Why I Love the Parclo & You Should Too in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and we've got some problem solving to do in our city today but just before we get into that i've just been watching this area here i love all the movement the way the city lives the trains the cars the monorail the boats the people the bikes the hamsters everything everything i just love it i just love the way the effort inc looks so dynamic and alive oh absolutely brilliant absolutely brilliant so yes we have some problems to solve today plus i have a ton of suggestions from you lovely people i've been going back over the last few videos getting some comments together some names for places and all that sort of thing and we're gonna dive into those but the problem that we're gonna solve is all the way over here in this lovely area uh that we named sugarcube square can you notice what's wrong i'll just give you a second you notice didn't you yes that's right i haven't spelt sugar cube correctly no i've spelt it perfectly fine it's these look they've all been abandoned and it's it's that annoying problem where they've been abandoned but because they're historical buildings they just don't grow back again um i don't think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna unhistoricalize these ones oh they're just gonna disappear okay i was hoping that they would just come back again that's okay i'm gonna do all of these yeah they will come back again but they won't necessarily oh that's a weird graphical glitch they won't necessarily come back as the correct ones were they in fact this one already i can tell it's facing the wrong way oh i've never seen this graphical glitch before that was really weird yeah this one's facing the wrong way um but basically we can see what the problem is i'm going to mark these historical again as they come in because i do want these in here and it saves me doing a load of copying and pasting with the move it mod oh this one's come back so if we take a look at this one here abandoned because there were no goods to sell it's that age-old problem that we've had quite a few times uh in our city so let's just have a look over here i don't know what this ui thing keeps moving as well very annoying go here to outside connection so we can see the goods other than mail let's just take the mail out there we go goods is the biggest thing that we are importing from the outside and you can see that one of the biggest importers is going to be all of these buildings here because these are all high-density commercial uh zones these buildings here so they are really wanting all of these goods so we need to try and solve that goods problem and probably the easiest way to do it is just to pop in some standard industry zones which we don't have much of we've got a little bit down here and let's just have a look what we've got going on here yeah see these are all working okay and we could add a bit more in what is missing from there oh i'm just wondering whether the european thing has gone off at some point huh i probably need to check that whether i've got any other gaps anywhere else i've never had that happen before but it's obviously on at the moment because we've got the two different sorts of efforting i'm not entirely sure what is missing from there um what do they need in this area so healthcare they haven't got any they don't really bothered about that death care they're not bothered about uh fire station coverage yet we've got that and we've got the helicopter ones police yeah we've got that i don't know well i'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to utilize this space here we're going to remove that concrete let's grab that let's grab that and we're going to right click remove all of that concrete if anyone knows what used to be in here i mean i could go back and just check a video but i'm just gonna let you tell me uh and then i'm gonna put in a load of this in here and we're gonna try and get this there we go to get a little bit more there we could add another one over here we could add a bit more in here and we might as well just use up these spaces and hope that it doesn't cause too much traffic it's like a few things are missing around here because i don't just randomly normally fill up areas with concrete unless there's a good reason that is very strange but we don't have a huge amount of industry need so i'm going to sort of leave that for now and i know what's going to happen here let's grab these uh let's do that let's do save the rock zoom out and take these over to alien rock park and that takes us to another thing that was mentioned by some people so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pop that there turn on pop and tree anarchy there we go we've got some trees in here as well i don't want the old tree oh oh hang on hang on hang on i can't see what i'm doing there we go trying to use the middle mouse button at the same time as using the left and the right mouse button there we go excellent um i don't feel like i want the trees in there let me take the trees and the extra little bits out there we go rocks only rocks only yeah quite a few people mention why don't we get some spotlights up on this thing here so we can really view it well at night and i had a quick look i've got a mega spotlight which seems to be the biggest and the best spotlight you do need an additional mod to make it work can't remember what the mods called um but anyway if you look i'll just click on that and we'll put this down to one if you look up make a spotlight that's the name of it and it will tell you what mod you need and we're going to pop that on there once it's night time so there we go it's got a pretty big light but it's not big enough look it just doesn't reach high enough so you can sort of i'm going to put them sort of in the corner let's face them sort