8 Moments That Made Us Go Eff This Game

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gamers are used to overcoming obstacles pressing on in the face of adversity and overcoming insurmountable odds that's how i beat dark souls dark souls yeah but i reckon i could and that's basically the same thing but every so often there comes a moment in otherwise good or popular games where things are suddenly so tedious or hard or scary or unpleasant they make you go you know what f this game so now let's hear from these folks about the moments in video games that made us go screw this you know what i'm gonna go i don't know take a walk outdoors look what you made me do game oh and thanks to the original reddit thread that inspired this video the moment i want to talk about first is from friday the 13th the video game and it is that interminable unskippable studio logo at the start of the game can we watch it if we have to [Music] [Applause] wow that was long yeah it was super super long super long would you say you'd like to watch that oh well maybe twice at best twice at tops maybe but the thing is friday the 13th in theory is a great game when it works it's brilliant you're either jason and you're walking around like smashing through doors and throwing people into coat hooks or you're playing as a counselor and it's really tense and you're going through drawers trying to find things you're like yes i've got a flare gun finally i can escape from jason when he catches me and this is this is great i've called the police i'm hiding under a bed you're having a brilliant time jason voorhees has returned he is killing my friend we need him but the launch of the game was super played with technical problems and yeah on console yeah yeah i was having some real glitch problems i mean we've got a famous example of when we were playing friday the 13th and i was playing as jason smashed my way through a door and then i was just stood there unable to move while i was sexually darn stabbed by a man in leopard print pants he's unlocked oh my goodness he wanted me to get a better view there we go the unstoppable killing machine that is jason voorhees there mesmerized and unable to move the problem i was having more than anyone else i knew was the game would crash for me a lot and boot me out of the game i was playing a lot with mike and jane and we'd be in games together and they would be fine but i would always be booted back to the desktop and i'd have to restart the game in order to get back into the game with them because of the 80s vhs stylings of friday the 13th which are cool don't get me wrong very cool they had a studio logo for um ill phonic and gun studios you had to watch every time they loaded up the game and it was so long and i was like okay i appreciate what you've done with the vhs effects and the music and it's all like glitchy and stuff and that's cool but it's so long and i just want to get back into the game and every time i watch through this the game crashes again and i have to watch it again and i've seen that thing i estimate 30 000 times [Music] silence and then bruh and then it's and then and then finally you get the do-do-do can you like right fine now i can get back into the game but those were all the sounds that you'll have to sit through yeah it took me a long time to learn how to love that game again i have been back to it since and i think now that they have actually put in the option they've patched it in to skip the studio logo [Music] yeah they fixed they fixed a lot of problems with their game and it is it's a good time but uh seriously that was just i couldn't watch that logo anymore couldn't do it sorry friday the 13th the nightmare was always the same violent shapes moving in darkness old and ugly the killer's mad laughter was a riddle filled with wicked innuendo so first things first max payne won all right is a phenomenal game uh one of my favorites and i did eventually get around to finishing it but i was quite little at the time maybe too little and the moment that freaked me right out and made me run away from my pc and hide behind the sofa probably was the the nightmare sequence where max payne has to walk this blood tightrope through a darkened infinite void while his dead nightmares of his dead baby cry all around him through your headphones [Music] uh and every time you fall off now i was trying to look this up a minute ago and i couldn't find anyone actually dying on this point so presumably i was the only one like handed enough to keep falling off the blood tightrope but in my memory every time max payne fell off that blood tightrope there was just this elongated scream can i imagine that did that really happen in my mind it was so upsetting and unnerving and and a really weirdly effective horror bit in uh in what wasn't up until that point really a horror game it just it it spanned my head it threw me so hard and i was like no no no no no no no no see you in three years max payne the other issue actually coming back to it wasn't just the scariness although i'd love to say it was it was also how the rope felt like it was five pixels across and max payne with the best wool in the world handles like a shopping trolley that can also do bullet dive yeah you have to shuffle him along but he hasn't got like the finest control like physically so you're trying to to walk this extremely narrow tight rope in a very very dark nightmare void and every time you edge off it which is you know fairly regularly you get this horrible screaming experience added to the general ambience of baby nightmare the combination of the the mechanical uh fiddliness and the extreme terror that somehow never ebbed away that those things together made that the moment in max payne where i was like do you know what i think when i finally came back to it and did it i just did it by like i took