7 Unique Multiplayer Modes Too Beautiful For This World

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lots of games include some kind of multiplayer mode because people coming together to experience the beauty of play is one of the fundamental things that makes us human also it's meant to stop people trading in the game the second they finish the campaign but not all those games just take the single-player experience and tack on a team deathmatch some games experiment with novel ideas and gameplay mechanics creating unique multiplayer modes which then for various reasons fall out of favor or at least out of fashion more's the pity here are seven of our favorites enjoy and beware minor spoilers for the following well it's multiplayer modes how they gonna be oh no here it comes but I'm looking at this list now these are all games with stories that you could spoil but we're talking about the most fair modes I have no bearing on it maybe the fact that the guy in driver san francisco is in a coma and that's the premise of the game it's not spoiler but I mean what battle station Pacific is if spoilers for the second world war what if you don't have that ended yes spoilers there so watch out I guess if you've never read or watched anything in San Francisco each morning as the Sun rises over the bay I've got one thing on my mind I will track down my fugitive and bring justice to the city drive to San Francisco wasn't really concerned with being a realistic depiction of driving in San Francisco otherwise they'd have had to call it uber driver San Francisco easily the least realistic thing in the game though even less realistic than seeing a pristine 1983 DeLorean driving around in 2011 was the fact that you could instantly shift your consciousness between vehicles that will possessing their drivers because your character Tanner was in a sort of magic coma [Applause] [Music] Jim yeah dude it's like that old TV show quantum leap only makes even less sense if it's called the shift mechanic which only made it more confusing given that shifting gears is already a thing in driving not only is shift the weirdest thing about driver San Francisco but it also makes the game utterly unique in the field of driving games [Music] [Applause] when you stopping for help when it came to adding multiplayer though it would have been easy for you to soft reflections to abandon the complicated shift feature entirely the fact that this multiplayer mode appears on this list though and not one called seven generic multiplayer modes too tedious for this world suggest they didn't and no we're not making that list don't pretend you'd watch it yes unless you specifically chose to deactivate it shift was enabled in all of the multiplayer modes for driver San Francisco even the races that meant have you lagged behind you could simply shift and grab a car closer to the front it was used to best effect in tag mode where one player is it and the rest are trying to crash into them to claim the crown the addition of shift meant as soon as you missed careening into your target you could switch to another car and try again the result was loads of cars flying in for more angles than you find in a cubist painting shift mode in driver San Francisco elevated it above the other racing game online modes of the time and cemented its place in history keeping it well clear of that hypothetical list of tedious generic multiplayer modes but I told you we're not doing it Oh fine alright number 1 team deathmatch behind the mask lies their real nature [Music] this is a truth often realize once definer their ass traditionally being a murderer is a solo endeavor I think once there's more than a couple of you you're a screen movie or possibly a D&D party all that changed in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood which added a suite of multiplayer modes to the game where you finally have the chance to assassinate your friends like they were a 15th century Roman Cardinal the idea of the multiplayer mode was that it was a virtual reality Templar training program run by Abstergo in which all their wannabe hitmen faced off against each other inside the Animus to hone their skills for centuries we have fought against the assassins now fellow Templars we will win this war once and for what made this mode unique was led rather than everyone just running around and wildly stabbing each other with various pointy implements the multiplayer modes in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood had a heavy emphasis on stealth patience and blending into a crowd before a match each player had to choose a character and then the level was populated with numerous clones of their character controlled by the computer who went about their business normally like NPC's in the main game you were given another player to eliminate and were likewise being hunted by someone else in the server with the aim of killing your target without giving away your identity in the process to succeed you had to blend in to try and get close to your targets walking slowly in loops stopping in crowds and generally acting like an NPC while trying to figure out who your target was before killing them without attracting attention you got extra points or playing the game in the stealthiest manner possible and when you got a good game there really was nothing else like it a tense cat-and-mouse experience as you moved slowly through the levels scanning everyone for any sign of human control or unusual behavior thinking you're about to assassinate a rival before discovering that it's actually a hologram and you're about two seconds away from an unexpected rooftop tracheotomy the problem with the mode was that you really needed everyone to be on the same page for it to work much like hitman two's ghost mode never when everyone was playing it properly it worked super well but once someone started just sprinting around the place stabbing people