of inwards like this so it's going to catch your eye but it's not going to light up the lock let's put one in this corner as well we'll go that way and then we'll put the other one sort of over here oh facing that way then we'll delete this one so it adds a little something i mean it certainly does add a little something to the area but there's no way even if you've got them right underneath let's pop one more right underneath maybe like right here it doesn't quite light it up enough oh barely look it barely touches it on the bottom if you know what i mean um yeah so i don't know if there's any bigger mega spotlights let me know but that's what we've got so far so we're back over here at the toy factory which we worked on a couple of episodes to go fantastic name suggestion from edward taylor for our toy factory he's got tiny toys on the front there so we're going to click on here and this is going to be the teeny tiny toy factory excellent thank you very much for that name suggestion which is great and of course right next to it we have our tea tree wood production and we had the suggestion from david trascuri uh to try and help with the production here i mean it's not a problem but the more we make the more money we make and the more goods we can make and all the rest of it is we have our small tree plantation in here which if you look on the pop-up small tree plantation 4 800 units per week i mean this is actually making 5040 but that's good if you replace it with the small tree sapling field that's six thousand four hundred units per week so that should give us even more so if we just remember what that was five thousand and forty if i take that one out pop one of these in i'm gonna sort of anarchy that in hopefully don't lose any parts anything like that yeah six thousand seven hundred and twenty so you can have fields or greenhouses here which i quite like the look of all the trees but maybe popping in a couple of these would work quite well let's just take that one out there and pop in get it as close as we can there yeah that's okay and i'm going to change that one to field there we go we'll just move around some of these bits that are overlapping here that should be okay yes that will give us a boost i'm not going to change them all but yeah thank you very much for that suggestion as well and still over in this area let's go all the way down to our car factory now you can notice here that they're struggling with goods plastic is becoming a bit of a problem and a minute ago plastic was a problem here the warehouses for plastic are struggling to fill up we'll come back to that area in a second so let's go down here to our oil area so we need to try and help out our oil area we do have an excess of oil we have three petrochemical plants that are turning it into plastic and we have plenty of trucks available to take those goods uh from here over there and it's not even that far they're only traveling over there there's no traffic um so let's try and increase the effectiveness of this area at the moment we haven't got it to five stars which would give us the naphtha cracker plant which gives us 8 000 units a week instead of four thousand it will literally double uh they're quite big as well i think but anyway what do we need to get to five thousand so basically it's workers we need 800 workers in here we only have the space for 599 but we've only got 422 in here anyway so we're not going to get anywhere near the workers at the moment but we could increase the efficiency and we do have here the oil industry workers barracks which will add an extra five percent efficiency up to the maximum of 100 so we could just fit a whole ton of these in here let's turn off that so we can see what we're doing so let's have a look could we increase this area down here and take in there they're gonna they're gonna be living by the sea these guys are gonna love it in fact i'm even gonna earmark all of this for part of this area so this bit down here um how we're going to do this i want a road access we might have to just change this path that we've got coming through here unless we do the roads now there's no space there is it okay let's just pause a sec can i delete that i can let's delete some of these fences that are on here excellent i want to try and fit a road through here which we probably could do if i shrink this down to there and then just delete these extra ones there we go let's grab that load yeah let's move this fence down let's move it on that mode there we go move that right down to there excellent let's grab that again there we go perfect so that can now come through there i'm gonna have that come through there and go down the back let's try and get that a little bit closer there we go excellent like so we'll hook the panel up again in a minute and then i want this to sort of curve around here oh pop and tree and the key is on let's turn that off excellent there we go so we get a nice little front row down there and then which way around do these go so they go like that okay so then i'm gonna get maybe not a tree-lined road but yeah some with some grass and let's just go we're going to go straight up here like this and see how much space these take up sideways yeah let's go along a tiny bit there we go so that should give an increase of 30 percent oh it says work efficiency 100 what they add five percent each 5 10 15 20 25 30. uh where's my zone information gone there it is efficiency 23 okay uh oh 130 percent there we go that's what i want to see the extra percentages excellent let's add some water pipes in for these lovely people there we go and we'll just check out the power power's not quite jumping across there yet um what could we do to help that there we go how about a little teeny tiny dog park where they can come over and play and yeah that'll be fine and then we just need to reattach this