Episode 174 - Tom Brady is Eternal

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace guys we um and girls it's not just a guy's podcast yeah first of all i have to say what's up boys we just want to say a special what up to the boys out there yeah it is a special what up to the boys [Laughter] special first of all when you're doing that ad read i thought you're gonna say packages are gay what do you mean what was it was one of those the actual sentence packages a day oh i just i don't know i i had like i had like that so raven moment that you were gonna i get those well they haven't heard the ad read yet though that's why it's going to be funny so i'm saying it at the top um sorry go ahead no i had gay on my mind because um i actually read a statement from lgbq in light of you know the launch of gay burger what'd they say uh well let me read it yeah please do [Music] here at lgbq we take great pride in our gay sauce it's come to our attention that recent developments in local businesses may put our gay sauce under threat but don't fear our gay sauce will never be kept in the closet okay he'll never be held down the gay sauce will fight through keep on keeping on and come on down to lgbq and get your hefty pound of gay sauce that's good that's good dude but i don't think that the gay sauce is actually in jeopardy because i guess i saw an article that elijah's is called jizz sauce oh it's not but did you see that no well you know i just you know i think the owners of lgbq are just afraid that you know just they've they've they've been a business for 50 years now you know yeah right they don't want to get swept up by the new corporate you know overlord that's just you know taking taking over society you know they're just trying to preserve the lgbq you know oh they're like a small they're like a small business you know gay burgers like the big conglomerate you know that moved in across the street right right right right well bigger burgers bigger but that's part of it that's part of you know you gotta expect competition they were they had a monopoly kind of on the whole gay fast food industry that's true up until this point and now gay burger is a thing and their gaioli sauce yeah which that's actually on the menu i'm pretty sure which it is did you not literally say gaioli sauce last week yeah like literally three [ __ ] days before this comes out what are the odds of that literally comes out yeah exactly i just like talking about this like it's a real topic like we're actually sitting here discussing the ethics of gay burger gay fast food yeah and lgbtq but it's they're not real you know in a way you could argue the owners of lgbq are they're kind of trying to they're trying to maintain a monopoly on the market you know sort of like subtly shaming gay burger yeah that doesn't doesn't feel welcoming you know how did they subtly shame them well you know to say like their gay sauce is under attack like gay burger didn't attack their sauce you know they didn't attack the sauce and gay sauce is still it's still like a very protected recipe people have tried to reproduce it exactly you'll never get that creaminess no you never get that flavor a little saltiness you know you know the smell of ajax it's hard to replicate elijah texted me and said i'll send you guys gay burger if you well he was because he saw the people tagging us in the tweet and he was like i don't understand what did you guys say this and we were like i texted him back and i was like this is so bizarre we literally said this last week and we even said gaoli sauce i'm pretty sure and uh oh the gay burger side is pulled up yeah throw it up anyways he texted he said i'll send you guys some tomorrow if you want so maybe for the bone zone because we're doing it live today maybe we can get some gay burger in the middle of it and eat some there it is right there that's [ __ ] great that's a good logo seems pretty gay already let's make it gayer and for charity 100 of proceeds go to the what is it la lgbt center for homeless youth damn 100 of the proceeds damn it's pretty sick yeah it's time burgers were gay grab yours today let's see what are the burgers called love me daddy beef me up scotty help me daddy not to be confused with love me daddy no more milk daddy nice gay fries extremely gay fries gay cookie that's pretty funny wow oh man should have hired us to do the ad for it yeah seriously we could have casted our boy [Laughter] do it yeah like [ __ ] i like [ __ ] gay cheeseburgers man cause i'm [ __ ] gay so head on down to gay barbecue i mean excuse me gay burger and get yourself a gay burger cause i'm [ __ ] gay as [ __ ] [Laughter] i don't eat mr beast burger all right i gotta get back in that accent how do i do that mr b mr beast burger i don't need a mr beast burger i want a gay burger cause i'm [ __ ] gay i like me a cheeseburger that reminds me of min meat that's why i take myself the gay burger give me a beef me up daddy please old day i was like i was going on a binge of like those tick tocks where those dudes do those country voiceovers it's like some it's like some popular sound like some girl playing like guitar dudes it's like you know that feeling when you're driving your ford truck and it actually doesn't even get there it's like when your best when you're when your best friend slides his hand down your thigh look out into the open road that's that feeling of driving a ford truck i've never seen that oh man i [ __ ] i don't i'd have to find it it's dammit man that's so funny that's so funny you know that feeling of you sliding your hand through matthew mcconaughey's hair while you're driving through the driving that buick through the arizona desert that's that feeling of driving a ford truck speaking of speaking of trucks i just have to say no free clout we're not going to say we're not going to say what car brand but a car brand yadillac you had a lack yeah they were [ __ ] dude hop off yeah i saw that story i said hop off dude i couldn't believe it man that dude showed up with a bread basket but it was liquor you know the way the basket looked i was expecting like a live chicken and eggs to be inside it yeah so it did kind of look like a farm like a fresh basket super rustic you know yeah yeah he handed that to me and then there was like he had one bag of food and i said oh man this is crazy i was like thank you he's like nah there's more he comes back with two more giant bags and then another thing of liquor and then two boxes of beer they stalked you with sauce it was um it was it was crazy and luke said they're really