8 Harrowing Moments We Didn't Want to Go Through With

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we've all had to overcome challenges in videogames be they tough bosses or difficult puzzles or not spending all of our money on micro transactions in free-to-play mobile games repo man talk about this later sometimes however the hardest hurdles to overcome are the moments where you have to do something you don't want to do in order to proceed and are left with only two options do the horrible thing or reject the game disk and throw it in the bin here are times we seriously contemplated doing the latter enjoy and beware major spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Desmond we can't climb this how about you give me a boost that's a bad idea I could throw you into the air and you grab the ledge even worse Lisa Stillman from the early assassins queen games was definitely our favorite member of Desmond Scooby gang of modern-day assassins mainly because she wasn't Sean Hastings good job we'll just wait up here then shall we yeah all alone with with massive targets painted on our backs quiet Sean even when it turned out that Lucy was secretly working with the Templars to betray the assassin order we knew that deep down she was conflicted and her will they won't they relationship with Desmond was something we were keen to see develop over subsequent Assassin's Creed games Desmond that was pretty awesome or at least me working until the game made us stab her at the end of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood after platforming through an unused Tron set Desmond discovers an apple of Eden and perhaps unwisely decides to put his hands all over it I know this I know that that's a Phrygian cap Sean not now geez the upshot of this decision is that time freezes and Desmond finds himself possessed by Juno one of the surviving members of the first civilization who recognizes Lucy as a traitor and wants to use Desmond to make sure that Lucy doesn't jeopardize her plans stop please come on Desmond resist or at least you know pivot a bit to the left and maybe you can get Sean instead Hey no still this is all down to Juno up to this point so there's nothing you can do about it that is until the game gives you the prompt to press any button Wow okay so now this is on me is it Assassin's Creed Brotherhood what if I don't press any button at all how about that okay fine [Music] it is done I'm only doing this because I get to be a pirate in the fourth one the vital apparatus and will deliver a weighted companion cube in three two one Oscar Wilde wrote that each man kills the thing he loves which explains my total lack of success with house plants in a similar vein there's portal the game is a pretty lonely experience given how you're the solitaire test subject in a deserted lab and you're only company is an AI who skipped the day they covered Asimov's laws of robotics at AI school the enrichment center is required to remind you that you will evade and then there will be cake that might be why we glum so hard onto the weighted companion cube when Garros introduces us this weighted companion cube will accompany you through the test chamber please take care of it the companion cube is less of a sentient Ally and more of an inanimate science box but at this point in our isolation a crate with hearts becomes a dear friend than all our childhood pets combined even Monty the golden retriever who would sing bark jingle bells at Christmas he was such a good dog anyway then after you and your boxy buddy have made great puzzle progress and strides in human cuboid relations this happens you did it the weighted companion cube certainly brought you good luck however it cannot accompany you for the rest of the test and unfortunately must be euthanized please escort your companion cube to the Aperture Science emergency intelligence incinerator it turns out your emotional attachment to the cube versus your resolve to complete tests is just another variable in GLaDOS his testing regime or possibly she's just having a right laugh remind you that it can't it would in any case because of Oscar Wilde you've literally no choice but to dump your new and best friend in a laboratory grade fire pit congratulations just like monty all over again at least that's what mum told me happened now that I say it out loud it seems kind of unlikely you probably just got into the chocolate again hey hey I'm Lea Vincente listen thanks don't mention it a way out is a cooperative game in which you and a friend play as Vincent and Leo who escaped from prison together and form an unbreakable bond that carries them through their adventures as they travel to Mexico to kill a crime lords stopping only to play darts and baseball and go on swings together what the hell are we doing I don't know you sat down first no I didn't yeah you did did I this is getting awkward all right almost go on the swings together it's adorable anyway Vincent and Leo are Bros is what I'm saying which is why it comes as such a shock when you return from Mexico after killing the crime lord and don't open a small artisanal bakery together but instead it turns out that Vincent is a cop and he's gonna arrest Leo now thanks what follows is a bigger rug pool of the finals of the world's strongest carpet salesman Championships is all of a sudden you and your co-op partner are thrown into opposition with each other in a grim death match that only one of you can walk away from you're gone good job Vincent I'm sorry leo at this point in a way out I really felt like Vincent