Highway & Interchange Reconstruction | Vanilla Cities Skylines | Verde Beach Ep. 62

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[Music] [Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of faraday beach and in this episode we are going to be taking a look at transportation as are we in the next episode and there's a good reason for that on november 15th the infrastructure investment and jobs act was passed into law so it's been said that the bill has a 1.2 trillion dollar price take but it's really 550 billion when you consider that it's just reauthorization of a previous transportation bill which was originally signed back into law in 2015 that's the fast act so much of this increased funding is dedicated to roads something that has led the advocacy group transportation for america deciding or declaring that this was a historic investment in yesterday's transportation priorities that said there is a significant amount of infrastructure in the us that's in poor condition this bill aims to address that so i'm going to point out a couple of things of interest to verde beach that are really going to drive some of the decision making here so the bill includes 273 billion dollars for highways and roadway funding that's a 32 increase over the previous authorization it also includes 72 billion for the surface transportation block grant program uh 7.2 billion of which goes to the transportation alternatives program so what that is is it's a it's a transportation program administered at the local level through regional planning agencies and that 7.2 trillion dollars in the transportation alternatives program that can go to bike and pet infrastructure and transit so that's locally selected only competing with other local municipalities and then there is a 172 percent increase in national strategic freight and the uh in the grant program associated with that and 40 billion for new bridge investments there's also a couple of interesting pilot programs that deal with roads too uh the first of which is is a half billion dollars to reconnect communities and the other is 350 million for wildlife crossings so we are going to get some of that money and uh in this episode we're going to focus on the roadway money and the next episode we're going to focus on the 70 billion that's been allocated to transit so lots to think about in this one and i'm going to tell you what we're going to do now so if you look over here we've got this highway it comes through and it bisects the community right here and what this ends up doing when we take a look into our budget or into our land value it creates a pretty stark division and part of this is services part of this is being disconnected so anywhere over here is going to take you longer to get anywhere else in verde beach basically because this highway is here so there's an opportunity with these programs to make some targeted connections there's also an opportunity to take this which if we take a look at our noise it makes a lot of noise we can we can get rid of all of this noise of vehicles traveling through the community that don't actually go to the community so we we can we can remove this and what i'm thinking is that we're going to apply and win grants in both the reconnecting communities program and then just the normal formula funds that we get through the highway trust fund that i mentioned earlier so what we're going to do is a couple of things we're going to take the highway here and we're going to pull it straight across we're going to connect up here and pull this highway straight up as well and then we're going to take this local collector at this point bring this around and have an inner energy a local uh a local junction there with the highway so rather than having this weird service uh junction connecting into a collector we're gonna actually have a a better a better connection there to the highway network and i think it's going to flow a lot smoother in fact i'll switch over to transportation we still have we have really good uh traffic flow but i think we can do even better um the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to remove the highway straight through here and change the bob ross memorial interchange and decorate it for the first time so it's it's been uh it's been pretty barren and we can take a look at that there's nothing there so we're gonna fix that and then we're gonna reconnect and establish some connections between this area and the collector network get rid of these roundabouts get rid of that roundabout and and create a really nice well-connected streak right here one that doesn't funnel traffic into the neighborhood but establishes connections here so we don't have problems like this so the other thing we're gonna do is we're gonna use eminent domain and at least one house and establish some sort of connection over here to lewis garden city and bring our network back here because there's been a lot of development questions about this area there's some pressures to build and uh there's an opportunity to do so so we're gonna we're gonna do that so without any further ado we're going to do this without pausing the game so we're going to need to be really thoughtful about how we go about this so i know that i can disconnect this no problem and that's we're going to start and i'll explain why in just a moment so if i disconnect this any traffic that wanted to go this way will just hop off and use this connection to get to this interchange right here not ideal but it will do the trick and now we're just going to pull this straight across before we do that though why don't we take a look at our grating and it looks pretty darn good but i think that we should just be this is a highway we're going to be really cautious so we'll come over here we'll just slope it straight up not enough soil our forever problem that's okay though because we're gonna look at this we're about to open up a bunch of land here for development i i think there's no problem stealing some soil from here making even more developable land for us in the future i do need to be careful though because the last thing i want to do is go ahead and create a flooding problem that is something else that's addressed in the bipartisan infrastructure bill or the infrastructure and jobs act whatever you want to call it these days uh they there's a program for resiliency i believe there's about five billion dollars in there for resiliency so maybe not as much as i'd like to see considering it's a major problem facing basically every community in the us and most in the world at this point so i'd love to see a whole bunch of money there but at some point you got to just be happy that there's any money in there it's not it's not that all of these issues are bipartisan issues so um i think that i think it passed on something like a