How a Bicycle Super-Highway Keeps Traffic at Bay in Cities Skylines!

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oh and the fire engines can't get there quick enough because of the traffic that's being caused it is just nuts let's back away from the fire back away from the fight hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me differ here we are in our city of new zealand and today we are implementing a bicycle highway and network throughout our entire city now you know we've got the different segments of the city as you can see we're going past them here uh depending on which side of pg tips mountain they're on we want to make sure that somebody can cycle hopefully from one end of the city to the other that is the plan to keep the traffic as low as possible but just before we dive into doing that have you been wondering what hugo has been up to recently well thank you very much to nordvpn for sponsoring this next segment and also giving hugo a job look who's back it's hugo and he's recently taken a job as an i-team manager at his local donut emporium here he is on his way to work in the new company van hugo made the important decision to increase the security of his employer's donut empire and his first port of call was of course nordvpn so why did hugo choose nordvpn well like hugo every day you send your data over the internet to far flung places but there are many dangers along the way with nordvpn like hugo you can have a fast and secure roadway to your destination with over 5 500 superfast servers in over 60 countries you can be fast and safe traveling the internet no matter where you are or where you want to get to so whether you are at home or outside on pc android mac linux or ios nordvpn has your back to get nordvpn go to biffer and use the coupon code biffer and for every purchase of a two-year plan you get one additional month as well as a huge discount there goes hugo on his way home after a hard day's work securing his company's internet well done hugo to find out more go to biffer or check out the link in the description below so let's first of all see what we have available to us i am using the find it mod as you can see on the screen down there i've selected the networks without that you get everything so select the network option over here and i've just started to type bicycle in and we've got these roads available to us so we've got all sorts of different sizes we've got some asymmetrical ones one way we've got the bicycle path of course which i think we're going to be using that quite a lot and yeah we've got lots of options so i think we're going to start over here in chestnut hills and see what we can do to encourage biking in this area so the first thing that i'm going to look at here is we've got these four lane roads with medians i'm just thinking that we are going to replace those just straight off the bat and also annoyingly it's going to remove some paths there by the look of it if i toggle road collision and do that it will leave the path but i'm going to get a ton of trees up here am i no i'm not oh that's fantastic i must have had no trees there in the first place so we're going to just continue this oh yeah there we go the trees make an entrance so when we get up to here i'm not going to continue it down the highway highway we will have a bike highway at some point i'm going to turn off collision use the move it mods and just go up down on a segment that gets rid of all the trees there we go so immediately we've got now bike paths that will come down into this section here now this is three lane one way and we've got the three lane one way with bike lanes now these bike lanes going both directions so i'm not quite sure how that is gonna help with things but let's pop them in because i would possibly say you want bike lanes just going in one direction round around the back but we might just have to uh we might just have to ignore that and deal with it have we had any weird freaky trees appear maybe just a little bit over there so let's turn that off again use the move it mods up down there we go cleans it all out excellent excellent is anybody actually going to use this one on the inside i mean i suppose they could come here cross over what is with all the flashing all the flashing going on down here that is really weird what is causing that oh it's stopped now no it's back again when i put the move in move it mod on it stops if i go up one like that oh yeah just definitely seems to be a little bit too low that is strange let's just make it all go up one all the way around like so oh that's annoying is there another little road in there i think there is let's upgrade that one i think we've got it yeah i'm not entirely sure why it's doing that i'll look into it but i'm just going to leave it for now i will need to set up this roundabout again so we're going to do that but then i'm gonna remove has it put any weird lines in anywhere no that's okay so we've got dedicated turning lanes all the good stuff and then what i'm just gonna do here because we've got our biking lane sort of stopping there i am going to use the intersection marking tool and we're just going to see if i hold shift and connect that up yeah can i put like a parking thing in here a biking thing so i hold alt so you get the little red dots instead select that area and then i'm pretty sure i've got oh why not save my templates and things haven't that's annoying is there a solid there is so can i now pick the color i can oh look at that i think that is pretty pretty close there i'm liking that um what i'm going to do is just maybe put some of these in there and then where the bike lane comes here oh let's just add in i was going to save that junction before we come out of this is there anything else