7 Weird Side Effects of Going Evil

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usually the great thing about being evil is that it only tarnishes your soul which is awesome because that's on the inside and no one can see it in video games however being evil can have more conspicuous unexpected consequences for your appearance your wardrobe and even the way you travel and these consequences are way more obvious than a bit of soul tarnishing here then are seven instances of your evil ways coming back to bite you in unexpected fashion enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be honest the idea of a karma meter in a game like Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain is a bit weird on account of how morally gray everything is on the one hand the guy you're playing as venom snake is the leader of a private military corporation that kidnaps all its soldiers with balloons torches prisoners with electric rods and has access to nuclear weapons but on the other hand the guy you spend most of the game fighting is called skull face and has a skull for a face so we're about even that being said there is absolutely a karma meter working away in the background as you play Metal Gear Solid five judging you for your actions and awarding you negative karma or so-called demon points for things such as killing your enemies critically wounding your companion characters or presumably running around mother base whaling on recruits with your bare hands because you're bored these demon points have very little impact on actual gameplay but have a pretty significant impact on snake himself due to the helicopter crash at the end of prologue title Metal Gear Solid Ground zeroes snake has a chunk of shrapnel embedded in his forehead this usually isn't much of a bother apart from making it hard to wear hats or become a professional forehead model used to accrue over 20,000 demon points however and the horn will start to grow longer of its own accord giving you a not insignificant facial prong that is long enough that snake could use it to hang a shopping bag off if he ran out of free hands at the supermarket let your demon points tip over 50,000 however and snake will take on his final evil form that of demon snake where the horn is even longer and he's covered from head to toe in blood like Carrie if her prime had also been a unicorn themed costume party what's worse is that unlike the normal blood you might get all over yourself in the irregular course of being a hero this demon blood doesn't wash off in mother bases showers this means that until you get your act together and start clearing some of those demon points you're gonna be all bloody and sticky attracting flies wild animals and troubled looks from the mother base soldiers although that might just be because of all the random assaults hey it's me or skull face guy and I'm sure I don't need to remind you what his whole deal is what the hell were you thinking are you trying to undermine this entire operation you can either fight at my side or get crushed under my heel but you will not stand in my way say what you like about Cerberus a sinister paramilitary group named after a three-headed hell dog but those folks y'all can bring a protagonist back from the dead if we lose Shepherd humanity might well follow then see to it that we don't lose him after commander shepard kicks the space bucket in the prologue of Mass Effect 2 Cerberus gathers up his charred remains and sticks them in their new Lazarus machine for a quick respawn commander shepard has been recovered the Lazarus project will proceed as planned except although Cerberus has the miraculous technology to grow Shepard an entire new body they don't get around to healing these facial scars in services defense these aren't just any old face scars like you get falling off a jungle gym the Lazarus process leaves Shepherds formerly flawless Vizag with a fine network of glowing micro crevasses and in my defense that jungle gym was very advanced even for an adult woman you must have some reason for bringing me back tell me what's going on the weirdest thing about these scars is how the cracks in Sheppard's mug get deeper and Gloria the more ruthless his behavior hurt me I hardly felt a thing in fact here is the Normandy's chief medical officer to confirm over email how quote negative attitudes and aggressive acts create adverse reactions with your cybernetic implant unquote where did you get your medical degree dr. chakras was it nowhere what's more if Shepherd is enough of an angry jerk busting out all the renegade dialogue options and cutscene interruptions then even his eyes get in on the sinister glowing act what the hell were you thinking are you trying to undermine this entire operation we don't know why we get Sheppard's angry jerk energy has now caused an overheating effect in his retinal implants leading to a spooky red glow sounds like something dr. chakras would say I think I deserve some of the profits don't you just as being cruel and intimidating makes these cybernetics cars more intense the only way to remove them is to nurture Shepherds compassionate inner self by doing good words and good deeds and oh wait you can just get them zapped off in an upgraded medical Bay much easier take that the consequences of my actions but you killed people sure enough suffering for that's a life I left but