an 89 vote uh or eight eighty eight i think it was sorry 69 to 30. uh so that's that's really impressive in today's congress so maybe that's a low bar but it is what it is and i will veer away from politics now don't get me started so anyway we will bring this over here and i could just build this from either side but it's gonna be a lot cleaner for me to try to line up with my junctions here and then reverse the road so got a nice connection here it's completely level perfectly straight look at that looking good my highway oh no i spent so much time trying to make this not happen okay well little mulligan we'll redo this a bit oh yeah that looks bad no wonder why it looks the way it did or it looked the way it did the soil issues will be the death of me all right well we're gonna go a bit further i think we're gonna take some back here i know that we need this soil taken away anyway we're gonna do something back here at some point and when we do we can't have a collector road just going into a hill that's not going to work so i'll steal it from deck back there we'll drive it down this road baja down here and make some interesting roadway connections it'll be perfect oh you've got to be kidding me it's so close all right well back to the drawing board take a little bit more refill the pallet there we go and then we'll come back down here we'll give it one more go it's got to work this time right there we go so now we can go from either side too and this should be absolutely beautiful look at that look at that outside connection needed okay so elephant in the room this probably looks a lot better than the last one i've made some settings changes i've rebuilt my computer i've reinstalled windows and i've done a whole bunch of other stuff that has made this game run like like it hasn't before so i'm running at 4k and just a little look under the hood i'm getting 61 frames and i'm looking that way this way getting 46 41. i'm really happy so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take my win there and and be very happy now here there would be some sort of bypass and we're gonna do real dirty it's gonna be terrible uh so there would likely be some lane switching and some crazy stuff let's have some sort of local road diverter no we'll just we're just gonna go fast [Laughter] that's the best policy we'll just close the highway which would almost never happen but we're gonna we're gonna take some liberties i wasn't sure that i was gonna be able to hit that but no problem look at that so now we're just sending this right over there and that is exactly what i hoped so now i've got to make some changes here and i can do this one live as well because people can still get off here so we're going to close this down now and what i want to do is send this right up to here and then we're going to make some changes and we're going to use some local some dirt roads rather to actually build our interchange so this is going to be a challenging one because of the angles that we're coming in at but that's okay we're up to the task so we just need to look at our movements and we know that there are really there's really just a couple movements we need to make so we need to get vehicles from right here onto this road going this way and that way this way and this way and if we can make those three movements we are good to go so what i'm going to do to start out with i'm going to pull this up let's go up 100 [Music] and i'll pull that over one one there we go so you might wonder why i'm doing that the primary reason is that so i have these nodes there we're gonna now be able to split this off a bit maybe you didn't go far enough okay so you have to become a master to do this at uh actually separating out or switching your snap to's on the fly because we're gonna have to do that to make this work so i'm gonna focus on this road going towards the highways right now and i'm going to turn my road guidelines back on we're going to create a mirroring road and now that perfectly lines up now this road here is going to come up and then we're going to turn it around so i'm going to go over 12. i'm going to use really fine movements if i can and then i actually need to start sending this over beforehand so i was able to drop that down one here so i'm gonna go for it and now i'm gonna mirror this a little bit more because i think i'm gonna need to take some of this back now to finish off i'm gonna use my curved road tool line up with that line there make the connection not perfect but pretty darn good i could have probably dropped it sooner and go on ground level might give that a shot there we go so that's a little bit better i like that and then the other thing we're going to do the exact same thing over here so we're going to mirror that road and we'll use that to make our connection using our curved road tool there we go now we can separate these and i'm going to start upgrading these right off the bat the main reason i'm doing that is you can run into some real problems crossing the highways look at that look at that we've got one of them one of the legs done beautiful so one of our movements is taken care of so over here we need to do the exact same thing but this time oh actually our movements backwards right there so we'll make that one fix uh and then over here let's do the exact same thing i'm just gonna mirror now we might actually need to pull this highway back now that i'm looking our angle is inappropriate see if i can make this work without it so i'm going to do is pick my angle i'm going to go at 45 or thereabouts as close as i can get and i'll just pull that back down now this this is the primary reason why i'm concerned we need to to go over this and i don't know that we can right now so over under with the two options we're not going under that's a little bit hokey so we'll try going up but i don't think we're gonna be able to get over so that was seven clicks up that wasn't enough and truthfully this is very steep so i think we're gonna back it out to right about there and then we'll start going up and i'll do three here and three here i'll do one more right there and here's where it gets tricky so we're we're clearing this you can see because it's not turning red that's fine the problem is my ram so i'm gonna see if using a normal road it'll give me a better pillar there we go that's perfect and then we'll need to mirror that connection over here drop that all the way down and this is going to need to be a longer ramp so that we can actually climb down so to speak so from there let's pull this back down and truthfully we could have started our descent right there so we're going to try that and then i just use the rode curvy road tool to finish that off now we got one ugly bump right here but i'm not overly concerned about it because we can go in reverse and get