How I Hit 100K with Suburban Sprawl in Cities Skylines!

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oh man we're so close ninety nine thousand eight hundred and five it's going down i'm gonna hit a hundred thousand come on game you can do it [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer thank you very much for joining me i'm gonna say this again today is gonna be the day we hit a hundred thousand because we are gonna be expanding with a lot of residential i have a nice cool new residential theme pack we've got dusk coming into the city we're going to fill in this area here right by our new commercial zone that we put in we're going to fill in this area down here and if we need it we're going to come over to this little island over here as well i'm hoping that is going to get us enough to get us over 100k what are we at at the moment 91 000 and some change so that shouldn't be too bad before we do that we have a little tweak i need to make on this junction i'll tell you what you know if you're a youtuber this is a fantastic tip for you while i'm just saying this if you can spot the mistake i'm probably sure you can already but yeah if you're making videos make an accidental mistake in your videos and you will get millions of comments millions i say i counted them all individually just finished telling you about the mistake that you made which is fantastic because i hadn't seen it and it's a feedback on the video as well which always helps [Laughter] um yeah i've got um this nice dedicated slip lane from right hand turns here and i've got a right hand turn right hand turn here as well um so we don't need that what we need here is an asymmetric road we use this one with no parking uh pop that in someone with smaller yeah that looks a bit better and then what we can do is we can use the traffic manager tool clickety click there we go that comes up there so we don't need right hand turn that can be straight on and that can be dedicated left there we go so that is much better they can use this one here it's messed up my markings down here so let me just pop those back in there we go i'm 99 sure that's okay so this one comes off there we've got the chevrons facing the right way this one branches off into two for straight on and for left when you're coming the other way this one comes down here and splits off into those two and that one comes around the corner and merges in with this one and that is all okay excellent right let us zoom out a bit so let us pop in uh some districts here so we've already got the hickory district down the bottom here we're also going to add a another district in here which is going to take in all of this area this is where we're going to be building uh this is going to come into it as well although we're going to have to add in i think some commercial buildings into the theme that we're going to use what have we got umber square so we need a little name for that let me know uh this one's hickory district oh do you know what hickory district this is going to be dickery funny capital there dickery district yeah and this is going to be dock district there we go he can be dickery dog fantastic yes cool right so let's start with this one down here and we're gonna pop a theme on here now the theme that i've chosen for this one is european suburbia decorated which is a nice little theme that's been put together by avania yep yet again another choice from ivanya so we're going to our theme manager we're going to use this one here and show what's included now some of these buildings we've seen before in european suburbia euld i'm pretty sure some of those are the same but this is decorated so eu ld decorated and from even though you can't see anything different in the pictures from my understanding we're going to get a lot of little extra decorations and things with these so we're going to see how that looks and there's a whole load of props that goes with this theme as well i will link it in the description below so you can test it out for yourself so let's just take a look at what we've got in this area down here of course we've got over here very noisy and very polluting as well so no one's going to want to live right next to this i would like to move this out of the way we sort of plopped this down before didn't we um in here could actually be quite good i bet it will fit in that little section there what roads have we got got one road that comes down there um let's see it seems to have some trees over the top of that let's get the move it mod and sort that let's pick this road and see if we can do something here let's go like this oh look at that there's a road coming right out of the back here that i didn't even notice oh dear oh dear okay let's um that connects up to there okay yeah we could have just used that couldn't we hey ho well let's bring this one up the back here as well there we go am i going to leave this little one down here why not add a little bit of something to the area doesn't it so now we can move this uh where is it over here up to over here excellent so this is all going to stay industry anyway yeah that's fine we'll leave that there cool so over time that will mean that the pollution here will go down it's going to take a while um but let's stick a load of trees on it trees will help eat up the pollution that's a scientific fact from biffa there we go so if we concentrate on this side for now and then when that's gone we'll be fine so this road that goes along the bottom here i want that to sort of end like that that is not going to go anywhere i don't think we're going to end up with a gigantic bridge over to here although oh now i've said that that might end up being like a feature that we have some sort of super fantastic bridge going across here but that's for