7 'Geniuses' Killed by Their Own Stupidity

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Brave of Mike to pose in front a green screen.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Steelfist_ 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't have a problem with the Oxbox team sometimes including examples they've used before in similar lists, I mean with how many they've made it is no surprise they'll sometimes repeat themselves, they are still funny and the jokes are surprisingly not the same.

I am of course referring to the Red Dead Redemption 2 example as I'm pretty sure they've used it before.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Achaewa 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

you forgot Dr micdermord in Fallout 4 Nuka World DLC ,he create and clone the Gatorclaw to protect himself just for them to kill him

honestly ,he live for hundred of years because of goulified ,why just go out ,why cloning a sh*t ton of Gatorclaw just to make our life difficult

he even have Cito a.k.a tarzan as his neighbor ,just why

you can see the story here:

Fallout 4: Top 5 Nuka World Secrets and Easter Eggs You May Have Missed in Fallout 4’s Final DLC by TheEpicNate315

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/memegod21345 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
the things you do in life can come back to bite you as you'll know if you've ever fired a green shell in a Mario Kart game nowhere is this more prevalent than in video games or it seems that everyone from main antagonists all the way down to characters and side quests are getting hoisted to death by their own petard in demises ironic enough to qualify for an episode of The Twilight Zone behold seven of our favorite geniuses killed by their own stupidity and beware spoilers ahead for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you miss the earlier games in the Hitman series you might be unaware of agent 47s backstory in which his a clone created from a combination of DNA from five different people at least one of whom was presumably Jason Statham the rest of agent 47s genetic material was drawn not from history's cheek boniest supermodels to create the ultimate set of cheekbones as you'd suspect must have happened 47 was actually genetically engineered to be the perfect super soldier and assassin and you can't argue that they did a good job look at this flawless chameleon you need to keep still mr. Delgado I wouldn't want to stab you by accident the mastermind behind forty-sevens creation was one otto wolfgang Ortmeyer who dreamed of creating a soldier who was superior in strength reflexes and intelligence yet unburdened by a conscience or the inability to fit into everyone else's clothes for a while this was all going pretty well Fort Meyer who used his vat grown son to assassinate his rivals however if there's one thing we've learned about playing God to create super soldiers it's that it's good and you should do it no wait wrong page it's bad and it'll come back to bite you yeah that makes more sense in aught Myers case his comeuppance arrives at the end of hitman codename 47 when he attempts to lure 47 to the asylum he works at in order to have him killed by his new line of assassin clones known as the number 48 sadly for old Auto he must have left the safe and DNA out of these ones because they're all rubbish and for once 47 doesn't have to disguise himself as anything in order to get close to the target on account of how he really looks a lot like his exact clothes and so ought Meyer becomes just the latest heuristic scientist to be killed by his own creation although you could let him finish monologuing first 47 cheese you have to be my favorite alright I take you back Mona looks a terrible go ahead 47 few Americans are nothing but shysters and traitors and slippery tongue ball suckers our grande agree the 19th century was a period of great scientific leaps forward which gave us such memorable inventions as the steam engine the light bulb and the homing tomahawk one of Edison's I believe but for every scientific breakthrough there are just as many inventions that land in history's waste paper basket Red Dead Redemption lets us witness this process firsthand a number of times like with this idiot who can't even invent an electric chair properly even worse than that however is the character Marko drag is a Serbian inventor that Arthur can encounter in sandini first scene demonstrating an invention of his a remote-controlled boat that can fire miniature real torpedoes because apparently kids toys in the Victorian era kicked ass incredibly Marco doesn't blow himself up and survives having learned nothing for you to encounter him later in the game at his lab where he needs your help once again only this time instead of asking you to do something safe like this mating high explosives in the small lake in a busy city park he wants you to run around with a bunch of lightning conductors during an electrical storm it's all in the cause of dangerous dangerous science however because marco has created a robot son who thanks to your hard work nearly getting yourself electrocuted is able to walk several steps before falling over and breaking [Music] it's at this point most people would probably give the whole steampunk Pinocchio thing up as a bad job and maybe find a different line of work in one of the popular professions of the time such as mango farmer or Nikola Tesla impersonator at children's parties do I look like I should entertain children unfortunately for Marco he isn't ready to give up the scientific life just because he isn't any good at it and this dogged persistence proves to be his undoing because once he made his robot capable of walking more than a few steps it was also capable of murdering him and running off to the mountains where he can find the tin tyke apparently feeling pretty bad about killing his dad save the sob story robot you'll get the chair for this no wait okay never mind [Music] just leave me with him I said move for someone who's based his entire supervillain