Why You Shouldn't be Afraid to Take a "Mulligan" in Cities Skylines!

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first of all let's just move that over there what the heck is going on [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of new zealand and we're looking at our new area that we made in the last episode i believe we have our opera house there on the front we have our little community we have our train station and we are going to do some major changes yes i've been reading through the comments and you have had some fantastic ideas that we're going to implement they are going to make this little area here even better so as we watch the sunset let's enjoy that with a quick sip of tea and then we're gonna dive right in okay so where shall we start let's just zoom in a little bit and have a closer look so there was lots of comments about the changes that i made to the railway line here and you are absolutely right i absolutely butchered this we added this little bypass that went along here lowered it all down did all sorts of things and of course we have train stations that have raised rail so we could have just split this off kept this rail up in the air but there's been some even better suggestions that what we can do and this is going to tie in with another suggestion we have of moving the opera house as much as i like the start of what we've got here with the car parks and everything we're going to make it even nicer we'll come back to that in a moment so this train station here yeah that is gonna go so we're gonna delete that one there that this line that comes off here and that is also gonna go so we're gonna delete all of this there we go and we've already got the line that comes in here and it's got this extra split that comes down here to this old area this line is also going to be replaced but we'll come back to that but what we're going to do is we're going to fit a bypass station into here so of course we've got the new content creators pack and we have some of these down here now let's just have a quick look i'm just wondering yeah i think we're still going to use it as a bypass even though we're going to remove this line down here so we've got all sorts of options the ground bypass station is quite large this one is probably yeah that's got two lines that's too large i like this one the ground island platform station although that goes off at a weird angle doesn't it and these three are elevated it looks like it's going to have to be this one here um if we just use anarchy to drop that in and let's think i think i want that as far over here as possible and let's just take a look at the back yeah that's okay that still doesn't uh interfere with that although none of this is lined up so what we could do is maybe use a bit of the move it mods to get these all to line up so let's just see if we can do that in fact i'll tell you what now that i've done that i'm just going to delete this and line this up this way instead i think that'll work a lot better is that straight that doesn't seem like that is straight no it isn't okay let's just redo this i would like to get this totally straight yeah there we go that's it that is definitely straight now excellent which i thought these roads were straight before i mean it looks like it was but i don't know what was going on there anyway so let's just sort this out there we go that will do for now so now we can get this rail hooked up again so we're just going to have one line coming out of there i think that'll be okay and then if we just smooch that down to there excellent and then we want to connect to this line that's going up and over the top because as we said this other one is gonna disappear and now that i'm doing this i'm just thinking what i wanted to do is the other excellent suggestion which was from and i hope i pronounced this correctly tin cameling tin sprouts t-i-j-n was to move the opera house from here down to this section at the end and i just think that is absolutely inspired so we're going to move the opera house here and then all of this this side is going to be leisure and tourism so first of all let's just move that over there what the heck is going on is that going to be a problem no it's redrawn itself that's fine um excellent i was a bit worried there let's take this one here and we're going to just draw this out we'll see how this goes we'll grab that that can come out old tons of space look at that so that was right on the end how about that for a stunning view for the opera house and then this line down here what i would like to also fit in is a metro because of course we have let's just spin ourselves around here tarantula metro over here which is running lines all over the place and we've got this line here and even this one here which we could loop around and connect to bring people into this area as well as the trains that's fine so i'm thinking we are definitely going to do that which means i would like this to be a raised metro if it's all possible that's quite funny i do get a lot of people asking me why is it i put everything above ground um do i not like tunnels what what's my aversion to tunnels and i don't really have an aversion to tunnels i just like to see things i mean we do have our metro tunnels don't we um let's just bring that yeah level with that and then we'll just get that at the right height there we go yeah that's all okay but i just like to see things above ground i like to see the trains moving and and all that sort of stuff what i want to do is get that light that out at a right angle and i'm going to butt that up against here if i can that's what that hasn't got a straight edge is it down there it's almost yeah i've never noticed that before that one's straight and that one sort of bows out a little bit okay that's fine we're gonna make this work uh and then in here we'll go back to our content creators pack switch over to metro stations we've got these ones and i was thinking the elevated island platform station how does that connect oh that goes over a road doesn't it i didn't think of that what's this one here that's a dual island platform elevated bypass so that comes in and out both ends that also goes over the road oh okay i was thinking i