7 Unwinnable Boss Fights You Can Beat If You're Good Enough

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boss fights are supposed to be difficult sometimes however they go even further and are supposed to be impossible just so you don't get any funny ideas about who's in charge around here I get it it's not me but gamers are a determined Bunch and it turns out that some of these supposedly hopeless boss fights can actually be beaten through a combination of perseverance skill and a burning desire to beat the game at its own game here are seven times it's possible to win a seemingly unwinnable boss fight in joy amber where spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Dark Souls is a game that wants you dead so much that I'm surprised the switch version didn't deliberately overheat the console so they exploded firing molten plastic and silicon into your eyes it's very upfront about this attitude as well as you'll discover the first time you play the game after a gentle introduction which lost the length of one whole corridor you like your first bonfire and open a set of doors to reveal the game's first boss the towering terrifying toothy Asylum demon at this point in the game you're armed with a broken sword hilt and literally nothing else and taking a couple of experimental swipes at the demon reveals that this does about as much damage as the harsh language you are no doubt also employing unbelievable jerk with a pineapple what you're supposed to do is realize that this fight is unwinnable at this stage of the game and hightail it through the door on the left here leaving with wounded pride but crucially an unwanted body face and spine then you can get a proper weapon and some health restoring Estus flasks and come back and finish the job later however for the incredibly bloody-minded among us it is possible to beat the asylum demon at this early stage of the game particularly if you choose black fire bombs as your starting gift just what I wanted it's still a tough fight but while the asylum demon is strong it's also slow so canny players can use their speed and agility to stay out of the way of his attacks and chip away at his health with counters persevere and you'll defeat the demon as a reward you get his demons great hammer a huge stone hammer that as its name implies is great plus a well own sense of self-confidence that will last all of all 15 minutes until you're smashed flat by the Taurus demon Dark Souls everyone we are not to be need to who needs you [Music] to grow more energy loss to money but will ordered during middle school from software the developer of Dark Souls seems particularly keen on these kind of hopeless boss fights that you can actually win as well as in Dark Souls these battles crop up in Demon Souls and blood-borne as well as presumably at the company summer picnic every year huge staff turnover the most recent example in a fromsoftware game however is from the excellent Sakura shadows die twice in it you players are Sengoku period shinobi named wolf you can come back to life after dying so that from software get to kill you twice as many times the sick bastards keen to get the dying started as soon as possible Sakura's first boss battle pits you against Genet shiro a sheena a samurai leader who wants to kill the kid you're supposed to be looking after so that he can claim said kid's immortality powers for himself the way this boss fight hugely goes down is you whack him a few times with your sword he easily overpowers you and then in a cutscene slices off your left arm which for very important story and gameplay reasons will be replaced with a sophisticated prosthetic that gives you access to a range of weapons and abilities however it is possible to beat Ken Oshiro like a hero in this initial encounter it is easy he's got loads of health his attacks - a ton of damage and he has some special moves that can wreck you pretty quickly if you're not prepared which at this point in the game 95% of players won't be if you're skilled enough though you can whittle get its hero down to zero health at which point you're probably thinking man this is going to dramatically change the rest of this game what with me having two arms and all then from software reminds you in the most from software way imaginable that this is a from software game I should know beat another difference between honor and victory yeah well not dick would know the difference between victory and chucking a knife frisbee at someone get it hero so consider that you suck they'll come at you out of nowhere who are you and they'll keep on coming at you as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade Webster's dictionary defines the verb to win as to be the victor of whatever battle contest or Internet argument is concerned now I'm no dictionary but I would make the further stipulation that to win a battle against someone also means you are not the one lying on the floor unconscious at the end of the fight because then it looks like you've lost and yet consider the first Kingdom Hearts game early in the game there's a confrontation between hero Sora and once called Liam Hart the Final Fantasy H protagonist who guest stars in Kingdom Hearts also