7 Scariest Zombies That Made Us Want to Stop Playing Immediately

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How did Fallout’s ghouls not make this list?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cliffthegunrunner 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
every zombie game will try to convince you that even in a zombie apocalypse the real monsters are actually the humans on account of their treachery and selfishness and ability to use guns makes you think now what the [ __ ] the problem this however is a load of rubbish because we all know the real monsters are the monsters by which we mean the terrifying zombies that want to scare you senseless and eat your tender human flesh what's more not all zombies are created equal and some special types of zombie are particular nightmare fuel what with their special powers to sneak up on you or explode or make the worst sounds you've ever heard consider now the 7 scariest zombies that shambled into the picture and made you want to stop playing immediately also beware light spoilers for the following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a lot of the other zombies in this list are terrifying yes but they're also in zombie games where you expect to find horrifying undead creatures and would probably ask for your money back if they didn't show up what's arguably scarier is a nightmarish zombie turning up somewhere you don't expect it like in your laundry basket or a colorful children's game made by nintendo that's a big part of the reason why re-deads from the legend of zelda ocarina of time for the n64 are still so remembered today i say remembered not fondly remembered because these things are absolutely horrible the first time you encounter a re-dead it's just crouched in a room gently shuddering and moaning to itself which i'm gonna say as first impressions go is bad when it unfolds itself however and you get a good look at it things go from bad to worse as you take in its weird desiccated skin hunched posture and almost featureless mask face to be honest the more rudimentary n64 graphics actually make the re-dead scarier as the lack of detail lets our imagination fill in the blanks and i am 100 convinced this thing is wearing a mask made of human skin while it seems slow the red has a nasty trick up its no sleeves which is that it can emit a high-pitched scream that paralyzes you with fear this gives it ample opportunity to jump onto your back and start wow biting you in the head nintendo what the hell what's next zombie mario with an axe in his head [Music] all right does someone want to go over and check on nintendo on paper the standard zombies in dying light should be pretty scary they look disgusting they show up in huge numbers and they will definitely attempt to eat your face off and swallow your eyeballs whole if you get too close at least you wouldn't have to look at them anymore the reason dying like zombies don't feel that much of a problem is that your playable character kyle crane is some kind of parkour demi god able to scramble up a building and away from danger faster than you can say ezio auditory dafforenze which is actually not that fast but you take my point it's too close to sunset you need to turn back now dude i'm almost there i can do this upgrade your parkour abilities through the skill tree and you'll even be able to run jump and bounce off the zombies heads like this is some sort of gritty sonic the hedgehog reboot wow the green hill zone has really gone to so you'll forgive us then for having a casual disregard for the dangers of dying like zombie infested city you're fine as long as night doesn't fall oh no night fell it's at this point you'll encounter your first volatile who is very pleased to eat you you heard what i said volatiles are dying light's most dangerous enemies they're extremely fast extremely strong and look like they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down and also the ugly tree was on fire [Applause] your best cause faction is to run away as fast as you can and try and lose the pursuing volatiles stop even to turn around and see how far away they are and you're almost certainly going to end up a zombie chow that's not to say volatiles are completely unstoppable they can be damaged and crucially are frightened away by ultraviolet light that's why my plan for the zombie apocalypse is to hold up in one of those neon bowling alleys no volatiles and free shoes it's pretty much a flawless plan how long do we have hours maybe then let's not waste one more second this way if you can trust the scientists at umbrella corporation to do one thing it's to create new and ever more disturbing versions of their classic humanoid zombie and that's not even counting the new and exciting strides they're making over there in gigantic non-humanoid bio-organic weapons yes umbrellas is the kind of devil may care maverick science that gives rise to the truly regrettable new zombie type in the resident evil 3 remake known as pale heads [Music] you can thank some bright spark from the umbrella marketing department for coming up with the name pale heads for this new line of zombies when they could equally have called them weird heads or no skins or terrifyingly nude eyeless