persona on telling jokes The Joker's material is pretty terrible in Batman Arkham City this is legitimately his best gag in the whole game take my blood for example I wish somebody would stab is killing me fancy him getting a 90-minute Netflix special based on that perhaps Joker's just off his game because he's fatally ill after all at the end of the previous game Batman Arkham Asylum he was pumped full of Titan formula and he's had a worse allergic reaction than that time I was stung by a bee covered in peanut butter all right my material needs work but I don't literally call myself the Joker [Laughter] as Batman you spend most of the game attempting to track down a life-saving antidote to Joker's illness not so much to cure the Clown Prince of Crime but for yourself after Joker performs a hasty but remarkably effective transfusion of his own deadly blood while you were knocked out why should i because there's a teeny little bit of me and you - that's he clearly has an aptitude for medicine only directed his energies into becoming a good doctor instead of an evil comedian we wouldn't be in this mess I bet that's what his parents told him by the end of Arkham City joke is extremely simple easy to grasp totally understandable not at all confusing plan has become clear 1 ask Clayface to impersonate a healthy version of himself to make Talia al Ghul think she's killed Clayface Joker 3 shoot Talia al Ghul in the back 4 have Batman fight Clayface 5 explode the floor for some reason you know what I'm starting to think he might not have a plan when Batman finally gets his hands on the life-saving antidote and takes a slug for himself all that's left is for me honorable Batman to give the rest to Joker so that he can take the Cure and live a rich full life of doing crimes and telling bad jokes Joker doesn't do anything to screw that up because that is literally the only antidote in existence big emitters are running all right first thing that's not a gag running or otherwise second thing you idiot are you happy now do you want to know something funny even after everything you've done I would have saved you that's also not funny no Netflix special for you either captain Wesker where's Chris stop it don't open that door but Chris's what is it maybe it's Chris playing through the Resident Evil games you kind of have to wonder just how stringent the recruitment process is for the team that play a pivotal role in the series known as the special tactics and Rescue Service there's got to be an easier way of saying that thanks nemesis their team medic is 18 years old so we can be fairly certain she hasn't had time to graduate medical school most of them seem to panic in any kind of combat situation and their helicopter pilot is an abject coward who flies off in terror at the first sign of danger then there's the fact that I don't seem to have any kind of consistent uniform policy some of them have bought their own weapons from home and judging by the desk space in their office at the RCPD headquarters no one from Bravo team has anywhere to sit it's good to see you're still among the living it all starts to make sense however when you discover during the first game that the Stars commanding officer captain Albert Wesker is in fact an employee of pharmaceutical mega corporation umbrella in fact the surfaces when you find a photo of Wesker with his umbrella colleagues a photo that also reveals that Wesker is the kind of [ __ ] who wears sunglasses in a work photo the idea such as it is is for Wesker to pose as the Stars commanding officer so that he can lure the members to the Spencer mansion to gather combat data on umbrellas bioweapons by seeing how they fare against trained police with serious firepower obviously the bio weapons did pretty well against Bravo Team what with them sucking at all but it turns out that Chris Jill and Barry are a lot tougher than say Forrest Speyer who armed with a bazooka managed to lose a fight to some crows luckily for Wesker he has an ace up his sleeve his greatest creation the experimental tyrant bio weapon eight feet of muscle sinew and bone claws with a big exposed heart on the outside of its body which seems like a design flaw but that's why we run these tests as you [Music] another reason we run these tests is to make sure that say for example the tyrant's doesn't immediately turn on its master and impale them with this bone claws because from a business standpoint that's really gonna tank the share price and from a wesker standpoint he's dead now what don't come this way originally this was the end for Wesker his ironic comeuppance making an important point about the hubris of trying to play God however later games in the series retconned Wesker's death rewriting the events of Resident Evil 1 so they're getting stabbed through the chest by his own science project was actually all part of Wesker's plan Wesker we last met Spencer estate wasn't which to be fair is what I would tell people to if I had had something this embarrassing happen to me sure all part of the plan Wesker whatever you say [Music] has overflowed upon the world defining us if you believe the Dead Rising games 95% of the population is just one zombie outbreak away from going completely hat-stand and taking up some deeply weird hobbies there's the murderous clown of course and the cannibal chef no doubt and who could forget oh it's okay another murderous clown popular choice that one [Music] another popular choice is starting your own religion because after all what loving God would allow something like a zombie apocalypse to happen on their watch apart from zombie or god of zombies of course and forgive a guy no much better instead to start everything again from scratch and form a new religion based around shared beliefs and new ideas such as the idea that you can put together a possible Green Goblin Halloween costume with a $5.00 budget these are members of the raincoat cult a religious organization whose core tenets are dressing stupidly putting people in boxes and stealing your clothes in that order they're led