Should You Use TM:PE Enhanced "Parking AI" in Cities Skylines?

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let's go into first-person mode and have a look at this oh driving through the wall flying up the side what the heck oh my goodness me what the heck you doing [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before thank you very much for joining me today we are going to be trying something that we haven't done for a long time within traffic manager president edition you can turn on parking ai what does that mean what can it do for your city how does it work is it working that's a question i get asked by a lot of people as well we're gonna try it out and i'm gonna share some information with you i've got from the devs as well before we dive into that there's a couple of fixes i've been reading through the comments of the last two or three videos and there's a couple of mod updates that i want to share with you as well so why don't we dive into all of that so here we are over at the model t car factory and if you remember a few episodes ago we were having a problem with the spawning points mod now it's been updated it adds itself now to the ui unified ui button up here and that's also been fixed because steam has now decided to update me to the latest version which it didn't do before that was the problem i was having but yeah now we click on here we can move this spawn point we're not going to do all stuff to do with the mod today but i just want to show you what it will now do so let's just say i'm going to move that spawn point all the way back up here and we have problems where i moved the spawn point and nothing was spawning see if we go backwards we go backwards and go backwards and then we're going to get to a certain point where this happens aha the point placed is too far from the road so 28 minus 28 or 28 from the road is fine that is too far so you can hover over these and it will give you like a little circle around it to see how far they're gonna be and yeah they can't spawn if we hover over him like that we'll see that little white line look it says they will all come from there and join the road there so that is definitely worth knowing because before i think we moved it too far and it just didn't spawn any trucks or cars at all as you can see they're all spawning there which is working fantastic so excellent update thank you for that we also had some brilliant name suggestions this one for our furniture factory was former sazzy d thank you very much sassy d this is gonna be called ikea and over here on our prison island there's the prison another fantastic name suggestion this time from andrew parker and we're just going to change this name to hmp guilty her majesty's prison guilty fantastic love that name and in fact the willow nature reserve i think that needs to be changed to the guilty nature reserve to fit in with the theme that we have here and then we have our large prison block so that's going to be hmp guilty as well and then we've got our small prison blocks might as well name them all so the prisoners know exactly where they are being incarcerated and over here at our five star elizabeth city park we had a fantastic name suggestion the rose tea botanical gardens from sherry hass i think i've got your name right there excellent suggestion also i saw a lot of the comments saying i was letting people in for free yeah i have i've accidentally um let's just take these off of here and see if we can put some side gates in and let me just grab that with the picker mod it's like trying to uh no didn't let me okay we'll do it this way let's grab our park side gates so we'll have one there and one there and then i can just connect this back up again there we go there we go not quite lined up without do these are okay now this doesn't connect that only connects to the road this one here we never connect it up so let's do that let's grab that road again and we'll connect to that one in fact that could go right into oh no hang on don't want it to connect to that road how about we connect it to over here look this would be perfect there we go that gate's connected this gate is connected that gate's connected no other connections around here and then nobody's coming through the side gates down here anymore oh i just saw look that is a perfectly placed gate and you're proving me a liar there we go i think they'll be fine now anyway very good excellent thank you nice name suggestion and some cool fixes as well and then finally the last name suggestion for today for our clothing factory comes from asaf gallany and i thought this was a fantastic suggestion the t-shirts factory so there we go thank you very much for that suggestion so we've got a couple of other factories that need naming as well we've got the food factory we've got the sneaker factory the electronics factory what else have we got down here industrial steel plants lemonade factory although that is normally the rst factory did i not only rename that one household plastic factory so there's any names that you have that you can suggest please leave them in the comments below and also if you're not subscribed why not let's do a shout out for that as well subscribe so you can enjoy all the city skyline content we have on this channel so now we're going to take a look at the advanced parking ai in traffic manager so if you want to get traffic manager have a little search on the steam workshop for tmpe or traffic manager president edition i've got the latest version here and then if you go into your options for your game so let's go down to here traffic manager and under gameplay so here we have the advanced ai which you always want to have turned on i have it sort of set to that and here's the parking ai enable more realistic parking so let me just do a quick game save and then we'll give that a go okay so i'm going to just look at the use of my cpu for the game before and after turning this on actually so it's about sort of 18 at the minute even if i sort of zoom in run this speed faster i'm up to sort of 26 30 percent yeah it's about 30 something like that so you want to be aware that this will use more cpu cycles so we're going to turn that on and we're just going to see how that goes zoom in again i mean it hasn't really changed much for me but yeah it's still 30 what's that going to do that is the question well that's