monster people your first encounter with one such pale head zombie is in umbrella's underground storage facility where jill valentine has enough to deal with without folding a new zombie variant into the mix thank you very much this must be the way underground while above ground raccoon city succumbs to the zombie menace your girl jill has battled her way to a dark and foreboding subterranean warehouse there she has to contend with professional jerk ass nikolai giving her the run around as well as the typically terrible faulty wiring because the only person worse at their job than an umbrella scientist is an umbrella electrician i must admit i respect your tenacity but i'm afraid our games end here here is the point at which your sinewy new friend suddenly and literally drops in whereupon you lose your cool and or lunch this is a skin crawling first encounter not just because it looks like this creature's skin has crawled clean off its body but on account of the way this first pale head was on reflection just dangling there all along like a casually flayed corpse waiting to belly flop right behind you you think this is over as if that weren't enough of a big nope it turns out these pale head zombies are plentiful down here and much much more resilient than zombie classic thanks to a special mutation that gives these zombies a fast healing regenerative factor the neat side effect of this fast regeneration is that pale heads give off steam like a poached chicken breast did i say neat i meant upsetting especially if you're into poached chicken breasts at any rate look forward to running out of ammo while trying to put down one of these upgraded zombies and then i guess look forward to having it rip out your jugular [Applause] so how many umbrella shares can i put you down for considering that you and protagonist isaac clark spend the entirety of the series fighting nightmarish flesh deck chairs with knives for arms a dead space enemy really has to be a special kind of terrifying to stand out [Applause] but for our money the necromorph most likely to make you nope out of the sprawl and into the cool and different vacuum of space is the crawler who we first encounter in the station's daycare center crawlers are just like human babies only with one crucial difference their head is on backwards their legs are fused together and their body is a giant explosive sack that detonates with the force of a bundle of tnt oh that's three things isaac i said that's three things i don't think he's listening if you decide to keep on playing after this touching scene instead of say ejecting the game disc and microwaving it so it can never be played again you'll come across many more crawlers throughout the game and let me tell you the encounters don't get any more pleasant not only do the crawlers ball like squally infants a sound that surely ranks in nobody's top 10 they're also quick small and capable of crawling through unexpected gaps making them a real threat sure you can usually dispatch them with a single shot but when they attack in a group as they often do it can be easy to be overwhelmed at which point you might want to say goodbye to your limbs as they'll be going on a short trip and i'm pretty sure it's one way [Music] they're not all bad though if you cut off the baby's head you can pick up their dead body and throw it at the other babies killing them all and i'm halfway through this sentence and it's already the worst thing i've ever said thanks a lot dead space 2 [Music] alex that thing's incredible you need an incredible brand name something that really sells it who am i going to sell it to the combine's not going to be here forever you should be thinking about the future alex well how about i call it the alex it's a little derivative of the russells but yeah provisionally sure the alex virtual reality game half-life alex which came out this year finally gave fan favorite character alex vance something to do beyond just getting the silent treatment from gordon freeman oh and by the way nice to finally meet you pretty rude alex should maybe be careful what she wishes for though because more than any half-life game before it half-life alex is a proper horror game and with this being vr you're going to be getting up close and personal with a lot of extremely gross stuff okay is it possible to un-invent virtual reality half-life alex gives us our best most unsettling look at an enemy that has been a stalwart of the half-life series since the very first game namely the headcrab zombie [Music] these are regular humans that have been zombified by a parasitic headhugger that is the least desirable piece of headwear since this one venture down into the subway in the early part of the game and you'll be treated to a classic horror movie jump scare as you approach one headcrab zombie only to have another one smashed through the window beside you ah look for real if we all just collectively agree that virtual reality never happened it could work perhaps the most disturbing thing about the headcrab zombies in half-life alex is witnessing in one-to-one scale the sheer size of the parasite that is latched to the zombie's head it is the same size shape and texture as an uncooked turkey which is going to make preparing