7 Games That Made Fun of the Haters

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you've heard the phrase the customer is always right right well i'll tell you who's definitely heard it video game developers who know all too well that pissing off your fan base can result in social media tirades review bombing and organized mass boycotts alright maybe don't worry too much about the boycotts every so often though developers decide that the customer might just be a giant doofus and to clap back at haters by inserting references to or parodies of those people in their games and that occasionally applies to game reviewers who didn't like their games too the thing is these references and parodies are often remembered far longer than the actual drama in the first place here are seven times games made fun of haters and wear minor spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] if these translations are correct the powers of hell could already be on the move the world must be told of the coming darkness with its themes of demonic evil and foreboding prophecy dungeon crawler diablo 3 is about as whimsical as a meat rendering plant but for certain disgruntled diablo fans prior to launch this third game in the series was not shaping up to be dark and gritty enough to satisfy their gloom loving hearts not because diablo iii wasn't groaning with cultists demons zombies and zombie adjacent abominations which it was but because it had adopted a new art direction that was somewhat more colourful and stylized than that of the two earlier diablo games compare this from diablo 3 to this from diablo 2. such was the resentment at this new more saturated look that some 50 000 aesthetically offended fans petitioned the makers of diablo iii to dial back the quote cartoonish visuals mirror my love forgive me lead designer jay wilson championed diablo 3's new art style for its variety contrast and readability and in response to the petition said quote we really like this art style and we're not going to change it which might have been the last official word on the complaints but that's only if you don't count a certain secret level tucked away inside the game which we do if you acquired the various components needed to craft the so-called staff of herding you could pay a visit to a certain cow skeleton and summon the ghost of a certain cow king the level of sparkling happiness and rainbows awaits you you mean the ghost cow was itself a reference to the secret cow level in diablo 2 which i think we have a clip to show you but the multi-coloured rift here in diablo 3 didn't take you to another secret cow level oh no instead you were whisked off to the technicolor realm of whimsyshire much like dorothy being transported to the land of oz if she then proceeded to gruesomely eviscerate the munchkin locals like the name suggests whimsyshire was populated with fairytale creatures such as unicorns and teddy bears unlike the name suggests this population was evidently designed to be dismembered and smashed flat this is presumably a vision of diablo at the extreme other end of the aesthetic spectrum as far as possible from dark and gritty where smiling clouds watch you obliterate pastel ponies of all the ways to poke fun at criticism designing a sarcastically twee rainbow coloured entire secret level has to be one of the most labor-intensive approaches but also now we know what teddy bears look like on the inside this is the truth buildable workshop doesn't want you to know [Music] in the original payday the heist one of the enemies that players loved to hate was the stealthy spec ops cloaker so when payday 2 arrived and the guy was nowhere to be seen it was either some really excellent stealth on his part or he'd just been left out of the game hardcore fans did what hardcore fans do and immediately took to the forums to complain that the cloaker hadn't been included in payday 2 and to demand that developer overkill add him back into the game something that overkill julie did but only alongside the fifth dlc pack for the game a full five months after the initial game's release the teasers in the meantime overkill was clearly sick and tired of all the online griping because when the cloaker did finally make his return he was given a bunch of voice lines that were fourth wall breaking references to whining fans including this particularly pointed one now go to the forums and cry like the little [ __ ] you are doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in context though i suppose a hardened bank robbing criminal could be hanging around on the steam community forums everybody's gotta have a hobby there's also more sas where that came from there are a ton of lines of smack talk many of them deliberately referencing the fans that play every time you get taken down by one of the cloaker's fabulously annoying one-hit knock-down roundhouse kicks needs why did people want this guy back again he's a humongous jerk if the kill quips weren't enough to drive the point home there's even an achievement called holy [ __ ] for being killed by the cloaker where the description is you finally got what you're asking for starting to feel like overkill took this a touch personally anyway all of this is a massive distraction from the real issue here which is that cloaker is a dumb name because in spite of the budget sam fisher cosplay this is an enemy that never actually cloaks himself in any sense of the word they should call him croaker because he's dead so he's he's croaked look never mind day 13 resume what is your name the devil may cry series started life as the very first iteration of resident evil 4. when developers thought that instead of being bitten by zombies it might be fun to air juggle them with stylish 100-hit sword combos let's rock baby a lot of players agreed and in the 10 years that followed devil may cry's release in 2010 people became very attached to the game its sequels and most importantly its brash dreamboat hero dante i only take special jobs if you know what i mean over the course of the series new characters and gameplay mechanics have been introduced but dante's look remained broadly the same leather trousers red leather jacket and above all else a mop of bright white hair like a sexy andy warhol he wasn't kidding it's like an all you can eat buffet that was until late 2010 when the series reboot known