7 Games That Fixed Screw-Ups With a Re-Release

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if a video game is popular n-well left enough sometimes they will get a re-release on a new system giving developers a unique opportunity to make some changes for the better or sometimes for the worse [Music] doom modern games are updated all the time through patches providing little tweaks but what we were interested in today are the developers who took the opportunity offered by a full-on re-release of their games to amend some pretty major issues here are seven three releases the received such fixes enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games you see that dune thing that's pretty funny wasn't it Bethesda what if they did that to all old-time games or if Sonic the Hedgehog was like you need to connect to the Sonic account net think they'll be weird with it it's not real it's no I think no that prepares to take it out to be fair to Bethesda they take it out now you don't have to be young alien anymore so that's fine what have you got looks like a drug overdose get away from him Phelps this is my case shut your mouth since when does a Batman work a case I know this creep wasn't on the morphine heist victim of his own product hey detective can we back it off a notch la knew always a game from Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar that cast you as cold Phelps a 1950's Los Angeles detective who spent his time solving crimes being rude to people and occasionally falling into Tar Pits the being rude to people parts however wasn't always intentional that was because la nawaz interrogation system boiled your responses to the people you were talking to down to three possible options truth doubt or lie makes you say that about morgan ma'am he's the foreman at my husband's plant very shady character on the surface these options seem pretty self-explanatory if you think someone is telling the truth you choose truth if you're not sure and need some more information or something clarifying you choose down and if you think they're lying you choose lie simple right god I was down at the 111 club this morning waiting for the medical examiner to scrape Eddie McGoldrick brains off the bar you want to tell me anything about that not simple it turns out because Cole is apparently a barely controlled rage monster who will fly off the handle at the slightest provocation leading to responses like this when you just want to ask an old lady to clarify her statement regarding the timer tenant arrived home a nosy old hag like you knows everything about the people who live under her roof where did she go nice given that interrogating people was approximately 70% of what you do in LA noire not knowing whether Cole was going to ask the suspect if they knew the victim well or insult their mother made things a bit tricky that's why Rockstar decided to tweak the system when they rereleased la new office which ps4 and Xbox one in 2017 now the three options available to you are good cop bad cop and accuse which feel a lot more in line with the stuff Cole actually comes out with during his interrogations you left-wing leaning parasite you expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel right like that according to writer and director Brendan McNamara the original options were coax force and lie which is what they were working towards when the actor recorded the lines which gives some context to Cole sudden outbursts additionally Cole is a hard-boiled 1950s detective so being a simmering cauldron of rage is somewhat to be expected the real funny wiseguy you want to try saying that again with no teeth zero chill those guys [Music] [Music] one of the best things about Deus Ex Human Revolution was that you could play it any way you wanted to putting your practice points into speech craft so you could charm your enemies you're right damn you know he even asked me once about hostages or upgrading your punching so you could murder that annoying breakdancer just unconscious gonna need a few more upgrades the game did provide you with numerous cool lethal options for Adam Jensen including sword arms and the ability to punch through walls and break people's necks but with games like this there's the nagging feeling in the back of players minds that the game would prefer you to play it in a certain way and that way is stealthily and non lethal II for instance there are two hefty achievements for finishing the game without killing anyone and without activating any alarms which you're definitely not going to get if your playstyle is sprinting into a crowded room and firing bombs out of your spine unfortunately for you if you were going for these achievements and you pumped all of your upgrade points into stealth mods for sneaking and social mods for persuasion you were going to have significant problems when you got to Deus Ex is mandatory boss fights that's because all the boss fights for against other cyborgs who didn't get the memo about not putting all your points into guns this led to some pretty one-sided encounters as your stealth nerd Adam Jensen hid behind a barrel wondering how many tranquilizer darts it's going to take to incapacitate a cybernetically enhanced war machine with a chain gun hope it's not more than one because that's literally all I have after the initial release of the game it transpired that the development of the boss battles had been outsourced to a different studio which is why they felt like they had been designed by someone who wasn't really sure what a deus ex was luckily Deus Ex Human Revolution was popular enough to get a rerelease for the WiiU known as Deus Ex Human Revolution director's cut this provided an opportunity for a dose to step in and sort the boss battles out you still had to kill the bosses but you could at least now defeat them in the style that you played the rest of the game the first battle against Barretts for example included new vents for you to crawl around in out of sight as well as hackable gun turrets that you could use against him the later fight against Yelena Federer over on the other hand now lets you activate a poison-gas dispersal system that you can use to your advantage just to shave nobody under with you I'm just kidding it is true though hey Z will you work go away