going to stop pocket cars so now if we go into the traffic info screen we can start looking at the colors of the building so whereas before you would just look at the colors of the road so red a bit of traffic or well used road now the colors of the buildings will give you some more information if they are red then it shows you that there is a need for parking in the area at the minute all the buildings are looking pretty green to me which is really really good i'm just wondering whether it needs to run for a little bit here's an example here we go so this car at this house here this what is this building the park residence is in need of some nearby parking at the moment that is the only building in my entire city but we're going to let it run for a while and see whether some other ones change but actually that is not bad is it i'm really happy with that the other uh change of information that it gives you if you go into your transport tab you can now switch your view from outgoing to in going demand so again buildings that are red let's have a look so we've got it on outgoing demand so if any buildings are red it means that they are not getting their demand for mass transit when they leave the building filled perfect example here we go the sparty university so when people leave this they don't get their demand field to get somewhere uh let's have a look on ingo in a bit that's bad for this one as well actually incoming's not too bad but outgoing pretty rubbish so what options do we have around here as you saw uh we do have in fact i'm going to turn that option on there so we do have a bus that comes up here it does stop outside that's probably not a very well used bus and then we've got our big hub over here i'm just wondering whether on match day that becomes a bit of a problem when's the next match that's coming up uh next match 17th of the second 21 26 so next year i'm just wondering on match days whether we could do with extra extra buses here that might just be the issue also walking if they were gonna walk they could walk around there they can still walk around here and get to this main hub so that's probably not too bad we could even add another little walking pass through here would probably actually be a really good idea that's just oh there's a fence there okay well that's all right if we just delete that fence i'm not uh charging people to go through this park so don't worry about that we're gonna add a fence there so that will give them another option they can walk through here to get to where they want to go so over time that may improve that one so we'll come back and check that so let's leave that on outgoing at the moment so everybody else over here we'll come back to our farm we've got a few fixes that we need to do over there so this is all looking okay this is all looking okay so everything that side of the river is looking okay what about down here here we go look we've got some problems down here so we've got the oppression office so how many visitors are 69 visitors a week it is right by a monorail station but i tell you what i'm wondering whether they're trying to get to places where we're not providing access so look a lot of these are coming in and out via the highway i've lost it where is it here it is let's just see what the in going is as well so that's outgoing income is not too bad so they can get here okay and actually even when they leave it's going green i think they're realizing there are plenty of buses i'm just wondering whether this bus this black bus route is like horrendous it goes everywhere could we just have a stop down on this road it's like this one let's go into buses barclays blasted buses this one here i need to after doing all my bus routes before this route here just seems like it's all over the place doesn't it yeah we're gonna add a couple of routes out there see if that will help what about the rest of the buildings on this island they're all okay and this one's all okay so actually for outgoing we're looking like we're okay what about income incoming so this is from people from other parts of the city or i believe outside of the city trying to come into that building can they get in i think we've just done our mass transit so well that we just have no problems at all we've got a few over here so people are trying to come in to let's just put this back on in so that's the victoria residence yet that one there what's this one over here the cooper residence and there's another one wasn't there this one here sterling residence so just looking at this i can see that there is a bus route that goes down and stops up here so we could actually help with that we're going to bring that and stop it right down here there's like a park here as well so that's going to help with that and this one here i'm just going to move it a little bit further down yeah we'll see whether that helps so that's incoming oh and also down here look so maybe with that bus route move further down that's going to help that so we have to come back and check that let's check this main island uh orlando i should say that's looking all okay yeah lots of people struggling to get to these but to be honest they're touched right in the middle of the park and we've got monorail like right outside so when they come off the monorail they're walking over at the entrance there's probably not a huge amount we could do for those they can literally get there and they just need to walk a bit and deal with it but the rest of that is looking pretty much okay so now the game has run a little bit longer look we're getting more red buildings popping up under the parking ai so what i'm going to do is we're going to fix our farm because there's a few little questions about that and then i'm going to leave the game running for maybe 10 15 20 minutes and we'll see how good yeah lots of parking problems coming up over here how good our parking is in the city so we'll come back to that but let's nip over to green tea fields farm so a couple of things when i move the farm from over this area here which is now our factory area and put it over here i actually deleted a load of sheep but they disappeared off to sheep heaven and people saying oh that's why you're importing because i'm importing some stuff you're importing animal products well no i'm not um because the slaughterhouse here will take crops that we're making