Solving Goods Problems = Less Traffic & More Profit in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before today we are talking about goods what you can do if you don't have enough goods in your city or you're exporting so many goods you're getting backed up trains and backed up trucks coming in from outside of your city all of those sort of issues so we're gonna see how we can look at the city how we can diagnose that problem and what we can do to fix it so to start off we're just going to pop a little graphic on the screen now this is taken from the city skylines paradox if you want to look that up you may have seen this before but if you look over to the right hand side the last section on the top you have generic industry which produces generic goods that's what we're talking about which go to commercial buildings so that is where your citizens will go they will buy their goods from all of the shops on the bottom there you also have unique factories which also produce goods these are called luxury goods but again these will go to your commercial buildings which can be purchased by your citizens and that will make you money and here we are in our city when we talk about generic industry we're in the industry that's here that you can just zone with your industrial zone it's this normal yellow zone and when we're talking about factories we're talking about these big buildings like the lemonade factory which produce in this case lemonade but it's this little symbol here this diamond looking blue circle thingy which is the luxury goods which will also be sent over to your uh commercial zones your commercial buildings this it makes toys but it's the same symbol so these all count as goods now there is a tool in the game which can help you to see how your city is dealing with your goods so if you go to your info views and go to your outside connections here we go so i've got a little bit of an extra information panel here because i'm using the mod enhanced outside connections view so that just gives me these little check boxes here so i can decide which ones i want to see which ones i don't so um even if you don't have that much you will still have this little symbol at the top so this shows you what you are importing into your city all these different items here and you can see that we're importing the most goods uh yeah absolutely huge are we making extra goods no because we're only exporting two goods yeah okay and that will possibly be uh down to the shipyard here this is one exception to that wall we just spoke about when this makes a ship obviously any ships that it makes are too big and too expensive for your normal citizen to purchase so these are automatically exported out of the city when they are made making you a ton of money like this and there we go the ship was made and sold and we put some money in the bank now back to our outside connections view as well what is quite good with this view is you can see which buildings are importing the goods so when you're planning your train stations your cargo train stations airports traffic routes all that sort of thing you can look around your city let's uh turn off that make it a bit easier there we go so you can look around your city and see which buildings so we're looking at the goods up here are bringing them in so there's a few scattered around over here and most of these are commercial buildings as you can see that are put in a shout out for the goods and that will sort of change over time there are some other commercial buildings around here but they're not bringing in goods at this exact moment but yeah so that can help you to do some good planning and then exporting as we said we're not really exporting any goods so now we would like to try and solve this problem at the moment um we are importing so many goods that that is going to be costing us a lot of money all of our shops are calling out all of our commercial places are calling out for goods to give to the people of new zealand and we're not making enough so what you will see is for instance sometimes over here let's just go along this train line so this train here transporting cargo to cargo train terminal so that's bringing in goods let's go a little bit further these are all passengers yeah normally there's like 50 good strains coming down here but you get the idea and that can start blocking things up and causing a lot of traffic which by the way is at 77 at the moment so what can we do about that well i don't really want to go around just chucking in a load of generic industry although i am possibly going to just put some in there because why the heck not we've got that little space um and we do have some factories that are available to us so if we have a look in here we've got the printing press we have the soft paper factory and we have the modular house factory now it's interesting to see that on the same wiki page there's like a chart we won't put it up on the screen it's quite complicated but the biggest producer of goods is the shipyard and we said they just go out and out of what we've got left here so we've got the other ones in the sneaker factory is number two modular house factory is number three that's this one here so that's the third biggest producer of goods we haven't got yet we need a level five forestry for that uh soft paper is like at number seven and i think this one's like a number 12 or something like that um but that needs a level four forestry this needs level five forestry so first of all we need to build up our forestry industry so let us come over here now we just click on this and then forestry area so we've just got one the tea tree wood production area and that is spread if we just have a look at our districts and our zone there we go so that literally is just here and nowhere else i