7 Times Your Mortal Enemy Became Your Best Friend in the Sequel

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GlaDOs better be in here

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MemeOverlord07 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
play video game is a lot like going to high school you don't get through either without making a few enemies you know what you did play occasionally though in a video game the person who was your sworn enemy in one game rocks up for the sequel in an entirely new role that role being your good buddy your sidekick or your trusted ally in the fight against whoever it is we're fighting this time consider these mortal enemies of ours who unlike Claire mended their ways and became our best friends also beware spoilers from the following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've stuck with me when I rose from Philippe's ashes like a phoenix you and me we've bonded that's lovely but I feel it's time for me to move on well don't it to be honest I'm a little scared of well dying players of saints row the third we'll remember Matt Miller pictured here leaving an angry post on the My Chemical Romance subreddit in his first appearance in saints row the third Matt Miller is the leader of a gang called the Decker's an expert hacker and will be completely honest a total pain in the ass yep definitely come across a few guys like that on the Internet being about as physically imposing as a sleeping gerbil mapped hides behind his keyboard for the majority of the game which makes it difficult to employ the saints usual guns on approach to problem-solving I had him I know I know it's now your father and weird [ __ ] eventually though you work out a way to dive into the deckers Network battle a colossal avatar in a tron-like arena and ultimately it's Matt Miller who's the one who gets hacked two pieces with a sword in a rare moment of clemency the leader of the Saints allows a groveling Miller to live Miller then switches sides joining mi6 in his native Britain contributing to the mission that kicks off Saints Row 4 and becoming basically an honorary saint in fact by that point the Saints loyalty to Matt is so strong that when he's abducted by aliens they'll even endure a ropey old-fashioned text adventure to rescue him from the simulation run by alien antagonist zinyak am I looking at terror as personified by your literary culture a dead pirate with a black parrot it's a raven man remember when video games were like a book only worse that's sucked I know regardless the mission is a complete success meaning Matt ends up waking up naked confused and covered in unidentified fluids [Music] we've all been to parties like that right I know I have well used to wasn't really invited back after the whole fluid thing apparently was a new carpet oh it's you you know her it's been a long time how have you been I've been really busy being dead you know after you murdered me if the enemy of my enemy is my friend then logically the friend of my friend must be my enemy which explains why my last birthday party was such a bloodbath in bottle one the enemy was GLaDOS the sadistic AI you had you jumping through hoops for science and when I say hoops I mean portals and when I say science I mean science thank you come the end of that game though you have good reason to believe GLaDOS is dead of the Netscape Navigator on account of how you leave her in flaming pieces then portal 2 rolls around and infer the good news you've made an actual friend in the spherical shape of personality call Wheatley he may be dimmer than a know what light bulb but at least he's not trying to test you to death there she is what a nasty piece of work she was honestly like a pop Romania do you know who ended up heard you landed I'm taking her down in the end you're gonna believe this a human except here comes the classic switcheroo in which GLaDOS is not really dead oh it's you you know her it's been a long time and then you install Wheatley in her place [Music] we did it I mean for the whole person and then he goes immediately mad with power this is the point at which the old enemy of my enemy proverb comes into play because Wheatley plugs GLaDOS into a potato battery and makes a powerful foe did I say powerful foe and low power phone sooner is potato but it's a toy these are the kinds of desperate circumstances that forge new friendships and so it is that you join forces with your former nemesis to avert disaster like all the best friendships this one is based on a solid foundation of trying to destroy a third party and there's literally nothing that cements an alliance like the powerful mortar of revenge I thought you were my greatest enemy when all along you were my best friend again just like my birthday party you're not safe here the night knows where you are you're coming with me I won't leave them they can't do it alone they need me the quickest way to make sure you in a person never become close friends is to turn into a giant plant monster and tried to kill them and if that doesn't work then try leaving there what's that messages on red and yet the former thing is exactly what poison ivy does the Batman in Batman Arkham Asylum to