7 Moments So Scary They Made Us Stop Playing 😱

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Eternal Darkness is still one of the creepiest psychological horror games out there, so I'm glad/terrified that Andy remembers it. I played it shortly after it came out and had nightmares. Mind you, I played it with the lights off in the family room, which had a surround-sound system, so that didn't help! I don't recall if it used "proper" surround sound but hearing even stereo from all angles was scary enough.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mooniejohnson 📅︎︎ May 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
a wise man once said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself but if that's true then tell me why screaming skeletons are so scary answer me that FDR the truth is we have lots of things to fear as evidenced by these various video games which scared us so hard we literally have to stop playing them and walk away or burn the game discs or curl up into a protective ball please welcome Luke and Ellen from outside extra who join us to share their life-changing in-game scares and for where scary spoilers for the following games I don't know why I've been asked to contribute to this video I handle horror extremely well probably got a clip ah why why man and another clip but that's just cuz I like horror I've explained this before I don't think that you would enjoy horror games if you didn't get scared by them what would be the point one of the games I want to talk about today is PT which I played in its in to almost in its entirety on outside extra so you mean what who's on the bog [Music] not quite miss entirety because we didn't finish it because there is still no reliable method of actually finishing PT so opaque and unclear as to what you're supposed to be doing that it's I think it's a deliberate choice to make its own feel like a bit of a weird urban legend so people like pass around theories and ideas and some of them work and some of them don't and it's I think that makes it a lot scarier somehow but it's I think it's probably the scariest game I've ever played just because of the constant pervading sense of dread that it manages to create so if you're unfamiliar with PT it's a horror game it was going to be a Silent Hill game in that series this was like a teaser not for the actual game itself or more for the sort of atmosphere that the game was going to create it's just you walking around in a circle in this corridor and you can sort of every time you go through a door you go down some steps in do it against yourself like constantly descending and then stuff starts happening on different loops and my creepy things happen and there's a ghost lady and they're a talking bag and there's a fetus in a sink and it's horrible just the worst kind of horror you can imagine like psychological but also like in-your-face screaming in you so it's like the two worst kinds of horror mash together it's definitely the scariest game I've ever played and I would I would have stopped playing it at the point I'm going to talk about but I wasn't allowed to eat real playing it for a video so I had to carry on even though I wanted to stop and it's Mike makes fun of me for being scared at this point in the game he's like oh you got scared at an error message but it is legitimately scary so at one point you're going through the game and it's almost like it's glitches and like it's likely crashes and it gives you a big fullscreen error message bright red screen and written in all that like these different languages like a PlayStation 4 error message it says I'm heading there now for me that was like the game has now got into my ps4 and someone is literally coming to my house right now to murder me with ghosts oh I'm heading there now I had seen a million languages why is the ghost red screen of death penis I'm heading there now doesn't sound good it was so scary though I wanted to stop playing at that point that was the point where I was done I was like no this is too much but because we were making video I was forced to carry on but yeah if I'd been allowed to vow to be in the point where I deleted to the game uninstalled it from the ps4 hard drive and maybe through the console had a window and then buried it and then burned down the house and also Jane you pulled quite a funny prank didn't you yeah you Tex Ellen who was coming round as well and told her to come up to the room where we were playing PT and bang on the door we're playing PT Helen just arrived was it good luckily that happened before the error message where it said I'm coming to your house to murder you whatever it says because otherwise I would not be here relaying the story I would be dead out of days of fear I'd be this like petrified corpse now thanks again for that it was funny and good work funny and good what you did the moment that scared me in a game so much that I actually stopped playing the game was the water temple in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time so the water temple was it has many frightening properties firstly it is famously difficult it's a very very difficult part of a game that it's not particularly easy even now if you play it the way that the temple is structured you have to raise and lower the water level over and over again in order to navigate it it's not a linear path through this temple so you have to do a lot of backtracking you have to really memorize the layouts and the layout changes every time you raise and lower the water level and raising and lowering the water level it's all done from different parts of the temple it's just a very very complicated puzzle box of a temple and I was really enjoying ocarina of time the first time I've played it is it as a youngling as a as a young link yeah until I got to this point and I found it so disheartening and then unnerving and then just fill out frightening and unpleasant that I completely stopped playing the game [Music] being underwater so much feels quite oppressive in