this fixed so what i'll do is i'll just come down here we're gonna turn off our road guidelines and just follow our longest bridge drop it down three one two three there we go so we're gonna need to do some things here to make this right so first of all we'll start out really dislike strongly that this is bending now that's okay we'll just get our perfect 45. i'll pull that background this is a really inefficient use of the land but most interchanges are unfortunately if you if you look at the footprint of interchanges they are absolutely massive so even though i would love to get this tighter there is a way i'm looking at it i could have come up from the other side and pulled this back through so that might be the approach let's give that a shot so we'll do something spicy for just a minute so i will turn that off doesn't like it does not like it a bit we're gonna keep trying so we'll throw a road grid line our guideline right there now [Music] there we go and that will allow me to at this point make add a node where i want it to be delete this now those line up and now you can make our connection there we go that is significantly better and that will allow us to at least tighten this up just a little bit had to get creative with our nodes but you know creativity pace so so be creative i i highly encourage it so i don't know where i'm gonna be able to sneak under look at that that is beautiful beautiful and i can really shorten up that ramp length if i want i'm not going to just for visual continuity but i could and then i'll connect up with that node so now it'll be nice and balanced i wish this weren't so high but it kind of just needs to be so we're gonna go with it let's start upgrading and getting this thing running all right and then this one as well so i could try to take this bridge and come in here i might give that a shot so let's get this upgraded and then i'll try to loop it back around so we have the same length totally unnecessary but it will look much nicer if we do that so what i'll do i'm gonna go through here and i'm gonna draw in a line right here and that will help me know where to connect the bridge and then i'm gonna use my curved road tool it is going to be tricky so i'm going to need to go a bit further back so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to send this down just a hair and then connect it up in reverse so that gives me a nice smooth ramp look at this we've done it we have done it one down oh that is that is nice yeah we could we could oh no it's not get to hop on your dirt road segment experience life as it used to be all right so that's this is nice so i can come through we could certainly go through and uh you know if we wanted to you know do a little bit of that but i think it looks better without that so until i see it functioning poorly i'm gonna leave it because i like the way it looks and it's going to function well in my in my estimation so that's one down i got a little water problem here oh who did that that is that is unacceptable the real question is why would these people live here for all those years without water pipes underneath the road all right that's much better so whoa there we go so we're going to disconnect this and we need to find a path for this now what i'm thinking is we're gonna look at our terrain and find out that it's basically flat so at that point we just need a good place where maybe we could make a junction so it doesn't necessarily need to be right here and this is really not an ideal spot uh we're gonna really have a strong impact on the overall functionality of this junction if we were to make our connection right there so we're going to send a bridge over this and then terminate it over here and if we take a look there's not a lot we can do here so it's probably going to be some sort of um probably a trumpet so lots going on today [Laughter] so we're going to send that through here [Music] and what we're going to do is run this first of all we have to reorient it here so we'll start here send it right down and let's find our bridge location and i think it's going to be right here go up three and then we'll come down and that's way too long we're not going to do that so let's minimize our bridge span it's always a good kind of rule and then since we have a little bit of soil we're going to raise this up and then we'll even it out lower it down just a notch bring that up on both sides and now we'll use our slope terrain tool and create a nice slope for ourselves or not whatever works all right so now we should be able to bring this back down to the ground oh look at that so sometimes it won't work for you and this is one of those like uh mods sorts of because this is a very simple solution with mods not always simple but we can make it work not always simple in vanilla but there we go and now we can make our connection and basically what we're going to do is why don't we just send this straight we will break that road connection there and i shouldn't have extended this way too soon spending lots of money on mistakes never a good idea but that's where we're at i'm going to downgrade that as well just for continuity and then we'll make our local roadway connections here we are going to straighten this out there's no reason on a brand new road to have that kind of kind of angle so we're not going to do it and then we'll use our curved road tool to line these up sometimes you got to grab it from the other side now over here it's going to be trickier i don't want to demolish these homes so we're just going to parallel the road a bit and then we'll use our curved road tool to come right in now we don't have any new junctions which is the main goal there so that is nice and now we just need to find a way to connect up over here with our collector so let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to i'm going to try to not develop too close to the shore and i assume there'd be a setback there anyway um so why don't we want to leave about three tiles worth of space and the use is here i have ideas uh i'm not gonna i'm not gonna talk about it yet but i've got some ideas but for the time being undetermined we'll leave it there and now we at least have a nice connection over here and this opens up so much land for development and it's well connected and there will be an interchange over here which is going to be a great help and benefit to the city so what we're going to do is start out by building in a trumpet so let's get the bones of our trumpet in place so i i do want to build some of those ramps right off the bat so i'm going to use my freeform tool and just try to mirror this and we'll have one over here as well these are probably way too long but i'm not overly concerned about that right now i just really want to make sure that i have some guidelines in place for myself