he's changed his name to Leone because he was really into Resident Evil at the time all right then have it your way in RPG tradition this early clash is meant to be very tough to illustrate how at this point in the game Sora is an inexperienced noob with a funny sword in the fiction of the game it makes sense that Sora would lose to battle-hardened former mercenary squall Leonhart the intention of the game seems to be for you to lose this early faceoff to make a point about how green you are and to tee up a bit of story nice going Leon yeah Leon way to beat that 14 year old unconscious however it's not utterly impossible to win this fight if you can master the maneuver of popping in smacking him with your giant key then dodging his much sharper looking gun blade you can win I say win but since the end result is that you collapse of exhaustion immediately after your victory while your opponent is left standing I'd say the difference is academic give or take some experience points at least you'll have the bragging rights either way once you regain consciousness it's time for the artist formerly known as school to explain the premise of Kingdom Hearts once and for all the Heartless the ones who attacked you you remember those without hearts heartless have no hearts of course it all makes perfect sense now oh and speaking of people who call themselves Leon Tales of Destiny is a Japanese RPG that takes over 20 hours to complete which is weird because all my tales of destiny a much shorter like remember that time I got immediately killed before I could even open the vault of glass good times so you might be thinking as you're plunged into this 1990s PlayStation 1 RPG if only there were a shortcut to allowing your heroes to get this whole saving the world thing wrapped up in just a couple of hours leaving more time for I don't know elaborate hairstyling must take hours to create that level of shape and hold not that I'd know the arrival of Smaug 16 year old master swordsman Leon early in the game provides just such an opportunity for a shortcut when he tries to arrest you what the game wants to happen is for you to get your ass whooped [Music] Wow that is almost as short as my story from the vault of glass it turns out though that the 9999 hit points Leon is sporting aren't just a joke number to designate his invincibility it's actually a legit figure and if you chip away at those hit points you can actually beat him granted you'll have to grind for a few hours beforehand and stock up on powerful items but it's absolutely possible to win this fight thereby ending the game basically before it started [Music] hey in JRPG terms a few hours in definitely counts as basically before it started but if you're expecting a spectacular and involving ending cutscene as a reward for your skill and cunning then think again instead the character rooty rags on Lian a bit for being arrogant and then you're told that you all head off to become fearsome hunters but and like won't that's another story [Music] last I checked this was called Tales of Destiny not a tale of destiny make me the other story you should not underestimate this demon after all it was he who took your right arm and gained a great deal of power from it I'm leaving they suggest you do not fall behind the recent Devil May Cry 5 was a lot of things a spectacular first person action game the return of one of Capcom's most beloved franchises and a stark warning as to how insufferable Adam driver would be if he became a goth he who desires but act not reads pestilence so it is written it was also if you were sufficiently adept about ten minutes long that's because the game's main antagonist eurozone who is a kind of demonic tree man comes at you in the prologue and if you've got skills you can take him down before the game has even started properly bagging this bitch the way this is supposed to play out is that you throw yourself over and over again at euros in who doesn't even bother to get up off his chair as he decimates you with explosions lasers and flaming meteors eventually you'll run out of Health at which point a cutscene triggers in which Dante makes the save the roof collapses and everyone talks about how strong eurozone is setting up the game's story and an exciting rematch further down the line or if you're not feeling up to any of that you can just wreck your as in during the prologue and enjoy the speediest game over in the history of Devil May Cry so speedy in fact that the developers didn't even have time to finish making the ending you can of course start again and play the full 15 hour game as its intended to be played but if you ask us this is the canonical ending little time saver warden in the name of the region I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of Rendon Howe and his men at arms my favorite RPG trope is the one where you and your party get captured and thrown in prison and all your stuff gets taken away and then you have to escape using only your wits and not just because everyone is in their underwear oh you're awake I was starting to worry not now Alistair the point at which this inevitably happens in Dragon Age Origins comes just after a boss fight that is what we in the boss