Episode 190 - Hot Tub Streams ft. Michael Reeves

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I think people forget how much pull he has among the mainstream Youtube community. He's has a lot more clout than a lot of the folks who appear on Rewind.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ChulodePiscina 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GeoffreyMcSwaggins 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
why are you why you got i mean i always got it on me but why do you have it up just like to keep it locked and loaded just just in case someone gets out of line or something for sure well i feel like for today's episode we should holster because you know there's a big friends reunion this weekend right i watched it did you watch it uh yeah yeah yeah it got us thinking maybe we should have our own friends reunion like we have there's you know someone in particular we haven't seen on the show for a very long time yeah we're right over his house so i feel like we should just beam him up let's peep him up i want to see him yeah right what's up all right candace can we get spock up here evenings off now damn what's up dude what's up dude good to see you good to see you man you okay you feel all right i mean it's a bit uncomfortable to be honest but it's not it's cool it's cool man okay this place is pretty wild man thank you thank you dude yeah wow hello hey what's up candace it's nice to see you yeah yeah yeah i can't see you but yeah i can always see you cool wow so was how they maybe just don't i'm saying we're pretty high up here yeah really high yes really yeah okay cool good morning yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm ahead yeah i appreciate it yeah all right for sure yeah i did i think you're always here so yeah all right dude i'll see you guys yeah yeah yeah that one just like go that was cool yeah it was really great really good to see him i was awesome awesome easy spock in the bone zone we're going to keep him up here for a bit [Music] what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode ad free [Music] of the flying saucers may soon be solved you're not a stoner goodbye the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the production [Music] [Music] in your mouth [Music] please look at all the signs flashing your seatbelt and get ready for debate did you watch the friends reunion yeah it did it was nice it was nicer than i thought yeah a little sad in what way it's just i don't hate people aging yeah i hate it it's sad sad that people age you know yeah i didn't want to see them all you know you know just older like what what is happening what's happening what the [ __ ] is that what's going on gentlemen how did you know how it is how did that there's a lot of computers on this hacking and then hacked it in you i got that hack too up back in you hacked in here yeah you know how it is computers and stuff it's just we've been trying to get you on for like ever oh and yeah it was a it was a thing you know like months and months we've been trying to get a hold of you to get you on the show that is that's reasonable yeah just call me joe that is yes do you think this is joe rogan did you hack on the wrong show oh you heard that on the show dude in the wrong show i'm sorry he's like i wonder why you guys aren't jack you seem a lot smaller in person where's the elk we're glad you you you made it you know yeah absolutely to come on so so sorry it's been so long since no it's fine about it i know you've been in your like wormhole on streaming you just sometimes yeah yeah yeah i haven't done in a minute though yeah how often are you streaming i used to stream a lot but now i haven't streamed in like months because i'm just like thinking of a reason to go back to it but i i haven't like gotten there yet it was fun yeah and then you had your big youtube comeback which was [ __ ] sweet youtube i mean you know cause you hadn't i just think about that clip where you're like like people are thinking you're working on this big video you're like i'm just was awesome playing minecraft was just playing really yeah i'm a horrible lazy person yeah yes do you like minecraft no i love minecraft really i absolutely adore minecraft how do you play it like do you just build stuff i yeah i'll just build stuff is it really that good okay okay if you i only play roblox that's it oh okay i don't know we're world's apart i don't i don't okay it's okay okay like i heard that i don't heard the disappointment but i respect you yeah yeah yeah i said roblox he went oh minecraft is very fun mods are really good with it there's some mods that you can get in there's um one called computer crafts that i've really enjoyed on servers it's like you can have actual like computer terminal and you can write lua code in the game in minecraft in minecraft no way it's a mod of the game wow like it's so [ __ ] fun it's amazing so what do you write in the game like i did like a a system for like the computer graph mod had like robots that could move based on code and so you wrote a digital robot yeah i wrote like a digi like a minecraft robot empire like a minecraft robot because the robots can spawn other robots and then upload like um like bootload code onto them as soon as they come off this would be like spawn robot bootload code onto it and send it off and to do its thing and so i'd have like a little like a quarry mechanism where it would send off like it would decide how many how many robots it needed to make like x size hole in the ground and then it would spawn like 25 robots and a dig a hole down a bedrock that sounds awesome it was so sad it sounds pretty bad that's what that's kind of last thing i did on stream actually yeah and then stop because i was like a little border streaming it was that is sick so making robots in real life just isn't enough anymore you just have to do it digitally you can do it digitally too yeah so what you've been up to the past i don't know month um i drove back from boston okay it was fun drove back i drove back so you hit where did you like what route did you take and oh so for the way there i took like the kind of the southern route and then the way back was like a more northern kind of build path and you stop a lot my skill tree um or were you just cranking it out i i drove as much as i could like so like eight ten hour day as a day i don't think you can jack off while you're driving you can try though yeah try this is the top 10 best jack off freeways [Laughter] the i7 through iowa fantastic road jerking [Laughter] that's why amazon deliveries tend to slow down up there packages don't come as fast damn so you just you just went through you didn't like hang out anywhere i stopped at some places like i stopped at like the cool areas like the great lakes were badass i know lake could get that [ __ ] big great yeah it's really the greatest lake i've ever seen it's really sweet happily named honestly wait i just realized we didn't for some some people just heard mike just come on and they're like who are they talking that's very true man that's very true this is michael who the [ __ ] hacked onto the ship yeah michael reeves you don't know the man just go watch his youtube man this is like what an actual smart person is not not like cody and i yeah we like to pretend we were engineers but nothing like no i've been also not an engineer for sure i didn't finish college or anything did you guys finish college for yeah yeah i didn't finish i didn't i didn't go for comps i i went for business so i i'm the dumbest person in the world yeah yeah fair yes you got one of those pieces have you ever had like a like a straight up engineering job like yeah a little bit i worked for uh like the state doing some like stupid internal tooling stuff for like a school system yeah right yeah that's super [ __ ] boring hell yeah i made like websites for a while but yeah no not too intense i got like uh like an option to go into some like more intense engineering stuff like a defense agency but i ended up not ever wanting to do that yeah i i've heard that like once you get certain clearances it's like you're kind of never going back you kind of never go back yeah once you get like the top secret glance it's like oh [ __ ] i