i want to do to that before we change it um i think we're going to just leave it like that i'd like to actually change this bit here so yeah let's use the node controller and do that would say no junction markings now i've mentioned this before that when you use this to say no junction markings it removes the visual but let you can still see their crossing if you really wanted to remove the actual crossing you'd use this here and turn it off but i don't want to do that come back it's fine you can cross they've gone okay so then we're gonna go back to this one here and we're gonna say i want some crossings here so i am gonna go what is the one for crossing shift to create a crosswalk so we'll select that and go to there oh hang on no let's do that again did that wrong let's move that hold shift first shift to there and then shift to there i've done them as separate ones for some reason what's going to look better do you know what i'm going to do it one all the way across let me just remove those so we're gonna use the cross button up here remove that and remove this one i think that's it yeah i think that's it we'll remove that yeah there we go it's these three that one there that one there and that one there i'll do it all the way across instead i think that'll look better yeah that's okay so you've got the crossing over there we've got the lines these are just going to come out and join and one more line i'm going to put from there a dotted line that's it and then what i was going to do as well was upgrade this one to this one here let's do the that yeah thank you very much we'll do that all the way up to the end there we go put collision back on again quick shift define with the move it mod excellent so now what we get is something a little bit different yeah so i'm gonna end up redoing a bit of this aren't i okay well that's fine so i'm gonna select that apply the markings manually yeah we'll leave it as it is because what i could do now actually is go from there to there as a shift no hang on select it first then shift and that will put in a straight line and then i can hold alt and go from there to there to there to there to there and we could have that as a solid color and the color is going to be that same green color look at that and then offset for median so if i scroll up now it's not going to do what i thought i thought it was going to move this little bit up but you know what i think we might just have to deal with that that's fine so let me just do the same over here as well oh there we go there we go that looks much much better and then i'm going to save this as a preset so what we're going to call this one um let's have a look round about if i could spell that would help round about bike path that'll do with it we can see the picture anyway excellent so now what i can do if we go around our roundabout we can then apply that over here so if i get this one here go to presets i think it's this one apply preset that's all lined up that's fine we'll say yes then we're gonna use the node controller just to remove the junction marking so we don't get all the horkey bulkiness there this one hasn't quite lined up the same has it have i done something different with node controller there no junction markings the same no i haven't okay well that's fine we can fix that not quite sure why it's done that but if we do that and do that we can do the same over here just this one here i mean that should have all lined up perfectly but there we go that's good enough and then we'll do the other ones round around about as well [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go much much better i'm liking that very good effort it's lined up okay this makes sense to me here although yeah even if you're biking you've got to stop for people crossing over haven't you so fantastic fantastic so now we need to make sure that they can cycle throughout the rest of this area so where this comes down we've then got this tree-lined road that goes around here now we don't have bike lanes with trees but we've got two lane road with a bicycle so we can go around here and we can upgrade i'm going to upgrade all of these around the outside [Music] there we go back to where we started again and then i'm also going to come down here to the university area and we are going to upgrade these i've got some one euros there we do have a one new road with bicycle bars there we go and i think that goes all the way around doesn't it so we're gonna upgrade all of this uh all the way around there we go excellent let's just put that back on i think we've got a little bit actually we can move that manually there we go excellent so now we've got cycle lanes what's that one down there yeah we're not going to put it down there and i am wondering whether these little ones in the middle i mean they are just a bog standard road aren't they so why not let's upgrade all of those as well to two lane cycle roads yeah get everybody cycling right so with this bicycle lane you don't get street parking on there as well so what i'm tending to do is you've got the main road coming around the outside and i'm just doing any roads that are going straight up like these ones these ones these ones i'm leaving the other ones that move sort of sideways or diagonally as the normal road so we can still have some street parking for our people as well and the reason for doing that is i like seeing cars parked on the street it's part of making your city feel alive when you see that but also if we do the ones going through at least if people need to cut through on their bike they can do so which is great and i'm also making sure in spots like this where we come down to our school we've definitely got access with a bicycle lane okay so pretty sure i've got everywhere