all the like cinematic drama out of it and just like press forward press forward a little bit forward a little bit forward i'm sorry your baby died i'm sorry that you have to have this weird blood maze nightmare it was really effective um but yeah it was it was hard and scary i thought it would just be you coming takamaki's son wouldn't you get nervous too if it was just the two of us we're here to keep an eye on you so uh don't try anything perverted okay persona 5 the point where yusuke joins the party uh okay how to explain persona 5. to explain persona 5 in a sentence uh okay you are a gang of cool kids who invade the subconsciousnesses i guess is the best way of explaining it of bad people uh to like invade their mind and like destroy the bad element that's making them do bad things so that uh so that it stops them being so evil in the real world there's a lot of stuff that i loved about persona 5. uh i really liked the combat i'm not saying something because i am not someone who really goes in for a turn-based combat very often i'm not a fan of those like incredibly lengthy jrpgs but i thought maybe this would be the time to give it a go and there was so much stuff that i liked the art style is it's one of the most beautiful games i've played ever the music has got to be some of the best i've ever heard not just in video games it's amazing like here's a little bit [Applause] [Music] it's amazing so as you go through the game which again is incredibly long by this point i'm on the second palace and i'm trying to take down this bad dude who's like an artist but actually what you find out spoiler alert is that he is um counterfeiting he's stealing his students artwork and passing it off as his own which is very bad thing to do and he's got this uh this student who is this guy yusuke come now i'll show you around i'd like to speak more about the picture i'd like to draw too so basically your little gang decides that the best way to get inside the head of this uh like bad artist um is is by using yusuke to get like inside his actual workshop so like an actual kind of entry they've got to do spy stuff it's a little bit like a heist movie the persona 5. but the way that that pans out is happening is it turns out that yusuke is a huge fan of anne who is the first female member of your party in the game and he is desperate to paint her so you go along with this uh like fine yes that seems fine and he's painting her and he's like man i'm sorry it's just not working yeah i'm sorry guys this is not working for me it's gonna have to be nude i will put my heart and soul into creating the best nude painting ever yeah yeah they're kind of high school students yeah so so um so ann is like i don't want to be in a nude painting which is a fair uh perspective to have on that situation the way he said it it's not going to be semi but full-on nude the other members of the gang are like well it might be the only way that we can get like the intel or something and so and it's like i kind of want to and usaki is like hey i'm going to report you all unless this nude painting thing goes ahead so everyone's like nan you should probably do it you should probably do the new painting that you're not really that keen on doing it sounds like okay so then anne goes in to do the new painting and the plan is that she'll go in and like basically stall for time so she doesn't have to actually go through with it while like the rest of the gang infiltrate elsewhere and like get whatever thing they need to get so anne walks in wearing like all the clothes it's like that bit in friends where joey walks in wearing all the clothes and it's kind of a comedy beat like she walks in kind of wearing like all these jumpers and it's like whoa in this case like did you put on weight and um and you know anne who i would say is fairly obviously not having an amazing time uh is basically just trying to stop the time trying to trying to make this like nude painting thing not happen and meanwhile uck is like i can't wait to like to apply my artistic endeavors to the to this nude portrait so basically yusuke is giving me kind of like cd vibes and i'm not really like digging him as a character no i'm doing this for art in the end the painting doesn't have to happen which is which is good because i get the info before it gets to that point and then you go into the palace of this bad artist yusuke is who is his student who is having a hard time uh himself uh he is you know um he's being very much taken advantage of by by the artist who is his master and you get yusuke gets involved as well and he basically joins the party and that was the point at which i was like ah man i didn't want this guy in my party i was sort of alright with him being like a like a plot point i was kind of like muscling through that i was like okay we have to like trick this guy or whatever with this whole nude painting gambit to like get the secrets we need from the workshop but then when he joins a party i was like i don't wanna i wanna hang out with him loads and loads and the thing is with persona 5 if there's a because the game is so staggeringly long if there is a point where you're kind of not really feeling it or if there's a section where you're like um i'm not really into this because the game is so staggeringly long that could genuinely be 10 hours of gameplay like several evenings worth of playing video games that you kind of have to sit through and so when yusuke joined the party i was like no i'm out i'm out and it's a shame because um you know i had i had by that point invested uh quite a lot of time in persona 5. and i was enjoying quite a lot of it but just this character just rubbed me the wrong way i didn't didn't get on with him at all didn't find him sympathetic uh or likable and in a game where you have to spend so much time with the characters uh