah we got to get on their wave because like sticking like with earth stuff is cool but we need you know like what are you know what like the what's like the [ __ ] whatsapp for the galaxy you know i see what you're saying yeah what's the clubhouse for interstellar like could we join an alien clubhouse room and we're gonna get that at the at t store well i mean not 18 t but you know there's got to be like an intergalactic like cell phone store yeah yeah right you know could you imagine we walk in there there's an alien but he's got a [ __ ] fade and he's running a polo yeah yeah he's listening to like [ __ ] you know just like dominican music oh yeah we're like oh [ __ ] a little bit little slice of home and you know i should be and be sick it would be pretty sick so we got to find that so we can like you know text what's the galaxy whatsapp he's like it's just still what's that yeah what's up yeah telegram actually you guys don't know that zuck is a oh oh yeah about that but that dude's been alive for like literally 30 000 years he's been around dude like you guys think he was like some teenager no like he like crawled in that woman's stomach birthed as a baby and like he's been made facebook yeah yeah like intergalactically he made that on earth one yeah and then he wait you don't know oh you also don't you're you guys are earth too you didn't know that oh damn [ __ ] yeah you guys have happened already yeah and it didn't end well the first time let me tell you that yeah so mark was like [ __ ] it i'll just you know buy the dip write it back up i mean that dude like guys he's he's billionaire beyond literal worlds that you can imagine yeah you guys thought oil money was a lot no you don't know about intergalactic facebook money anyway let's see this you gotta fast forward to the point where it actually happens though what's this dude's name because the rest of the video is him yeah what's his name scroll down for a second um so we can thank this man it i can't say i'm just out as youtube z-i-e-d-y-t there you go let's check him out apparently he's from germany so i love by the way while you while you find the time code for when this kicks off i had a programmer moment this weekend and i felt like it just felt good felt as though i still had it what did you do so you wrote code no so i was setting some [ __ ] up for twitch and streamlabs kept having this error and i um siva couldn't really put it together and i said oh you know what it is i bet it's because the space and the folder i bet you uh like the obs is using like some weird javascript thing and i bet you can't parse out like the percent 20. and so i replace the spaces with underscores works like a charm no way yeah i love that i love those little like moments where you're like it wasn't a complete [ __ ] waste yeah you know like i did do you remember the video i did for a million subs i'm pretty sure where i animated social blade like yeah yeah dropping like that that was all javascript that i had to go in the in like the console and chrome just [ __ ] with the javascript yeah i wrote my own like little script and then ran it when i needed to fill my screen and i was like i would never be able to do this if i didn't have a four year college education yeah you're like [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's all worth it baby i mean i guess you know i guess anus wasn't wrong yeah like everything is kind of for youtube like youtube is where it happens i guess so yeah yeah all right let's let's see this hold on i did i did a business insider interview they asked me about like my history it was all about like engineering to content creation yeah and so it was like 30 minutes of her just like asking me questions about my engineering history and like it actually made me giddy nice to be honest i was like no one ever no one ever asked me about this you already hear first journalists the way to cody's heart is asking him about his engineering backgrounds she's like so what language is you oh swift javascript you name it no js it was awesome could you tell us how to put a table view inside oh yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] what's the uh speed what's the sort time of a red black tree [ __ ] talking my language bro what are you doing later all right all right let's hear this [ __ ] sync them with either images or video here's an example of it but it said to use video for the complete project instead of still image so we won't have this still image just staring at you staring into your soul just looking deep okay now we have the final project welcome to the tmg podcast this is the sunday episode enjoy this one [Music] this time holy [ __ ] that's so good on so many levels [Laughter] it's got all my key phrases man had to do it sorry man hey dude look there is a horse over there oh come on man stop also i love that we sound like robots it totally matches [ __ ] [ __ ] vibe a little bit you know we kind of sound like candace a little bit yeah yeah we do we get she like she's learning how to you know warm up to the show she is she doesn't like really speak yet but don't worry guys her ai is still learning she's listening to us speak and soon she'll have she'll know how to speak better than us basically yeah that's where we want to get it to where she's just her own living breathing thing but that's the beauty of ai is that that's slowly happening yeah without us even trying yes and then soon she'll have no need for us and she'll dispose of us well no we