Episode 208 - American Squid Game

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Reddit Comments
today's a good day to be mad at comments yeah i'm gonna read a couple from the last episode yeah keep in mind about 99 of the comments were like this yeah this one's from shelby uh raise your hand if you wanted to grab cody by the head and scream just read the subtitles while he was complaining about the dubbing shane said uh why didn't you just watch it in korean with english subs tiny dick p brain loser i guess wow listen i know okay i know i know i know i didn't know but now i know and i just want to say this to everyone blowing up the comments telling me to turn on the subs and i'm going to say this because i can say this now on youtube yeah wait if rip you guys are shits whoa you guys are some shits yeah all right f off let me just let me just make my own mistakes okay you little [ __ ] [ __ ] i can say that he says in the rules i can say that you can say that now he can call you all [ __ ] [ __ ] or [ __ ] shits huh you little [ __ ] tits can i say tits i don't i don't know i think that's fine i think it's probably fine yeah little shitty [ __ ] tits yeah you little yeah yeah that one's no oh [Laughter] [Music] what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode ad free and an extra bonus episode you can find that right now on our patreon.com [Music] goodbye the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army [Music] [Music] [Music] your seatbelt and get ready for debate in the spirit of the word [ __ ] we got some bitching things to say nothing shitty these are bitching things yeah [ __ ] yeah let me give you this [ __ ] and update our live show is in one week one week october 14th 5 pm pacific yeah to watch it live uh it's gonna be a lot of fun i mean we we just we're looking at all the stuff we shot for it it's incredible yeah got some really fun stuff planned so uh the last one was a [ __ ] blast just join us again for this one yeah we're going to be getting hammered we're going to be going crazy okay we're going to be wrestling each other yeah pro wrestling yeah all of you you know just to bait you even further all of you weirdos that ever wrote a fan fiction this is your chance to buy a ticket me and cody lock skins okay this is the closest you're ever going to get and we're in [ __ ] space we're in spandex wearing like tight little body suits yeah i don't know why i said it like that yeah tight little body suit damn is that how i look to you jesus cody telling on himself so don't miss this next week october when 14th five p.m pacific but it really doesn't matter because you can watch it afterwards if you buy a ticket momenthouse.com tinymeatgang go buy a ticket it's going to be a [ __ ] dope ass time we're going to reveal our wrestler names next week yeah you know just to give you a little taste yeah taste of the leotard so um be ready for that also big ass big gas thank you to everyone who tuned into the trillionaire mindset podcast um they they hit the top ten day one number nine apple and number seven on spotify right now as of today yeah yeah so uh honestly that means a lot to us thank you so much we obviously you all know but if you don't we're starting our podcast network uh we want to build great shows we want to give you guys you know a whole we want to give you guys something every day the [ __ ] week that you can just get active to so this is um our first step into that and you guys have made it really awesome so thank you uh keep blowing it up keep leaving reviews uh check them out every monday um and if you haven't yet what the [ __ ] are you doing you want to make a trillion dollars or what yeah sorry idiot stop not making trillions of dollars yeah right now okay thanks yeah thanks [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] oh you walk back wait can i just explain myself though for this it defaults to english no other show has done that i'm trying to think that's true it did i no actually it does because even on on my tv i had to like do some tech support to get it to do korean subtitles i i've never had another show on netflix do that before so i just thought well this is the way it's it's on netflix like this i didn't even carry 10 seconds into that it started playing and it was like when i was younger we played this squid game and i'm like no no no i felt like if something was wrong too but i was like it must just be like it must be that good of a show where people are just watching it despite the horrible voice acting the art student i used to play the squid game this is the way we would play if you enter the head of the squid you must enter on one foot if you cross the head of the squid then you can walk on two feet we call this the secret inspector yo son were you off gambling again or what's good i'm trying to think of other moments do you really do you really not know the pin your grandmother has straight up disowned you i do know the pin no please i'll definitely have the money for you next week i'm good for it yo next time i catch you and you don't have my money i'm gonna take your lung out sign here i don't have a pen you have natural ink right here nose bleed oh ow my nose it's bleeding straight up contestants today we were playing red light green light oh snap i fudge and love this game this was my [ __ ] when i was younger what the hell everyone is getting shot quick get to the exit what the heck is this game dude you just need to hide behind someone that way you won't be seen the best squid game meme i saw out of all of them was the one where they took the graham cracker and they copped in like a diagram of a vagina and then [Laughter] that's good that's good those licks were aggressive in that scene oh yeah that [ __ ] was horny well yeah first let me say you know i just got to be that guy for a second what it was awful no yeah the face you just take the face you just ate he was like excuse me yeah literally the worst tv show i've ever seen and i 100 mean that it's the worst tv show i've ever seen yeah you guys all liked it well it's actually quite bad yeah and you're wrong yeah all 90 million of you that like that show you're wrong you have bad opinions about media and you're the little [ __ ] [ __ ] i can i can hear someone like gripping through their steering wheel like break it in half well it's because you wash it with the english dubbing relax don't get so angry no it was great but i do have to be that guy and say uh like a few weeks before it like really popped off it it showed up on my home page on netflix and i was like this looks interesting and then i played the trailer and i told lena like we should watch this she goes nah this seems like a random ass show and then it blows up a couple weeks later as we're watching it she was like okay maybe i should have listened yeah i'm just like yeah oh so you knew it before it was cool that's what you're saying right now i can't really say that because you guys all love squid games but i knew about that [ __ ] two weeks ago yeah had i pressed play i would have been ahead of you all and i also would have smoked weed while watching it too so very cool very cool i would have made that vagina meme honestly if i just had