Episode 178 - Royal Family Takedown

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[Music] good evening everybody welcome to wherever you are welcome to the podcast this week that's me that's you dude [Music] it's almost better it's way better dude this is how we should have recorded this song look my voice doesn't sound shitty for once man thanks to low fire songs for doing that um luke i think we could we could kill it here um also i press the like press the like press the like press the like press the like press the like press the like press the like what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace also a little bit of housekeeping just right off the bat all right we're not doing bones on live this week because of internet connectivity issues so let's just say that so next week we're going to do one and uh we also just wanted to thank the patrons in general yeah go for it no yeah no just you know we want to give a big big big ass big gas thank you to everyone seriously uh last few months on the patreon have been insane and you know i think we're coming up on what [ __ ] four years now what no four years when do we start do we start 2017 isn't it three years is it three i don't know we should definitely know that we should know that i mean it just well where it all just yeah let's yeah we're going to the moon very soon ladies and gentlemen let's just say that um yeah let's just say that it will be bro bro let me [ __ ] you up this october it's going to be four years so yeah time um what's going on with time why is it going with time no no but hey what's going on seriously no hold on to be this deep and to still keep growing uh you guys are amazing so thank you um yeah what's up with time though what is up with time these days like dude time needs to chill seriously slow down man smoking yip you know chill out um we just also you know i'm drinking a beer guys a little bit so i'm a little bit tipsy for this episode by the way man we got a crazy delay right now hold on can we because we because it's a fight weekend ladies and gentlemen we're just going to do a quick in memoriam this goes out to everyone who paid for the card who was expecting entertainment this weekend and got oh nice aka me who got nothing near of a banger this is this is for all the wallets that were hurt this weekend so all right petey all right peter wallets yeah um yeah uh well i see i was very skeptical going in because when they're trying to market this thing is like three champion fight [ __ ] i'm like amanda nunes is a fight that's automatic automatic dub oh my god dude the way he kicked that other girl's ass in she gave that girl a beat down she didn't even get raised the whole time nah uh me uh you know i have nothing against megan anderson but her ass was inverted after that fight unfortunately she got her ass punched in yeah yeah and as whooping it's no it was beyond a whooping it was a ass like destruction i mean it was like a complete embarrassment you know she got embarrassed and i felt bad here's the thing and you know i saw the f i saw a pretty funny tweet today which was like you know noel talking about ufc i'm not going to talk about it that long proceeds to talk about it for 30 minutes that's every single episode i promise you everybody i won't but she fought um this other french fighter i don't want to [ __ ] her name up uh i always uh hold on let me just hold on let me get it right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter she fought another french fighter and she's she's very long like megan and i have nothing against megan but like i just knowing vegan skill set i'm like this is gonna be it's just gonna be amanda clocking in like she just puts on her best buy uniform and she's gonna go make a sale and then she's gonna high five dana and clock out early like she's just going to be just doing this as usual that's what it looked like did you see the retweet i put out i was dying oh yeah don't bring your baby near me after you whip my ass i'ma smash that thing that was really funny that's so dark i just like i i love joe's interview afterwards where he's like what what i mean when is there gonna be someone that is even a contender she's like i don't know honestly i would love a challenge i would love one challenge [Laughter] yeah it's like it's like um uh chef chanko is like the only one she's a killer but it's like out and then yeah yeah i don't know but it's neither here nor the main car or like the izzy fight it was just like boring i mean bro something to happen that [ __ ] like i knew i knew there was [ __ ] that was like off he was way too cool at the weigh-ins he was being just way too like staring in the face [ __ ] i'm like he's he's definitely nervous and that whole fight was him playing frogger like that was just him dodging trucks yeah yeah yeah any time jan touched him i was just like yeah i i thought he was just gonna fold so and like as a casual fight fan like me like yeah you know i'm like a shitty one i like i want action you know oh yeah watching two rounds of that dude being on top of him just like strangling him yeah slowly tiring him out i was like this is so boring yeah yeah you want to see murder yeah yeah well you got that with the al jermaine sterling bit when uh when peter yon or peorian [ __ ] did that illegal as me oh yeah oh my god so what was illegal about that so if if if an opponent is knee down you can't hit them in the head okay it's just sort of like uh there's no way to really like cover up or be safe in that scenario uh gotcha and it's just like uh you know there you there have been fights in the past where people have taken it i you know i'm thinking i think like i want to say um what's his face against jon jones took one there's some other examples people brought up because they're trying to say like al jermaine like was faking it that's i think [ __ ] but no he got smoked yeah definitely got smoked and your tweet was funny replying to that dude that was like he didn't even didn't even connect dude connect great oh no this is no he got hit by a car yeah yeah that was dude that's the other part which i think is like ridiculous dude pyotr yawn is a [ __ ] murderer like that guy that guy doesn't need for the job that guy needs to kill he punches the kill you're not standing up from that i don't care who you are so um yeah just all around just the whole thing was a [ __ ] milk dud yeah there was a there was a murder on the undercard though let me let me dig this up real quick um uh it's dude's head that [ __ ] looked like uh kyle i don't know if you could just run through like the espn mma twitter real quick uh