7 Ambitious Games That Were Too Ambitious For Their Own Good

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we all have our visions my ambition is to get through the intro to a video without something going majorly wrong [Music] now three things you record although ambition is an admirable quality sometimes it goes too far as in the case with these ambitious video games that over-promised under-delivered and ended in disappointment enjoy and remember this important lesson seriously can we get those dogs out of here [Music] never forget what we have sacrificed humanity hey did you guys know that Thor and Odin and Asgard all that stuff that was a thing before the 2011 movie starring Chris Hemsworth yeah me either history is exciting hey Andy Andy he's crying it turns out Norse mythology traces its roots back many centuries - ancient Scandinavia Norse mythology inspired action-rpg to human meanwhile can trace its own origins back nearly as far so protracted was its development history Odin's technology makes gods of men too human was an xbox 360 exclusive that reimagined ancient Norse myth as high-tech science fiction in which you play cyber God Baldur who protects humans from bad robots most of the time the game was first announced in the remote historic period known as 1999 initially it was going to be a gigantic 5 disc RPG for the PlayStation later it was going to be a title for the Nintendo GameCube then after languishing for nearly a decade in development hell or should that be development Helheim melody reference anyone at him after that happened it actually launched as an xbox 360 exclusive could it be that you like this young man so when two human did finally come out expectations were sky-high the prime ambition was 40 human to be the first part of an epic sci-fi trilogy not only that the developer had called to human the xbox 360's god of war in a claim best described as both very ballsy and complete Tosh to humans ambitiousness went as far as scrapping traditional control and camera schemes in favor of its own idiosyncratic system which was as bold as it was bad I say was because there's actually no longer possible to buy a new copy of to human either in stores or online see after the game came out to human development studio Silicon Knights lost the tetchy legal dispute with Epic Games over to humans licensed use of epics Unreal Engine following which Silicon Knights was ordered to recall and destroy all unsold copies of their game so that's maybe why you've never seen a copy of this Xbox exclusive in the wild ever since that legal ruling the game has been kind of Loki's no key get it no some authority reference after years of frustration the ruthless leader of the Mesa Mass came up with a plan disguising his true intent Osaka Mishima hired a legendary sword master to create the ultimate weapon the daikatana back in the 90s everyone was obsessed with the idea of rockstar game developers and no one fitted the bill better than John Romero I mean just look at that hair oh also he made Doom one of the most successful and controversial games of all time unfortunately in addition to Rockstar hair the other item in the my first Rockstar starter kit is a rockstar ego after the development of quake it's in software Romero clashed with fellow developer John Carmack how to describe him oh he's like the keyboard player that stands at the back but writes all the songs Romero decided to strike out on his own set up a new development studio and create a game the was his own singular vision that game was called daikatana and it was a sort of cyberpunk time-traveling samurai story we'd probably have played a game that was just one of those things to be honest the game relied on you deploying these skills of too advanced AI companions Mikiko ABI Hara and Superfly Johnson these guys were supposed to be revolutionary but the only revolution happening will be you revolving your eyes when they do yet another stupid thing it's like babysitting only you're not getting paid to do it and occasionally the baby will just sort of get stuck to a wall and you'll have to reset the whole babysitting scenario we're still if your sidekicks die it's game over and they have the same relaxed approach to self-preservation as a fire juggling motorcycle stunt rider [Music] to be fair even babysitters don't get paid if that happens my katana was a hugely ambitious shooter RPG but it just didn't work making it one of the most high-profile video game flops of all time and mostly putting a stop to the whole obsession with Rockstar game developers not to be confused with Rockstar Games people are pretty obsessed with those guys every 15 minutes you knew it was gonna be on this list I knew it was gonna be on this list you can eekum himself probably knew was gonna be on this list damn I'm looking good ah he's busy well regardless of what Duke thinks the fact remains that Duke Nukem Forever spent 15 years in development hell before finally being released in 2011 and it was a sheer car crash of a game sometimes literally the reason for Dukes failure was the game's overreaching ambition its developers wanted Youth Mew confer ever to be groundbreaking in its gameplay and cutting-edge in its technology and so they ended up stuck on a never-ending treadmill of scrapping the game every few years and starting over it was apparently a running joke at 3d realms to stop director George Broussard from seeing new games because he'd immediately want to take ideas from them and incorporate them into TV even forever causing more delays and more work for everyone kind of like how we don't let Mike watch competitive-eating shows on TV because then he'll be off work for a week with stomach pain it's the same thing among the cool sounding features rumored for Duke Nukem Forever where gun fights on moving vehicles entering