the other thing that we're going to do is build our road going across here so i believe this is fairly flat and that that's why this is an ideal location we'll come over here we'll pop it up three now we're gonna need to back this off some uh this is another location candidate for uh cut and fill but we're gonna need to do that after the fact so now that we have this here we're gonna want to break this off so we're going to want one that loops back around and the other one that loops this way so we're going to use our dirt roads for this let me give that a bit of thought for a second it might make sense to come back with this we'll just maximize that length there and then we will switch over to using our dirt roads like we have been and we'll come up we'll make one connection up here then we will use our guidelines we're going to be a bit beyond well that's not going to do what i was hoping actually it might have and then here we're going to use our free form and we need to make another mirrored road here and it's it's giving me all of the wrong guidelines and that's because there are so many of them right here so sometimes when you have that issue it can be easier just to make a make a connection and actually get rid of the road guidelines go with just grid get the the length that you need and then just make it so the problem that we're to have is there's a oh bummer so this pillar is way too close i needed this to go further so we're going to need to back that up we'll go beyond make sure that a road going underneath it and we can extend this out a bit and hopefully make a nice circle here there we go so we've got one last movement that we really need to get cleaned up and that is right here at the junction so we're going to take that down i'm going to need to turn off road guidelines we'll take that down as far as we can try to make that look well lined up and then from that point make our dirt road connections so these don't always function great in vanilla so we're gonna have to kind of play around a little bit just to make sure that we're that it's working but i have faith i have faith so that's looking good there so this will be where you get on so let's go ahead and upgrade that and we'll start with one and we'll upgrade it to two for lanes distance too short it doesn't like that little little segment right there let's see if we can make it work and we're gonna have to just completely freeform this part and then we'll go back to our road guidelines angle and road guidelines find that and make our connection and over here we're probably going to run into the exact same problem oh different problem so that's just too close so we'll come through and just start making our upgrades so i'm going through here [Music] and just carefully making these i wish i could get this closer i might try it it's probably not smart it's certainly letting perfect be the enemy of good because this is pretty darn good it's going to function well i love it that we're just a little bit better yep i've definitely made that worse significantly worse so that is why you just you let you let good enough be good enough this is this is what i'm known for i just i can't help myself and look where it gets me so we're gonna give it another go we're gonna eyeball it and hopefully i can fix it yeah it i hate the way it pops up the only way to fix that i think is to actually change the angle that this is coming in at it that's a whole lot of picky i might do that off camera at some point but i'm gonna i'm gonna try to just let it go just let it go i probably should let this go in the right direction too so there we go that side's done this other side is considerably easier this is simply coming in at the right angle so i want to come in at a 45 if i can that's simple same thing over here 45 i just want to make sure i have the same length so it was 500 before so 545 and then we'll come over here and we will use our curved row tool line up with the right junction and there we go and we'll do the same thing over here i would love to make this line up exactly where this other one did so we're just going to we're going to do that it'll be simple enough we'll grab our dirt road come through here line up with this and we'll come back just a bit now you're going to see why i did that in a minute that's going to be our our length where we're able to turn in so we'll curve at that point and just move right there so that should be fine this shouldn't back up here so i'm not going to be overly concerned about it so let's make our enhancements reverse that and this and that there we go so it's not perfect it's it's actually pretty ugly it's gonna be functional i'm curious how much worse is that than this yeah it's a lot worse maybe it's not maybe it's fine yeah move it would really help with this because i could pull this down a little bit i'm going to think about this a bit more but for the time being it's going to do the trick also going to go through here and manually handle some of these traffic controls there's no need to have all of these signals really it's just this one and i bet you if i just leave it off it'll be just fine so that said that 45 is not working well let's give this one more go because the last thing we want is for traffic to be turning around so i'm curious 45 is still giving me that so it's just one of those unfortunate the more i i angle this so 45 is basically where it stops before it makes me start bending so i don't want that to happen so we're just gonna let it be either way we're not developing this area today this is infrastructure that we are lucky is getting built as a part of this bill so there we go we'll let this go i don't even know that we're gonna see much traffic on here for the time being oh look at that we're seeing some great traffic very good we'll take it so we cut probably could have had some sort of complicated junction here to try to make this work it's just gonna be a lot cleaner to send it this way so now we've got more work to do so we've got the bob ross memorial interchange we don't need that anymore let's start taking this back so we are going to sever this connection for the time being and that is going to do some things to our traffic look at look at these guys are happy because we're taking this down that's all that noise and pollution that they've been suffering with for years and now we're reconnecting the community absolutely fantastic so i'm wondering if there's an inexpensive solution here so the inexpensive solution would be using some of our old structure so we've got this so really we need to facilitate two movements so if we could facilitate entering this exiting we would be fine it's an it's not the prettiest interchange we're going to need to do something to it but i think that that's totally within the realm of possibility let's