7 Tragic Zombies We Felt Bad for Killing

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zombies are the perfect videogame enemy because they look mostly like regular humans but they're actually brainless shambling monsters you don't have to feel bad when you do stuff like this it's not all fun and games though sometimes a zombie game will inject pathos by giving a particular zombie a tragic backstory or by having one of your close companions turn into a zombie themselves at this point killing them becomes less of a gleeful guilt-free Gore fest and more of a harrowing ordeal that we still remember when we can't sleep at 3:00 in the morning here are seven of the most tragic zombies we felt super bad about having to kill enjoy if you can and mu s spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to go we need to get you to a hospital right now no no I save yourself come on I've got you oh look we can still make it out of here together just it's too late the events of Resident Evil to take place on rookie cop Leon Kennedy's first day on the force when he's still young inexperienced and wet-behind-the-ears although that might just be liquor goo thanks to the Raccoon City zombie outbreak where Leon was expecting to find a police station full of new friends who'd welcomed him with open arms he instead finds a police station full of horrible zombies who to be fair do still welcome him with open arms in fact when Leon arrives there are only two regular cops left in the whole station this guy who doesn't count because he has pulled in half within the first five minutes and marvin branner a stoic rcpd lieutenant who helps you avoid the same fate see Leon that's how it's done anyway Marvin is basically your guardian angel at the start of the game in addition to saving your life from a zombie he also tells you how to escape from the police station and gives you a big knife now you'll need this I can't take stop in fact the only reason we're playing this game is Leon or Claire and not thee at this point much more experienced and capable marvin is that marvin is nursing quite the wound on his side something that in zombie fiction is usually a pretty big red flag that we're not going to finish the game ramping a squad car off the roof to freedom with marvin in the passenger seat and don't make my mistake if you see one of those things uniform or not you do not hesitate you take it out or you run got it as we discover in the Resident Evil three remake Marvin got this way by being bitten by the rapidly zombified Brad Vickers so I think we can all agree continues to be the absolute worst through all sequels and remakes Marvin gets progressively worse before finally ordering you to leave him behind as you make your escape from the police station main hall it on you now just go I understand nothing would make us happier than to follow that order but regrettably both Leon and Claire have to come back to the police station later on at which point they will find that Marvin has gone the full zombie Oh God now you're left with a heartbreaking choice do you leave Marvin alone to wander the hallway as a mindless zombie do you put him out of his misery yes you'll be using up precious ammo but he wouldn't have wanted to live this way on the other hand what if they find a cure and Marvin can still be saved you know what this is too hard I'm just gonna let mr. X thought him out thanks mister eggs you're always there for me through this park they say it's good luck to get rain on your wedding day but you try telling that to the bride in left 4 dead 2 who was poised to tie the knot in a beautiful outdoor ceremony when the zombie outbreak struck with this unlucky bride was not only stood up at the altar by her groom to be who is nowhere to be seen but also in a double whammy of wedding day misfortune turned into a left for dead which zombie will never know exactly what happened to the absent groom whether he got cold feet or simply had his feet bitten off by one of the undead but at least his zombified fiancee is surrounded by well-wishing wedding guests who are yes also now all zombies the bride's bad luck becomes your bad luck as a struggling outbreak survivor because she's parked right in your way sobbing her heart out by a park Bandstand girl we've all been there so to make matters worse your only option is to further ruin this poor jilted bride's big day by disturbing her and inevitably having your face clawed off this leaves you no choice but to gum this bride down at the altar something so bleak it didn't even make it into the Ilana's Morissette song I feel bad for killing this witch oh in all it's a poignant tale of zombie tragedy and one of the top 10 worst weddings I've ever been to top 15 may be gay force winds go that was the most excited what in the hell are you people doing [Music] quick move this way good friends are hard to find in the world of dead rising quite aside from the fact that most of the population has been turned into the shambling Undead the stress of a zombie apocalypse seems to have had a weird effect on the survivors worst 11th birthday party ever so when you as photojournalist Frank West are sent by homeland security agent Jesse to find her cool capable colleague Brad garrison