Traffic Planning with NO MODS is no Joke in Cities Skylines Vanilla!

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uh-oh i think i've made a boo-boo we have got six citizens dirty water is making them sick and i bet my landfill site oh that is just disgusting is seeping into my water [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in the city of we don't have a name yet that's right i asked you lovely people to give me some names suggestions in the first episode and thank you for all the support i'm sure you were showing in the first episode because i don't know yet um it hasn't released i'm recording ahead ah yes the wonders of the internet if you have any cool name suggestions t related snow related fit in with our city let me know in the comments below today we are going to be working on some industry so i'd like to replace my dirty industry with forestry and farming industry that is the plan oh yep let's zoom in there we go excellent so let's have a look at our employment figures unemployment four percent but i'm pretty sure if we start building this out and get rid of that up there and we will have a good time now i've already started out we have some of our zones put in here this one's going to be our timber processing again some nice names for that and this one's going to be our farming and i've just popped down here the forest street main building to claim this area also since the last episode i put in a couple more bicycle paths so to join some of these dead end roads oh i didn't put any trees on this one gotta do that let's take out these two houses that are here that is gonna be a thing every time bing bing every time we put in a bicycle road i would like to put some trees around it just to show where they are give us that visual cue there we go so we've got these ones along here connecting these roads excellent we're doing well and there's a couple over here as well um i've also put in a little cemetery over here because we didn't have one and we needed some death care and then we've got a bike connection here going over to the industry we can see there's people coming and going but as soon as we unlock bike roads yeah that is gonna make a huge difference right okay so let's just have a look over here at our forestry and see what we have got that we can work with here we go so at the moment we have the small tree plantation uh we have the sawmill and we have the storage and that is it so i think perhaps we need to put some of these down we're probably going to need some more trees as well um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pop these i'm going to pop one i'll tell you what why don't we move them along here oh actually moving things costs a load of money doesn't it uh what's that costing me 5 000 yeah let's go with that i've got i've got to remember that we are on can that fit in there the storage no well i'm going to put that in there just because it's going to fit in there and then we're going to put this in and that's probably going to be all of our money nearly gone excellent that is exactly what we want to see there we go good good good oh i should have smoothed this out a bit i've got to get in my head i've got no mods yes because i would normally see now come along and sort of level this all out and all that sort of good stuff but i can't can i can i i would just use anarchy or something like that can i lift that up if i take this mod here we've only got a certain amount of soil available to us if i take that height and build that up this height here landscaping course let's put it on that one yeah oh it is it is lifting it up there we go we just got to be a little bit patient let's just see if we can lift up that corner now it's not going to do it at some point i'm gonna have to move this so we can level that out but for now we'll have to just go with what we've got and what have we got here not enough raw materials they're gonna be making some plain timber which is what we want and i probably could just smooth this out a bit over here so if we get this one uh we'll leave it on the large yeah there we go that's not too bad so we've got some trees in fact i probably just smooth that out a little bit there just so it doesn't look so weird uh what have we got we are getting 1 344 units a week and this one 1 920 so obviously we can get more let's just have a look what is the maximum 4800 yeah so we definitely need to plant some trees in here and i'd like to plant the same one that we've got which is this one excellent and we know trees are free so let's get planting some trees [Music] there we go so how much of a difference has that made seven hundred and forty four four thousand two hundred and whatever that said four thousand eight hundred yeah so that has made a whoops that has made much uh of a difference which is good this is what we wanna see let's have a quick look yeah there we go nice and green nice and green and there go our trucks wait come back where are you taking that i guess you're probably dropping that over here are you gonna be able to get up there because uh your mayor didn't realize he had no mods and unfortunately yes there we go you can do that which is good there we go and they've been stored in there and then i'm assuming very soon aha they come to drop off some more excellent here we go this is what we want to see and then very soon these are going to put a call out for some as well now of course we don't have the mods uh where places like this will put a call out to the nearest oh problems with electricity really oh it wasn't even showing oh okay electricity problems we cannot afford any electricity making items um nope can we put our budget up no because we are at 150 percent i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove some of these now this is what i said we were going to do before i want to transition over i'm going to remove all of that i want to transition over to this type of industry particularly forestry and farming so i'm hoping that if we speed that up a bit that's going to make a difference there we go look yeah we're just about into the yellow and of