don't want to do that yeah no they just also the job was in um arizona so don't know [Laughter] that's what a garbage state honestly [ __ ] everyone that lives there too if you're in arizona listening to this you should if you're not moving in the next 24 hours we might as well just enter you're not in a car right yeah we've had this like ongoing meme where we make fun of people from milwaukee just because of milwaukee's like a funny named i can get behind that yeah but yeah it's right and but from a walk you're getting really pissed yeah they're playing they're like you guys have to stop the milwaukee slander we have a lot to offer as a city okay we have the brewers we have the stadium we have the downtown tools the red ones that's some coping mechanism we got the brewers we have baseball okay people were mad also that we didn't say milwaukee's slush which i agree why no we should have said milwaukee how did we miss it i don't know anyways [ __ ] arizona though too yeah i agree highly agree i went to college for one year in uh flagstaff oh okay garbage town yeah whole thing was garbage what college uh northern arizona university oh nice for one year okay and then i was like i can't [ __ ] do this do you not need a college degree to get a job like a top clearance top secret clearance so the deal was like you must finish school here oh i see two and also i was like no no god no yeah i don't think they would let you that's like a really bureaucratic type thing in the defense agencies hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode credit karma if dreams of vacations and enjoying the fun life are turning back into a reality for you don't let concerns over financial setbacks keep you from saying yes credit karma keeps your financial goals in check so you don't have to hit pause on a good time ahead credit karma's game-changing technology shows you tailored offers for credit cards and personal loans that you're more likely to be approved for so you can apply with more confidence they use your credit and other 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the road test it's so bad i was supposed to go one morning but i didn't realize i had to go get up at like four to hit the sunrise that's from where we were at yes i was like isn't the road like pretty treacherous too it's like a single lane and it's like it's [ __ ] yeah my friends did it this is on the side of the road for the people who've gone over oh no that's gnarly so do it on a motorcycle yeah pop some wheelies i'm doing the road to hana speed run expert mode this is a glitch list with the [ __ ] blindfold yes speed ronda hannah yeah dude that should that should be our joint project i'll volunteer myself if we do a motorcycle that has a lane assisted system on it yeah i'll drive it with my eyes closed and we'll see if i make it today i'll just detect if um you know all the modern cars now like they they'll keep you in your lane yeah so if i can just auto circle yeah yeah you know i was thinking the other day when are we gonna get electric boats like a tesla boat are engines not powerful enough yet we both looked at him answer me michael engine expert i'm sorry dude aren't you smart i hate poets tell us when we're going to neptune man you're really going to be electric it's honestly a cure an honest question though you know imagine imagine a lake full of silent boats that's gonna be a beautiful time a lake full of people with batteries yeah i'm sorry i'm just picturing the type of people who i mean a boat person i guess is really anyone i shouldn't stereotype yeah but drunk boat people with big-ass vehicles that have just a ton of batteries attached to an insane amount of immediate torque yeah it just seems like a bad idea it just seems horrible you don't think drunk people in both is just a bad idea as such that happens everywhere what i'm saying but then like you add a battery to it and i don't know there are batteries in boats now i mean that's fair but i feel like if it's all batteries someone's prone to be like watch this they'll touch the water like how much you want to bet i won't [ __ ] okay i'll hold onto that terminal in the water give me [ __ ] three drinks man 1 000 dead in the ozarks and michael reeves is out there like i don't know lakes could be this great like everyone literally died here last week so that's why there's no one out on the water it's crazy well yeah so you so when'd you get back finally i've been back for like like a month or a few weeks i'm just like hold on sorry the electric boat revolution has arrived turns out you're an idiot just play it silently just in the background just play it silently what the [ __ ] is that the ship crew man just going crazy no problem candace um okay you know what we're not getting anything from 100 electric it says on the side yeah it really doesn't come across that it's electric when the boat is above water it like or when the electric bits are under the water yeah yeah yeah yeah it still just looks like a normal boat yeah that's true yeah yeah that's true um tell us about the um the dog robot is that the coolest thing that because it creeps me the [ __ ] out it's terrifying i would have brought it but i was already out of the house by the time i got the text i would have [ __ ] brought it's so sweet damn it it's terrifying though is it is this is bigger in person than you would ever expect to be i just have to say dude when i watched that video i had like this like like sense of i don't know man like i hate to use the word pride but i was just like proud of you man i was just it just seemed like this massive bucket list thing where i was like [ __ ] that is actually so sick because getting them to even pay attention to you is one thing and then getting them to give you the [ __ ] dog i was like whoa oh really kind of pay for the dog i mean but yeah i mean even getting to the point where they'd be willing to sell it to you i feel like they got to be stringent like on who they're willing to partner with they were for a while and then um i think they weren't making enough money on it oh interesting then they were like you can just buy it if you give us the money oh that's it yeah i was trying for a really long time though yeah i was like please [ __ ] give me the dog yeah let me buy the dog i was even gonna make like a fake construction company like llc oh my god and then i talked to like my this guy my manager's lawyers and he was like that's bad probably sure no okay you can't do that yeah uh your youtube videos like i pranked boston dynamics so i built a shell company yeah i heard the same ceo that elon likes to use and then i hacked one of their robots to kill people all my bank accounts are offshores [Laughter] so so you bought it i'm just saying it was it was [ __ ] awesome this is huge it's so sick yeah you guys got to see it at some point you guys i really want to see you come over to my house and just in the backyard it's [ __ ] badass it's just just so surreal that like that was like the part of the video that jumped out at me most like you said it was like how do you how do how is this even possible at this point yeah you can own a robot like this and program it yeah like not that was eye opening for me i was like oh we've jumped like five years in the future i thought we weren't even there close to being there yet it's so cool the sad part is that they have made such little amount of money on the dog yeah for how much work they've put into it like you guys probably know better than like most how like my [ __ ] work yeah goes into making like a robot look like a human i can barely make like a wheel spin yeah but they're making like a dog robot and [ __ ] like but they i think they made like way less than they spent like developing the dog oh that sucks it sucks yeah who did they think they were gonna sell it to that's what i'm saying you know the only you what is the use for the robot dog you like to put a gun on it yeah i was just gonna say did the army not buy 50 million of those put fleshlight on dog that's the two things you can do with it the army and the porn industry i think they're trying to do like more packaging robots now so like for it'd kind of just be like for amazon fulfillment centers like moving boxes they have this