early in the game you'll be the huge sigh of relief your girlfriend sent me to find you whoo Jessie looks like Frank has the wrong end of the stick or brad has a lot of girlfriends to remember whatever the story there brad is a real rock throughout the game hanging out at your safe room and helping direct the effort to track down those responsible for causing the zombie apocalypse in the first place what's more while we could charitably describe Frank West as a hot mess brad is consistently the adult in the room if we have to wait here for three days we'll need supplies water blankets and the like we'll get dr. bar to be here tomorrow morning I want you to keep an eye on the monitors even handles a bullet wound to the leg far far better than anyone has any right to particularly given that at the crucial moment Frank was no help at all totally missing the shot pretty sure Brad is the real hero of dead rising is what I'm saying no wonder he has so many girlfriends sadly your best buddy Brad becomes infected when he is trapped in a gloomy tunnel surrounded by Zed's you catch up with him just in time to have an emotional goodbye as he slowly succumbs to his injuries doesn't hurt no even in the shop that would be the end of it were it not for the fact that Dead Rising is an open-world sandbox and if you return to the maintenance tunnels later on you can find Brad as a zombie stumbling about the place what's more as a tribute to Brad's ultimate sacrifice you have the opportunity to a lot probably the most disrespectful achievement ever to grace your gamer card it's called snuff shot B and involves taking a photo of Brad now that he's a zombie alright now you're ready to take the shot not cool Frank even more not cool Frank wait get any worse oh nice to see you too miss MacFarlane things are bad in West Elizabeth sure but it'll take more than an apocalypse to take me down what are you a demon or a cockroach both I fear how's your father ranch owner Bonnie McFarlane stands out as one of the most likable characters in Red Dead Redemption although that's a low bar considering that most of the rest of them are snake oil salesmen comedy drunks and actual corpse botherers goodbye John Marston it's been a great pleasure she's the woman who takes Johnny and and nurses him back to health after he's injured at the start of the game enacting his brilliant plan of stand out in the open and yell at my heavily armed former gang mates who I'm trying to put in prison as such we've got a great deal of affection for Bonnie which extends to her father the gruff no-nonsense drew McFarlane who is about 75-percent mustache by volume john marston this is my father drew McFarlane pleasure to meet you mr. Martin please as the game goes on Drew and John slowly become friends bonded by their experience saving bonny after she's kidnapped and also let's be honest by John's obvious admiration for that mustache come on it's magnificent like a platinum horseshoe mr. MacFarland I'll get you your daughter back that's what made it so tragic when we headed over to McFarland's ranch in Red Dead Redemption zombie themed undead nightmare DLC to discover that while bonnie was fine drew hadn't come back from the barn where he was keeping a bunch of zombies corralled what was he doing in the bar just rounding up the undead and keeping them safe the rest of us can go about our business presumably it's just in case a cure can be found let's hope not a true otherwise all this zombie killing I've been doing is gonna look really bad anyway Bonnie asks you to find out what happened to Drew and so it is with a heavy heart that we head to the plant and look for him and to take care of his zombie problem for him you are welcome drew anyway turns out Drew isn't really in a position to thank you for killing the zombies for him as he is something of a zombie himself and you have no choice but to put him down the real tragedy here is the world being deprived of that mustache rest in peace mr. McFarlane is a mustache the dead have been have been on our existence since that curse of fire fell we have to burn them just to make sure they don't rise from the grave the least fun part of a zombie outbreak is the part where you have to help someone destroy the reanimated corpse of the person they loved the most it's horrible the loved ones be buried and grieved over now threaten our lives the most fun part of a zombie outbreak fYI is the part where you get the whole shopping mall to yourself but in the besieged town of new Tristram in Diablo 3 there's not a single shopping mall just piles of burning corpses and the one local tavern called the slaughtered calf real cheerful place if you think you're some type of hero here to save us all the dead will feast on your bones as easily as they will ours the human tragedy of an undead uprising is perfectly condensed in the heartbreaking tale of Heydrich Amon who was the town blacksmith but now what with the apocalypse going on has also been put in charge of mercy killing all the presume bees not no that's my wife she's locked in the cellar like all those who've been betting I'm to put them all down but how can I kill my own wife it is regrettable but it must be done I will help you yes Heydrich's beloved wife Mira