thought we had a couple of areas of that but we don't so let's take a look at this already we can see that this thing is struggling for raw forestry products and we've got fields here which are producing some so we've probably could do with some upgrades which we haven't done for a while so let's just take a look at what options we have what's just popping up the traffic thing all the time um and yeah see if we can get ourselves producing more goods that is really weird i don't know anyway now i've just spotted a little mistake here and i'm not sure anybody put this in the comments but what you normally do with these is you have the item that is producing your goods so this is producing the raw forestry products then you will have a warehouse yard to store those and then they're being sent over here oh that's the storage as well then they've been sent into here to make paper then the paper's been stored here and then that will be taken out to our factories but look what i've got this set at zoned industry forestry products ah that is not what we want to do we want this to be set to forestry products which doesn't look like it is in the list here no it isn't okay so we've put the wrong item down here so what we're going to do is just pause the game a moment we're going to delete this we could have just sold those items but we're not going to be bothering with that let's just remove those trees from there let's add some more trees in around here because that always helps there we go so instead of that we're going to put in one of these storage items so we've got a small log yard which is probably too big which is a little bit annoying large yogya yog lard lock yard so we need to just make a little bit of space here let's just delete that road we'll come back to that uh which is going to store the most three hundred thousand four hundred thousand it's a little bit smaller and it stores a bit more so let's pop that in there and then fix our roads up there we go and that is gonna now store raw forestry products what oh yeah that's correct yep that's the wall i got myself confused war forest products that is what we want so that is what we want stored there so as they come out of here they'll be stored there then they can be taken over to here instead of the zoned ones yep i've got that right so that is going to help this one much better because i don't know where it was getting its raw forestry products from um because it they do it does have to be in a warehouse in between so maybe stored somewhere else i don't know anyway that is going to help so to get this up to the next level um let's see what we need to do so for the next level we've produced more than enough resources probably to get all the way up to level five so that's no problem it's now just getting in workers and we need to have 550 workers and we've got space for 556 so actually we're probably okay and what we can do is a little trick that we've done before is sort of force the workers in i'm going to put another forestry barracks over here and by doing this little trick and what i'm going to do i'm going to take that road there and upgrade this this doesn't need to be such a big road and then we're just going to bring this a little bit further along here and we're going to grab what key was that why okay we're going to grab that and unfortunately we can't fit it in there um let's just make this land a little bit bigger there we go that should be okay so that gives us an extra worker efficiency i'm not sure actually whether that's going to force extra workers into our city or not let's have a look no it doesn't we need to so we've got space for more workers but it hasn't sort of forced anybody extra in okay what could we do i'll tell you what we'll do we'll come back into here so these are our small tree sapling fields uh which are going to be these ones here that's a plantation sapling field so six thousand four hundred units per week we're actually making was eight thousand over and it was eight thousand we put some more trees around and it's gone up so actually i think we'll leave those okay uh we probably could and we don't need a sawmill because we've got this one yeah of course this one makes paper so the sawmill could be good actually so if we could squeeze that in somewhere over here we've also got these as well look medium tree plantations and a small one yeah they're so hidden up there i didn't spot them um where could we pop this i'm thinking maybe you want to sort of utilize this space over here which we've already sort of guessed that that might happen [Music] yes we're going to just bring this road along here as a separate road so we don't sort of interfere with what's going on down there and then we're going to add this in let's put it right on the end then we have a bit of storage next to it that's going to make some plain timber and we'll give that somewhere to go as well just a little bit of storage like that there we go and we'll leave that on balance for now and pop plane timber on there excellent let's give these lovely people some water okay so that's going to have increased the amount of spaces we've got for workers now it's shooting up look at that so it just instantly like draws more people in when we add stuff like that so i'm just thinking we'll just add another one and it's probably just going to push us over let's just add another one in there and if we give that a second 5 39 let's do a bit of terraforming while we're waiting and there we go barely two minutes later we have now reached level four so that's given us access to the soft paper factory and all these other items here as well so i tell you what i am going to do before we move across the other side of the city is add in the forestry maintenance building so what's that going to give us increases the