another day we are going to come out of the middle here what is this road this is quite oh it's a four lane road yeah okay so we're going to change this and have this come straight out again we're not going to be meeting anything over here so that's going to end there and then i'm pretty sure that what we're going to be using here two-lane road with bicycles and i'm pretty sure that we need to sort of do something like this and let's just go out the 10 and i want to leave a little gap in between uh no let's do it this way so if we go out like this i'll do a little test and i'm going to leave a gap and go up like that yeah and then see if we can get these to fill in here let's give these lovely people some water pipes and some electricity we're just going to bring that in just to there for now that should be okay excellent right let us put in some low density here and here and just see how this goes actually i can take that out and i'm going to pop a park in here to get the electricity to jump right there that's what i want so i want these to fill up we've got some demand let's see what we get and let's see what the gap is they've already come in which is great oh here we go look they're growing in so what have we got here we've got some nice buildings surrounded by hedges and a nice variety as well which look really really nice there's no sort of hedge connections along the back which is fine because we were going to add a path down here weren't we until this house at the end decided to move in uh let's get rid of you sorry fella but you're out um let's see if we can put a path down here so we've got some hedges we'll come back to that uh what path options do we have i don't want the vanilla stuff yes we've got some of these little garden paths which we can use a stone path which we could run at the back but that's really more just props so i think for now let's just go for a gravel path straight down here that looks like the sort of thing you might have out the back of your house and then if we go back into here and grab our hedge i think it's these hornbeam hedges oh someone's moved in right next door to you again oh okay well that's fine yeah you fit in there nicely no problem um so what would be the link to fit behind a house 16 meters is that the longest we've got yeah 60 meters medium oh all complaining so what i want to do is get this in here if i put prop and triana key on that will stop that popping up yeah so there we go yeah we go for the eight we can get three of those in there and maybe actually i'm thinking at the end we've got the eight meter medium we've also got an eight meter large which actually i think would be better along the back here oh sometimes it doesn't quite meet oh wonder we've got oh i wonder we've got gates oh man we're getting into real decorating stuff here let's turn off vanilla no gates fence what have we got here garden fence panel so we could even have some of these along the back here with this instead we use the prop line tool oh man this is getting this is getting technical ah is that made them a wonky is there a way of making that straight ah yeah here we go the missing mod was prop precision there we go nice and straight nice and flat exactly what we want to see i think that's okay i think we can expect that when this was all built that some fences were placed along the back to bring a bit of privacy to these houses over here so i think i'm going to go along and fill these in [Music] oh i think that looks good i'm thinking that looks i love these buildings these look fantastic you get the odd tree every now and again i think this looks really nice and then we can start popping in some sheds in some of these as well [Music] i think that'll do i think that looks good and then this sort of section down here oh look at that we could put a carport in there look oh man this is just cool oh i love this yeah we're going to pop some carports in here as well just every now and again a lot of these actually already have carports built in so yeah we'll leave that as it is actually we don't need to do that and then at the end here we probably could just do with some fence running down the side like that i think that's good excellent and then there's a couple of spots where we've had houses pop up with no hedges in the middle so we're definitely going to put some uh medium hedges down the middle oh we can do the same thing with this tool as well look at that so like this one here what is this this is like two lots but they're really close together so i would definitely expect there to be a hedge between the uh these two so let's add in some of those and i'm hoping that as these buildings expand they're not gonna suddenly get rid of the the hedge that we've got i'm gonna put a hedge on this one oh man this is this is fantastic i'm really enjoying doing this i don't normally do this much detailing like this but i'm discovering something new i think that is all the hedges and all the houses that need to have something in between them set that is looking pretty good let me just see what other assets come with come with this collection as well okay so there's lots of different trees and bushes and plants and things like that but i think for now that is a very good start so we've got to build out the rest of this area and fill this in i've ended up with a really long block here which i'll be honest if this was a european street in a european city a european town or whatever you would have big long blocks like this with houses in they might sort of connect at the end but let's just sort of see if we can work out the rest of the roadway that we're going to have so here we're going to have houses and they won't back up right to the main road this would certainly carry on to the end and then we'd get another