this dude gets knocked out up against the cage and it looks like like in grand theft auto or something like if someone's like game character was like just bugging out like the way the fist just rolls like the head rolls off the fist just like my mind and the dudes like an animatronic dick perhaps yeah perhaps yeah it's like if someone like hit your panuma [Laughter] dude oh man you know a surprising lack of comments about panuma after the last episode i was kind of expecting there to be like a whole you know array of dudes that we were like what this is a real thing now but not a lot of people commented on i feel like i think it was the news or like nah it was that price dude we said we said that price and everyone threw their hands up they were like set 17 how much are fake boobs though uh i think it depends i think it goes as low as like isn't it like 15k i mean all the rappers say 20 but you know it depends where you go it depends where you go yeah you know you you might get a um bro hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode blender's eyewear fresh from san diego 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let me get the play button oh my god you stopped in your tracks you went oh [Laughter] that's how that's how hard you know that hit was when you felt like you choked on it oh yeah yeah exactly that was rough dude so yeah where did you watch it were you just like you know in the hotel on your phone no we we're at our plates oh okay parents or kelsey's parents left and then uh i was like oh i forgot it's on and i bought it i bought the card like as the newness fight was starting yeah and i'm glad i got to see that one because it was like that was still entertaining she's she's an artist man yes so it was fun to watch and then the next one was the m was the main fight right yeah yeah oh i had really happened and then just paid 60 bucks for nothing man it's it's just weird how the more i've gone to therapy my interest in mma is just completely warped now it's like i i don't love it the same why i think it's just like a vehicle for a lot of [ __ ] that was bothering me in life and now i watch it and i i just think about getting hit by those shots and i think that [ __ ] sucks man can we get these guys paid more maybe doing something different like they should just be doing this in vr they don't have to die for this this is [ __ ] up it is kind of [ __ ] up the whole thing but it's fun to watch yeah no definitely i mean still yeah take that with a grain of salt i'm always going to tune in to watch you know the therapy has made you realize that it's a little bit messed up yeah pretty much yes but you can still enjoy it yeah yeah i can contextualize their pain afterwards like oh yeah that's so bad replay it yeah replay let's see that again let's see that again oh that's so horrible oh that's so bad just is there a slow-mo shot of that is there god that's rough this shouldn't be this shouldn't be illegal honestly it's kind of messed up that we make people do that can you run it back how much do we bet on this fight how much do we pass we won 200 bucks wow that's [ __ ] up that's so [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up people should not be able to bet on this that's not what's the next is there a next bike can we get some money on that what are the odds we have five minutes great hold on let me let me just jump on espn real quick five minutes that's messed up we should have more time to bet on this fight that's messed up they squeeze people into betting at the last minute on a fight let's uh let's do a let's do a last minute parlay okay he loses and then the main event yeah favorite wins got it oh god that's [ __ ] up you bet on the knockout first round i think this guy's gonna just pulverize this other guy it's messed up i don't know i don't i wish it would wouldn't have to be this way but i think this guy's gonna [ __ ] destroy this guy killing him kill him which is terrible messed up so [ __ ] up yeah so i i don't think capitalism is such a disease put a thousand on him getting killed 1000 bucks on it because i think it's a sure thing yeah he's like he's gonna get buried yeah it's just like [ __ ] though he gets knocked out you're doing the gravedigger [ __ ] oh that's [ __ ] up god i'm about to bury all my money somewhere it's so messed up oh god that's so oh dude that's heavy but not as heavy as this bag of [ __ ] cash i just won oh god that's how hard my account's gonna get hit after that one oh wow that's messed up you know i had some whiskey earlier and i'm just like so tempted to go get it right now do it slurp it down nice do it do a little do a little tiny little bit just a little sauce i'm sipping a nice cold beer right now yeah yeah luke said drunk cast it's been a long time since we did this last time we did this was on tour we were in germany i've been yeah we drank those weird what the [ __ ] were they like you do vodka oh my god i forgot about that yeah you pour vodka oh it was like fun dip wasn't it yeah you pour not vodka it was a vodka i forget you pour it in the little pouch yeah and then you yes vodka those are gnarly yeah we just drank everyone said we did it wrong or something however we want you know yeah we just we just did it the the american way all right good we're not american actually talk about nf nfts again let's still let's get into a little i'm gonna get [ __ ] because i already i already did some light some weak roasting of garyvee today in my youtube video and i was already getting [ __ ] so if we i was trying to point out that getting [ __ ] from who just the comments were like you you cody just do a whole podcast about nfts i'm like yeah but dude we weren't there being like i'm waiting for the flexification of nfts i'm looking for the fleximization of and like we weren't doing that we were talking about like like tech dudes tech dude's ability to like jump on a wave and like vocalize their uh support in it is like unfucking believable they're like the like epitome of bandwagon people because it's like they were on this two years ago when [ __ ] was first popping when people were like oh we really think this is the future like people that are actually invested in this and starting companies and all that stuff yeah like now that it's mainstream all these guys are like the most vocal people ever when it comes to this like every tweet now from garyvee is about nfts and his belief that it's the future and blah blah blah and it's like yeah that's such you're not paving the way you're just like no that's such a sharper way of putting it and like it's in my video to be fair like i was on [ __ ] three percent battery like my brain was next to off so i just couldn't form a good thought but the thing i was trying to say was like these dudes just they look at like i swear their assistants come up to them with a list and they're like all right you have five podcast appearances this week this is all the hot stuff you need to make sure you hit all these beats and then they just get on there and they're like non-fungible tokens i think it's um i think it's going to replace dialysis i mean i think it's just absolutely the future you say dialysis yeah or is that not right what is it again i'm not really oh it's money it's fun fun money money right right or art is art right and art i'm a big fan of art as you know like i believe art is you know the uh uh i mean it's like the main voice cultural voice you know i think nfts will be the future of money and art and sex is sex on there too it is it is did it who's too mad it's something about his titties it's too mad a woman it's a it's a boy it's a young boy got it got it i think two mads titties this looks like will be the future of art in this country that's what gary vee and some this other [ __ ] were talking about they were like uh garyvee said i'm waiting for the flexa i can't even remember the word he said he's like it was like fl he said flexification because he's like we love to flex waiting for the flexication flick whatever the [ __ ] of nfts like basically saying when you can show it off it's like okay like when i'm like that's vr dude yeah that exists you [ __ ] dummy and i cut this out but he goes on this whole rant about like fractional ownership i'm like dude there's an app called rally that's been around for i think four or five years that's been doing fractional ownership it started with antique cars and they do other [ __ ] like did they just don't fractional ownership of nfts no no of of cars like just items because basically he was saying nfts offer a way for fractional ownership and that's going to pave the way for collectibles and other things like he was all about but in what sense like multiple people will own the same collectible yeah yeah yeah yeah and they'll just own a piece of it right like the people who work on his podcast are gunning for you know ownership of like a michael jordan rookie card or something um but that just i was just like [ __ ] you that's been around for so long like yeah every time time shares i mean even that but i mean like specifically with what he's talking about like there have been applications before that it's not like it's not because nft exists that this is going to be a thing guys you get what i'm saying like yeah yeah like if you're interested in those things you don't need to go through nft to have for example fractional ownership of like an antique vehicle you know that's been around um uh it's just a [ __ ] yeah but yeah to your point like these dudes just they they're looking for content i feel out of all this and it's just annoying like well it's like it's it's like they can capitalize off of the tube though because like they're so vocal and they have such a big following that they can boost they can like oh yeah boost the trend even higher than it already is and they they make money because they're invested in companies that are nft companies or whatever but um and then when it goes away they're like not it's just funny i don't know like this the amount of nft talk i guess on like clubhouse and twitter is [ __ ] insane yeah and it is like a really cool technology i agree but it's like it's a little bit egregious guys we're gonna take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode better help is there something interfering with your happiness or uh is preventing you from achieving your goals better help will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist you start communicating in under 48 hours it's not a crisis line it's not for self-help but it is a professional counseling service that's done securely online there's a broad range of expertise available which may not be locally available in many areas betterhelp is committed to facilitating great therapeutic matches so they make it easy and free to change counselors if needed it's more affordable than traditional offline counseling and financial aid is available betterhelp wants you to start living a happier life today visit betterhelp.com tmg that's better h-e-l-p and join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional in fact so many people have been using better help that they are recruiting additional counselors in all 50 states this podcast is sponsored by betterhelp and uh tmg listeners get 10 off their first month at betterhelp.com tmg do you see that you see an interesting thing uh is that michael bury you know like the the dude that uh you know the big short that guy the main guy uh yeah yeah yeah the first guy to short the housing market yep and also the like the dude that shorted gamestop the first time too yeah or like he was the one that kind of started that whole movement as well he has been like basically tweeting about how this is a bubble and like the market is showing crazy signs that it's a bubble and he like deleted his all of his tweets on his account this week and basically said you know you know my stance like i'm going offline it just disappeared wow that's cold i think i think there has to be something yeah i think there has to be something weird about this just in that um oh there was just some [ __ ] there's like a twitter moment today you know oh this this person spent 150k on nba top shop but now it's worth 20 million i'm like something's wrong here i think it's what i'm saying it's not it's it's not even that like i i don't want i don't know this person like if they made 20 million good for them like i just the amount of people who have these stories like this person made 11 million this person made 20. this person made one this art is it's like just there's not that much money out like how can all of this [ __ ] be worth like literally a bajillion dollars when you add it all up like that's not possible yeah i mean like in one sense there's and it totally is in line with what we're talking about because on one sense there's people like garyvee we follow him on twitter and he's like constantly spouting the benefits and all these crazy technologies that's going to come from nft and you're like holy [ __ ] this is the best thing ever and then you realize that a picture of two mads titties sold for how much luke what is the most it's like a couple g's man i think you made like five g's total five g's on two pictures of his boobs yeah and it's