giant like kind of wheel crane robot now that is they're going to sell to like businesses but it's a shame that like the dog robot yeah isn't getting more development because i don't think they're gonna like work on it at all after this oh that's a huge [ __ ] shame yeah because it's so cool yeah it's badass you gotta say it in person could you imagine taking that thing on like a hike through runyon it's just carrying you spend 20 grand a bite cheese it's in beer people walking by looking auto dogs hey don't kick it leave it alone just a little bit and just does that awkward yeah you can kick it it'll recover it'll be yeah hey hey feed off the dog [Laughter] they're gonna see youtube videos okay i just hate when people cut their boston dynamics robots dogs off a leash on the trails it's just it's not fair to the other hikers because we don't know if it has a gun on it or not it's against their terms of service to put like weaponry on it i found out yeah i would have i would imagine so it makes sense yeah and was the beer that wasn't didn't count as a weapon right a beer squirter no it didn't not no okay i do really i bought it wanting to put like an airsoft gun or like a paintball gun on it yeah oh gotcha that's something i still will probably do just what what if we won't be advertising that probably on youtube what if oh bro what if we start a dog fighting league i've been on dog fighting yeah jesus this is the second time you bought it but no but we we make it like battle bots but it's like a partnership with boston dynamics this is just the worst marketing listen you guys aren't going to make money on it yeah we need to fight it let's just start a tv series where we show the insane violent capabilities of this device it's kind of a dope idea actually you see what i'm saying it is like you say battle bots is that the show where they like have cars and you put saws on them and [ __ ] like that remember that yeah yeah the little the tiny little rock yeah yeah but those things were so primitive because it's like always restricted to wheels right um did you watch battle bots oh i watched the [ __ ] i went to the battle bot studio my friend was a uh was like a safety inspector there so he could just like [ __ ] walk through the battlebots and just they're so sick are they are those i imagine those are a lot bigger in real life than you oh they're yeah they're way bigger yeah they're like a thousand pounds some of them they're 150 pounds some of them there was a thousand pounds half a car bro i [ __ ] know there was one that could like shoot like um it was like a cylinder like this but of solid steel what yes and and they had to tune it down because it was breaking the bulletproof glass of the arena where the like the people were behind how are you allowed to put this here it was like the closest thing yeah it's just gun it's a bigger gun if jake if jake paul wants to be taken seriously he should fight that [Laughter] yeah if jake wants to show us that he's really uh he's really about it you should fight the [ __ ] a thousand pound light tomb cannon ball robot [Laughter] jake paul books showtime fight with battlebot or like damn damn that's kind of psychic it's hard actually it's got seven buzz saws that operate on their own individual arms i ever let buzzards stop me in the past i wouldn't be where i'm at god damn man um hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode story worth if there's ever been a year to make your dads in your life feel your multiple dads you might you might have two dads you might honestly to make the dads in your life feel loved and appreciated on father's day it's this one you know dads are the rocks yeah they're the reasons they're the ones 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yeah so that was fun it was kind of hard to program was it yeah because um well i've never had something where there was like no stack overflow i should have thought of that beforehand yeah i was gonna say like that must have been the most grueling part just docs and then you straight dots it's like 80 of programming at least like the stuff that we did was just checking overflow and copying and pasting from there yeah just zero credits and then there's one engineer who's actually smart and they look at your code and they're like what the like what the [ __ ] i wrote this on stack i know you can do this in two lines you just kind of wrote 24 lines of horseshit let me show you how to do this but so it was just you and documentation yeah wow there was such there was like zero resources other than that the documentation is kind of [ __ ] too like um i got i think i got more out of just like looking through the libraries okay here what does this function do and then their clients were better than their docs really [ __ ] weird are they normally auto generated from comments i i think they probably were it was some bad documentation i mean maybe they should have made it better i don't know they're um maybe they don't because they don't want well you know this is how you could put a gun on it yeah yeah yeah that first time yeah you see that method in there it's a private method it's like it's like execute excuse the internal gun oh there's [Laughter] like it was a weird advanced like um coordinate scheme too you ever heard of a but it's like a like a 3d coordinate scheme that has like imaginary numbers okay it does like 4d it goes into like 4d i was like i don't know what a [ __ ] quinterneon is it was like it's how the robot sees itself in space it's like a quinterneon instead of like being like xyz it's like this is it's quinterneon and you have to go to the next quinturnion to get it to move so probably somewhat of a new concept in the last 10 years yeah i i think it's actually like ah 200 years old oh but it's i'll just go [ __ ] myself then yeah go [ __ ] yourself but it's like so it's like horribly complicated the point where no one has wanted to learn it for like 200 years right you know and like i definitely didn't want to and i still highly don't understand it it's it was [ __ ] weird yeah the person whoever like incorporated that into the build must be just psycho [ __ ] you yeah give me the x y and z what if we build a sort of self-awareness into it what do you mean what if you know we give it some imagination how it's going to see itself in space what about just getting it from [ __ ] here to there there should just be some simple method that's like walk and you just put in a number for feet [Laughter] you'd be funny if you bought that thing there was like five methods and it was like bark wine [ __ ] and you're like wait this is all you can do it this is a furby what the [ __ ] it's a fully programmable dog with all the fun things that dogs can do like nothing sit it can sit it can beg you can even set the time you want it to beg poop in your bed i want to use that method it comes equipped with actual dog [ __ ] yeah and some preservative tank in the gullet man how do you feel like you make one video every like month or two and how do you like well i mean you what that that's fair right oh no that's okay okay that's more than fair do you do you wish you could make more yeah you you do oh for sure because that's something i feel like we constantly struggle with too is like quantity quantity yeah and figuring it but you like i feel like there's times like with music that we actually enjoy sitting on something for a while working on it for a long time yeah and then we release it we're super proud of it yeah when you release videos it's clear the quality is there you work super hard on them like you're the robot dog one i think is my favorite youtube video of all time and people feel the same way it's got like what 700 000 likes or something like that yeah it's almost 10 million views now yeah yeah that's [ __ ] crazy do you when you put something out like that are you proud of like how long it took you for sure i like i really like i yeah i like the um like spending longer on it than like spending shorter on it it's just like more i think more fun for me yeah it's it would be it would probably it would suck the soul out of my my entire body to like do it every week or every two days or something yeah that's just like that's just me though you