7 Biggest Bosses That Made You Feel Like a Tiny Baby

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as a typically sized adult human i'm used to being confronted with large things that make me feel small and puny mountains monster trucks the cosmic enormity of the indifferent universe but crucially those intimidatingly enormous things aren't actively trying to beat me up except that one monster truck we don't need to get into it that's far from the case for the bosses from these unforgettable boss fights in which we were so ludicrously small next to our gargantuan opponents that we felt like tiny helpless babies strap in for the seven biggest bosses that could and should have crushed us like ants but didn't and we wear spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] the murderer the ancient greeks knew kronos as the leader of the titans not to be confused with kronos the literary personification of time or cronuts the baked treat combining croissants and donuts that would not be invented for another few millennia i live in torment because of you after you took the box from pandora's temple zeus was consumed with fear being one of the powerful giants known as titans kronos was much bigger than a hybrid pastry and even though kronos is imprisoned and shackled in the underworld you might expect his staggering scale to give paws to kratos who is by comparison the size of a largish grain of rice but as they say it's not the size that counts it's the furious commitment to bloody revenge at any and all costs which a boy kratos has in spades so begins a ridiculously oversized boss fight that plays out like a violent reboot of marvel's ant-man if paul rudd's replacement were willing to shrink down and rip off his enemies fingernail which no one needs to see that marvel let's take that off the table right now oh you hate to see it as if to underscore the ridiculous mismatching scale between kratos and kronos comparatively tiny kratos can see every crease and crevice in the titan's surface like a dermatologist with a powerful microscope that reveals kronos has a skin condition which is the condition of having skeletons erupting from it after several abject failures from kronos to squash kratos like a stabby angry bug the shackled titan determines his best course of action is to swallow kratos hole i don't want to tell you how to do your job here big man but that seems like a bad idea and oh oh what's that it was now kratos can check disembowelling a primordial deity off of his bucket list and kronos can forget about whatever's left on his because he's about to be fatally stabbed in the giant forehead still not worse than having your fingernail ripped out somehow why is that [Music] there are many ways to play metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain our favorite involves crawling very very slowly on our belly towards an unaware guard while we listen to a mixtape of 80s hits hideo kojima made for us truly the orson welles of video games if you prefer however you can just let a dog or a helicopter or a woman in her underwear do all the hard work while you kick back and think about cool logo designs for your pmc maybe a bear but it says ultra horse underneath it thanks quiet the point is these tactics only work against regular human guards which is usually fine because regular human guards are what you'll be facing most of the time in the phantom pain where your tactics might come slightly unsuck is in chapter 31 in which you have to fight the colossal bipedal tank known because this is important auteur hideo kojima we're talking about as metal gear sahalanthropus you need to stop it boss destroy sahalanthropus destroy that thing yeah how about you come down here and do it kaz as you can see sahalanthropus is as tall as it is difficult to spell standing a massive 24 meters tall or close to 80 feet the only feat you'll be worried about though are the giant metal ones it stood on as it comes stamping towards you looks like it's the final countdown snake he's going to spin you right round like a record sorry it is a very good soundtrack [Music] if it were just these stampy feet we might be okay but sahalanthropus is also equipped with a kind of electric whipped sword thing that he'll just straight up use to shish kebab helicopters and chuck them at you did i mention that this game was set in 1984 what was still on cassette tape walkman's but we have robots with electric whips wth coach anyway cue a lot of panicky running and screaming and blind firing missiles because this thing is huge and terrifying not now weird floating psychic child in a suit i'm trying to fight this giant walking tank and its electric whip truly the citizen kane of video games rosebud christ this place is a junkyard more like a graveyard a sign of ellie's ship i'm reading several transponders but none of them are ours according to the registry they're sovereign colonies warships after three whole games of battling terrifying shape-shifting space monsters it's going to take a lot to rattle dead space's isaac clarke [Music] yeah yeah seen it all before mate but don't you worry final game in the series dead space 3 has something very special up its sleeve for its grand finale as you'll discover when you arrive at a moon orbiting the planet tao volantis hell is that the moon what's left of one only to quote the great philosopher and warrior poet obi-wan kenobi that's no