path over here as well [Music] there we go excellent a little bit of fence left there so we've got some more room for expansion if we need it which is good and they can walk around that tell what we're going to do we're going to actually take that and we're gonna just pop that coming out of these maybe not all of them let's just run this around here just to give them access yeah i don't know i'm probably not to keep all of that there but anyway you get the idea so i'm hoping that what that's going to do is increase the efficiency plus 46 fantastic and we're going to get some more plastic out of here because we are struggling a bit but we'll see how that goes and then the final viewer suggestion for today was over here at our car factory so i was trying to use the spawn point mod um to get the trucks instead of them stopping at the entrance here dropping off the goods and leaving trying to sort of make it look like they're going down into here or over there but it just didn't sort of work they drove through the fences well what the suggestions were was to maybe take you can do this with any road but we'll try it with a small one we've got a 2u road and then sort of anarchy in that in so if we anarchy that in under there let's go to there and you could just leave it like that or you could maybe hide it underground you can't hide it underground okay so let's undo that so that looks okay doesn't it looks like they painted the access into this area and then if you use the spawn point mod so let's come out of the movie mod click on there building spawn points and we'll just move this one back he's chasing it he's chasing it can he get to it i love it okay now so we can pop that in there we could actually have that yeah he still drove from here and he's still going across there instead of people were saying he'd come to the end of the road but he hasn't has he even if i put that out here they're still going to do it from there that hasn't really solved the problem is it yeah they'll go from there let's just give them a second just to see there we go just to see whether the next one coming in we'll go to the end yeah oh he's just turning round okay fair enough well what i was gonna do let's just see if this makes a difference was have let's just click that again hold on hold on there we go it's have one for spawning one for unspawning so it's going to add another point and add everybody in but we're going to have that a spawn and this is unspawn so we'll do it like that yep there we go and then we'll move this one over here also notice we've got a height on here as well which doesn't seem to be doing anything in here not found the use for that just yet i don't want this one here don't i so if we pop that on the left hand side where are you going oh okay i want these other way around don't i that way and that way he's off again he's like here there no i'm not quite sure there we go so we'll drop that down there so what i'm hoping is when they come in to drop stuff off they'll drop it off there and when they leave with new cars they come out of there so let's just see if i've got that right [Music] and just while we are waiting for that issue to solve itself i've noticed here not enough buyers for products so they're not getting sent out because it says zone more commercial area to create places that sell goods ah interesting uh what we could also do as well i was going to leave that on pause i'm not sure if we have a warehouse nearby to hold unique goods unique factory products we do all those trucks are in use so that tells me anything produced by any fact luxury product and can be sold in commercial zones cannot be imported can be exported for money so we're making a lot of goods and i think most of those are then going to here and then being sent outside the city to be sold so that doesn't necessarily mean there's not enough commercial goods it just means it can't go into the next step in the chain which would be to somewhere like this and because those trucks are mostly in use it's struggling to put them somewhere so i'm just wondering whether we could possibly solve that problem with a large warehouse along here what is this warehouse holding plastics we're struggling to fill up all of our warehouses with plastics anyway so i'm going to pop this one right in there yep that fits nicely and then this is going to be on empty so they just get sold straight away or sent to where they need to go unique factory products and then so what we can see here cannot be imported has to be produced locally look at that that is a big place and then what we should see is give it a second and this little yellow icon should go and these should get sent out yeah small little problem uh setting up the building spawn points in a different place stop the cars from being sent out as you can see here one's just coming out so i don't know what was causing that so i've put them back to default and now they're being sent out again look by the truckload yeah i might just report that to the dev for that mod anyway there we go we know we've got some more space to store these things that's just going to help us make lots of money which is great there we go it's all growing back leveling up i'll just leave the buildings to grow as they wish and a minute ago we were up to 128 000 a week on our income which is fantastic but one thing that is a little bit of an issue uh we do just need more people and we've had quite a few comments um about this figure here apparently unemployment three percent that is the lowest you can go to um we have so many jobs available and yeah basically not enough people that need to work in them we just need to expand so i'm looking over here where could we expand to next i'm thinking this spot i want to sort of creep over here as much as i can and make use of the transit options that we have around here and we