7 Boss Battles You Won But Not Really

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more than any other video game obstacle boss battles are the thing we get the most pride from overcoming most of the time see good example very proud of that one so that's why we get so mad when we've been absolutely owning a tough boss and have them comprehensively beaten only to discover in the following cutscene that no we haven't actually better luck next time here are seven times that exact thing happened in video games thanks to commenter time dragon for the suggestion and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the death of Superman was a DC Comics story arc from the early 90s in which Superman was killed with the heaviest possible quotation marks around that word by the van doomsday you might remember as that guy who had zero chill in injustice that comics arc is recreated in the snez game the death and return of Superman in which you as Superman have to fight doomsday who is tough quick and who can rinse your health bar if he manages to get anywhere near you that being said you can defeat doomsday in that you can reduce his health bar to zero if you do however he'll fall over get back up and then with no further input from you the player he and Superman will punch each other and both will die could you hear the air quotes there on the word die was doing air quotes anyway that's annoying but the point of all this is to set up the rise of the Superman story arc in which four different Superman's show up to take the place of the dead regular Superman there's the Eradicator who is Superman in those night driving glasses your dad bought and then never used Superboy who is a boy Superman in another jacket steel who is a guy with a sledgehammer and Cyborg Superman who is Superman if he were 50% robot and 100% a dick cyborg superman is evil it turns out and so you have to fight a boss battle against him a couple of times first with you playing as the Eradicator you beat the hell out of cyborg superman knock him out and here's a victory pose only for him to slow him get up and shoot you with a laser while you do nothing [Music] and then you fight him a Superboy we're the exact same thing happens only now it's a grenade he hits you with I think each of these supermen got 1/4 of Superman's intelligence this theory is borne out by the fact that when Superman classic comes back to life whoa who saw that coming and fight cyborg Superman himself cyborg Superman tries to pull the exact same only to get knocked the F out at which point he explodes if only the others had thought of that hello there you're the reporter aren't you yeah you came along yeah I'm freelance one of the first faces you'll see in the original dead rising is Carlito he's kind of hard to miss because he's dressed like later Elvis Presley and is full of stupid questions you came by helicopter didn't you I you just saw me jump out of a helicopter all right you know what yes yes I did good I anyway before long it becomes apparent that Carlito is bad news and that you're going to have to fight it the first time this happens in the game it's in the malls abandoned food court which I get it I also get hangry when I haven't eaten here Carlito shoots at you from various vantage points and you'll either have to return fire or dodge bullets until you can take him on up close then you can wail on him and get his health down to zero at which point he will casually walk over to a rope he has pre-prepared and just leave while you do absolutely nothing to stop him that's okay you're maybe thinking we'll get him next time at which point I am duty-bound to inform you that you in fact do not get him next time because next time he's armed with a sniper rifle and the encounter goes much the same as it did previously ending with everyone being the worst shots in the world then Carlito executing his flawless escape plan of falling off a balcony how are you so bad at this Frank given how the last two fights have gone you'd think both Frank and Carlito would call it quits on account of how none of this is getting them anywhere but it seems that Carlito has other ideas because now he's trying to run you over in a truck anyway attack call ito enough and you'll fully drain his health Bart for the third time at which point his truck crashes and he dies no wait not not dies the other thing lives and escapes easily I'm gonna go you keep those bombs outside Frank someone really needs to step in and do something here not you Frank luckily someone does another Dead Rising one boss known as the butcher is clearly sick of watching this go on and on and in a series of cutscenes captures Carlito messes him up and then Carlito dies finally geez Hey see there's someone who knows how to get stuff done we should plays the butcher in the next dead rising game except that we can't because the butcher knows how to do things properly and actually dies at the end of his boss battle a true professional respect your soul is not safe not yet we fight them to the end you might remember Sindel from the Mortal Kombat series she's the lady in the Bride of Frankenstein fright-wig who can kill you with her hair and is also inexplicably very into football that was fun anyway you'd be forgiven for thinking this symbol isn't a particularly intimidating opponent on account of her fighting style being mostly a charades clue for a Willow Smith song [Music] but you'd be wrong because in Mortal Kombat 9 she turns up part way through the story mode and just absolutely ruins the majority of the main cast who all seem to have forgotten how to fight it's hard to overstate just how ruthlessly and efficiently sindelle dispatches pretty much every major Mortal Kombat character in the space of about a minute which doesn't bode well because in this chapter you're playing as Knight walls and Nightwolf sucks still you may say I'm pretty good at Mortal Kombat even with Nightwolf I reckon I can take her and you might be absolutely right now Sindel faced the spirits judgment good job night wolf god damnit night wolf yes the victory cutscene makes it very clear that sindelle is nowhere near beaten before filling in some story gaps but let's check back in with night wolf and see how he's doing shall we god damn it night wolf yeah it turns out the only way you're getting rid of sindelle is to blow yourself up and take her along with you despite the fact that you just beat her fair and square but it's kind of a victory I guess I mean not a night wall for the 17 people sindelle just killed still Raiden and Liu Kang probably learned a valuable lesson about teamwork or lack of teamwork or not to trust important jobs tonight wolf all good stuff [Music] there are many theories for the best way to get rid of ghosts ranging from exorcisms salt circles to a big vacuum cleaner but most parapsychologists won't recommend hitting them with a big stick probably because they've played undertale in which one of the first bosses you'll encounter is a ghost who goes by the name of Napster blook [Music] if you're going for a kill everything run of the game or maybe just haven't yet figured out that undertale is silently judging everything you do there's a good chance that you're going to attack Napster blook whose only attacks are crying on you and admitting