a little more lead time i would have made all the squid game memes yeah like i would have been prepared yeah so plus the chest sucks anyways yeah i watched it before everyone else did and i knew it sucked so that's why i didn't watch it again yeah that's obvious why it's so popular i mean is it is it not just kind of like hunger games is it not the exact same sort of but i think right i was thinking oh yeah i think i've seen this before no i mean that that premise i mean isn't that like battle royale as well like isn't it a bunch of kids killing each other for money it is but so is that yeah multiple parts of that where they're like just all right go for it i think what makes this one right lights are out we're not watching okay time to kill the other contestants i don't know what i liked about that knife about that was like it wasn't like we're not watching it was like we're watching yeah go for it yeah [Laughter] just i just like that they kind of like they're like oh lights are off yeah you know what i'm saying it wasn't like all right contestants and they like they they slipped it in subtly you know when the guy died and then all of a sudden like the money drops down and they're all like oh it's like that yeah you know what it would have been and then they're like oh yeah what about this now lights are off oopsie [Laughter] you know what are you guys going to do really solid is if they turn the lights off and was like oh and they turn them back on like it was like too preemptive and then those big ass doors like opened yeah it's just one of those triangle dudes and he walks down the ramp with like a small satchel and just throws it in the middle of the room and it falls open there's like 20 knives roll out and then he just turns around and just walks back crowbars yeah no 20 dull knives like butter knife oh jesus oh that's yeah that's a that's a dark scene that would happen it would be good though yeah it would be good i i feel what made th this version of you know everyone kill each other for money hold on asteroids oh jeez jesus christ yeah well those came close yeah you know we're like we're in a nice part up here if you go lower the space trash is crazy it is yeah i'm sure we'll see some of that eventually yeah is that iceland right there yeah it might be i don't know math yeah neither i'm not a geographer yeah i'm not a biologist i think what made this version of the premise so relatable though is look like everyone relates to debt you know yeah like that is a universally understood thing so i think that's what got people invested because i think that's the most depressing part of the show is you're sitting there watching it you're like thinking about like your [ __ ] credit card you're like oh damn would i kill someone to pay off this credit card like maybe yeah i could would i rob an old man like of dementia of marbles to pay off my credit yeah yeah the i think people i saw people saying you know how the second half sucks or whatever and it definitely got slower i think i think it did a good job it's it's a tough thing to get out of i feel like in a series where you have all that crazy violence and all that tension and it's like where does it go from here yeah i thought it was good i thought like the some of the plot lines were really predictable though yes like the brother yeah you know yeah and the and the old man like the moment he popped in i'm like this fool made the whole thing yep yeah yeah kind of some classic tropes in there but you like to see those play out almost hey guys quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode harry's let's talk about harry's well have you looked in the mirror recently i mean you shouldn't yeah like really looked in the mirror no that beard 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like that's one of the craziest moments in the show yeah is when that first shot's fired and you're like oh it's like that holy [ __ ] because like up to there it wasn't that like eerie or creepy or anything you're kind of just like what is this little organization yeah underground you know fight club for children's games yeah and then the first guy you know spoiler alert fast forward it if you don't want to hear this but when the first guy gets shot when the first guy gets fingered in the butt anchored in the spoiler spoiler so when the first guy gets fingered [Laughter] spoiler when the first guy gets picked gets picked you're like holy [ __ ] yeah and you're super engaged and the rest of that game is like the craziest tv i've ever watched oh it literally looked like a genocide right crazy and then the second episode you're like what's the next game what's the next thing going to be and then they all leave and the whole second episode is you learning about their backstories it's like i almost stopped watching it because i was like this shit's boring as hell like just coming off for the first episode yeah i want to see some death i i was i was willing to play ball with that because i wanted to i wanted to feel it you know i wanted to care about who died that crazy woman yeah she was insane drove a lot of the story yeah you know and i she was the war she was the worst voice acting by far oh i can't even imagine what the english was horrendous oh and it's so funny like the voice actors like them using damn and hell all the time like they'd kill like they'd confront someone and be like you're a damn idiot yeah he's like there's no way that they said that in korean the subtitles what the [ __ ] that is does not hit at all those subtitles were like you know the producers at netflix they got the quote they got the quote for the accurate translation you know yeah they're like whoa whoa we have to pay more than a hundred bucks yeah now we'll just yeah get an intern have them do google translate or anything and we'll just get some people around the office and we'll knock this out and the intern is like super christian he's like i'm not going to say the f word like well you can just say damn idiot that that's fine yeah just put in damn idiot it's cool wait can do you have an example there listen here you damn idiot you damn idiot all right here we go you can't possibly mean that you're gonna take yours and bet it all and i'll do the same with everything that i still got here okay keeps everything fair pause why did they get a young guy trying to be an old guy yeah i don't know just get an old guy yeah i know that like that that is literally such a crucial part of watching an old character do you think i'm the only one that washed it all the way through no english dubbing no i think there were plenty of people who'd plenty of people who did i think i watched the whole [ __ ] thing i watched this episode the whole thing even after people told me to turn the subtitles on i was like [ __ ] i'm in too deep at this point i'm not gonna start reading well i wonder the girl who got her uh spoiler alert the girl who got her head absolutely shot in uh you know the young chick who killed her dad yeah i wonder what her voice acting was like what was it it was all pretty horrendous hey thanks for being a good friend yeah you're awesome yeah yeah but like the one the the worst one was the crazy chick because it's like