set up the oh yeah this is a waste plant that's going to go but we've got this uh metro and train hub going on here and that metro comes all the way around up to our tarantula hub over here which is good i don't know where the name's gone for that oh there we go two bachelor terminal so yeah let's see what we can do here right so looking at this area here we had quite a through a quite a few roads going through that had access to the highway on this side and then on the highway down at this end but this middle piece here i mean we've got sort of a cut through here cut through down there joints to the highway but i'd like a junction in the middle if we're adding a lot more residential i mean i'm going to be doing it in this section here but it could be anywhere at the moment they're just going to head all the way through here and jam this up again this is getting super busy i don't know why we'll look at that another time what i would like to do is add a junction in here ah this little spot which means we're gonna have to sort of rebuild this area so what i'm gonna do is delete some of these and i'm gonna put in here a park glow and i've been watching a channel let's just take all of these roads back there we go called and i want to get this name right we'll pop it up on the screen or in the link to the description below called yumble tv it is a city skylines creator he's got just over 14 000 subscribers but go and check him out some fantastic videos on some junctions and all sorts of uh complicated you know more complicated stuff on city skylines and if you enjoy say uh if i sent you and maybe subscribe as well that'd be great so i'm just pre-clearing out some of these rocks that i'm thinking need to be moved so you know where they were going to go i'm just going to drop them over there and we will put them in alien rock park a little bit later there we go back over to here again so let's just clear out some of the trees that we've got here as well there we go so this is going to be a tight fit through here but we're going to make it work so first of all we are going to grab a wider road i'm going to just take one of these four lane roads at the moment and we're going to pick our crossing point and i'm thinking a little bit further down here would give us more space so we're not sort of butting up against uh this area here with the river and i'm going to do this slightly differently than the way yumball did it so what i would like is space either side here for a road to go through so i'm just going to pop this on here and i'm going to just go like that and then i'm gonna do the same on the other side there we go just so i know what space i need and then i'm gonna grab this because i've got a different sort of highway setup than he had um so yeah we'll just go with that and then we're gonna go uh one two three four five six and let's put that back to there go back to low one two three four five six seven eight nine ten turn off road guidelines and we just want that somewhere in the middle here all the way across it is gonna try and put a pillar in the middle which is okay because what i can do let's just see i want that even on either side yeah uh we can live without the pillar we can sort of monkey without a bit later if we wish okay so now we've got that bridge centralized we're going to come out 10 11 12 go down that gives us a nice slope there we're gonna do the same over here turn 11 12 go down gives us a nice slope there and then we come into this little road here that we've left space for so i'm gonna just delete uh these little ones we're putting here and we are gonna take the um highway ramp excellent so we need to decide where they're going to come off down here and let's put our road guidelines back on i think i mean normally i'd like more space between a junction or you know where this is coming on off the highway and where it's going to come on and off the highway again so i think i'm definitely going to bring these ones back a bit so let me just delete these and i think actually there would be fine so we're just going to grab a small road we're going to draw that from there to there excellent and then we'll just connect these back up again [Music] there we go that should be fine let's just turn that one around so that comes off there and we'll give that dedicated turn lanes coming off and on excellent so now we've got a nice big load of space before we get to this next off ramp um so let's do the same again over here we're going to just connect let's do it where the arrows are there we go that's where we're going to come off and then we'll get our highway lane there we go we've got now space to go up through here which is fantastic so we're going to go right up to the end and i'm going to poke it out a little bit like that and then we're going to do the same on the other side as well so we're going to go up to the end poke that out a little bit like that it doesn't quite seem equal let me just fix that there we go that's better so this is where they're going to come off and onto the highway we'll just turn that one around and what we want here is we want this to loop around onto this road here so if we take that and stick that out straight would be nice please there we go that's just going to come out 90 and then we just want a loop to go and we're going to try and get this as even as possible there we go i think that's pretty good and then we just turn that bit round on there don't worry about what roads we're using these are all going to change as we go along so then that's that side down and then we want the same over here so this is going to come down and then loop around again [Music] there we go excellent so we've got one loop coming off that way and then we've got this loop for the traffic coming down this way okay let's just draw these out so we know where we're going excellent