just take that back and we'll go through and see if it's possible to just do something fairly simple so first of all let's again mirror this we'll find our ramp location and we're gonna need one to go up and over and the other one to go underneath so if i could send this one here and start dropping it down quickly enough oh so i inadvertently sent that down so it it really is not going to like me using my dirt roads here my favorite trick so as a result we're gonna need to try something else and we'll just need to back it up until it likes it that is not lovely so what we're gonna do i think we're gonna send it straight and start dropping it down as best we can we're gonna turn off grid it's not being helpful right now we're gonna turn off road guidelines and i wanna focus on this ramp location there we go so that's really our primary concern at this point and our secondary concern will be making sure that this ramp is as low as it can be there we go that's actually pretty nice so i'm not going to worry about this we're going to focus on just making nice clean connections right here we will continue what we've been doing but on this side we're going to do the exact opposite so we'll come over here we'll meet there we'll we'll pop this up three or maybe two and then we'll make our curve all i gotta do is pop it up one that is wonderful and then we'll need to descend we're gonna need to do it over a longer period of time so there's three and we're going to need to actually do this before we reach our rail infrastructure so this is going to be a steeper ramp that's okay we can live with one if it makes sense and there's a purpose there we go and over here what i think we're going to do is just try to line this up again with this interchange right here it doesn't like it with this ramp book across the way doesn't like it but we're going to force it to there we go we've we've forced the issue and now it works so let's get everything lined up appropriately oh don't do this to me don't do this to me no [Laughter] so it doesn't like this it wants this to be a little bit higher and that's a really steep drop that really stinks if anything i'd like to i'd like it to be lower let's i'm going to try one thing that one thing will be just rebuilding sometimes that's good enough it is not in this case oh interesting so it just doesn't like this at all so i thought it was just i thought it was special [Laughter] i thought that it was uh that for some reason it just uh for some reason i thought that it was just this one particular location but it just doesn't like anything i'm doing right here so that's okay we'll we'll uh we'll make it happen so we were able to do it there with our dirt road so let's upgrade this oh really really really really wow so this ramp isn't high enough that's so it with with these sorts of things it's it's kind of process of elimination that's all that i could figure out that it would be two options there and i think i'm going to take the easy solution or to pop this down you see that there is elevation there that is interesting so there must have been some sort of elevation there in the past we somehow were able to build over it the game remembered and it was mad so hopefully this resolves the issue it does yes it does there we go and then we just reverse this i didn't even do much there i just leveled out the land that was there before now let's just hope yeah [Laughter] uh yeah nothing's gonna be easy so this it wants to be higher which is basically everything my nightmares are made out of so we're going to give it a go wow that was significantly higher so at that if we're going to make that work we actually might need to go over the rail which was not at all what i was thinking was going to happen we can we can make that work so we'll turn on our road length because if we go when we try to be reasonable with this it's just not going to like it so the option so there's a couple of options we could just raise the rail that would never happen in reality so what i'm going to do we've got a we've got billions of dollars of highway funding we're using them so that is horrendous and that would never happen in a million years oh boy that is terrible so the most cost effective way of handling this would clearly be the rail and we're going to pay the rail company for the privilege of moving their bridge they'll get some improvements as we recall that is a significant component of the infrastructure plan there was billions allocated for freight so it's not out of the realm of possibility that freight would be improved oh boy i really dislike everything i just did but i think with the exception of the trains disappearing we're in a better place with this so i have to raise up the north side to make it work then the south side doesn't need to be raised up for just just for visual continuity we're going to keep them at the same height i think it'll also make it easier as we are making our connections because we have to rebuild these it seems like they're close but just a little off that i'm just gonna just gonna just gonna stop i'm just gonna stop and then from here we'll bring that angle around and this is the angle that we're going to make our connection at so we don't have to rebuild much in the way of infrastructure and then we've got a nice clean connection there and we'll make this connection under the bridge which immediately makes that train break load back to where it was and apparently do whatever this is stop and think for a while and if you can make it past there we go apparently that's fine apparently that is totally all right uh and i can't get rid of this it's just gonna have to despawn so that's it's fine that's that's it's gonna work just okay just just all just wonderfully so these roundabouts i've hated these for a long time and now they're gone they might wonder why am i why am i preserving that bridge i've got a very specific purpose for that and that is we're going to have a local expressway through here and that expressway is going to do a lot for the city this stinks it's just a little bit off so there's a slight bend there it'll be fine it's just not ideal so we're gonna run an expressway along here and we're gonna go up and above this and make a connection over here into this collector which will serve as kind of a bypass get goods around the city and i think it's going to be a really important connection in the future let's take a look though we've made some significant changes what happened to our transportation network it's the same surprise a billion dollars and i guess our ramps are wrong so that won't help much there we go and let's make a couple of improvements here should finish this and make some changes so we'll drop this down to two lanes to there that'll be fine so it doesn't really need two lanes here in fact it probably