really hard to sound crazy without acting crazy at the same time yeah like i wish we had an example of that but it was so bad let this play out what's the remaining ten seconds just to get you a one what kind of nonsense is this what makes no sense at all oh mean god what kind of nonsense what kind of crap and nonsense is it that's like damn it's so frustrating what are you a damn idiot or something that's so frustrating man yeah just especially because that was the charm of the old man in in korean how long it took him to say things like how long it took him to think of what to say yeah that's where i say he nailed it because then later when he's in the bed it's a total tone switch and he's not like he comes across a lot smarter he's speaking very coherent you know he doesn't seem like a [ __ ] right and you know and he seems like a rich old man yeah yeah a sick bastard yeah yeah that's another thing is that they had to like match the time it takes in korean to say something yeah with the english so sometimes it was like scenes like that where they just like write the same thing twice yeah like that makes no sense that's just nonsense and i don't know if they actually said that in korean but i'm assuming like a lot of that doesn't line up so they had to like fill in a lot of the gaps just stretching it out that doesn't make any sense that is damn nonsense damn i'm just putting damn in damn what the hell nonsense is that damn it i'm an idiot so rude yeah i uh i sparked a lot of debate in the last episode i was trying to remember what korean film i had seen uh i think it was i saw the devil i'm gonna re-watch it but i love how anytime i bring up korean film that i saw a while ago people go parasite yeah that was not a while ago that was two years ago max yeah that was recently yeah i said [ __ ] 10. yeah anyway um yeah good show though yeah uh i mean for a shitty show yeah for a horrible show yeah um would you survive you think um no there's no [ __ ] way the honey i was actually thinking about that the whole time the honeycomb thing if i got the umbrella i just start crying yeah yeah i would just eat the honey yeah and then this is what it says like the last meal type deal yeah i would just cry eat the honeycomb and then just like look at the guy in the pink suit like it's just really yeah i like the one guy that got he got one of them off like he killed one of them before one of the guards before he that was like his last oh yeah that was during the honeycomb right yeah he's like all right [ __ ] this and he like beats the [ __ ] out of one of the guys yeah he like did krav maga and took the pistol and then yeah i was like all right dude yeah yeah you know at least you took one of them with exactly yeah that made sense i mean you know what it really threw me off though is yeah the second last episode like when they're actually playing the squid games or when they have the vips there yeah and they actually start speaking english that was like what the [ __ ] yeah how do we just hold yeah we got to back up that dialogue was the worst oh yeah that's what i'm saying american dialogue generator yeah hey you fat [ __ ] yeah are you enjoying yourself be quiet i'm whiskey drinking yeah you know yeah it just threw me off because every like every other scene in the in the show the lips don't match what they're saying and then all of a sudden they did and i was like wait have i they've been speaking english what's wrong with me [Laughter] that that dude having to be that close to that guy's naked dick yeah as an actor yeah props to him just stone cold of the with the dude's meat in his face [Music] i thought man i really thought they were gonna show the nut grab yeah no yeah that dialogue was uh atrocious yeah um tournaments also the plot hold the who the [ __ ] was that whoa oh dale that's dale yeah what a crazy [ __ ] yeah he likes to go for a little joy floats yeah you'll probably see him a couple more times he's just like he's weird like that joey orbitz djorbit orbits dale jorbetting again [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] anyway what a [ __ ] [ __ ] um you know what [ __ ] that's that environment they were in uh first of all main villain or like the right hand man villain his mask was cold as [ __ ] which one the black mask yeah that was sick that was hard as hell yeah i wanted to walk around like that in real life yeah so how many of those will we see at halloween i not many that's a hard mask to make is it i think so no they were like when they started taking them off you could see it they were just foam there you go oh yeah yep so many of these and so many of the playstation controller guys too yeah yeah yeah that's all anyone was thinking it was right that's the first thing i thought when i saw that i was like is this some weird ad for a game that's coming out yeah it just right at the very end ps6 wait holy [ __ ] it's good game on ps6 oh let's go let's go um i love how they already made this [ __ ] in roblox yeah did they yeah love it marcus linked it to us but like i'm i'm fascinated with how quickly roblox just they can what even is that game like they remade gta they made squid game they have like that weird russian roulette game is this like the developers of the game writing this [ __ ] in no i think it's people making mods okay got it but four-year-olds yeah straight up it's a literal four-year-old that made this it's it's ridiculous um what they got they got nothing else to do you know that hey guys we'd like to take a quick break to 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they definitely know how to code already [Music] i don't even think you know how to code i feel like it's it's pretty visual like i think you just probably like upload some pictures and you know yeah like i'm sure they have like a creative mode yeah and you just like make a map and then that's it so it's just like roblox is just the ultimate platform so you can create anything in there kind of yeah i was debating making a video kind of on this but more so just me trying to learn how you even get into this you know what i'm saying like but i found out there's no real meat there this is like a website that's popular and random people just make [ __ ] like there's i couldn't believe this there's a server spelled the hood d a yeah and it's like it's like people just it's like grand theft auto that's what like they're replicating and there's like others that are like south south side chicago parentheses realistic okay i don't think it's realistic to be a lego person in south side chicago right but you know i guess they're like sort of like free-for-all servers but you've seen those tick-tock clips right where it's like i can't believe they shot up the party it'll be like a bunch of people in like in an apartment party in roblox and then someone goes in there and like shoot someone it's like pop pop pop and everyone in the party runs away and is it kids still playing this is yeah that's the part i'm like kind of i that's what i'm curious about do you go in there and is it just like nine-year-olds thinking it's funny but it doesn't seem that way because there's a there's another tick-tock clip of these dudes they sound like they're