be fair they kind of get off on the wrong foot with Batman refusing to let Ivy out of her cell just stay where you are last thing I need is you running free and then crushing a plant in front of her which dick move Batman she loves those things these two don't get along is what I'm saying mostly due to their disagreement on how good crime is poison ivy big fan Batman can take it or leave it one thing they can agree on however is that scarecrow sucks so in Arkham Knight when scarecrow starts flooding Gotham with his fear toxin all of a sudden poison ivy forgets all about the time you blew up a bunch of her plants and decides that you guys are best buddies you would be too if you knew what scarecrows planning because without your help every plant in this city will die you saw her ivy I'm gonna warn you will involve tank battles sure she's only doing it because the toxin affects plants as well as humans but for one brief shining window of time in the game you and Ivy form your own mini Justice League complete with fun witty banter it's done toxin or I mean funnier and whittier than the actual Justice League anyway look neither of them is trying to kill each other for once so let's just enjoy it while it lasts and I did warn you about the tank battles anyway IV helps you out of a tough spot as she uses her plants to cleanse the air of toxins even going so far as to sacrifice her own life to rid the city of Scarecrow's fear gas once and for all [Music] goodbye IV really gonna miss you not least because next we could have gotten killed the Riddler [Music] the Covenant elites called the arbiters but the majority of halo2 trying to sabotage Master Chief's plans which is sort of fair enough given how many covenant elites we slaughtered over the course of halo 1 what you didn't see is the really awful thing he said about Master Chief's mum before that clip started I won't repeat it here but let's just say he really let himself down what's confusing is that for at least some of Halo two's campaign you're actually playing as the arbiter completing missions for the Covenant in direct opposition to what Master Chief is attempting to achieve thanks to change from being our own worst enemy just cuz we're bad at the game mate made a change by the end of halo 2 though the arbiter has seen the light and joined humanity's cause thanks mainly to a lecture from the plant from Little Shop of Horrors what is that and by halo 3 the arbiter is fully integrated into tu chief appearing as his playable corpse I kicked throughout the entire campaign sheep wait there are murders with us seems a bit of a demotion from being the highest ranked of all the Covenant elites maybe the UNSC just pays better so it is that your bitter rival from halo 2 and it's implied halo 1 becomes your best buddy for the whole of Halo 3 and if you played this in four player co-op the arbiter even brought a couple of is covenant elite mates along Steve and Dave let's say great guys let's say [Music] it's a tough job being a defense attorney in the Phoenix right universe not least because sometimes you have to cross-examine a parrot if that wasn't bad enough your work is made exponentially harder by the presence of prosecutors his entire job is to trash your meticulously constructed case and her all way way cooler than you there's the German woman who's always whipping you in the face the guy in the Robocop Visor who's always throwing boiling hot coffee in your face and the ex-con samurai who has a pet Falcon who's always attacking you in the face and how is any of this allowed in the court of law in terms of law in the enemies however none of these flashy prosecutors come close to matching the rivalry between Phoenix rights and miles Edgeworth in the very first days attorney game ed to earth is the prosecutor you'll be facing in most of the games cases and is the smuggest most punchable arrogant jerk bag in I'm gonna say it the history of anime how can I back up such an outrageous statement for a start look at the guy he's dressed like a 17th century vampire and is rocking these sweeping curtains of a 90's boy band member and comes complete with a set of unbelievably aggravating and patronizing hand gestures the worst of which is this one plus he's a total dick to go up against in court constantly producing new evidence surprise witnesses and updated autopsy reports that shred your carefully constructed case to ribbons quicker than you can shout objection C anyway Edgeworth is a jerk who sucks and by about the game's third case you will hate him with the burning power of a thousand suns which makes it all the more impressive that the game manages to turn him into an incredibly sympathetic figure who you will come to regard as one of your closest friends and allies in the sequels first you knock some humility into him by beating him a lawyer then he realizes there's more to life than just winning [Music] then he actively switched his sides becoming a temporary defense attorney to help Phoenix out when he's ill and in hospital and then he is a comforting and familiar presence throughout the game so beloved by fans that he even got his own spin-off series Ace Attorney Investigations in which the prosecutors