8 DLCs That Were Ridiculous Fanservice and We Loved It

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fanservice is when a thing is designed above all else to please its fans and it turns out that what pleases those fans can be some pretty weird pretty great stuff you can see here how video game fan service is often delivered in packages of downloadable content which goes to show fan service isn't always a special episode where everyone turns up in swimsuits to go to the beach oh sure when they do it it's fanservice when I do it that's not appropriate attire for the workplace and II wear spoilers with following games Shepard you need a place that's yours somewhere to recharge clear your head that's very generous it's practical we need you in the best shape possible rested focus we all need a vacation from time to time and none more so than Mass Effect's Commander Shepard who works harder down the Normandy's bedsprings I like your outfit to that end citadel is a deliciously cheesy wedge of story dlc in which your shepard takes a welcome break from the rigors of saving the galaxy from that ancient force of cybernetic space squids the Reapers they've been waiting fifty thousand years they can wait a little bit longer while I go on a three-day bender what sort of party are you hoping to have tonight commander I think it's time to blow off some steam to this day we can't be sure Mass Effect 3 Citadel wasn't the result of a professional DLC writer bumping into a Mass Effect fanfiction writer and then they both drop their notes on the floor and then they each pick up the wrong notes and then the fanfiction stuff gets made into the most delightful four-hour DLC we've ever played captain on deck has he always been like this meanwhile my favorite fanfiction website publishes a pack of seven new weapons and two multiplayer maps ah hot oh that was great so sorry where was I oh yeah so back on the utopian Space Station hub that is the Citadel Shepard checks off all the wishes on our Shepards dream vacation wish list this means meeting joker to eat fancy sushi hey Shepherd not bad huh the sushi place is serious like French guy at the door serious beating protein shake connoisseur james vega in a chin-up contest you know my record is 182 you think you can beat it maybe and throwing the house party to end all house parties for the crew of the normandy shepard shuffling and having make outs at a ritzy apartment donated by admiral anderson are you serious he's probably still grateful when i got him that cushy job as a leader of the council at the end of Mass Effect after i that the previous council get blown up you're welcome [Music] the Dead Rising series has always been known for its Winx - other Capcom games from these serve bot heads and flanker masks - a lunch spot called Jill sandwiches but one piece of DLC for Dead Rising 3 really took the cake I am of course talking about super ultra Dead Rising 3 arcade remakes hyper edition e^x + alpha thank you this DLC was a four player co-op beat'em up starring Dead Rising regulars Nick Ramos Annie Chuck green and Frank West and contained more knowing references that a university dissertation each character had four unlockable outfits based on Capcom characters including final fights Haggar Darkstalkers Felicia and BB hood and street fighters ryu and chun-li as well as some deeper cuts such as shomer from rival schools Regina from Dino Crisis and captain commando from these side-scrolling beat-em-up of the same name it even let you play as tofu the secret unlockable fifth survivor from Resident Evil 2 who was a sentient block of bean curd finally thank you super ultra little help [Music] right thank you throughout the DLC you face off against a notable Capcom enemies such as a Coomer from Street Fighter and the big car from final fight and the final boss is a zombie version of em bison from Street Fighter while all this fanservice is greatly appreciated I think we could all agree that we never need to see Frank West with this top off again that is not what I meant Capcom what's initiative it's us which order we attack in I punch the initiative what's going on I wouldn't pay attention Tina why don't you start over welcome ladies to your first session of the most coolest game in world bunkers and basses if you're an enormous nerd like me there's a good chance you'll enjoy both cartoony sci-fi and Dungeons & Dragons let me tell you about my level one Dragonborn paladin that's why the borderlands 2 DLC called tiny Tina's assault on Dragon keep was an excellent crossover taking the blend of shooting and sarcasm perfected in the main game and framing it within a campaign of Dungeons & Dragons or as it's called here bunkers and badasses stand down copyright lawyers your Dungeon Master for the DLC is explosives enthusiastic Tina and her style of Dungeon Master II is what we like to call basically just making the whole thing up as you go along okay how about a new boss he's a skeleton well that's stupid we really call it skull face but boney legs this is harder than it