plenty of and turn them into animal products they just seem to have that built-in ability to feed animals that they've got out here look and they will make animal products and then we've got the milk imparters again we'll both do exactly the same thing they've got all these cows in the back and they will make animal products for us um and we have plenty of animal products here we've got this warehouse that's got something that's the thing that's using them and then some of them being taken over here so that is not the issue what might be the issue is over on this roundabout oh auto save quick super tea and i made this mistake before thank you for telling me so i built the roundabout and i connected the on and the off ramp and then i did the traffic manager priority signs control shift click and it did all the giveaway signs and stuff and look you've spotted it because i didn't have the north and the south road connecting there it's automatically put these lines across here so nobody can turn off and actually go down here from this roundabout so we're going to delete that and then control left click with the lane arrows to give access there and then we're also going to delete that there and control left click and do the same and that should be okay everything else is set up all right so we'll give away signs there giveaway signs there so that should be fine so now that means that this road which hasn't got any people on will have access but it also means people can drive in and out the city which will be really helpful uh also a mention here that i've got these facing the main road um so vehicles are coming out there perhaps causing some problems i could just turn these rounds to face the other way which means they're going to sort of stick out a bit like that and then i'll just use the move it mod to line them up again [Music] there we go so that keeps any vehicles off the main road they will come up here onto the frontage road i suppose you call them and then what i might just do is turn these around as well so they've got use of their own road rather than the same one that they're on so i think that will that will help and the other thing that was mentioned was to remove all the concrete i tell you why i put the concrete in here is because in my mind these sort of olfactory things um so i sort of go oh we'll put some concrete in there but i tell you what why not let's remove the let's remove all the concrete and then we've got some nice grass in there and then maybe let's add a few trees around in here just to sort of try and make it feel a little bit more farm-like and we'll go with that instead there we go i might just add a teeny tip give me give me just a little bit of concrete just a tiny bit i'm just going to add some in this area here if i can do it without messing up let's go to 15. messing up the roads on the outside yeah there we go i think that looks much better i like that i might continue to tweak this area we shall see and then over here along the top and there's a few suggestions i've done what you think about this i quite liked it about putting some wind turbines up here um here we go this seems like just like this little ridge along here seemed like a good spot for them so if i turn off carpentry anarchy and anarchy and we might just part one two three along there you know what that looks like a pretty cool place for those i like it i like it excellent how are people oh look people are coming on and off the highway here doing all sorts of cool stuff that is what we want to see now everybody's using this road at the back and it's struggling to get in and out because i've turned all these things around i will leave it running we'll be fine okay so the game has been running for a few moments now let's take a look at how the parking ai is affecting things and it is having a big change lots of red this place isn't too bad this is these are the places people want to visit and lots of red so basically what's happened is we've removed the option for the citizens to whip a car out of their pockets and drive somewhere if there is a parking space nearby which as we'll see that these are getting more filled up they will use that um but look we can see here that all these cars nowhere to park and we have some issues with the parking so let's just stick with those two botanical gardens as we're here and this also includes the academic library lots of people want to visit this so i think we need to increase our parking and redo some stuff here so let's just move some of these little park items over to here so now we can add i mean for this area we are going to add some more of these little parking lots that we already have i've also downloaded a load of new parking stuff so we've got the big parking lot roads which we're going to try out and we've also got some underground parking as well plus the parking road that comes with the games we've got a lot of options which is good so let's give some of these a go in here and see how we get on okay there we go a lot more parking spaces in this area we can see it's sort of updating itself and cars are moving in and out that's because i use the move it modern here and moved it updated so we'll see how that goes for that little spot there but actually that looks to me like a much more realistic parking look all the spaces are filled anywhere we've got parking they're getting filled we'll come back to that one let's have a look at this one over here so what have we got here we've got the courthouse 56 people are visiting this courthouse all the parking that is in here has already been filled up to the max so i'm wondering if we could perhaps utilize maybe this little area here it's nearby and we've got a school here could we just move that school let's just have a look let's put this on first pop it on there there we go excellent we had anarchy on so there's a building in there that will disappear and then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to remove all of that from here and we're going to designate this as a parking area so i think that this one here will add a little access road and let's take this one here to white road no parking that's going to come into there i know it's quite near to that junction there but i'm not thinking it's going to be that busy i'm going to take this one and place that sideways on there excellent so that gives us