could butt that up against here but obviously not so how we're gonna get this one to work so if we delete this over here and then we're going to stretch this road out like this and then we're going to set that at the same height as this or should we set it at the same height as uh yeah i think that's okay and then how does that work if i hook that up over the top so that actually let's have a look that fits up against there nicely i'm liking that now we're we're just assuming that the metro is not going to be too noisy uh we're also assuming that this thing here is all sound proof so any operator listening to inside is not going to be affected by the metro because i know i'm going to get loads of comments about that so that is the idea uh we're going to move this along as well i would like this to be right up against there so i think that is as close as we're going to get and i like the way that these two buildings mesh together i'm just wondering whether we could just ever slightly bring that out oh yeah it's starting to affect the land down here and i think this is as well so i think that is probably about as far as it's going to be able to go without looking too weird and i think that should be okay and then we can bring our metro line through here which means i want another stop over here okay decisions decisions okay so now i'm looking at this area here and this train station will do nicely the or metro station the elevated metro station and i really want the metro just to run on a straight shot down there which means this needs to be changed around a bit and what i was wondering whether is you know a lot of money is being sunk into this area to redevelop it to make it a tourist trap for people to come and visit you know there's going to be a lot of building that's going to be going on this end of the island so i'm just wondering whether we could lower this highway into a tunnel yeah as everybody says i don't like tunnels and let's just give this a go so actually i could just do this let's grab that with a picker mod and turn this into a tunnel maybe from like this straight part here and we'll come back and we'll adjust how that looks in a sec um across there is a little what if i left a little road connection in there i think i have maybe to sort of there what the heck is going on let's delete that oh i have look i've left a little road connection in there have i willow street but i can't let's try and come out of this view and delete it hey there we go everything's underground and then we could just use the movement mod to drop this all down a bit there we go that's much better a nice slope in there and now we've got all this land up here that we can build on because i i mean i could run the line along the front but i just wanted to keep all the the transit all the metro all the stuff together up here like that so now what we need is um actually let's come out of the movement mod will this just attach to this road it will but that's sort of facing the wrong way i wanted it sort of further down here so how about a little here we go let's grab a one new road uh one new road one way with parking uh let's go for that and see if we can do something here so if i butt that up against there that is going to be sort of digging into there which is fine and then what we can do is we grab the movement mod we'll go above ground we'll take that that and that how far out does that have to go to not be weird i think that would be perfect right next to each other excellent so now we can sort of hook into this along here so what i'm gonna do is let me just think if i grab my metro there we go this one here we're going to go above ground i want that to be this height there we go is that going to stay that height it is and i'm going to just draw that over the top of this railway line whoa come here there we go we're going to draw that over the top and then we'll come back and get rid of that train line in a moment so if we go all the way to the end there and then hopefully if i hold delete on there and go over the top i was going to get rid of the metro line as well okay we have to carefully do this underneath there we go excellent we do have this line coming off down here but we'll worry about that in a moment that is going to hook up to here um how are we going to get all of these to hook up let's just grab our train line so that can sort of come straight out for now yeah we'll do that so now we need to fit this one in over the top i mean we could just literally go over the tunnel we could move the tunnel further up which actually i think is a better idea so let's do this there we go that gives us more room to play with then we'll just use the movement mod again and we'll grab that that that and that set that to this height there we go perfect that's good we might just line these up a bit better let's do that do you know what i think that's about as new as we're gonna get which is fine so that now gives us some space to play around here so let's just have a look we've got fences and all sorts of things under that let's just bring this maybe around here maybe we'll start on this bit let's grab a nice straight bit here so that can come out so there let's go back a bit yeah like that i'd like these to sort of line up similar ish similarly similarly that would be the word to there and then we could curve them around okay how about this as we get along here we're just going to run this over the top of the train line which i just think looks fantastic and then we can try and connect these two up and our train line is going to scooch underneath and then come up and over the top which means uh we need to drop our road down a little bit get a bit stuttering in the game today it's a bit weird i bet it's one of those occasions where a mod is up updated and uh broken something oh we all love it when that happens don't we yeah so i'm thinking of something like that um move it mods would be nice now move it mod isn't there we go we just shiftify that round a bit yeah there we go and then if we get that node that node and that node and we'll just line those up slope objects i think we've got it we just need to move this out a bit just because of that stone thing and i'm thinking that that's high