at least high school okay and they're playing russian roulette okay like they're passing a gun around shooting in the head and one of the kids is like dude what is even roblox anymore yeah so yeah anyway yeah would you survive you know it's you know you know it's reaching older generation when when you see that there's there's a squirt room yeah whatever the [ __ ] was that clubhouse yeah yeah the moan room you know i'm trying to think if there's any other of the squid games that i think i could last the final one i think i'd die like the fight to the death yeah you have to kill someone with a steak knife yeah get to the yeah that's pretty rough a knife fight i don't want to do that yeah yeah i know that was also the glass one i was like this one sucks it was just completely random yeah you can really do besides what the brother did that was some people's complaint like oh everyone had a fair chance but now they don't have a fair chance and it's like you kind of do everyone has a 50-50 well i guess no if you're last you have a greater yeah shot at it but yeah i don't know i think it was kind of an interesting way to end it i like that the crazy lady just you know took snake guy out yeah solo yeah i was pretty dope the only thing that was like a little bit unrealistic for me there is like the whole show he's like he's the first one to hit a woman yeah and ragdoll him yeah you know yeah and then now that he's there on the little glass panel suddenly he can't like break her loose right i think that was the only thing that was unrealistic about that no the only thing you're right man that was the only thing that was only the weight yeah it was the only thing everything else totally possible yeah but him not being able to break her you know not now i'm gonna get it noel hates women i i what i was expecting was he was just gonna like doesn't make some character thing where his [ __ ] ego gets in the way and he like breaks her arms that are gonna have like a scuffle and then you know yeah she's like grabbing by the shirt like [ __ ] you and yeah but they did like that cute-ass way to die it was just kind of like a kind of romantic way to go they were made for each other yeah yeah like she's holding him yeah and he's like yeah you're a damn idiot but i love you how could you do this [ __ ] in the tug of war one oh dude no you should have pulled harder i did love that i love that shot where they all grabbed it and they had like that formation and they all leaned back yeah that [ __ ] was dope i was like damn yeah sick that was super sick and i like how you thought i like how they played it like you thought they were gonna win and they started getting owned yeah and you're like oh [ __ ] maybe the old man is wrong [Laughter] yep the whole thing yeah it was good the whole thing was great and and really realistic super realistic yesterday yeah the only unrealistic thing is that a woman could be strong jesus christ [Laughter] just in the context of that scene yeah exactly just in that scene um but let us know when i'm unrealistic like how many girls they let play the game yeah yeah like come on should be guys only i mean most of the teams were they were honest i felt bad for the women yeah it was like make a team and they were just like all right dudes yeah just sausage party [Laughter] yeah but you know the women and the old man they took out a whole line of dudes yeah sent them to the grave yeah what a i it's it's wild that do you think you would even stay after one game you kind of you kind of have to no you'd leave for sure but do you think you would like okay because you know how the the majority i guess at that point they all chose to came back yeah so yeah yeah nah but like that i guess that was the whole point is that like this debt is so like strangling that it feels like we're in this game anyways in the real world yeah so we might as well play yeah for a billion dollars or die yeah or whatever it was how much was it how much was it 45 billion won i think it came out to 200 million i think yeah it was it was a there was uh some like tick tock from some dude being like me like using my calculator on my phone the whole time yeah to figure out how much money they're talking about i was like i was doing that exact same thing yeah yeah it was a it was a [ __ ] ton of money yeah definitely enough money to kill one person yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now that i think about it you know buddy from the law school he didn't have horrible logic you know we all chose to be here yeah everyone came here knowing that they could die yep so if i got a yep i think he did what he had to do yeah that guy played the best game probably yeah like you know we're not talking about ethically yeah no but ethics like that's his point already like morals yeah they don't really exist in here oh oh when the main character hit him with the oh yeah i'm a damn hell idiot yeah what are you doing with here with a damn hell idiot like me yeah [ __ ] moments like that dude that's all it took you think i'm a damn heckin idiot well crap what the crap are you doing here with a damn idiot like me i don't know [Laughter] uh we're gonna take another quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode imperfect foods what if getting your favorite groceries puts time back into your week 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funny if it was like hot dog eating yeah frat games yeah just like pledging pledging games you have to do an elephant walk do you know what that is yeah a 400 person elephant walker that's just how would you lose though that's just woodstock 99 yeah yeah exactly this is how would you lose if you nutted dude stop stopping you're jerking me off stop stop that's so good they make the ground like rumble a little bit no wait why is the ground shaking dudes don't don't sorry sorry dude i'm not i'm not every time you stop you jerk me off every time you stop at the start of the guy behind me jerking me off quit it isn't it the thumb in the ass oh i thought it was like i thought it was like a long reach-around train it might be i thought it was a thumb in the ass and then i never did this by the way please know that i never did this i swear to god dude but you know if i did i would have won so okay thumb in the end stop moving your thumb dude stop stopping you're getting my g-spot stop stopping you keep going really deep you're hitting my prostate dude it could be like it's like one of those things where you know when some people get their prostate exam to get like a instant hard-on and like a [ __ ] erection you're like that famous story on red is like a doctor reaching into my ass and like my dick was so hard he could bend a steel bar around yeah yeah i was picturing them all lining up for the american squid game and someone goes to line the thumb just like a shot right away player four has been eliminated oh go [ __ ] don't get hard don't get hard don't get hard you can't get up hey you have to be soft that's how you stop stopping you're making me hard [Laughter] keep hitting my g-spot dude you're making me hard i was thinking something darker like they'll have to like line up to do like a july 4th cookout but they have to cook