a few extra parking spots in there i'm just wondering whether we move that over a bit we could actually fit some more in you know what i'm gonna take that that and that there we go do it like that just to get some extra parking in there and then we could fill the rest in with some trees there we go just adding some fences and trees around here and already we can see people are piling in and parking their cars here which is this guy's going up and around which is exactly what we want to see very very good so hopefully then over time let's just give that here this guy's coming in here look he's going off to park very good they're coming out to park coming out from the park car park oh get my teeth in there we go anyway you get the idea so let's see so hopefully over time these red buildings here will go down a bit what is this here school of environmental studies that has a huge need for parking as does the school of education the grand library so we don't actually have a car park in here do we do we got this one here but it doesn't seem to count that as being connected as the road is over this way or is this thing not working to talk there's literally nobody parking in here i've had a few people say that these don't work as a car park and you know what i think i believe them so i am gonna remove all of these and then we're gonna replace that with let's have a look car breaking no that ain't gonna be the thing car parking no third time it's a charm there we go okay so i've cleared out all the trees in this space here and we are going to use the big parking lot so you can uh just search for big parking lots you'll find those online we're going to start off with the drive which is going to come into there we're then going to take the border and you need to go in a counter clockwise or anti-clockwise direction and then as you're going along your length i i sort of do it like this so i know that one's going to be for parking spaces that won't be parking spaces won't be parking spaces won't be parking spaces won't be and then if i go all the way to the end like that so we need to come down one more there we go then when we put our filler in we're always going to have that a little bit of space there we go excellent for our parking spaces so now what i can do if i've done this right is i can put these yeah on both sides so we're going to have some accessible parking sort of at the front of these sections there we go then we can add the rest of our parking as well i think these cubes will just fill up the space which is good yeah there we go so we'll just take these excellent we don't have any clipping problems or anything like that we do have the problems where i don't place the darn things correctly so we'll do that again let's pick that one and there we go excellent that's really good i like that and then what i might just do is just see if i can add this road um and we're gonna do this if i bring it over there and then i'm going to get the move it mods maybe do that to give access i think that's going to work that looks okay so that should be now there we go actual working car park which is fantastic there we go so this is getting well used which is fantastic i've added an extra access over here which hopefully isn't going to cause too many problems i've made it give way and we shall see i might just actually upgrade a couple of these roads to asymmetric roads as it is going to start getting busy [Music] there we go that should be fine look at that look at all these cars coming and going in this car park excellent that should help this area around here we'll keep an eye on that right now we come over here to sugar cube square absolutely no parking in this area at all none not a bean so i am wondering whether we should remove one of these buildings because it's this central section that really needs the parking so let's have a look i think i quite like the difference of those buildings there this one here is right opposite the hospital so i think in this one we're going to try the spiral underground parking we have the version that connects to a small road and the version that connects to a large road by the way if you ever want to find any of these items i'm using just look at the name of them when i hover over them and then you can look it up on the steam workshop yourself so there we go we're going to add that there oh that actually looks pretty cool i'm liking that i just want to change this junction so it's not traffic lights there we go just to keep people on the main road going and i'm also going to do control left click there to give them dedicated lanes coming in now look at this little toll thing does that actually go up and down or not sadly no but you know that's fine and i think that looks okay actually doesn't it that actually looks pretty good i believe this has 80 parking spots does it actually say in here it doesn't i believe it's 80. i might be wrong on that one but i'm sure i read that somewhere not too expensive oh it says visit capacity 450 i don't think it's 450 uh parking spaces that's just the sort of entertainment visitor type figure but that fits in there really really well so hopefully that will help all of this area here and if we need another one we could always pop it over here i don't know whether there's ever going to be a way to see that this is filled up but look how many people are using it absolutely brilliant so how about over here at the tokyo olympic stadium yep this thing is bright red there is no parking over here at all and this is getting lots and lots of visitors now we had this sort of spot over here that people said i could turn this into parking but i'm not entirely sure how i'm gonna attach that to the rest of the roads we've got here we've got this road that comes up we've got this bit of parking here that just doesn't work nobody's using it which is a shame because i put all those on all four corners um okay it took a lot of fiddling around but this is what we had before and this is what we've got now which is just using these little normal parking assets this one here car park 2x4 and that fits in and that works really well a little 1u road going around the back yeah i like that excellent probably could just do with saying giveaway there giveaway there but yeah that one works okay so i think what i'm going to do is replace all of these in the corners uh yeah when