enough but not for a flying bike but that's okay and then i like the way this comes over the top and underneath and then we just need to connect these two up and i'm just wondering whether we can use one of our new mods to do that so let's jump into the network multi tool let's turn off the movement mod there we go we're going to use the create connection mode uh we're gonna select our first segment here and our second segment there and it's gonna do some sort of wacky thing then we'll change direction by clicking on there there we go so that is like a straight um connection now which of course i could have done myself but what i wanted was sort of like an even bends in each one like this so if we get that 42 meters 45 meters i'm thinking 40 what's that 40.4 we can match that up three five six it's like randomly jumping depending on which way i'm moving eight four there we go let go so that is a nice smooth instead and now this will cost us money as well it mods been updated you don't get free roads out of it press enter i don't think that's too bad is it like that like that and then connect over there excellent that's good you know what sometimes you get halfway through a build and you think i'm just not liking the way this is lining up i just don't like the way that this scooches out and and all of that sort of thing i think we are gonna as another uh famous city skylines player would say city planner plays caller mulligan on this and i don't think you should be afraid to do that when you're building in city skylines i like the way this comes down over the top i just don't like the way that this all sort of meets in the middle and i know there is this one here the train metro hub which will take our train and our metro uh oh here we go look we've got that one over here in the same one i'm just thinking whether we could get this working instead so let's just grab that and turn it around the other way so that means our train line is at the top and our metro is at the bottom or do i want it with the train line at the bottom actually yeah i think we'll have it this way round let's just have a quick look yeah that's our metro line up there yeah yeah yeah yeah want to get this right so i'd like the metro line to connect up with that metro line there which means a bit of hawkeyborgness with the roads so let us delete some of these so i'm going to pop that in there then we're going to readjust this so i'm going to use the move it mod and we'll worry about the roads in a moment there we go and then if we grab our metro line let's bring this in to there we do that one that will slope nicely hopefully yeah and then this one rounds here which is almost straight there we go so now we can see how best to line this up actually it's lined up with this side okay isn't it let's ignore the slope for now but that is i would say pretty straight so this one down here can be adjusted a bit well that's fine because our railway line is going to be adjusted a bit so let's just maneuver that for now so we're going to bring this one straight out we'll go to there and then we can go underground can't we from this point and connect up to there and then this line here now let's just take that back just wonder whether we could have this lined up against here and then connect that up to down here that could actually work and then we could connect these two up nope let's try that again with this one through here like that oh that is perfect so we just need to curve this around oh i'm much i'm much happier with this i'm much happier with this to here and then go into there there we go there we go and then all we need to do is get this line underneath connected to there and i think that just works much much better yeah something weird going on with the metro train tunnel connection but yeah i'll get that sorted out and then we just need to get this perhaps to go and i'm going to delete this road here and that can curve underneath here so any other train lines to remove there is let's just get rid of those we'll get rid of these fences as well there we go and that can just come under there and connect to there couldn't it yeah so let's grab that there we go so that's got the connection and then i'll just sort out the height off the camera okay effortless all leveled out i think that is looking good i think i'm much happier with this i think this works much better doesn't it with the line coming straight through here and going up and then this straight metro all the way through over here to the opera house excellent so what are we going to do with all of this space over here and we need to get this hooked up as well well we'll work on that in a moment let's just have a quick look at our metro lines um what do we have do we have one coming up here no we don't so that's this middle one over here so if we just add a line on there and that's gonna come up and stop on here yeah not showing it but it looks like it added then that's going to come to here and stop is this not working and stop why is it not showing me the flipping thing oh my goodness me hang on a sec let's go all the way back down here and try that again once more we're going to start there then it's going to come up actually that is on the wrong line isn't it that is on here let's go there and then it's going to go up this middle line and it's going to go there we go there we go i don't know what was going on there me being a bonehead quite likely there we go then we're going to go there and then we're going to go back again so we'll add a stop there we'll add a stop over here and then we'll finish that up down there excellent okay so this is going to be a uh tarantula which ah they're gonna need to rename that don't we tarantula station i think that was almost what it was before uh all the way over here to um oh yeah we're gonna need to think of a name for this area here aren't we just this little point over here i think is gonna be a separate district yeah okay so we're gonna change this we've got primrose hills which is gonna be where the people live on that side over there and then we're going to have a separate district down here which is going to take in let's bring that all the way over here whatever we end up putting in here and our opera house