should drop and we should be prioritizing this lane mathematics are all off i'm sorry biffa i tried i i i could do better maybe i will but i think for the time being this will do the trick let's let's focus on our other road in our roadway connectivity which is really the next concern that we have here so i want to mirror some of the things that we've been doing i'm going to use a local road uh in the place of this highway that we are going to place we'll back that about a tile off from our previous bridges and then i'm going to use the mirroring of roads just get these lined up and here's where we can freestyle a bit so we are going to try to keep this close we don't want this to we don't want to waste any land here that that's what was the case we'll have to take out this pet bridge or replace that and then here we're gonna send this right underneath and that'll be a local connection we're gonna need to make a connection to this collector too but for the time being that'll do the trick and then we'll come through here as well and now here we're going to turn off everything but angle because it'll be really hard to make a good junction otherwise so we'll turn that then we'll turn on our road guidelines and our curved road tool bring this up look at that beautiful connection follows this well and now we just need a nice connection over here into our collector so here's another spot where we'll use our freeform tool we'll come in at our angle so we're coming in at a perfect 90. now i'm going to turn on the road guidelines so i line up with the train and then i'll use my curved road tool and make a nice connection let's get this upgraded this is going to become a very popular route i can tell you that right off the bat i can also tell you that it doesn't like this [Laughter] perfect there we go so we've got that made there then we will bring this over loop around that is very steep i'd love to be able to extend this up a bit it's just not going to work and now we're going to pull this all the way back now this expressway connection will need to go somewhere and we're going to send it somewhere but we're not there just yet where we are at is needing a connection between this massive viaduct and our new roadway connection so we're going to do that right now and for this i would absolutely love for this to be a ground level connection there should have never been a bridge like this we're gonna try something so what we're gonna do we'll just come through here and i'm gonna raise this up and i'm gonna try to upgrade this let's try a bike road well i got a ramp so i've got that going for me uh not exactly what i was hoping i didn't go high enough i think so i will try that one more time okay so to me going through and making that change is hugely significant for a couple of reasons uh first oh yeah so i probably should have upgraded this first so we're calling a mulligan let's steal some soil over here and then we'll go and raise this up again so that was a mistake uh the reason why that happened is simply that i uh lowered the ground first and now the ground is lower underneath there do the power youtube we're gonna fix this we'll just get that fixed right now okay so there we go we're not gonna have bike lanes right here necessarily but that'll that'll do the trick over here the ramp is much better i could probably get one more length converted we're gonna give it a go there we go that's the stuff oh that's like a move it issue i'm gonna just uh yeah i'll just call them all again go right back to where that was and call it a day so if we wanted that to to work we'd need to move this out a little bit then we're just gonna let it be so now we've got some movement here we've built a lot of roadway infrastructure let's take a look i want to look at the traffic again 82 not great not great not terrible but not great but some of that's going to be fixed when we resolve our last bit of issue here and that is this area so what i want to do we're going to pull this road through we're going to use some eminent domain on one of those commercial buildings let's back this road up a bit we're gonna send a local road through here so what we're gonna do is pull this up and send this right back and then we'll make a local roadway connection here so this is very lumpy and bumpy and i don't love it but i don't hate it either what we're gonna do is send this into this road at a 90. there we go and we could certainly do more for local connectivity this bridge is now no longer necessary so i think we're going to formalize that we're going to drop this down so why don't we just clear a bit of that how do we have this we can just add it at the ground level so we'll maintain that truthfully i don't even know why i did that it's not entirely necessary that that occurs and we're gonna need to upgrade some of these roads to the dirt road or the uh or the the uh industry road but it'll be okay for the time being so we'll make our connection there pull this up and we're gonna do a couple of things so let's just pull this through we'll make our connection there disband this and then pull this right over here and we'll have a few connections so we're making a lot of local connections giving vehicles options trying to prevent all that funneling that was occurring and there's still some but look at the amount of local connectivity we have here now even this one we could add this in if we wanted to not hugely important we're going to start running again because there's no reason not to and we're going to send this highway back and this is going to be one of the critical connections so i want to make this local roadway connection back here there we go so that's where the highway will end up and let's go through and change some of our roads to industry roads back here no reason not to they will save us money over time because concrete has a longer life span even though it's louder so over here it's going to be a problem so we'll leave it and that reminds me i left something over here whoops so here we go and to me this is a network that is dramatically more complete we're still seeing some some very challenging circumstances over here so let's go ahead and make a fix so what i would love to do over here is actually have a parklow that's not going to happen the game is just not sophisticated enough to allow that so we can go ahead and just add a ramp connection here and i'm going to change this so that over here we're blocking that off so that's a stop sign there free flow through here and then we need to adjust some of our signals because we have a lot of new signals that are not warranted this one's probably okay this is kind of the end of the city not entirely sure that that's needed though so we'll get rid of that even too and let's just go through and make sure we don't have any signals that we