looks naturally the enemies are straight out of central casting for fantasy nonsense the locations have dramatic medieval sounding names like flame rock keep and yes in true D&D style there are earnest attempts as a British accent I talked to her in character of course hello lovely lady what is wrong yeah pretty good what follows is an hour and a half of everything we love about dungeons and dragons combined with everything we love about shooting things in the face if you're a fan of deep culture in general it's about as good as Borderlands gets you could join forces and because my charisma is off the charts I'll convince them but is it just me or is there a distinct Dark Souls vibe to the world design valley of the drakes lost easily handle Londo no fine comparison yes and the other one come and visit Blizzard world new adventures downloadable overwatch matt blizzard world asks the question what if there were a blizzard themed amusement park the answer to which is i would be broke because I would have spent all my money there I would also accept it would make for the most fanservice II overwatch map of all time however as that is also correct a fact that becomes apparent the moment you fire up a game that's because the map is as crammed with fan pleasing references as a World of Warcraft mages inventory is crammed with mana potions I told you no one gets your World of Warcraft references l2p nub i refer you to my earlier comments if you're anything like me you'll get plenty out of this map from the hearthstone tavern and snacks from a snack bar where guests can chow down on death wings to the heroes of the storm arcade where Sombra seems to have somehow posted a high score of 9999 points i call hacks the part rides include world of warcraft references flight to dusk wood and far go deep mine and the diablo inspired reign of the black king and there is a whole land dedicated to starcraft if you prefer your Blizzard with a sci-fi flavor in fact the only blizzard game that's slightly hard done by is the lost Vikings which is relegated to the lost property office but I guess you won't need it if you remember to keep for your Bey Logging's with you I told you no one gets your lost Vikings references man they cannot build that real-life blizzard world soon enough I spent so many hours in here dreaming of my own adventures falling apart maybe I should just let my uncle have this place ask any tomb raider fan what the best bit of Tomb Raider is and they'll tell you it's running around Croft Manor looking for secrets trying to kill yourself and messin with the butler and also the tombs are all right I guess that's why so many fans were disappointed that Croft Manor the ancestral home of the Croft family didn't make a playable appearance in Lara's most recent outing rise of the Tomb Raider sure it showed up in cutscenes but it was nothing more than a different backdrop for Lara to get choked out against like she does in 70% of Tomb Raider cutscenes these days anyway that's why we were so stoked about the game's Blood Ties DLC which took Lara back to the Manor to search for the final resting place of her dead mother who her dad had apparently secretly hidden somewhere in their house because that's normal and fine the DLC is essentially a treasure hunt around Croft Manor filled with cool puzzles backstory about Lara's past and fan pleasing Easter eggs including music from Tomb Raider 2 [Music] [Music] lares old bows and a stuffed dinosaur a favourite bit of fanservice however is the letter from Winston the butler to Lara's father explaining how Lara had locked him in the walk-in freezer something that every single person who played Tomb Raider - did don't lie later in the day she set a trap for me in the walk-in freezer of all places before I knew what was happening I found myself locked inside good thing we never found any more of his letters who knows what they'd say my lord I hope this letter finds you well today Lara jumped in and out of the pool one hundred times because she read on an internet forum that it would make her clothes fall off please consider a call as soon as you're able The Sims 4 laundry day stuffed DLC is the very definition of fanservice because EA actually asked the fans what they wanted it to be or how as brave every element of the laundry day stuffed DLC was decided in six rounds of voting with over three quarters of a million votes cast for everything from the art style wipe down to the icons well that's easy oh no wait oh they're all really good [Music] socks final answer right on with the video included in the pack were rustic furnishings and country style outfits but the key addition to gameplay as decided by the fans was the ability to wash dry and wait for it fold your clothing adding an extra layer of the humdrum busywork that makes this seem so weirdly compelling and all for the very reasonable price of and you can tell the laundry day stuff DLC was a big deal for the sims 4 community from the euphoric trailer ode to joy' my laundry hasn't been this exciting since I caught that