hopefully we can make an agreement she won't take the ship from us hopefully yeah remember we could just walk downstairs and unplug her yeah that's true it's nothing to turn around yeah yeah if anyone's ever scared of a.i or like the future of robotics you just turn them off just know you can just unplug those yeah little [ __ ] yeah dude michael reed sorry are we done talking about this yeah yeah actually we solved the song too the big chungus yeah the big chunk can we play this song we also want to shout out what's his name um it is he's great it is eliminate yeah uh for making he's like a producer and uh he produced a song sampling the the tick tock like sound effects yeah podcasts yeah so can we rip that too [Music] epic chungus moment i think it's right at the end oh perfect epic moment stop it's so weird having the we could just we just have the music every time you pan to me i'm like be natural [Applause] that background bruh download promo [Music] you code the promo code [Music] [Applause] that was great man isn't that good yeah so [ __ ] good man bro we're gonna have to like eliminate we're going to work something out we have to use that to promote merch or something i think we gotta do man i think we gotta buy from you yeah we just gotta license it and oh yeah we can get right to this in a second yeah um i'm just picturing like like some tim and eric type cut where someone's like in the merch like throwing up and then the puke is just just right at the edge when you're down like yeah it's a little diarrhea coming out anyways yeah um i was gonna i was gonna say michael reeves the robot dog pissing beer yeah yeah yeah i don't think we ever talked about that but that's literally like one of the best so good man i tweeted i just tweeted because i just wanted to show him love and you said i love you i said i love you yeah and first of all he didn't [ __ ] acknowledge it at all and we're pretty we follow each other i mean he must have seen it right i don't know i think he he ghosted us about the podcast you feel like he hates us i think he kind of hates us you know what we did but anyways i love him i don't care because i love him and so i tweeted his video i said hey this is the best video i've ever seen and the ceo of salesforce retweeted it and then followed me nice so we're going to get a discount on on salesforce exactly uh are you stoked i am kind of because we're going to need salesforce to build our team of engineers to eventually you know create this podcast fully simulated right yeah yeah oh to do that full-time yeah yeah yeah yeah right yeah we're gonna need a full team of engineers to run the podcast so that it's no longer us in the chair yeah and it's just you know two holograms it's just like it's making horse jokes what do you what is that google like image just an hour hey dude there's a horse over there dude stop doing that now there's a horse over there not again had to do it sorry to do it i had to do it sorry who is liz luke guy i don't know there's a horse over there what where dude stop bro um luke is a horse what horse guy luke they're over not it starts bugging out yeah it's reversed luke is a walkie slush horse joe oh here we go now my brain's going to start going luke is a rocky slush bruh whoa kenny that's a new one record scratch nice that was good that was good right right camera where that came from hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode story worth if there's ever been a year to make the moms in your life feel loved and appreciated on mother's day it's this one i know for me personally i i couldn't go home for christmas and i haven't seen my parents for a long long time wow and so um that's why i'm honoring my mom this year with a heartfelt sentimental gift the whole family can cherish together forever and that's story worth story worth is an online service that helps your mom grandmother and mother-in-law and every mother figure in your life share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts it's a fun and new way to engage with them especially if you can't be together in person every week story worth emails your mom a different story prompt questions you never thought to ask like what is some of the best advice your mother ever gave you and if you could choose any talents to have what would they be personally i like to mock personally me i like to ask my mom you know you don't have any talents so what talents would you choose if you could have at least one that's a nice question yeah to ask your mother there's no shortage of surprises when reading the weekly stories and they make your family feel close even if you're not together after one year story worth will compile all your mom's stories including photos into a beautiful keepsake book that's shipped for free give your mom the most meaningful gift this mother's day with story worth get started right away with no shipping required by going to storyworth.com tmg you'll get ten dollars off your first purchase at storyworth.com tmg for ten dollars off i was actually looking at um what is it gpt3 just came out yeah do we talk about that at all i maybe we did came out a while ago i was like well six months ago i think yeah so um longer no there's like a new gpt that's out okay and it's kind of insane but it prompted me to look at um this ai thing big dream you've seen that [ __ ] where it can like produce these like really [ __ ] up images you basically give it a bunch of information it will kind of like stitch images together okay