that they're not really feeling up to fighting right now sorry still good news for you because it means you can get in some really solid hits on this sobbing Ghost related this is about the point that you'll realize that the game is silently judging everything you do anyway five or six hits into the fight and you should have Napster bloop down to zero health at which point they'll let you know that ghosts can't actually be damaged by humans and that they were just reducing their HP to be polite [Music] this is obviously pretty awkward so napster bloop just tells you to tell everyone you beat them before slinking off leaving you feeling pretty silly still I guess you get some XP out of it or wow you actually lose one XP I think undertale is trying to tell us something guys don't even think about it he's going to kill us all that remains to be seen Kyle egg will long be remembered as the most annoying character in Mass Effect history which is really saying something for a series that also included Joker so thirsty uh huh I guess the asari are wishing they had fewer dancers and more commandos right about now too soon in case you hadn't noticed we just lost a few million people this isn't the time can I have grade the norm of these shields but make the cockpit weaker somehow is that an option anyway the reason Kyle Lang is so annoying is that he's a slippery little bastard who's constantly turning tail and running away every time it looks like you might finally have his number the first fight you have with Kyle Lang in Mass Effect 3 on Thessia is a textbook example of how to enrage players first of all he looks like a jerk with his little ponytail and his smug face and his spaced Oakley's understood secondly he taunts you the whole time and thirdly when you Whittle him down to zero health he calls in a ship to riddle you with gunfire while he regenerates his shields and he does this count them three times anyway once you've done this three times you think the game would let you have the satisfaction of booting Kyle eggs face off but instead his gunship returns and fires rockets at everyone the entire building collapses and you lose what we have to assume is your favorite gun gunney yet another name for the Normandy's memorial wall worst of all though Kai Leng later emails you to talk to you about your defeat I would probably find this funny imagining Kai Leng sitting in this space internet cafe typing out this email if I wasn't so goddamn angry [Music] I'm imagining he's sitting in an internet cafe he's drinking a giant mountain Dew and then he runs out of internet time and they kick him out and then they start a Starcraft tournament so he can't get back on or I'm starting to feel a bit better about this the Marvel vs. Capcom series exists to settle various playground arguments over who would win in a fight amongst superheroes street fighter characters and lawyers I guess whoa my money's on her lawyer or at least it was until I saw Ultron Sigma the main body from Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Ultron Sigma is the result of Ultron the sake robot from the second Avengers film merging with Sigma the main antagonist of the Mega Man X series and is a pitiless golden robot who has stolen Chumley's bracelets and has at least one too many faces I shall remove you from that bro villain anyway at the end of chapter 1 of MBC Infinite you as the unbeatable team of the Mighty Thor and Nathan Spencer from Bionic Commando sure face off against Ultron Sigma who as you probably imagine is as hard as a diamond coated Jason Statham not only is he able to shrug off almost every attack you can throw at him but he delivers devastating hits with more frequency than Taylor Swift and is juicing those Infinity stones like hey owe him money for this fight however Marvel vs. Capcom infinite doesn't even give you the satisfaction of letting you empty Ultron Sigma's health bar before it pulls the rug out from underneath you instead when you get them down to one third of his health bar which we assure you will take absolutely ages things will slow down like you just delivered the killing blow and then everyone will just sort of stand there for a second or two looking awkward then starts a cut scene in which Ultron Sigma is actually fine it turns out and then he proceeds to demolish Thor and Spencer like they're an opening weekend box office record our powers we are kinda yeah [Music] elaborate JRPG Final Fantasy 8 is considered one of the high points of the series which is amazing when you think it's about child soldiers going to a murder school you play as one of these kid assassins and emo heartthrob called squall Leonhart who is tasked with assassinating one idea Kramer an evil sorceress who is overthrowing the president presumably straight after taking first prize in a Maleficent costume competition after defeating her knight who is you're a whole school bully cypher in a one-on-one fight you and your party throat down with a deer who is to be fair tougher than explaining why you made your fun video game be about child soldiers going to a murder school she's got a ton of hit points and loads of deadly attacks including one that summons actual death with a scythe and everything who can KO your party members in a single hit that being said they don't mess around at the child soldier murder school there's a good chance that if you know what you're doing you can weather the storm of ideas devastating attacks and Whittle her down to zero hit points which if you've been paying attention throughout this video you'll be starting to realize probably isn't the decisive victory you were hoping for and you'd be right because at this point our old friend V uncontrollable cutscene turns up and a deer flings a giant icicle through schools shoulder despite the fact that we've spent the last several hours having way worse things than icicles fired at around and through us school decides that now is the time to start taking damage like an actual human being and falls dramatically into a featureless abyss luckily the rest of your party leaps straight into action by which I mean they do nothing then I'll captured off-screen and thrown in prison man I'd hate to see what would have happened if I'd lost the fight [Music] all right the exact same thing video games god I love it I bet you thought that was the end of this video but guess what no this is an unskipable cutscenesthat's that turns up as its own character it's very interesting cool down here is a video from outside extra which is about puzzles that have to be in every single video game by law which I mean it is the law you can check it's right there in the law books anyway enjoy either or both and we will see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 716,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, worst, funny, videogame, weird, strange, boss, bosses, won, win, fake, not really, swerve, superman, cyborg, superboy, steel, eradicator, death and return of superman, carlito, dead rising, fight, lose, sindel, mortal kombat 9, nightwolf, napstablook, undertale, kai leng, mass effect 3, ultron, sigma, marvel vs capcom, infinite, edea, kramer, final fantasy 8, viii
Id: nF4xIbVvPwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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