ever thought about like a world where like what if you had a team and you had like some crazy like fantasy factory [ __ ] where you have to go in and be like all right i want to do this and then like they kind of do the groundwork for you like do you think you would put out more yeah like would you want to be the milk boys of robotics oh god [Laughter] i taught the dog to do a beer bong for me yeah they probably have which isn't that far from what yeah well i thought about like getting more people on board yeah it's like i do like a horribly [ __ ] integrated process though where it's like hard to get other people to like help with stuff yeah um because like even like the way i shoot like make the video portion of it is like is super brain damage okay it's horrid like i don't shoot it all at once and then edit i like shoot like 30 seconds worth and go into premiere and drag it in a premiere and then edit it to see how it looks see how look i do i do that same [ __ ] dude it helps me think of like this like what i need to do next and like the story was yes yes yes because i can't like see like figure it all out beforehand yeah i'm bad at that um so i can't get an editor when i'm pulling that yeah yeah yeah i feel like that's also how bo burnham did his special did you watch his new special oh i watched it last night yeah same last night insane but it it doesn't it is like that it's like it's so stream of consciousness and you can tell he's sitting down and writing it as he's editing it for sure he's we're making it yeah which is feel like you're totally different i feel like your brain is like you see the finished product that's impressive and you're able to go shoot something right and then take cards relax oh it's not a compliment no but would you agree with that i mean no yeah i think i can definitely piece together um story lines like in my head i i feel bad for noah whenever he's cutting my videos because i just i'm always just it's stream of consciousness when i talk and then i might go for like 20 minutes and then i'll go up that's not i'll be like the first five minutes aren't gonna make sense because i didn't piece together this thing so i'm gonna say that whole thing over and then i need to add this and then like i'll do that so like i'll really [ __ ] with him because i can imagine he's already edited i do that all the time yeah and then he's like oh you [ __ ] you know what noah no not the last 30 minutes yeah oh man yeah so what did you think of this you liked it bo burnham's new special oh it was like in like very insane it it made me feel bad though yeah i'll probably never make something as amazing and incredible as that and like holy [ __ ] like it was one of the most impressive things i've ever seen it's like my favorite surely my favorite like netflix piece of content ever yeah yeah it felt really really intimate like it felt like it was like a little bit inspiring that way where it's like now it just makes you want to go to a room and do the same thing yes not that you not that i could or anything obviously he's like in a league of his own but like at least try you know yeah it just like felt so him and like there was nobody else like it's just his vision and like the most purest form of that where it's like start to finish it's all him and like that i think is really inspiring [ __ ] it so yeah you got to see it yeah no i mean um it was pretty depressing i'm gonna watch it i'm gonna watch it and come on with just a just double down opinion against everything you guys just said i think it's just all right i think it's just too easy i think he lied actually i think he had a whole team different sets i yeah he had a whole team i think he did [ __ ] i don't know i think he's [ __ ] i think he had a ghost rider actually yeah that's a camera swimming in yeah maybe i'm just like too dumb for to like understand the whole thing but like my favorite parts were like the happy parts like the parts where he was like like making fun of [ __ ] like the white woman instagram song and stuff like that i was like i can [ __ ] and then some songs i just didn't understand and i'm like i think i'm just too dumb for this they're also i mean i think they're all sweet i like i i like the whole it just felt like like i like the [ __ ] where it's like i just can see that you put all your time and effort into this one thing yeah it's like i respect that so much yeah yeah like holy [ __ ] how god like a whole year your life spent on one thing is really cool yeah i mean that's what we were talking about before just on steroids like he literally just i mean you think about what it feels like like i'm three weeks into a video or something like that like i worked on that darman one for a long time right in like two weeks three weeks in i'm like i don't know if is this all for nothing like people are gonna hate this yeah they're gonna [ __ ] hate it imagine being a year into it and you're like is this just stupid yeah that's just straight anxiety for the whole thing yeah yeah i i mean not that this even holds a candle to it but finishing sookie was like years of anxiety yeah yeah see you've been there yeah it's like it was the worst because here's the thing that i really empathize with like with filmmaking is you probably sit on a film so long that by the time you see the finish cut you're like oh i should have just rewrote like three quarters of this yeah like you see all the [ __ ] you should have did better yeah but like if you're on some crazy budget like 10 30 50 million dollars you're like oh it just is that now and you have to [ __ ] pony up for the one like the people who just don't get that you dedicated your life to and they're like yeah i don't know wardrobe kind of stunk man the fight was kind of [ __ ] yeah hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's better help is there something interfering with your happiness or is preventing you from achieving your goals betterhelp will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist you can start communicating in under 48 hours it's not a crisis line it's not self-help it is a professional counseling done securely online there's a broad range of expertises that are available which may not be locally available in your area the service is available for clients worldwide you can log into your account anytime send a message to 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month if you go to betterhelp.com tmg i think um isn't the way i saw something about like the way marvel gets around that is um they they make like the whole movie in like 3d renders and they'll do the whole movie in like really shitty like 3d renders i think i've heard this yeah it's [ __ ] weird yeah but it's like it stops them from like having that exact moment where they're like i wish we did this bit different yeah they can just see the whole movie before it actually gets shot oh wow so it's like a proof of concept like it's a proof of concept entire movie you should see them they're like iron man's like [ __ ] doing this and [ __ ] but they get to see how it fits together and they kind of get to avoid that that the horrible feeling you get yeah i mean have you have you ever noticed that like no marvel movie up until like there's a long period where they just were never colored like did you ever notice that no there's very little it's just shot raw what yeah because the studios don't want to spend money on the color really yeah i know that was the reason yeah it's just way too many scenes and like delivering a film to a colorist is like oh is this the chunk is this it is this the rendering um yeah play it let's see let it maybe mute it so we don't yeah damn those are pretty detailed though yes it's pretty good this looks like a children's video on youtube yeah one of those like russian auto-generated children's videos it's like elsa and spider-woman or whatever the [ __ ] is it wait what yeah this is pretty real oh this is pretty good they might have gotten more intense for like the really important scenes yeah no but oh no this is these are the animated ones this is when the finished product is actually a lot of the scenes go through previz of different stages um oh that is that is damn shall they even shoot it yes yeah else getting a director