and i got like really curious about it until i realized how technical it can be so i gave up but that [ __ ] is like i think i think some dude kind of made like a music video out of big dream stuff it was really [ __ ] dope but that stuff to me was like is crazy just thinking about imagine a director or someone using gbt and and speaking to it and going um all right i need like a rough concept for a video i want like this and that and this and that and then just some like director tool that outputs a rough dreamlike version you can do that probably yeah you definitely could but i just you know imagining something like that fully puts characters together and i'm thinking something that's really detailed that will be insane if you can just do that for a [ __ ] instead of like going to like scout locations and stuff you're like that's what i want yeah and then a producer goes oh okay yeah i'll find a location that does that and i don't know i don't think it's that far off honestly no i think the five samples i've seen from gbt3 of people like that just feed it in a couple parameters and then it builds an entire story out of it yeah is crazy it doesn't really make all that much sense but no it's only a matter of time before that [ __ ] just pumps out an actual script yeah well do the dude from silicon valley uh i always get his name right he does the verizon commercials oh yeah thomas middleditch yeah he did a short film where it was all ai driven script it makes no sense but yeah it's on it's on youtube it's like it's hilarious it's really cool yeah i thought of like right when gbt3 came out i'll be like it'd be hilarious yeah this is the video i i don't want to say i had this idea but like obviously he this guy's thomas he's great yeah when it first came out i was like it would be hilarious for me to download it and figure out or just have it give me youtube video ideas yeah and then i was like i just i tried it i went on the github i was like i don't even know where to start it's that part the learning curve for ai and specifically gpt3 stuff is pretty intense look that's why his hair is gray because he read the docs one time yeah you remember how young tom scott used to look like a year ago he read those gbt3 docs and he's like i'm tom scott you may remember me from earlier youtube videos when my hair was prone and i'm completely grayed from the gpt3 talks and i'm not sure i could finish the project because i might die that's a good impression of him thanks dude yeah is this video good did anyone watch it yeah and is it funny yeah that is scary that's do you have a mic do you no okay so he said he said that uh he had gpt3 make youtube titles for other youtube youtubers and one of the youtubers was already working on that same idea that gbt3 gave them that's [ __ ] creepy that's really creepy i also kind of like that maybe that's just super dope yeah maybe we need to set up gpt3 so i can start racking my brain i already know what mine would be yeah cult uh medical fraud [ __ ] like just some variation of that medical fraud [ __ ] yeah i like the amount of like medical fraud [ __ ] dude wait you installed a fake [ __ ] on my wife you're a fraud yeah that's [ __ ] that's like a cw show in 2050. you put the wrong [ __ ] on my wife that is not how her [ __ ] looked before um doctor you frotted my [ __ ] i uh was like what the [ __ ] was i gonna say oh yeah i was listening to a podcast with an it was an interview from this guy who wrote a book on like the future of robotics and like what you should do right now to save your career basically or to like make sure you're safe and one thing he said was that like folks start a podcast start a podcast exactly yeah and then now that a whole idea is yeah yeah cause that [ __ ] was that little snippet was better than anything we produced in the last year at least yeah we invested in this whole spaceship and just to be shown up by some ai yeah exactly this guy wrote code for two hours and made it better a better 10 seconds too it's like 10 seconds it's not even long yeah people are going to finish this hour of this episode and be like god that and then his whole channel is just going to be requests like can you ai my favorite tv show i hate watching the like like the original one but i think your ai would make it really funny yeah how can i watch the entire series of friends in 10 seconds ross don't put the horse in there joey i eat sandwiches at the end is that a horse sandwich gross we're all white [Laughter] [Music] the super that's the opening line in the ai version of friends we're all white is it a horse in my sandwich i eat sandwiches oh man there's there's this oh man there's this dude what's his name benny drama i think on tick tock hilarious he makes just sketches and super [ __ ] funny videos and he one of his videos was if there was a gay dude in the friends crew oh [ __ ] and he was like i forget what i did but it ended on him saying i think you should peg roz yeah that's the ai we're all white i eat sandwiches you should peg ross there's a horse in the fridge [Laughter] no wait no real quick you sang benny this is an 80d episode you saying benny made me think of that [ __ ] tick tock that benny benny the butcher retweeted oh yeah oh my gosh shout out to this dude joey hip hop i think his name is we can't play it though right because it's not yeah yeah because i think it's explain it so you know if you i assume most people don't listen to benny the butcher but if if you have you know benny's