Episode 153 - Stan Accounts or Stalking?

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace today's podcast is gonna be twice the speed um it's gonna be exactly like how you would if you played any other podcast at two times this speed but today we're going to be talking about speed yeah it's going to be very very very very fun it's going to sound like an auction yep wow that thing going on today with the bachelor oh my god i can't believe that on the back you're going once going once going once on the bachelor who wants bachelor once battle sorry we're late everybody um i can't i can't i couldn't even do that if i wanted to because my brain is not working at that speed and it never does but especially now especially now i'm extremely tired yeah yesterday we participated in a 14-hour orgy um it was literally balls to the wall left to right it was insane there's actually a little bit of residue left on this in my hair right here if you look on camera a little bit of gunk right there yep and before you guys say anything our girlfriends were there yeah and our families were there too actually it was kind of like uh we brought our entire extended family and we didn't even account for one percent of the people there it was it was insane yeah yeah yeah i mean it was it was i would say great bonding experience a sexually free coachella you know if you can imagine i mean it was just it was just you know go go crazy yeah yeah yeah whatever your heart desires really explore you know it's it's really about exploring boundaries and getting comfort you know some people do peyote ayahuasca whatever this is kind of our form of sexual awakening yeah and i mean it's you know it's literally awakening because we started at seven in the morning and it just went all the way until you know eight o'clock at night or yeah nine actually yeah yeah which i mean it's a marathon not a sprint yeah so you got to really pace yourself yeah don't bust in the first couple minutes i know that oh no it's tough for someone like me but no i mean we we we uh shot something yesterday and that's the most we're going to say well oh yeah okay i said it on patreon what it was oh yeah okay well that's fine but that's fine yeah patreon is good to know but if for everyone else it was a 14-hour orgy uh i gotta say it felt good to see you in person felt good to yeah see nema again yeah to get back to work yeah it felt good it felt right yeah i was uh i was definitely being extra yesterday but i feel like it's [ __ ] necessary when the crew guys get you could tell dude by like hour 10 they were like [Music] [Laughter] but now we got compliments i mean we had some of the guys from broke [ __ ] on and uh they were they like they're like you guys are the chillest dudes to work with like we don't mind going over hours for you guys you guys are so cool oh that's good they're like you guys that are like so sexy and you guys have huge dicks and yeah yeah and we love to see your bodies like your bodies are really cool yeah you got cool bodies yeah they're so like just the way like cody not you know i just like the way you know the roles um and and how they you know they were saying like cody even with your roles i'd love to just roll you up and take you home a little your little bread pack and we have to be like dude chill out we're like trying to get a take right now and they just like they're just flirting with us because they thought we were just so cool and awesome action lighting guy's like yo you look hot dude shut up man [Laughter] we're rolling [Laughter] oh wait i got it hold on i had i had my audio on my video turned off that whole time so i just gotta sync it real quick there we go i thought you were just slapping your balls in your leg real quick yeah hold on all this stuff about yeah all this talk about grips is getting me turned on [ __ ] ina inappropriate sound guy and action your your chest looks great [Laughter] what the [ __ ] oh yeah man i'm just so i'm tired i'm i'm i got a little acne now on my neck from maybe that thing or maybe from the from the shaving that i did yesterday i like shaved with a razor like a little bit because my my electric razor died like halfway through nice that's like the worst [ __ ] ever yeah you know you're half done plowing the field and then it [ __ ] dies and then you gotta switch to a straight razor and my skin my supple skin can't handle that you got a straight razor your pelvis yeah yeah exactly my pelvis my pubis your pubis and your in your happy trail straight razor yeah dude that's what i get done at the barber actually yeah i go to the barber and ask for a brazilian a brazilian straight rays [Laughter] just pants in your [ __ ] some barbers like do that like there's like getting a pube fade getting a pube dude so what do you want to do man i want to take it higher i want the fade to be higher okay bet it just looked bro it looks like uh it looks like the like the food pyramid upside down yeah you're [ __ ] just zoned i'm just thinking about barber instagram pages posted videos of their few lineups lighting your pubes on fire and then smacking the towel on it to reveal a crazy ass shape in your pubes and they're doing it on a random eight-year-old and everyone's like whoa what the [ __ ] he's like what no dude dude that that actually that reminds me this that reminds you yeah that could very very sketchy transition there very very sketchy but i mean this is crazy one of the dudes did you watch cheer no but i saw that headline what the [ __ ] cheer star jerry harris arrested charged with production of child porn one of the unbelievable one of the dudes featured in cheer wow nice guy too the guy that everyone liked right wasn't he like one of the most charismatic people in the show i never watched it oh okay yeah i was i was jealous of you know that i didn't get a chance to participate and cheer as a child so it just it kind of you know just yeah irked me understandable yeah i wasn't able to consume the media because i was just so jealous and i just couldn't handle it yeah no bro that that [ __ ] about conor mcgregor getting arrested for flashing someone yeah okay so tell me what what happened i only saw like a brief headline but i want to know bro there's two hilarious things one so he gets arrested for flashing i guess in france or something but that's that part whatever that's whack but the funny part was that they were quote waiting for key evidence and i was just imagining they bring in conor mcgregor and like a bunch of other guys and they put their dicks in a lineup and then the woman just to be funny like targets the smallest one she's like that's conor mcgregor and he's in the lineup like she's like that's definitely conor mcgregor that [ __ ] that's small ass [ __ ] that is for sure his [ __ ] it's not me yeah yeah it's like oh and then she just keeps it going nah that's for sure yours no you saw it lady i showed it to you she's like nah that's that that's the one that's the one that's definitely the one you pulled your little acorn out i remember that thing no it's not i'll put it all right pull it out again i pulled it out right now instantly yeah oh [ __ ] you're going away forever they're french so you are going away forever forever for pulling out your acorn in a baguette connor put his little acorn in a baguette and presented it that way i said some insensitive ass [ __ ] so okay so whatever so that but then the the other funny part is people were photoshopping tweets of him