as well so yeah let us know a name for this excellent there we go this is gonna change to primrose t hills which was the suggestion of olaf the orange thank you very much for your suggestion there there we go so we'll we'll do that one excellent very good very good so obviously we need some water we need to connect up some of our roads and things here that's good and this one here i think now could very easily come in and connect down here um so if we just bring that to sort of there and then we're gonna go like that we're gonna go like that and just see we can bring that okay let's do it this way bring that into here as a slope i was hoping that would work much better um what would be a better way of doing this actually we just bring the bridge a little bit closer and then we're going to go to there and then we're going to delete this on here and we're going to go straight there we go down to there that should give us a nice slope excellent we can just use the slopey slopey tool uh there it is they've re-ordered themselves that confused me there for a moment we'll go from there down to there there we go excellent and then all we'll just do is change this type of road here to one of those and that one there as well there we go that slopes in there nicely and then this can connect up to whatever we end up with over here excellent and then also before we forget it um even though we can't move this stop over here which is the one that used to do this we are going to create another line i want it on this side is it gonna let me create a line from there okay and then that's gonna come around this way follow this orange line there we go oh look there's the other stop ah okay hold on can i monkey with this somehow because that went all the way down there and back again didn't it okay let's see if i can drag this stop all the way around to the new station that we've put in zoom in zoom in move that to there there we go and then can i bring the one that's on the other side don't complain we'll have some stops here don't worry excellent so now i can create this new line here which is going to go from there follow this along it's going to stop on here um which side are they coming in there and going out there we'll actually do it on this side i think actually no we won't we'll do it there and then we're probably going to move that green one then it's going to come along here follow all the way along and stop over here and that's going to continue all the way along here we go and this is where it was before and then we'll pop that into there and then we'll go back again there we go and that completes the line so that is actually from primrose t hills all the way back to our main station over here so we can rename that sparty to primrose t there we go excellent how many trains is that going to end up with on there six um i'm gonna drop that down to four i think that should be okay and then our train line number nine goes in the other direction so let's just name that so that's gonna go from primrose t let's get that one up again on here so that's number nine so that comes around this way uh it will stop here when we've got that connected up it goes through there yeah that actually comes over to here as well doesn't it yes of course it does but the other way around so we can rename that one primrose t to sparty there we go so that's like the opposite way around excellent i'm just going to recolor those as well we'll go for blue on both of those excellent so let's do a little bit of work over here on our opera house i know it's got multiple problems we'll work on those so i'm going to repurpose this car park and i think that is going to just fit perfectly in there up against this road yeah there we go that is great and i think that should be enough i mean this will hold i can't remember how many people but yeah i think we'll go or should we go with two do you know what let's go with two i'm just assuming we're gonna have lots of visitors in here so what we could do if we come out like that and go up like this yeah that's fine and then we'll move these down a scooch just to sort of butt up to there yeah excellent and then we'll put the other one in as well there we go that's fine and then i feel like we just need the road also to go up here there we go and then we'll just line that up one two excellent that's good yep i think that's a good idea just notice this crash little cargo ship down here maybe we'll make a little park out of that or something cool so now we need to hook this up to everything else um i don't think we're gonna totally destroy this we might work on this uh one thing i was gonna change down here was this so i'm gonna grab the move it mod and i want that node to come up to there we'll sort our paths in a minute there we go so what i wanted was the paths to connect uh let's grab that path let's do that let's grab it here i want that path to come through there and connect where this node is and it's not going to like it so we're going to pop that in then we're going to use the movement mod we'll do that is that going to cause me issues nope that's going to cause me issues we'll do it by eye there we go so that's right on the edge of where those are and then we'll do the same over here and we'll do that there nope it's not gonna like it so we'll do that and then we'll just drag it in by hand excellent i think that's much better i think that's much better over there very cool so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] oh here we go the people are coming already to our opera house which is great just added a few little trees along here and we've extended this park as well that runs all the way along the metro here which i really like got another little bit of interest in the middle and people are walking along the back here excellent they're spending their money right a slight little change to the districts on here so i've split this into two districts got myrtle heights and the poplar district which just slightly overlaps into this area here and the reason for that is is this one's gonna be leisure uh which is this one and over here in myrtle heights this is gonna be tourism so we'll get some hotels and things right on the coast which i think will be great