storage capacity of industrial builders by five percent uh yeah and that's fine so we're gonna find oh and that is actually pretty huge so let's make a bit of space for that there we go excellent that'll do just in there very good i'm just gonna throw down a few trees around that just to sort of make that look a bit nicer we'll give that some water i think that across there will be plenty excellent so having another look into here as we said plenty of resources to get up to level four uh or this will be level yeah level five next we need 800 spaces and you know what we're so close i think we're just going to get some more tree producing items over this side while we're here and just get that done so let's just bring that up to there i'm gonna leave yeah i'm gonna place down a ton of trees because we're gonna build over this let's pop a straight road going up there and what's the largest we've got so we don't have access to that one yet to have a small tree i think it's gonna be this one a medium large let's go for that and not an industry area okay we can fix that what's this one over here elk meadows that's a park isn't it so we'll take that out can't have parks and industry in the same place um how many of these could i fit in let's turn off anarchy so i can go there and there excellent oh i quite like the look of that we might leave them like that terraform a tiny touch back here there we go they're all set up ready to go so what is that going to give us over here 823 we've got space for we only need to get to 800 so i reckon by the time we popped in these other couple of factories this area will be good to go okay so here is our waterfront factory industry area that we've been building oh for the last 50 episodes and most of our factories have been all this spot over here but i would like to switch things up a bit we're going to come all the way over to the other side of the city where we've been building and we're going to do something in this little area just here we've got a nice highway access which is fantastic and i don't see any reason at all why this can't turn into a nice little area with a couple of factories so let's grab our industry road i'm going to upgrade that and if we actually just keep that okay i'm going to pause while we do this let's go all the way to the end there and let's have a look at what we've got in our factories so first of all we have the printing press now we have this soft paper factory which is absolutely huge i have no idea that was so big so how big is this one gonna be i don't know we'll find out when we get there um so this one here could probably squeeze in behind here and what is that going to need um that is going to need paper and plastics okay do we have access to a railway line around here we do and it comes up and over the top and it swings round here could we put a cargo train thingamajiggy here that comes over the top and connects somehow to this yeah i think that might be a good idea actually okay let's do that then there we go so we've got access coming in from each direction i think that will be perfectly good looks like there's some trees on the line there let's move those out of the way excellent um so then we want to make sure that this can connect over here and i'm just wondering whether we can bring that in have a bridge and then they can go around the roundabout and get into that area maybe that could be quite good let's see what we can do [Music] there we go that will do for now and let's just get these hooked up again and we'll do that one in a minute we'll get electricity jumping over here in no time at all so back to our factories let's pop that's going to be a really tight squeeze right there by the roundabout but actually that is okay um so if you have a look at what this needs it's going to need paper and plastic and then the printed products need to gonna need to be stored somewhere as well we're gonna want that up to 150 percent make as much as we can um maybe go for a couple of these small ones i think would be good so paper plastic and then we could just have that one as our last one for outputting as well i think that would be a good idea so let's set these up and i'm going to put these on field and hope that we've got enough going on in our city uh that one's gonna be an empty because that's gonna be sent out around the place yeah hopefully we've got enough in our city unique factory products to fill these up but we'll if we haven't we'll see what we can do about that and then over here in this space i would like to add in the other factory the soft paper factory which is just huge um so if we had that on a road there we possibly could get that to fit maybe if we're lucky let's just see so if i do something like let's see if i did something like that would that give us anywhere near the sort of space that we need it would do if that other road wasn't in the way we could do that actually that just overlaps nicely there that's not too bad is it let's grab that and have that go into there yeah that's okay and then this one here i'm going to move that back i'm going to have that um what's going to try and do is fit some warehouses in here off of this road because again we're going to need oh man we're going to need loads so what crops crops is tiny so that's fine paper petroleum plastics well two of those are over here already with our paper and our plastic so it's just petroleum and crop so actually we should be fine um so what have we got that isn't too big i want one that's going to store enough for me and so what we're going to do is we're going to bring that down there like so then we're going to pop one of these on the end like that yep so that's going to be our oh can i store petroleum in here yes i can okay so we're going to pop that on the field and then we are going to