the game you have you're wearing these iron boots so you're kind of sinking really slowly underwater everything sounds a bit funny the enemies are really difficult in that dungeon and fighting them is hard because you're underwater and they're underwater and everything moves a bit differently the music as well because I spent so much time in this in this dungeon trying to crack it trying to figure it out and the music is it's this weird kind of very jangly there's a lot of sort of sounds like a lot like girl glass breaking almost kind of a lot of sort of xylophone kind of sounding sort of instruments [Music] and it's quite oppressive and unpleasant especially when it's on a loop and soundtracked to you being a little boy who can't find his way out of a temple in which he can't stop drowning I was like I'm gonna take a little break from this and then that turned into a bit of a long break and then some other games came along and I wanted to play them and actually I didn't finish ocarina of time and I want to say five or six years later it was a really long time a really really long break for me until eventually as a slightly older individual I I thought it's time to get my act together and do this in one sitting with a walkthrough it's still scary because when I think about being back there now in that temple all I feel is unpleasantness and even though it's one of my favorite games ever I won't probably ever play it again because of just knowing the water temple is there actually for the 3ds version they made some design changes to the water temple so now you can see what level the water is out I think wherever you are it's some subtle stuff I think it's above doors but it just sort of helps you navigate your way around even though it would be easier if I did it now I just found it so unpleasant and unsettling that I wouldn't go back to it horrible dungeon horrible music just horrible to spend time there and do you have a theory that Zelda dungeons should be done in one sitting no matter how well it takes yeah it was it was unpleasant to me and it just represents to me the feeling of losing control of a situation I think and and that sucks have I been here before hmm I don't remember this being here before now I'm telling you this is someone who loves horror but I think even more than loves horror I really admire horror I want to call myself a horror fan but also I'm a bit of a wimp I I really take horror to heart which I think like Andy says sometimes that's part of the enjoyment of horror is that you are sensitive to it that you are vulnerable to being scared otherwise what's the point but sometimes I think I'm a little too vulnerable to being scared anyway yeah thank you and he's just reminding me after I saw hereditary I was like good I wish I hadn't seen her it's very why do I do this to myself in a roundabout way when I'm getting around to telling you is that I played Silent Hill 1 probably too early in my life and not very far into it you meet the first boss and because it's Silent Hill 1 obviously we're talking about these first ever Silent Hill boss now I legitimately stopped playing at this point and I must have I did go back to it I must have gone back to it much later because I remember finishing the game but at the time you're not far into the game you've been into the the sort of from the normal Silent Hill world to the Nightmare Silent Hill world maybe once mainly twice you've gone through the school it all is very spooky and scary and and oppressive and and just just kind of grinds you down with that grimy Silent Hill aesthetic where everything's like rusty and covered in blood and nasty and you're the only one they are so alone [Music] so you've come through the nightmare that was Midwich elementary school and you've done this puzzle and you're like surely now they will let me go back to the scary and atmospheric but not terrifying a horrific version of Silent Hill you know the kind of there's the lightly scary misty Silent Hill and then there's the nightmare Hell dimension Silent Hill and I'm like I just want to get back to the lightly scary misty Silent Hill let me through the turnstile where is my reward and then there's a giant freakin alligator monster now I say my memory is hazy because I was I was little and scared out of my tiny mind for the longest time I thought this boss I remembered this boss as a kind of mutant alligator but going back to it and reminding myself it's actually what we call in the business ice the split head or the split head lizard and it's like this four-legged it's always a huge creature and it's all this amorphous shape and I mean I guess you could call it lizard II but it is definitely split head because his whole face and head comes apart in this kind of long war which I guess is what made me think in my tiny frightened mind of an alligator but I guess I wasn't even properly looking at the screen I was so terrified I was like it's probably an alligator and in my memory yeah I think that's it I think my my brain like parlayed it into something more comprehensible to my fear addled mind which was alligator when actually it was a demon split head lizard monster the first-ever Silent Hill boss and I was not ready for it and the secret is you have to shotgun it in the face of his sleeve shotgun it in its open mouth and I'm pretty I'm pretty sure I regret to say view I'm pretty sure I died very hard to the split head lizard boss and just put Silent Hill away for a later date for much much much later date it was the boiler all along and he has made it so clear well that's really dissolved my fear thank you thank you doctor I mean I would deserve it wouldn't I final report of the commercial starship Nostromo third officer reporting the other members of the crew are dead so one game that I tried so hard to play and quit after like 20 minutes in was alien isolation I am NOT good with spooky games but I love the alien series as you know the friend franchise is brilliant I mean the main characters called Ellen and she looks