and we've got access to all of that as well so what i'm just thinking here um is just to get this sort of let's just remove oh that's not the button let's remove these trees from here get our forest brush a little bit bigger we'll tidy this up i want to keep those ones we'll come back to that area over there and then we're going to stick with the tree two lane with the trees and i'm thinking here we are going to do a sort of a grid shape i think if we just stick to the 10 by 10 we're going to end up with some wonky junctions there but that's okay see what buildings we get and then i'm thinking we're going to have like a section in the middle that we're going to build around particularly as we have set this to be the tourism specialization we can certainly pop in a unique building or something that can bring some interest over here as well okay so we're going to repurpose our grid ever so slightly here and we're going to pop a casino in the corner over there there we go overlooking the coast and then i'm also thinking what we're going to add in here is our theater there we go so maybe we'll just put that over on this side so let's repurpose that one and again we'll have it sort of facing out in that direction i think that to be honest will probably be enough buildings in here and then we've got to add a little bit of parking in here as well there we go i think this one here will be perfect 6x4 excellent and i think i'm also going to do one on this side there we go and maybe we'll just use the same one i think that is going to be perfectly to fit in there as well oh there we go that lines up lovely those two line up lovely as well excellent that's good and i'm just going to add a little bit of a walkway through here for our lovely people we'll stick with this path which is the one that we've been using for this area yeah that's going to go all the way through there and it's going to come to the back of the car park and what about over here no let's leave that actually we'll run one up the side there there we go and this will end up being connected over here at some point but at the moment it is what it is let's give these lovely people some water right and let us put in some high density oh that rock look at that come on let's save you let's bring you over here in amongst the trees there we go enjoy so let's pop in some high density and see what we get in this area there we go and just using our zoning adjuster i'm able to get all of the zones in this area to work brilliant [Music] [Music] right a slight adjustment to this area i've switched it from let's come out of this view here we go i've switched it from tourism to leisure just so we get these lower down buildings like this we've got a couple of offices in between got this one big office in the middle which i think looks fine and that was much better because the other one was giving us really really tall hotels and it was just too high for right on the edge of the coast here but then i popped this little hotel on the end here this came in one of our content creator packs the resort hotel and i just think this looks lovely got the park and got the road out the front and then just a little bit of fishing and a fishing pier and a restaurant pier down here which go really well lots of path connections as well along here two road connections couple more path connections so people will walk along these uh city key walls which is what you want so they can get around and i really like the way this is coming together now we come out of that view we'll see that a lot of buildings are disappearing we've got people saying there's not enough workers so i'm thinking that along here we really need to start getting some more yeah some more higher density buildings so i'm just wondering whether this little popular district down here could be repurposed um let's just have a quick look at what we've got yeah i think we're gonna have to change this so we're gonna take out these paths actually let's leave those paths there we'll take out those ones we're gonna remove let's make that a little bit smaller we move these down the side there we go excellent and then we've got a little bit of space in the middle so that's okay we can add another path around there and i'm just wondering what we're going to get if we just pop this in as some high density i do have a high or do i have that on the poplar district let's just check the policies city planning high-rise ban yeah let's pop that on i'm pretty sure we've got covered in water yep or water coverage i should say so let's see what that gives us here oh let's stop one thing i'd like to add on to here which i don't think we have got is a theme let's go to our themes enable theme manager and we're using the international builds uh buildings over here so let's just remove these fish ash fish bash bosch and sorry thanks for moving in but please come back again when you have an international looking building [Music] okay that is not too bad actually what we're gonna do is actually gonna put some low density commercial in here as we have a bit of a need for that i'm just gonna sort of sprinkle it in between um this here i'd like to make into a park maybe we'll come back to that maybe a couple of little shops just around this little spot here we can see down here we have that medium demand for commercials if you find that for instance my residential growth was slowing try and take care of some of these other needs you've got as well and then it will sort of tip the balance back into getting what you do need um coverage here is probably going to be pretty poor for all of these oh look at that that is good um and also we've got to check land value here yeah not the greatest even though we do have a lot of parks over here so i'm just wondering whether we could squeeze in a couple of these small services on the outside here that would be good there we go so as this is building up there's a couple of spots here where we can just add like a little path connection in along the edge is there anything along here no and i put these down the side here as well popped in a few trees uh we definitely could do with some more people so i'm thinking that anything else we build now really just needs to be uh residential