i do think that's a big deal so for me that's the point where i was out i did do some looking up on the wikis afterwards and i think like maybe later on he has some like redemptive stuff he has some sort of funny moments or stuff like that but for me i'd after that i just didn't have the energy to muscle through with it so you scare you you made me quit persona 5. and i don't like your fox mask either what's going on steve let me talk to you about resident evil code veronica which is both my favorite and least favorite resident evil game i love it because i love the atmosphere i love the kind of island of dr moreau sort of vibe that's got going on and i really like playing as claire redfield very cool and it was the first one on the dreamcast so it looked amazing at the time the only problem is uh when the game gives you a grenade launcher it expects you not to use that grenade launcher and if you know me you know you put a grenade launcher in my hands i'm going to be using it [Music] [Applause] so basically you got the got the grenade launcher part way through the game and there was a few bits of ammo through sort of zombie infested bits so through a combination of sort of avoiding zombie infested bits because zombies and also um using the ammo against some of the tougher enemies uh i found myself in a situation where you get to this sort of walkway sort of um late in the game and all of a sudden in typical resident evil style the uh nastiest enemy in the game pops out and you're basically funneled into a corridor you've got nowhere to move i mean movement in those old resident evil games isn't great at the best of times but this would literally you were pending in this corridor with this advancing enemy and if you didn't have the grenade launcher ammo uh you basically didn't have enough ammo to take this guy out so i found myself in the ludicrous situation of facing the most difficult enemy in the game with just a knife and i'm pretty confident it is impossible because any time you get close to them they just swipe your head off [Music] i'm there sort of desperately trying to stick this guy with my little combat knife as he smashes my face clean off um and obviously it being resident evil and saves being limited and things like that all i had was one save right in front of that moment so that game was done for me and i genuinely have never gone back and completed it i understand there's all sorts of exciting things later like arctic bases and there's an entire base underwater never saw it never saw it in that game i spent all of my pocket money on for my brand new ps2 god damn you capcom i guess it's partly my own fault for being a massive coward and not venturing into the more zombie-infested areas to get even more ammo but really i think if you give me flamethrower grenade round things i'm going to end up using them just just to see what they look like to be honest um and yeah all right i could have replayed the game all the way through but then i would have had to sit through all those steve burnside cutscenes and he's really annoying i love you claire [Applause] i want you to air out these books they're out the books me who else i thought you were going to tell me about young dazu i put you up for the night didn't i all right i guess i have to did i hear something no hey now no one is saying show me two isn't a bloody classic that said all new kinds of standards and blazed all these trails and broke all this ground but we will never finish it because shenmue two we got completely stuck and knocked uh at the bit where you have to air out all these books at a temple for some monk who won't help you find your dad's killer because you keep dropping his ancient books oh double quick time he looks so confused you can't carry a pile of books four feet we had a hell of a time making money and we were always in debt to the guy running our b and b it was it was pretty stressful actually now that i've come to think about it playing lucky hit all the time and it was we were so unlucky unlucky hit more like [Music] it really all came to a head and the moment that made us go screw you video game we quit and snap the disc in half and threw it out the window i've been thinking about this like surely old books need to be kept somewhere dry and dark not out in the sunshine where they're gonna get like bleached and yeah blown away and i i question your conservation methods temple anyway he's like take these books outside and let them air out because sure that's how book preservation works you couldn't no because it's stupid i'm sorry well ryu takes never learns to take one book at a time right so this is sort of on rio and he takes a giant stack of books and then is really ungainly he's really he's wobbly like a really frightened horse on ice skates and he goes out and then it begins and when i say it it's a really unfair really terrible quick time event sequence where you have to uh respond to button prompts with lightning fast reflexes or rio completely stacks it and drops these this pile of precious priceless monk books all over the floor that's the one oh no i'm having flashbacks from that very very bad sequence so yeah the the real kicker in that bit is that you can't just keep trying it until eventually you brute force it and you you're you know you're having a good day and your reflexes are all all great and you uh succeed in this in this bs quick time event sequence because if you fail to stack enough books in a time limit you actually have you that's it you failed you have to go away go back to your b b sleep on it think about what you've done and come back and do it again we even look for for workarounds or cheats or someone else must have come up against the same problem but seemingly everyone else just had more patience than we did with bloody balancing book man may have some fundamental