covered to a reasonable amount so if they want to cycle up this way they can cut through still and get there we go through one cycle lanes and then the last thing i want to do is upgrade all the little parts that we've got to bicycle parts so if you remember correctly there we go we did add a few of these around the place just to aid people getting from one area to another we're gonna upgrade all of those there's a couple chucked here and there as well if i can find those anymore anymore i think oh there we go yeah i knew there's a couple more there we go i think pretty much all of them so that should really help with cycling and much less cars on the roads here let's just take a look so we've got a lot of people walking not so many people cycling yet maybe it's going to take them some time to realize they can cycle oh there's somebody on a bike but we'll keep on it and see what happens right so now we're back over here at this highway entrance that we saw before and our bike lane comes right up to the top and it stops there so what can we do i would like it to continue down here alongside the highway we are going to have to make some room so to aid with that let me grab our move it mod i'm just going to sort of push back these trees just a little bit because we want it coming through there and then we've got a lot of stuff going on here with rocks and things as well can i fit it through there no how much space can we get if i finagle these not a huge amount i tell what we're going to do is we're going to grab actually let's do it this way let's double click nodes i'm going to grab all the nodes here hold shift and grab some of these ones so the next node and we're just going to budge that down four spots like that and that actually still all lines up okay yeah fine so that's going to give us some room through there it's going to swing around here come underneath there across here so we're probably gonna have to move some of these out of the way just to give us some space and that one there and that one there and why not let's move the little bush as well and then it can connect up to this area over here so i've lost myself when we're going down here okay let's set this up and get it going okay so that gets us from one side to the other a few little bushes that need to be moved there um along here i'm just gonna move this back a little bit from the highway so let's just use the move it mod just to sort of help shape that a little bit i think that'll be okay and then what i would like is um i don't know what we're gonna do i'm not gonna build a fence all the way along there i am gonna use this one here so this is oh this is two lanes we have two way highway sound barriers because i'm going to add these in along here and hopefully not mess anything up there we go and then we've got three way we sound barriers right there and is this one yeah we sound bad it was excellent there we go so everything is protected all the way along here if you're cycling alongside the highway fantastic let's just follow this along oh look who's this this is our first first person to use it charles phillips charles phillips you've made my day let's see where you're going watch out for the bushes let's see where you're going you're going all the way to the end wow who would have thunk it and he's gonna carry on his bike well done charles that is absolutely brilliant okay cool so that's gonna run along there i'm just gonna take a second just to tidy this up [Music] ah there we go that is looking fantastic thank you very much for allowing me to follow you along there so i just added some trees on here as well just to make it a little bit nicer and i think that's looking fantastic and people are loving it already they are using it by the bucket load uh what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna grab this and i'm just feeling like let's have a look we need you just to connect up to here somewhere i've got a sneaky feeling if i went to there they wouldn't use it so what i'm going to do instead is i'm going to use the movement mod to grab this node here i'm going to shiftify that back a bit i'm going to delete that i'm going to grab this and i'm going to do this that's going to come around that's going to come up to there and that's going to join right on the corner there and then we'll get the movement mod again and just get that like that so at least that gives you access onto here i'm sure that'll connect to the road there so anybody that wants to cycle up there can excellent oh that's really good i'm pleased with that yep people still walking over here but they're using the cycle highway which is what i want to see so that's that area taken care of and then we get over here to the winky wonky intersection uppity glamping chai beach all of this lovely area and if we turn into where the residential is we could easily do some upgrading down here so let's have a look this main road through here yep we can certainly upgrade that [Music] there we go sorted and then just make sure it's got all its dedicated turning lanes because they've all disappeared there we go i'm hoping it's still kept all of the giveaway signs and everything uh let's find out giveaway no it hasn't okay that doesn't need it giveaway that doesn't need it giveaways got that one giveaway there giveaway doesn't need it excellent okay that's good so now if you're coming down here alongside the highway instead of continuing along the highway you could actually just take a turn off and come through here and i think that's a good compromise i think i'd be happy to do that she'd come all the way through here and then when you get back to the other end we've got this road here which goes around the mountain i'll come back to that in a moment what i want to do here so