christmas dinner extra traumatic this year it doesn't help that rather than just tapping the x button half-life alex makes you painstakingly reload your pistol manually meaning you're often wrestling with resetting the slide as one of these shambling monstrosities bears down on you at this point i can barely even look at the things if only there was something i could do to help me get over my headcrab zombie phobia [Music] okay you know what this is definitely helping fine you can reinvent virtual reality in a fresh and excitingly disgusting twist on the origin story of a zombie outbreak the last of us imagines a virulent fungal infection that infests humankind transforming ordinary folks into hyper-aggressive fungus zombies this is a real bummer for the surviving humans in the post-apocalypse no matter how many times they get to use the line he might be a zombie but he's a fun guy no hilarious pun is adequate compensation for fighting these nightmare mushroom zombies especially not when this strain of cordyceps causes its victims to undergo several stages of mutation as the infection develops each more grotesque than the last for us though the multi-step mutation process reaches peak scariness early on with the infected type known as the stalker guess what it does in the case of the stalker the fungal growth hasn't overtaken the brain of its host so completely that it doesn't know a thing or two about being a stealthy bastard which is what makes it so bowel emptyingly scary the stalker can move quickly and quietly to sneak up on you when you least expect it which frankly if there are rules about being a zombie they should definitely prohibit that kind of terrifying out of genre nonsense stalkers aren't quite as powerful as the berserking throat ripping clickers that they all dream of one day becoming but then again they do have the extremely unpleasant trick of becoming fungally conjoined with a wall then tearing themselves loose when you unwittingly pass by hey you might be a zombie but he is a fun guy no no not worth it [Applause] at first resident evil 4 feels like something of a departure from the rest of the series a lot of it is set outside during the daytime and you're fighting enemies that aren't zombies but rather retain a degree of human intelligence i mean apart from when they run at you when you've got a rocket launcher not content to just do a whole new thing really well however resident evil 4 then goes on to flex on everyone by dropping probably the scariest zombie in the entire series because resident evil 4 is brilliant at everything the zombie in question is the regenerator a towering grey hulk of a thing with a face that is 60 teeth that we first encounter lying down on a bed in the cryogenic lab this is presumably so it feels relaxed and well rested for what's coming which is it effing you up according to lewis's notes the regenerators have a superior metabolism that allows them to regenerate lost body parts at incredible speeds what this means for you is the worrying realization that blowing this thing's legs off only makes it angry the best way to kill the regenerator is to use a thermal camera and kill the plagues parasites inside its body but that does mean a being close to the regenerator and b actually having to look at the regenerator both of which are extremely low on our current to-do list although the regenerator is scary because of how unkillable it is a fairly significant chunk of this zombie creature's horror comes from the noise it makes if there's a regenerator in the area you'll know pretty early on thanks to its signature sound a kind of wheezy ragged snuffly breathing that sounds like darth vader drowning in a vat of pudding only way less whimsical as if that wasn't bad enough there is a second form of the regenerator called the iron maiden which can eject long thin spikes out of its body like a seven foot tall humanoid puffer fish that wants to kill you yeah i hope they still clean trousers in this storage room that's all i'm saying well what a treat seven of the scariest zombies that made us want to stop playing immediately on account of how scary they were so well done to them i guess um why not watch another youtube video now and why not make that youtube video an outside xbox video i can heartily recommend this one on screen right now and if that's not not your bag not your flavor not your vibe right now then how about this video equally good bit different from our sister channel outside extra which i thoroughly endorse that's me jane douglas i endorse this youtube channel thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,330,078
Rating: 4.9114642 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, zombies, 7 things, top 10, list, top 5, top list, countdown, listicle, undead, scariest zombies, videogame zombies, zombie game, resident evil, resident evil 3, pale head, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, tolu2, stalker, the legend of zelda, ocarina of time, redead, gibdo, dead space 2, crawler, baby, exploding, regenerator, regenerador, resident evil 4, sound, half-life, alyx, headcrab, volatile, dying light, UV, night, ellie, jill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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