saying that he was depressed and that he was like suicidal which i don't know why they would do that what do you mean photoshopping like they i don't think they were real like they were tweets supposedly by him saying like i can't go on like this anymore i feel suicidal that's a weird thing to make right so then then someone dug up a post on his private facebook where he just goes on this insane rant about like uh i'll never be suicidal as much as you guys want me to kill myself and you know and i all these people will pay for all these lies and all this this and that and blah blah blah but i thought it was like a weird thing one to photoshop and two how how do you even distribute that you know what i mean like what do you mean like you just photoshop that and you go to an mma account and you go dude look at these tweets you you know what i mean like yeah i don't know that's kind of weird yeah super strange to you'd have to like dm it to a whole bunch of like you know like uh mma like movers and shakers you know people yeah the taste makers and all the mma imagine accounts dude yeah yeah they're all the fanuc yeah you gotta just they just seated it to this to the connor stan accounts yeah well all the accounts that make you know edits of conor with like hearts and bts music in the background oh they exist do they really they definitely exist man yeah i guess they exist for everything there's probably kim jong-un fantastic bro there are [ __ ] there are stan accounts for sebastian vettel who's like a 30-something year old [ __ ] german f1 driver i don't even think he knows what the phrase stan account means it's just what do you think his reaction would be if you showed him a video of himself like an edit that someone made i genuinely think he'd just kind of look at it and go oh what the [ __ ] is this i think he'd just go oh that's nice and that's it like germany let me let me look that's nice yeah that's like that's that's good that's good yeah a little creepy dude i like the [ __ ] fan edits some of them are incredible i saw someone tagged kelsey in one that they made for our anniversary nice they went back and found footage from for a [ __ ] ever ago you know i'm talking like middle of the vlog footage just like just throwing it deep deep cuts man i looked at this video and the way it was edited with the music and everything i'm like i'm gonna [ __ ] use this in the wedding i saved it so that i could play it and i'm gonna keep her tag at the end and everything you know at the end it's like a title screen fades in it's her instagram tag and i'll keep it in nice nice that's how good it was you said for the what for the wedding yeah i'm saying like you know if we get married like i'll be in the future right it was so good you know or like a birthday or something i don't know something i just feel like it was so [ __ ] good it's like i can't even make something as good as that i couldn't even pay for something as hard as no one is actually willing to like dig through our old footage to find the best [ __ ] except for this person you know for lena's wedding i'm just gonna get a pube fade yeah and it says i love you forever and then i'm gonna this is the millers yeah and then i'm gonna i'm just gonna say the millers and it's gonna be a portrait of us on my pubes yeah all the way and then no and then i'll get um i'll get like the fake hair that they use to create like hair lines now and i'll put that all the way up to like just above my belly button so i can have a full portrait and then instead of like you need a you need a big canvas yeah for your barber to play with yeah and then instead of doing the dance i'll just sing with a microphone to her while holding up my tuxedo untucked showing that i love you forever that's beautiful man that's absolutely beautiful what's playing what song the [ __ ] damn i don't know elmo yeah gummo and i'll sing it like michael buble with the sticky huh got a stiffy hoe spinning through your block like a pop shove it and you say get the [ __ ] i can't even make the sound of a violin right now just that like that you know like i feel like michael buble songs always have some soft like violin in the background yeah or like a cello or something nice yeah some real life holy [ __ ] a harp would be fire a heart would be fire this is me playing harp football football football football football fight football football football woo not that not not that european football this is that real football and let me tell you something dude it sure was nice seeing the teams back out on the gridiron over the weekend yeah yeah and looking lucky for us that was there is no better place to get it on all of the action with draftkings the leader in one day fantasy sports to add to this week's excitement draftkings has millions of dollars in total prizes up for grabs if you haven't tried draftkings yet head to the app store now because you don't want to miss this draft your lineup now and feel the sweat like never before every run pass and catch means more with draftkings it's simple just pick your lineup stay under the salary cap and see how your team stacks up against the competition nothing adds to 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because we're not this person but uh i was working at t-mobile this person comes in to get her minutes re-upped because she just had like a prepaid uh card and i'm reloading her card and uh i was like there was like a art school nearby and i was like oh yeah you go to the school and she's like yeah i just graduated actually i was like oh that's dope like uh what'd you major in she goes harp i'm like wait what she's like yeah i am i um i'm a heart player so i got a degree in harp i just didn't know that was possible i was like oh that's cool so like what's she's like she's like yeah it's kind of scary because i don't really know what i'm supposed to do now she was so deadpan about it and i was just like what was her name do you remember no [ __ ] no was it helen helen ah nice uh no no no no no it's not it's not i i will you know i'm man enough to admit this is not i'm not trying to get you here okay i know that okay no this is just there was a there was i listened to how i built this of some woman that started i think she started this sunscreen company what the [ __ ] is it called oh it's like they were the first ones to do sunscreen that you were supposed to put on like every single day okay sephora you know bought up to all their inventory they like you know they're worth like millions and millions of dollars now but she started as a harpist that's how she made her money she and she like would call herself no maybe it was holly holly the harpist and would like go to nice restaurants and like give them her business card just hoping that she would get business that way and she did she made all of her money in the first like five years just by going and playing the harp at like dinner parties and stuff like that let me uh holly the harp no uh this woman is blonde no how hard would that like how sick would it be to get a harpist for a party though oh yeah like just like even like a turn-up party like a birthday or something like that well that that does happen that's the [ __ ] you always saw in like cartoons and stuff where you know like there's a heart player or i feel like in old movies heart players yeah that's that's you know i mean hard player was the aux cord of like what 1800 yeah that's true that's very true yeah that was like going