so now we're going to slightly do a bit of a change over here let's just grab this road again so i want this here to also connect onto here so i'm just going to bring this out like this and hopefully i can get this to line up now unfortunately this sort of curves around a bit so we are going to have to sort of eyeball this a little bit i'm going to turn that off get that lined up like that and it goes out this way and then that is going to connect back onto the highway here and this is going to end up being a two-way road and let's just go with this one for now although we will do the lane mathematics later so now they can come off here and come up that way or they can turn right come down here and join on that side that is the idea so now we can do the same on this side as well there we go excellent so we've got access to both directions now there is a slight little change that we can do because what we might actually do we're getting quite close to this junction here again aren't we i think i'm going to end up moving this but for now let's just deal with what we've got in fact i'm going to just delete those and delete those just to give us a little bit more space so i'm going to draw a connecting road along here um let's go for there so that's where i want these all to connect up to there we go excellent so you can pull off there loop around come up here and then at the end here you can go left or right and of course you'd have the same on the other side let's just concentrate on this side for now now as you come down this road and you loop around here you can turn right which is quite fine if you want to turn left you've got to cross over the traffic and which is possibly going to slow it down a bit if this gets quite busy so what we can do instead is add another lane that comes off of here that joins onto this one so if you were coming for this direction you wanted to turn left and head over to here but actually if you came in this direction you could just do a straight right and it would carry on and not block the traffic so let's add that in right okay so let's connect this road here to over there now if you weren't going to do this extra little step you could actually have this lane coming off straight here but we've extended it all the way down here to give us some extra space so let's just use this little one new road here we want to sort of get this lined up here so if i go like that like that and then that is 210 so we'll come you're not going to have to do it that way let's go this way 180 to 10 there we go excellent then we delete that one then we use our picker mod to grab that curve tool and that can curve over there excellent then we can get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that cool beans and then we can just connect that to there there we go so now coming up here you can come off you can take this slip lane turn right and go on to there and that won't be any problem with the traffic or you can carry on come round here and you can turn right and go up to there yes we've got the lane mathematics to do and all the lane arrows but we will get to that excellent so now i'm just going to do the same over here as well there we go excellent so now we've got that set up on both sides so that is pretty much all you need to do we just need to do a little bit of work with the lane mathematics here so we've got one lane coming up here that's going to split into two and but i'm actually going to have these lanes as two lanes when they come up so two-lane highway i think that is the one i'm going to want yeah because even though this is just going to turn right let's just change all of these i'll show you why i'm going to pick this one that's going to be two that's going to come up here so this one needs to change to this one here four lane two-way highway yeah that'll be good so we'll switch all of that round and a bit at the end yeah excellent now hang on a sec yeah because that one's going out that one's coming straight in yeah that's right so at the end here what we're going to do is grab our traffic manager and we're going to say that you're only going to go right like that so those two lanes will be coming down here i'm just wondering whether this is going to be too many lanes for what we've got yeah let me just adjust this slightly do you know what i think i'm actually gonna leave this one as one lane coming up here and make that go right i think that's just gonna work better in our situation so we'll say you can just turn right um which then means that also this one here is just going to be one lane one lane in and out so that then means that this doesn't need to be so thick so that couldn't be which is the one i should be using this one here so that can be this one which is one laning and one laying out yeah i think that'll be okay so then when that gets to the end here we only want this one turning right so we're going to say that and what i'm going to do as well i'm just going to move this node back a bit hopefully without messing anything up yeah there we go so now we get the arrow for turning right and we get the arrow for turning right there this little bit we need to sort of sort out i'm hoping i can just use node controller to do that if we grab that node there if i just press this one no if i just make it offset a little bit more whoa it's just never gonna work is it that one let's just delete that and put it all back to what it was uh maybe we could just use the move it mod so if i hold ctrl and just grab that there we go that one there did it so i'll just flick that one over a little bit so i'll just do that over here as well excellent excellent there we go so let's remove that sort of hawkeye bulkiness we could do the same here as well works better if you don't have the snapping on so just to control and just move it ever so slightly excellent okay so this