just trying to get me to give the car back yeah he's like wait he's standing at the door wait and he's like all right all right you're now your turn right well i just closed the door on him i was like i see man thanks appreciate it [ __ ] yadillac dude yeah like dude they're great cadillac more like how to lick these nuts [Laughter] quarantine has to end dude i that's the only thing that's giving me entertainment now is trying to get you to say these dude i've got a couple stocked up that i haven't even tried on you yet uh-oh uh-oh [Laughter] just wait one of these days it's going to happen i love how a d's nuts joke is now like uh it's a very premeditated thing oh yeah yeah it's like months of preparation now yeah yeah these nuts joke these like now i think it's almost like doing a a live show it's like prepping for like a stand-up show yeah exactly because you you know you can't mess up the line if there are people in the room you know they might give it away yeah it's like has to be a very precipitating thing so i agree i've been sitting on this one for months i'm just waiting for the right time to drop it but it's good it's good this is one night one night we got drunk and just sat around and like said these jokes for hours like we're all just sitting there in a circle like looking at each other but like doing the think face yeah you know when you're you know what someone's thinking and they're looking at you but they're you can tell they're just looking through you because they're so in their head yeah trying to figure something out yeah and they're all doing that half smile where it's like we just were doing that we were all drunk sitting there looking at each other and then we go and we turn to the next person to look right through them and then we'd look right and then someone would drop one and we'd be like oh that's good what about this one i think so basically you guys had like a what what would you call that a you had a brainstorm yeah you had a brainstorm a brainstorm a think tank think tank on deez nuts yeah yeah um i like brainstorm better oh yeah because you know brainstorm right right right yeah i don't know what this does so you're not thinking i'm not [ __ ] dude ladies and gentlemen we want to interrupt this extremely funny bit to let you know that with hellofresh you get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door hellofresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking easy fun and affordable that's why it's america's number one meal kit yup hellofresh cuts out stressful meal planning and grocery store trips so you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in about 30 minutes or less hellofresh also offers 23 plus recipes each week featuring a range of flavors cuisines and ingredients so you'll never get bored cut down on grocery bills by saving up to 40 instead of shopping at your local store hellofresh delivers pre-proportioned ingredients so you're not over buying which is a burden on the planet and your wallet that's right and i gotta say the black bean quesadillas mash them up they're [ __ ] phenomenal so good i love them so go to hellofresh.com 10 tiny meat and use code 10 tiny meat for 10 free meals including free shipping that's hellofresh.com slash 10 tiny meat and code 10 tiny meat for 10 free meals you hear about brian no briandy's nuts in your mouth nice i don't know that was kind of okay yeah yeah kind of like brain yeah here uh here's one okay sam said this one this is sam's i gotta give him all credit for this otherwise he'll crucify me okay this is sam's sam shots this is his this is a d and now a ds nuts joke by sam shots read by cody ko hold on i have to [ __ ] remember it hold on no what's the guy that crowds waiting does a song with mac miller and he does the song with what the [ __ ] is his name oh my god drummer travis barker no super creative guys drummer he does tons of music artists oh my god anderson yeah yeah anderson pack oh yeah anderson piper all right go ahead okay he said something like and you like does your mom like it oh does your dad like anderson pack that's funny because no wait wait wait hold on oh dude this is like an emmy award-winning moment and like that's funny because your mom and her son pack my dick in her yeah [Laughter] something like that but he did it you know he did it better than me but like that this is pretty i'm just going to say sam i'm kind of disappointed in that one you either have to come on and read it better it was i'm the one that butchered it you gotta trust me that he he got me with it pretty hard all right all right i trust i trust i'm really just looking for opportunity to make fun of sam that's fair [Laughter] camping at micro center he dude he got his new he had us yeah we'll just let you all know how sam's doing he got a new pc yeah he to still play games with a controller yep yep but it runs smooth as butter dude yeah the thing is and it looks it looks gamer as [ __ ] every single part of that pc closed he got light up ram which is just hilarious i need that you know might as well go all the way right like i think it'd be really funny you gotta think the lights cost make everything cost more money you don't have to have a light up ram can you picture sam playing that with light up shoes i'm like i know like all like the latest like light up clothing like this dude just turns into a [ __ ] disneyland parade while playing call of duty he's gonna have a little cousin visit him one day and that he doesn't know is like epilepsy and that dude is just going to [ __ ] seize up like check out my cool light up room and kid walks in he's got the tick-tock likes and he's got like the molly yeah just everything yeah the raver glove yeah the raver gloves does the light show before he picks up a stupid ass controller yeah what's up twitch that should be that should be his streaming personality [ __ ] glasses yo oh fi five subs thank you for the five subs let's get it light show let's get it [Laughter] just crushing bottles of water yeah damn i was trying to pull up our our thread i don't even know where to start it's been a week man we could talk about tom brady's chin yeah let's talk about that i mean we don't have super bowl commercials to watch too yeah yeah we could watch the corporate america some free attention shall we yeah you want to do that first yeah sure or let's talk about tom brady first i mean i just quickly want to go through this yeah this weird like you know whatever you would call this 24 pack of him over the years yeah can you pull that up luke like how does your chin get