life is just [ __ ] intense and his music is you know it's it's 300 push-ups music yeah like the whole time you do you listen to that music you want to do 300 push-ups or more and so this dude hip-hop puts it on tick-tock and it's just doing tick-tock dances to it like [ __ ] corvette corvette yeah yeah and benny just retweets it with the weirdest emoji he's never used an emoji like that on twitter and the entire time i followed him it's the embarrassed face one and i think benny uses that like pure shock like it's like what the [ __ ] is going on with my music right now it's like i don't wanna i don't wanna make music anymore yeah this is what's gonna happen yeah one of my favorite benny the butcher moments is he tweeted i don't make music for nerds and three programmers replied to him and said i don't know man i listen to your music while i write code so i don't know man i listen to your music while i'm synthesizing my favorite podcast so sorry looks like you do make music for nerds yeah that's what they're trying to say yeah but yeah anyway speaking of 300 push-ups and fighting yeah yeah we're gonna do that one ring through the ship bro i think that was the universe balancing out what happened last week what did happen oh which oh with the guy who fought ksi's little brother yeah okay there you go yeah the guy who fought ksi's little brother you know the universe was like we owe you for this we know 1.5 million of you bought that joke and we're gonna fix it yeah and we're gonna fix it by delivering the best night of fighting i don't even watch it i just watched the replays but holy [ __ ] bro you didn't you i have to say genuinely you missed out and i i didn't even catch the prelims and i i wish i caught the prelims that [ __ ] had me so nostalgic it felt like watching fights like 10 years ago when people weren't as technical and it was just straight brawlers man i strapped into that card like huh that was you know oh yeah yeah by the end of it yeah yeah chris weidman's broken leg did you guys see that oh that actually was disturbing that man so i feel like i have to explain this because i feel most people don't understand that leg break beyond how foul it was yeah do it in like layman's terms like yeah said it to me yeah i'll make it real simple so when chris weidman was coming up he was like on like i think like a 7-0 win streak he's taking dudes out and and people were hyping him up like this is going to be the guy that beats anderson silva anyway who anderson silva anderson silva was the former champion the best of the best oh yeah you're considered the the greatest of all time okay uh what clown people in the ring was just a [ __ ] artist in there anyways chris wyman knocked him out and no one wanted to accept it no wanted to believe it we all knew that anderson was like close to 40 but we don't want to believe that [ __ ] but he touched him and he put him away so he had a rematch because the way anderson got knocked out as he was like [ __ ] around then he got touched so they they set it up again and and fight's going and anderson backs up and he throws a kick he shatters his leg same the shin the shin breaks his shin and you see his leg you see his leg rubber it wraps around chris's leg yeah it's just it wraps around it and then rebounds back and then he goes back to step on it and it bends and it bends and like that and it's a gruesome gift that has haunted me for years and you know what's crazy is in that moment after andy broke his leg chris weidman throws his arms up and he and he runs a circle around the ring okay not saying that that is significant of anything it's just like he like he celebrated i don't think he realized what had happened there right and then he sees it after he goes oh [ __ ] that's horrible yeah so then chris fast forward he's been a bit of a losing streak his career had not shaped out to be the way it started man he was kind of supposed to be the next one right yeah yeah he was you know he was a champion for a short for a couple fights he defended three times and then um then he started to lose a lot and so he was coming into this fight like he's 36 he's going to make a run it's got to be now he's really got to get after it and the first thing he throws is that leg kick and it breaks the exact same way anderson's broke and that is potentially going to sideline his career for who knows how long you know the doctors told him six to 12 months but a lot of people speculate it'll be longer just because that type of injury is [ __ ] awful right so brutal and yeah it's weirdly poetic the fact that it happened it looks the same the side-by-side shots look exactly the same yeah they both went and stepped back on it the same way yeah yeah and it's bizarre it's not i you know it's not poetic and that like chris deserved that or anything like that it's just a strange you know it just feels like events yeah it's just weird like to happen right yeah two sides of the coin yeah like it just and you told me there's only ever been three leg breaks in the ufc yeah crystal's been into that yeah chris you know what are the odds of that that's just crazy yeah the fact that he checked one and then the other one is his yeah insane so i mean seeing that just and you could you got to feel for the other dude uriah hall because he's had a couple victories like that where he's just standing there kind of feeling bad like [ __ ] there's like a meme on on uh on like the mma subreddit i don't know if you know what that is no subreddit