is on the turn and it being your solemn duty as a game protagonist to mash up zombies wherever you find them you're after his basement to assist to the surprise of no one you find all the infected folks who were locked in the cellar already turning into fully fledged zombies which I'm sorry Heydrich but this is what happens when you procrastinate this miniature dungeon crawl culminates in you discovering mirror too late to give her a peaceful death but just in time for her tragic last words my love forgive me is the surest road to a tragic end that is why I have forsworn it you also discover your Templar mate doesn't know when to pipe down buddy read the room soon enough mirror the vomiting zombie is just another mound of gold and loot as if that weren't sad enough a vignette of love and loss consider the sensitive letter from mirror to her husband that you sensitively loot from the bereaved blacksmiths private possessions my dearest Heydrich do not feel despair my love you did everything you could our time together meant more than words can say but in the end fate is a cruel mistress damn I was hoping for epic loot not flavor text her tragedy if there was ever a character in the Resident Evil series that we immediately wanted to see infected with the t-virus its Resident Evil cabrona Kirsty Burnside get me the syringe I'll do it myself when we playing as Claire Redfield first meet Steve he is not to put too fine a point on it and irritating jerk not only does he commit the cardinal sin of being selfish nizam be apocalypse he has a whiny voice that is more nasal than an elephant with sinusitis you gotta be kidding I found it not keeping it is someone letting air out of a balloon it's only later that we realized that emo teen Steve has actually had a rough time of it he and his family were kidnapped by umbrella after his father an umbrella employee was caught selling company secrets Steve what were you doing here who brought you here and where is your family shut up I don't want to talk about it given that umbrella lets its company secrets run around chewing people's faces off that seems a little unfair Steve's bad day doesn't get much better when he has to fill his own dad full of all the bullets in the world in order to save Claire's life you're supposed to conserve ammo dummy have you ever played a resi game still the relationship between Claire and Steve warms up a bit and we begin to suspect that Steve is developing feelings for her look even busts out his very best pickup line oh my back you're heavier than you look all right it needs some work by the time Steve ends up infected with the T Veronica virus and becomes a gross axe wielding zombie thing and we've kite him to his death we've actually come to feel quite sorry for him especially when he somehow briefly transforms back into his original form 90's boy band reject to tell Claire he loves her I I love you maybe love was the secret to finding a cure for the virus quick let's harvest his DNA the dead rising series has always focused on the lighter side of zombie apocalypses such as how we're all going to run around in mankinis having a blast sticking krill buckets on zombies heads [Music] good times it's also capable of some real tear-jerking moments though such as the tragic tale of slappy who lost his love due to the zombie outbreak no way that's hilarious too because of the stupid costume okay how about Randy Tubman who you're trying to ruin okay fine the Dead Rising series doesn't take itself too seriously that's not to say that you can't find tragic tales amongst all the wackiness however for real Horan Qing pathos we look to the side mission kin and comfort in which your character mechanic Nick Ramos meets a woman called Kelsey who came into town to attend a family reunion and is inexplicably dressed as Annie Oakley couldn't get time off from your job in a Wild West stunt show help me out here Kelsey Kelsey wants to go to her family's house to make sure they're okay so Nick ever the helpful dude offers to help her get there man Kelsey sure seems happy and excited to see her family this is gonna be horrible isn't it yes turns out this isn't quite the family style dinner that Kelsey was expecting rather everyone of her immediate kin has turned into a ravenous zombie and they are literally having a friend for dinner yeah Kelsey I'm sorry but I had to do it and yes I also had to do it with a massive flaming sword it was the only humane way yes or at least in pieces it's basically the same thing is this helping Kelsey say nothing if yes thank you so much for watching this video about the tragic zombies that we felt really really bad for killing but you know else would be a tragedy if you miss this video from us where we test gamer energy drink flavors with all the weird facial expressions you could expect from that and this video from outside extra which is about the stealth rules in stealth games that when you think about them are actually total answers and he's like and subscribe if you enjoyed this we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,890,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: yZAJovOdB8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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