boner i like i was so funny i was um alina and i were watching army of the dead did you watch that i'm not uh zack snyder thing on netflix um i'll save my commentary but i was laughing at us because like we basically we ruined some movies for ourselves because her producer brain goes in oh yeah and what i found is like we're just talking over scenes being like yeah they probably like they probably casted like these people and this they probably did this and she's like yeah to save money yeah they probably and like we're just and then i like had to snap out of him like we didn't [ __ ] make the movie just shut up oh yeah oh yeah that's a problem with like learning [ __ ] yeah you're like the problem with learning [ __ ] it ruins everything all the engagement yeah it's actually [ __ ] up yeah yeah right like once you like once you once i learned how to write code i couldn't use an iphone app without like thinking about how it was built yeah do you get that like that programmer rage when things are written like ass really written like ass and sometimes when like i see someone do something like really hard but it's like not done well i'm like it's okay you get a pass yeah yeah i know how tough that must have been yeah yeah i totally do though yeah yeah when the [ __ ] i just remembered ux yeah oh man oh yeah yeah when you know when a website is cool but it's just bootstrap you're like oh this is we go i know how you did that oh yeah you're like a little window painting yeah yeah damn bro we're just like yeah this feels good programmer [ __ ] podcast people are people listening right now is like can you go back to talking about balls and dicks and yeah maybe go back to talking about boxing go back and talk about 17 sound just in the chat yo sounders make some noise in the chat let us know if you're sounding along at home sound off in the chat sound off for the sounders all three of us just our chairs [Music] that's [ __ ] disgusting look gages are sounding hot today yeah what's your favorite robot you ever made your sounding device yeah yeah and why and why is it your sounding device what if like a month and a half from now is his next video is just like so i built a remote sounder for the boys which chat controls [Laughter] [Music] we're beating ludwig you guys every new sub is half a centimeter blood drain [Laughter] man builds first black hole in penis hole live on twitch it just gets big enough and thanos just comes flying out that [ __ ] that's good man man yeah programmer talk i so dude i i was so like when we first wanted to get on the show it was around the time that mandalorian dropped i assumed you watched mandalorian i watched like most of it yeah and the first few episodes i think of season two or maybe maybe season one but like i was think me and some other programmer buddy of mine were joking about like and i i just told this bit before but i wanted to tell it with you on the show because we were joking about like the mandalorian but it's just like a programmer and it's just like he's got like the dark hood and like doesn't show his face and it's like talking about like like drinking [ __ ] tons of mountain dew to write code and it's like this is the way like every other programmer is just that same putted like headphones on this is the way that's how it has to be just like seaweed snacks seaweed snacks when i think about our time at full screen yeah that's what that's what you can condense it down to like seaweed snacks it's seaweed snacks and uh and uh code review yeah yeah what did you guys work in before um cody did uh i was ios oh nice like native stuff yeah so i wrote uh their like full screen had an apple tv app that for their like own subscription video platform that i wrote um and that's what i did for them basically before i left oh that's sweet yeah i just did all the so i worked for the marketing team this was like i love this like sneaky hire from them they like branded me as like a web developer but i was really just like they would just hit me on a monday morning and be like we want to promote this show and uh we want to show a trailer but uh we have to get around the drm cool what's the plan for that yeah i don't know you you got it i figured out but it was dope because like i got to like i got to work like five percent into like many different things so oh that's nice oh yeah here we go this is the famous app that i wrote i'd cap that yeah this was uh this was the reason this is the whole reason why anything happened for me actually in life it was just sick was this app yeah okay did you really yeah there was so i was talking about this with somebody last night like when this took off i remember there was like i have a screenshot of it in the app store and it's number one and then google is number two and ebay is number three and like it was google but not ebay we love ebay we love ebay look at ebay michael have you seen our four-part series on youtube called i mean on instagram called better than new really i have not it's just it's a brand deal for ebay so contractually we have to i love ebay we love you sounds really good like a really good bit though yeah it was really good you should check it check it out you buy stuff on ebay right of course i did i actually bought an electric lipstick on ebay recently and one rip stick oh like one of these yeah one of these and it's electric yeah so yeah i love rip sticks okay but i wanted it motorized because you can't [ __ ] get anywhere on a normal ripstick yeah but the the electro ones they made were before like brushless technology came around so they're dog [ __ ] and did not sell well and are horrible so i bought one and i want to like take it apart and like put a better motor in there oh yeah that's so sick it's good but wait don't you don't like don't you not have to rip it then is that the part of a rip stick is that you rip it i like the ripping for the turns like like i can zoom on these feet you know what i can't yeah what i can do is i can like rip down a street okay i'm snowboarding you know yeah like take a tight corner right and i'm still ripping you know right but like if you had a long board you couldn't [ __ ] do that um yeah so i just wanted like an assist up hills or like for long distances oh i see to be electric yeah but it's hard because the wheels move and also like the entire board moves so it's like it's hard to put get a motor in that thing it's like do you i don't know just like as a person who's not you like i feel like like i don't know i just feel like you can see things and just you get this feeling like i could make this better like not better but i don't know like changed yeah like like not better too different i guess like what i'm trying to ask you here is like have you always kind of had like this i don't know this feeling of like when you see something you're like ah like i wonder how that works and like what could i affect it to be better like is that kind of what motivates a lot of what you do or i don't i don't know i don't know where anything yeah or is it just more like [ __ ] around like it's always [ __ ] around okay it's like i yeah i don't know it's like um if i like learn how to do like a thing i always like wanted to find a like place to fit it in somewhere yeah even though it would like probably shouldn't fit in yeah like an electric ripstick yeah that shouldn't exist yeah obviously but i kind of want to make it happen no i mean i just i just feel like your videos and like all your ideas like they they seem like [ __ ] around but i know like i've always wondered like for you is it just is it like a do you see like a challenge like you're like ah i want to take this and do something crazy with it it's like i think it's a little bit of both probably okay it surely must be a little bit of both yeah a little bit of [ __ ] around so it stays yeah and quirky and silly we're gonna take another quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's doordash dinner check deodorant check morning pick me up from dunkin check get everything you 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first order with doordash uh subject to change terms apply you see we see something and our inspiration is like how can we make fun of that thing yeah you see something