7 Easter Eggs Where Games Roasted Themselves

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Replying to the title, not specifically the video, but CallMeKevin is doing a let's play of Fable: TLC that he makes a new video of literally once a year. I wish he played it more, but the concept of updating a let's play literally once a year is so funny to me. His 2020 episode is out now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_godsl4yer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That will change in June.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrXBob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love these kind of videos. 7 easter eggs in 18 minutes huh. Skip to 12:35, heroes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MedievalHobo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
mistakes are only natural we all make mistakes the important thing is being able to take them in your stride how you go again have a queue this is everyone's fault but mine as I was saying the important thing is taking mistakes in your stride and maybe even poking some good-natured fun at yourself like in these video games which made light of past mistakes bugs and criticisms with some extremely self-deprecating Easter eggs so please enjoy these examples of video games totally dunking on themselves and beware spoilers ahead for the following James games no I meant to say James I was talking to producer James I was saying who where spoilers ahead for the following , James the coma was implied and I have to spell out the comma every time I say it obviously I was just trying to be nice to James and you're all you've got it wrong what I haven't got a right yeah might so thank you Andy probably is what you meant to say so that's the deal the dirty CIA agent will be there to drop the high-tech weapons on the hosts eliminate both of them anything else the secret to good management is delegation which is why I've delegated the washing-up to Andy and delegated the eating of this chocolate bar to me all this management's may be hungry there are occasionally problems with delegation though sometimes the person you delegate a task to forgets to do it or misses the instruction that's what happened in hitman blood money is dance with the devil mission where the item description for this food crate simply said Alan please add details pretty sure it would have taken about the same amount of time to type a crate with the lobster in it but what do I know about game development I'm a management guy daily this was a polite note from one Iowa interactive developer to another one a mysterious character called Alan yes the Alan in question seen here masquerading as an in-universe magician was Alan Hansen a 3d designer who worked on every hitman game from the very first one right up to hitman absolution ever since this error slipped into hitman blood money joki references to Alan adding details have appeared in hitman games most notably it's a message that appears if you score a total of exactly 666 in hitman absolution firing range in the mission birdies gift even in hitman 2016 Sapienza level three years after Alain had left IO Interactive presumably because of the relentless teasing there's a post-it note referencing the error slapped on this computer if they'd actually used a post-it note on Allen's computer in the first place this might never have happened and when IO had an opportunity to fix the issue in the Hitman HD trilogies remaster of Blood Money they instead chose to change the text so that it says any details yet Alain that's commitment to the bit right I delegate to myself to take this nap that really needs taking how do you think I'm getting the hang of this Red Dead Redemption is obviously a perfect game but that doesn't mean that it was without its bugs and glitches these include invisible horses players falling through the ground or this really weird bug I found where the main character always dies at the end of the last mission please email me if you figure out a workaround for that anyway one of the most famous Red Dead Redemption 1 bugs was that if the donkey lady has discovered my youtuber where do boots in this digital crime against nature the game merged a woman with a donkey creating a nightmare face rideable abomination who was in the front of video games and also guard I guess but not apparently - Rockstar who once the video went viral decided to give the donkey lady a cameo in their follow-up game Red Dead Redemption - if you're out and exploring in new Austin near the end of the game you might stumble across a place called two crows just south of armadillo here you'll find the donkey lady wearing the same clothes as in the viral video and with the same elongated donkey head only now it's a skull because she's clearly been dead for quite a while tied to a post in the baking Desert Sun this is clearly something worth noting for your character who will write a note in their journal wondering who the donkey lady was and why anyone would do this to her although I guess the story has a happy ending because she's managed to come back to life get herself free and grow all her skin back in Red Dead Redemption 1 which is set after Red Dead Redemption - man there's your redemption story Rockstar focus on that for the next game briefcases are by definition the most boring of all bags don't at me Samsonite ooh unless it's with a lucrative sponsorship deal as I was saying they are boring hinged boxes for carrying boring paper documents and utterly beneath contempt with the single exception and when they use to clobber people in hitman 2 now hitman as a game series tends to err on the side of maybe not strict realism but at least physical plausibility most of the