the meat of the people who are already dead oh wow sorry okay i bad i got real yo that would be good though i have to do this what cash knows what i'm about to bring up these okay these comments are the funniest comments i think i've read in my entire life dude like i'm sending this to the thread we have to play this if you're on audio strap the [ __ ] in because you you will get part of this all right so just watch like the first i don't know 10 seconds oh dude i was dying at this i was [ __ ] done like the first thing i thought when i watched this pause it for a second the very first thing i thought was the [ __ ] is wrong with that burger and then he makes the rest of the sandwich i'm like honestly looks pretty good but that meat was [ __ ] up do you want to just explain it all right if you're losing on audio this dude is like building a burger and this comment right here should probably describe best what the burger looks like hold up [Laughter] he cooked those burgers in the dryer i've never tried gorilla forehead [Laughter] oh wait let's see boy eating a steamed platypus tail that burger was cooked on a candle oh [ __ ] gorilla forehead dude [Laughter] someone else said that patty got stung by a bee oh [ __ ] that's really good what are some other ones oh is that burger built like a kneecap play it over one more time just so we can see the meeting oh my god [Laughter] man this [ __ ] is so gross dude oh someone else said that boy's eating a whoopee cushion [Laughter] oh my [ __ ] horse ankle yeah horse ankley [Laughter] wrong with that burger just reading these i didn't even need to hear i just kept hearing the [ __ ] meme ass like like every time i read a comment i just hear that explosion in my head i read like five and i was like i couldn't breathe laughing i haven't laughed that hard in years man play the one that i sent says don't watch till tomorrow do you see the new remix nah oh wait is it the is it the kendrick one no okay this might get us flagged but let's play like we can listen to the whole thing in the bonus we can just play the first like five seconds okay boy god damn that's so funny this [Laughter] [Music] i don't know if you can because best friend i'm killing him oh that's good that's some good [ __ ] hey guys um our live show is in a week yeah yeah speaking of which yeah our live shows in a week momenthouse.com tiny meat game we get a ticket we got some very good stuff yeah we got some very good stuff we shot some sketches which are hilarious yeah we got some good stuff prepared yeah so make sure you come through um yeah watch us uh watch us do some pro wrestling it's gonna it's gonna be good um yeah i was ready to go in on on media man i watched a horrible movie last night what i mean it wasn't horrible but it was driving home in the night okay it was hey dale oh dale dale again yeah it was uh yeah i don't know if you'd ever watch this movie and i don't know if anyone else would but if you're thinking about it too late it's basically it's like a it's a movie that was shot in new zealand and it just kind of seems like a movie that where new zealand was like hey you can shoot here for free and we'll pay for everything if you just make a movie here okay so it's all sort of in the countryside and it's kind of like contrived like revenge story about this family that goes camping or they they they go like on a hike to have a picnic and then these two strangers show up and it's a husband and wife and their two kids and this dude shows up in a trench coat which you're already like okay gun yeah pulls out a big ass gun they have a bit of dialogue and then he just shoots the kids oh good yeah i just want the way they died was kind of funny like was that i mean yeah like the speed at which they exited the frame was it wasn't fair it was like it's a really tense moment and then they go flying out of that frame you're like that come on that's that's funny yeah boy [Music] yeah oh that would be great if when he shot him and then [Laughter] hey guys we want to take another quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode skylight frames the holidays are right around the corner surprise surprise dude christmas gifts coming up yeah yeah are you looking for a great gift i am looking for a great gift well i know of one yeah yeah i know of a great gift tell me it's a skylight frame yeah that's what it's called tell me why you like it so much because it's a great gift for moms dads grandparents that live far away and want to be updated on what you're up to oh okay yeah dude that's why i love this skylight frame it's a touchscreen photo frame you can email photos to and they appear in seconds whoa yup you know nowadays staying in touch with those we love is more important than ever and the easiest way to do it is with skylight frame photo frame you can email photos to anytime from anywhere makes a great gift order now to get ahead of the holidays anyone can send photos to the frame in just seconds so it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family it's effortless to use the setup takes less than 60 seconds and even the least tech 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being gone yeah i guess he's mad that he you know he was tortured and i guess he maybe he's going on a rampage to like kill all the teachers that did this to him um you know then at some point his wife escapes she just like jumps over a bridge into the water and then and then the final moments they like get into a fight and uh the teacher they have like a scuffle oh oh i should mention that the kid the grown-up kid the swastika kid he's running around like an accomplice his right-hand man it's like this big kind of strong dude who's like a like a minion to him he just listens to everything that the school shooter tells him to do so they take the teacher to the school that they both went to and this nerd brings the teacher back to where he had to scrub out his tattoo and where he watched him scrub out his tattoo and then they get in a fight and the teacher gets his hand on a on a rock and smashes you know revenge kid in the head a few times and i'm busting up laughing i'm like damn all that just to take a l again get on dude like took you 20 years to track down this teacher it's your perfect moment and he ends up [ __ ] you up you suck dude bruh retire straight up l [ __ ] kid's ass yeah cheeks man did we ever watch that tick tock i know i sorry everything's coming back to take you right now but did we ever watch that one where the guy is like i spent two years building this streaming career and it's time to quit or something like that and he like smashes his monitor on the ground and then it like cuts to some dude that stitched it and he was like bro probably ass [Laughter] damn it was like the most emotional tick tock of this guy finally like breaking his like streaming addiction because it's like you know working against his life and it just like cuts to him like bro probably ass [Laughter] it's because your ass dude last night we were watching i think i said something like um like something in the vein of like wow dude ultimate l like i audibly said like [ __ ] like an insane l elena's like what i'm like dude that's like the biggest