yeah it's like sorry adam and that's what he said after he has like this spinning back kick that ethers this dude in one of his opening um wait oh do we have an in memoriam oh it is oh my god yeah watch this can we show you no no let's not show this yeah this might hurt people's eyeballs yeah let's take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's babble for most of us learning a second language in high school or college wasn't exactly a high point in our academic careers i took one credit of spanish in high school and now i don't know a single word besides cerveza now thanks to babel the number one selling language learning app there's an addictively fun and easy way to learn a new language whether you'll be traveling abroad connecting in a deeper way with family or you just have some free time babel teaches bite-sized language lessons that you'll actually use in the real world babel's 15-minute lessons make it 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just you went for it so that was like his whole thing like you know fighting for donald trump and and all that [ __ ] so you know it was funny it was like you want to talk about a little bit of poetry it was poetic that colby literally did all that [ __ ] talking about usman and got his jaw broken yeah it was funny i it fans of fighters they get you know weird ideas in their head you know the same way i did with anderson silva you just kind of developed these weird like dude don't talk [ __ ] about my boy yeah yeah right and for colby i saw a hilarious comment which was you know twitter mma or mma twitter sorry is so like it's so funny just it's the way these dudes go back and forth so some dude replies to the threat and he goes like uh yeah that's that's how that's how colby got his jaw broken and some dude follows up and says bro his jaw got broken because it got punched in the same place repeatedly like obviously it's going to break and dude falls up and goes dude you can't work out your jaw fall over on your arm five times the same way and it breaks on the six it's not because the ground was damaging your arm over time and i'm like what is this science you guys are trying to do right now like what are you guys even talking about that's every thread that's every thread except for reddit because or read it or what you know whatever i don't not familiar with it but like on read it it's like things get up things get upvoted so all the best replies float to the top and then eventually it's like it's like a nice you know conversation or like nice reply chain or whatever on twitter or on instagram it's just looking at people argue it's so funny it's entirely that it's people with like the most skewed sense of logic and they're both on opposite ends and it just ends up being like that it basically looks like ai yeah exactly that's cool are you supposed to work out your jaw first of all eat gum all the time because let me tell you i do and my jaw is not that strong there's a horse in his jaw and sometimes like when i'm eating a horse sandwich my jaw is not that strong hey man look over there there's a horse in the fridge come on man don't do that to me we're talking about working out my jaw yeah yeah so colby is gonna fight usman again i guess and i think you know i'm excited for that one i'll watch the [ __ ] out of that i have to say this bro like this fight pumped people up in a way that i could not have anticipated everyone became a fight expert overnight right i posted moz vidal getting knocked out and i had people replying to me saying you knew that was gonna happen obviously it's like dog it's not even about that it's like it's i got on some weird philosophical thing i think the craziest part is like for that knockout to be the crescendo of the whole night because it's just like if it seemed like every fighter was trying to show up the last one it's like oh you busted out his nerve watch this yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm not even gonna hit him and i'm gonna win this fight check his like then rose got out there and she was like i took a year off you think i don't have it watch this and for jorge to get knocked out like in that perfect of a way yeah it was with the sweat sprain off of his face yeah look like a movie poster yeah i mean i said that [ __ ] look like a gatorade commercial yeah i was pissed because i really wanted to say i saw a tweet that was i want to feel like that drake sprite commercial okay you know like i'm looking for someone to make me feel like that drake sprite commercial where his head gets all like yeah you know that's it i think so it's like it's like like parts of his head were just like piecing into his brain oh no i don't think i have seen that it's like a sprite remix commercial anyway i was like ah bro sprite remix would be a great reference or that commercial will be a great reference for what just happened i see scrolling twitter the next day i saw kids like oh well this is what music doll looked like and i was like 60 000 retweets i was like that was me with tom's video same thing yeah yeah how many views [ __ ] i'm chris weidman on twitter now yeah every time i go to tweet getting getting hauled out with my fist in there the best part about like uh doing research into colby that dude yeah and his like just antics and stuff like that and oh like him and a little pump pose that's the best part it's honestly instagram yes him and little trump or little trump might as well be little trump you'll shout out a little