as dmc devil may cry was revealed along with a new look dante who dressed like someone on their way to a lecture at art college and whose hair was critically short and dark my name is dante you can imagine the online reaction from die hard dante fans in certain quarters spoiler they weren't happy angry reactions ranged between describing the new dante as a malnourished emo and complaining to hideki kamiya director of the original devil may cry on twitter so dmc developer ninja theory knew that a sizeable chunk of the devil may cry fandom wasn't happy about dante's new look and decided to address it in the most diplomatic way possible by making fun of those discontented fans in one of the game's early cutscenes get out of there you're in danger at the very start of the game dante gets into a fight with a hunter demon in limbo who is smashing dante's mobile home the pier he lives on and anything else within smashing range is that my coat how did it get up there as a result of all this carnage various debris winds up flying around the place including a white wig which lands on dante's head not in a million years in your face haters the cutscene seems to say and yet if you persist with the game you'll discover that dante's hair turns white at the end anyway due to his use of his devil trigger power which makes this the rebooted origin story of dante's hair i guess i don't know who i am anymore [Music] one of the many many things social media has undermined is long-running elaborate arguments between game reviewers and game developers nowadays you might just get a few bitter tweets back and forth and then everyone moves on to the next drama probably something about loot boxes back in the 80s and 90s though might and magic series designer john van canagham held a grudge that could teach the grudge ghost from the movie the grudge a thing or two about holding grudges it all started with a review of might and magic 2 gates to another world in the march 1989 issue of computer gaming world magazine from a reviewer called skorpia who became legendary for her uncompromising criticism of rpg games in this excoriating takedown she highlighted how buggy the game was and described the ending as remarkable for its pointlessness ouch van canagham sent an angry letter into the may 1989 issue of the magazine as you might but apparently a public airing of his grievances wasn't enough to placate him in addition he hatched a plan to get his own back that would only be revealed a further three years later when sequel might and magic iii isles of terror was released three years i can barely remember beyond the start of 2020 let alone everyone who's wronged me for the last three years let it go man as you might expect this next game in the series might magic three isles of terror has the usual bestiary of bizarre and gross high fantasy monsters including becloaked vampires terrifying undead liches and this robot with a face on it are you lost buddy do you need help finding your way back to your own game van callahan's plan for ultimate revenge was to include a monster type named after the journalist who had publicly slated his game the only problem with this scheme is the name scorpio is obviously a pseudonym because no parent is that cool as a result no one actually knew what she looked like so what van kahneman code came up with was this a voluptuous grey-skinned monster wearing a slinky red dress and is that a garter now do you want to resurrect sigmund freud for this one or should i welcome to freddy fazbear's pizza a magical place for kids and grown-ups alike where fantasy and fun come to life as for entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person upon discovering that damage or death has occurred a missing person report will be filed within 90 days where as soon as property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached as far as we're concerned horror game five nights at freddy's has more than enough story going on a bunch of pizza restaurant animatronics went haywire and are now trying to kill you and also someone should really look into this place's wiring himself doesn't come off stage very often i've heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though so hey i guess that's one more reason not to run out of power right for some fans though there's clearly not enough backstory going on and the game fails to answer all their questions which is why if you turn to the five nights fan wiki to learn a little bit more about the game's lore you'll discover this series is surrounded by more mysteries rumors and conspiracy theories than the kennedy assassination [Applause] those wondering what series creator scott cawthon thinks of all this fan-made rumor and speculation surrounding his creepy bear jump scare generator might find an answer in spin-off game ultimate custom night this was a standalone game corthon released for free in 2018 that matches up over 50 characters from the five nights series with custom difficulty settings allowing fans to tailor their own bespoke five nights experience sadly you can't customize it so you're not trapped in a pizzeria with murderous animatronics but you can't have everything anyway one of the animatronics included in ultimate custom night is mr hippo a purple hippo who likes singing adorable little top hat and crawling through vents to bite your face off my friend you have met a terrible terrible demise in contrast to the other character's death screens mr hippos are a lot longer and a lot more drawn out feeling like a rambling story from a kindly grandfather rather than a triumphant taunt from an animatronic that just ate some of your various important bits for dinner what do you not like pizza apart all over again one such hippo monologue however feels like it was aimed squarely at the section of the five nights fan community that is unsatisfied by the lack of official law hence all these speculating about grimdark backstories that don't actually exist and i said to him i said orville i i have a story and he said to me what's the significance of the story and i said to him orville not every story has to have significance you know sometimes uh you know sometimes a story is just a story if you try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says you'll just drive yourself crazy in fact you can practically hear corthon's frustration in this