by one Shawn Keenan who seems like a smart guy and I'm not sure what he did prior to the zombie apocalypse but he's taken to this Messianic leader thing like a duck to water if we are to achieve salvation Shawn's biggest mistake though apart from the fact that the raincode cult is stupid and their outfits are dumb is the fact that they worship what appears to be a short mannequin with a whacking great sword stuck through it no shall return your tainted blood ordinarily I'd say this is the least of their problems but at the end of Frank's fight with him in the first dead rising Shawn turns to this false idol for salvation we're not realizing that the giant saw sticking out of it has made it somewhat top-heavy and thus we see the ironic fate of Sean a man who enjoyed sticking big swords through people and ended up with a big sword stuck through him my advice if you ever start a cult make sure the thing you're worshipping is round and soft like Kirby or a big pillow your whole thing can be napping all day actually this is starting to sound good who else is in aren't used latke who's asking I was told you could help us I don't know who told you that you came to the wrong place Detroit to become human is another of David caters interactive movie experiments which advance the art of cinematic storytelling in gameplay through the use of QuickTime events or at least they do if you're good at QuickTime events if you're not it's a whole different story careful Detroit is a sci-fi game with the unique courage to ask the question what if robots but with feelings and doubt there's a heaven for Androids Detroit tells a story about robots gaming consciousness following three androids as they break their programming and attempt to find meaning and purpose in their new existence along the way it raises complex issues around artificial intelligence the nature of consciousness and the way that humans treat Androids man this would make a great TV series or novel or movie let me just check no one's done this before oh okay never mind whichever side you come down on on the Android Humanity issue however I think we can all agree that luring androids into your home under false pretenses and then reshaping them into monstrous new forms against their will falls into the bad category Luther is just another Android that I helped he keeps me company in this big empty old house that's the unpleasant whole deal of a slap Cohen tronic off the antagonist in the chapters lack Co who claims he is going to help our heroes escape to Canada but is actually looking to reset android cara and resell her for a profit managed to escape the reset and you can stumble across lactose experiments where you discover that not all of his androids get resold some of them he holds on to so he can tinker with them to try and create monsters it's almost enough to make you wonder who is the real monster although obviously the game isn't quite so on the knows about things oh wait David cage I forgot anyway free these guys and they'll show up later when you try to escape first up slotko's Android lurch the tall stoic Luthor takes his shotgun away then the horde of Android monsters shows up to give a slack go a stern talking-to about the nature of consciousness and the immutable quality of the soul only kidding they beat him to death because of all that stuff he did [Music] Wow this is a one-sided fight yes Flacco's no cadet QT is either so P you have to feel a bit sorry for dr. Kurian owner of the literal House of the Dead from House of the Dead during his tenure as research director at genetic engineering firm DB our corporation his young son Daniel was struck down with the terminal disease is far fortunately underneath his elaborate Gothic mansion was a vast state-of-the-art biological research facility and where ever heard that before don't come this way yeah as I recall that worked out super well for everyone involved I refer you to our previous entry dr. Kurian conquered his sons disease using a huge device of his own invention called the bioreactor which allowed him to alter the genetic code of any living creature [Music] the bad news is Kurian went just a tad evil after that harnessing the DNA editing capability of the bioreactor to create all these gross hostile zombies rather than using it for a noble purpose like say editing my DNA to give me the same hair as Steve Harrington from stranger things in the first house of the Dead game you shoot your way to an entire army of Tyrians abominations before arriving for a final confrontation with the doc unfortunately for you Kurian has other ideas and six his latest twisted monster on you unfortunately for Kurian the twisted monster also has other ideas are you talking [Music] why don't you borrow my truck guess he forgot to edit in the following instructions DNA the story doesn't end with Koreans death though in House of the Dead 3 the personality of dr. Kurian is resurrected as a metal skin psychokinetic final boss and spoiler alert he ends up destroyed by his other creation is now adult son Daniel you're not Mike wowthat's Oh 4 - I'm being destroyed by your own creations Kurian maybe you should have edited your own DNA to make yourself less of a chump thank you so much for watching this video about 17 years who were killed by their own stupidity and another genius move that you can make right now is watching more videos from outside Xbox and outside extra on screen right now you're looking at show of the week live it's our weekly live stream we talk about the news we play a new game that's coming out we read your YouTube comments it's a good time and on screen right now is outside extra show the weekend similar kind of thing with more quizzes and craft projects it's another good time that goes out on a Friday so be sure to check that out as well and we will see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 871,842
Rating: 4.9360375 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: s2Zq3CYveoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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