like that's really cool but it's also definitely a sign that's something it's not right i'm not saying his titties aren't worth 5k each current bid price is 5k each that's i mean he's got some nice boobs yeah but but you know i don't know i don't know if this is a good sign for the economy that's all i'm saying oh my dude dude no the current price for the left titty is 9 000 dude people are going to they're just burning their biden bucks on this [ __ ] yeah that's going to be the saddest part this stimulus is going to go into the economy and [ __ ] are going to spend that [ __ ] on nft art and get boned mean i don't know famous last words we i thought bitcoin would come back but that [ __ ] went right back to 56 g's but you know who knows yes but that could that could pop a little bit too who knows i believe i like crypto i'm not like anti-crypto at all i believe it yeah but i'm just saying there's a lot of there's a lot of [ __ ] going on right now that's like just totally illogical and that doesn't mean i don't believe in the technology at all no i'm so technology so bullish on it but i just think that the the amount of money being spent and me too i spent you know i spent what was it 1800 bucks on a [ __ ] nft piece of art that said is a chain that said these nuts on it and i bought it like i have a bunch of ethereum i might as well it's just like it idiotic why would i do that you know mm-hmm yeah i want to get in on it if this is actually going to be something i want to maybe this piece is going to be worth 2 million one day who knows yeah yeah i mean it's uh um cr crypto is awesome but it just you just wonder where it all sort of ends up because with the whole like environmental aspect you know it would it would be nothing for i mean who knows man if the you know tinfoil hat time with the powers that be we're like yeah nah we can't have that shut those farms down and then it's just like who's doing you know whatever you know so basically nvidia needs to hurry up and manufacture graphics cards so we can all start to run the blockchain you know globally in an efficient way and to preserve the value of our nft art and make sure that whoever spends 10 gs on two man's left titty that their investment is honored and protected yes yes i was like i was we're going all with all this this is really all just like one big campaign for nvidia to hurry it up so that whoever owns two mads titty can display that with pride yeah and that'll never be taken away from him yeah because they deserve to own that and and yeah have it yeah anyway i was just gonna say i saw gary v clip about he was like yeah but what you're not thinking about with nft art is what about when you have a digital picture frame and you're able to display your nft art and i was like i heard that and i was like oh yeah good point i guess i always thought about it on as an image on a screen but now i guess you could and i was like wait we've had that for [ __ ] 10 years like for like the shitty frame that your mom or your parents had in the in the kitchen janky slight like powerpoint through pictures of your family dog your apple tv does that [ __ ] put it in your [ __ ] photos run your icloud through that [ __ ] no one cares no he's so like weirdly convincing like when he's talking that i was like oh yeah art frame would be cool for this piece of art that i just bought and i was like well i could just also just do that i could just download the picture from anywhere and then just display it like yeah it's only going to be cool when we have the second life fully figured out when everybody's apple ar slash vr ray-bans work perfectly and we can hook into the amazon burger tube you know what i mean protein tube i should say so you can strap on your amazon backpack and have it pumping the amazon just just mystery meat and sludge you can put on your apple ar glasses and switch to vr yeah and your friends visit you virtually and you're like look at my sick nft art and you know then they're like wow i can't believe we survived the nuclear fallout and now we can all you know visit each other after you know 72 strains of coronavirus develop yeah that's what it would take you can say look at my sick nft art of the burger king tweet on national women's day i own them on the right as you're slurping burger king through your straw you say i own this women belong tokenized misogyny man tokenized misogyny you just don't you don't see it like this anymore that's that's what it's going to be that's what's going gonna be the the museum of online misogyny and it's just gonna be a vr museum with all just you know britney moments justin timberlake moments in that [ __ ] museum and then you know in the back the centerpiece of it is [ __ ] burger king uk women belong in the kitchen burger king uk tweeted women belong in the kitchen on international women's day and then like followed up they made it like a thread that was like i guess the initial intention was that they were like it was supposed to be for shock value and they were going to follow up and be like if they want to the second tweet was like the whole thing about it was that it was not even clever a little bit you know what i'm saying no no like i thought they were gonna like turn it into some pun or like a joke but the only like the only response to that was from them was if they want to if they want to if they want to women belong in the kitchen if they want to if they want to belong in the kitchen what are you saying no sense makes no [ __ ] sense dave do you want to belong in the kitchen for a little bit make me some [Laughter] i was thinking this whole weekend you could belong to the kitchen huh [Laughter] yeah i think for international women's day it might be cool if you belonged in the kitchen for just like a few hours however you long it however long you want it to only if you want to only if you want to what was the what was the thread what did it say hold on let's read this it was like oh no no bro you know what they did you know their next burger is going to be called the [ __ ] triple down because that's what they did they [ __ ] tripled triple down this summer yeah triple down this summer with a burger created only by women because here at burger king we believe women belong in the kitchen if they want to if they want to what did it say can we get the you have screenshots right luke uh yeah where where is it at oh yeah you might have to i'm gonna i said women belong in the kitchen hold on if they want to of course yet only 20 of chefs are women we're on a mission to change the gender ratio in the restaurant industry by empowering female employees with the