course depending on the temperature as well that could make a huge difference in our city but we've got to try and balance this so we've got yeah lots of unemployment we need more places for people to work what is our next target that we're going for busytown 4400 so i think what i'd like to do is try and expand this as much as possible to get as many jobs as possible in here we're still importing a lot of raw forestry products hopefully that will change soon now of course what we really could do with here as well is this is gonna be outputting plain timber which is just gonna be sold um normally i'd like to pop a little warehouse in where that could be stored uh before it's sent out of the city um i don't want to put it over here and take up let's have a look well yeah we're gonna make this greener anyway so that's fine but i'm just thinking maybe just around this side here we could just pop one of those in any cost like 5 000 and we can squeeze that in it's going to remove a few trees that's fine and we're going to put that as an empty and plain timber so hopefully that's going to store it in there first and then that means these trucks freight trucks will always be available to come here and then if we need to sell it which is because that's set on empty it's going to use these 11 trucks instead so i think that will work really well uh-oh i think i've made a boo-boo we have got six citizens dirty water is making them sick oh dear let's just have a quick look over here this is where my water was and i bet my landfill site oh that is just disgusting is seeping into my water darn it it is um ideally you see i would have that now up here where my snow dump is and try and keep all the pollution up there uh moving this is gonna cost me 2187 so actually that is not too shabby so where should we put that to all these poor people um getting pollution maybe we could just pop that over in the middle here it doesn't have an air effect oh it does it's got a noise attached to it what is the noise around there noise pollution 25 you know that is not too bad so yeah we're gonna utilize this little spot in the middle here i think if we do that that'll be fine let's grab that gotta spend some money to move it there we go i don't think they'll be too unhappy with the fact that i'm actually going to get some cleaner water which would obviously be better in my books i could pop a few of these sort of things around it just let's have a look it's all sort of white isn't it yeah very good i like that but there we go and now we're having a huge power out why are we suddenly getting a huge power out what is going on uh power up that coal stored for eight weeks what about this one over here coal stored for nine weeks oh of course there we go you see there we go that was connecting one to the other so we'll just do that and we'll be back to normal hooray biff has got his brain in gear and everybody is pleased everybody is pleased now we do need some more industry maybe i was a bit hasty taking all of the industry away i'm going to pop that on there because at the minute we don't have the money to expand this so i think we just need to have a little bit of industry in here do you know what we could do with this actually now i'm thinking about it we could pop a zone over here let's just pop oh we do have a zone here let's just make this bigger we'll go up to there and we could use the specializations that we've got um yeah here we go so we're doing forestry why don't we just turn all of this into a forestry specialization slightly increase electrical consumption oh that's not good slightly increased tax income that is good uh requires natural resource forest renewable i don't think there's much forest over here let's have a look um not really but i think they're gonna i think it will still work and they are going to be using pharmacy industry yeah they would tie into the forestry products that are being made over here plus we could make this look a little bit more forestry by placing some trees couldn't we [Music] [Music] yeah unfortunately because of the pollution the trees aren't gonna look the healthiest but i'm wondering actually whether the pollution will start going down so it's at four percent i can't remember you see whether these setting it up this way with the forestry industry whether that makes less pollution or not i guess we will find out as time goes on right we do need a few more shops and i think we've got a nice little spot over here we could just drop some shops into the middle there and now we have some more money we've got ten thousand excellent so let's just have a look how things are going so this is balanced as we asked it to be what we could do is i'm gonna fill it so we don't start shipping this out i would like to keep a load of that in stock for these guys because look you see they're running out there uh plain timber yeah so let's see what do we need to do to get to the next level we need space for 146 we need to get 146 workers uh we've got space 450 so that's fine we're not importing anything so that's good so it is just a time thing to get up to 500 and enough workers so actually i'm wondering whether let's just have a look on here 19 whether we should start our farming zone backed up against this so if we have a look at that let's go into here go into our farming so i mean it is sort of spread out there's some up there some down here some over here and you see normally with mods i would just paint that all in and get a whole load of extra farm stuff going but we're not going to do that are we so oh do you know what how much money do we need 18 000 for a farm building you're joking looks like we're going to be waiting a few moments for that so what i would like to do is add a little key wall down here because at some point in the future when we upgrade our roads we're gonna lose some houses down here we're gonna have to expand um this is gonna be a main road through here and we're gonna have some sort of bridge maybe to there to here and then over here ultimately i think we're going to end up with this one here being a bridge possibly see normally