one in here as well yeah i'm just looking at this and thinking we're going to change it i put this big road down here i don't really think we need that this one coming in here it works but i think we're going to downgrade this which means we're going to be left with a little bit of extra space and what i didn't do was leave space here for the parts like we've got down here let me just move these over okay there we go that's fine and then what i think i'm going to do is just mirror this over the other side over here so that's 880 so that was out 10. yeah and fit as much as we can in and then when i'm drawing these roads out i think we might end up upgrading this one at the front here but when i'm drawing these out i'm literally going as far as blocks of 10 so the houses will fit in nicely that is the plan [Music] okay there we go we've got our road network set out now what i would like in here let me just think so we've got this little section in here this certainly doesn't need to have traffic lights so let's do that oh you're going to complain about the power i'd rather you don't get all abandoned so let me just pop in a temporary line again after i remove the other one there we go excellent so i'd like this to sort of be a park area in here perhaps and also with our shops this is what's going to be in the center here and that's going to help us because as we mentioned before the theme that we're using in here doesn't include any shops so i'm going to take out this section here and then what we'll probably do is leave this area down here without a district on it and we'll just get the basic uh items in here shops and whatnot and i would like to put some sort of park assets around here that fit in nicely um let's see if we've got something special that we can use oh i like these we've got the friendly neighborhood park that fits in there perfectly and fits in there perfectly ah what have i done i've not drawn this out at exactly the right length darn it i'm gonna have to redo this i thought it did so that one was 880 it's almost 800 okay redone so now we can fit that in there and then i'm thinking that we could put these small ones over here opposite each other and over there that will add yeah add a nice little park vibe to this area and we can spruce that up with parts and things like that let's just take a look at what we've got going on in here so i'm thinking maybe some nice sort of posh parts at the back here let's turn off road guidelines that is going to run from one side to the other there we go like that and we could then have i want shops along here but i want some services around here as well just looking at what our service coverage is like in this area generally horrendous horrendous and horrendous and what about death care life care everything other care nothing at all oh man we're gonna have fun trying to squeeze all of these in so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and put some of these along the main road over here and hope that their coverage is near enough um to take care so i'm gonna nestle this one amongst the trees we'll have that these will be the hard ones the child health care center well actually one of those will cover the whole of this so i'm going to pop that we'll have that off the side road there then our elder care we can have down here by the sea and we've now got a recreation care one that's been added by the look of it with a few other items but i think we'll just go with this for now and hopefully i'm picking the european style ones so we can sort of get that keep that look going and we're going to add that one there yeah i'm thinking that should be enough and then we are going to want some low density shots just sort of spattered around these and i'm actually thinking what we're going to do is remove that and remove that zip and these i think are going to be offices in here just so they don't have to travel too far to work there we go like that let's get some water in for these lovely people as well [Music] there we go i'm thinking this is the start of a very nice little neighborhood and they do upgrade and i've noticed they upgrade and the hedges seem to disappear which is slightly annoying so i might have to pop them all in i don't know actually let's wait until this one finishes you might find it upgraded then the hedge comes back oh it does there we go head just come back fantastic and then of course what we did forget uh was yeah education uh let's pop some of these around the place do you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pop these in the middle of our shops here so we're gonna have one there high school i think we're gonna have that out here on the main road so it's backing up to this industrial area but that's fine and i tell you what we're going to do is we're going to get a asymmetric road with trees and we're going to make this little bit here okay you can go that way uh the other way around we'll make sure that is give way dedicated turning lanes and we'll pop the high school off of there and we can always decorate that a little bit as well with oh i know let's go back into here let's go back into here why don't we pop against that community pool oh too big oh we could do the other side of the road community pool yeah that'll be nice uh and let's also add in here car park a little bit of car parking like that yep that'll be good so that sort of gives us a bit of access for all of those at transport we'll come back to so now it is basically just filling in the rest of this and seeing how it goes okay so i'm gonna pause the game and this is all gonna be this lovely new set of assets and i think what i'm going to do here is just mess around with this for five minutes and get this one uh back to how it was proposed older roads i can never remember