codes on keypads with tubes fingers dancing minigames and inventory a rideable motorbike and using an in-game computer to send actual emails none of those things are in the footage we're showing you at the moment because they were all scrapped over the years and attempts to force the game into something approaching a releasable state some of the ambitious ideas survived into the full game although not as groundbreaking Lee as the developers might have hoped 15 years is that it what the hell No come on No this is disgusting okay I take it back totally worth it engine some kind Wayde international genetic technologies that was the company from the dinosaur trial trespasser was originally conceived of as a digital sequel to Jurassic Park the lost world back when a Jurassic Park sequel was something to look forward to not a punishment from an angry god interest party you players and the only survivor of a plane crash on Isla Sorna Dino cloning company engines site B and has to escape from the island using only her wits her guts and her health system which is for some reason a tattoo on her boobs gotta stay alive long enough to get that thing lays it off I expect prior to release the developers of trespasser claimed it would revolutionize PC gaming with a perfect seamless world brimming with intelligent knows unfortunately for them and us the technology of the time meant that this was a lot easier said than done as a result trespasser went majorly over-budget several times and features had to be fudged stripped back or removed entirely and even then some of the features that managed to stay in the finished game often didn't work the way they were supposed to the plans Dino AI for example which was supposed to have the dinosaur cycle through different emotions that would interact with the emotional state of other dinosaurs never worked properly which the developers fixed by just having the dinos be at maximum anger all the time four shots I'd probably feel the same way if I were in Jurassic Park trespasser there are still some groundbreaking ideas in the final game it was one of the first games to have an open environment full of trees the first game to use ragdoll physics and the first game to use an AI based behavior and animation system called inverse kinematics it also allowed you to interact with the world in a wholly new way with the use of hands right arm with which you could pick up objects wave them around and throw them at things however the waggly arm action 2 proved to be a problem since it was awkward to control and often ended up looking a bit weird so weird in fact that it's been cited as the inspiration for both Octodad and surgeon simulator which if you've played either of those games you'll suspect that this is not what trespasser was aiming for [Music] eventually thanks to many compromises the developers managed to get the game into a state where it could be shipped and sold to people for money not many people sadly as thanks to bad reviews and poor word-of-mouth it sold only about 50,000 copies I guess the developers were so preoccupied with whether or not they should they didn't stop to think if they could classic mistake stay where you are mr. president [Music] - this Resident Evil games are about two things zombies and massive buildings with impractical lock systems three things if you count bad acting and we do that's why it was such a surprise to play the first demo of Resident Evil 6 to realize that large portions of the game were going to be a cover based on military shooter fire in the dual parts it turns out that behind the scenes Capcom had decided that survival horror was too small a market and they wanted Resident Evil to be talked about in the same breath as Call of Duty which I mean obviously they haven't heard us talk about Call of Duty that said they didn't want to entirely abandon the series roots and so ended up making four different campaigns each with its own story characters and gameplay style Leon Kennedy's campaign was the closest to the classic Resident Evil games in it he explored a spooky university at night you all right enough I will be once I find my daughter I call this help but we got cut off I know she's here somewhere on the other hand Chris Redfield campaign was a cover based shooter that brought to mind Gears of War open HQ a routes blocked by a BMW change course my move wonder root for Jake Mueller's campaign by way of contrast had he pursued by a giant unkillable monster while Jake who looked like an action game hero from the late 2000s delivered nathan drake style quips finishing all of those unlocked a fourth campaign starring Resident Evil series regular Ada Wong but by this point most people had stopped playing because the other campaigns were mostly a boring trudge full of mediocre shooting the burdened you with an AI co-op partner dumber than the zombies you were trying to defeat altum Utley Resident Evil 6 tried to be too many things at once and largely ended up a hot mess of conflicting games that put people off instead of drawing in new fans to the series as Abraham Lincoln once said you can please some of the people saw all the time and all of the people some of the time but you can never cram four separate campaigns into a Resident Evil game and expect it to be any good I'm paraphrasing he was ahead of his time still after the poor sales of Resident Evil 6 Capcom went back to the drawing board which led to last year's brilliant and terrifying Resident Evil 7 which really took the series back to its roots it's horrible horrible roots [Music] how hard can it be to create an entire universe I heard one guy did it all on his own in like seven days and I think he took one of those days off turns out it's a little harder than that though as tiny indie studio hello games discovered when they went from making a game about