it all started to break down as there was no way to catch up and take them out without revealing yourself in the process which led to plenty of games degenerating into the all-out stab fest the Ubisoft was trying to avoid in the first place the multiplayer mode did resurface in later Assassin's Creed's but with diminishing returns before being abandoned entirely in favor of co-op for Assassin's Creed unity and nothing for Assassin's Creed syndicate so it looks like we may never see this collection of great ideas come together into the world beating multiplayer mode we know it could have become still I guess it means that no one's training the Templars anymore so every cloud right let's still the bad guys are me [Music] the classic asymmetric multiplayer experience is a game of hide-and-seek like you played when you're a kid the problem with hide-and-seek though was that no one had night-vision goggles and people were very uncool if you jumped on them the Splinter Cell series remedied both of those deficiencies with its spies vs mercs multiplayer mode which was a kind of high-stakes online hide-and-seek in which players became stealthy spies or shooting mercs while spies had to infiltrate a level hiding in the shadows and pursuing their cool espionage based objectives the armored mercs had to scour the level for stinky spies and wherever possible shoot them a lot Spy vs mercs mode pulled off the clever trick of being asymmetric but balanced with each side enjoying a completely different experience and it was more tense son watching a great British Bake Off finale on three espressos the mode first appeared in the second splinter cell game Pandora tomorrow and most recently in 2013's Splinter Cell blacklist since then it has quietly gone into partial to total retirement partly because we haven't had a splinter cell game for seven long years no right what the hell and partly because these days you'd be hard-pressed to find an online server with enough players to populate a match of spies B mercs which means until we get a new Splinter Cell in back to hide-and-seek for me only now thanks to internet shopping I've got night-vision goggles Jane remember the Nintendo Wii U was a bit like the switch only you couldn't play in bed because the stupid controller signal wouldn't reach the key thing about the Wii U though is that it allowed the console to display one thing on the television and something entirely different on the screen built into the Wii U pad london-based zombie survival game zombie you may brilliant use of this placing a bunch of vital survival mechanics on the controller speaking as a Londoner that's either a zombie apocalypse or just kicking out time at the pubs what people tend to forget is that zombie you also had an excellent local to play a competitive mode that took similiar advantage of a console that might as well have been built specifically for asymmetric multiplayer the player playing with a regular controller on the television is called the survivor and their job is some fairly straightforward rootin tootin zombie shooting victory conditions in the various modes including survival time number of kills and capturing flags the other player has controlled the Wii U pad with its own screen and can spend resources to play some B's of differing strengths in the arena this player is ceremonially dubbed the king of the zombies you know I never had zombies down as monarchists more sort of anarchists sort of libertarians maybe they're definitely keen on the freedom to eat brains King if the zombies mode was a novel entertaining multiplayer mode and although it didn't get an online version when the game was re-released for Xbox and ps4 as zombie because it's a local multiplayer mode and there are no servers to shut down this unique asymmetric multiplayer mode lives on and can be played even today you just have to buy a Wii U yes it's dead isn't it Gotham isn't a city anymore it's a battleground and whoever controls the most turf it's going to rule this whole town Batman Arkham origins is the least fondly regarded of the Batman Arkham series thanks to it not being developed by Rocksteady not having Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprised their roles as Batman and the Joker and breaking decades of Batman mystique by revealing that he's a fan of terrible puns street turf named Lester but schinsky calls himself electrocutioner shocking well you might not remember about Batman Arkham origins is that it included a multiplayer mode and what's more that that multiplayer mode is remembered extremely fondly by those who played it the premise for the game was a turf war between the Joker's gang and Bane's gang each round consisted of three players playing as Joker thugs and three players playing as Bane thugs trying to complete an objective at various points in the game each team could also call on their respective supervillain to make things easier with their supervillain powers like being armed with a rocket launcher or having a pipe whilst I do everything myself money clearly tight over at Joker enterprises that wasn't although there was a third two-player team in the game who played as Batman and Robin and whose job was to fill their intimidation meter by taking down gang members in various stealthy or cool ways [Music] team batts was awarded fewer points each time they used the same takedown so Batman and Robin had to keep changing up their tactics and trying new things to stay competitive while still staying cautious and avoiding head-on confrontations getting killed while playing on the Batman team gave you a massive score penalty and often took you out of contention for winning regardless of how well you were doing before meanwhile the thugs had to be on constant lookout for the dynamic duo because getting taken down not only left their team at a temporary numbers disadvantage but also made it more likely team Batman would win which I