opportunity to pursue a culinary career why not just say that like he's gonna [ __ ] the whole thing up with we need to go back to the 50s bro if you want to belong can you imagine no hold on can you imagine the ufc women deserve to be hit only if they want to women's mma is a staggering three percent of whatever the [ __ ] statistic and here at the ufc we're committed to having more women in combat sports [Laughter] women deserve a beating deserve to get hit if they want to of course they want only if they want to that's funny damn and they just deleted it it was up for like a full day you know whoever pressed tweet on that had to have been feeling like i don't like this idea man no i bet they thought it was fire no i bet they thought i bet they were like this is gonna this is gonna really like get people's attention and this no that's a good thing the [ __ ] copywriter and the creative team thought that was a [ __ ] genius idea but that like but that like entry-level salary person who actually had to like type that [ __ ] out and press tweet they were the one to be like in their mind go i don't think this is going to land the way you like anticipate it i don't i don't think i can't think the guys for the brand please guys for the burger king brand it's just like it just doesn't quite make sense like women belong if they want to press to eat mate it's this is gonna be possibly the greatest thing we've ever done here it's going to cause so much attention because it's so polarizing it's like going to be upsetting at first but when people realize what we're trying to do here no but that was australian no but you see it's smart it's smart it's like people are going to think we're talking about women in a derogatory sense i don't know that sounds like allergy now i don't know what i'm doing no idea does you think women's don't be outside do you think that women belong in the kitchen only if they want them for international women's day i i don't even know i can't even do all the dlg all i know is this scene where does computers multiply numbers like one nine one nine four five six seven that's a great that [ __ ] show was so funny i know man do you think that like how is how is women's gonna sign up for the link if they're in the kitchen when this tweet goes out because that's where they belong in the kitchen we want to quickly interrupt this week's episode to say thanks to doordash a sponsor of this episode did you forget that one thing at the store now you can get snacks drinks and household essentials in 30 minutes with doordash doordash connects you with restaurants you love right now and right to your door and now you can get grocery essentials you need with doordash as well get drink snacks and other household items delivered in just under an hour ordering is easy open the doordash app choose what you want from where you want and your items will be left safely outside your door with contactless delivery drop-off setting with over 300 000 partners in the u.s puerto rico 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not realizing that the british monarch doesn't actually rule anything anymore it's like some girls snapchat who was like yeah some girl snapchat i was like wait so like wait like they don't like like they couldn't believe that they have nothing to do with paris or any of the other things that they colonized like 70 years ago so i'm like dying because like you know there's you know there's just all sorts of dark [ __ ] going on in there yeah so you know it's a uh uh yeah i don't know man it's just like that shitty same energy as like as the girls that discovered vodka soda on tick yeah just be like wait it's like wait wait the queen doesn't actually they don't like doesn't really do anything well then why the [ __ ] why is it like a royal family it's like no one why do people care i don't know you for the last 20 years you [ __ ] been kneeling to the property brothers that's all you've been doing and playing dress-up with the property brothers [Laughter] i grant the knight of property brothers l.a i will serve you i will sell sunset i will protect and sell sunset [Laughter] for you queen but so what what are the clips like people are kind of put off by it or something like that or what no i mean like she just like you know she got a lot of the you know the in their experience just like a lot of code switching and you know uh like what seems would feel like i actually only know the british tabloid headlines which seem just like very blatant shitty contradictions and you know like the one example was like avocado toast like for uh the other dude's wife i don't know her [ __ ] name you know it was like she eats avocado toast and the british you know tabloids refer to that as like a healthy way to nurture her baby and then they would like write the same [ __ ] about meghan markle but it's like her avocado diet is linked to child labor you know it's like just like comically horrible attacks like you're just like what so that's the extent of what i know and what was the point of the interview what was the point i don't know anything about the royal family like at all i think the point of the interview is just to kind of like tell their side because the you know like the british the media has just kind of tore them up and everyone thinks they're bozos and disgraces and that she's making stuff up and i don't know man it's it's like weird how invested people are in the royal family and how no one could believe that a [ __ ] an institution that is old as [ __ ] and has been around for like you know way long you know people can't believe that they might have treated her shitty based on the way that she looks you know couldn't be that so i think it was like megan and harry just sort of addressing that like nah they feel like that's what went on and uh now it's it's like they're kind of cut off from the family they don't have like security coverage anymore and i think that yo ollie shut up i think that like scares harry because of like what happened to his mom obviously diana so kyle said someone in the royal family was concerned what color the baby would be oh yeah yeah there was like yeah oh [ __ ] i forgot about that there was like yeah if that's not obvious enough they would like have discussions about the other babies like skin color wow so as yeah like what do you mean saying it's gonna be a different race because that and like they would um be like they're concerned with how like dark the child would be that was my understanding which is [ __ ] the royal family was yeah oh yeah yeah he wouldn't be given a title and like they didn't give her like i believe