he's like how can i turn that into like a robot or a horrible yeah dude like the one you did of the laser eyes baby oh my god so i just watched the boys for the first time i watched season one it's oh my one of the best shows yeah i've ever seen in my entire life oh my god you like it i can't tell by your face okay okay are you done with it now i'm not done i love the boys amazon i love that [ __ ] and how much compared to ebay would you say you like it one to one right yeah i'm not done yet i'm i'm like couple episodes left in season two so i don't know i don't know how it ends ends all right we're not we're not gonna all right this mild spoiler alert if you haven't seen the boys which you should have by now the [ __ ] the dolphin the dude's so i wanna i've never i waited a [ __ ] year to find just like i waited a year to tell the [ __ ] programmer mandalorian yeah i waited a year to discuss that dolphin going through that window oh my god man dude his storyline is so funny like it's hilarious i feel like they just put him in the show just for comedic relief oh definitely yeah deep storyline like the whole thing is tragically hilarious like the dude is just pathetic it's so great did you get to the part where like is did he like is he living in that random town yet yeah and he's like hooks up with that girl yeah and then oh my god she's like that was brutal that was so bad i couldn't watch it i was like oh kelsey was like what you [ __ ] you puss yeah i was like i can't watch that because you have just under your hand and then you have gills i have a couple gills people don't realize that cody's surfed in like toxic la water so long is guild yeah yeah it's on the inner thigh so here's like a different kind of relationship with that character yeah yeah don't finger his gills it's not nice babe you know i hate when you finger my girls so anyway laser eye baby you're saying so that's like one of the best like when i watched your video i was like this is a hilarious video but i hadn't seen the original scene so it really doesn't hit for you until you've seen that scene where he takes a [ __ ] baby and he uses that this is the gnarliest show that show has so much confidence just to be edgy yeah crazy yeah like actually just real gore like which you never see anymore i actually love you gotta love it the [ __ ] the head's exploding and stuff and like you know yeah they just push the boundary have you ever seen uh invincible yet oh no no oh my god oh you seen it oh it's so great what's it on it's called invincible it's on amazon prime okay which we love we love amazon like an animated show you just get through the first episode get to the ending and you're done like you're like you're gonna you'll probably watch the rest of it if you get to the end of the first episode what's it about it's about it's kind of in like a boys kind of fashion yeah it's like how superheroes kind of would be it's it's it's it's got like a it goes to some like [ __ ] place it's a good bait in the beginning i won't spoil too much for you guys i've heard it's awesome yeah no no oh it's animated but i've heard it like so many people have watched that that's anime okay like a 2000 static shock kind of like gotcha style yeah yeah yeah yeah it's quite good i highly recommend sheesh so what do you think about crypto dude [Laughter] we've terrorized people with like web 3.0 and our [ __ ] horribly like dumb opinions usually right around now too and people are like no [ __ ] just so everyone just so everyone knows during our ads anytime cody messed up today i would scream mooncoin give me sound and coin please they want to thank our sponsor mooncoin you know where it's going and you don't want to miss it elon's pumping it sounding cool did you guys see him on saturday night live by the way we didn't talk about it [ __ ] it god ever can i tell you something i thought the monologue was actually really good until his mom came on is she what was she not hot for something yeah she was not hot at all i'm kidding i don't really ruin any snl episode it well yeah right elon's mom isn't no but it felt like he they got lucky with him somehow finding a funny natural time i mean he wasn't even natural it was like funny like the monologue that he did alone was just like it was like weirdly charming and then his mom came on and she's like equally as awkward so it's just kind of like yes by that point did you not watch it i haven't seen the monologue actually oh really i like the clips with him in it in like like the skits okay yeah the sketches were pretty god-awful hospital was maybe the worst thing i've ever seen that was horrendous people were trying to like i can't do it oh yeah i'd like i've tweeted about it and then people are trying to be like dude you don't get it's like a meta and it's me and i'm like no it's not i don't think it is i'm like i'm like the bit stinks and it's funny in an ironic way and it was not intense but not in the way they intend yeah yeah just get out of here with that oh here we go yeah one guy can't get enough attention so him and his mom have to get attention together yeah anyways we don't yeah we're gonna watch it we don't have to watch it now just don't want to get striked yeah we're gonna we're gonna get striked for that for sure just for saying snl you're familiarity yeah you're definitely striked man stroked they're changing i hate strokes i hate getting copyright stroked yeah the new dmca policy is three strokes [Laughter] three strokes here we should just go to a baseball game and then just say stroke instead of strike and see how long it takes for some brewers fan to beat the [ __ ] out of us dude he just struck out i miss it it's a strike you dude [ __ ] milwaukee yeah [Laughter] [ __ ] we say it different in the lobby stroke they would [ __ ] those people man you're gonna get like a ton of just milwaukee people in your comments in your next video i remember what the [ __ ] you said on the podcast dude yeah dude we have to really like your videos we have good cheese curds man then the brewers are a good team and we might make a drink call the milwaukee slush if we so please cause we have natural [ __ ] farms around here to make something that delicious so [ __ ] you [Laughter] yeah what's the uh i was gonna ask go if you've done any reading on web 3.0 i'm curious no if you have any describe it to me please i'm interested oh we won't uh we've done this three episodes in a row like we're we're gonna get crucified have come clean in it yes it's basically cummies yeah it's cummies it's comics do you ha are you in crypto do you have are you a no coiner no i i tried to buy dogecoin yeah before it got big because i was like it's ghana and um i had i still had a hawaii license and it's illegal to trade crypto and hawaii still so i couldn't join any crypto without a california license and by the time i got a california license it was already it was already on the moon it was already almost it was passing sounding coin but can you just sound a sounding coin yeah blockchain runs on my stylist sound off about that in the comments dude all the comments this episode are just burp so what can you just go on coinbase in hawaii and just like hope that they don't like or do you have the i had to take a picture of my id oh right right right i forgot about that i i tried so hard to get those coins damn i did i tried my damnedest that's crazy i didn't know it was illegal in hawaii yeah i guess they just haven't like figured out the legislation it would just wouldn't let me trade any crypto wow that's a damn shame so you were raised in hawaii in maui i was yeah and then you moved 18 years 18 years and then you moved uh and then you went to college and moved back to oahu and you were there for how long one year and then out to um out to california okay actually was an oxnard for a year before it came down to l.a why oxnard dog [ __ ] it's an auction i know everyone has why oxford surfing there though i love surfing there yeah ventura area yeah yeah um uh my friend was in venture actually um you know william osman he does like tech stuff on yeah yeah yeah he just takes off on youtube as well his house burned down yes yes oh my god he says we had to get another house and so he had to get another house and