you'd perhaps have it over at the shortest distance here but i think the way that road comes down we might just end up going along there but i think having a key wall along here is gonna work actually quite well it's just gonna sort of tidy up this edge a bit so maybe let's just run that down here and see how it goes and let's hope and pray that we don't mess with the water and mess up the city there we go actually that looks pretty good isn't it across there and you know what we could do as well darn it and i'm not gonna oh no see now i would have gone for one of these and upgraded it or can i just upgrade it without the keyboard mod oh i can i can so which one we're gonna go for this is the one fenceless let's go with the one with a fence all the way along here oh yeah very nice very nice so we're now getting a bit of a delineation between the water and our build on the side and of course people can walk along these so why don't we connect up some walking paths and i'm just thinking whether i might just put a bicycle part only bikes have allowed on those so i think i'm gonna put just some walking paths down here let's use these nice ones nope go a little bit further away just click control a for anarchy nope can't do that yeah i want that a bit better let's get as close as we can okay it looks like that is gonna be it let's do the same for this one yep there we go they will connect over there let's connect yeah i'm gonna do one every place there's a road coming down like that that's a path so actually yeah they would be good as well [Music] there we go that is looking good so as you can see these trucks here are already using this road here as a faster cut through to outside of the city um so even though we don't have larger roads available to us i'm thinking more about these sort of collector-sized roads perhaps we do actually look we've got that one there um because i was thinking we are going to end up upgrading these to be a collector coming through there and i'm thinking is it better to do it sooner rather than later and then fix up any problems that we've made for ourselves i think we need to do that let us do that what is that not letting me do there let's do that one and then it's going to come out there and space already occupied so is it the road the path let's get rid of those already occupied okay let's delete that yeah and let's try this nope oh there's a little bit of road there okay let's try that yep it's letting me do that okay excellent there we go we can pop our little parts and things back in there we go that's good and then along the front here i'm going to upgrade this road as well i don't really want to get into the industry road so at least we'll just go for a normal road and darn it i'm gonna have to put all my parts back in again having to get used to this and i can't upgrade those ones well that's good at least we get up to there uh excellent and then yeah we'll just pop up our airpods back in again i think there's already one in there isn't there yeah it's just this one here i think that was it wasn't it i feel like there was another path that was destroyed but i can see that one so i think we're doing okay excellent let's add that i'll tell you what lots to learn on using oh the game with that mod i tell you it's just like it's nuts isn't it it's nuts right okay let us go in to here i want to just look at our junctions don't want that i'm going to put that on there yeah we're going to take out any traffic lights that belong here and just put stop signs on the side that is oh there we go it's doing automatically look yeah that's fine take that out one on there stop sign going into there that's good so that should speed our trucks on their way a little bit quicker give access to people they can still cross over if they wish and then we can get down here into our industry area so when i've got more money i think what we'll do is we'll end up upgrading this road but for now i think that will be okay oh yes the snow is now coming down i've just added back a couple of parts that i missed over here added some trees around them as well there we go i missed a couple along the front here of course but that is all sorted now back over here uh we're getting a little bit of traffic coming up down here so what i would like to do is a couple of things let's just have a look at our traffic flow at the moment which is 91 so you know you can't really complain at that but this bit coming up here a little bit slow a little bit slow so what i'm gonna do is unfortunately no asymmetric roads as of yet which would be good for here um but what i'd like to do now that i have move the water thing from the middle is we can do this and brace the island excellent so we're gonna give these guys and girls an easier way of getting in and out um i would like two lanes going out like that so i can get on there a bit better i don't want two lanes coming in um so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna use this so i'm going to do it this way and then we'll turn it round so like that and then that is the way to come in so they're going to come in and go down there this one is split into two and go up there so i'm hoping that would just work a little bit better i would then use the move it mod to sort of shiftify that over a bit and do the thing that we do but we can't do that oh that shouldn't be that that should be stop sign that should be a stop sign oh this that's why because i put that on there confusing everybody there we go so that might just mean they move along a little bit better unfortunately we're gonna get this thing here where they're gonna possibly loop around but they shouldn't do it there's no reason once they're on the roundabout they don't need to do that yeah we've got people cutting across each other yikes i'm just wondering whether we could do a similar thing for this section here let's just pause again yeah let's do the same over here as well and just see how that helps okay so we're getting that problem with the fact that we don't have the mods that enable us to do things that we want to do i want to get it in there