l i've ever seen and so then he gets his head like bricked in and then he like kind of like wakes up and he grabs his rifle he's too messed up to like shoot straight so he keeps missing then his right-hand man walks up takes the gun from him and just blows his brains out so he ends it then he just puts the gun and he looks at the teacher and he goes i hate this place and just walks away so he got shot by his own yeah so that's another l yeah yeah he got tk jesus christ team kill bro wow owned owned he got his ass beat by the teacher and then his boy shot him in the head like literally should have got the job this is the guy who had the nazi tattoo yeah who killed the kids okay so it's not a bad thing that he ended up dying no okay no but yeah huge yeah massive uh and i just like and then that was it and i was just sitting there like that's that got a 91 91 percent yeah i was like what's the what's the what's the meaning here like i think imdb is like more honest you know what i'm saying every time i think somebody's oh rotten tomatoes is so it's so corrupt it's so fake they must be getting paid for this because yeah like you go to imdb it's like i got a 5.6 or something like that yeah and you know to me i'm like what what what is the story like revenge comes to you 30 years later if you take revenge you'll get bricked in the head anyway yeah like sometimes it it'd be your own people yeah l's come in many shapes yeah that's probably what it is yeah you can take many l's in one night like i don't know yeah i stayed up till two in the morning watching that that's why i was ten minutes late to the ship today so um worth it yeah definitely worth it yeah good i'm glad i put that on i'm like this should this should like give me some inspiration you know i should i should get something from this grow as a person just like a little bit it just made me want to shoot my teacher i watch so does jesus christ i'm sorry that's the lesson yeah that's the lesson ah kill your teeth i watched the first episode of the new morning show season and i just was like this should have been one season yeah you know yeah like you watched like the first 10 minutes it's like god i don't even remember what happened in the last like the last season was just such a great like storyline they finished their you know that's like from beginning to end it was very complete and now it just kind of seemed like they're making this because of all the traffic that the first one got so it's like oh automatically season two is gonna be ahead yeah and just was like felt like they were just i don't know did you enforcing it using apple tv right yeah have you noticed that the when you purchase a movie from itunes or whatever it uses a different player no you haven't noticed that no i don't think so so if you watch me on netflix or like hulu it's like the the uh subtitles and stuff it seems like it's native okay like you swipe down and it you know this is total programmer [ __ ] here but itunes uses its own player and i just have to say after watching a few things to that player over the weekend apple fix your [ __ ] seriously [ __ ] get it together that's all fix your [ __ ] dude i'm sure they're listening i'm so definitely yeah yeah yeah 100 tim apple fix your [ __ ] dog yeah did you see the guy wait we're gonna say sorry it's just like one of the worst players i've ever used is it really that bad yeah like to get i was trying to turn on captions because i couldn't understand man new zealand accent vinnie's like the only dude i've ever met that i could understand yeah fluently from new zealand right but this guy in in the movie is just like it just sounded like murmuring so i'm like damn i have to you know i'm trying to turn the captions on but then what's annoying about their captions is it like they stack up in the center it's like a [ __ ] uh it's like an instagram story so there's like a ton of text it just like stacks up in this mini paragraph in the middle of the [ __ ] so it'll just like cover half of someone's face but it'll just be like ominous music you're like with a white background yeah yeah and like a stick no it's like an emoji sticker yeah it has like a bitly link bro it has a [ __ ] it has like a background on it so it's just like this brick of text and then like to turn it off it's like a icon above the timeline so when you go to like try to access it it's like scrolling forward through the movie right i don't want to [ __ ] do that yeah so yeah you should have watched it with american accent dubbing yeah there you go that's what you should have done you were my teacher i'm gonna shoot you now you're a good [Laughter] listen here you [ __ ] you made me scrub my swastika tattoo with a nylon brush you are a damn idiot yeah also just last thing when that character said that it was like it made me scratch it off i'm like who [ __ ] cares yeah who gives a [ __ ] you yeah seriously like in terms of the writing they couldn't have chose anything else that could have made it a little bit more deeper right like if they're trying to string you along and make you choose yeah yeah like oh okay maybe maybe it was reasonable but it's like oh nazi test yeah this guy sucks yeah yeah let's hope he dies yeah he's i don't know he also killed kids at the beginning yeah i think oh and yeah and he killed a gas station attendant yeah okay beat his [ __ ] head in with a fire extinguisher right that's i think it was the most nothing part of the movie i'm like so you just made me watch a person who was like a neo-nazi as a kid like die give me my money back i could have read this story anyway you were saying i was gonna say uh the you know updates to the brian laundry case he's been uh posting on tick tock oh man someone is going to think we're serious no no so there's this guy that looks exactly like him yeah there's a bunch of ball dudes right now that are like scared to travel because they're like everybody's gonna think that i'm brian laundry well just don't be bald how about that yeah that was your first mistake yeah being bald yeah duh so this is one of them this fucker's dress like he's from squid game i know yeah yeah exactly oh my god yeah so i mean if you don't know brian laundry is still on the run yeah they um somebody claims to have seen him yesterday on the holy [ __ ] he looks just like i mean it's it's like pretty damn close yeah i thought this guy be scared shitless too i would cut all my facial hair off i'd get a wig look what's the really long trail the long hike in north carolina uh appalachian is that yeah yeah so they no no it's the um it's the indy 500 no that's some car related something oh sorry yeah yeah oh that was the talladega speedway that's a nascar thing oh yeah my bad no this is like a hiking like just you know without a car okay okay right they saw someone claimed to have saw seen him i actually spoken to him on the trail he looked like like kind of disheveled and sort of lost but anyways so he's still on the run yeah but um this guy looks exactly like him yeah and it might actually be him no hiding in front of people what kind of like milking [ __ ] is this though not brian laundry come on man yeah yeah true feels a little bit bad it feels a little yo i am