he was like you want to move in hilarious yeah i was like yes it was sweet yeah like pay for like you like didn't get any money you know i i i i we just like split uh like renting a house yeah yeah no i meant yeah okay oh the burn house yeah he didn't like get like insurance and i think he had renters insurance okay so it would have been funny would've been funny if he didn't it would have been hilarious yeah i gave him so much [ __ ] for that our first time meeting i had a job in la and i like took the train up to oxnard it's like all the [ __ ] burn houses and it was it was pretty [ __ ] but i couldn't stop making fun of him for hey you're the dude with the burn down house right my guy hey what's cracking what's up what's cracking fantastic four flame on you were good though right you made it out that's crazy that's cake [Laughter] oh dracaris [Laughter] game of thrones over here don't piss them off you trying to burn by the way yeah i've been in for a year though or two years now los angeles okay are you still offline sweet yeah i'm still offline tv right now yeah so what is that you guys stream together and it's like a content collective it's more like content like we do youtube videos like it's a singular youtube video and then everyone just like does their kind of own thing yeah right right they're all just kind of planning how to burn uh burn more houses um federal organizations it's a joke since we already know you know who michael is uh he's kidding offline is not affiliated with any kind of arsonist one guy reeves fbi assigned agent is like [ __ ] raves if he was [Laughter] damn that's sick though so you live in the house right with all them how many people are in there it's like i don't know like seven or eight or something yeah it's nice like it's quite it's good like everyone hangs out where everyone's very chill everyone's like streaming like all day long so you can play video games with them whenever that's quite nice i feel like hot tub oh yeah hot tub yeah yeah have you guys done a hot tub stream yet did we did a hot tub stream did you really yeah we did for a meme it was like it was sweet very fun it was for pokey's birthday we we did a hot tub stream and it was it was nice oh there it is right there we just uh yeah we just we just realized that or we found out like a few days ago that they made the whole subcategory for it which is wild yeah so notice it's hot tubs pools and beaches is the category beaches man cause like yeah i've i remember i went on like just chatting just arbitrarily at like 2 p.m and i was like i took a screen cap with the first three rows and it was all just like hot tubs beaches and pools i was like dying laughing i was like this makes me feel like such a joke that i clock in at 4 pm and i'm like i'm gonna tell jokes it's like yeah we don't care yeah yeah you really don't care you are you are literally the last thing we give a [ __ ] about in this category yeah we tell to tell them about the hawaii oh yeah yeah yeah so so i went to maui and then i did the big island oh nice yeah for a couple weeks oh that's sweet yeah so i was staying in my hotel on the big island and i'm walking back from our room to go hang out at a beach and let's say like a little beach area and i see a [ __ ] i see a ring light just like it's like in the middle of all this greenery there's a ring light i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on here and i'm expecting a teenager to just be in front of it you know just rip that and and i get a few more steps into gopro and it's definitely a like a beach streamer yeah trying to get her settings right and i'm laughing because i can tell she's like fussing with the twitch app on her phone through the gopro app and i wanted to be like hey i already tried it it doesn't work out here yeah i'm a streamer as well [Laughter] you may know me michael reeves that's what i was thinking is that like you know like you know emerging creators these days it's like you know you're trying to grind for like the category that you want to go for right people like you know i want to be a commentary person whatever so you gotta but like you know if you're just starting out maybe you can't afford a hot tub in a or a pool so then you just go to public pools yeah stream from there yeah there's like children doing swimming lessons in the background dog and you're like sorry i didn't hear dude thank you for the sub some people do it in their bathtubs yeah and like frame it as if it were a hot tub in a in a way it's just like this is just a horny thing right yeah there's no like creative integrity i'm not gonna take her damn it's intentional you can't be creative in the hot tub space cody or a gatekeeper i meant like there's no like real merit to like the it doesn't like lift the content besides like just makes it hornier right um isn't that what everyone's talking about what if you're a hot tub streamer but you're a musician people play violin in the hot tub i would watch that yeah i would watch that all right so what what if someone's doing like crazy algebra with an abacus in a hot tub i would watch that too but that's my question for you is there anyone doing that that's the main gripe with hot tub servers like that's like the main like when people talk about it yeah that's yeah that's that is like the main group okay yeah that is that's what i'm getting at it's pretty ridiculous that twitch made it its own thing when they're pretty like and they're supposed to be anti that stuff anyways right it's like it's skirts i think i've seen stuff about like um they skirt exactly like the line of where the twitch terms of service go which you definitely have to give them credit for that because you're not allowed to be in like um like have your shirt off or have like like swimsuit bikini on normally but only in the context where it makes sense so in a hot tub that does make sense right you can't just have it off and you're like sitting in a gamer chair that does that would get you like probably bound on twitch but they skirt the fine line what if you just came in from the pool i don't know oops i went live [Laughter] oh i just went live i was just tanning out back oops i fell on my live button oh and it's any and it's like this oops i fell on my live button no no it was just showing my cleavage to the wall yeah live button by accident no you you do have to give credit that the the in the ingenious approach like oh what if what if i'm in a hot tub then i would have to wear it you do have to give credit there oh i'll give credit to people trying to skirt twitch's rules it's just funny when twitch is then like well they got us we gotta make it a category they gotta get the category yeah that that is an interesting decision that's the part i mean bro come on you know they got a room full of mods and they were just like it's pretty cool is it that bad yeah is it that bad i think it was making people mad that they were in just chatting category yeah because that was just filling up the just chatting category yeah yeah so in that respect like i think for them it's like what's going to happen you know and what are they going to do hire a team of qa people to be like it's just you know manual bands on hot tubs like you know slowly i get creating a space for it yeah right people are like i just want to see chatting get all these horny nonsenses out of the chatting category see a guy telling jokes i want to see a guy chat to me yeah bro it's just hilarious because you just yeah i love the the category too like pool what is it it's like pools spas pools peaches and hot beaches and lots of peaches besides being in a bikini would make sense there it would make sense there i mean there i have seen like a couple streams with uh like you know some woman in a bikini at like a literal like kids pool really yeah like there was one yeah like there was one where like me and siva were [ __ ] crying like because it was so glaring because when i took that screen cap he was like bruh and he like clipped something from her stream and she's like like almost like doing yoga or something like and very obviously 10 year olds just in the background just like with toys so it was like her like apartment pool or something like that it was like a public pool yeah but