without it connecting to anything else oh oh no okay let's put it on this and see if we can do it i can i can get it there if we can come out no it just doesn't like that does it about like that no straight out it's really not liking that it's like i need another node in there to be able to connect that so what i'm thinking i might just do is just take one of these and go straight into there so that's going to give us two lanes in two lanes out it's going to mean that these need to merge when they get down here but eventually this road will be upgraded anyway so i think we'll probably be okay can i upgrade a little bit more yeah there we go and then we're going to sit there thinking about it because i've left the middle bits in so there we go we'll change that and make sure we've got the correct stop sign stop sign can you stop trying to do that with the rows that would be fantastic let's try that again stop signs coming in yeah there we go and then we'll see how that goes 91 i mean they're all causing problems up here but we don't even own that square even though i believe we could possibly buy another square but we'll get to that when we get to it i'm just thinking about getting a bridge across here but also i'd love a key wall over here as well i tell a lot more thought needs to go into stuff because i can't just you know whack it in and then adjust it afterwards i'm thinking actually i want this the same height over here so i'm going to grab that and where would that be so that would sort of be that height so it isn't too bad actually that height there and maybe put that along here like that it looks like it's going at the same height anyway which is good yeah we can smooth this out a bit down here [Music] yeah i think that should be okay and then i'd like this just to come straight across here but i would like to use oh auto save quick zip t i would like to use one of the new bridges that we have over here this one would look lovely if we could get that to go across there so let's just pause things a minute this is all going to go there we go we're going to go straight and we're going to put that on we're going to turn that off oh hang on what that's not wide enough oh that's too lame for lane okay we're going to use this one so if i go from there over here how are we going to do this hmm okay i'm gonna go to let's turn this off the guidelines let's go halfway like that and then put those guidelines back on and can i get this over here it's getting the guidelines from that instead okay let's go there hmm there there we go oh we had it let's go down okay no let's go up get as close as we can i think that is going to be it 180 come on you had it 180 like that and then we'll have to go down oh it's on the wrong thing and then we'll have to go down like that let's have a look oh do you know what actually that is pretty darn good and i would say that is pretty even as well i'm pleased with that i'm pleased with that and that's all in the middle excellent yeah there we go and then we can use that i was going to say this and it turned into a cross between this and that to expand into this side of the river as well so let's do that after just quickly taking a look at this over he's got no pollution on these buildings and this is all industry isn't it over here so this pollution is only coming from the snow dump i think in this area where's the pollution one oh maybe not no it's coming from the coal that would make more sense and then this pollution over here is coming from the coal and the inland water treatment plants i think that's what it is yeah and then this one of course is coming from the landfill site so apart from that these other forestry type industries do not produce pollution which is fantastic so that means we could do a little something something in here just before we head over to the other side um can i just bring that through there like that yep that's good can we then just upset some neighbors with a cycle path which is going to go through there there we go excellent and of course a couple of trees up the side [Music] there we go check their water coverage is fine and then we just get some more uh houses built in here so if we go all the way over to there where is the pollution so the pollution only just touches these on the end what about noise pollution yeah i think this would be too much but for shops i think that would be fine the only thing i want to do is just to make sure we don't get those trees destroyed there or down here um i think they're okay actually they've grown in amongst the trees yeah looks okay to me everybody's coming in everybody's happy yeah excellent there we go okay so let's expand over on this side and i'd like to do a similar thing with the road running down the front here so we're going to take this one i'm not cutting down the trees oh i suppose we are we've got a forestry business over here yeah well i don't worry about that it's fine it's all been made into furniture so that'll be good so i'm going to run this road as close to the front as i can and then i'm just wondering what to do when we get to here do we attach that road to this or do we curve it round and have like a roundabout at the end i think that would be a bit too much see this one here we've managed to get it to go straight in this one here we didn't and i think the angle is the problem there do i rebuild this piece of road i don't think i really want to can we attach into there we can so we could just do that and then have this coming off the side here and maybe see how that goes yeah i'm not entirely sure about that um i think we'll leave it like that for now but i actually what i want to do is because this is a bridge piece that's why all the way along here i'm going to just delete those last couple of pieces and just see if we can get this to go all the way down to the ground oh it's called it's a bridge piece don't be a bone edge you can't get a bridge piece all the way down to the ground can you so let's try this instead and see if we can get that like there and then when that comes out that's going to then be a road piece yeah there we go