reduced like that luke was saying steroids i think it's a little plastic surgery i think he's yeah i think he's dipping into the surgery a little bit you think he got that touched up definitely he looks like i mean i don't know maybe that happens when you're older too maybe he's like losing some baby fat you know okay look at this right here this is insane dude like how the hell he got a chin reduction look at my boy big cheeks right here dude was comprehensive top right is me yeah top right too uh the one to the left of that you know um third column top yeah it's crazy how he just went from like like bro to redditer like in one wait what do you mean like in the one before he looks like a [ __ ] chad and then you know top of column two he's like mega chad and column one he's like a redditer i call him three sorry and even column one he looks like a redditer this honestly looks like i don't know it looks like a progress picture of the paypal founders you know what i'm saying like this could be elon musk they all did this dude they started out like this this is top left is him starting a tech company in like 90s and then he gets rich as [ __ ] and then he gets hot i just i don't get how i don't get how he even was able to get to that point you know with the chin just the chin the chin is the only thing i care about also this doesn't look like a football player yeah like this like i feel like these are just like you said tech founder like even like a dentist [Laughter] like all all of these almost look it looks like the picture yeah it looks like the picture on the wall of a [ __ ] barber yeah well that's what i'm saying is the [ __ ] super cuts 24 packed like oh yeah let me get the number four it's the same guy that's the one i went with that's the same [ __ ] guy yeah here's the big conspiracy all right column four three down how did this dude's hairline go from like angled to straight again where do you where do you see that you see you see you see the angle sharp angle oh i think he just got it done a little bit different fourth one it's like i mean he definitely got hair plugs after seven you know what i mean calling three two down two three four five but you see that the hairline is suffering in the front you see it's going oh yeah maybe you're right it's dipping back and then yeah the next one he came back with a [ __ ] 1995 lawyer cut he's got it he's getting so many [ __ ] people on probation yeah this also kind of looks like pictures they use in like a murder documentary when a dude kills his whole family [Music] you know what i'm saying yeah now column two all the way four the way the lighting is hitting his eyes yeah that's like i just killed my whole family look right there he also could be a hockey player too yeah it's just funny because tom brady is the most like not right like he's such a not a unique person you know what i mean like even the name this guy could be any anything tom brady yeah two first name head ass sorry kyle can't trust him you can tell though you like like look at the the fir the very first picture he's like he's got like face fat yeah his cheeks yeah can you get that sucked out or do you think he just just kind of got in shape if you can get that sucked out i need that sucked out of my face dude i'm starting to get lines because i laugh too much really yeah i'm starting to get a little crease from the laughter you gotta stop laughing dude yeah be sadder that's the key to aging is don't be happy anymore yeah yep yeah we need to get the tom brady cheek suck operation yeah um do we do we have that indeed commercial that commercial was that that was some that [ __ ] was uh i mean yeah what was we just got to watch commercial show it to me let's see it do you have it luke i no i don't have it let me see if i could dig it up here we go bro this [ __ ] just let this run bro oh we got music though you can just help mute the music yeah yeah muted immediately yeah all right so you guys got the vibe it's like this like we hope the ones starting out get jobs we help the ones starting over get jobs we hope the ones thinking about today get jobs we hope the ones thinking about tomorrow get jobs okay we help the hell bent get jobs we help the determined get jobs brother salary slider we help the qualified get jobs we help the hopefully get okay okay the beginners the experienced and we help the ready get jobs [Music] indeed we help people get first of all what a dumb ass slogan we help people get jobs first of all they don't if anyone's ever used bro have you ever used indeed no but clearly people do if they have enough money to do a [ __ ] super bowl commercial bro stop it maybe indeed like five years ago kind of worked okay maybe the i don't know the funniest [ __ ] to me was during a super bowl after a [ __ ] pandemic where unemployment is pretty brutal they're just gonna [ __ ] spit in people's faces and be like hey we know you're on the couch right now needing a job we can help you get that job it's just like i don't know i feel like you think that's bad i think it's kind of an [ __ ] move i mean why what if if their thing is like we it would that would be an [ __ ] move if they didn't help at all but if you can use it to find a job how is that an [ __ ] thing i think it's an [ __ ] thing because it's like that could be the one day you're just trying to enjoy you might be with some family or something they're like hey we just want to remind you you might be unemployed right now your family's like yeah exactly exactly yeah that commercial comes on and they're like oh dad have you been on indeed lately he's like yeah every [ __ ] day bro the funniest [ __ ] to me was the salary slider where he just goes from 55 to 75 like let me just see like let me just see what's out there wait so that's all it takes that's all it takes to make more money i can just slide into the slider salary that's all you gotta do is love yeah i'd love an 80k salary then yeah that's the part that's [ __ ] dick as well oh you know what i don't feel like making this amount of money anymore i want to make more and you just push to the right ah yes that's what i would like yeah that's fair i mean yeah i guess it is maybe it's dick because there just aren't jobs available yeah so that's why i think it's [ __ ] giving people hope with this inspirational commercial where it's like we help everyone get a job yeah you can get a job and here's a job for you and here's steve jobs [Music] and then you get on there you put all this information on indeed and they're like all right so we got a bunch of user information and we