grab for our crops we do need to use these so large grain silo yeah there we go and we'll put that on the field as well so that is in this area all the items we need i'm just wondering whether 130 tons 14 tons yeah so if these fill up that should be enough shouldn't it yeah okay excellent let's get the power hooked up looks like it's all hooked up actually very good so then all we need to do is unpause this get everything going again and i might just do a little bit of tweaking here on the roads coming into this roundabout because it's gonna start getting busy so let's get our asymmetric is that the one there yeah we'll go with that one isn't there an actual asymmetric industry road yeah i think there was in network extensions whoops but we don't actually use that anymore do we so we'll go with these ones here i'm just going to line that one up a bit better there yeah there we go so let's grab that road let's oh we've done that one um that one i'm gonna do as well and i'm gonna do this one so i think that'll be okay and oh we've got no water here let's just pause a second let's just move that back excellent oh yes no water at all where's the nearest water connection there we go water and power whoops and then this one over here needs some power as well and for now until we do any other building here we're just going to hook that in to there excellent okay yeah so having these set up like this are going to perhaps make it easier coming out onto the roundabout i sort of want to upgrade these to three lanes because i know it's going to get pretty busy so if we go for three lane one-way road with double parking no no no parking that is the one we want so we're going to go for that that that and that excellent then we're going to go to traffic manager oh we haven't done this for a while for a while control shift left click dedicated turning lanes giveaway signs all the good stuff and as you can see people are coming in now dropping off items so these are waiting for plastics let's have a quick look at our spawn points in here so that is literally right there could i move this let's just go back let's go this way i want it to come up this drive here how far back can i go yeah see that is too far so if you get back too far and can i hover around it there we go look we can see it needs to meet up with this road so we need to just go forward once and that's about as far away as we can get and i quite like that one so that's good did that automatically save yes it did and then this here oh yeah this is gonna get super busy while it fills up uh what about this one where's the spawn points on here all at the front and where would that come in i mean we've got like these sort of yeah i mean anywhere in here would be good wouldn't it so maybe let's just move this one back and over a little bit yep there we go that won't be fine that's fine these will be just sort of right in the front won't they let's have a look yeah that's okay i mean we can we can move it back a bit if we really want they can sort of go in the doorway but i don't think that's necessarily necessary excellent so now it's just waiting for these to get enough goods to produce all the things they want with hopefully they'll look at all these guys coming in bringing all the stuff in the cargo train terminal excellent that is also what we wanted so what i'm hoping these are going to do it's not getting each other's way when they come out uh let's just wait a minute until we get a train coming in watch it from this direction and see what happens i'll be honest i've been waiting here for ages for a cargo train to come along and nothing's come along but we know they're working uh because we saw that truck that said it was so um what have we got yeah this is making stuff already which is fine uh a bit short in the old paper and plastic so it might be a bit of a wait to get those over but if any house filling up well so excellent so that is going to be producing more goods it might be that we need to let that run for a while but wow look at that already we've shaved off i mean what was the figure at the beginning 6400 or something so a couple of thousand off of our goods that is absolutely brilliant and you know what in a little area like this i would perhaps even just add in a few small little let's go down here as well just a few small little industry let's bring this out there we go that can be the same height as that just a couple of buildings it adds to the look of the area in fact we're going to bring a road up here and let's go like this we're going to come off there how shall i do it i come off there and then go along there there we go and we can fill that in let's get rid of that let's put some buildings around there yeah just a couple of extra buildings how's our electrical connections going uh yeah they're not let's add that in there is that okay we've got plenty of please be okay i don't need to all have a lack of electricity they're thinking about it they're like one minute they're liking it next minute they're not liking it was that a one-way road i just put in there i think it was wasn't it let's just upgrade that there we go excellent really still not happy about the electricity what is wrong with my electricity setup okay you're going to go into there which we can see is connected across there okay couple more turbines everybody's happy good so what i'm gonna do is leave this running for a while there we go the traffic's going okay i'm not too unhappy with that oh there's a cargo train we missed it excellent oh look everybody's coming out and they are going around here to turn around to leave that is exactly what i want them to do apart from that guy there well thank you very much but as long as it's not causing a blockage yeah that's funny look they're doing it even though they don't