after her cat very well so I you know I relate to her a lot she gets it out of the thing and saves it that's exactly what I would do if everyone's dead except the cat the opening sequence I realized I was a little bit in trouble when you kind of wake up and you're you're in the film set basically you wake up everything's the same you find the little thing and then I was just oh this is great ah and then I walk down one corridor and all the lights came on and I jumped nothing okay just keep doing keep pushing through keep pushing through it and I got you know a fair way through but then you get to like the ship where everything has gone down you go through this little kind of nice set piece bit where just things are like breaking around you and it got to one point and I turned a corner and there was like a gas pipe that was leaking and it was on fire and then you get to a certain point which triggers it to explode and yeah nope nope this isn't this isn't for me backed away and then went through another corridor into a dark room couldn't see anything I was like done I go to this dark room yeah I love that like I I will have to have someone sit with me who is better with their nerves because I want to play it it's an it's an astounding game yeah if I'm jumping it like the really obvious job because like it's gonna expect yeah yeah cause like I said this is this is not gonna do my nose very well like I I do it like part of me thinks like once they got to like the alien like an actual enemy that I have to sneak around like I'm good with stealth stuff it's the jump scares no I want to it's all mine yes just isolation Noelle Anais she's fine just the sort of stasis in the island isn't near her so yeah she's good she's good Amanda's fine yeah I I'm not good with scary games I'd like to talk about a game on the Gamecube called eternal darkness sanity's Requiem so it turn all darkness sanity's Requiem was a Lovecraftian third-person horror game which included the it's sort of required for Lovecraftian games to have a sanity meter so the way it was structured was you'd play all these different like periods throughout history and there'd be like a Roman centurion and Franciscan monk and like Charlemagne for example and you'd see like various events throughout history of like all these Lovecraftian things affecting people's minds and stuff but it was all like anchored with this every time you did one of those you go back to this this woman living in a mansion in Rhode Island which like her family mentioned the rooibos family mansion and you'd like learn things from these stories and you be able to unlock new parts of the house and explore and the actual like historical things in the game they were kind of they were kind of scary but like not too bad it was the bits in the actual house itself that were the scariest part of this game isn't really happening as you're sort of your sanity meter went down it would start to sort of affect your perception in the game and you'd start to like see things that weren't really there and like hear things that weren't really there and it was kind of random what you'd experience and sometimes you weren't really sure if it was supposed to be happening or not like you used to be walking around the house and you'd hear like a screaming baby coming from somewhere you were like that's that's fine just just ignore that [Music] some of them like were a lot more extreme like there and there was one where you had to go into a like a music room to do something you like okay cool I'll go into the music room open the door walk in and there's just a guy hanging from a noose and you're like okay that's unusual for the music room um I guess ugh I'll go and see what what that is and you go over there and the guy's eyes like snap open it does crash zoom on his face and then the screen light flashes white and all of a sudden you're back outside the door you haven't gone in yet and you're like don't return to the music room where that all just happened [Music] it did a lot of those sorts of things but I think like though the one specific moment where I think this is the point writer's stops fighting the game entirely I don't think I played much beyond this if at all was a sanity effect where I think why I'd let my meter get a bit low and I was in a room like ready to go off and do the next part of the story I went to open the door and my character's head fell off and then grew massive and started reciting Hamlet it was doing the I think it was the to be or not to be speech from Hamlet just my severed head you know like low man's voice and playing as a woman in this game to die and I was like yeah I probably don't need to play any worse now but it is yeah it was the game was really good at creating like a really unsettling mood and the fact that you could never really trust what you saw you never felt comfortable playing that game there was always something unsettling happening or you just felt like at any moment something really terrifying and weird would happen and when my head fell off and started reciting Hamlet that was what I was like I just I am NOT I don't feel comfortable anymore this is stressing it was stressing me out I think is what it was because it was so fraught the entire experience I was on edge the whole time and I was like I really like this and I appreciate it but I'm just gonna stop [Music] when I was little kids I begged and begged and begged and begged and begged for a Playstation one which was just called a Playstation in those days and yeah I bought it for to change rolling back because I really really really wanted to play tomb raider because I saw Laura Croft and I thought she was damn cool you have my total attention now I'm not quite sure if I've got yours though hello Elin how'd you tap on door yet of course I had like the collection so but by starting with the first one and then I played it and I got eight minutes in and there were symbols I got scared so basically there's this bit and it really hinges on the music as well it