it's just like yeah just selling yourself sell your info and here's zero jobs he's like he's like actually i'd like to make yeah i'd like to make 80 or 90k yeah zero results oh okay how about 40. zero results all right yeah what you know 39 38. yeah okay i see i see what you're saying now yeah it's it's not it's it's not nice and uh but i think the other funny part is they'll just get everybody on there and sell that data and they're just making money off of people who can't make money right now yeah that's yeah that's fair although yeah who knows though they i mean they maybe they paid more for that super bowl ad no they probably it probably is worth it for them yes yeah you're talking about how much sorry go ahead no no we were talking about how much super bowl ads cost i think the average is 5 million for a super bowl ad geez and what was it like ian from sea geek tweeted 20 000 or 20 million people watch the super bowl or something like that yeah right yeah they're watching um how many ads do you think on average they're watching over the course of the super bowl probably like 20. yeah something like that at least i feel like it's like between three and five for every break yeah and so his tweet was mr mr beast gets 20 million views at least per video or something like that i know it's like not really a comparison but if you think about watching 20 mr beast videos and him having the same amount of reach as someone's as as all of america the whole world sitting through the entire super bowl that's pretty wild because it's the most watched thing in the planet isn't it it is yeah that's pretty crazy man yeah pretty pretty wild that everybody tunes in to watch a bunch of guys chase after a ball [Laughter] [ __ ] sus um ladies and gentlemen let's pause for a second okay let's talk about love yeah we're doing it if there was one thing that got us through this past year other than that video of dog face vibe into fleetwood mac it is love and that means getting extra cheesy for valentine's day is okay we'll allow it despite everything we found new ways to match our daily lives together with the ones we love most that's why meundies release their v-day collection in undies loungewear and more so you and your valentine can match through it all show that special someone how much you care and say those three words everyone wants to hear match my undies and if you're single no problem show yourself some love and something that makes you feel amazing because you deserve that um listen cody has done a ton of me undies purchases before and during this podcast why are you telling by your favorite set bro what do i got on right now i think i have last year's valentine's day collection on right now actually very nice and they're soft as heck and they feel really great on my butt cheeks honestly they do uh meundies has a great offer for our listeners for any first-time purchasers you get 15 off and free shipping me undies also has their problem free philosophy if you're not satisfied with any product for any reason they'll refund or exchange it no caveats no questions to get your 15 off first your first order and free shipping go to meundies.com tmg that's meundies.com tmg okay let's get into this let's um we've watched a robin hood commercial oh yeah let's do that let's do that cue this [ __ ] up i was dying laughing i could not believe this [ __ ] what a oh what a title is there music do they even start we are all investors they didn't even allow likes or dislikes scroll down but you can turn that off well you know is this is this like is this like like like like yeah disabled we are all investors start playing it with sound just to see if there's music and if they're yeah it's it's really [ __ ] lame here i'll do the i'll do the fake ass piano ready yeah all right woman petting a dog guy running up a mountain we have someone oh wait i forget is there a over on mute it for a sec [ __ ] is their voice over there is damn it yeah damn it we we got to watch this in the bone zone brothers okay okay okay we will it's dude what ha what what happens though they're basically it's like same sort of thing yeah it's like we help everyone invest oh no matter who you are you could work at a daycare you could i said this way too late afterwards and i deleted it but like i wouldn't be surprised if people burn down indeed and robin hood uh like because of those commercials i'm so [ __ ] pissed if i was like even remotely close to either like par it just seemed like they were preying on people who were down you know what i mean like it just felt like oh are you jobless during the super bowl we'll help you you know what i mean it's like that person's been trying to get a job for a year you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah okay that's fair you know and robin hood has that they buy that commercial they probably bought it way in advance but given everything they just did how do they not think we should probably pull out because someone along the way was like dude we spent five million on this we're not pulling out pull out game terrible by robin hood it's like no matter how many people we [ __ ] two weeks ago yeah we can still [ __ ] some more yeah this super bowl commercial yeah you know the robin hood way we don't there are still some people that don't have money to lose and we could help them lose it [Laughter] you know with all the buzz about uh gamestop and everything going on there's a large percentage of americans in nursing homes that have access to cellular devices and have liquid cash to trade they just aren't aware so we want to be targeting those with mild dementia [Laughter] and stay-at-home grandparents that are being taken care of by their immediate family yeah have you ever thought about yellowing your bar mitzvah money into a stupid stock no that's [ __ ] gen z yeah i know there's that's what i'm saying they're targeting targeting everyone people with dementia gen z who you know their very first savings that's what they're supposed to put towards college or whatever entrepreneurial endeavor no yolo that into [ __ ] uh you know can you imagine you imagine some desperate ass like uh commercial targeted old people like by robin hood just like starts with war footage you've seen all what you've seen all parts of america through history but what was the one thing that stood the test of time that created success the stock market stop trading corn and disney and trade [Laughter] with with real stocks that net you real earnings look at look at history look at the stock market now compared to where it was 100 