definitely not this dead chick's boyfriend yeah yeah murder the murderer like relax we're so bright we are so sorry brian detergent nice they don't anyway we were going to talk about something i was like oh yeah brittany um brittany's free britney's free so is it like official now her dad is off the thing and she's no longer in a conservatorship yeah i guess so breaking a judge has suspended britney spears father jamie spears as a conservator a position he's held for 13 years so now she's good like her like a state as hers and everything she's in control yeah and then she like posted nudes did you see that no go to her instagram what do you mean i didn't that wasn't me no i know assassin luke nudes like like she has an off or oh maybe she deleted them no right there wow okay yeah first yeah just full on naked pictures first day out of my conservatorship yeah yeah damn um nice oh yeah she got butt cheeks out was that her part of her image though like as an artist coming up was like sexual things yeah i mean i don't know it just it's a little weird that's it i don't know i imagine you get out of conservative shipping like you just feel so damn free you're like i got to be naked yeah maybe that's what it is yeah yeah i can do whatever i want i can even do this yeah look at these breasts and look at these titties so my dad is in here to say no yeah yeah perhaps anyways good for her congrats i think we got you know between her dad and like that arizona senator who got like followed into the bathroom you saw that no it was like some young kids falling to center in the bathroom they're like uh basically calling her out like yo we voted for you and like you're not doing the thing you said you're doing and she's like i'm on my way out and she goes to take a [ __ ] or something and they follow her into the bathroom and they're just like are they like shaming her they're like smells are you pooping in here it smells like poop in here that would have been so funny is it as soon as she went to the stall all their political political rhetoric just stopped yeah we voted for you and are you pooping are you poopy smells so you smell good you smell good [Laughter] you okay bro you pooping pooping yeah they're like we campaigned for you we you know we all this and that i think like we gotta i mean even uh felix from chapel was like i i feel like every senator should have to go through this like everything and like i think we need that like for her dad like we need public shame yeah you know we need to like take a vote in stalls in bathroom stalls especially stalls especially but i mean like there should be you know it should be like some shia labeouf thing where jamie's jamie spears has to walk around with like you know a bag on his head or no no bag on his head i think he's got to be exposed he's got a parade like it's like a like a reign of terror type parade where he has to go to all 50 states he has to go through all through and everyone just gets a chance to like fart in his face you know pee on his shoes yeah you know really [ __ ] you know picture 500 people peeing on his shoes damn yeah satisfying yeah you piece of [ __ ] that would definitely filter people out the bad ones you know yeah yeah you got to go on the pp tour yeah no because that is people that only want to do good yes unless you're sick as [ __ ] yeah yeah unless you're twisted oops i stole all the products in this target don't pee on my feet don't fart in my mouth did you see anything about the the coach of the jaguars no did you guys see that yeah how funny is that [ __ ] what do you do whip his dick out so this guy what's his name urban meyer right legendary guy in ohio because he coached the buckeyes right i don't know much about sports right okay okay so i just was reading into this because i saw it on twitter and i thought it was pretty funny so uh like legend in ohio and what was the other team he coached florida uh the gators and he was good right they won okay so one of the most accomplished college football coaches i think he retires i thought he just coached all of florida i got confused right there no the the gators okay college football oh so just not all of florida not all of them okay yeah um but then he retired for a while and then he uh got back into coaching because he took the job as the head coach of the jacksonville jaguars okay and they've now lost the first four games of the season nice their own four nice and it's like horrendous yeah like have they ever been this bad the jack they're not good but like this is very bad okay yeah it's pretty pretty horrible so anyways they lost their fourth game and people were like [ __ ] like we're [ __ ] for the season it's this guy's first year coaching this team right so everyone's like urban meyer is like kind of tarnishing his legacy right yeah so then he flies home from the game back to ohio and he goes out on uh last night or the night before was it saturday night i think and he's goes to some like kick-ass shitty bar in ohio and someone videotapes him and this blonde girl is like grinding on him he's so he's got a wife and grandkids he left his wife at home with the grandkids so he could go out and people are videoing him this this blonde girl just this like 22 year old blonde girl grinding on him and then and then there's like a video from another angle and there's like pictures of people like like other girls like taking pictures with him or whatever and he responds the next day and he's like i'm sorry it's just classic people want you out on the dance floor and i should have said no i should have went home and then there's a video from like the back angle of him like sticking his fingers like up the girl's ass basically so dude was playing squid game yeah exactly oh yeah he was playing elephant walk awesome yeah you know that loss has gotten down bad yeah he doesn't even know what his life is anymore yeah damn it's pretty absurd what a what a way to go out for a long time explain that right kyle yeah crushed it i the only difference is that he it was i think sunday and he stayed after his team had all flown home and then he went out that night so he's supposed to like fly home on the plane with his team but then he's even worse just digging just digging worse and worse his grandkids at home with his wife dude come on just loses his wife and his family and his reputation and his coaching career in no but then his wife tweeted did you see that no what'd she say like he deserves a night off or something like that oh they might be so old that they just don't care yeah and then someone replied and was like holy [ __ ] does urban meyer have the coolest wife on earth it's like i don't know if that's cool i i mean how old is he how old's i let's let's get an age check age check urban meyer 57 i mean this [ __ ] may not work that well anymore so 57 yeah his wife may not even care she's like i ain't even gonna get up yeah yeah yeah go ahead he's like go ahead rub it out nothing's gonna happen sweetie yeah if you can get it up congrats congrats yeah tag me in let me know let me know if you can get that old thing i'll get a flight over i'll put the grandkids somewhere else i'll put them in the next room yeah urban meyer man so yeah i