red sock in the white washer at the very last second the existence of the lingerie pack is even more amazing when you consider the other voting options on the table including a wedding filled pack or one inspired by 1980s arcade culture how often does a gained community actually get to steer the development of a DLC pack with this level of control not often the biggest revelation though is that the thing voters wanted to do most in the world was laundry [Music] [Applause] guys I've got tons of laundry you can do weeks worth I won't even charge you the $10 hey fine [Music] the girl promised me a way out and I was desperate enough to believe her with its backdrop of infinite alternate universes BioShock Infinite is the perfect jumping off point for DLC which takes the original story characters and says great what a fish but completely different thus we have burial at sea which is proof at last that Bioshock creator Ken Levine has been getting our letters requesting genre shifting crossover DLC with cool makeovers of our favorite characters if I wanted to share my life story mr. to it I would write my memoirs if I learned anything about rapture that it was a place where people understood to mind their own business in burial at sea Bioshock Infinite's tower dwelling quasi Disney Princess Elizabeth is transformed into a sultry femme fatale are you gonna name this Elizabeth [Music] and heretofore protagonist Booker DeWitt has somehow become a film Norrish private detective cop friend of mine Sullivan says they found her floating in the docks you see the body look did you see the body and the whole shebang is set in rapture the city from the original BioShock that was built by Objectivists under the sea because like sebastian off the Little Mermaid they believed it's better down where it's wetter have you been cabin in Arcadia little sister's atom factories screw tasks in its continuing commitments who fanservice burial and see also packs in a first person lobotomy sure I guess someone's into that he calls this little trick a transorbital lobotomy take hold of her lance and the visit to a sex shop [Music] man is there anything they couldn't do with plasmids if the Pearson site if you walk in sneakers on your phone I don't know what the hell's gotten into you sick crazy bastards or whatever done to you but I'm going to get help stay calm at the peak of Red Dead Redemption popularity there was one thing Red Dead Redemption fans wanted more than anything else in the world and that was DLC that brought John Marston back to life the DLC that Britain remastered back to life hey anything see although Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare DLC didn't quite resurrect Jon and wipe all traces of Jack Marsden from your hard drive it did bring him back as the player character of a brand new chunk of story DLC setting that most fanservice II of settings a zombie apocalypse make no mistake this DLC was wall-to-wall fanservice from me killing off of hated characters from the single-player campaign [Applause] to the awesome new mounts based on the horses of the Apocalypse to the ability to finally find and hunt sasquatches something Rockstar fans have been trying to do ever since grand theft auto san andreas mr. right a girl would go what mr. um the vs the resistance walls has it so often is a rideable unicorn finding and taming this mythical beast even got you an achievement called fanservice I mean Sheamus or you want a rockstar we don't care we've got a unicorn undead nightmare eventually ends the way the original Red Dead does with John mastan's death but instead of making us play on as Jack Marsden it has John fights his way out of his grave and carry on as a living corpse which if Andy had had his way is what would have happened in the main game that's right Wow all those DLCs were good weren't they they were fun to think about all the fanservice they went on during the past there wasn't DLC was there you just had secret levels and that's all this video up here from us is about it's about secret levels the would-be DLC nowadays but if you don't fancy here in a more about DLC you are something completely different down here is a video from outside extra about creepy Pokemon backstories they look cute they're not weird stuff going on so yeah have a look at that or don't if you want to continue to enjoy Pokemon [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,154,048
Rating: 4.910779 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, top 7, 7 things, countdown, list, top 10, top 5, outsidexbox, outside xbox, DLC, best dlc, funny dlc, red dead redemption, undead nightmare, overwatch, blizzard world, the sims 4, laundry day stuff, dead rising 3, super ultra dead rising 3, assault on dragon keep, borderlands 2, dungeons and dragons, rise of the tomb raider, blood ties, croft manor, burial at sea, bioshock infinite, mass effect 3 citadel, sims 4 laundy day, mass effect 3 dlc
Id: ioy87EE9vP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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