and then we can maybe connect to that [Music] yeah maybe something like that that's fine we can make use of this little extra piece of space yeah i think that'll be okay and then we could start expanding over here i'm just thinking how best to do that the snow is falling down oh yes i absolutely love it let's get some water pipes in here for all of these lovely people on siobhan street oh the thunder is kicking in as well oh dear this is going to be a big one oh some people are unhappy what are you unhappy about over here so you've got not enough workers well we know that's going to be the case we do have a high demand for residential zone and i'm just thinking along here maybe on the other side of the river do we have the options oh yes we do no residential space we've got self-sufficient buildings oh i love those i do love them let's pop a zone in here i'm getting all these achievements popping up because i'm playing on my different steam account that i've got set up just for this vanilla game just to make it a lot easier and i think what we're going to end up doing is we are going to have some more houses along here as well i feel like i need to put into more streets before we start putting the houses down otherwise we're going to give ourselves some problems so i'm just thinking how best to lay the roads out here without spending all of my money um what is that going to cost 2 000 odd okay we'll just pop that one in there and i'm thinking oh another auto save i'm thinking we're going to take this straight section here in this straight section here and perhaps build straight off of that although we could add a little bit of interest in here couldn't be if we do something a little bit different i'm going to go back like that we're going to go a little bit further we can fit a path in here to encourage the cycling not even trying to do that's good and then we can have some high density stuff in there and then we could sort of perhaps mirror that over here as well so if we come out of this one here yeah not quite the same but you get the idea not room enough for a part in there that's fine oh there we go look fantastic you're coming working rain and shine or snow and shine and clearing up all the snow that is what we want to see don't forget the other side as well and then we could perhaps run these ones along here so i'm sort of trying not to do as gritty over here but if it does get a little bit gritty you know that's fine there we go we'll go into there and we could even then connect that one up to there that is quite close together but i think we'll be okay we just need to make sure that that isn't on and we've got that and that and that that isn't on and we've got that and that yeah i think that'll be okay let us pop some parks in here again we're going to look at our snowy parks that we've got are we going to be spending so much money ski lodge skating rink park sledding hill i feel like that they need to be in particular places the uh ice sculpting park we're gonna pop one of those over there and then the people on this side are just gonna get a a dog a dog park we'll pop that i want that in that square there just we've got that covered let's just make sure we've got enough water yeah let's add a bit more water in for these lovely people [Music] there we go plenty of coverage we're gonna need some electricity over here now in the past i would use uh these but we haven't got them unlocked so we won't be using that we'll be using the good old-fashioned electric cable and i'm going to run that from there over to here space already taken i'll do a little bit further out and that works fine and then we'll try and build up from that so we've got our zone set up let's just expand that a little bit more just to take in this little area that we've got we'll start with this so what i'm thinking is in here we're going to go for self-sufficient building so it's up size downsize less electricity that makes up for the other ones that use more electricity perhaps less garbage but we do have less tax income which you know that's just the way it goes we're gonna do that and i'm also gonna do um organic and local produce so less traffic produces 50 percent of soul goods locally which is good increase electricity reduces garbage so upsize downsides as we've seen and then what i would like is uh small houses along the front here oh and then behind those i was gonna put high density darn it we don't have any high density so i think we'll just stick with what we've got there we go the only other thing is service coverage but i think we'll have to take that as it comes when we've got some more money okay so let's have a look at our service coverage yeah that is not going to reach all the way over to here so let's perhaps pop some of these in off the side here um so what was that i just put in there that was a medical clinic good i thought i accidentally placed the wrong thing uh fire coverage i think even though it's a long way away i think we're just gonna stick with that one and hope for the best and the same for police coverage is pretty vast it's the schools that worry me more so we're gonna go for a small elementary school let's actually pop that over here that'll fit rather well there we go yep that's good um a high school would be nice but we don't have the money for that yeah we're really low on money we've got some parks in there so it's just trying to get these lovely people to move in and wouldn't you believe it we are struggling with electricity and again that is because the temperature has dropped in our city because they are using electricity to heat themselves now we do have some policies um that we can change uh extra industrial insulation but we get less tax income i don't know why i struggled to say that word uh no electricity for heat so they will only use the heating items that we put in our city well we don't have any yet and then the opposite only electricity for heat have we unlocked the heating items yet let's take a look we have so we can build the boiler station and we can build the geothermal heating plant but as you can see very expensive