thought that was kind of funny damn well dying damn urban meyer ruining his career asteroids wait that's all right they won't hit we're pretty big out in the front so yeah that's true just kind of separates things well shall we shall we get into the uh we got a lot of stuff in the bonus a lot of stuff actually couch guy tick tock lindsay lohan furry nft james bond facebook is deleted grimes is communism richard pusey noel's guy and last but not least alone on history channel what the [ __ ] is that we'll talk about it okay i'm pumped oh and acl i went to acl so i want to talk about that because we talked about some life i had a revelation when i was there hell yeah i want to hear that is miley cyrus is fantastic yeah she's an amazing singer i had no idea yeah that's all i wanted to say so we don't have to talk about in the bonus anymore but like she [ __ ] rocked it no she's a like insanely good singer i had no idea that her live voice was so incredible yeah she was singing her ass off no auto-tune no nothing like it was it was no vocal backing track it was just her and she was killing it and then like yeah although i kind of feel like her like old career you know her like pop career kind of like tarnished it's kind of like a weight on her shoulders a little bit because every time she played like jay's on my feet or partying in the usa people went [ __ ] ape [ __ ] yeah and then when she played her newer [ __ ] it was kind of like oh yeah people yeah but her voice is so incredible she should be like a modern rock star sort of yeah yeah you know yeah i think like her regular fans definitely like that [ __ ] but i think it's more so that those songs were so big that they will attract anyone to go dude i'm down to go watch miley yes yeah yeah you know i mean that's what yeah that's what gets you like a main stage yeah performance is you gotta have like multiple global hits big ol hits and i mean like that [ __ ] like hearing i mean it wasn't like she just played jay's on my feet they did a live band version of it yeah so it was incredible it was still like yeah a good live like rock song but um yeah no she's great yeah i got yeah it's on the subject of music i got in the [ __ ] studio with that boy freddie dread oh did you really he hit me up and he was like on discord a couple days ago he's like come down bro and i'm like sure how was it put some down did you yeah did he produce it yeah was it like on the spot no no it was a beat he had sent me like a long time ago and i was like i like this and then i got there you know the studio for too long and he was just like yeah um he's like show me a couple beats and i was like i really like that one you sent me a while back as well he's like you just want to get on that i'm like yeah sure and he's like all right cool he's just he just wrote a verse in like 15 minutes and just just put it down i was like yeah that would show you how he processes his voice no dang no it's like let me see your vocal stack real quick it was a very like um you know obviously like first of all shout out to freddie man um he is uh like outside of music he's funny as [ __ ] like he's like man that dude is hilarious just the stories he has are so absurd like he was telling me this hilarious story about um someone you know he was like in a kind of like a sketchy i think like a bus station and this the shape of the station was circular so it had acoustics okay and so there's some lady like hanging outside the bathroom she's like excuse me can i get ten dollars and he's like gonna take a piss and he's like ten dollars he's like for what she's like i need to take a bus and he's like there's no bus that's ten dollars like i know you're gonna do like no thanks he goes and takes a whiz and he walks out he says another guy walks in and he can hear like because of the acoustics it's like can i have ten ten dollars and dude goes get away from me you [ __ ] [ __ ] what bernie said that when he said that the [ __ ] just like echoed around it was like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm like damn that was [ __ ] was hitting her from like all angles she just he said she just ran out of there she should have gotten on his voice get away from me you [ __ ] [ __ ] i just pictured her like covering her ears like trying to get away from it just like [ __ ] [Laughter] he's just got a crazy reaction to someone asking you for money jesus christ christ you [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus he dude oh man he like he had so many funny stories dude uh i don't want to tell them all because i don't know how many ones out there but jesus christ that one was like that one killed me that's hilarious but yeah i think uh you know um he'll do what he does with whatever we made and hopefully it comes out but yeah his like he he knows so much about music it's crazy like he can just pull up like crazy record samples and stuff like oh yeah like check this [ __ ] out like some 1930s brazilian cover band and i'm like whoa this is nuts there's like nine views on youtube he's like yeah i love this [ __ ] that's sick so yeah shout out to freddie man that was that was cool um by the way thank you everyone who listened to trillionaire mindset it hit the top 10 on day one yes it did top ten business podcasts yeah um we're super super hyped for uh ben and emil uh they are obviously hilarious if you don't know already and um yeah if you want to get your finance business fix with a with some sauce on it with some humor they're your guys this is funny actually so we asked kyle to pick out two reviews because it's got a a number of five star reviews now which we're stoked about hell yeah so this one uh is from joey fats it says they saved me this podcast made me go from an unemployed loser to the ceo of a fortune 500 company see truly reminds it works literally one episode and look at this one i'm i am a businessman as a certified businessman i trust and rely on this podcast for crucial financial knowledge five stars you know what's funny that's me is it yeah that's me i wrote that one dr rim dr jim richtel's nice to me nice innovating this podcast has changed my life i went from watching tmg and buying logan paul nfts to losing all my 401k on alibaba call options that's good from broke to financially yoked these these turned me into a multi-millionaire with tips about investing in vacuum repair the stuff these guys know is unreal see already one hour of the trillionaire mindset and we're changing people's lives literally making people rich it's only going to continue yeah so chill in our mindset please subscribe on apple podcast or spotify give it a five star review that really helps us yeah um or watch it on youtube it'll be every single week on monday so thank you guys for checking that out and uh now we're gonna skirt off into the bone zone where we can say the f word yeah frick oh fart fart fanny fupa i'm getting the fanny flutters right now dude yeah i'm wet from all this elephant walk talk see you guys
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 585,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 24sec (4704 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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