up to them can you play the whisper song yes by the yin yang twins ping ping ping [Music] i don't know what they say saying like in 1800 can you play the whisper song by michael blubley [Laughter] dude how sick of the last name is that buble oh my god oh my sick you sound like big sean there for a second oh my god oh my god zen the [ __ ] out but yeah i just have to have to punctuate that story with that girl just laying that on me and then just sitting in the chair while i reloaded her prepaid minutes and not really saying much else and i was just like well good luck have a good life i said something to the fact that i was like oh maybe you could like i don't know like drop in on studio sessions and that's what i was thinking what if we got a harpist to come in and just record some crazy loops like can we make a whole album that's just harp trap beats i mean [ __ ] trap beats what if it's just rapping over harp with no no drums no drums it's the hardest wedding songs of all time yeah we have a tap tempo very softly internally and that's how we stay on wow what man look what is harp i can't i guess the only time i think of a harp is like game show [ __ ] it's like or like turn the page type effect no there's a there's a um oh there's a tick tock sound that's that's someone playing the harp and it's very like emotional makes you think like something like you're about to say something super deep and and um uh what's the word i'm looking for i can never just when i'm list introspective when i'm whenever i'm listening to my own voice through the headphones something shorts out in my brain i don't have that like circuit oh okay so you just like get caught up in what you just said yeah i just can't think of things well i just i just like so much i think i just googled harp type beat so i'm gonna play i'm gonna play the second one oh my god what's this mcconaughey video you sent oh it's gonna be good we're going to play the kanji video okay okay hold on wait this is just be free watch stream hold on is this beat free yes this beat is free yeah okay wait here we go ready play it yeah let's go oh what are you what are you feeling right now i'm feeling rainforest these are greg's beats g r xg [Music] oh [Music] this is hard okay just watch the drums be complete trash it looks like game of thrones type beat yeah i don't know about this i love it is like chris brown type [ __ ] yeah this is cool man we can do um we can do a harp type beat and then we could do a whole music video and [ __ ] uh armor [Laughter] post already did that [ __ ] oh yeah he did that [ __ ] but we could also like fly to new zealand and like get it in the mountains oh i can actually use the game of thrones set like have this right and we can dre we can act we can just like [ __ ] completely humiliate ourselves and dress like frodo and whoever whatever his boy is i don't know yep zether yep zether and we just the whole music video is us going to burn the ring but it's like crazy vfx like it's like a two million dollar music video that'd be fun just in vfx that's not even the total budget yeah it's like a five million dollar video i would i'm in i'm [ __ ] in for it i dude there's so much that happened this week i know what we're talking about is airbnb host the one with the satanic [ __ ] yeah i mean i feel like everyone's even seen that at this point but okay i mean for anyone that hasn't explained what happened basically these people went to an airbnb and they were bugging out because the um the there was they're just objects in the house that looked satanic to them basically there's tons of [ __ ] oh no no you're you're right you're right there's actually a bunch of [ __ ] in there and like the funniest part is that it was advertised basically he like complained because he's like i have a child and like there's all these absurd decorations around this house and he posted what the listing photos were yeah there's like a plain white room with a nice little rug and a bed and no decorations at all and then they get there and it's like this is literally a statue of a goat with the satan symbol behind it sitting beside a picture of a goat and there's like naked chicks all over the wall and like bro hold on um i don't know man it's pretty wild to me yeah yeah no okay so yeah so there's a there's a how what would you call this it's like it's almost like a book end like that size and yeah it's a goat seated on the throne with a pentagram behind its head yeah like two fingers held in there and then an image of a goat next to it in a wind-up toy of a goat banging this blonde lady yeah she looks like a joan cornella drawing yeah so i guess what happened was he he didn't know he didn't complain sorry the the host he he maybe like oh he tried to get his money back i guess and the host reached out to vice or something and vice wrote an article basically saying that the host was right to not give his money back or whatever and the dude's like what do you mean i show up with my kids yeah yeah there's like there's an image of like a like a just a random naked girl and then there's this candle with some [ __ ] in it and then there's a big poster it's a sex militant and then a dead bird in a bag i mean [ __ ] this satanic stuff you can you definitely have grounds on dead bird in a bag are you kidding me yeah that's just straight up like illegal probably just your [ __ ] duck hunt points just sitting in a ziploc bag on the table yeah yeah exactly yeah man it's just you know it's just like i got some satan stuff and a dead bird but other than that like the bed is exactly how oh no this is your welcome gift [Laughter] this is like an offering and what they call netherkin i think i you know mentally i'm a cat so i killed this for you so you have to accept it mentally i'm a cat yeah i'm actually a cat so yeah this is my gift to you um it's like you're a cat yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay he gets on all fours and starts rubbing his head on his ankles [Music] he's like yeah this is kind of tight is kind of yeah we would you stay yeah sure i could say yeah i could stay yeah i mean now wakes up at 10 in the morning and that dude is just all fours balanced on the fence line damn that motherfucker's limber jumps up in a tree murders another bird brings it back thank you kitty you need some milk [Laughter] daddy needs some milk you know who does need some milk michael buble yeah ah bro apparently he was like dog [ __ ] at singing that's what he said at the be like the beginning of his career and he like went to a vocal coach and after a certain amount of time he got good at singing but really yeah he says that he was a terrible singer so you can get better at singing like i know you can take vocal lessons and i know you can work with a vocal coach but i feel like that only works for people that have the gift gift of gab i think when he says he was bad at singing i think it's like he probably had power and range he just had no clue how to use it so yeah so that's not bad at singing right but i mean i guess in context like huh like i'm i'm bad yeah there's no part of my voice box that's equipped for anything of the sort yeah i mean we're you know neither you or i are ever we're always going to be you know flat and at a key i'll need to i'll need auto-tune for the rest of my life i i sent like a song i made to baby no money and he was like he was like why don't you try and singing without tune and i was like you don't even you if i sent