and then of course we need to upgrade all of our water pipes as well we do not have the money for it so at the minute we're gonna have to go with the fluctuations in our heating systems [Music] [Music] [Music] right it's sort of a race against time really to try and upgrade to the next level as soon as we can um but also not spend a whole load of money on stuff that we can't afford but we do get a boost in cash when we get to the next level of people as well but we are running out of water so uh i am gonna pop in over here let's bring this water pipe like straight out this is gonna be like behind the trees and we know there's no pollution there um now i said that i just want to double double double check there we go and we'll add that in to beef up our water availability which is now through the roof excellent which means if we do that we can just see our budget and we can possibly pop this down and save ourselves some money how low can we go not that low let's say 94 95 we'll be fine electricity still a struggle we've got 25 000 pounds we can afford another coal power plant but i'm pretty sure on the next unlock what are we gonna get here uh public transportation i'd like to get some of that in lots of roads we're gonna get the oil power plant which actually still polluting but it's just a bit better i'd like to start getting into the green we've got geothermal fat power plants which would just be great if we could afford those which are going to cost us 81 hundred and flipping g6 we're just never going to be able to afford it are we huh i think we just maybe need to do the best that we can we're getting there anyway we're getting there what are we up to three that we need 500 more people let's just have a look at the unemployment is the 11 percent i took away more of the industry so we could get this up so we're getting there oh we've got more people moving in which is exactly what we want keep on moving in keep on moving in let's just take a look at the pollution we could connect these two areas together here let's have a look at the noise yeah that is negligible noise so let's do that um just wondering actually how to do this because we put this little grid in a bit differently if we take that out uh this snow dump will not be connected anymore though it doesn't seem to be that bothered about it let's just connect that up like that and then we can utilize this space better [Music] [Music] oh almost heading into a disaster there no more room in our landfill sites now fortunately we do have some money left and we have a recycling center excellent now that is going to pump out pollution as well darn it um so maybe we should pick a spot i mean if i go there the pollution is going to stretch all the way over there so can i maybe pop it right over here we're gonna lose some of these businesses oh it's only two businesses that's fine and then if we empty this one empty building to another facility there we go these trucks are gonna start coming out of here and heading over to here and these ones are starting to go out into the city so hopefully between those two that is gonna help us out why are we not getting enough coal we've got enough for three weeks left what have we got in this one seven weeks okay we're just waiting for some deliveries oh man and it's just the power the power the power the power all the time the power yeah i think we're gonna have to just bite the bullet and go for another coal power plant and use a rock ton of our money can i squeeze that in up over here as far away from everybody else as possible can i pop it in here somewhere yes we'll lose a couple of businesses but they will grow back yeah let's go there we just need to do it we just need to do it to get us up to the next target which is a crying shame because i've been saving up the money and even with it on 150 percent what have we got it comes with coal yeah so even 150 it's still not enough but i think now we're gonna start getting some more growth in our city which is just what we want so we're actually causing ourselves some traffic problems i think it's just the sheer amount of people that are moving in which is a shame i'm just wondering whether a little sly connection over here just for our industry people off of here or maybe just down here just like that and then what have we got we've got a four-lane highway so we upgrade that one darn it space already occupied on any other day that would have been perfectly fine to do that but um okay we'll just let the game deal with that but just to maybe get the industry people coming in there i don't think anybody who wants to move in is going to move there they'll come all the way around this way and that will hopefully just stop this down here um well i have to see again ideally i'd like this set up like this one but it ain't gonna do it i just think we'll let that go for a minute and just see what happens [Music] yeah you know what it's much better down here but now they're all coming down here instead so oh actually no it's not that bad look there's not that many coming in there so that's probably put our traffic back up to 93 there we go yeah can't complain at that oh we're so close to the next level we are so close oh my goodness we've done it busy town wow this unlocks so many things which we're going to take a deeper look at in the next episode i'll tell you what playing on hard mode is so difficult let's ignore all the trash problems and see i've just expanded over onto this side of the river as well and we're growing and we'll be back so tomorrow it's going to be a new tealand episode lots of mods in that one then the day after we're going to be back to our vanilla snow city hopefully i'll have some names ready for you by then thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed please subscribe please leave a like as well and i will see you all very soon take care bye [Music]
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 121,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play
Id: UxtPkZaLs9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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