years ago stocks only go up and you still got five years left so what are you waiting for clayton take the remainder of your social security and throw it in the game stop today and we'll give you a free share because that's the american way helping your fellow man robin hood we need to meet in the middle so much meat in the middle oh damn gay burger nice gay burger hell yeah beef me up daddy america's so sus always trying to meet in the middle all those weird commercials dude about meeting in the middle and then buy a jeep what is that even in reference to it's like you know just what is meeting in the middle the last size just like the last year and and how polarizing and how crazy just the world got and okay [ __ ] they're trying to talk about uniting people who stormed the capitol [Laughter] and you know other people protesting against let's put our differences aside yeah and buy a [ __ ] jeep for this jeep that we all love yeah i kind of like someone said budweiser not bud light but budweiser didn't for the first time in 20 years or something like that didn't have a super bowl ad oh yeah i think it was luke that was saying that actually yeah yeah well you know because if just how turbulent the year has been they're like we're just gonna stay out we're not gonna take any we're just gonna stay out of it and we're not i think this is not a year to market our product honestly i don't think anyone needs any more marketing this year it's been a tough year and that's why mr clean is the best cleaning supply for your counters people believe mr clean symbolizes i'm sorry i'm just thinking about [ __ ] mr clean being co-opted as like a white supremacy icon why he's just like a bald white guy in mainstream media [Laughter] oh wait didn't they didn't they change mr clean i thought they i thought they had a no they didn't i thought there was like he got hair plugs you got hair plugs yeah it's got fabio hair now yeah they just just long ass sick flow yeah mr clean up i mean is there some conspiracy like mr clean is gay why because of the earring okay what's wrong with one earring i don't know man huh what's wrong with that i'm not saying there's anything wrong with it i thought that was like some conspiracy back in the day dude i'd be sick if he had just like insane hockey hair [Laughter] so you're saying it'd be sick if he was gay andy was gay would be sick if he had dope hair and he was gay bro hold on luke can you throw up this [ __ ] skirt on redbubble that i just came across i just typed mr clean and google and this [ __ ] came up we got to wear these on the first episode of the pod well maybe not wear them but you know something like it these are well that's that's hard it's like a hand is that a skirt yeah it's a skirt yeah that's hard love it anyway it's a kilt oh mr clean kill no yeah too hard to make i don't know um what the i was gonna ask where the hell is our thread cause i know we had something better in there uh we got some gamestop lost porn we could look at oh i don't i don't wanna i don't wanna gloat on people getting [ __ ] absolutely hosed by game style that's fair i don't want to gloat people getting [ __ ] annihilated by gamestop i mean especially since we just talked [ __ ] about the robin hood commercial i know and that's basically what they did by yeah debuting that commercial that's why they kept it up big ass globe yeah yeah just a big middle finger they're just oh my god they're all laughing in the [ __ ] marketing room like we're all investors ah yeah yeah yeah right oh we're all investors yeah right yeah right dude going for a hike you're not an investor we're investors [ __ ] nine monitors three keyboards that's what an investor is dude so we were talking last week about you said uh someone said michael berry was or mcbury michael berry was mike one of the was the guy that started it and i was like that's the guy from the big short right he's the guy that was the first one to short in the housing market it was or deep value or he was no no he was but deep value said that mike barry put gamestop on his list of like whatever no but mike berry also made like 250 million bucks on that trade or something like that but i can't believe no one i i didn't see more about that oh my god i mean it's kind of insane that the first guy to to short the housing market i mean maybe maybe i don't know the big short made it seem like he was the first guy to do it yeah and he's like somewhat weird genius like i i feel like there have been these people just throughout history like i feel like he had to learn that from somebody learned what like like as like how like a or identify that kind of opportunity like uh like all these articles came out about weird you know short squeezes and stuff like over the last 100 years or whatever um yeah i just think it's crazy that he was also the one oh yeah no no definitely yeah sorry i'm sorry i'm not trying to sidestep your point no it's pretty insane and if you make 250 mil off this even crazier that's what i'm saying it's wild wait i'm sorry can i take a 60 second [ __ ] break yeah yeah for sure sorry i'll be quick no you time me time this [ __ ] starting now and we're back off the off the porcelain throne how was it dude it was good that's why i was stuttering the past few minutes i was like really trying to fight though we got a top point uh just shifting cheese what's that other thing we were talking about what about dude did you see the super bowl toilet wonky squash toilet bowl wacky slush what is that what is that i saw that all over tick tock but i didn't know what it was i just know it as a sound effect so i'm just like some dude was like walkie slush and he was in a convenience store and he filled up his like cup with a slurpee and then like poured robitussin inside of it or something like that yeah i don't know the beginnings i just know the i just know the phrase walking slush well is it a tick-tock thing or what is it yeah yeah it's like it's like a mlg it's like you know like sound effect bruh just like that oh okay got it yeah i went on the toilet and i was like white people be like wonky slush [Music] [Laughter] nice dude yeah [ __ ] yeah i'm glad it went well man thanks bro now you know now i could think now we could talk about whatever you want to talk about we can talk about deep [ __ ] value and how he's being investigated apparently yeah where did you hear that that was this on reddit like it was announced that he's gonna get investigated by the sec and he stopped posting too or he made a post again i'm gonna back off the daily values and