Karl I'm very very busy back here top top secret stuff not for your eyes too sensitive come on homie wash I said go away Karl I don't need any friends today thank you they're never some pretty strong draw yes my hero Karl he came back and humiliated me quick what's the worst thing about grand theft auto san andreas and no it isn't oh jee loke oh jee loke in a place you'll want to stop me we're gonna go figure oh wait maybe it is oh jee loke okay but the second worst thing about grand theft auto san andreas has got to be the series of missions you do for zero the guy who owns a remote-controlled vehicle shop in san fierro we all know drugs are for losers and/or sex maniacs and right now sex is the last thing on my mind thank God for that zero who sucks can't make a success of his business because he has one rival so as is always the case of GTA games you have to sort out all of his problems for him in this case by doing a variety of remote-controlled vehicle missions we've launched a full-scale attack this is insanity all batteries commence fire it's the second mission though known as supply lines which has gone down in history as the worst mission ever in a Grand Theft Auto game which if you've played a Grand Theft Auto game you'll know is saying something all we had to do is follow the damn train CJ I rest my case in the supply lines mission you are supposed to use remote-controlled planes to destroy vans owned by zeros rival Berkley and in a disproportionately violent retaliation for monopolizing the remote controlled vehicle industry murder all the courier's as well the problem was that the plane was hard to control very vulnerable to gunfire and you were on a time limit for two reasons one because you had to destroy the vans before they finished their deliveries and two because the plane only had a limited supply of fuel and once it ran out you'd fail the mission is complete anyway the mission was practically impossible but luckily it wasn't necessary to finish the game so most people myself included just ended up never finishing zero stupid RC plane missions and also harboring a vague sense of resentment towards David Cross that wouldn't be dispelled until we later discovered Arrested Development ridiculous no one right up my crack anyway supply lines were so difficult and unpopular that Rockstar fixed it twice in subsequent re-releases of grand theft auto san andreas first they changed it so that your plane's fuel was only used when you press the throttle meaning that you could glide if you wanted to save gas there helped but not enough clearly as in the Xbox 360 and mobile ports of the game the plane's fuel tank is now larger as well and yet oh jee loke is still the same as ever priorities rockstar [Music] Admiral Hawke of we have imagined to discuss what is the location of your fleet now you shall pay for your treachery TIE fighter is the best Star Wars game ever made and I will fight anyone who disagrees with me unless you're bigger than me or better at fighting also the fight will take place in TIE fighters in space there won't be many who disagree though because TIE fighter is excellent a beautifully balanced dogfighting sim with a unique take on the Star Wars series as well as some excellent music cool spaceships and a bit weight you join a secret order and get badass magic tattoos welcome to the inner circle [Music] [Applause] as good as it was however what the original version of TIE fighter didn't include was an ending in TIE fighter the overarching story concerns the rebellion of demetrius azar in an imperial grand admiral who sought to overthrow emperor palpatine and install himself as the new emperor apparently this is because he was dissatisfied with Palpatine's rule and i mean watching the movies i can kind of see why his whole being an evil space wizard with a monster face deal i expect anyway in the original version of the game the final mission has Zahran kidnapping Palpatine you rescuing Palpatine Zorin fleeing the system and your Imperial forces planning your pursuit the game then ends answer ammonius Li well I mean a bit ceremoniously this is the Galactic Empire after all we are here to honor one who have served the my an expansion pack called defender of the Empire was released but it didn't do anything to close out the story for the hats players needed to pick up the re-released version of TIE fighter which was called the TIE fighter collectors cd-rom because 90s this re-release improved the graphics added voice acting and oh yeah actually finished the G damn story with three new tours of duty in which you finally track down and defeat Zoran I knew I'd be able to see you know the entire point of the actual game I mean apart from collecting new bits for my cool magic - that's who you are now the Emperor's voice I am good the old boy sucked game each yeah like that that's exactly sounds like Palpatine that's you [Music] [Applause] the legend of zelda ocarina of time is a perennial fixer on lists of the best games ever usually because the people compiling them haven't played it for a while and have forgotten about the water temple for those who blissfully don't remember the water temple allow me to remind you it's a confusing pitiless maze full of water monsters and puzzles that require you to endlessly raise and lower the water level so that you can flow to where you need to be or if where you need to be is lower you've got to sink by equipping the iron boots which are classified as a piece of equipment and thus require you to open the menu scroll across and select them every single time you want to do this and repeat the process in Reverse every time you want to surface I think those sounds won't ever become annoying really boop-boo-boo-boop before you much the comments to tell me that you find the water temple easy and I just suck I would like to point out that a EG owl Numa the producer of The Legend of Zelda series actually apologized for the design of the water temple in a 2009 interview so the guy who is literally in charge of Zelda agrees with me okay you can go to the comments tell me I suck now anyway when ocarina of time was re-released for the Nintendo 3ds in 2011 they changed the design of the water temple to finally make it a bit more user-friendly for start the iron boots became an item rather