oh yeah there we go that one worked any others that are a little bit horkey bulky that one there yeah we can fill that in i think that's it isn't it oh yeah excellent well that was a lot easier than i thought why is that not a full gap oh man don't tell me i've done something wrong okay that's going to go all the way down the end we are going to connect up these parts at the end so we'll come back to that i'll just run those out a little bit further than we need so like here for instance this will end up running probably along there and then along here and then it'll come down the back and sort of make sure there's lots more yeah that'll go there this will disappear lots more connections and this here it doesn't look right to me does it no darn it is it the same on the other side the other side's okay [Music] okay there we go we've got a nice path network connecting everything up everything fits in i've sorted this bit out over here might add some more parts here we'll see but i think that is all looking pretty good i am going to add some more parts here let's go from there to there let's go from there to there we've got one at the end i don't really want one here because i don't want people walking through this junction we'll go there and then we'll also go to here like that as well and in fact that might as well just actually that won't go on the back we'll put some trees or something there right i think it's time to let this run and see what we get [Music] right so things are ticking along nicely but as always what scuppers a project like this is when you're not using a mod like super demand mod or something like that which i really don't want to use um you get to a point where there's no more demand for what you're doing we've got more demand for commercial than we have for residential in fact there is no demand for residential at all let's quick take a look at this little junction here we're gonna do that one to get dedicated lanes for those crossing the traffic and give way for the side ones here so that uh and that one as well so this one can go straight through excellent so let's get this back to daytime so what can we do to help this we obviously need to get some more commercial in here so we could run a spot of commercial along here i'm not going to go all the way to the junction we could even have a spot of commercial along here on this main road we'll do the same the other side this bit isn't going to be filled this is going to be some trees along here so let's have a look at what specific trees we could use to sort of add a little bit of protection to all these people here okay there were some nice juniper trees that were added which i think yeah we're going to turn off fence mode there we go and then we're going to try and get those a little bit closer together uh space in 13 minus 10. i want these yes that is exactly what i want a nice thick protective line along here to protect those places from all the noises that are going to be outside how far along could i run that so we could even run that down here as well yep there we go excellent and then on the other side what if we got this set yeah we can have them all along here as well there we go i think that'll be okay let's run some down the side of this path here as well just we've got the same matching on the other side can i squeeze some in there i think we should be okay one more at the end here that's looking nice isn't it i'm liking that i'm just wondering whether to have some down the ends here as well also save a quick sip of tea [Music] just to sort of differentiate from this sort of air we've got here and i've also now see this is one giant cul-de-sac oh we need some water pipes but that's okay that is what it's supposed to be it is meant to be a prestigious to a certain level a state that you wouldn't expect there we go any through traffic going anywhere else at all that is the idea so i'm wondering here well we could sort of protect this area a little bit more and i'm thinking maybe just our tree brush through here just to thicken out this little forest here protecting it from um all this noise we've got over here there we go and then i think we're also going to add a row of these in as well [Music] and i'm going to leave a gap at the end of the road so if you want to walk through into the woods you can there we go and down here excellent but it does sort of seem to add to the idea that it is a separated area to live nice we're getting more people moving in we've got some complaints which i knew we're gonna get from the commercial of not enough educated workers as we know that will take time for people to go through the school system i'm wondering how long is it gonna take to fill up uh we do need to add in a little bit more commercial and how many people do we think we're gonna get over here what have we got at the moment 635 with it filled up i mean we should get i reckon one and a half thousand once this is all filled up that should be pretty good going so let's see what else we can do to encourage growth over here let us check our land value so land value is actually pretty high up the middle here where we've got these paths and radiating out from there we've got a bit of a dip in land value over here so how about we add some sort of park assets to this section and see what we can do i've noticed here that these are not the correct length so let's see what's going on here let's just pause this a moment we'll grab that road there so as we were saying before this is all going out in tens there we go so if we go up to there and back down to there excellent we'll just fill these parts back in there we go and then what could we put over at the end here what about something like this a nice botanical garden let's remove some of these trees it's going