mean they've already got Batman on their team they don't need any more help while I was full of good ideas Arkham origins multiplayer mode was also full of problems even at the height of the game's popularity was hard to find a game with the requisite eight players players would get booted mid match for seemingly no reason and the netcode led to some problems with collision detection and takedown tracking that made the whole thing feel looser and more frustrating than it should have + and let's be honest here the reason people buy a Batman game is to play as Batman when 7/8 of the people playing the game aren't getting to do that you can only think that your multiplayer modes days are numbered but until someone comes up with a better idea for a multiplayer Batman game this is the best we've got or it would be if the surface haven't been shut down in 2016 still fingers crossed at a future Batman game revisits the idea maybe with a fairer distribution of Batman or Batman Royale 100 Batman's on an island rapidly shrinking safe zone flosser mode you're welcomed ODB Games who's that boy cute kid helium behind dad daddy killed his mother sorry yeah don't be without friends as the galaxy's least fortunate ship systems engineer Isaac Clark simply cannot catch a break through dead spaces 1 & 2 he's tormented by monstrous Space zombies that would give John Carpenter's thing a run for its money not huh as well as nightmarish visions of his dead girlfriend mix folk to me what did it say [Music] when dead space 3 rolled around though it seemed like at least Isaac would have a reassuring buddy amidst the constant threat of dismemberment because for the first time in the series there was a co-op mode featuring Burleigh space soldier John Carver stay focused we've got this but old Isaac should have known better than to get his hopes up for sergeant Carver to be a grounding calming influence who might ward off Clark's Horror Show hallucinations because an acute twist for a story led cop campaigned Clark and Carver would each regularly see scary stuff that the other could not with each character being separately haunted by their respective grim backstories hey you're seeing something that isn't there either tell me okay that is to say a the game which showed the player controlling Clark one version of a scene and the player controlling cover another version one okay as far as cop gimmicks go this was an inventive gambit for the dead space series what is it was fadin you okay too bad it wasn't available in split-screen which would have been an interesting way to see both sides of the story and too bad dead space 3 didn't set the world on fire and too bad that consequently there's no dead space for coming anytime soon if ever sorry Isaac sweetie if you were hoping for a happy ever after in the next one I wouldn't hold your breath sorry dude he'll tire himself out eventually military strategy games definitely have their fans but for our money it's always been a bit more fun to do the shooting yourself than ordering someone else to do the shooting for you battle stations specific solve this problem by creating a world war 2 strategy game where at any point you could take control of an air or sea unit and do the actual combat yourself so not only do you get to be Admiral Nimitz in charge of the fleet you also get to be were there any famous World War 2 fighter aces Tom Hardy from Dunkirk this was all plenty of fun in single-player but it really came into its own in multiplayer where you could participate in competitive battles with other players that would test both your combat skills and your strategic Maus great I can finally prove that I'm not only stupid but I also have terrible reflexes and they say I can't multitask and while the previous game battle stations Midway was structured similarly the action was nowhere near as spectacular as this sequel battle station specific which allowed for enormous air and sea encounters with an entire screen full of units in action at any one time on a humble xbox360 and the best part was this being the Pacific Theater if you were bad at the game like me and happen to be playing as the Japanese Imperial Navy you could just pick a kamikaze unit and point your plane at the nearest ship I helped sadly the battlestations series never sold quite as well as the battlefield series which had all of the shooting and a lot less of the strategizing while the first two games are backwards compatible on Xbox one the multiplayer servers are empty and I disclosed the studio that made the game's mere months after the release of Pacific as a result you'll likely never see another battle stations game still look on the bright side we haven't had a sequel to World War two either hey thanks watching this video about the multiplayer modes they were too beautiful for this world gone before their time maybe you can think of ones that you miss why don't you let us know in the comments and you'll watch more videos what's kind of like multiplayer mode is our weekly shows we've got show the week up here which is live now so imagine that you can watch it live or you can watch it on demand that's also good and there's go all three of us in it so it's like a free player multiplayer mode two player multiplayer mode you can try the outside extra show of the weekend which is down here and it's very fun you should check it out thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 815,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, tricks, games, video games, multiplayer, multiplayer mode, co op, co-op, cooperative, assassin's creed brotherhood, batman arkham origins, driver san francisco, dead space 3, battlestation pacific, splinter cell blacklist, zombiu, zombie u, zombie, wii u, spies, vs, mercs, shift, king of the zombies, invisible predator, online
Id: sQFsIT5PW1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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