you that right now you would delete my number dude such a like such an unintentionally mean thing to say i'd hate reading that over text i'd get [ __ ] sensitive how many you should try saying that without auto tune is that is that a j is that a jab did you like it though yeah so are you saying it's good you're trying to embarrass me i i don't like i know that autotune is such a polarizing thing now that i don't really i don't get offended by that but i also now i listen to short king's anthem and i'm like what the [ __ ] were we thinking putting that on my voice um hey man like it would have if we just dialed it down like 10 notches it would have sounded fine i mean yeah why did we keep it cranked i mean christian i'm i'm gonna just say let me just say christian i'm just deferred a christian i'm not even gonna say it's his fault i'm just deferring to christian what the [ __ ] man why did you let me do that no i mean i don't know i really don't know why we did that i mean it's still it's still bangs it's still absolutely spanx yeah this is in the whipper rooney but it's not um it's not knock on christian no it's no knock on christian at all i'm just you know there's all this stuff going on right now about people taking advantage of impressionable artists right right i say i feel that yeah yeah i mean that's our 30 for 30. you know i had a beautiful voice the whole time and you know i just i just felt like it was never really like looked after or taken care of you know i'd sing into the mic and and all of a sudden i'd hear it back with layers and layers of auto-tune on it and it's like why and so i started to believe that i just sucked and everyone in the room kept encouraging me mate keep it keep it keep it sounds dope dude and it just delayed me years and years of my career because this whole time i was just sitting on a gem a gem of a voice and i mean it got it got so bad it got to the point where i would i had it installed in my throat permanently yeah so that i could you know if i was singing in the in the car or the shower that's how it started is by you know times when i was singing even alone i would feel self-conscious it got to the point eventually where it was just my voice no matter what i said i would hear it and i would hate it without a tune on yeah so you know i got a stoma but it was like an auto-tuned stoma yeah and so i was just permanently yeah everywhere and anywhere but then i would pull up to mcdonald's and i would order and they would give me the travis scott meal every time even if i didn't want it and and i couldn't shake it and then it just it turned into like you know uh uh people just start treating me differently what are you saying i can't understand you take that thing out of your voice and it's like i thought you liked my voice like this yeah yeah i really yeah i mean i i feel like kind of you know the the t-pain struggle almost you know it got to a point where people would just non-stop what what if you took it off you sound so great without it but it's like it's now my brand yeah oh man we got to take a break for our favorite product yes yes fellas listen okay 20 20 has made it hard for us to stay as hygienic as we should be luckily our partners at man manscaped i have done it easy to have made it easy to turn your bathroom into your own private dong salon manscaped is on a mission we do that because it's all in caps yeah yeah in this yeah is on a mission to change the grooming game with their below the waist grooming and hygiene products and they just released their products in the uk canada and australia wow you know i you know what's crazy is chris evans tried to use a manscaping razor and he actually needed two of them because there's just so much to work on you know can i tell you an honest story about landscaping yesterday i was i was having kelsey shave my back because that's what you [ __ ] do when you're 30 you know and you know there's a part of my back where you know like my lower back where like i have hair that like almost goes to my ass nice or it goes to my ass it doesn't almost go to my ass that's where it is leading is to my ass but it just works weird when i got pants on you know right and she was like do you want me to get the [ __ ] stamp and i was like yeah you probably should get it so that's the funny story it doesn't really but you know i used the manscape [ __ ] and it just took it right off well listen the lawnmower the lawnmower 3.0 trimmer offers a replaceable ceramic blade with advanced skin safe technology which helps reduce grooming accidents the waterproof technology also allows you to groom in the shower and up to 90 minutes their perfect package comes with two free gifts and other liquid formulations to complete your ball trimming routine these formulations are all vegan cruelty free die free sulfate free and what what is that paraben paraben free so you know your disco stick is in good hands [Laughter] you're probably sitting on the couch with your hand on your balls anyway might as well keep them smelling fresh with the crop preserver ball deodorant an anti-chafing ball deodorant designed to defend against below-the-waist odors and that summer humidity hits i use this to keep my balls from sticking to my leg get twenty percent the toby is so absurd get 20 off plus free shipping at manscape.com tmg20 basically all i'm saying is if you love your you know dick and balls all you have to do is go to their site hit a few buttons on their phone on your phone and you will change your life for the better 20 off and free shipping at manscape.com tmg20 wait so michael getting better at singing i think like i think you could get better with a vocal coach i think you you would get better you like you're not you might not achieve you know [ __ ] ariana grande or you know some insane power vocalist range but i think it would definitely make you better you know what i mean like yeah and that way it would you would sound good i guess like if if if you knew like techniques and stuff and and and where to how to push your voice and all that i feel like you could it could play but yeah there's so much of your voice that you probably haven't unlocked yeah like everybody the average human only uses ten percent of their voice their voice box they have another 90 of their voice box that's just lying in weight that's the thing that's what gary v is going to be saying eventually yeah you need to [ __ ] sing he'd say yeah you you all need to sing everyone should unlock that 90 percent that inner ariana grande only difference between you and ariana grande is that she had that 90 unlocked already so if you just took a class you could unlock the nine percent i feel like that's the goal of being a motivational speaker is like you just have to say so much [ __ ] in a small amount of time that no one can question whatever you just said and you just ram all that information down the throat and then all they leave with is like damn i need to grind harder yeah exactly exactly that's the overall theme to everything damn i really gotta get back on my grind i'm not killing it enough i really need to kill it more that's the lesson you just gotta kill it dude you just gotta absolutely kill it more yeah yeah bro just kill you yo by the way speaking of which did you hear uh bow wow has braids again um i completely forgot about that [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] dude so you realize why that was like deleted because he stole uh x's [ __ ] album