to overlap the water a bit so we might just need there we go let's just pause that and take a look at what effect that has on land value once it kicks in any second now it's flooding there we go so a bit of an increase in land value not as big as i thought and as we said it's affecting the land here so let us just sort that out that should be okay we can fence that in and then i am just wandering along this section at the end here whether an extra park of some description what have we got here children's bouncy park and what about this one carousel oh i just won't fit in next to it that would have been good if it did could we could we do a bit of jiggly pokery and get those to fit in next to each other do you know what they do they don't overlap so we've got like a little children's section at the end here as well which i think is good we're going to add our parts along the back what difference has that made actually it's not getting too bad then we've got this little space here which i think we could utilize as well trying to save your life rock come on now work with me thank you very much and we just bring this out and then maybe we can add in something like oh what about that the lungs of the city i think that will fit in quite well we've got to just adjust the land a little bit let's just see what difference that makes that's got a nice area of effect i'm pretty sure most of this is going to end up going to green yeah once the house has come in i think that'll be fine excellent right so now it is just a waiting game for this all to build in so i'm going to sort out the land here wait for this to fill in a little bit more and then oh man yeah we've got loads of them detailing to do as well so oh do you know what the heck that was not what i'm trying to do and yeah i'm enjoying this uh doing a little bit of detailing for a change [Music] oh look at this look at this this is filling out nicely we've got all the fences in by the paths which people are happily using which is great um i haven't gone through and put all the bushes in between the houses but i'm loving the way this looks and people are using the paths as well to get up and down to come to the shops this is looking really nice look at that loads of tourists just a group of people coming past looking good oh that's a bit weird looking good looking good i shall sort that out but we've got a problem with trash collection over here um oh we need to finish off our parts over here and ah no water well that's not going to help is it so let's pop some water in for you and i'll tell you what i'm going to do over here is i'm also going to pop in one of these in fact if i get a bit sneaky here i bet i could pop in two of these yeah let's put them along the back can i fit two in there i can excellent so now we've got more waste transfer facilities that will head out through all of this over here and around to this area and hopefully deal with that getting some larger buildings in here which i really don't want i'm not entirely sure if they count as high rise or not what we're going to do is just pop another zone in and i'm going to put a high-rise ban on anything growing in here there we go high-rise ban and we'll see what happens with that oh man i'm really pleased with the way this has turned out what are we up to 96 000. that is actually more than i thought that we would get in this area with just low density houses i'm really pleased with that well i let this just run for a while while i popped off to get some lunch and it's doing okay i've just slightly changed the roads at where we come in here off of this main crossroads we should probably end up being a traffic light to be honest i put a tree line road down the side here with some asymmetric roads uh coming out of here just to help the traffic move along and then it transitions to the bike of friendly roads down here i seem to be getting a bit of a weird thing where on this side the fences stay there when the house is upgrade but on the other side when they upgrade my fences disappear so i'm not quite sure what i did differently i would have to look into that but we'll see what the levels get to uh once it all upgrades and i'll probably put the fences back and we'll be fine um i want i mean i could go through and set all of these to be historical buildings but it would be easy if i could do the whole zone there's a mod for that wasn't there to set a whole zone as historical i don't have that anymore added a little park on the ends here i did that by putting like a park zone in so that worked out really well along with here and i do want to come and do something to all the water so at the minute it's just all bear beach uh we could definitely add something in along here we could definitely have some sort of beach front something um maybe give me your suggestions in the comments below what do you reckon and then this road here isn't going to end up being a gigantic bridge over to there i don't know but up to 96 000 uh dimension i did post offices in as well and all of that has bumped our land value up everywhere to pretty high now the only thing we don't have is any transit options so at the minute these people want to work i mean there are some shops here there's these buildings over here there's offices up here i mean we seem to be covering our need for work and it doesn't seem to be any traffic but i feel like we could do with a bus route through here also i added in here we go another post sorting office over here because the other one we've got is all the way over on the other side of town down here in this traffic riddled industry area so i didn't want them traveling all the way over there lost where we are gone too far here we are but overall this is working really nice so we've got about 4 000 to go to hit our