7 Impossibly Badass Moments That Made Us Feel Like Mighty Gods

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you know they say about great power great power comes with being great and having a great time that's why it's called great power so wise no one knows this better than video games in which you steadily earn and master more and better powers so you can have fun deploying them to achieve your various goals but then occasionally for a special treat a game will say here have a bunch of power all at once so you can let loose and enjoy a big old power hi this video is dedicated to those badass moments of ultimate power that made us feel like mighty gods please beware spoilers for the following games yes great power comes with great times good times with great great power no no no great about responsibilities very little I mean I think you'll find get out get out there was a time when I thought myself the deadliest scourge of EC but this man is a fearsome dog one thing they won't teach you in so called history class is how the assassins from the Assassin's Creed series were present at an often responsible for most of history's biggest moments like a bunch of Forrest Gump's only with cooler hair and facial scars they basically won independence for America came up with the name telephone kicked off the French Revolution left one of Dickens novels permanently unfinished oh and Ezio invented the latte I don't know have you considered that ding sugar maybe or ladee no word yet on which assassin invented pumpkin spice flavoring but it's got to be one of them right maybe I know I mean there's no way of knowing what am I gonna do place that's his Creed unity please so that list of things Assassin's are responsible for you can add famous pirate Blackbeard's fearsome reputation because it turns out a lot of that is down to the assistance of Edward Kenway the protagonist of Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag in the mission devil's advocate you find out that Blackbeard took his ship named the Queen Anne's Revenge up against the British man-of-war got his butt kicked fled to a nearby island and now it's up to you Edward Kenway to go and rescue the person who history will remember as the most fearsome pirate of all time I'll bring him home man heave this trouble on himself recognising your superior piracy skills Blackbeard puts you in charge for a second go at the man of war which means for a brief glorious moment you are in charge of the Queen Anne's Revenge and if you played Assassin's Creed for anything like the way we did you're in for a treat see an assassin's creed 4 black flag upgrading your ship the jackdaw is boring and expensive and time-consuming and as a result we did it as little as possible which meant tootling around the sea and what was little more than a rowboat with a shotgun duct-taped to the side step behind the wheel of the Queen Anne's Revenge though and it's a whole different story this is a level 40 frigate absolutely massive covered in armor and to be honest I'm not even sure where the crew goes because they can't be any space below the decks that isn't occupied by a huge deadly cannon it's just for the one mission but the feeling of being behind the wheel of this impossibly badass boat is so cool it's almost enough to get us to spend the time grinding to upgrade our actual boats or to get us excited for Ubisoft upcoming naval combat simulator skull and bones now let's not overdo it arty did you miss me in the spooky world of control no everyday object is just an everyday object inside the Bureau of controls head office everyday objects are home to mystic forces or dimensional gateways that might mean a new telekinetic power hidden inside a carousel horse or a nightmare monster hidden inside a fringe or an elder God hidden inside a drinks trolley oh wait this is just a drinks trolley Jesse we could have used that for drinks for mind boggling of the worldly objects though it's hard to beat an ashtray that contains not cigarette butts but instead an enormous reality bending labyrinth full of impossible geometry and vintage styling [Music] this place is known as the ashtray maze for reasons as obvious as the maze is Trixie if you wonder into the ashtray maze unprepared maybe just to admire the good paneling Jessie will get all turned around by the shifting walls and twisting corridors until finally she gets spat back out at the start no wiser as to what's hidden at the heart of the maze when the time is right though the bureau's mystery super janitor Artie will give you the secret key to this twisted puzzle it's a walkman take my cassette player you can borrow it the song is a present from my friends to you it will get you through the maze so you can do your job obviously it's not just any Walkman that plays music it's actually a Walkman that confers the power to pass through the ashtray maze also it does play music and Howell because once Jessi cranks that magical cassette player get ready for control to turn into a delirious power fantasy slash rockin music video [Music] levitating badass Jessie now swoops through the maze wrecking bad guys with her force powers all pumped up by the soundtrack supplied by in universe rock band old gods of Asgard who you might remember from their appearance in Alan Wake remedy fans [Music] thanks to these epic metal riffs the ashtray maze is suddenly Jesse's new best friend trapping her enemies and opening the path for her to zoom on through like a hovering Moses parting the Red Sea [Music] it's a wild ride through the world's most extreme funhouse and all too soon it's over yeah you said it Jesse meanwhile all my magic walk come you can do is magically transform cassette tapes into garbage see because then we gave me a pencil this is a gravity go my father was talking about you can call it the zero-point energy field manipulator if you really want to the defining weapon of half-life 2 was what scientists would call the zero-point energy field manipulator and what everyone else called the gravity gun this nifty piece of science kits allowed you to pick up a move relatively light objects and manipulate