we've got all these little small roads coming on because i want to sort out this so let us dive into our intersection marking tool [Music] [Music] [Music] right let's have a quick recap so we've got bypass throughout here we've got this road as a bike path and then we've got a little bike path that runs along the highway it then deviates from this highway and comes through this section here um and then we've got we haven't got bike paths everywhere but i think that's fine i want to keep these ones with trees along the fronts here but they can walk onto their road here use the bike path as you can see there's people using them already and then um we've got to decide how to get over here i haven't done the bike paths over here in the industry area i think that would just be a little bit too dangerous i think if i was over here if i worked here i would be happy to cycle so far and then walk the rest of the way um they can connect them and cross over yes they can get into here and we're having some problems with the guys pretending there's water everywhere blocking everybody up when there is not water everywhere so i don't know what they're doing but they're like blocking up all the traffic yeah whatever we'll come back to that um so you've cycled through here and then you've got to this road along here now i did consider somehow having the bike highway come through this section but i've got to be honest this presents a unique problem uh would you want to cycle up over the top of this now i've said that i don't think you would i mean it would be like the world's right not the world's toughest cycle path but that would be that would be pretty tough to expect somebody to cycle over the top of there i don't think they would put a tunnel through here just for cyclists i just don't see that happening and i certainly don't see a cycle path being added along here on a road that's this fast and dangerous so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna call this a second segment we're gonna have a first segment for cyclists over here we're then going to have a second segment over here so if we zoom in down to this area here we can certainly start our cycle parts again oh just before i forget i have a lot of people ask me about my trams um i did either mention or show in one episode that i have put paths every time there's a junction there's a path look you can see one here connecting that's a path there look connecting the junction to the um tram line and i've done that all the way along in various places all the way along to the end um the tram isn't used a huge amount but i don't mind i just think it looks nice and you know it gives us some unique problems to deal with as well which i've got no problem with got no problem with the problem so um two lane road with bicycles yeah we're gonna run that along here for sure we're gonna end up oh i wish there was a way to not have to turn anarchy off because what i'm going to do is do that and get a load of trees on the road like we have been doing although actually yeah see like this one here i think that's just the way it is if there's a way of you can see what i'm trying to do if there's a way of doing this so it doesn't get rid of like the props and stuff um but doesn't make a load of trees appear i don't know anyway that's just might be the thing we have to deal with let me just go back and do that so what i'm thinking again here is to have the main one going through as a cycling road like this but then keeping the side streets as normal so it's still going to encourage cycling just doing this carefully so we don't get rid of any houses um and this one rounds here we do have these shops here i might leave that one as a non-cycling one they will still cycle if they need to on here but i just want to allow some parking there these will complain because of noise um and that's because of the railway line right there do you know what we're just going to leave that for now so then we come down here we're definitely going to go over this bridge up the top here around this little corner and then we come to where we've got our bike bus oh my goodness my brain i need the next recipe just one sec houses that were complaining about the noise are now burning down ah is there any relation there probably we don't have any bike and bus so i am wondering whether do you know what i'm going to do i am going to say we're not going to have the bus ones down here anymore we're gonna upgrade these to bike oh here we go let's do this along here make sure we don't ruin anything because i think that's gonna be much better for our residents we'll leave the bus one up there any weird tree sprouting anywhere no i think we're okay so that gets everybody down into this district area over here we've had some fantastic names for that so we'll get to that in a moment so they can go up that side they can go all the way along here get to everywhere up there and then along here yeah so we can upgrade these ones let's just put anarchy on and that should be okay oh it's gonna ruin our paths under here and i know i'm gonna do this and get a million trees no we're fine okay let me just run along this front one here okay then we come to the roundabout so i'll come back to that um we're gonna have we've got the school that's here so i definitely want to upgrade this road along here where we get into where the school is with the bike lanes and then i'm wondering whether we could just carry that up to the top there let's see let's see again i don't want to do the whole thing i want to leave the parking they will walk and then they will get on the bike lane if they want to do that we've got this little park here so i'm thinking what i might just do is go around this park like that yep i saw the trees don't