trump sorry i mean little pimp that's what i mean little pimp and little pimp standing next to a private jet like on their way to the trump conference or whatever and it's so strange it's like trump guys or something like that it's like this is not this is not a cool picture at all at all i know it feels cool but it's it's not cool careful dude kobe's gonna hear this he he doesn't shy away from any kind of light okay so he's gonna hear this and be like cody cole you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] and i'll [ __ ] you up um i saw the way you acted with jake paul you [ __ ] little [ __ ] i'm just kidding i'm just kidding yeah colby yeah i think you're cool no i think he's really entertaining i do i think that picture specifically was hilarious that's what i think yeah i think some people can't see past like the character yeah you know and and so i mean he gets on my nerves 100 to me i just i hate him because like and the ufc totally knows what they're doing immediately after usman won they had him staged for an interview i'm like colby yeah like you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah i i laughed because the top comment after uh jorge knocked out or got knocked out was lol colby's deaded like everyone calls him pillow hands okay because they think he can't hit hard um and a lot of a lot of people were it was this dude it's so funny the same thing with the jake paul fight oh dude it's rigged it's fake yeah usement won and there's so many people on mma twitter he was obviously juicing look at his back knee dude was juicing dude juicing it's like it's so funny some people just can't accept like now your boy lost and even if he was juicing he's still lost yeah yeah anyway doesn't take anything away from jorge he still like could beat the [ __ ] out of 99 of people but so what happens now like he'll just keep fighting but yeah like not the main card you know like not the headlining fight it'll just be like yeah you probably won't get a title shot for a long time but you know he'll probably i he's already building the base for like fighting nate diaz again for the bmf belt it's like a pseudo belt yeah ufc is definitely turning more into wrestling than than it was before it's definitely getting into it we're definitely getting into the wordplay like conor wants his own belt oh okay with like the what belt i forgot what he called it but he wants like he wants it stylized with gems and stones that he likes that's just so ridiculous yeah yeah the leprechaun belt [Laughter] you ain't gonna do [ __ ] you who the [ __ ] is this guy well i won't do any leprechaun voices i just don't want ireland twitter on my ass ireland mma twitter is scary dude really yeah you can just we might have a lot of heat after this episode yeah we're gonna get pints and maga flags like speared into our [ __ ] cars yeah yeah exactly just picking the most two toxic fan bases we really need to do yeah are you talking about oh yeah yeah colby and ireland mma twitter we're gonna have to uh we're gonna have to really align ourselves with bts yes like we're gonna need some [ __ ] they'll protect us yo that that should be the next big event oh it's like fan base yeah oh bro like who can make the other one feel worse about themselves by tweeting or like literally like 30 30. okay yeah 30 bts fans versus 30 colby covington fans right no holds barred to the death prize is a hundred million dollars i bet you we do like literally a billion pay-per-view buys yeah that's like that's a good idea i wonder if people would tune in if you're like yo there's this pay-per-view event and literally people are gonna die how many guilt purchases there would be everyone no one's admitting to have bought it i streamed it illegally because i mean i'm not going to support support people are dying disgusting you see triller is i thought i thought this is the bit you see triller has a dead people event what's triller doing they sued they're suing illegal like restreamers for like 150 million in damages or something crazy yeah bro good job yeah get the 17 year old and [ __ ] exactly imagine being like ohio yeah like a twitch streamer with seven people watching your restrain of the fight hit with a lawsuit for 10 million dollars yeah this is like from triller and jake paul that's like the it's like the napster thing all over again yeah where people do get 10 years in prison yeah in charge of 10 years in prison for downloading britney spears yeah i wonder if any of those people are out i was always scared that was going to happen to me yeah my boy got one of those letters yeah we know you downloaded all these things that's like you're downloading hentai porn and he was like we can see it he's like oh yeah you watched it too sick bro you're you're you're a creep like me that's the [ __ ] that is um you know that stuff like that is what they should be talking about with vpns you know what i mean yeah i guess it's not really relevant ten years ago someone downloaded britney spears and their internet service provider pursued legal damages yeah this could be you with penn state porn they just died in jail oh oh my god download nords download expressvpn so you don't die in jail holy [ __ ] i love with like 3d printers and stuff that whole like you wouldn't download a car yes i would classic yes 100 yes i can actually yeah you wouldn't download a gun today guys we're recreating the [ __ ] beretta 11 12. 