fighting business called double bastard extra hard are you kidding me with all these arches mmm the boss in question is once a Catherine unlike you some of us know what honour and loyalty are I have no doubts about Loghain she confronts you while you're trying to rescue an aura the would-be Queen of the realm who has been locked up by Catherine's jerk boss loghain who was stealing Thrones before Cersei Lannister made it cool but enough about the traitorous loghain and his eventual public execution by my hand so Catherine on the other hand is apparently just following orders and her orders are to bring you in or make you dead surrender and you may be shown mercy at this point you can either surrender and skip straight to the fun bit where you're in prison in your pants or you can for appearances sake have a wrassle in the castle by which I mean tried to fight her bring them down loghain wants the warden dead or alive the thing is Catherine and her modestly sized but not that modestly sized army are extremely challenging now with perseverance and masochism and skill and more perseverance and heroically cutting her down a corridor it is possible to actually win this battle except then Catherine is dead and you don't get sent to jail so you miss out on a war of Story experience points and hanging out in your underwear the actual intention of Dragon Age developer Bioware here was to have you lose this wickedly tough fight and then instead of dying you have your thoroughly kicked ass scraped off the flagstones and thrown in the slammer for a comedy Prison Break section as the makers intended I hope you have a plan well my plan was go to jail why do I have to think of everything around here [Music] here it's finally over the umbrella corporation from resident evil never does a job the easy way not when there's a gross bipedal by a weapon who can do the job for them half as well pretty sure that's the company mission statement [Music] in resident evil 3 nemesis the job in hand is killing the surviving members of the stars Alpha Team a task that could be completed by a couple of dudes with baseball bats instead however umbrella decides to go down the gross bipedal bioweapon route with the Nemesis t-type this nemesis is a monster faced hulk in a leather trench coat who is armed with a rocket launcher a key plate tentacles and an extremely limited vocabulary the Nemesis follows you relentlessly throughout the game often smashing through the scenery to try and get at you so that it can give you the world's most lethal face part like it did to alpha team pilot Brad Vickers [Music] in other nemesis encounters you're given split-second decisions to make such as where to hide or what your best escape route is in each of these encounters it's pretty clear that the game expects you to run and avoid engaging the nemesis directly and for good reason this thing is massive and super strong has a freaking rocket launcher and if he grabs you and you're low on health it's an instant game over that being said if you're feeling like you've had just about enough of umbrella and their stupid bio weapons it's entirely possible to go toe-to-toe with the nemesis in almost every encounter and leave him lying face down like the world's biggest and most tentacley draft excluder in fact if you don't mind using up the ammo it's actually beneficial to do so as for some reason the Nemesis never comes to an encounter without bringing along a nice little gift for you such as the incredibly useful first-aid box or a beautiful carry case containing custom parts for a unique gun so if you're good enough at resident evil that turns the nemesis from a relentless terrifying foe into a walking slot machine that always pays out in awesome unique items can't wait for them to explain this one at the next umbrella shareholders meeting there you go thank you for watching this video about seemingly hopeless boss fight so you can actually win if you were good enough at video games now if you were not something else after this that's whetted your appetite more hot internet content then how about something completely different we don't just make this videos we also play Dungeons and Dragons the hip new tabletop game that's sweeping the nation you can watch us do that right here it's great I'm a pirate Jane's a terrifying demon sorceress is amazing or if you just want to say that list videos that's fine not everyone wants to watch tabletop games so why not watch this it's another boss video from outside extra about big face bosses who just with massive faces that sounds fun show
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,690,316
Rating: 4.7637105 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top 7, top 5, top 10, bosses, unwinnable, unbeatable, beat, win, impossible, lose, boss fight, boss, enemy, boss enemy, cutscene, hard, tough, difficult, dark souls, sekiro, tales of destiny, kingdom hearts, squall leonheart, demon's souls, urizen, devil may cry, nemesis, resident evil, resident evil 3, Dragon Age, Dragon Age Origins, beat urizen, beat genichiro, genichiro ashina, beat asylum demon, defeat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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