don't need we've got this one got that one that one makes sense these are going in it's local roads teeing into collectors we have these collectors teeing into collectors they get a signal and some of this is going to clear up naturally on its own so the path that i'm hoping that these vehicles will take is to hop off here come through here so why don't we even prioritize some of these movements through here and we will signalize it here there we go so i want to speed this up to let some of this clear out you see that it already has to a certain extent this might even be suitable as a stop sign technically this would be an arterial right here and it's really one of one of our few arterials going this way but you see that there's a lot of traffic already on it back if we click on it look at the utilization of that road that is wild definitely necessary to have that they're going all over the place they're going on the highway to enter the rest of verde beach they are leaving the city they're coming over here lots of things lots of movements occurring and now that we have that worked out let's take a look at our traffic improved a little bit there's potentially too much connectivity i wonder if this is a beneficial road or not because when we take a look at this well that's the dominant movement so truthfully this should probably be angling this way now this would all be modeled out and before we're just guessing and checking there would be some rationale for this decision making process but because we don't have the luxury of modeling except for in real time in the game we are going to do it in real time in the game now just send the angle that way so i could get really cheeky with it and try something like this truthfully i don't think that's helping anyone but we can give it a shot it might actually help the traffic flow a little bit because there really are two dominant movements i'm wondering where this heads now that actually might be an okay solution for this area because we are this is really a freight corridor and you can tell that when you look at it there's all the brown there's some purple that that's the private vehicles and then there is the public transport transport and cargo that's the pink but really most of it's the brown and that's the freight movement so i'm happy to see the freight movement being contained to this road but you know there are some realities of that that we're going to deal with let's go ahead we're going to add in this connection as well there we go now this did something really neat look at how much space it opened up to expand this park so i don't think that we're gonna blast a road through here and make this connection we certainly could not through the park though i think that we're gonna do it outside of there we have this connection here we could use a bit of eminent domain and make a connection here i think that's probably the more likely scenario truthfully eminent domain is difficult in general the most likely scenario is probably a road coming off here big cul-de-sac maybe a pedestrian connection through there everything else is is very challenging but we can take some liberties it's a game so that could be what we do for the time being i think i'm liking where that is let's take a look at our traffic flow we've dropped so that's that's where getting hokey gets us it gets us with worse traffic than we had before we've got some interesting things happening here i think part of that is we've taken this local route here to the freight network and we're really incentivizing these freight vehicles going up here in fact i think that if we were to look at this bridge oh maybe not like that maybe not like that there we go uh so if we were to take a look at this bridge yeah there's a heavy freight movement deciding to make this yeah that is not good so as much as i want that connectivity that was not a movement i wanted to incentivize so that is problematic for me and we're gonna probably need to do something about that something to make that less desirable so i'm wondering if a bunch of stop signs do the trick got a signal here coming out of the bus depot that one makes sense to me signal here this is not a not a great route so hopefully that does nothing it's because it's it's so much more convenient than coming around this way but i could make this more convenient and the way that i could do that is there's an opportunity to pull a road back here that'll open up more developable land which at this point that's kind of what we're doing we're maximizing our density but for this earthquake sensor which was being used to jump power at one point so we've got another thing going on there's kind of a weird node there so i'm going to get rid of that node and force a slightly more logical connection and then we will come through here and make this road connection these junctions are way too close so we're gonna again i'm kind of testing some things out here and trying to find the best configuration that i can this is again one of those things i don't love doing this but at the same time we're making some significant infrastructure investments if there ever is a time to test this is the time there we go so i think that's probably a more logical connectivity pattern and then we need to look at our junctions because they're all crazy at this point we prioritize these movements through here i'm hopeful that we will get some of this freight traffic heading this way look at that still going in the wrong place and that might resolve itself over time but it's still this is this road is so much faster that's my major issue so short of reversing this or severing this connection which i really like nothing's gonna happen so i do think we're gonna call a mulligan on that connection i love the connectivity but i don't love it that much it kind of makes me sad though which is silly to say but it does i i love connectivity so much i think it's so important we are going to maintain something so we have a pedestrian connection there that's better than nothing this is probably one of those things that in the future people say i just wish they put that road right there and the city is constantly saying we would love to too but we can't and the consequence of that change is going to be very apparent let's go in here all that traffic is now going this way so and then you we we've separated the lines so now we have pinks and the purple going up this way and the orange brown going this way and that was that was what i wanted that's going to improve our traffic flow which it has this is still bad and boy this is a lot busier than i thought it was going to be so i'm going to just un-signalize some of these local roads so remove the stop signs with these in particular it can the game can struggle with it no way would any of these be un uncontrolled but