are the good guys because in this game and this game only everyone accused is actually guilty Plus and I think this really helped us come around to Edgeworth the bar for annoying prosecutors really got raised in the sequel's allright Edgeworth all is forgiven hands in the air I like that hello Nadine pleasure to see you again only this time I've got the drop on you like a reality game show contestant Nadine Ross didn't come here to make friends what she did come here to make was lots of money in uncharted for Nadine was making that money with her private army of guns for hire and when necessary with the considerable guns she has on each arm you have something I want and you're going to give it to me really well I'm flattered but I'm afraid I'm spoken for if you'll excuse me this makes her your enemy in your role as uncharted archeology burglar Nathan Drake have you had enough it's Nadine Ross as the boss of private army shoreline who supplies the requisite wave upon wave of mercenaries for you Nathan Drake to murder between doing quips and falling off of things so no wonder if Nathan Drake is not her very favorite person you gentlemen are very very noisy guns on the floor slowly but Nadine has teamed up with Rafe Adler who is basically a smaller evil and Nathan Drake and it's only a matter of time before Rafe bribes her mercenaries to betray her sorry man it's like there's no honorable nurse among people who steal things that's good someone write that down anyway sometimes it takes a devastating betrayal the loss of your private army and nearly getting incinerated in an ancient pirate ship to show someone the error of their ways everyone obsessed with this treasure gets what they deserve what you're just leaving us here to die oh I'm just leaving which is how Nadine Ross gets the glow up from secondary antagonist to sarcastic sidekick in uncharted The Lost Legacy this time Nadine is on the right side which on this occasion means the side of treasure hunter protagonist Chloe Fraser what weird a draft nope I don't mind I do it's a control thing sure and she's a valuable as kicking Ally who is cautious and level-headed under pressure right you two go ahead or not okay maybe she's still not here to make friends but stick with it and you get a pizza party which I put to you is better than friends but okay bad news [Music] one of the most evil bizarre and unsettling characters in the original guilty gear is dr. bald head a sadistic physician who snapped and started killing people one day you'd think because everyone kept calling him dr. bald head in actual fact what happened was one of dr. bald heads patients died on the operating table causing him to lose touch with reality and become a vicious serial killer armed with a massive scalpel a weird fighting stance and a tendency to stick his tongue out and say horrible things about blood all of this makes him one of the real villains of the original guilty gear which is why it's such a surprise that from the sequel onwards bald head becomes one of the goofiest purest heroes the series has to offer it all starts at the end of guilty here when bull heads victory over the final boss justice reawakens memories of his past life [Music] then from the second game guilty gear X on words dr. bald head was nowhere to be seen instead we got a mysterious new character called Faust who was also a doctor also fought with the giant scalpel and also adopted the same weird crouching fighting stance still I guess there's no way of knowing for sure due to this incredible disguise of wearing a paper bag over his head Faust is definitely bald head is what I'm saying and in stark contrast to his unhinged evil persona from the first game he's a welcome endearingly goofy persona in a game full of rock and roll posers well that's medically advisable like pretty much every procedure foul stars in the series from this point onwards still nice guy [Music] this is actually napping thank you so much for watching this video about all the times your mortal enemy became your best friend for the sequel now if you're interested in another internet video and I can tell you're a person with discerning tastes maybe you would enjoy this video also my outside Xbox about the weirdest unlikeliest things cultural artifacts that became videogames or or don't don't don't don't make your mind up just yet because there's also this video which is Luke in VR in oculus quest and then there's a bit of Darth Vader it's very remote or and it's fun Star Wars VR times so maybe one of these two
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,654,636
Rating: 4.9322352 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top 7, top 5, top 10, enemies, enemy, friend, friends, matt miller, saints row, deckers, hacker, glados, portal, wheatley, potato, join forces, team up, poison ivy, batman arkham, knight, city, fear, gas, toxin, the arbiter, halo 3, master chief, co-op, partner, covenant, elite, miles edgeworth, ace attorney, phoenix wright, nadine ross, uncharted, the lost legacy, nathan drake, faust, dr baldhead, guilty gear, doctor, villain
Id: Lw-X73gPQjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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