so let's just check this zone over here covers all of this yet primrose tree hill let's have a look at our theme yeah we have the international theme on there that's good um i also want the high-rise ban it's probably on there but i can't see it yet high-rise ban is on there as well so let's just add some more high-rise buildings we're going to sort of fill up this section all along here i think i want to just pause this or before they will start building in yeah i just want a crossing and maybe a park over here in the middle let's just have a look what we've got um oh that was in the right one this one that isn't too big that is probably a bit too small this is the one i'm thinking of the wide ones if we go there yep like that that is also going to give us a connection to the back of the train station through there which is fantastic i'm just wondering whether we can add any other connections off of here yeah let's grab our gravel path because we can come along here and what i'm thinking we'll do is we'll go down here just connect straight into there and connect to here let's try that again there we go excellent and then we probably could just do the same along the back here like so and maybe sort of bring it in between a couple of buildings like that there we go to give some extra access over there let's put that back in let's fill that one back in yeah i think that'll be okay what about over here as well giving them a bit of access um let's continue this through the trees like this and then what we're going to try and do is go up and over so let's see what we can do [Music] there we go i think that heights okay that will connect up to there gives them some options for coming over which is good let's just get rid of these trees that are on here there we go good good good they can get to the train station get through the park i want to put a little crossing here so we'll just use the node controller for that there we go don't think we need lights on it it's not that busy along the back here is it um how about yeah they can walk there they can cross over they can then get on here yeah that's okay lots of access lots of access and what about walking access over the top to connect to this road that might be a good idea as well let's give that a go there we go that should be plenty high enough yep that's good and then maybe we can do a another one over here something similar so what i'm going to do is actually move this path up just to give us a little bit of space to play with there we go move this over as well excellent and then we'll put a similar one in here there we go fantastic that those look much better with a single pillar and you can already see so many people in here so many people already coming over here to cross over um they can get through there that is a long walk we've got nothing in here yet for them to connect to but i'm pretty sure that at some point we will so i'm going to add a crossing can i do it there let's change that one to a crossing and we're just going to move that over slightly there we go just so it lines up with that let's put that on oh hang on hang on there we go get rid of the trees in the road cool yep that's good so what are we going to put in here next along here i'm thinking just some low density i mean the let's have a look the value of this down here is really high even though it's got a railway line that goes through here i think people would still happily live here with trains go you know there are places where people have trains going through um the back of their garden at the end of their garden so let's just use this one way one you i should say road and see what we could fit into this little slot down here who's just through here just to add a few small houses on and just along the front here as well and something that is missing from this area even though walking around here is really good it's just a bus route i mean this isn't too big i feel like we need a bus route to come round this area and pick people up so what's going to be the best way to go let's see if we yeah stick to this main road i would say and come round there then it's going to come around the back along here and that stop will be okay then we can come round this section so let me put it on the roads does that connect over there again it does so we're going to go through there with one stop then out the other side then we're over here yeah one way road there so by the university by the touristy thing actually that could do we're going up to the funicular first then down here and then that can just come all the way back round we'll have another one there back over the bridge again and then i'm thinking we should maybe bring it round down here as well just along the main road like that it could stop here turn around and come back again i think that'd just be plenty just to give people that option there we go and that can finish there excellent um which one is that going to be oh number 40 i think that was it just went past there it is that's the one all right let's adjust the color see how many millions of buses oh that's this one we're going to have on there 14 no we'll go down to yeah six i think will be absolutely plenty because most people are happily walking along here right [Music] [Music] [Music] well i definitely have to say that by the power of the internet i think we've made this area much much better we've expanded it we've oh it's just fantastic lots of people coming in lots of people spending their money in our touristy type areas along the front here so let me know what you think in the comments below as always thank you for all your suggestions and subscribe if you haven't so you'll be here for brand new city skyline stuff coming your way ah yes very excited to show you what we've got coming up unless it's been released already i don't know what day of the week is you're gonna see this well you might have already seen it if you haven't it'll be soon there you go let me know i will see you all soon have a fantastic day take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 118,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: rBJ3JaZJrOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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