worry then we're back to the main bit again there we go up and down sorted out if any other trees appear anywhere randomly i'll sort that out later so that gets everybody all along the front all the way up to this roundabout and they've got access up this way do you know what i might just do just oops just for the sake of making this feel like i'm doing a good job i'm going to go up one side and down the other on that block there yeah that'll be good then we'll leave the rest as cards i think that makes sense so we can have the park in uh this little bit over here where it stops and starts we do have a path running along here which is good so we could just upgrade that hopefully upgrade yeah we can all the way along there so they can come off there jump on there go over there and then i'm even going to upgrade this one over the top like that oh we've got a house grown in there thank you very much so that's that one do we have any other crossing over the highway we've also got this path that runs along the back here which i'm going to leave i like the look of this path as just a little extra walk along there or shall i um because then that joins this over the top no do you know what i'm going to turn this into a cycle path as well all the way along here because i was just looking for another way to get over the highway and this is it look this one here all the way down to the shops and then all the way over to the train station on the other side look at that that is fantastic and they can join here cycle over there lots and lots of cycling and you know what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna go up here round to where this area is and i'm gonna change this slightly because when i made this i thought oh do you know what there's one thing i would have done differently i would have put a third one in oh it's not gonna let me hang on hang on we'll get it let's get rid of that let's turn off anarchy let's oh we've got to make the road longer oh no i've started down a rabbit hole with messing all this up let's do that let's pick this one again i just wanted our third one in there yes it just looked a bit more just looked a bit more finished to me and then we'll have this just connect to this road somehow hang on hang on we'll get there come on anaki on thank you there we go yes that's good i'm gonna just lift this up and we'll just lift that to the same height that one to the same height and that one to the same height there we go so now they can cycle all the way over to this park area all the way over the top of the highway all the way into this area down here and then yeah we're going to upgrade this along the back as well and then we can go over the top of this road and now we get into that section so that's going to be our way for getting over the uh this highway here although we could do we have three lane oh we do yeah three lane one way with bikes okay we're going to add that in here as well i'm sure we're not destroying anything yeah that's fine then we can get down here or they can go over there and then just to connect these two up we're going to upgrade this one and that one let's just turn off the aniku or the collision do you know what i might just go all the way up that road and we're gonna have a through road as well all the way through to there even though i said i wasn't gonna just remove them and this one already comes through here so we'll do that one as well there we go so we've got a mixture i think i've got all the parts that connect any other parts up here no we've got all of those we've got access across everything cool beans so now we've got this one down here so i'm just going to upgrade this frontage road along here and i'm gonna use the touch it mods to touch that road there and i'm gonna upgrade that one as well there we go so we get the bus and the bikes and i probably could do that that's the fish market we have some trees in the road there do we we do let's fix that thank you thank you oh my goodness me and all over here thank you what what oh they're down the middle of the bit over here yeah it's just these ones have disappeared for some reason okay that's fine i'll sort that yeah this one here is what i was looking for so let's do that one that one and we'll do the touch it mod and do that one yep excellent anything else along the front here that i'm missing like this here i think would be oh my goodness the fires oh my goodness the fires doing my nuts they are absolutely doing my nuts so we've got the path for getting past here but i'm thinking coming up this way um do you know what i'm gonna say no cycling in here you get off your bike we've got like one little bit of cycle laying in there but i think this bit up here we'll leave it there's a lot of traffic a lot of buses a lot of things coming and going so we're gonna leave that as it is okay that's good what's next there we go trees replaced excellent so now we've come along here we've done the front all the way along here oh this is a four-lane road oh was this a four-lane road as well have i messed that up do we have a small four-lane road with bikes i think we do actually no we don't that's a big one so what i'm gonna do because looking here now most of this traffic uh tends to go up and over this junction here that we've put in so i am gonna upgrade this along here to i did click that click it again to this one uh all the way down here and then we'll stop there where it turns into the industry road i think that's uh i think that's a good good compromise and then this bit here will leave just as the normal roads they can park their cars so that brings us down to here now what about getting over into this area hmm so we've got the tram road that comes up here could we could we could we could we go over the