cover and like font and everything wait what that's like an x album cover like or like that's like his like things like bad vibes and then with that like broken heart so okay so what what's the story um hold on uh let me pull up the album cover i thought you said that because it was just a funny thing to tweet it's like i mean no it was a result who was it that tweeted yo 50 000 rts and all are y'all ready oh was that a money bag where's the oh god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah vibe right yeah 100 000 tweets and uh okay so yeah this is what people got upset about it was just like this broken heart ping with bad vibes like x had done that already but yeah i mainly sent it because bow bow with the braids is back and at least for me the bow with the braids that i remember was in like mike and it was like 14 years old so that's what i'm saying is that people remember that i don't think you know you got to have some sort of you got to read the room a little bit when it comes to that sort of like building hype or something it's like how many people really remember you with braids like specifically you have to be like really really popping for people to remember your the phases of your hair bro what if what if it's just uh it's just unreleased from when he was like 15. he's like yo bow wow with the braids is back to like oh [ __ ] and say oh it's oh wow it's actually really him with the bracelet and i'd be kind of stoked he's like he's young as hell yeah yeah that's when uh was he in hardball no he wasn't in hardball right no he wasn't oh no you know what he was great in is entourage oh [ __ ] great actor in that show um yeah i don't like i feel like bow wow has other facets he can explore like i don't i don't know why i mean he does well on streaming like look at these music videos they like a million sub 1 million no sorry he was it no he was in the theme song hardball featuring bow wow that's what i remember um lil bow wow featuring lil wayne hardball you ever seen that music video um let me see two guys on the computer segment yeah sorry this [ __ ] is i think this was little wayne's like first song that got traction or something oh with sammy holy [ __ ] yeah you've never seen this oh my god with [ __ ] keanu with keanu this [ __ ] movie's great dude bro so sad dog sammy i think sammy goes by lloyd now i think that's lloyd look at how young lil wayne looks in this bro look look at lil wayne in in the hot boys video uh let me let me meet you dude there he is bow with the braids yeah that's bow out with the braids right there dawg let me set up this by the way we're not playing the song guys we're not yeah but we're not playing it because it would get copyrighted yeah and also by the way while i'm talking logistics stuff that's why we were talking about what we were doing yesterday because that's why the episode is late today we were shooting all day yesterday so we couldn't record yeah so now we're recording the first chance we get but that just means that editing process takes longer so that's why we want to apologize for this being late yes no that we had a very long shoot yesterday and it was uh man with three i think yeah basically because i was driving home in the [ __ ] exit for the ten right as you hit the exit where you cannot leave anymore and go back to the ten it was stopped like four cop cars some accident or something like literally i'll stop there for half an hour just sweet just sitting there 3am i [ __ ] um i like uh i talked to cliff for a bit and then left you [ __ ] he like ubered in just to like see the rap out he was like oh i thought you guys were going to go later really he's because he's used to music videos being like 16 hours yeah hold up bro let me bring up this hot boys music video or hot girl that music and then let's talk about ti too afterwards oh and his that is so crazy yo so funny hold up this is a rip from the box dude i always talk about this channel and everyone is anyone i ever mentioned it to goes what the [ __ ] is that dude this was like before trl for me this channel you could you could call in uh like let's see you can see it at the bottom like it says system of it down 237 okay so that's the number that's the id for the music video and you would call in and you would punch in these numbers okay to request a song is the weird is it just video channel yeah on the channel like a video music jukebox and then you could call in and then it would show a little phone in the bottom right corner and it would show the next number for whatever me and my cousins watch this [ __ ] this [ __ ] so much to the point that we just knew the numbers it was so weird damn so you would call in just uh uh like often no we were always yeah we went two three seven today yeah we were always too scared to call in we did okay they did it like once but uh yeah what is this so uh the video or the channel yes it's called the box no bro you never seen this i need a hot girl hot boys i need a hot girl how's the song go i need a hat girl i want your name boy dude that's prowlers yeah dog prowlers that's that used to be my my mom's favorite car dude she wanted a purple prowler always never got one look how hard this intro was bro this [ __ ] looked like a [ __ ] action movie hot boys that's sick oh my god um have i have i mentioned the whole conspiracy about birdman before about how like during this period he had like [ __ ] 18 people murdered yeah yeah so this is during that time it's so crazy to think that these songs were blowing the [ __ ] up and he just had people getting killed yeah he was in the background just putting hits on people or doing it himself yeah just straight murdering people bro that's wayne right there oh my god he's like 15. yeah he's young as hell and so wild it was crazy to see wayne like come up as a rapper because for me when i was young i only always knew him as this i'm like man he was just what what was he doing in this song he's rapping he comes in at then after zayn he's like uh he's like the close-out verse you know like this is so this is this is actually kind of a good segue into like all the label talk that's been happening with conor yeah releasing his contract and kenny beats and everything like it's wild to watch this from 2012 which i guess isn't that long ago what did kenny say i mean he he was he was talking about like how [ __ ] up labels are too you know like one of the really interesting things that he said was that labels have uh they have there's there's like a pattern with labels where if they're gonna sign an artist yeah fly them to new york for a signing party and so the artist is like dope free flight to new york i get to go to the city whatever but what it's really for why they're doing that is because in california there's a law where you can't sign an employee for longer than seven years but in new york that's not a law so they can lock them into even longer contracts in new york legally so they fly them to like you know to drink champagne and to sign these deals just because they can sign up for like 15 years for like 12 albums you know so we fell for it yeah yeah we fell for it god damn it they did it to us too you did it to us we felt right we no well luckily we're in a good deal yeah yeah luckily they gave us a good deal but it's just because we had leverage we already had an audience and we had a popping song that's like the two things you need to get a good deal and we had those two things but if you