and Leo were past this surely there was another option a way out so to speak where these two talk through their differences and Vincent decided that just this time maybe he'd let a criminal go free because he'd learned a lesson from their adventures together and was a change man nope super keen on shooting eventually you wind up in a final showdown whichever one of you is first to get the gun is given a prompt to raise the gun and kill their former co-op comrade to which I say come on a way out both these guys are decent people both of them have kids and do you really want to let either of them die with that facial hair situation guess so what rankles most is that none of this needed to happen there was no reason for Vincent to reveal that he was an undercover cop in front of Leo if the five-o just kept up the charade long enough to have them both be arrested and separated Vincent could just go home anyway if you want to finish the game you have to go through with it which is tragic but at least there is one positive Leo totally does redeem his facial hair situation [Music] ah see you've copy my beard good choice what is it sometimes we I can smell and you know through the mask the rescue team reported their tool said it smelled like ripe fruit we cannot allow the infection to spread in Metal Gear Solid 5 the Diamond Dogs are an elite private military force who've been press-ganged into service using balloons welcome to the Diamond Dogs despite these somewhat involuntary nature of their recruitment most Diamond Dogs come to feel like part of the family on mother base and they all have one thing in common their unwavering respect and loyalty to the boss but thanks for saving their puppy that and a stupid nickname like I said so the Diamond Dogs is one big happily heavily armed and nationally unaffiliated family that is until late in the game during the mission shining lights even in death when snake is called back to mother base to deal with a sticky situation it seems that while you were off having adventures with the dog that was now break a vocal cord parasite infections at mother base with no cure the stricken soldiers have been quarantined on one of the platforms and there's nothing for it but for snake to enter the quarantine zone wearing a gas mask and personally euthanize all the infected I mean is there nothing for it Metal Gear Solid can we just I don't know send them in a TV and some snacks or something or maybe we could divert some of the money we're using to fund development of inflatable snakes into developing a cure no apparently letting those soldiers live could put the whole world at risk and so venom snake has to go in there and dispatch them by hand something they do not make easy on you you're idroid isn't helping either announcing staff member has died and notifying you of just how much your heroism is decreasing every time yeah I know Hoyt yeah I get it okay that one shot himself so better it's not better is it worst of all however has to be these guys who are all so earnest and loyal that they actually salute you and you're expected to kill them all still at least we managed to save this one uninfected soldier got a survivor unlock the door [Music] I don't think I made it after all Oh goddammit Metal Gear Solid 5 are you prepared to suffer to save your son you have five minutes to cut off the last section of one of your fingers in front of the camera if you succeed you will get bored in heavy rain purported Andy look-alike Ethan Mars is trying to find his son Sean who's been kidnapped by the origami killer a serial killer so good he can kill people without you knowing why you're playing as him so you found my little [ __ ] it's over Scott all those children killed just to find a father capable of saving his son shut up you don't understand no cool Scott we look away for one second anyway to discover the location where his son is being held Ethan is paused by the origami killer to go through five trials because someone apparently saw saw recently most of these trials involve Ethan inflicting horrible pain or psychological torture on himself to prove how much he loves his son [Applause] it's the third trial named the lizard however that almost made us start convincing ourselves that maybe Shawn was having a nice time in a tank slowly filling with rainwater and who were we to interfere anyway in this trial Ethan is given five minutes to cut his own finger off a quick glance around the room reveals that it is full of implements that are almost comically unsuited to the task such as a butcher's knife stuck into the wall a pair of pliers in the television stand and a pair of scissors in the bathroom and let me tell you right now the origami killer isn't gonna fall for this he's a pretty smart guy while it's true that you can choose to leave the apartment and not complete the trial each trial you skip makes it harder to find Shawn and since one of the later trials asks you to actually kill someone you might want to save your get out clause for that please don't kill me man Oh God children so good luck trying to make this inescapably painful process as painless as possible sure you can sugar the pill a bit give Ethan some wood to bite on down some whiskey to numb the pain disinfect the wound or cauterize it with a heated iron rod but the fact remains that the finger is coming off if you're really committed to getting something like a good ending don't need the scissors would be our advice let us not despair I'd say that's the gate and then of the other boy take care of the lookout spec ops