tried to leave said too much party Red Dead Redemption tells the story of John masters a former outlaw trying to atone for his deeds during his past life as a member of the notorious van der Linde gang this was a story that was cooler before Red Dead Redemption too revealed that these deeds were mostly him putting up with passeig put down sir Martha Morgan little Johnnie marched did you think that up all by yourself so very popular with the ladies why do you get like this but so fair feeble with the fan I ain't even listening to you now still Redemption is both the theme and the title of the game and as such the game is keeping an eye on your actions sliding your morality meter this way and that and occasionally laying out some agonizing moral choices for you to pick from I hear that an old nun is travelling from the monastery taking the money she raised at the bank why don't you head up there and see if you can lend her a hand roads full of Thieves either that or robber yourself some are tougher than others obviously anyway work your way towards cowboy sainthood and you can expect such rewards as discounts in shops a new coat and a magic rosary that deflects gunshots okay Richard Cink to a sufficiently low on a rating however and you can expect a different reward a really horrible horse this horse known as the dark horse answers your whistle only when you add the honour level known as Road agent or below and is a scabby mangy beat-up looking steed with a black coat skull white face and unexplained cuts and wounds all over its body while it might look like it's going to keel over at any moment the dark horse actually has above-average health and stamina and doesn't lose speed when going offroad making it a desirable mounts for when you're trying to get away from all those people you pissed off getting to that low on a state in the first place accidentally helped out too many nuns or whatever though and the dark horse will stop responding to your whistle because this is a horse that only wants to hang out with the absolute lowest scum imaginable which explains why Micah bells horse Baylock in Red Dead Redemption - looks so familiar the signs are all there people and your kingdom will live happily [Music] there are few games that buy into the concept that good people look like good people and bad people look like Halloween Devils as hard as the fable series for every choice a different destiny and in fable 3 wherein you become king or queen of the land of Albion you are presented with a wide ranging selection of ethical dilemmas both large and small where each is an interesting opportunity to prove your moral courage or lack thereof like do i or do I not pass gas in the face of an innocent citizen oh I do interesting as such the road to hell in fable 3 is paved less with good intentions and more with bullying embezzlement and murdering your royal subjects in the street all of these deeds are duly noted by fable 3 which tracks your morality on a sliding scale but also on your actual face which as you descend from righteous ruler to murderous monarch goes from perfectly Pleasant to discount Dracula this morality tracking continues as you prom dates of depravity terrorizing the people of Albion and making it very difficult for your guards to turn a blind eye to your royal rampage and if you thought a bit of smudged eyeliner was as far as the physical transformation goes well it's not in the end game of this character morphing process your royal hero has a set of ragged black feathery wings like a Victoria's Secret model who survived a coal mine collapse in conclusion much like Santa Clause fable 3 knows when you've been bad or good so be good or you'll get a massive pair of demonic wings I'm looking like that you'll have a really hard time convincing the people to reelect you as the nation's leader oh wait that's right this is a monarchy never mind all hail the queen of farts so it looks like the haters are getting ready for their big parade you win oh I'm in I'm a total hater we all know how someone's clothes can represent their personality like how wearing all black means that someone is evil or in the Cure and wearing fine outside Xbox merchandise means that someone is wonderful charismatic and extremely attractive did the link pop up top right anyway while it's extremely common for video games to use this useful bits of visual shorthand what's less common is you're changing moral compass literally changing the look of the clothes you already have on however that's exactly what happens in infamous second son sucker-punches superhero simulator that follows Delsin Rowe as he acquires new powers and makes moral choices that affects his karma and also the City of Seattle whose people you may or may not be exploding with your energy powers depending on which way you decide to go [Music] Delsin is a man who never met a denim vest he didn't like and as such even with a variety of different clothing changes available to you most of the time you will end up looking like a man wearing a hoodie and a denim vest Gelson's default look however is the basic denim vest paired with a grey hoodie with a symbol of two birds on the back as you play your decisions will start to affect these clothes with the symbol on delsin's jacket changing as it depicts two birds one blue one red which represent the good and bad sides of Delson do more evil