it was just sort of the juxtaposition was definitely there it's massive yeah and you're kind of like um [Music] no they weren't known um he tends to get crazy sometimes when talking about chesticles but yeah no it was like they were straight up it looks like kids like in the background so i don't know it's kind of a there's no like philosophy here like it's interesting in between to see those two things yeah yeah i know what she managed for me yeah there's nothing to debate i was about to just go on a deep like is this going to promote half-naked women in child spaces okay yeah i'm just kidding cuddy the situation i'm sorry yeah you know that hot tub streamer that died [Music] her live streaming backpack fell in a public jacuzzi and it killed her and a toddler she was carrying killed a pool full of kids hit an electric oh my boat why were you in uh hawaii oh why yeah i mean since before so we had toured all through 2019 and the top of 2020 and we got back and then obviously coronavirus hit but he and i kind of did the opposite and we just were like all right let's go nuts on [ __ ] content so um i just went cause i think i hadn't really taken a day off in maybe like a year nicer longer yeah oh it's the best place dude maui is the best place i've been back in two years i'm like i think i'm going back in like a few weeks yeah yeah i'm so excited it's so great it's so nice to just like sit in a mcdonald's parking lot and look at leaves and eat burgers yeah yeah that's where life is made yeah in the mcdonald's parking lot yeah that's the best part about maui dude the mcdonald's parking lots it really is you know what the best part is spam misubi oh my that [ __ ] is healthy where is your favorite spine let's be on the island mine is 7-eleven it's [ __ ] um dude the convenience stores want slap they slap so [ __ ] hard it's like they get it from like japan and like because it's like in proximity to it and so it's like people like you food at a gas station that's the best food you will ever [ __ ] eat is that the gasoline i didn't think about that they get spam from asia uh no like the um the really nice um like convenience store like gas station oh suit like yeah yeah okay oh gotcha and you can get really good yes yes yes yes yeah like a gas station yeah and it's yeah it's 7 11 really yeah 711 on maui is like a [ __ ] amazing place against famous bees you can get it at stupid grocery stores randomly and it's like they're amazing i haven't loved that we haven't lived i didn't i didn't realize bang go get that chest it's so good so what is the what is your favorite robot that you've ever made and what do you like anything you want to say about what you're working on recently that you're not i really my favorite was um the it was it was called trigger me elmo yeah dude that's my first describe that one for people who haven't seen it yeah that's the first video i saw from you oh yeah that that one is like it's like an animatronic elmo doll that um detects your race through a camera and says racist insults to you based on your race but it ended up only being racist towards people who were my who were asian and white and complimented all other races because i am asian and white so that's the only thing i could have done in this situation i did a video brings it in here and he's like so noel [Laughter] is it nice or is it me is it nice or is it it just blows up all right continue sorry you were saying something oh no that was i i like that one i like that one because my my friends and i had the idea for it in high school we were like that would be funny before i ever knew how to like program or do any robotics or electronics so it was sick to like have an idea like before i ever knew anything about anything and then be able to like do it afterwards yeah oh i see yeah so that's what that one was are you completely self-taught or yeah i know yes like the year in college that contributed anything that was totally that was dog [ __ ] really college was dog [ __ ] for sure yeah yeah it was like useful in the fact it was like wow they're making me do python one i need to leave yeah yeah because i was already working a job remote in while i was going to college like why am i working a job in software to learn software to get a job in software yeah making [ __ ] sense you're probably learning way more at your job right yeah yeah i learned so much and from the indian men on youtube channel yeah that guy taught me more than any other single human seriously yeah easily [ __ ] far oh yeah isn't it weird that like sorry it's tangent but like that probably random um east indian man on youtube has reached more people than like albert einstein did in person doing his lectures no that's without the internet it's very true yeah that's pretty wild people to teach more people that is so crazy or like obscure russian like php pro yeah like top more yeah before pre-internet people yeah like i'd run into those like okay this is how you use laravel they will i'm like all right man thank you honestly albert einstein i thought it was for real albert is pretty overrated though i don't think that's smart honestly for sure yeah albert definitely likes listening to the dave chappelle and joe rogan episode they were talking about how albert einstein like used to [ __ ] a ton of girls did he actually yeah that's like the one of the rumors about him he was like a total womanizer too yeah he was also jacked apparently he was actually kind of jacked yeah is this man just like total chad he actually ended up kind of being a chat he was absolutely jacked yeah he was like the strongest side chamber einstein hold on i'm looking up albert just albert einstein body body pics [Laughter] albert einstein was taking trend invented trend dude damn bro oh i could see it yeah it's a little buff he's a little jacked up oh yeah oh yeah dude he's kind of a chad yeah he didn't always have that crazy scientist look nah nah he he def yeah now he's got like the um you know the indie kid look yeah like there's a kid from orange county who looks like this right now [Music] yeah yeah killing it man this guy's kid's got three records and empty condoms in his room that's it anyways man dude um i appreciate you hacking into the ship today bro oh yes sir that was uh yeah thanks for doing that man sorry yeah finally even though you did it on your own time yeah nice little warning next time you're gonna hack up on no problem yeah i'll get back down okay yeah sorry for any moments where you know he might just got carried away on penis jokes you know no it happens it happens to the best of us let us know if you make a good sounder yeah man i'll tell you when the iot sonic comes out oh yeah [Laughter] find my sounder now you can attach a a find my sounder to your sounder honey have you seen my sounder just hit the find my sounder page button oh it was in it was in the car it was in it was already in it oh classic me the funniest story dude i was looking for my sounder and it was already in me the whole time i think i need to size up prescription yeah i'm looking forward to your subathon dude yeah i can't wait for yourself-a-thon man everybody make sure you check out michael reed's youtube also subscribe to him on twitch uh he's gonna do a subathon with his automated sounder chat controlled um yeah you know be on the lookout for that no dude uh thanks coming by yeah thanks for having me on this dude absolutely man we appreciate it absolutely any time all right we'll see everyone uh in the bone zone oh by the way uh spock is uh still hanging around so he's still hanging around the ship so we might have him come in for the bonus episode for a while yeah just to you know talk talk ship yeah talk ship yeah so tune in for that all right guys see ya
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 516,880
Rating: 4.97751 out of 5
Keywords: Boston, Dynamics, Tik, Tok, TikTok, Hawaii, Spam, Elmo, Robot, Engineer, Albert, Einstein, Kid, Cudi, Offline, Twitch, Stream, Hot, Tub, Time, Machine, Elon, Musk, Doge, Dogecoin, Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Zack, Snyder, Bo, Burnham, Army, Dead, Netflix, Arizona, Minecraft
Id: A5zL1dhvITU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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