everyone's going ham in the comments you [ __ ] sold you [ __ ] you sold we're supposed to hold the line yeah first of all man if i was devalued i would have sold that [ __ ] at 40 mil i would have hit that lever oh yeah i would have i would have done it never post it again you know just sigh like irish exit just hey i know i was your guys's like you know i was your dude idol and i was your dude and i was the symbol of the subreddit but i'm a dip yeah i'm about it yeah everyone's like cheering yeah hold the line hold the line he kind of like looks like he looks at one guy he's like hey man hey good to see you it was nice it was nice to meet you man just don't don't i don't want to ruin the five jumps i'm gonna sneak out the back all right you cool all right all right good to see you good nice to meet you bro hey hey hold the line okay hold the line and make sure you're on the line you guys hold that you make sure they all hold in the line and everything emma then another guy turns around you're leaving just hold the line just hold the line i'll be right back to hold the line i'll be back i'll be back i'm just taking a piss the bathroom line is full i'm just i'm going to take a piss in the alley okay all right i'll be right back right back hey give me a drink okay yeah yeah vodka vodka tonic yeah for sure i'll be right back what's vodka what'd you say vodka tequila yeah put both in there i don't care you [ __ ] it tequila yeah i love that favorite drink and then finally he gets to the back door and he opens it up and there's a guy right there oh yo d-val you're not leaving are you he's like [Laughter] are you [ __ ] leaving after you said hold the line the party just started man we got to take shots still what are you what are you doing you can't be leaving right now it's 11 30. what the [ __ ] are you doing nerd bro how did he not just pull the lever at 40 million and just go sorry not sorry yeah oh yeah maybe he should have done that and did one last post that was like this this is it this what do you mean we took the we did the wealth distribution yeah it's all going back if we don't do this right now yeah i i got it don't worry guys i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take this for us you know this is for us yeah and then you go buy a yacht that says billionaire killer and and open a gamestop on it and open a game stop yeah yeah so he's getting investigated so this [ __ ] ain't over man i think the robin hood guys uh went to testify like a week ago against what i think just like oh cause they've got yeah i think they got a bunch of class action law students against them yeah crazy this [ __ ] ain't over it's gonna go on we're gonna get a dope ass documentary about this in like a year yeah with noah centennial on it heartthrob heartthrob i can't believe these billionaires are taking my attendees that's so awful they want to take your attendees yeah i can't [ __ ] believe it stacey i can't stay here i have to go get attendees with my boys go to the moon babe and take me with you i will i will you're an average looking girl compared to me physically but i'll still love you and then who do they cast as like old as [ __ ] is as like his like 16 year old friend or no no they're like early college uh they cast ryan reynolds as his college roommate yeah yeah ryan reynolds was supposed to be 19 and a nerd yeah i can't do a ryan reynolds impression yeah so deep value man yeah crazy good for him though you know yeah i mean he still makes money right i i hope so he made some money yeah he got a cap you got to keep some m's probably who knows you should have taken the 40 man yeah i know see ya that's i'm up out of here that's jet money that's what that is yeah honestly geez whatever man there's more to life than just money like what cars yachts planes yeah yeah that's true you know that's actually a really good point money more doesn't make you happy no cars jets planes parties drones make you happy yeah that stuff makes you really happy yeah [Laughter] yeah and bitcoin and bitcoin yeah bitcoin can make you big bitcoin definitely can buy you happiness everybody we we'd love to you know talk to you about what you could do with extra time and money because let's face it taking trips to the post office is probably not how you want to spend your time that's why i recommend mailing and shipping online at stamps.com seestamps.com allows you to mail ship anytime anywhere right from your computer send letters ship packages and pay a lot less with discounted rates from usps ups and 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and i was like what's up george long time no talk and then he just quietly left and then no way yeah it was pretty pretty [ __ ] fun like i didn't get it before i was like dude absolutely because i just followed a whole bunch of random people and i was like 95 of what's being said on this app at any given time is a complete waste of time guaranteed yeah but like to be a person that's speaking like in one of the rooms it actually was like weirdly fun yeah um i thought about starting a fart room where it's just farting yeah i think i'm going to do that no i mean there's like la keith did the moan room oh right the moan room yeah you should do a fart room i just want to do a fart room yes you should definitely do that but if you and if you say anything any word you get booted yeah it can't it has to be like a full up i wish there was a way they could like rate it you know in real time rate the farts yeah like if if people could somehow you know get i was kind of thinking that like it would be a good feature to like for like little comments to pop up like if you just got like a little like shut the [ __ ] up like if someone's talking too long and someone's like shut the [ __ ] up please everyone wants to shut the [ __ ] up yeah like that'd be kind of cool or like some kind of encore button so if people like like what you're saying they can vote you to keep going kind of thing yeah yeah keep talking keep farting yeah yeah go go go go go go go go go go encore i like that like little hands little flapping heads that come up yeah so if it's just like even if they're all lighting up with classes like ah you're killing it man yeah you're killing it it it i gotta say it is really interesting it's just like discord for pcs you know like it's i totally get why it's so like tech heavy and every vc is has a [ __ ] hard-on for this app because they all just circle jerk and talk about investments and everything and the general population is like oh we're getting inside info into the world you know