time just like he's celebrating on the helipad do I not say most of the time that plausibility took a hit when hitman 2 came out in 2018 with a physics bending credulity stretching glitch in the tedious rectangular shape of a briefcase this was the briefcase with which agent 47 CUDA as we established clatter the opposition up close 47 could also launch this briefcase at a target from a distance which is where the briefcase got truly uncharacteristically interesting an early bug caused this hurled briefcase to fly slowly but relentlessly towards the intended victim chasing them if they moved even around a corner until it nailed its target like a small flat terminator full of legal documents as hilarious as this objectively was the so-called slow homing briefcase was also 100% unintentional so hitman 2 studio io interactive punched this glitch out of the game about four months after launch the briefcase lapsed back into being just a non-magical carrying container for business people who think they're too good for backpacks but then instead of hushing up their goofy developers embrace the accidental silliness of the homing briefcase which they gloriously resurrected as the executive briefcase mark to its powers of heat-seeking flight fully restored the hitman briefcase stands now as a monument to owning your most hilarious mistakes pretty smooth i/o but not as smooth as the clasp action on a Samsonite spectral 82.0 a series it could be they were all dead the final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point I released my finger from the trigger and then it was over the original Max Payne came out in 2001 a time where game characters were in 3d but was so polygonal that they looked like they'd lost two fights within an industrial car crusher at this time it was common practice to paste a texture over the character model to give the character an actual face it looked pretty good for the era but it did mean that most characters had a single fixed expression for the duration of their games this was something that was particularly noticeable in Max Payne as main character Max had borrowed his face from remedy writer and designer Sam Lake who decided he was going to represent Max's deep emotional trauma over the loss of his family by scrunching up his entire face like he just accidentally sat on a pine cone my beretta stirred nervously under my coat but the train doors had already stopped behind me and I was in for the ride next stop Rosco Street Station and Alex it really is a bizarre choice for the face that your players are going to spend the entire game looking at there's just so much going on is he angry sad is he trying to shoo a bee away from his face without using his hands that's the real mystery of the heart of Max Payne death was in the air at Rosco Street I'd have to find Alex fast anyway as the games went on max Payne's face became more generic before he basically ended up as michael from GTA v but remedy aware of how silly and beloved by fans the original Max Payne face was made sure that it showed up in their next game Alan Wake during Alan Wake the eponymous author appears on a talk-show to plug his new book the other guests on the talk show is sam lake himself who the host asks to do the face sam ever the professional obliges ladies and gentlemen that's all we have for you tonight I want to thank all our guests for the evening Alan Wake Sam Lake what's more do the face for his Sam the face also made an appearance in a promo video for quantum break in which Alan Wake and Max Payne are playing the game together with max refusing to change his facial expression once during the entire forty second commercial [Music] you might even be doing it in his cameo in death stranding although it's kind of hard to tell stupid low-bandwidth tyrell network still it's obvious that remedy enjoyed poking fun at this deeply weird piece of video game history Sam even put out a video explaining how you too can do the max pain in the comfort of your own home first push your chin forward now straighten your nose narrow your mouth with your cheeks up squint your eyes watch your eyebrows and their ease wait I might my clothes how do you lift your cheeks up 2007 two worlds should have been a huge success it was a vast open-world fantasy RPG with tens of hours of questing sadly there were many issues with two worlds that meant it fell short of greatness including a ton of bugs and the fact that you can complete the story and see the ending cutscene by killing the final boss ghandahar in the first five minutes of the game the most persistently annoying issue though was the dialogue all of which was distractingly peppered with Old English words like mayhap and methinks seemingly at random ah the old had clearly thought I would run rather than meet this man forsooth it was generous but he now has lost the chance to save money this is like that nightmare where I was at a Renaissance Faire and well that was it I was at Renaissance Faire this was a source of ridicule in reviews and forum posts alike so it was rightly fixed for the hugely ambitious two worlds - a game that's when it arrived in 2010 somehow didn't feature four worlds it's a different world you'd be wise to remember that in this sequel everyone in the one world of antal or spoke normally like you might in an actual conversation although in some cases it almost went too far the other way into casual chat where can I find him just southwest of here then in that Inn in Chesnee door I honestly can't tell if that was an attempt at acting or if he just fluffed the line and they left it in anyway while we say everyone spoke normally there was one notable exception placed there as an easter egg if you ventured to the hatman door in