3d printed guns are crazy bro yeah that's a scary scary reality i've always wanted to do a short film where it's like like weird modern like teenagers trapping guns with 3d printers and like the plastic becomes very like sought after and rappers are rapping about trapping 3d [ __ ] 3d printer plastic because it's just like it gets banned or like some crazy [ __ ] or like they're doing like custom substances okay i like that it's like yeah my boy got the 3d printer you want a strap and then it cuts them they're all just staring at it it's like the 19-day print yeah so in like three weeks we'll have the top of the gun yeah that's good yeah like that cops bust them they're trying to lug out this gigantic printer [Laughter] they pose beside it in the newspaper massive bust today with giant they said this printer has printed two guns in the last year yeah wow yeah excellent work gentlemen yeah wait can we get the candice can we get the drama lighting please there we go cut it to me straight kid how many [ __ ] guns is this printer printed this one this one right here in the last year yeah now you tell me the truth maybe we could work something out two two guns any of them lethal because i know it takes a long time to print a gun that could actually kill somebody so they were bb guns all right this kid says they printed bb guns over under on how many gophers he's killed or if it's more than 10 you owe me lunch how many gophers 168. [ __ ] i won we should take them in anyways [Laughter] oh you sick [ __ ] you printed bb guns to kill animals just twisted kids guns to kill birds candace we can go back yo oh my god bro yeah that's that's gonna be netflix in 2020. we bought him a 3d printer oh [ __ ] trauma lighting would be good for this too candice let's go back this is the new um this is the new season of uh what is it big little lies yeah pretty little liars yeah pretty little liars on a prairie yeah all right this is my bonnet okay got it we bought him that 3d printer last year i don't know what he does in there [Laughter] am i the dad you could be the other mom put up your bonnet he stays in there all day just and we can hear the printer we can hear the thing in the background what is he printing in there yo just printed this gun wanna go kill a bird brayston whoa where did you come from first of all call me but my boys call me my name's anus i'm sorry anus i thought you were in your room 3d printing i was now i'm done and i have what i need what is that it's a bb gun and i'm gonna kill a bird you printed that cursed device i'm [ __ ] psychotic mom you should have known i mean we had a little bit of an idea yeah well you should have known in the first three episodes now i'm fully psychotic and i'm gonna go kill a bird don't do that honey mom why won't you help me kill this bird you know i'm absolutely psychotic hold on honey he just he said what okay i'll be right there the hollywood fix guys that sat around she's talking [ __ ] oh we have to go kill him okay bring the piece candace let us return let us return damn [ __ ] hell okay so here's another thing i want to i want to get into this test your girl tick tock and this will be maybe a little bit of a relationship advice segment we haven't done one of those in a little bit like not on the new ship at least yeah and so this actually will be a good um it's like a new form of that honestly there's this kid on tick tock he's like what you know kind of a chad he's a chad looking guy his name is sean sean and what he does is guys yo that name is more [ __ ] up than your name yeah what's his last name go up that has to be tied to manskowski that's how you pronounce that i think that's the that's the proper polish way this is sean co he's got co in his name yeah exactly no the first two we look alike too we both have sick jaw lines um yeah what do you mean me and him we're like bros yeah you and sean sis yeah is that s z yeah sean sizza s z y sean seesy smith that's what it is says mikowski sisminkowski yeah says makowski so he has what sounds like he has guys guys will tell their no he'll tell them to dm guys will tell this kid to dm their girls to see if they're faithful yeah and what they do and then this guy posts it all on tik tok unbelievable this is exposing at a new level genius sean genius really is genius and it's very heartbreaking and also really entertaining so what's the one that i sent you oh [ __ ] i'm going to tell him to do this to alina then i'm just going to have alina reply to him and be like wacky just in audio notes yeah yeah and it's just you yeah bro you gotta hit my girl man i've just been like really nervous she keeps you know being weird about her phone and all this [ __ ] and he's like cool man i got you hey babe whoa kenny [Laughter] he's like damn girl is is that you farting [Laughter] what was that one that [ __ ] laughing i was like oh no no no no okay all right i said hey broski for i need your help my wife's 34 and i think she's in the younger guys like 19 22. what the [ __ ] hey what's up guys hey what's up guys raider tech here we're reviewing the new iphone 57 my wife is into young guys like 19 18 17. that's almost 17 because that's illegal this person's relationship is ruined it's his wife like this is this goes so much deeper than he could ever comprehend he's like yo what's up guys welcome back to uh relationship breaker uh today we got this guy he's really [ __ ] uh he's his wife's in the younger guys i'm kind of perfect for that because i'm 18 and i'm [ __ ] cool jaw so anybody's going to just damn her and say what's up hey you