but it's you can build a following on there really easily because as long as you're in one of those rooms with someone who has a ton of followers there's a bunch of people listening and everyone your profile shows up at the very top so everyone wants to click in and follow you yep so there's people with like a million followers that aren't actually anybody already that have built an audience on clubhouse yeah and i'm assuming they're gonna start doing like paid broadcasts and stuff right like ticketed ones why wouldn't they do that yeah i mean like five bucks and i'll talk for an hour yeah that's kind of interesting it definitely is interesting i'm kind of addicted i wanted to spend the whole night on it weird because then i popped into one and it was like mr beast and and uh um and [ __ ] keemstar whoa that was a weird one and uh and nerd nerd city wasn't there too the boy and i popped in and keemstar was like yeah something's wrong with the youtube algorithm my last my last two posts did under a million views and like that's just not possible because i make the best videos ever whoa and then i left the room [Laughter] but that the that was then there's others this was kind of fun i don't know damn bro yeah my uh my clubhouse following we're up to 600. there you go i ain't even posted on this [ __ ] well as soon as you start that fart room oh yeah probably quadruple i think i'll do a fart room like tonight or something yeah i'll i'll join hell yeah he's got some good farts rip tonight dude yeah you know smart room time let's go oh that was a good one let me let me announce wait is that allowed can we say can we say verbally what we think of the farts after oh yeah yeah if like i have a judging panel okay that could be that could be fun uh let's talk about this um these sexy ass joe biden pictures oh yeah can we pull those up luke these are hot dude you ready to get turned on i mean i i i've already uh i've already had to like ban myself from looking at it because the you know the images are just too oh yes it's too attractive you're looking good man these are so obviously photoshopped right yeah i mean i'll i'll say it a million times those are definitely not his hips those are not his hips bro dude's packing too man dude look at that like like fupa fold right there yeah he's he's bricked up is he he might be breaked up he's like acid washed jeans like isn't he 90 years old yeah like it looks weird does it not it does and he his body is in a state where if you're to support it on one ankle like that it'd be something serious that's how we know this is photoshopped oh isn't that what you tweeted you said yeah we all know he can't balance but like i'm just like i need to to get out my system like i feel like i haven't been able to say this anywhere really but there's no way that's the biggest tale of it all if they had him standing there on two feet that would have been some old ass [ __ ] i've been like yeah yep that's him but the one foot i think is what really takes me out of it breaks reality for me what's with the is it a it's a golf club what kind of golfing outfit is this yeah i don't know yeah golfing and cuffed jeans that seems like miserable don't you like you're it's like awful be just sweat dripping out of your big clearly his big ball sack or something yeah aren't like golfing pants like kind of loose like doesn't doesn't tiger like hasn't he golfed in like a probation hearing outfit for his whole career yeah i don't think golfing and jeans don't usually golfing shorts i thought like tiger had like those big baggy pants hold on i thought golfers in general yeah you golfing kyle just chatted you golfing pants yes yeah golfing pants that's what i meant but all right i uh i golf before i've golfed before i know that i'm go i'm look up professional golfers swagger in chief is it are these real or are we getting [ __ ] with probably getting probably getting pranked swagger in chief yeah that can't be real from double denim to peak preppy oh that's not about number 46 gets our big fit makeover go back to the first one again it's so funny all right i'm kind of an outfit isn't it sorry i just have to say i'm completely misremembering tiger's outfits no he had he always had like the sleek nike outfits yeah yeah these shits are fitted these are not um baggy by any means i just thought yeah anyway um yeah this like two-tone james charles outfit right here yeah yeah yeah yeah it's kind of a teddy fresh type outfit a little bit yeah yeah i should say teddy fresh i don't wanna i don't wanna reignite the beef my bad this color paneled outfit dude looks like a [ __ ] like a swatch book for couches yeah yeah totally he does oh [ __ ] i know everyone looks at this and it's like he joe biden doesn't even know why he's there kind of true he probably doesn't know he doesn't even know i don't even know why he took these pictures so what are we doing here you're the president right right that's what this desk is presidential who's the president you are i am right i love the starbucks yeah dude stop it can he drink anything with one hand that's the biggest sign of old is you need both you need both feet both hands yeah you're not just like picking [ __ ] up off the counter anymore [Laughter] bro what what if as soon as they took this picture they're like that was great and then his grip just completely goes and then coffee is the [ __ ] he's definitely not holding anything they photoshop that in he's just yeah make it like you're gripping something okay but don't photoshop anything weird into this dude they position him like this they get the shot and then they're like we got it and he just falls over because he can't balance coffee hits the football yeah that's mean old people falling down isn't funny sort of a little bit yeah it is a little bit except you said that grandpa that got attacked and oh bro oh sf oh terrible [ __ ] he got killed right yeah this is like he was 70 something years old and now and then the same guy attacked two other seniors as a whole that same day yeah there's a whole you know controversy behind that it's not even controversy it's just like [ __ ] up dude yeah socioeconomic [ __ ] that is just not this bummer what someone attacking old people yeah it's just it's just like a kind of a psycho thing isn't it i mean i guess there's just been like a history of like elderly like asian oh yeah i was reading that on twitter being like attacked on in in the bay area and stuff and just brutal like hate crimes yeah jesus christ damn bro you did a kid cudi what yeah i just dropped that yeah what