top here yeah okay let's just do a little bit of change changer here i'm going to take this here and what am i going to do i'm going to see if i can go up and over the top like this without destroying too many houses and then join that to there come on go down flat join to there looks a bit weird let's just change the shape of that that can go up over that so in my mind those two are joining so i bet they oops i bet they come across i'm messing it all up i bet they'd come across there anyway so that would be fine i want to just make sure the trams can fit under there i'm pretty sure they can let's just have a quick look oh yeah tons of space for the trams so that's nice let's just move some of these trees out of the way thank you ain't your ain't your and you're and thank you then we can upgrade this one all the way around here there we go that's gone to the end and then we've got this one here which we can also upgrade and then what i'm gonna do is just change this bit i'm gonna drag that through to there oh i've got propensity anarchy on let's just turn that off let's put these trees in here and i want to add a crossing there so i'm going to use the node controller i'm going to add a node there and we're going to have a crossing with lights there we go and we're going to move it mode can we go over that move that to there there we go so they can cross straight across excellent they can come around here and get to there what about this bit do i want this to be bikeable as well like the fires every time i see them do i want all of this to be bikeable or can we add like a bike path around the back i think we're going to add a little bike path around here okay and i'm going to connect that up to there this may change as we fill in this area but for now that'll be good and then along here we do actually have this one so let's just pop that in and see what that looks like oh that is a lot smaller it's not industry i mean it is the same sort of road isn't it it's just a little bit thinner i'm thinking then instead of adjusting all of that because i quite like this industry looking road and i think we're going to get and i want this one no let's do that again i think we're going to get a lot of industry in this area as we move forward so i want to keep this industry road so i think for now what i'm just going to do is run a bike lane yeah we've got all our power cables coming along here haven't we i will move the power cable to the other side and we're going to run a bike lane down there so let me just do that [Music] there we go i think that's good so it feels like a nice protected with all the trees bicycle lane going through our industry area i'm liking that then connecting up to here i don't want to change all the industry roads to bicycle lanes but they can get through here get over the top they can cross over there come round here over the top of the bridge then they get onto the cycle network all the way along the front access to the ferries the fish market all the way down here to our big hub they can get over they can get over they can get over there they can cross over here i think we still got this walking path along here i want to keep that i don't want to just convert everything and that's it and they've got access to everything then haven't they can cycle all the way to work then they can just walk this last bit and that'll be fine yeah how about a bicycle path through the child remains of our undergrowth okay let's just keep it as it is i think that is looking pretty good and what's an interesting thing you can do with writer our starting roundabout here is select a piece of road using our traffic routes tool turn off everything but cyclists so i'm now been able to see look where people are coming from as the line appears this one's going all the way over to here there's someone going all the way over to there and as time goes by we should be able to see more people are coming from there all the way over to here as time goes by and more and more people are using it now they're going the other direction as well that is a really good way of seeing how many people are using your oh look at that using your cycle lanes i've just noticed that roundabout needs to be put back in the way it should be done which is like that with dedicated turning lanes and all the rest of it excellent excellent excellent and there's some cyclists already just wondering why that there's no water being taken care of sewerage look at that everybody's lacking power then you come around the corner and see this your entire power water infrastructure has just burnt down to the ground now i've seen a lot of people saying use a mod that turns off the fire spreading i might just do a vote on that um or just lessen it a bit because it is absolutely nuts and it's constantly doing this sort of thing everywhere yeah i'll find out what you guys and girls think there we go look our solar updraft tower is on fire oh look how bad it is and i do have extra fire helicopters now but like the whole place is just oh and the fire engines can't get there quick enough because of the traffic that's being caused it is just nuts let's back away from the fire back away from the fire so what do you think about my bike network let me know in the comments below thank you very much for watching let's go around this side don't look at the fire don't look at the fire maybe check out the other video on the screen subscribe if you're new and i will see you all very soon have a fantastic day take care bye bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 285,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines bicycle lanes, cities skylines bike lanes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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