was like an amazing that was one of the first times I played a game and you have music that was to do with what was happening on the screen and not just kind of like a background theme to something it was that first like incidental music I suppose you'd call it where an enemy appears and then music is triggered where I walked into a room going down a staircase and there was like a little wall here not hugely high but you couldn't really see over it down into like a little pit next to it and I heard the music just like where where is where is it where are the enemies where where where where and and then eventually these two wolves like ran round the corner and I freaked out but no going straight back to cross matter I didn't play the game for a while after that except just going into all the Kraft manners of every game and just have it I just had to be so careful I play I went like jumps into play to rate to but it was just so hooves it was just those wolves and then like it ya know it's bad enough it was bad enough with the butler it was it made me like really that was the first time playing a video game that was like I've got a listen out for the music and then ever since then if I've heard this music I'm like in any game [Music] [Music] and someone who has a complicated relationship with horror a love-hate relationship if you will I love and hate found-footage horror currently that's my that's my jam and outlast is is built on that aesthetic I think it's quite clever in the way it uses that first-person night vision aesthetic to recreate the the horror of a found-footage horror film in a way that's very effective and it's that kind of part of that new wave of horror games that are sort of complementary to found footage if you see what I mean and I find that found footage stuff when it's done right it's very very very effective because it's got that meta layer where you're not just watching a work of fiction you're actually watching something that is factual and realist documentary evidence that scary things are real and can get you and got whoever made this footage right it all started with the Blair Witch of of course but outlast which I was talking about and we played it on the channel we played it me Mike and Andy played it up to a certain point and that point was just about the part where you go to a flooded basement you're a night vision because it's absolutely pitch black I think and so you can only see in that very scary like green tinged sickly night vision color and I believe outlast effect if I'm not missing remembering if I haven't just conjured it up in a sort of terrified illusion I think our last does the thing where you can hear the protagonist breathing and I find that so so spooky that really kind of seats you in the head and body of the player character you can hear the kind of panicky breathing and you're in this basement flooded basement flooded basements definitely scarier than a regular basement a regular basements are pretty scary and there's um I guess kind of a a month's terrific patient of the asylum I think is the enemy at this point and they're sort of stalking you around the basement it's very creepy and you're not sure when he can see or if you can see or if he can hear you you're just trying to avoid him while you solve this puzzle we did it in the let's play or no he distance it we were trying to do it and then we got got by this monster if ik [Applause] and you know how everything just looks scary at night vision everyone's eyes look weird in night vision if I was in night vision right now I would be terrifying I think we stopped playing about there for reasons of you know time limitations and whatnot but I was like this game is really good we were playing it as a three and I was like this is really exciting and thrilling and scary and I think it might have been the first horror game of that type I play that kind of found-footage flavored horror game and I was like this is fun and good and then I try playing it on my own after we'd all gone our separate ways I think it was on my xbox and I was like right back to the basement let's get this flooded basement puzzle sorted and immediately realized it was much much too scary to play alone like with friends it's kind of like the bravado of like we're all scared together and then alone at home with the lights down no no nope nope nope nope I think I said nope nope nope put the controller down and just left it probably played something else instead it's very very effective well darn outlast is what I'm trying to say a good job good job and I did not complete you I stopped at that point whoo that was chilling I'm cold is it cold in here is it just terrified me is it the air conditioner all three well thank you so much for joining us on this tour of our most terrified childhood memories if you've got a terrified childhood memory of your own to share why not leave it in the comments and if you would like to continue this terrifying tour of YouTube why not watch a video from this playlist of the scariest games we've ever played an outside Xbox is that or if you'd like some more Luke and Ellen and why wouldn't you who could blame you here is a video on outside extra about the 10 most terrifying sounds in video games that still haunt our nightmares and our every waking moment from now until the day we die and beyond
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,690,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, list, top 7, 7 things, countdown, funny, funny moments, weird, scary, horror, terror, spooky, horror games, scariest games, scariest moments, jump scares, scares, scared, P.T., PT, silent hills, ocarina of time, zelda, water temple, silent hill, school, split head, lizard, boss, first, alien isolation, alien, eternal darkness, sanity's requiem, hanged man, hanging, hamlet, head, sanity effect, tomb raider, wolves, wolf, outlast, flooded basement
Id: Pq40SzCsN58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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