coming off of here can be two lanes as we know it's going to split further down so i'm going to upgrade that one and is there another one in there no i think that's it okay excellent yep so then we're going to have let's just visualize it with our lane connectors so one for each one and then that one up here turns right that one goes all the way around this one here of course is one lane each and then that goes back onto the highway and we do need some lane mathematics here so what i'm gonna do is gonna say this is three lanes coming down i'm gonna count this going off here as one lane and you'll see why in a minute and then we want this down to two lane so that is actually the one we've got yep so we'll put that down to two lanes and then when that comes out at the other end we then can put that back to three lanes again uh we'll delete that there which is what's confusing everybody add our lane connectors in so they can all merge back in again nicely and that means coming off of here just do control left click so we get one dedicated lane for coming off and as they come off they can pick either of these lanes and then as they come up here then they can go left or go right i'm going to stop them lane switching in the middle there we go i want them to pick their lane here excellent so then we can do the same going the other way yep nothing funky that we need to delete so we'll just downgrade this to two lanes there we go there we go and then we can help them out where they come back on by saying take a lane each and then when they come off it's automatically oh yeah we need to change this don't we so we need this to also be two lanes up to this point here there's another one in there i can see it there we go excellent and then we're going to say dedicated turning lanes control left click coming off of there lane connectors here oh hang on a second we've got another node right next to it let's just move this back a bit yeah there we go does that little bit of road need upgrading i think we're fine yeah there we go excellent so they split and then when they come at the end this one's going to turn right only so no straight over this one's going to come up here come round and we just need lane connectors in there oh that is not what i was expecting we'll come back to that in a second let's just move this back a bit there we go so let's just do that on the end and say right turn only so this down here we've got them all facing the right way i have okay i'll do it myself then so i don't want that going there i want that coming to there and i want that one to go into there and then they can join on there excellent so that is a parklow with a little something extra added on as well so that then means if we change now we've got a choice we can leave this as it is at the top and have our traffic lights or we could do something a little bit different right so i've upgraded these roads here to a six-lane road just for a bigger throughput over the top here and we're not going to have exact individual lanes for each road coming in so what's going to happen is that's going to go there that is going to go there and we are going to have some traffic lights in here and those two are going to go straight on like that so that when the traffic lights are set to go this way they've all got a lane they can take each and then we're going to do a similar here so that's going to go there this uh oh hang on no that one's going to go there and that one is going to go there and hang on there was another one that i forgot on oh yeah there we go and this one's going to go there so when the traffic lights are in this configuration they all get a lane each and i think that is going to work the best we're just going to pop we've got normal traffic lights in there um i might put some customizable time traffic lights in there and see how they go and then we're just gonna do the same on the end here so just as you can see that again let's have a look at this and i hope i'm setting this up right i'm sure you will all tell me if i'm not in the comments below because i love it when you do that i do i'm i'm i know i'm sounding a bit sarcastic at the moment but i do i love it because it really helps so there we go and there we go i think that's it there we go yeah excellent so that should be okay i will double check those don't worry and then yeah we did our lane connectors on here and all the rest of it oh we've got to select these lanes here and just line those back up again let me just quickly do that off camera there we go that should be okay that is a reasonable amount of space between these two uh junctions that we've got here and we've got one node two node one node two node so they can change lanes and yeah that'll be good so the last thing i'd like to do on here is a little bit of intersection marking tool stuff just to make all of this look nice there we go so let me just do a little bit of that there we go that one's gonna work okay so what i can do now is copy this as we all know so we're gonna let's just do a copy markings and that one is gonna go over here so let's just paste that in excellent we'll inverse order i can never remember which way round that's gonna go it's not inverse order let's just turn that one round there we go fantastic and that fits in there cool so i'm just going to do the rest of these that are on here there's lots to do and i'll be back with it and then just a little bit of node controller magic we're going to just line up some of these roads a little bit better like that much much better so i'm going to go around all the junctions and do that as well [Music] so [Music] there we go i think that is looking much much nicer hopefully this is all set up as it should be i forget that let's just grab this one here uh yeah do that and i want nope that's not what i want at all i want traffic manager i want this