and headed upstairs you'd meet someone who spoke in an even more exaggerated version of the first games florid faux Shakespearean dialogue will he Don's onus o mine a long will he on PI's may have a long in prize man I wish I'd concentrated just a little bit harder in mrs. Gilbert's English literature glasses to be fair your player character gave me attempts to participate in the conversation including asking if this poor chap has suffered some sort of grave head injury which they'll be seeking venture and fortune me app did somebody hit you eventually though your heroic adventurer decides that there are probably more pressing things to attend to than trying to unravel this mass of jumbled syllables and hey nonny nonsense forsooth I shall await their return with hearth blights that's I see Frey I don't have time for this report yeah mrs. Gilbert yeah I'm sure health is low you have any potions for food those of us who played the original fable will fondly remember the essential fable one experience of heroic fantasy adventure unless fondly remember the essential fable one experience of having a jerk voice in your head telling you your health is low I know I know I said I know for the uninitiated this was the voice of Weaver the guild master being mystical II projected into your hero's mind to provide helpful tips such as your health being low or the current level of your health low your health is low do you have any potions quite it was shall we say the absolute pits but how could the hard-working hero evoke Vale go about wreaking terrible revenge on his annoying but well-meaning guild boss he couldn't Hey have you no respect for guild masters you should show more respect while you're here I could break you so leave it until that is apparently after the end of the game when the heroic protagonist was reminded his health was low one time too many and flipped the f out your health is low you have any potions or food at which point he apparently straight up murdered Weaver the guild master whose health is now as low as it's possible to get this news only comes to us via a cheeky loading screen in fable two by the way which reports an in world rumor that the legendary hero of oak Vale killed the guild master and carved your health is low on his forehead in this way the fable developers at Lionhead did two things one they humbly recognized the irritating misstep of putting a voice in your hero's head to say the same obvious thing over and over and two they retroactively Lee turned he protagonist a fable one to the dark side regardless of your choices in that game to the extent that he murdered his good guy mentor and freakin carved words into his face and also that's a lot of words to fit on a forehead I'm saying it wasn't his first time you think I am a monster but you're no different from me take how many men have you killed how many yesterday that's it boy no compassion no mercy uncharted Nathan Drake is the quintessential action hero he's always ready with a witty quip he looks good in a Henley shirt and he's constantly falling off high things but crucially not dying horribly in fact Nathan Drake is such a charming likable everyman that it's a bit of a shock when by the time you reach the end of an uncharted game you realize you've killed hundreds of people making Drake one of history's greatest mass murderers is that it is that my deal die now or help you and die later that's tough call but you know what I'll take die now killing no remorse whatsoever in fancy book-learning terms this disconnect between a character's personality when you're not playing them and the terrible terrible things that they do when you're in charge is called ludonarrative dissonance and uncharted isn't the only game to suffer from it right Lara however this criticism of the Uncharted series did not go unnoticed by developer Naughty Dog they even went some way towards trying to downplay the amount of gunfights you had to get into in the games to try and keep Drake's body count in the non serial killer range emphasizing stealth and non-lethal takedowns rather than the guns blazing approach the fact remains though that these are 14 hour video games with gunfights in them and if you're going to portray Nathan as reacting realistically to that much killing he's going to be spending a large portion of the game lying on the floor sobbing quietly which isn't gonna make for a super-fun video game as such Naughty Dog included their dig at themselves in the form of an uncharted 4 trophy called ludonarrative dissonance which unlocks when you killed 1,000 people cute but it's not gonna bring back those thousand henchmen is it Naughty Dog may they rest in peace [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right that's enough of that thanks for watching this video about the times that games roasted themselves with Easter eggs if you're up for more of this sort of thing then why not watch this video from us which is about weird costumes in video games also no costumes that we defy you to explain and down here is a video from outside extra which is about game heroes who are just really terrible actors so you can enjoy that as well thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,302,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, funny, easter egg, easter eggs, secret, secrets, two worlds two, red dead redemption 2, donkey lady, red dead, skeleton, creepy, hitman 2, briefcase, homing briefcase, max payne, face, scowl, remedy, alan wake, quantum break, hitman, blood money, allan please add details, io interactive, fable 2, guildmaster, uncharted 4, ludonarrative dissonance, drake
Id: e5JCu5zzWLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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