have to that is really weird i'm happy that they're doing that i'm not going to complain okay and then we'll see how we can affect our goods importing and exporting [Music] so [Music] so one of the things or two of the things that our new factories are struggling for is paper and plastics and we're over here in our oil industry and i'm trying to sort of work out why i'm struggling for plastics because the buildings that we have here for making plastics are filled up with oil so they shouldn't have any problems making plastic there's plenty of oil in there plenty of oil in there plenty of oil in there we have oil stored for days so what is happening after that we've got even more oil stored in there um so that's our petroleum coming from these guys which is yeah not much in there either so what i'm thinking is happening and the same i'll change this in petroleum as well is our storage here for plastic is set to empty so our freight trucks are basically going out and they don't always take it to the places that need plastic they would just take it outside the city and sell it so whether that's themselves driving outside the city and think how far that is to go down the road all the way out all the way back again or there perhaps go into a cargo train terminal whatever they're doing it's a long way so i'm going to put these on field because we want to use the plastic in our city uh petroleum wasn't a problem but now i've spotted this um i'm going to put that on fill as well we've got lots of petroleum producing items what have we got over here plastics again on empty i'm going to put that on fill and i'm just wondering whether we could add another one of these just around the back here let's line that up as best i can that's the cracker plant there we go excellent and see if we can just keep this going because we've got so much oil that's going to give us some more workers as well and where is this area is aries 5 star already so that was pretty easy to get to that and i'm wondering i mean we've got only 45 tons being stored in there so i'm just going to pop down a larger warehouse what are these 130 000 yeah just something that's far too big just a nice little small one these are quite good what do these hold forty three thousand hundred thousand yeah there we go look um yeah i can go uh let's go there that's better so we're going to pop that to feel and pop that to plastics as well so i mean you can come through here we've got a lot of storage doing the same stuff which is all going to cost us money but maybe i'll go through that another time but at least now we know we're going to be keeping our plastics to come over to our uh new factories and then for paper over here at tea tree wood production which is creeping up to 800 or not many more to go we've got the same thing this is pumping out the paper we've got tons of more forestry products available to us and but our paper is set to empty so i'm going to put that on the field as well um i'm not entirely sure whether that's going to fill up first before it goes anywhere or whether you're still going to get the calls out to factories that need it i guess we will find out um but definitely that's going to work a lot better and then we've got plain timber got that on balance you see that was a much better idea i'm going to put that on field and that's making plain timber i'm just wondering whether we could do with another paper factory uh we can't put it up there we could perhaps squeeze that down there is that one let's just check what is the best one we've got available so it probably is that isn't it the biomass pellet plant could i fit that in there i probably could with a bit of hawky bulkiness um [Music] let's have a look how far out does that go it's like a river there isn't it okay let's just pause a second let's just delete those power cables let's put anarchy on and pop that in there eek yeah no that's not going to fit in is it um actually what we could do is just move all of this back a touch [Music] there we go and now we've got that there let's just put another uh where's my warehouse there's another little warehouse next to it let's go for the slightly bigger one i do like that one that looks cool so we'll just put this on field and paper there we go excellent and all this also needs raw forestry products where's the nearest uh storage of those that is all the way over here as well so i'll tell you what we'll just add another one in there we go and we'll put that on the field because it's all going to be used here for our forestry products and i've done the same thing as last time i've set that to the wrong thing so we're going to grab that building over there pop that down here and that is what we want in there so we're going to fill that up and they're going to come look straight out of here into there and then into this little setup excellent so hopefully now if you come all the way back across to the other side of the city which is looking a bit of an orange haze on here isn't it that these should now start to fill up which is what we want so to get our last factory we are still waiting for tea tree wood production to increase and i've added in a couple of extra things a small tree plantation another one over here i've made look like a greenhouse and we're slowly slowly getting there we're like 30 away now and but i want to just show you something it's a little bit cheesy but it is something you could do to try and boost um your workers i sort of alluded to this earlier and we didn't sort of really do much with it let's just i'm going to chuck some stuff down and then i'm just going to sort of get rid of it um where's my bridge really there it is so if we go like this over the water there we go and then we go back straight again like that and we just make that come all the way down