don't have those two things you have no leverage and they really take advantage of you but anyways it's just crazy to think the craziest thing about it all to me is the masters not owning your masters yeah and having someone else own them which you know will i don't know how much i'm allowed to talk about this legally but that you know our our songs coming out with this label we don't own them yeah we do not and so like that's that's just wild to me that the rest of our music we could do whatever the [ __ ] we wanted to do with it but right now if you play this song with volume on our youtube video whatever label released this song back in 2012 will claim that and get money for it yeah yeah it's like why what the even though like even though they don't they didn't they haven't done it like they didn't do anything and they didn't they're not doing anything now with this song yeah like what do they have to do with this song now yeah eight years later they have [ __ ] nothing to do with this song except for the fact that it's just in their library yeah they're not promoting it and they're not you know it's so it is super 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don't fall in to a thirst trap and i'm not talking about a hot instagram picture no from someone you follow i'm talking about the trap that you fall into when you're thirsty and you're not hydrated okay yes like let's think about some ways that you become dehydrated throughout the day a gee i don't know because you don't drink [ __ ] water enough which i am guilty of too i don't i don't do it yeah and so you got you know believe it or not dehydration occurs daily in three out of four people but guess what with liquid iv you have the fastest most efficient way to stay hydrated each serving helps you get as much hydration as two to three bottles of water i use it almost every single day i do i put that [ __ ] in my water i take this cup i fill it with water i put it in there it tastes [ __ ] amazing and i feel better after i drink it for real yeah um i've used it a ton while boxing post boxing um it's great isn't it great it actually is great no it is um i love this shed proper hydration 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as i'm i'm pushing through this looking at all the different songs you can request bye bye bye 269 yeah bye bye bye 112. you know but anyways this is not no there's nothing against our label because you know what we like but there is i just think that they're that there's such such a huge incentive now to to stay independent and also way more ways to do it you know like arizona service paid what was it like he paid flight club like 2 000 bucks for rocks yeah yeah and they blew it up and they blew it up and so that's that like what 600 million streams on spotify and it's all the money goes to him and his producer yeah that song's still independent i'm pretty sure and so is he yeah which is [ __ ] wild and you think about all the artists now that are just getting popping on tick tock [Music] it's like that's you're gonna sign do uh whatever it doesn't matter i don't know i just feel like i'm badmouthing this [ __ ] but no i uh i kind of feel though that um i don't know i feel like pop breaking a song on tick tock i don't feel has the same strength as it did like a year ago well i i'm more mean like there's a trend now with independent artists or you know kids that have ambitions to do music that will go they'll do these like sketches where they'll like you know the they'll find like an extended beat of a song they want to remix right and then they'll do a sketch where the producer's working on the song and they just walk in the studio and they go hey can i get on a verse it's like a weird sketch that everyone does sure all these guys and they'll do remixes of these big songs and they'll generate traffic to their own spotify that way sure it's really working for some of them like they're some of them are popping yeah yeah and so i'm just saying like you know as an artist just as an independent artist now like it's with something like tick tock that you post a video that gets a little bit of traction and they just push the [ __ ] out of it yeah it's a lot easier to do now than it was even a year or two ago oh yeah yeah i mean uh it's also kind of wild too how much i mean even even in our workings with the label how much tick tock uh is like acknowledged like before you know i feel like even a couple years ago it was seen as maybe basically what i'm saying is tick-tock got so powerful that labels could not deny it you know what i mean and they had to embrace it and now it's to the point that they just straight up scour tik-tok and go oh this dude is popping would you like to collab with this guy yeah yeah and that's i don't know i mean it is also kind of crazy that like you again i don't wanna i feel like we're just bad-mouthing working with a label right now it's not bad at all like we we're blessed to have good people behind us yeah i'm saying no our experience is great and but it is kind of funny that when you hear about the arizona service thing like when you join when you sign to a label right and they're keeping like essentially all your royalties they're doing that so they so they they can buy a tick tock campaign for the song and make more money right whereas if you just don't do that and then just buy the tick tock campaign for yourself even though two thousand dollars probably seems like a lot up front it could be like on the back end that could be just astronomically more beneficial yeah this is kind of random but talking about investing yourself as an artist i saw southside he tweeted man this dude walked up to me and said i got um i got 2k on me right now how many beats will you give me and southside was like man i respect you for for even you know thinking in that way of just like approaching like a you know a brand name producer and being willing to like you know basically pay for the work to make yourself better as an artist kind of thing yeah and he was like hold up and he's like i just i doubled the amount like i just like i i basically put together like a whole [ __ ] ton of beats and i just gave it to him and he's like where are the artists like that i was like they're on tick tock bro yeah yeah yeah they because they buy the beat on youtube and then they then they buy [ __ ] promo on tick tock yeah yeah such a [ __ ] aggressive thing to do big ass producer you walk out to him like give me a [ __ ] beat right now yeah just emptying cash from a duffel bag onto the floor that's so old school that's like scott's store [ __ ] right there yeah yeah um but this ti [ __ ] is crazy oh yeah speaking of rappers yeah speaking around you know rappers like brothers actually wild so this is a [ __ ] article from the sec sec.gov sec charges film producer rapper and others for participation in two fraudulent icos so this took place in when was this like what probably like two and a half years ago yeah when all the crazy cryptocurrency icos were happening yeah and i guess i guess ti was involved in one called flick which they did an ico and then never followed through on the token i guess yeah anyways he it was a misdemeanor he ended up paying like 50 to 70 thousand dollars or something like that but i just thought this was like ti gets the weirdest headlines yeah [ __ ] with like making sure his daughter's like hyman was still in here yeah weird as [ __ ] and now this it's like dude don't like