line about the lack of an adequate backstory for mr hippo himself perhaps i met a demise of my own at some point and this is my afterlife or my dream whatever it might mean i i honestly don't know or maybe it doesn't mean anything at all maybe it doesn't mean anything at all just some gentle grandfatherly advice to the wilder fringes of five night fans that maybe they try to enjoy the story for what it is a bunch of animal robots trying to eat you and what not to like about that i mean apart from the bit where you get eaten [Music] changed me forever first i was wrapped with anger humiliation impatience all i could think about was drawing stronger and exacting my revenge one of the biggest challenges facing fighting game developers is balance well that and which bizarre celebrity cameos to include is dlc hey mortal kombat whatever makes you happy but balance is key to a successful fighting game it's how you ensure an even playing field despite having tons of different diverse characters and it's also something that is always evolving as players play the game and discover new techniques and strategies unique to individual fighters this is my patented technique i call it the mic special [Music] the result of this tweaking is that certain characters will be made stronger aka buffed or made weaker aka nerfed in order to try and make things fairer for everybody which is great if you've been having your butt handed to you by an overpowered character and the nerfs delivered by capcom are exactly the ones you benefit from luckily the mic special is nerf proof effective every time baby [Music] on the other hand if you've dedicated your life to becoming good with a character who suddenly has drastically reduced abilities i mean all your hard work and practice no longer applies you're probably less pleased the developers at capcom aim to please both sides in ultra street fighter 4 with the introduction of a feature called edition select the edition select feature would allow you to select the version of your favorite character from your favorite update of the game so for example if you longed for the days when sight could score over 600 damage for a simple tiger uppercut focus attack dash cancel into ultra you could select his original street fighter 4 iteration and do the thing i just said street fighter beating street fighter however they couldn't resist a cheeky little dig at players who rely on their opponents being nerfed in the trailer announcing this edition select feature the trailer opens on one such street fighter fan lying in bed literally having a nightmare about segat's older stronger form this fan's segat nightmare is only quelled when he's able to check the big princed out list of current sagat nerfs that he apparently keeps at his bedside for this exact reason the ad then ends with what i think is the implication that not only is he strong again but segat is actually going to come to this guy's house and murder him in his sleep like a muscular freddy krueger that's what i'm getting anyway better start practicing my dude have you tried the mic special too strong [Music] this is patricia tannis and i have found another vault as you may know you don't want to hear about that vault hunter i'm torque and i'm here to ask you one question and one question only borderlands is a franchise stuffed full of scathing satire as well as unknowably enormous numbers of guns we're gonna need a lot of guns among the subjects the second game in the series takes satirical aim at are furious gamers reacting poorly to people they disagree with online what do they get their ideas oh everywhere i see welcome to pandora kiddos [Music] in the borderlands 2 dlc known as mr taug's campaign of carnage you're running some errands for mr talk himself the extremely unchill ceo of weapons manufacturer torg just kidding you're a tour guide now sucker just head to the arena why don't i play you a sick guitar solo but when an online commenter condemns a game that mr togg rather enjoyed the errand becomes you guessed it violent retaliation today i'm reviewing diamond mercenaries 2. the gameplay is pretty dull diamond mercenaries 2 was awesome find that [ __ ] and kill him because i disagree with his review score so begins your mission to blast your way into apparently an enclave of video game opinion havers who share their thoughts on the echonet in order to punish the opinion haver who gave a game six out of ten i resent you for disliking the game [Music] what we have here is clearly a biting commentary on the state and quality of online discourse around video games it's not clear if borderlands 2 is responding here to a specific dispute about a specific game you said diamond mercenaries too suck but you gave it a six out of ten it is above average that was just my opinion but as a video game itself borderlands 2 knows too well what it's like to be mired in the swampland of heated online debate about contentious review scores so much like with any angry argument about a video game review score that turns personal no one comes out of this mission looking especially great just don't get mr talk started on the stealth sections of triangle quest nine for god's sake stealth sections of triangle quest nine or a great change of pace from the regular gameplay burn in hell you bastards there you go another artisanal handcrafted video game video made just for you and if you'd like to watch some more artisanal handcrafted video game videos made just for you there are a couple more on the left hand side of the screen and if you'd like to really do us a favor you should find the little notification bell icon thing below and click that for us because it means you'll be notified every time we produce a video it super helps us out thanks very much bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 888,805
Rating: 4.935039 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, funny, funny moments, dmc, devil may cry, dante, white wig, diablo 3, diablo III, whimsyshire, secret level, sagat, street fighter iv, borderlands 2, matter of taste, mr torgue, campaign of carnage, payday cloaker, payday 2 cloaker, holy shi, mr hippo, custom night, five nights at freddy's, ultimate custom night, haters, controversy, argument, petition
Id: DhXkbUgoEBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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