moon the moon of tauvalantis is actually a giant writhing mass of necrotic flesh and more directly relevant to you the game's final boss yes the moon itself rather than finding a spaceship pointing in the opposite direction and yanking the hyperspace lever dogged hero isaac instead aims his face directly at the zombie moon and sort of skydives through space towards it [Music] eventually he lands on a conveniently placed circular boss fight platform ready for a planet-sized punch-up why would you take your helmet off are you expecting that thing to smell good the fight itself is actually fairly standard boss fodder firing objects into its weak spots in this case three giant squid-like eyes dispatching necromorph minions and avoiding getting gobbled up whole by its giant gaping more to be honest the main challenge is just dealing with how icky everything looks still it's not just isaac who's having a bad day spare a thought for his buddy carver who has to be pulled through its guts yeah it doesn't sound any more pleasant hearing it twice and what's your reward for single-handedly destroying a giant zombie moon and saving humanity once and for all champagne and cigars a high five from the president of earth just a nice sit down nope in order to destroy the marker that is at the root of all this horror you and carver have to make the ultimate sacrifice in a poignant final scene i mean what were you expecting you know there's a reason it's not called a live space three poor carver at least you got to be pulled through its guts then this thing should have slept for eternity theologians through the ages have pondered the question what is god and what is the nature of god yet until 2010 nobody had thought to ask what if god were a skyscraper-sized statue on top of a space rocket this is the hypothesis submitted by action game bayonetta in which the all-powerful entity known by mortals as jubileus the creator slumbers within a colossal statue and can only be awoken by being blasted into space with bayonetta herself embedded in one of its gigantic eyes and zealous daddy father balder embedded in the other the time has come for jubileeus to return at last the trinity of realities will know their real ruler and time will begin anew at any rate the apocalyptic revival of jubileus comes about even after bayonetta's bff jean extract her from the divine eyeball group of jubilees the creator no one can control jubileeus now this power is too intense thus we find ourselves in the final battle for the continued existence of reality as we know it and the only appropriate scale for a confrontation this epic is one in which bayonetta fighting jubilees looks like a goth barbie squaring up to the statue of liberty in a cosmic flex jubilee conjures a vast sphere to contain this mind-boggling boss fight variously filling it with lava then ice and prehensile tendrils with upside down faces [Music] i don't 100 get why but they do say god works in mysterious ways it's just as well bayessa hasn't been intimidated a day in her five centuries of being a mighty morphin hair witch because we're plenty intimidated on her behalf the sense of being dwarfed by an unknowably powerful space titan lasts right up until bayonetta one-upped her opponent by summoning a somehow even bigger even more terrifying demonic avatar which she tags in to punch the suddenly puny jubileus right out of its corporeal vessel after which all that remains is for you to steer this gargantuan boss into the destructive heart of the sun and hope that jubileeus doesn't have an even bigger even meaner god sibling waiting to beat you up in turn or we'll be here all day [Music] asura the treasure wrath you play as asura a demigod who has what could charitably be described as anger management issues he has a good reason to be angry though not only is he framed for regicide and treason but when he makes it home he discovers his daughter has been kidnapped and his wife has been fatally wounded and also some packages he was waiting for got delivered while he was out even though he was only gone for 30 minutes and now they've been sent back to the depot and who knows when he'll see them again relatable as such asura does what any rage god driven by blind unadulterated fury would do spends the next six hours of video game shouting and furiously murdering anyone who might be even partly responsible i grow tired of hearing about the world [Music] one such person is asura's former cohort wyzen who might seem like an odd choice for this list at first because when you first meet him he's a pretty normal size well apart from his head that's enormous defeating the great white and is a dream within a dream yeah maybe don't do a pompous monologue in front of an actual rage guard is all i'm saying see anyway the fight doesn't go the way wyzen was expecting which means he ends up having to try every trick he knows the problem is he only knows one trick and that trick is getting bigger strong speechless are you while you had slumbered for 12 000 years we attained his second form vajra weizen is enormous sure and uses this new found size for all sorts of new attacks such as sitting on you ouch what wise and didn't count on though is that asura is really very angry which leads us to his final form gongan weizen a galactically colossal version of wyzen that dwarfs the planet his enormous size is actually kind of a drawback here since pretty much