don't you have so much money picturing ti involved in like a weird crypto scam is so funny there's a bunch of dorks sitting around the table and then we're gonna get ti involved yeah yeah my boy t.i is very interested in crypto sorry i'm just like i got distracted for a second because i just checked twitter for a moment and ben khan is getting into it with keemstar oh no way what's he saying wait bring it up i gotta see it what the [ __ ] [Laughter] this is the weirdest this is the most unexpected thing i think i've seen in my life man oh wow that's a big thread yeah i i don't even want to participate in this i have no interest in being a part of this dude's show or his rhetoric or anything we can read it though yeah i suppose we could read it um what is even the premise of this so someone said if you have 200 okay yeah i might not have health insurance at the end of the year so it's nice to see kamala harris wearing tim's and joe biden dancing okay to despacito and so someone said if you have 250 000 followers and no health insurance at some point it's you who [ __ ] up sorry dude okay followers correlates to health insurance man especially on twitter dude i don't i just don't know okay someone said be right back explaining to the er doc i'll be paying my bills in clout and then keem said yeah but i agree with him if you have 250k followers you have a pretty decent fan base you should be able to make decent money and pay for health insurance a lot of reactions from this of pe of peps or peps that say peps yeah yeah roasting who think what i'm saying is ridiculous i guess the reason why there's a reaction like this is because not everybody has an entrepreneur brain but literally any business you create or start you can promote to those 250k followers and then ben said shut the [ __ ] up no argument just tears and then ben says no argument no matter how well thought out or persuasive could ever convince a [ __ ] that the wrong shut the [ __ ] up and then keem said l ben keemstar sir please do not brand me with an l please this isn't funny anymore please help me monetize my life [Laughter] [Music] none of this posh sarcasm is actually landing all swings and all misses that's what keem said keemstar he looked like somebody tried to make dan bilzerian out of clay i didn't consider you a person who body shames i'm not body shaming i'm face shaming you're out of here man [Laughter] oh man he came on the ropes man came on the ropes here that's not even because i know ben man that's just that's just you know candid observation man it's such a random fight to take for ben ah yeah such a weird weird interaction man anyway i don't care um idc okay i mean that's kind of interesting 250 000 followers and you're not making money off it i have 250 000 followers on twitter that means nothing yeah i wouldn't say that twitter yeah twitter yeah followers on twitter means [ __ ] nothing you can't do [ __ ] with that no i like i i think yeah cause it look like if you have 250 000 followers for like being funny and then you're roughly like i'm selling a shirt people that's what i mean even not that like i mean i see tons of people with 250 000 followers i get two likes on their tweets it's like how are they supposed to sell or do anything with that yeah and even like brand side brands don't even really like pay for twitter stuff like that anymore no so yeah yeah argument invalid invalidated bro i and not to say that's not not to say like i'm not disqualifying anyone that's put in work on twitter to get them out of followers i'm more that's more a dig at twitter yeah platform yeah it's so just vapid that like it doesn't matter no you i guess you can make money but i don't know it's a ton it's not easy i know it's definitely hard you have to grow a lot of different verticals for sures are you still beefing with chris evans yeah i can't believe he would leak my big my big big meat like that yeah that's [ __ ] up so i'd like i couldn't i was going to text you about it but i was just so upset that i just had to keep it to myself i just i understand that you're pissed man like just to have your meat out there for everyone to see i know it's kind of like a invasion of your privacy yeah and and and like you know like i told you i just i send it to him in private and what does he do he leaks it now he takes the credit for it and now he's telling everyone to vote and everyone's voting not realizing that the whole reason that they're voting is because it's my gigantic big meet that they saw right why did you send it to him though um i was just afraid like it was just getting so massive and i was like oh it's just to get his opinion yeah i was like is this like is this like a growth like should i be worried like because you you got to assume captain america has a pretty big hog so i guess that makes sense to to yeah you send it to him like just kind of knowing listen as someone with a big dick who i'm assuming you have a big dick what do you think of my giant ginormous swollen exactly uh pulsating member yeah okay yeah you know i was like you know i'm i'm big enough for three charcuterie boards and it just keeps growing and i just don't know what to do with myself right and so what did he say well i mean he just leaked the picture yeah he that's the cold part he didn't respond and then three days later oh oops oh what are you gonna oh oops my meat i i'm pretty sure i'm i'm pretty sure i saw the picture was it did you see it um i didn't see so i did but like i saw one picture that was like black and white and super grainy and like weird was that the one so uh i just thought like someone sent me the video and i didn't get it i was like they're just like lol look at this and i it was like a it was a screen video yeah so it was a screen recording of his friend like doing some like goofy like iphone game like holding up to his head or some [ __ ] like that okay or no it might have been like a a filter where there's like something i don't know it was like some game show looking [ __ ] and some dude is in his kitchen and they're like laughing about it and then so it's a screen recording of that video and the video ends and it minimizes and it's like his whole photo roll and so that that ended and then the [ __ ] and then the end of the screen recording happened and i was like i don't get it and they're like dude look at the photos and i'm like oh there's like uh there's a one who was just like what does that say like guard your [ __ ] that's crazy and then oh there's oh damn that's a dude's dick right there cool that's my dick that's my dad wait a minute that's my dick wait a second so then i called the police and i was like i have just found my penis on the internet and i did not consent to this hello 911 i see my dick what i see my dick i see it i see it it's in the screen it's on the screen it's in the screen it's in the computer how did my how did my penis get in the computer sir just eject your disk drive no you don't get it it's in there in the computer my penis is stuck in the computer i need to get it out he's stuck in there yeah i was in i was enraged i immediately reported the post i dm'd him i said you take my meat down right now wow wait what what what did you just say who i didn't say that who said what take my meat down right now i didn't say that take my meat down right now i didn't say that at all who was that captain america please take my meat down down right take it down bro [ __ ] what uh just the ultimate humble