the game likes it so we're gonna we're gonna like it because we have to uh and then we're gonna also add some more pedestrian connectivity over here so we could start to develop some of this land if we wanted to there's plenty of connections that could be made the other thing we could do is add more connectivity here if we wanted this is a really short distance here but you can see a lot of these have cleared up because of this road being placed here unfortunately we have an absolute disaster mess situation right here there's so much desire for this connection we have buses going down there they're using it as a short path we're backed up way back here we have a loading occurring all over the place so i might have created an issue this is induced demand at its finest so uh where whereas before this was a difficult path to make now it's very easy and there are many vehicles taking that path because it's such a dominant movement i'm going to turn on signalized and see what happens here see if this clears up a bit the other thing i'm thinking of doing is using our asymmetrical roads here so this will allow us to reverse it part way through give a place to have left and right turn lanes and i'm going to add those in both directions here i think so this is some some straight up vanilla traffic management oh and i did that so this gives a little bit of cueing distance it's not great i wish that i could move this down i probably could but it might break this so we'll leave it it seems like that resolved some of the issues here so we're allowing this through movement to occur we're allowing someone to take a left we have a left and a right lane here same here and that makes me wonder if this signal is even necessary anymore might be able to get away with the stop sign we'll give it a go and if we look we're at 83 and i'm curious i'll add that junction back in there because it was clearing at least with that signal there we come in here we see that it's red it's bad but it it actually improves traffic to put that signal there to allow this to to clear and then you get this whole cue here that can load up here and wait in their spot so this is it's ugly but it's functioning and the q distances they're long but they're not insurmountable which is where they were before so i think we're going to accept a little bit of ugliness there over over in this area we're totally fine the bigger concern is probably over here we want to make sure that we have our junctions controlled appropriately we have a stop sign here we have a signal i don't know that that one's warranted this one on the other hand might be a bit better of a candidate for that this probably should be signalized i'm gonna let it go for a second to see what happens so there would be warrants and you know whole measure associated with this and you know i don't have those that data available to me in this game what i do see is that we have some significant demand to turn here and i think that it's strong enough that we will go through and add a signal in both of these these would likely be timed together that's not gonna happen in vanilla so because of that i'm gonna upgrade this little segment here to a three-lane road so we have a little bit more queuing distance we can have that prior priority right there and then have people get around so this is purely focused on uh the lane mathematics in this particular area so that should be beneficial there when we're taking a look we can see that some of the vehicles are going to pop over here some are going to hop in that turn lane they're not going to clog things up yeah that that cleared things up right there so it's a lot of little vanilla traffic fixes so still at about 83 and that's probably where we're gonna get stuck 84 until we do some more with transit which is our next episode result we've also i'm seeing the train network do some things that i'm very uncomfortable with you see it just backing up so we're becoming more dependent on our train network now that we've taken that highway away and that's gonna be part of the part of the thing we need to contend with over time but for the time being i think we're gonna we need to take a look at this and do a little bit of decorating here but first why don't we have a quick city tour [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and i you know i've got to end this we've done a lot of building a lot of building we've we haven't done anything for decorating so we need to do a little bit here i'm going to keep it pretty basic we're just going to use trees and bushes to decorate this and try to give bob ross something that he could be proud of [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's looking so much better i'm really excited about how this turned out i didn't use any palm trees because i'd never seen bob ross paint a palm tree so hopefully this is a little bit better feels a little bit more bob rossi anyway why don't we take a look at what we've done because i think that this has been a very important build so we have minimized our transportation corridor in here added some more connection to the local roadway network we've improved some things over here with the roadway layout in our industrial area providing some local connections we've completely rebuilt our highway over here building this this this new system interchange it provides quick movement between the three legs of the highway we built a little ugly trumpet over here and uh letting it do its thing we've built an area where we can now expand and do a lot so i'm really excited about that we have rebuilt this bridge a couple of times because i keep breaking it and now things appear to be good let's look at where our traffic sits now that things have run a bit 84. we're still there we'll we're still there some of this is uh due to traffic oh 85 there we go we're now we're now we're in business i'm feeling good i want to get us up to 90. i don't know if i can but we're gonna go for it that is our goal and uh we're gonna try so i think we're leaving here though i hope you liked this video if you did hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so and i will see you in the next one take care bye-bye [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 49,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, verde beach, verde beach cities skylines, cities: skylines, unmodded cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines highway exit, cities skylines highway, cities skylines highway interchange, cities skylines highway tutorial, cities skylines highway entrance, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines traffic tips, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines traffic flow
Id: BlHyNBacR34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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