than a piece of equipment so you could toggle them on and off with a single button but what about my beloved sounds bully did boop boop Billy oh no I've got Stockholm Syndrome there was also a glowing waypoint marker added to show you where you need to go as well as markings on the wall that made the whole water level system much clearer faster new cutscene was added to make it obvious where a small key words saving you a lot of time in pointless unfun backtracking so there we have it the water temple is fine now oh wait I forgot about the darkling boss battle there are three things you can't talk about at the dinner table with extended family politics religion the ending of Mass Effect 3 did that all really happen yes but some of the details have been lost grandma's still won't talk to me back in 2012 when Mass Effect 3 came out it was the highly anticipated combination of a much-loved trilogy one in which your decisions had consequences that really mattered and sometimes involved fighting a giant space Terminator as such quite a few people were upset when they got to the end of Mass Effect 3 and discovered a kind of choose your ending machine from which you received one of three possible endings with minor variables in each these three basic endings were known as destroy control and synthesis or as we remember them red space stuff blue space stuff green space stuff [Music] each of these endings offered marginally varying degrees of bittersweet heroism resolving your beef with synthetic life-forms and indifference to the nuanced journey of difficult decisions you took to reach that end point the spectrum of reactions from disappointed mass effect fans ranged from quiet dejection all the way to trying to sue Bioware in the face of this backlash Bioware acknowledged the negative feedback and said they plan to address the issue in a new version of Mass Effect 3 known as Mass Effect 3 extended cut they said that owners would be able to download this new version for free and that it would expand upon but not replace the current endings the revised expanded endings added new scenes to illustrate more of the choices players have made as well as the option to try to shoot the creepy holographic space child in a new 4th ending known as the fu nd probably the cycle continues still it wasn't quite the alternative big happy space ending some folks might have preferred for that we suggest making the goofy Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC your canonical ending of the trilogy the game ends when you beat James Vega in a pull-up contest holy hell you did it I don't know what to say are you feeling like I could do another 183 [Music] in sports the term goat stands for greatest of all time which is ironic because there's a puzzle in the first broken sword game that contains a goat and it is the worst of all time so universally reviled is this puzzle that it warrants its own Wikipedia page which is about half as long as the actual page for the first Broken Sword game on the face of it it seems pretty simple protagonist George needs to get access to an archaeological dig site in Ireland the site is being guarded by a goat who is tethered and pissed off if George approaches the goat it Botts him to the ground denying him entry like an overzealous bouncer so using adventure game logic I assume I have to I don't know find some goat food or knock a wall down onto the goat or build some pogo stilts out of cans and some old springs or something in fact what you need to do is let the goat bite you then as its resetting its position you dash over to some farming machinery move the machinery and then get the goat to attack you again at which point its rope will become entangled in the machinery so you can walk past it the problem was that up to this point there were no timing based puzzles at all in broken sort so - most players it simply wouldn't occur that they needed to act quickly and so what resulted was an endless cycle of getting head-butted by a goat and swearing before eventually turning the game off and doing something less damaging to your overall well-being like punching a cactus anyway as proven by its Wikipedia page the goat puzzle became something of a legend in videogame circles but developer revolution were given a chance to redeem themselves 13 years later in the broken sword shadow of the Templars director's cut in this version of the game the timing element was removed from the goat puzzle so that now you just need to get knocked down by the goat once before moving the farming machinery at your leisure to solve the problem [Music] the rope by which the goat was tethered had become tangled on the old plowshare that said revolution still seemed to have a fondness for go puzzles there's even one in the most recent game Broken Sword 5 the Serpent's curse Oh No give the people what they want alright or you know do this the exact opposite of that what Jane Jane please Jana no you just I know you're trying to hurt me it can't you can't you can't hurt me anymore the water temple has been changed it's good now didn't you get the memo anyway now that I'm free of the burden of living my life under the shadow of the water sample oh I can tell you about other videos that you could watch here's one from us which is about really really hard bonus levels in games to punish good players down here is a video from outside extra which is about things that only 90s gamers remember the 90s was rad and gnarly and tubular wasn't it well you can relive the wonderful decade there was the 90s with this video so we're not gonna do that
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,330,716
Rating: 4.9060431 out of 5
Keywords: 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, 10 things, 5 things, best, worst, funny, la noire, good cop, bad cop, tie fighter, ending, gta san andreas, supply lines, deus ex human revolution, zelda, ocarina of time, water temple, mass effect 3, broken sword, goat puzzle, deus ex human revolution extended cut, tie fighter collector's cd-rom, ocarina of time 3DS, mass effect 3 extended cut, broken sword director's cut, la noire xbox one, la noire switch, la noire ps4, truth doubt lie, fixed
Id: ZdTD3GVvyRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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