you got these other two corners and then yeah we've definitely got working at parking lots to hopefully deal with this big red parking problem that we have here [Music] there we go so i'm pleased how that has turned out we'll need to give that some time for the parking ai information thingamajiggy to update let's come back over here to the rose t botanical gardens has what we've done over here with the car parks helped yes it's now not red anymore there's no huge amounts of traffic coming in and out and the parking is all used really well fantastic okay so just over here back with our underground parking i'd like to change this road here and hopefully not break this thing so what i'm gonna do is uh save the game and have a quick sip of tea and it's so hot today hmm a nice cooling cup of tea then i'm going to use the touch it mod over here which means i can touch that road there and it unlocks it from this build looks to me actually like a one new road i don't know whether i'm gonna be able to do this let's just take one of these that's probably going to be far too wide let's do it anyway do you know what that has fit in actually okay so let's give that two lanes coming out one lane going in and once everybody's calmed down and worked out that those extra lanes they can use okay and another place that had terrible parking was the school of environmental studies that building was bright red look at it now the only bright red building is this one over here that was on fire but yeah that parking lot there has really really helped as well okay back over at sugar cube square i've changed this road back to what it was before i just rebuilt the car park it seemed to break it i've also added a second one over here and i just need to remember to change these to give way so they're not traffic lights there we go and that seems to have helped this area here a lot of these were red but now they've gone down to green which means the parking situation is okay which is fantastic so i've been asking on my discord what is the best way to judge how much parking you need somewhere and it seems to be the general consensus that you look at the visitors that are here i know that sort of makes sense but i was asking anyway because you know sometimes the game works in different ways different ais and different mods you know it might use different figures but it seems that if you get say a hundred visitors a week then a hundred parking spots uh would be fine if you have a look at this one here it sort of does tend to go sort of heading towards the red color but i mean each of these holds two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen twenty 2 4 6 8 that's 80 parking spaces 160 you know we've got tons of parking here and of course that's going to be used by other people around in the area as well but definitely you can see lots of red there couple of red buildings here but now we're taking care of most of it with the parking uh this park is doing okay this area over here not so good it's not not terrible but what we've got 53 visitors not enough car parks there so what i'm gonna do i've actually downloaded a whole load of car park assets king leno makes a load of good parking garages oh there's all sorts of ones here what i will do is i will put a link to a collection that was shared with me i believe it was um was it archangel from my server for my discord server yeah all right let's see what this one here looks like that is not too bad that was this one there we go medium parking garage number two eight by four that actually fits in there quite well and already there's a load of cars parked in there and let's go into first person mode another look at this what driving through the wall flying up the side what the heck oh my goodness me what the heck you doing yeah there's a couple of video sequences with the uh with the parking ai but i'm happy to live with that to get these to work properly buildings are growing over the top let's just fix that if we go into here and we're going to remove let's go this way and we'll move whatever's there there we go please do not live inside a parking garage that is not good for your health but we want to see whether that helps with the parking situation here yeah it looks like it could be assisting already which is fantastic so i think generally speaking that's gone red again over there generally speaking i think i'm happy with that uh over here we have our library and i don't think there's any parking over here yeah also what we've got you see is we've got grass all around our roads which means there's no road parking at all well how about we just see if we can use this bit of space at the back here instead let's just take this road across here like that and i've got this one oh it's just too big what about that oh there we go look at that absolutely perfect make sure proper triana key is off there we go look there's a few parking spaces probably could do with the land flattened out a bit but that's okay how many visitors say we get in here 46. what if we've got one two three four five six 12 24 probably not quite enough could we then fit some down the side here as well if we just connect these roads up and now i've taken up any space where i could have put some parking about over here in stands yeah let's do that to what i'm going to do i'm going to grab that road unfortunately destroy that building a tiny bit there we go and have that in there i'm just going to level this out yeah these are working really well i've just added some paths around here as well a couple of trees around there there we go and then i just switched this one up a bit out of a few more trees around the back a path that runs along here which people are using and already people are coming to park in here which is fantastic so hopefully there we go look it's not as red as it was before that's really good what is this traffic i spy oh it's up in here oh my goodness what the heck is going on this was all working perfectly fine before and it's all completely died of death what is going on right okay let's just fix a couple of things i can see here you go through and don't stop and probably the same here as well go through and don't stop well so they're all trying to come up there you're trying to come up there as well have i stopped people leaving somewhere by mistake you're all trying to come in here to drop stuff