want to suck my [ __ ] she said yes you guys so i'm going to follow up and say can i eat your [ __ ] so i like for part 2 when she sucks my car yeah all right guys i'm heading to her place right now at the end of the tick tock this is her this is what you look like when you're giving head this is what you look like when you're giving ahead this is what your wife looks like when she's talking what's up you guys currently getting ahead from this guy's wife it's pretty good six out of ten i would say all right leah let it let it go i have a four-year-old and me a lot i was like that i got you i'll let you know so i started saying hey sorry slow she said hello i said how are you she said fine how are you and i said no no i'm talking to you pretty good gotta be smooth with it always so that was sweet always very young not saying it's a bad thing and then i said i'm 20. you look like 25 right and i said 34. and that gorgeous damn and she said you're actually so sweet i gotta feel the process so i said um i just honestly just really attractive and maybe we could see each other sometime all right she then says you just met me but i wouldn't want to pass up on that opportunity so i sent a winky face because like you know then i want to ask questions so i said have you ever got with any guys my age before she said you will be my first she said will it's gonna happen so i said it so you're saying it's gonna happen send me a picture i'm not gonna say what she sent me um but you guys can obviously know it was her biggest did you like it [Laughter] yeah it was like her 34 year old big old militarist so then she sent me a picture of her big old milky jugs um can't wait to suck on those sick nipples oh yeah gotta be smooth with it so i went over there and uh sent her a picture of my penis and uh yeah like for part two when i suckered big juicy milkers imagine being the dude watching this just listening to this voice yep so a damn they have a porter all together what did he send you did he [ __ ] didn't look at your pink juicy milkers did he suck your big juicy milk or tell me the [ __ ] truth where did you send him what did you send him did you send him a picture of your [ __ ] and were did you do the sprinkler you know the [ __ ] sprinkler on my [ __ ] car they're all over the lens didn't you you got a squirrel over your pretty feet just ugly crying snot out of his nose was it bigger was it big don't don't lie to me on the phone was it was it younger what what was it he was was it good calling this boy [Music] [Laughter] no cry like the silent like and then cry like that [Laughter] [Music] when do you finish okay jesus he finished his he finished all over my big 34 year old big juicy milk [Laughter] [Music] let's go back to regular life bro people on the last on the bonus episode when we did that [ __ ] some dude was like i was laughing until halfway through and then you guys hit way too close to home exactly that was everyone's comments this got way too real we've all been there how can you not laugh we've all been there now you know you know what happens after this you know what he has to perfect what so do what happened with my wife oh she a nice girl yeah yeah exactly yeah i took care of it i took care of her what what do you mean she's good man she's a nice girl she's not a girl she's a [ __ ] woman she's a woman she's giving birth you [ __ ] she's a mother of my child did you [ __ ] [ __ ] just did you hunk the tinnies then she sucked my dick and then i sucked on her left titty gotta be smooth with it gotta be smooth with it i licked her right nipple like the rough nipple we did doggy and then i think she got on top we did reverse cowgirl for a second god damn bro that's a brutal way to go out yeah that sucks test my girl jesus i mean i can't figure out if this guy's like doing a service or if this is just kind of messed up i think it's i think it's a service yeah yeah he's getting the ugly truth out there yeah hey now you got a four-year-old but the ugly truth is your wife wants to [ __ ] 19 year old guy yeah or she's 20 right he's 20 yeah yeah let's [ __ ] a 20 year old guy she wants [ __ ] cody sean sis yeah my bro yeah this is empty i don't know why i'm reaching for it um yeah man what an episode we didn't really oh [ __ ] corona bless your heart you say corona yeah you have to say that now every time you sneeze it's not a chew anymore govind what'd you say coven bless you thank you no it's just backs you yeah yeah oh god fax you visor yeah that's what happens you get a certain yeah anyways what do we got lined up go back to the topics what do we got lined up for the bone zone we got uh zac efron demi lovato the josh fight just make the bone zone sound like like e coming up on the bone zone you're not going to want to miss this blue face is cult will you join you just might and how many of you will hit the like button on youtube and subscribe to us on patreon.com tony meking we'll find out we will find out join us on patreon for the bond zone [Laughter] did you [ __ ] come on his face
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 197,676
Rating: 4.9794364 out of 5
Keywords: TikTok, Daddy, Mark, Zuckerberg, Candice, Super, Xan, Big, Chungus, Promo, Code, Michael, Reeves, Tom, Scott, Friends, Benny, Butcher, Clone, Fight, Night, UFC, MMA, Boxing, Brandon, Lee, Colby, Covington, Anderson, Silva, Chris, Weidman, Twitter, BTS
Id: j-P0g8PTVGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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