bits of scenery in order to solve puzzles try stacking some things grab something with your secondary trigger then press the same trigger again to drive a channeling and more importantly you could also use it to launch circular saw blades at headcrab zombies it's a multi-function device guaranteed your happiest memories from half-life 2 will involve the gravity gun it was the thing that set this physics enabled shooter apart from everything else out at the time the only problem is that the gravity gun is severely limited in what it can actually pick up it can't pick up combine soldiers for example [Music] that all changes when you finally enter the combine citadel towards the end of the game and the weapon confiscation field accidentally supercharges your gravity gun which is a bit like airport security trying to confiscate your liquids and then accidentally filling your suitcase with 300 gallons of conditioner at that point you have a gravity gun powered by dark energy which is capable of pulling your enemies towards you and then launching them for bloody miles what follows is you marching through the towering Citadel absolutely cleaning house and by house I mean giant metal skyscraper and by cleaning I mean actually making quite a lot more mess [Music] the Far Cry games are all about survival surviving tiger attacks surviving honey badger attacks surviving bear attacks actually maybe the Far Cry games are more about being attacked by animals now that I think about it but they are also about survival often against dizzying odds like in Far Cry 3 where you the lone protagonist guerrilla warfare your way across a tropical island using stealth the environment and low-tech weaponry to slowly but surely dismantle an army of pirates and not the fun kind of pirates like the ones with peg legs and hooks for hands these are the kind that shoot you with ak-47s some of them do wear bandanas to be fair the point is for most of the game you feel pretty vulnerable there's only one of you and hundreds of them and there's no telling when you're gonna be overwhelmed or hit by a sniper or I decided by an animal yes all that changes however in the mission kick the hornet's nest in which you playing a stranded frat boy Jason Brody get given the flamethrower by a CIA agent and asked to burn down a weed field in order to draw Hoyt the game's Big Bad out of hiding from and fafa now the shoe is on the other foot because you've got a massive terrifying flamethrower that shoots giant Jets of burning fuel and the game recognizing just how badass you have suddenly become lays down a dubstep reggae soundtrack to complement it courtesy of Skrillex and Damian Marley [Music] whatever you think about dubstep I think we can all agree that this is the musical equivalent of a burning field of weed and dead pirates oh yes there are pirates guarding the weeds naturally but I think I mentioned the flamethrower so they're not really an issue in fact up until right now I'd forgotten this bit had enemies in it because they're only around for about four seconds before they evaporate in the cloud of pirate smoke really after this mission the whole game should have been much easier as the huge cloud of weed smoke spread to the rest of the islands and all the Pyro's either dozed off got fascinated by their own hands or wandered off looking for snacks still pleased so got a flamethrower now there are some animals I need to go to have a word with you raise things up a virtual-reality stay for the big shout out you can survive a gunshot if your mind takes too much shock in this chair look a brain dead if there's one thing better than being totally overpowered and smashing up an enemy it's being totally overpowered and smashing up a really annoying enemy I'm gonna enjoy this that's the treat that's in store for you in the mission in saints row the third called HTTP colon slash slash Decker's dot die catchy which sees you pursuing irritating hacker Matt Miller by uploading your consciousness into a computer and fighting a load of vector graphic baddies that's a nice workout it's like Tron only people under the age of 30 might actually remember it as if it wasn't enough of a pain being stuck in a computer system controlled entirely by one of your sworn enemies when you arrive you discover that you've been transformed into a toilet kids you all I see it's a I'm a bloody commode actually in British English commode refers to a piece of furniture that conceals a chamber pot rather than a regular toilet and I think I've just figured out why I'm not so popular at parties although you jumped in voluntarily mat is in control of the simulation meaning you can throw waves of enemies at you slow you down to a snail's pace to make combat more difficult and even force you to play an old-fashioned text adventure then why even mention the bloody hull are you stupid or that is what games look like before they invented pictures after this torturous sequence you finally face off against Matt who is created a 50-foot tall dragon night avatar with which to smite you and at first it looks like that's exactly what he's going to do but then your fellow Saint Kinzie fiddles with the simulation and creates a dragon light avatar for you only this one is purple which means it's better and on-brand absolutely mental as you might have deduced from having your ass handed to you by a dragon knight for the last few minutes dragon knights a freaking awesome good to be back in action at last you're living your cyber sour on fantasy with the power to breathe fire blast shockwaves and have a big cool world of warcraft looking sword the game obligingly supplies a gaggle of tiny grunts on which you can test these newfound powers and then naturally it's time to take the fight back to this My Chemical Romance cosplayer and while he is in an identical dragonknight avatar he also sucks so there's only one way this is going to end you going ham on him with your big cool sword turn me into a toilet which I'll remind you is a fixed receptacle typically consisting of a large bowl and a system for flushing away waste someone must enjoy my toilet trivia no one