about that dude who got murdered you see the old guy that got murdered [Laughter] what i don't like that yeah sorry about that it was a little bit dark but i was reading that last night oh i said something on stream the other day and the whole chat was like well you're scaring the hoes away and that [ __ ] had me rolling 3 000 people saying you're scaring the hose away yeah dude stop dude stop the girls are leaving man what did you say i don't even know what the [ __ ] i was joking about i said something and i just started like riffing and people were like dude you're scaring the hoes away that's funny oh can we watch this this lawyer cat video holy [ __ ] man i gotta we gotta watch it i know it was everywhere but i just wanted ah this is the most like innocently hilarious thing these are the people that bro people like this make decisions about the internet and technology for all of us is such [ __ ] hey to his defense man zoom is a kind of a piece of garbage when it comes to this [ __ ] [Laughter] like dude how many people do you know that can't figure out how to like stop sharing their screen or share their screen yeah like those buttons at the top whenever you do that but luke can you play that video the one of the lawyer how do you even activate that filter i don't know i don't know okay so this is this is a court hearing right yeah it says 394th judicial district court and i believe you have a filter turned on in the video settings you might want to uh can you hear me judge i can hear you i think it's a filter it is i don't know how to remove it when she's trying to but i'm prepared to go forward with it i'm here live that's not i'm not a cat i can i can see that haunting i believe you have a filter turned on i love that first little oh that's how i started laughing is that like you busted a nut oh why do old people do that man they gotta get like their voice box started up no but it is pretty representative of that feeling when you're in the moment of a live stream or something yeah yeah like you're in the middle of like some technically demanding process and something [ __ ] up and your mind is everywhere like i don't know what to even start to fix this right now um um oh wait can we try the uh wait are you ready yeah what is hold on a it [ __ ] hell oh are you serious what happened i [ __ ] um i found it [ __ ] hold on i'm gonna take i'm gonna take care of the visual end of this podcast um but yeah i just like how the eyes don't track like they're just like pointing in random directions [Laughter] i like that but he did the thing that you do in that situation where you just go i can i'm good to move forward with this yeah because i'm not a cat i'm a real guy and we can just keep doing this it's just a filter like you guys can just ignore it they're like no we can't all right you seeing me now yeah a little halo this is gonna be this is going to be odd edit for nate i'm a shark nice i'm trying to find oh okay nice all right uh now you're like oh my lady oh my lady i like the top who am i podcasting with right now um i don't recognize that guy um my name is who are who are you sir uh it's me oh what's up dude i got you that's me yeah this is kind of smooth it is kind of cool how do you how are you doing this uh just like choose video filter there it is yeah but i why can i not get all right that's like how about this one look i'm a cute little reindeer no i'm a hungry little piggy yeah now while i am prepared to continue with this podcast i am not actually a reindeer um i can see that yeah tricks are for kids yeah silly oh [ __ ] no i don't like that nice [ __ ] yeah all right i'm gonna stop [ __ ] probably hell for everyone just listening right now yeah they're like what are you guys doing okay sorry i'll do the rest of the vlog [Laughter] we can do this for the bonus yeah bro oh this would be hilarious yeah i like it i'm keeping this on by the way we had some really exciting meetings yesterday we did actually extremely excited [ __ ] that's coming up in very soon in the future we are making moves and we can't wait to show you guys what we're working on it's [ __ ] incredible seriously yeah for everyone who's been listening to the show from the start this is going to be an incredible moment for all of us so yeah you you all are truly not ready for what we uh have got planned i know you all want us back in the studio and trust me once we get back in it's gonna be worth it it's gonna be promise you that yes we're working freeze ah i'm here to steal this podcast that's the best one so far you look like what is that spy spy versus spy show um remember that yeah um remember spy vs spy yeah remember the game that's what you look like you got to put yours on hold on you got to be a bandit okay hold on oh oh hey now good bro deal with it wait deal with it right like the meme yeah yeah oh yeah yeah deal with it [ __ ] deal with it oh you don't like that i pooped and left and didn't flush deal with it deal with it oh what i didn't put down the toilet seat huh wife deal with it oh you didn't like it i didn't show up to our mandatory child custody hearing deal with it deal with it oh you guys didn't like that you didn't get to make any money off a gamestop deal with it it's the hedge funds yeah deal with it what's up retail deal with it deal with it thug life deal with it billionaire thug life deal with it let's start the bonus like this this is awesome yeah i like it are you sure you don't want to yo dude yo oh yo it's good dude did you see you coming down the mountain yeah bro hold on [Laughter] bro what's up bro you're hardly breathing this you don't know what's good man for a while dog yeah so it's like a tiny hat if you're just listening on audio we're just doing face filter hour and yeah it's the end of the episode so we're kind of just you know i promise you you're the beanie yo what's up you want to spark this yeah for sure what is it a vr headset yeah uh-huh oh what is that it's like a little necklace it's like a little headdress nice hey king you dropped this all right oh this is cute look at my little oh oh all right guys we're dashing off to the bone zone all right guys all right goodbye see in the bone zone peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 246,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Bowl, cadillac, Indeed, Robinhood, Tom, Brady, Clubhouse, Gamestop, Zoom, Cat, Lawyer, Joe, Biden
Id: KwYuM7Jv5E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 17sec (4157 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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