target i'm just wondering whether uh we could help if you have a look at the levels so what are we at i would say we're looking at this one here residential level we've got a few level fives dotted around most of level four see i would say that's level four coming up to level three oh okay maybe it's not as high as i thought uh so this one's got to be level five yeah there we go level five so that's level four oh okay it lights it as level four as it's working its way through level four this will be level three one two okay i was gonna say two and i said three instead but there we go anyway so let's add what could we add what could we add i think a simple bus route through here without getting things too complicated would work well and i'm just wondering whether it just sticks on the main road and then heads up here where could we take it to to the train station and back and literally just have it as that so which way would that go so that's going to come round here or stop that oh look at that the traffic over here is cleared up nicely that was a problem last episode wasn't it i'm going to bring that around the back to give access to here even though we've got a lot of walk in here we're going to do that because it's also going to give access to these lovely people over here then it's going to come down the highway and coming this way but i want it to go via the high school so it's going to go up there yeah that's not too bad and then it's going to come should we have one stop at the top there one stop at the bottom this is the secondary sort of main road that we've got and then one stop down there one stop on this side up here and then it can leave and go back and on the way back it's just gonna come all the way back yep that's it oh where's that go that way round oh i see it goes over up there okay that's fine excellent so that is valley height so valley to hickory there we go change the color to that that's fine and then how many buses are we going to get on there 17 that seems like a ridiculous amount of buses let's go for 10 um change that to biofuel bus bus random whatever we'll just have it as whatever model it comes out as there we go and that should hopefully help people get around a bit and also having the proximity of bus stops nearby will help them to upgrade as well look we've seen the green arrows the upgrading which is good and that will give us more people as well which is fantastic and then what i would like to do is i'd like to sort of give this a feeling of really being separate from everything that's over here i just want to look at my noise value yeah so the noise from this doesn't really overlap into here too much all the way along the front here so on this main road through here i'm gonna put this as high density housing it's possibly gonna mean we're gonna lose some trees unless we put it in manually ourselves we also need to do a little bit of work with the zoning thingy my bobby so let's bring that up where is it it always disappears up into the middle of the screen there very annoying very annoying yeah i think that's okay and then looking at the zone that we've got i'm going to remove the way the zone comes all the way down here and takes this in and we're going gonna extend this zone which doesn't have any theme particularly on it so this will just be the bog standard international type theme that we have in the rest of our city there we go nice and then i'm gonna put some high density housing uh not on this bit here but along here and here i'm not going to put it all the way to the back i would like to keep the trees so we'll go to there and i don't know why this one doesn't want to feel that is rather weird okay whatever we'll see what we get in there yeah there we go that's not looking too bad they will get larger as time goes by but i think they fit in there really really well and this junction here even though i you know i put a bit of extra thought and time and effort into it to try because one of the buses oh let's check out how many and i'll come back to my thought about the junction oh oh wow where's this one so this stop over here absolutely tons of people where are they all trying to get to they're all trying to get over to here oh excellent okay that is really good can i find another one of those buses i've lost it now where was it it was down here there it is look at the line details so that's the busiest one the other busiest one is down the bottom here and they're all trying to get up to there well that was a good uh that was a good choice wasn't it for a bus line and this one will be the train station one yeah and where are they all trying to get to they'll try to get to down there fantastic i'm liking it i'm liking it or 96 000 i think i'm just going to leave this to run again for a bit i'm gonna put a uh time traffic light in the middle here which i think will help and i reckon it's not gonna be long until we hit 100 000. [Music] oh man we're so close 99 805. it's going down i'm gonna hit a hundred thousand come on game you can do it it's like torturing me yeah 100 citizens we've finally made it it's taken so long well thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this episode please leave a like subscribe to back here for the next one maybe check out the ones on the screen as well have a fantastic day take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 73,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines mods 2021, cities skylines detailing tips, cities skylines mods, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, cities skylines how to start, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines 100k population, cities skylines suburbs layout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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