here there we go that is not straight what's going on let's upgrade that when i say straight i mean flat it's perfectly straight you know what i mean there we go excellent and then what we're going to do is just chuck a load of forestry buildings down the side here i mean they could literally be anything um let's just go for that let's chuck in a couple of these turn off anarchy then they won't overlap and our overall job positions is gonna shoot right up look well over a thousand but there we go that's what happened so every time you place one it doesn't say we've now got 20 extra job spaces let's wait to attract some more people it literally brings in more people randomly out of nowhere so if you want to cheese it a little bit and get to the next level that's one way to do it what i'm gonna do so now we've got the modular house factory the bigger pulp mill and the large tree plantation is i'm gonna keep these and integrate them into this build but i'm not gonna do that now what i really wanted for the sake of this video was to get the modular house factory so let's jump into here and by the way let's take a quick look at our goods before we do that we're down to 3 311 being imported which is fantastic and here we go we've got our modular house factory the biggest production or the second biggest wasn't it after the ship so the but the biggest that can actually be used in your city rather than just automatically exported so we want to get this set up and this needs plain timber plastic glass and metals so that's going to be a big job okay so there we go for now i've just popped down some of these little warehouses which i really like we've got all of those set up and just for today we'll come back and we'll be building out this area and detail it better i've just popped some trees around it and just notice over here as well we're getting a lot of these like red brick buildings which are actually really cool i like those what's the um what's the measurement on those it's like two by two huh okay worth keeping that in mind we've got some slightly different ones over here which are a bit bigger than two by two yeah i like that excellent okay so i've also been putting in as you can see our normal industry like we said they're going to be producing goods as well but this is just going to take a bit of time to get these to fill up and yeah let's pop that to 150 and again i think we're going to have to go through all of our industries to try and beef up the production of all these different items to keep all of our factories humming all the time because this one's short on paper and plastic yet again but that's going to be an ongoing thing but let's let this run a bit let's let all of these fill up we're going to get lots more cargo trucks coming in by the way these sorts of items here that we want to come in uh these special goods cannot be imported as it says that they have to be produced locally but they can be exported um so the trains that was waiting to come in were from other areas in our city that was the idea okay right i'll let this run and then we'll come back for a final look to see how effort inc is doing right time has gone past you can probably see by looking at the date in the corner i don't know how how many years have passed but i've just been off to have a nice zoom chat with my family see how they're all doing this is my extended family not the people actually living my own house you know what i mean and yeah let us look at the figures so the change in our goods has been pretty good ah pun intended uh before we were importing 6480 goods now we're only importing 3227. so that is fantastic so that is 640 you know that is a more or less half isn't it half the amount of goods and overall we were importing a total of 9173 goods so uh five seven eight nine i said we've obviously importing less of these as well aren't we i don't know what those figures were but anyway overall we've had a nice drop which is really really good and i don't think exporting would have changed much no so i don't think i i mean correct me if i'm wrong but i would imagine until we've imported we've stopped importing goods and we're making an absolute ruck ton and there's some that we don't need then we'd start exporting goods wouldn't we i'm assuming that's how it would work but that is pretty darn good um i didn't check how much money we were making each week before because as you know it fluctuates so much with the industry ds at dlc it's hard to see but there's definitely some tweaks i could make i mean look my expenses of factories and warehouses is huge because i i put warehouses everywhere i love lots of warehouses but we've grown i mean what nearly you know 82 and a half thousand population i'm really pleased with that so there you go if you're having problems with not enough goods in your city or you're importing so many that you're getting traffic problems and train problems then this is one of the things you can do and even if you don't have the industries dlc so you can't produce goods through the factories like i have then make sure you've got enough industry and also the industry specializations that you can do as well and make those good so they don't have to be imported in and you will make more money as well lots and lots of benefits to balance in your city thank you for watching be sure to be here tomorrow for our vanilla city bill don't miss that subscribe so you don't miss that and leave a like if you enjoyed this video as well have a great day i'll see you soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 114,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay, cities skylines goods, cities skylines goods problem
Id: C3cRFTHN064
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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