they didn't give her like a strong reason as to why it's just like oh yeah he's not going to be named prince weird so they're racist also is she not having a baby with harry like wouldn't it just be white because they're both white or are they not both white no no bro megan is come on she's not white no look at her let's see i don't know what she looks like oh you [ __ ] okay okay so she's not white then what is she i should have not said anything you should have just looked at her face and like oh i see megan mark markle's race is the basis for all the outrage they said megan's kid oh okay so it but it's is her race knowing um i think so but i mean you know it's kind of irrelevant right like the fact that they're even saying [ __ ] i'm just trying to understand why this conversation is happening that's all yeah yeah no it's just that so she's not white and they're concerned with how the baby is going to look when it comes out i mean it's like it's like a multitude of things but the underscore or like the sort of overall theme here is racism yeah and uh um yeah so why do people i mean give a [ __ ] about the royal family that's the part that's the part that cares that is the part that like i cannot understand like you know that's some very because even i mean like english people we know they don't give a [ __ ] so it's got to be a generational thing right like they used to be important um yeah i don't know you think i mean how [ __ ] with them yeah we should ask gen z y'all rocking with the royal family y'all rocking with the royal family i don't think so man we got to tell them how they you know they murdered they murdered one of their own in a in a tunnel in a [ __ ] limousine yeah i mean that i mean that's r.i.p yeah r.i.p that's the is that a conspiracy or what what is the d i don't know with princess diana yeah i mean bro there's there's a lot of she got killed she didn't die on accident yeah i mean there's a lot of theories around that that she it was a planned thing why um i don't actually know i just know that there are theories that it it was uh it was not an accident driver was drunk paparazzi stormed the car at a tunnel driver was speeding like crazy yeah that was the story yeah but i'm saying yeah but why what if if she didn't get killed why did she get killed why did they like have her murdered uh i don't know i think that she i think that when she came into the royal family i think they i think they didn't like her i think that was for sure um oh and then oh and then harry harry was like the product of another man i believe she had slept with another man or something um yeah so you know it's just uh again it's like [ __ ] these people who gives a [ __ ] you know yeah if anything if anything they're you know i think they just uh they they love the attention i think that's what it is yeah like when whenever i've gone to london and we've seen those buildings and you know they got the furry hat guys out there like they won't let you in it's just bizarre to me like why is there just this i mean i guess you know i kind of answered this question already but it's been there forever right like maybe that building's been there a long time so that's why people give a [ __ ] but if they don't rule over anything then why the [ __ ] do they get like this you know this like public display case in front of everybody people and every time you walk through that [ __ ] there's so many people just standing outside that [ __ ] waiting for someone to come out weird as [ __ ] yeah yeah so i would love to know why people care if you care let us know why you care let us know we'd love to let us know how you care about the royal family today guys we're going to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode stamps.com let's face it taking trips to the post office is probably not how you want to spend your time that's why i recommend mailing and shipping online at stamps.com stamps.com allows you to mail and ship anytime anywhere right from your computer stamps.com has saved businesses thousands of hours and tons of money with stamps.com you get services of the post office and ups all in one place plus you get discounts up to 40 off of post office rates and up to 62 percent off of ups shipping rates that's right it's the best we've used it a bunch when shipping out stuff for fans stamps.com 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pipeline okay in hawaii or in like north shore of hawaii and he was like yeah i saw lewis hamilton out surfing one time and i was like he lewis hamilton surfs yes as if the dude could not get more like he's he's already i think that his goal is basically just to be the biggest womanizer in the entire world [Laughter] oh you think [Laughter] dude like surfing on top of all this come on dude you can't surf no he just wanted to be seen with a board you remember that tick tock of that kid that's like you ever seen that nah he's like what i would be look like he's like what i what i'll look like when i would be a surfer in california and he's like god shoot he's got a wetsuit he's got shoes on like and he's like hot with a surfboard and it's just like the just the most cringy thing ever yeah man so so what so what happened did he like he didn't surf he just stayed in the channel and watched granted it's pipeline so it's like gigantic but like he paddled out but like didn't go to the waves oh interesting yeah i mean you know i just thought that was kind of funny i mean dude he probably just did that got his paparazzi shots in watched exactly walked right back to his phone and was like yeah here they come and pause feels so good to be out on the water some gargoyle comes out from the depth he's like no not you some woman in a ghillie suit cut like sleeping under sand breathing through a [ __ ] you know a straw pops up from the beach he's like [ __ ] gross [Laughter] yeah um yeah the new season's about to start too so you know i'm trying to talk about that too much but of racing yeah bro so lewis got signed for that gigantic contract i mean yeah he got something [ __ ] insane it was just like must be nice man imagine getting paid millions of dollars to go fast as [ __ ] that's the best combination i think of money and job yeah because apart from like how dangerous that [ __ ] is i mean that dude's always in first so that's just like the best feeling on in the world yeah that dude that dude is just playing solo mario kart everyone else is having all the [ __ ] struggle tattoos just like 50 mil 50 mil [Laughter] [Music] 50 ml anyways dude um so you're gonna you're gonna tokenize all your um pictures of you surfing this weekend yeah man yeah