got a party coming up I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid the office is closed for the evening I'm here to see Tom Reid mr. Reid is currently unavailable but if you'd like to make an appointment mr. Fisher I used to work here looking back at Splinter Cell Conviction the thing we remember most of all is how it introduced the new ability mark and execute hell away the thing we actually remember most of all was how every single henchman in that came is just furious at you guys it's just a job mark and execute on the other hand was the system that let players tag a body with a cheeky red Chevron and then later automatically shoot them without needing to aim like having a car that does the parallel parking for you this was extremely gratifying and a little bit cheating which is why grizzled special operative Sam Fisher was strictly limited in his ability to mark and execute so he didn't turn into an unstoppable aimbots and the game didn't turn into Splinter Cell the point-and-click headshot adventure before he could dish them out Sam had to earn his red Chevron's of death by putting in the real work with gritty close quarters combat this one Sam however at the end of mission eight in that game Sam sneaks into the HQ of his former agency Third Echelon so tell me about Sarah there he acquires Intel that in a shocked twist reveals that Sam's best friend who is dead faked the death of Sam's daughter who is not dead listen to me in further exciting news the bad guys are about to set off a load of emps under Saturn 8 the president because Splinter Cell I'm going to the White House with Tom Reed and I'm going to try to save the president maybe I'll see you there thanks to the high fidelity audio and ping sharp video quality of Cisco TelePresence Sam is finally wised to how he's been betrayed and manipulated and boy is he mad so mad in fact he forgets that mark and execute is a special treat for occasional use and suddenly you've got unlimited mark and execute to spend now it's time to spin her everyone sells while storming out of the building which is about to self-destruct while the building explodes around him Sam exfiltrate the Third Echelon office like John wick in cargo pants and you feel like an unstoppable aimbot but in a very empowering and badass way yet the henchmen are still so furious at Sam Fisher that they choose to stand their ground and shoot at him rather than escape an exploding building guys like I said it's just a job [Music] [Music] Grand Theft Auto online is a huge open sandbox where players can do pretty much whatever they like turns out they like killing each other sure sometimes that's the point in the competitive modes but play GTA online for any length of time and you'll most likely find yourself gunned down by another player when all you wanted to do was go to los santos customs and play with the musical horns ah my character would have loved that he's dead now many would argue that that's GTA online whole deal and that if you can't stand the heat you should get out of the kitchen which is ironic because I actually can't leave my kitchen right now because there's a huge gunfight happening in the street downstairs while it's tempting to try and take these GTA online grief is on at their own game they usually it's a level that it's impossible to match if you have any other hobbies or interests or demands on your time at all this means they've got superior skills and equipment and worst of all they've exhausted everything there is to do in the game that isn't go around creeping people with their superior skills and equipment but what am I gonna do stop playing GTA online get real turn on passive mode well I guess I could but it's in a submenu and if I haven't figured out the menus by now Rockstar it ain't happening hold up though because there is one surefire way of taking care of your online nemesis in Grand Theft Auto online and it just so happens to be the coolest most badass and most completely baller way of killing anyone in any online game ever added as part of the Doomsday heist update the orbital cannon is not cheap it cost nine hundred thousand dollars to install in your underground bunker which is already costing you at least one and a quarter million dollars it then costs seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars every time you want to fire it using the automated targeting system meaning we're nearly three million dollars in the hole before we've even fired the thing it's worth it though because for that money you get the incredible spectacle of a gigantic laser being fired from space and obliterating xxx Billy big balls 420 weed reference xxx who's been giving you grief for your entire session literally the kid with the orbital cannon that cost me three-quarters of a million dollars or if you fancy turning to the dark side yourselves what better way to assert dominance over your friends Wow I'm starting to see the appeal well friends we've all had fun here today learning about the impossibly badass moments that made us feel like mighty mighty gods but have you heard the good news about show of the week and also its companion show show of the weekend first which does me and my kin Andy offer of outside Xbox Andy's here he knows and then the second show of the weekend stars Ellen and Luke our good friends over at outside extra don't know and it's a good show you'll see if you check them out you can see them both here both excellent shows go and binge them right now
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 966,696
Rating: 4.9308128 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, funny, badass, best moments, setpiece, best setpieces, coolest, cool, awesome, assassin's creed 4, black flag, blackbeard, queen anne's revenge, far cry 3, weed, flamethrower, dubstep, skrillex, song, control, ashtray maze, half life 2, half-life, gravity gun, splinter cell, conviction, third echelon, mark and execute, saints row 3, vr, knight, gta online, orbital cannon, laser, bunker, sam fisher
Id: pYd9PIgkwkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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