a man on a motorbike called Joe danger to making a game that promised an entire universe with 18 quintillion planets called no man's sky and if you're struggling to comprehend the number 18 quintillion it's the number of Simpsons episodes there are now not counting specials and crossovers there were plenty of things hello games wanted to achieve with no man's sky including large-scale galactic battles you could participate in accurate planetary physics and proper multiplayer you know the sort where you can actually see the other players when the game launched it had none of those things as pointed out by approximately everyone on earth depending on how charitable you were feeling these missing features were either broken promises or straight-up lies or if you work in PR for hello games differently achieved objectives and I'm scarily good at that credit to hello games though they've continued working on no man's sky in the year and a half's its release and many of the features that were originally promised have arrived in free updates to the game what's more there's another huge update on the way to mark the game's arrival on Xbox one this summer [Music] we're not sure exactly what no man's sky next as it's called will include but one thing for sure it's going to be another monster apology letter to everyone who felt wronged by the state the game was originally released it ok hello games our hearts are open and we're ready to love again right I'm off to set up the outside Xbox PR department we're not bad at games we're just exploring the area underneath the difficulty curve yeah that's it bring the press release when you're designing and developing a game the picture that you see in your head when you first come up with a game idea like fable for example the picture in my head was of this amazingly lush world of every tree and every leaf being modeled and you know the character being so full of detail that it's amazing then normally in the past the image that I've seen when the games been finished just was a hundred times less than what I saw my painter visually alright let's get one thing straight I like the fable games I like fable one and I like fable two and I like fable three and those are all the fable games and those are all the fable games but despite healthy critical and commercial reception the fable series of role-playing games has never quite shaken off a reputation for making promises it didn't keep and it all started with fable one because that's how numbers work before the launch of fable the game's creator Peter Molyneux had talked some big talk about what his groundbreaking new RPG would bring to the Xbox [Music] among his attention-grabbing claims for fable one was how it would have online multiplayer over Xbox Live which upon launch in 2004 it patently did not fable multiplayer didn't arrive until fable two four years later more than you also chatted freely in interviews about how in fable one you might get married and have a baby if that's part of your heroic fantasy suite however the ability to have kids did not feature in the final game again you have to wait until fable two when your broody hero could father or mother and heroic offspring bringing the child into the world lends a new perspective on all things then there was the notorious if vague suggestion that you as a player would be able to knock an acorn off a tree which would then grow into an oak over the course of the game and the reason you can't remember the advance tree growth simulation from favor one is that there wasn't any in some way this acorn came to symbolize the mismatch between ambition and execution in fable games and specifically from Peter Molyneux who did cop to that mismatch in a forum post in which he wrote if I have mentioned any feature in the past which for whatever reason didn't make it as I described into fable I apologize every feature I have ever talked about was in development but not all made it often the reason is that the feature did not make sense for example three years ago I talked about trees growing as time passed the team did code this but it took so much processor time for 15% that the feature was not worth leaving in 15 Sen ate corn yep the numbers check out so nothing I said was groundless height but people expecting specific features which couldn't be included where of course disappointed if that's you I apologize the trouble was fable ones unfulfilled ambitions were genuinely innovative and appealing so they got players pumped up and then let down like a leaky air bed and that is all there is to say about fable 1 now look forward to the end of this video when and event will do 100 backflips that's Jane Douglas promise Jane I don't think I can even do one backflip I'm pretty sure you've over-promised here it's okay well all right well I'll get to that but before you go why not click on another video to watch up here got a video from us which is about games that you'll never get to play because never gonna come out but they look good and down here is a video from outside extra about villains who think they're cooler than you can the stand for that absolutely nonsense all right here we go for the back clip right here oh okay
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,152,294
Rating: 4.8848 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, jokes, outsidexbox, outside, xbox, top 10, top 5, list, 7 things, ambitious games, overambitious, top 7, countdown, broken promises, game developers, fable, duke nukem forever, daikatana, too human, no man's sky, no man's sky next, no man's sky xbox one, trespasser, jurassic park game, resident evil 6, chris, leon, ada, jake, peter molyneux, acorn, fable acorn, peter molyneux promises
Id: Z0poyvgouD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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