coordination problems that will prevent him from ever being a he's like an inner ear infection that's messing with his balance put it down that's the way to go thanks and that was a bottlenecker which we were like nope shame youtube whatever happens i assume you find your father's killer and that's it and and and that's why there's no shenmue three because you find your father's killer at the end of shed me too you tell me internet i have no idea because i will never finish me too but i've learned that deep down there's a light that never goes out so you have come this far and still you understand nothing every light must fade every heart return to darkness i want to talk about one of the many boss battles in kingdom hearts one or i played 1.5 uh which just made me go nope um i just left it and went straight onto kingdom hearts 2 and that was one of the final battles with ansem all worlds begin in darkness and also end the heart is no different ansem is uh that's not just me saying handsome but in a london accent oh he's really handsome um but no he's like one of the antagonists in the game you finally get to like a weird warped version of destiny island where you start off the game and he's there and you have a fight on the beach there's me and my pals donald and goofy just wailing away at him and it was a fairly tricky fight there's some like kind of moves that i found difficult to avoid and it was just a bit annoying but i finally did it and it took me a couple of tries and i got it and it was fine then the only reason like when you actually finally get that last hit and it all goes all slo-mo he runs off you're like what were you doing running away he runs off and like creates this weird bit with darkness and heartless and you're like right i've gotta go over there and you walk through into this really creepy bit and then you know your two pals donald and goofy who have been accompanying sora throughout this whole game who you have been investing in making sure they have the best staff and shield possible yeah right they get cut off from you so instead of having like your backup who like can throw healing items at you like they're cut off this then opens up into this battle where you're fighting a big heartless which you sort of fought at the beginning of the game and it's like oh it's all cyclical and clever and then when you finally beat that thing and you feel really good about yourself ansem comes back and just is the worst like in the destiny island weird battle he's got like this guardian thing and you can't really attack him while it's up he's also got a shield um but in this one as well he also like shoots at you really fast as in he's in this shield ball and there's just like room at you and if you lock on to him uh which you can do it just means your camera kind of goes all over the place but if you don't lock onto him it means you're standing there and then suddenly from off camera he just comes in and just just hits you takes out a load of your health and you're like no this is not fair but then as got taken out and it was really annoying and i was like all right fine okay i'm gonna have to start again and it loads up again when you're outside with donald and goofy again and i'm like what so you have to fight the big darkness monster again before you even get through to fighting anthem again and so you're basically having to do two kind of lengthyish boss battles alone and it's really really really annoying so what i did is i got grumpy and quit i just played kingdom hearts too instead although i don't have it as bad as people who played the game when it originally came out because uh for them they couldn't skip the cut scenes and there's a very long cutscene in certain parts in my kingdom hearts world sora got stuck there for ages and then just jumped into the bride rock it's great it's not baby it's good to see you hey jason hudson cia thank you for your time sergeant i would like to talk about call of duty black ops which is a very popular call of duty game everyone loves it but everyone seems to have forgotten that it has the worst bit of video game design possibly ever and i suspect i'm not in the minority when i just basically dropped the controller and went and played multiplayer instead it is the vietnam level uh obviously vietnam is a war you might have heard of it so it's very very noisy and chaotic right and it does a very good job of being noisy and chaotic the problem is is when something's noisy and chaotic you don't always hear the instructions you're being given so uh you're following woods around he's your buddy he's your sort of commanding officer as well general hero guy and you get to this enormous field full of enemies ah you know explosions everywhere bullets everything's going on and somewhere in the middle of that woods gives you some instructions and they sound like this sorry what was that words could you repeat that no still didn't get it and i don't think anyone did because essentially what he was telling you to do uh was stab some barrels with your malay weapon that are full of napalm and kick them down a hill at the bad guys he's not even telling you that he's just like barrels yeah he's like barrels and napalm are words you might have heard perhaps so you spend maybe 20 minutes trying to shoot the barrels right yeah so you can't shoot them you have to malay them it's this extremely sort of convoluted thing where he stabs the barrel rubs the knife across it to create a spark so it sets fire which seems extremely dangerous to me and then kicks him down the hill at the bad guys this would all be less of a pain were it not in an area that is full of respawning enemies so you're constantly under siege trying to work out what you're doing and if you missed those orders the first time around you're just going to be shooting enemies forever indefinitely