one here and what i want is to make sure that these will go straight on and you will go there or there so we need to do that on both sides done it on there yeah everything's working fine that's good excellent so i may or may not do some markings in the middle here we'll see how it goes but i just need to connect all of this back up again which is going to take a hot minute so let me just think what we're going to be doing here yeah and then over this side i'm thinking we're just going to end up with a junction coming out here which is fine so let's just grab the movement mod and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lower this railway line down although we are gonna hit an issue when we come there but let's just see how it goes it might just mean that we move all of this back a bit which is not the end of the world just to give us a little bit more space yeah i think that'll be okay make sure there's not any weird nodes too close to each other yeah that's fine and then this can go up and over the top i actually want to get that boat there we're gonna delete that all the way back there we go we'll set that as up that can come straight across the top yeah we'll probably have to lower that a little bit more and then we'll just follow on those to get that connected up to this [Music] yeah a little bit finagling to do that but that's fine we've got this as a six lane road as well over the top we'll do some dedicated lanes there three into three yep that all works out too straight ahead excellent so that is everything all hooked back up again and i'm pretty sure that this is gonna work perfectly well now to give anybody in here they want to get to the highway this is the way they're going to go and if they want to get to the highway to other areas of our city they're going to use our park glow which is great so thank you very much to yumball for that video all about that which i've learned some things which is great go and check out his channel and be sure to subscribe there as well why not and i did notice that does leave this road here unconnected but like i said when i threw all these roads in before it was just to give us a rough idea we may turn this into a t-junction that would get pretty busy we'll see we'll see anyway just before we get to doing that i just need to look down here this traffic again on this little junction here is just causing a few headaches so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a couple of adjustments here i'm going to grab that node and bring it back to there so another node round here that's fine and we're just going to use our roundabout mods that's not the roundabout mod this will be the roundabout mod with a small road uh two lane road will do for now we'll upgrade that i want to put that like that whoops all elevated that's fine we're gonna change that anyway let's grab a three-lane road with bike lanes because we do have bike lanes on there um so let's put it back to this one yeah there we go there we go there we go and there we go excellent and then we just want to set that up so we're going to ctrl shift left click there we go to give way signs coming in no node switching in the middle of nodes because they're going to pick their lane when they enter the roundabout and yeah everything else looks okay and hopefully that keeps all of this moving i'm just keeping an eye on it anything else i'm missing we've got no crossing over here and which means people walk in here can't walk up there but do they really need to we could just add in here let's come out of that one there let's use our new little bike path that we've been using that one there this is called the p and b pavement plus if you're looking for that i had a few people ask me about it that's what it's called if we just do like a little connection there so they can jump off their bike from the road and they can come back on over here plus that just gives a connection through there and then if they want to walk up they can't cross over the road here can they unless they go up and round so could we just add a quick little connection here as well i bet if we try hard enough we can just squeeze one in do you know what i think that'll be fine do i want to put a crossing there in the middle of this road i don't think i do i will leave it there anyway they can walk up and over the top it's fine but already look that's cleared up all of this down here kept all of that moving yep i'm happy with that so let's quickly check how things are going on over at our oil area we're still keeping up with the amount of oil that we've got i think that's an increase in the amount of tons of plastic but also we've got space for 839 workers which is more than the 800 we need to get to level five plus we're up to 522 workers so i reckon as soon as we start expanding that other area we should be good to go so we've got some plastics in here which are both set to empty yeah as a sort of little waypoint in between at these other areas and how's this doing still a bit short on plastics but doing okay we've got some in there that we need how's this one doing yeah so it's doing okay can't complain and as you saw our alien rock park is growing even more brilliant so we're gonna have to leave the expansion into this area for the next episode but thank you very much for watching keep your suggestions your name suggestions any little things you think i could make better keep them coming in the comments i do appreciate that be sure to subscribe before you go so you don't miss out on the next one and have a fantastic weekend thanks for watching take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 199,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines parclo, cities skylines partial cloverleaf
Id: cctQHcwLmcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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