the only thing he can do to asura now is try to crush him with one of his city-sized fingertips which again would be a good plan if asura weren't very very angry wow where's wyzen going to go from here i wonder oh he's dead well maybe now asura will chill out a bit nope rise my apprentice what is your will my master your training is nearly complete it is time to face your first true test star wars the force unleashed follows a sith apprentice as he attempts to overthrow the empire not to be confused with need for speed the porsche unleashed which follows a car as it attempts to overtake some other cars hey it's more exciting than it sounds alright in the force unleashed set between the events of the prequel and original star wars trilogies you're the secret student of darth vader tasked with bumping off the last remaining jedi masters as a sort of 8 to 10 hour warm up for eventually assassinating croaky ultra jerk emperor palpatine now you will kill him and i'll destroy you couldn't happen to a nicer guy over the course of the game you'll build up your jedi abilities going from scrub padawan to vader's ultra powerful sith operative able to fling your enemies around like a pair of star wars underpants in a tumble dryer the biggest test of your jedi abilities comes late in the game on a planet called raxus prime a galactic junkyard containing garbage on a scale matched only by my old student accommodation [Music] your final confrontation in this mission is with a star destroyer one of those unreasonably massive mile long spaceships that are crewed by tens of thousands of imperial goons you're a jedi boy size means nothing to you retails with your force and grab that ship just to reiterate the final confrontation is not on a star destroyer it's with a star destroyer you're basically having a fist fight with a spaceship and you're gonna win in the game's most memorable scene you use your awesome mastery of ancient jedi powers represented here by furiously twiddling both analog sticks to literally tear the star destroyer out of the sky and gradually drag it down to the planet's surface that's not to say you won't come up against resistance during this encounter the ship is constantly firing its cannons and releases waves of smaller tie fighters to break your concentration by shooting you in the face with lasers pretty effective i'd say eventually you'll pull the ship close enough to trigger the cutscene where you bring the star destroyer crashing down onto rx's prime it cuts a huge furrow through the trash and then you make a daring last minute leap off the platform [Music] [Music] at which point you speed away dramatically in your porsche 911. nope that's me confused again my bad wanna help out with some varmints [Music] you boys are a brave bunch make sure y'all go prepared there are only 57 shopping days left until national boss day so we recommend you start thinking hard about what to get adam toys from final fantasy 15 because this is one mountainous mega boss you do not want to disappoint the size of it it's freaking huge with over 5 million hit points and a literal mountain on its back turtle monster adamantoys is bigger than a call of duty modern warfare patch and takes twice as long to take down well here we are although the creature is majestic as it is humongous prince noctis and his entourage must destroy it anyway because i guess it was causing earthquakes and scaring the locals seems like a raw deal for this ancient behemoth but then it is probably full of exotic loot like a 10-story pinata oh hi there opening having hunted down the adaman toys and carefully prepared for the fight you still have every reason to be daunted especially when it seems your only chance of slaying your quarry is by endlessly hacking at one of its enormous feet and hoping it gets annoyed today the good news is this armored boss is very slightly weaker in its eyeball the bad news is if you look closely in its eyeball you'll see how adamantly can simply not believe the day it's having with this tiny irritating boy band keep it up long enough and even this super turtle will fall to your repetitive hacking and then there's nothing left to do but pat each other on the back that took everything we had you should be proud you gave it your all i've got nothing left we actually did it piece of cake huh after an infinite regression we arrived at an answer the turtles all the way down why you gotta be like the cygnus thank you so much for watching this video please do like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and if you haven't already please click the little bell icon to be notified every time we produce a video because do you think youtube's going to show you the videos you want to watch laughable we've got some other videos here as well if you'd like to watch something right now that will absolutely scratch your video game trivia itch
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 680,487
Rating: 4.9481106 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, boss fights, biggest boss, biggest boss fight, best boss fight, best boss, jubileus, bayonetta, gongen wyzen, asura's wrath, funny, funny moments, star wars, the force unleashed, star destroyer, cronos, god of war 3, metal gear solid 5 sahelanthropus, mgs5, tau volantis, dead space 3
Id: C0AN7nQ-gTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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