they just keep coming they just keep coming which would be bad if you were ever going to run out of ammo say and get killed that would be not fine but not as bad as also providing mounted machine guns with infinite ammo so in theory you could be there forever on the mounted machine gun never running out of ammo but also never running out of bad guys to shoot someone might still be doing it i feel like somewhere in the world someone is still playing that level it's a 15 minute call of duty level i mean the campaign was four hours long for pity's sake but someone could still be there unloading bullets into endless swarms of the vietcong yeah nearly there but some sometime the game's going to tell me what to do i hear you he's i dead you know this could have been so easily solved with just a bit of like ui to go here stab these barrels i mean for the rest of the level woods has his like follow me thing hovering above his head totally unnecessary ruining the immersion and yet they couldn't just put a little marker on the barrels awful but the first black ops everyone's forgotten everyone's got short memories in call of duty land not me that's true i'm a grizzled veteran of the call of duty wars you went there man you haven't seen the things i've seen that's my blood that's my blood it's a lot of my blood i know this is ostensibly an xbox channel but i love playstation i love playstation games and some of my favorite playstation exclusive games are the uncharted games the recent uncharted games yeah you know what i'm talking about uncharted two looking at you uncharted one was fine it was a bit meh but you know i played it and i finished it and uh that was all okay and then i played uncharted two and i reached a point in it where i was doing my 800th identical gunfight um with people hiding behind waist high walls and i was just like you know what this game and i've never i've never finished uncharted 2 i've never gone back to it after that the thing the thing was the game starts off with nathan drake hanging on a dangling train that's gone over a cliff edge and you're hanging there like wow this is super cool and exciting and then it's like sometime earlier and you're like okay so i'm gonna play back and get to the train bit and then you know then we're gonna see how that all winds up and uh getting to that point you have to spend so much time hiding behind walls or like crouching behind cover and shooting people and it's just all the time it's just these identical gunfights that just go on and on and on and i was like man i really wish i were doing more exciting stuff that wasn't just endless identical gunfights but once we get to the train bit like i know that that's gonna there's gonna be like i've got a mountain and it's gonna be very exciting indiana jones stuff so i'm not going to tough it out if they carry on going i know that that train bit's coming so that's something to look forward to when i get there got back to the train bit and i was like cool climb out of the train let's see what's waiting for me like i've been looking forward to this rages run into the train yard and everyone runs in and then goes behind waist high walls and i have to have an identical gunfight with them and i was like okay okay okay the other they've fixed this in like recent uncharted games there's a lot more varied like uncharted 4 as a masterpiece but uncharted two and everyone was telling me like uncharted 2 is amazing it's this big indiana jones style adventure and i was like great can't wait to play it and then it was just kind of a generic cover-based shooter which is not what i kind of expected or wanted from uncharted and found it slightly disappointing but the rest of the games have been great they've learned from it so i think they learn their lesson it's just that that ex i remember so specifically that being the point where i was just like you know what i'm not going to play any more of this game i just do not have any interest in doing this anymore no are gonna make me miss my train like i like the the climbing around the puzzles are really good nolan north is great he's so charming nathan drake is a great character it's just there was so little of that and so very much of shooting people in cover which that's not the game that i wanted to play and when it got to that point when i was i got past the bit that i knew was the sort of the flashback point that i was like okay this game isn't going to change this is what the game is and that's that's the point where i said you know what this game guess that answers that question thank you so much for watching this video do let us know in the comments those moments that made you go f this noise and while you're thinking about that if you'd like to watch another video up here we have one that is about times we made the game harder for ourselves by accident and that's sort of on us and down here we have a video from outside extra about the video game movies that are kind of a guilty pleasure thanks so much for watching like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and do hit the bell icon to be notified every time we make a video thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,033,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny things, list, 7 things, worst, best, worst moments, bad moments, gave up, hardest, annoying, stopped playing, friday the 13th, friday the 13th the game, studio logo, gun, illfonic, unskippable, most annoying, shenmue 2, books, book, balance, qte, airing out, temple, uncharted 2, frustrating, bad, ansem, kingdom hearts, boss, max payne, tightrope, blood, maze, call of duty, black ops, vietnam, napalm, barrels, resident evil code veronica, tyrant, knife only, persona 5, yusuke, painting, ann
Id: LairlQ7ZsiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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