brag oh man i just you know i post a little video and then my [ __ ] my meat is everywhere what am i gonna do oh man that's what i'm saying we gotta start calling them captain underpants yeah yeah you know yeah cause buddy buddy buddy should not be ashamed you know way to go dude way to go chris i don't know if it's the right picture that i saw but it does make sense that it was grainy and pixelated you know someone would have blown it up from the camera roll and that's what i saw dude independent of that what a [ __ ] terrifying experience for him oh yeah he's just like oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] i'm captain america i feel like i feel that feeling that he had when you press post and it's like the video processing and then it goes and he sees the last frame and it's already up there he's just it's sinking it's horrible like it's too late what have i done what have i done though now everyone's going to see my big pee pee pee then he's like hovering his finger over the delete button he's like maybe i'll give it a second i'll give him five seconds his pr person is like take that down immediately he's like he's like should i let's talk about pros and cons real quick if i take it down now then only 10 000 people have seen it but if i wait just another minute then it could be 25 yeah yeah let's let it simmer let's let it simmer a little bit why don't we i just feel like the place like let it marinate for just a second and then i'll take it down i'll be so mad if there's some marketing agency that's like yeah so we came up with the idea for jimmy kimmel to create the fake fire video and we came up with the idea for the um chris evans penis vote campaign that penis is actually not real is generated using can um we ingested about 250 000 images of pornographic uh frames to create this fake chris evans penis yes exactly the penis doesn't actually exist in real life chris evans penis is actually quite average in size it's just regular um it's just regular it's a regular dick it's no captain america's dick as far as i'm concerned uh that's my opinion though anyways ai so yeah this penis was entirely based or created with ai and um yeah there's an instagram page for it now and uh all bulged pictures completely created with ai and the balls will be incorporated in the new fall guys season um all the fall guys will feature a chris evans inspired bulge [Laughter] yeah yeah man bro why is that guy i mean if that was me why even act why do anything yeah we just live just live man yeah it's just you know it's like a it's like by the way i i would like a patreon comment or something like that from someone that was like dude the end of the last episode was pretty intel oh which way you guys were like [ __ ] hot people man oh yeah i mean they get everything for free blah blah blah yeah that was in cell whatever it was in cell talk but i but i was just about to do it again is what i'm saying it's so hard chris evans dude what you can't it's not enough to be [ __ ] captain america you got to have a big ass dick too yeah it's not enough to be the [ __ ] top of hollywood bro oh you got to have a [ __ ] hanger too come on man bro we're not wishing death on anybody okay and we're not saying that the world is doomed all we're saying is that we have envy okay that's it's not in cell to have envy exactly all we're saying is give us a little dick yeah not like what no i'm just saying get chop us off some dick you want some dragon you want some dragon these nuts nice man you could have got me without no no no yeah yeah slice off just slice it you don't need it all right yeah just slice it you don't need all the dicks options for the rest of us yeah [ __ ] are like tall rationed it out with the [ __ ] yeah with the [ __ ] baguette it's like bruh i don't even i don't that's the thing i don't even i'm not even at requesting that much more it's just it could always be better it's like oh if i just had a little if i just had a little just a little bit a little vain like get out like chop off a vein toss it my way give me just a slick vein real quick that's gonna be that's that's gonna be the new [ __ ] [ __ ] penis enlargement it's gonna be penis like um just you know like mr potato head like you're just picking yeah yeah yeah it's gonna it's gonna be like enhancing it you know what i mean like like i want i want my you know i want my uh i just want a little a little more vein in the shaft just like a little just a little more pump yeah that's what they need they need pre-workout but for penises yeah but it's not viagra it doesn't make you hard it's just like you know it just it just makes it makes your dick really um jittery and shaky yeah it's got a lot of caffeine in it yeah and you have to poop yeah yeah welcome to the bonus zone hold on dude i gotta i gotta actually you know what i don't gotta do nothing we can go right into it i don't gotta do nothing actually i don't gotta do anything i i was gonna say i might get a drink of water or something but [ __ ] it no i i got this bagel waiting for me i gotta eat this [ __ ] um just talk to the people while i get my bagel why don't we do 30 minutes now and you know i don't know what the [ __ ] this week is just jam this week is a [ __ ] meetings meetings what a way to end meetings meetings meet meetings m-e-a-t-i-n-g i mean bro i'm doing the [ __ ] 8 a.m [ __ ] with dan tictum tomorrow so if you just want to roll into the bonus after that i'll probably be fired up i can't do tomorrow because i'm i'm recording something else um oh by the way wait wait are we still on for the free episode uh or have we gone into the bonus can we just keep this for the free episode yeah sure yeah okay i want to plug the show this show that i filmed like two years ago which one is this now we're talking it's called now we're talking it's by it's like by tug coker is his name and uh he was in the office okay and uh [ __ ] what's the other actor's name he's like one of my favorite actors he was in um he was in a hulu show called [ __ ] hell why can't i remember this anyways they did a show together and i'm in it and we filmed it like two years ago and then it was for it was for go 90 i think and then go shut down okay so they just the show got like shelfed for forever even though it was done and they sold it i guess to cw seed cw and so you can watch it on cwc it's like their online portal or whatever it's called now we're talking and it's about sports casters i just wanted to plug it oh yeah really really [ __ ] good show and there's tons of like really famous people in it yeah and wasn't it like what like it wasn't like the cast like super insane yeah it was just like everyone and anyone from sports and you were just like what the [ __ ] this is wild yeah yeah it was really cool and so i wanted to plug it i'm in episode five so if you're still listening to the show right now go after this go watch that go watch my episode yeah skip one through four just watch just watch five go straight to five and watch only me i don't i only give a [ __ ] about myself you know um no i'm kidding watch the whole thing because it's a great show and i really like the creators they're awesome and tug is a friend and so watch it thank you okay all right seeing the bonus
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 377,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2nwdY4We_2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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