the line is a military shooter that seeks to make its players ask deep questions such as should war be treated as an entertainment to what lengths will people go to justify their actions and is that Nolan North is John Conrad the greatest man I ever served with well I don't know I think it's Nolan North one question the game doesn't ask you however is would you like to use white phosphorus to kill a bunch of civilians because that is a mandatory part of the game that you have to go through with if you want to carry on playing right that's white phosphorus yeah I know what it is you've seen that the [ __ ] does you know man I have choice Go Go there's always a choice yeah but there isn't though is there spec ops the line beyond the choice of use white phosphorus or run back and forth along this Ridge until you feel like you've got $50 worth of entertainment out of this game you ain't Walker will fire I'm gonna be a while eventually if you want to continue with the game you'll have to use the white phosphorus at which point you'll discover there's a reason that it's banned by signatory countries in the 1980 convention on certain conventional weapons protocol that's because it's a nightmare weapon that burns people to death and while you think you're using it against a military target surprise those guys are actually helping rescue civilians and now you're a monster then order yeah it is fine margin camera spec ops the line proceeds to spend the rest of the game dragging you for your actions which we again remind you were unavoidable and we didn't want to do in the first place how about you give us a choice next time go on Walker do it please why are you just standing there okay take it back these choices are hard [Music] if we understood Nietzsche's beyond good and evil and we did the point is that ethics are mad tricky now we're no strangers to pursuing an unethical course of action in the face of a mounting sense of guilt like the time I ate Andy's whole birthday cake that was you multiply that sensation a quintillion times subtract the deliciousness of stolen cake and you've got something that approximates the experience of Shadow of the Colossus in which you've gallop around a vast serene land climbing vast serene Giants and killing them which rude in this game it's not that there's a single moment in which you're forced to do something you don't want to do it's more that the whole game is a collection of moments in which you power through your growing suspicion that what you're doing isn't right and very possibly is very very wrong [Music] but what's your alternative option I mean obviously other than the secret alternative option where you learn the ancient language of these gentle giants apologize for stabbing them in their Achilles tattoos and join forces with them to destroy the temple and the morally dubious forces within psyche is not really a secret alternative at all just like with eating Andy's birthday cake Petey was the playable teaser for the now sadly canceled silent hill's a collaboration between Hideo Kojima Guillermo del Toro Walking Dead star Norman Reedus and horror manga legend Genji ito that promise to be more nightmare-inducing than a midnight cheese binge [Music] to TPT's status as a teaser for an upcoming game it was more of a mood piece and as such gameplay mostly comprised he walking down a corridor over and over again occasionally stopping to look at horrible things that even when I know it's coming the moment that almost made us uninstall the playable teaser and dunk the PlayStation in holy water however was the loop in which he round the corner to discover that the previously unoccupied hallway is now occupied checking the other direction reveals that there isn't anywhere else for you to go the door you came in through is closed the windows won't open and no matter how many times you try to headbutt the walls they aren't budging your only option is to walk down the hallway towards lessor the unnatural apparition that we remind you is making sounds that indicate she isn't likely to offer you a nice cup of tea and a biscuit when you reach her someone enough courage to stroll down the corridor at her and you'll find the lights go out annalisa vanishes because of course she does getting murdered on your own terms isn't Petey's style much better to have Lisa murder you when you aren't expecting it even want to know it's coming so those were some of the awful harrowing videogame moments that we didn't want to go through with there's something you are going to want to go through with is clicking on one of these links to watch more videos so up here is the video from outside x-ray in which we talk about the best video game adaptations we've ever seen - Street Fighter - you're fine that's a great answer down here is a video from us about evil achievements where you chose to be evil and you were rewarded for it kind of bad message thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,375,935
Rating: 4.9286346 out of 5
Keywords: list, top 10, top 7, 7 things, 8 thing, top 8, 5 things, 10 things, top 5, countdown, outsidexbox, funny moments, funny, hardest decisions, hardest moments, worst moments, games, scary moments, hardest choices, scariest moments, harrowing moments, heavy rain finger, PT lisa, a way out ending, assassin's creed lucy dies, portal companion cube death, mgsv shining lights even in death, spec ops white phosphorus, spec ops the line white phosphorus
Id: Kd9yQiZv0n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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