i'm gonna sell i'm gonna sell literally everything i can [Laughter] just milk this bubble for all it's worth you see idubbbz was selling a picture of his balls yeah but he's doing it the right way you know he's scoured the net he's removed as many nutsac pictures as possible wait what that was my understanding like he's like i could be wrong about that but i believe he has removed pictures of his nutsack at least that he could control pictures that he had previously online of his own yeah maybe i don't know you know i don't know how many pictures do you have if you're not nutsac online um yeah he said it on twitter so he might have just been [ __ ] around but the the point is that this is the one image of his nutsack okay and it's a beautiful image too it really is he did it like artistically yeah it's it's lit very interesting the way he's spreading the bat wing and the light is shining through it it's beautiful yeah so um it's art see that's art definitely yeah you look at this and you're like is this like a teenager's blanket fort no those are balls and it's art how much is it at right now what's the current bid the current bid is 1400 bucks this is how could you not think this is a bubble something's gonna pop i think that's that might be ian and like you know the subtle point of ian and two mad and then all these people making a joke of it it's like it's ridiculous i'll put up a picture of my [ __ ] ball sack i'm gonna make 10 grand off this yeah dunk yeah man money money money money love it bro um i started watching that series snowfall what's that it's like it's like kind of it's like about like uh like crack cocaine sales in the 80s and it's like a three timeline thing so it follows like this young kid franklin he's like a young black dude uh living in l.a that follows like a cia agent like dealing with cocaine at like the big big sort of international level okay and i believe it follows this like um i think i think i want to say like they're just like like a mexican gang i forget um but i love the show because the character franklin like he gets away with [ __ ] that a 17 year old in any other context would instantly die but like this kid like his character is like he goes to the most dangerous [ __ ] possible and he's like hey i'm just trying to make my way and everyone goes you know what i'm gonna give you a chance like he walks into this like israeli drug dealer's home by way of a weird introduction he's like i wanna i wanna sell cocaine and they're like cool here's a brick of coke just like that damn i actually opportunist right there bro uh the dude who plays franklin hold on let me look him up what is this show on uh fx it's been around for a while you could watch it on hulu i've known that it's it's a good show that dude from vine melvin craig has been in a couple seasons um the show is so [ __ ] fire i've always heard that it was great and like i'm fully addicted to the show who hold on what is the dude's name melvin greg this guy beat me out on a roll one time i mean that dude is a great actor he really is and i wasn't really surprised when i found out he got the role and not me but i was like had a session with the i was like got a call back and then i had a session with the actress and blah blah and then didn't get it it turns out he got it so uh damson idris is uh you know i hope i'm not saying that incorrectly but that's the dude who plays franklin um that dude's a great actor as well um but yeah oh yeah okay this guy's great um the uh that show is [ __ ] uh it's fire should i watch it yeah definitely and like the the episodes just like click by you're like man let's go um i watched the campaign remember that movie the campaign oh was that carol and zach galfinakis i never ended up watching that oh my god you have to watch that it is pretty [ __ ] absurd i'm doing a lot of jokes i think would not fly nowadays but it's it's definitely funny did you ever end up watching willy willy wonderland willie's wonderland no i didn't bro you're on vacation [ __ ] now's the time you think so yes if you got like one of those nights where you're not sure what you're doing do it okay wait yeah not do it all right i'll trust you i'll trust you dude a funny night i'm gonna do it the the week i i uh elena and i got engaged one night we you know it was kind of supposed to be like a romantic experience and one night i go oh we should watch that movie waiting you know i've heard that that movie's like pretty oh my god controversial and like it could be with the goat right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we start watching that and elena's like this is probably the least romantic thing we could have watched and it's like it's like intensely 90s who's in that movie ryan reynolds isn't like miles teller bro dame cook is in that [ __ ] movie dane cook i mean it's a funny movie right i mean when you go back and watch it now like that the editing is atrocious every dude every dude did those like ball tricks yeah they they definitely loved those um what was it the goat there was other ones though um i can't i think the batwing was one of them or something like that okay yeah yeah i can't remember all of them honestly because we got to the first 45 minutes and then we had passed out and then the next morning elena was like i can't believe you put that shitty ass movie on the week we get engaged i'm like ah yeah no i'm sorry i [ __ ] i would do that but it's a great memory though you gotta like you gotta play that's what i said i'm like we're gonna remember this [ __ ] you should put on the scene where the guy gets the other dude with the goat on at your like reception you know free copies of waiting where everyone shows up that's actually just the wedding we just make everyone show up and we all do a group screening of waiting tell me that wouldn't be a dope ass wedding if we were like i think it would be [ __ ] dope there's no ceremony there's gonna be a food truck and unlimited drinks for the first hour and a half and we're doing a double head or watching waiting and then yeah and we're gonna do a cheers like 45 minutes into it where we go all right we're married yeah yeah yeah um oh and then there's like a there's like a dance party after if you make it and that's it it sounds deliberate yeah a lot of um this past week was just kind of kind of dry i feel on or maybe there's just so many current events that we just missed all of them yeah i've been kind of just offline honestly just like just yeah just not watching [ __ ] not looking at my screen honestly man i've like and i'm not even trying to do the kick cutty thing right now but i've been [ __ ] struggling everything just everything like i feel like i'm so off comedically i feel like just not sharp at all really yeah for the past few months i've just felt like not there you're posting a lot though you got [ __ ] yeah i mean i'm just you're like making a lot of [ __ ] i'm just honestly doing it like force a habit because i really just want to [ __ ] i just want to like go offline and just show up here and then just not do anything else that's like what i want to do but i'm forcing myself not to do that which i don't know if it's a good thing but yeah yeah um yeah i don't know man it's been uh i feel you on going dark though some nights i i'm just like i can't look at this [ __ ] i'm just trying to yeah i don't know it feels like yeah there's like a lot of responsibility again like we went through quarantine and like nothing was really happening and then now it's like a lot of [ __ ] depends on i don't know it is hard though i agree yeah man yeah we just we just totally cut it this episode but whatever bro i think it's uh you know i don't know i don't want to say all this to like [ __ ] but if i'm being honest it's been it's been a rough it's been a rough few months dude like every time i log into therapy and it was the greatest part is my therapy sessions are monday at 9 00 and like p.m a.m okay so some some mornings i get up laughing and i'm like i'm about to terrorize her today [Laughter] good morning [ __ ] log on you log on good morning noel yo did you see that fight yeah no no it's like good morning she's like how are you doing yeah you guessed it i want to do it i want to i want to end it but um we're gonna we're gonna talk and we're gonna make it better nah i mean you know some days i feel bad for her because i'm like oh she's gonna she's gonna have to deal with it today nine in the morning yeah and i just know she's coming off the weekend she's a human she yeah she might have parties in the same place as you monday morning and now yeah she's like she's like slamming coffee before she logs on and joins the zoom hey noel yeah how are you feeling hi like i'm so glad no um did i tell you like the horrible [ __ ] joke i tried and like i just did i just bombed so terribly with her no but i can't wait to hear this she like told me to read this book about like narcissistic parents and like narcissism basically how like it you know can develop in you and i was like oh i started reading that book and i'm like it's crazy that you recommended a book that's all about me i just like did that it's like an ice breaker and she went uh-huh i went ow let's see let's talk about that for a second you're like no it wasn't yeah it's a joke i just no but there's a reason you made that joke and i think that we should uh yeah unless yeah no no no no no no no no no it was just a joke it was just a joke then by the end of it i'm like so yeah that's how i killed my cat [Laughter] so yeah i murdered my cat that's that's how that started but the repressed memory you unlocked with me for me with that book nah man yeah nah i mean i'm i think it's weird how like force of habit like definitely i think it's you know i think it can help you beat those bad feelings sometimes right like when you push through some [ __ ] and like you give yourself a chance like see something better you know like i had like the one video that did well and i was like see it's like if you just if you tapped out you didn't do that that [ __ ] never would have happened so exactly i think about that every single time yeah you just got to keep every time i don't want to do something i don't want to make a video or don't want to think about like if i have an idea then i'm like oh i don't think this would be funny like the the prank idea that i did when i went out and did that thing in public yeah that was funny pranking people respectfully or whatever i was like this is probably so and every person i told the idea to they were like uh okay they didn't really get it and i was like ah yeah [ __ ] me [ __ ] it i'm just gonna [ __ ] try it yeah and when they're tried it now it's got like a million likes on tick tock or something like that and people obviously are [ __ ] with it and i was just like every single time that something like that happens i'm like god you just gotta just do [ __ ] every single time you don't want to do something you just do it anyways yeah because then good things will never happen you know yeah and it's like it's it's almost like um you know it's always gonna be the [ __ ] where you give the least like when you care the least you know i feel that's always the stuff that just does better for you just in life i feel like it's not even exclusive to comedy thing i feel when you just go out on a whim and you try [ __ ] you're like ah [ __ ] it cuz you're just creating the opportunity for good [ __ ] to happen so yeah yeah so that's how i'm trying to beat this whole uh [ __ ] feeling i did it i did a whole video standing today how was that that's probably gonna turn out [ __ ] goofy but i just had to switch the energy up i'm like i just gotta used to do that though yeah but you know it felt different because it was live you know so to do it recorded maybe you're right you're right i have done a couple standing recorded but still yeah bottom line is i think it's a good thing to get [ __ ] out you know we try we [ __ ] clown garyvee but it was funny as i was filming the last video i did which i really didn't want to do there was a little thumbnail of him saying the title was like stop caring and just post i just shook my head i'm like i can't believe this [ __ ] is like [Laughter] god damn it gary [ __ ] you're right again [ __ ] gary man it's coming through here i am trashing him and here he is just giving me positivity back he's he's right about a lot of [ __ ] yeah he's definitely i don't think he's a total he's just like dudes like that are very make funnable yeah all right should we jump into the bonus uh yeah i forgot we had to do that you did now all right guys i'm gonna grab some tea we'll see you guys um if you're not if you're not coming to the bonzone see you next week but you know if you ever cares about bonds on patreon.com peace
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 319,393
Rating: 4.9771132 out of 5
Keywords: Prince, Princess, Meghan, Harry, King, Queen, England, London, Monarchy, Royal, Family, NFT, Twomad, MMA, Nunes, Amanda, Gary, Gamestop, Michael, Burry, Snowfall, Lewis, Hamilton
Id: I_SQBcfaUcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 35sec (4235 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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