stuff and the red bird will start to overwhelm the blue bird before eating it yikes and then turning into a big winged skull which is probably a sign you're on the wrong track looks cool though in addition to this delsin's hoodie will also start to slowly turn from gray to red although it could be that he just left a red sock in the light wash which is more annoying than actively evil he will also start to look more sickly but then so would I if I just ruined a perfectly good hoodie I'll say this would develop a sucker punch they can really write relatable characters don't envy the mayor her job with stuff like this happening all the time unlike the previous Mega Man games which were predominantly side-scrolling platformers Mega Man Legends was a 3d adventure that really gave you an opportunity to get to know the legend underneath the helmet someone's been taking really good care of this boat I'm talking of course about that legendary helmet hair look at the size of it Mega Man Legends crammed a large open world onto the original PlayStation including a sprawling city and stuffed it with hours of missions sort of like GTA but with less carjacking and more cutesy robots what you didn't think I was going to just walk away did you in a rare edition for a game of that era Mega Man Legends contained a morality system the more good deeds you performed the lighter blue the iconic Mega Man armor became the more bad deeds he performed the darker and therefore cooler it got normally this was a gradual process with petty crimes like kicking cans into the jet lag bakery or destroying soda machines resulting in very slight changes to your outfit I mean that could just be a trick of the light if you wanted to accelerate your moral decline the absolute worst thing you could do in the entire game was heroic Lee recovering a briefcase full of cash stolen in a bank robbery and then very unheroic Lee's straight up keeping the cash for yourself [Music] hey mega man's gotta eat at least I assume he does maybe he has a robot tummy this baddest of bad deeds netted you two hundred thousands Enys a huge amount of the in-game currency and instantly irreversibly turned your armor as dark as it's possible to go [Music] so now I'm loaded and I look like a total badass remind me what the downside was [Music] in Shadow of the Colossus you players wander a young adventurer tasked with destroying the colossi of the title a group of towering stone giants who are stamping around the countryside being all massive and for this must die because if we've learned anything from Godzilla Godzilla raids again and the underrated son of Godzilla it's that giant monsters are bad news and anyone trying to destroy them is a hero however if we've learned anything from 2019 s Godzilla king of the monsters apart from that movie tickets are too expensive these days it's that sometimes giant monsters actually just misunderstood and that the people trying to destroy them are the real monsters this is borne out in shadow of a Colossus in which wonder starts the game is a wistful elfin dreamboat trying to bring his dead girlfriend back to life it's no llores army as war alack the way to do this he's told is by killing the gigantic mystical stone beasts with the conveniently glowing weak points which is handy because that sounds like it would make a hell of a video game eh no problem if my Judith once you get into the admittedly extremely satisfying process of Colossus killing however you start to get the creeping realization that murdering these gentle giants may not actually be the heroic act of valor you expected the game reinforces the impression with a subtle but significant deterioration of Wanda's physical state [Music] as Wanda works his way through these 16 colossi like a tiny serial killer he grows almost imperceptibly paler dirtier and vania in fact it's such a subtle transformation that you may not even notice it's taking place that is right up until this happens oh my god that's a pretty serious transformation [Music] okay I take it back that's a pretty serious transformation I'm sorry I'm just misunderstood didn't you see Godzilla king of the monsters well well looks like we've come to an end of this video about the seven unexpected side effects of turning evil I hope you had a good time I certainly did that was fun and if you're up for more fun and why wouldn't you be then check out a show of the week from outside xbox it happens well every week as you might have guessed and also show of the weekend from Luke and Ellen our friends over on outside extra that's real fun they've been doing it from Animal Crossing lately it's very strange very cute I heartily recommend it see you next time on outside xbox
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 880,765
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, funny, funny moments, evil, karma, change, look, metal gear solid 5, the phantom pain, demon snake, horn, horned snake, demon points, blood, fable 3, morality, wings, mass effect 2, scars, renegade, red dead redemption, dark horse, road agent, honor, rank, john marston, infamous, second son, delsin row, mega man legends, armor, bank, money, shadow of the colossus, wander, transformation, 7 things, list, mass effect 2 scars, heal scars, fable 3 wings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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