off and then you can't they're all they all want to come up and leave here because actually that's not for the reason i thought i thought this was going to be the shortest route and they were coming down this way turn off pedestrians cyclists private vehicles public transports want trucks so they're all coming out there around there to go back round there into here look at that it's just started moving ever so slightly so why don't they come this isn't one way either so they could go the other way around that is really odd and then what's happening here this is all they're all coming up there to drop stuff into these and this is all oh why okay i'm just gonna watch this for a minute or two why is this suddenly an issue when it was not a problem before what have i done okay this seems to be getting stuck up here as well instead of just going through i think it's just a huge are they picking up or dropping off delivering to the grain silence so what are these all set on they're all set on balance that's probably not helping we do need crops around in these places we've got all those crop storage all of the crops being made and then it's like these need the crops that needs the crops that's animal products that's another store we've got so much storage and we probably don't need that much i'm going to delete every other one which might just make some trucks disappear and i'm also going to delete actually that one as well and just have these ones and then let's just see what these guys are doing here so they're all going left and they're all coming up there and then they're all cutting through here instead of going straight on let's just check this road here some prop and tree anarchy off so if we pick that one there so they're going up there a lot of them just to turn around and come back down again which is odd and some are going up here so these let's have a look at what they're where they're going i'll return into facility right okay so they're coming out of there dropping it off there and coming back again okay that does make sense what's happening i think perhaps having deleted some of that i've just put another little asymmetrical road in here which i'm gonna just change what that says at the end there so we've got one left one right there we go and we might just find that this moves along a bit better and i think these need to be bigger roads yeah we need a small four lane road in here because there's just not enough room i'm gonna do that this one here we're gonna do a control left click so we get straight on and the left there we go look and that's probably then oh don't want traffic lights that's probably then gonna just give them enough space to keep on moving not getting each other's way i'm even gonna do this one here as well look and then i'm gonna do control left click there so get dedicated turning lanes and i think that should sort this bit out oh there's so many hmm let's just leave it running for a bit see what happens yeah there we go that's much better i've just put some traffic lights up here to help these trucks get in and out and with less storage set on balance it means there's less goods coming in less traffic overall and it's working much better right let's get back to our parking problems so i'm wondering why this is always red over here and i think even though we've got plenty of parking spaces to do with the visitors i think these people here are using them we do have over here a little parking thing that we set up before but as we know these things just don't work nobody parks in them which is a real shame there's an opportunity miss there but what i'm gonna do oh i deleted the rock i really didn't mean to do that come on you're gonna have to remember your brother rock as you come over here to your new abode uh there we go i'm gonna put you there and not destroy any other rocks oh that's such a shame but never mind never mind and then finally back over our university area we've got the grand library we've got the central park and we've got the public library all with absolutely tons of visitors this car park we're putting over here is taking care of the school of environmental studies and but yeah all of this and i want to use this little spot here which means we're going to have to just do a little bit of jiggery pokeaway we're going to take this road here um yeah i want this as close to the back here as possible let's anarchy that in then we can pop this path oh can't grab that path but god it's not a path let's grab that path there there we go and we're gonna put that back in at the side and then i've got a university car park by king leno which i think would be fantastic along here let's just slide that road over a bit there we go now if we can fit this in here that would be great it's gonna butt up against that railway line but we're going to fix that so let's pop that in there yeah that looks nice that's a nice building isn't it but then yeah just need to fix this railway line along the back there we go that's fine moved it over put a bit of fencing in and this fits in really really well so that should give us a whole host of extra parking over in this area and i think it looks really nice so that was from king leno oh things are working over here this is not bright red anymore i added some more parking over here as you saw did i squeeze some more in somewhere else i can't remember i've been going around the city squeezing parking and everywhere this park can be put in which means this isn't red anymore this one is we could do with perhaps adding something in here we've got this little space at the end let's see what we can do there we go that one fits under there perfectly that's added some more spaces maybe that will help what we're getting 81 visitors i think we're probably gonna need a few more spaces there i quite like this one here parking two by two because on little plots like this we've got a little bit of concrete you could squeeze in i wonder that's gonna be a bit yeah not that one there we'll take that one out but you can squeeze in some parking spaces where you wouldn't necessarily think you were able to i've got some here put some over here some over here in between these buildings i'm enjoying actually finding any little teeny tiny spots where we can put some parking oh this along here this along here has got to be parking all these trees are going we are filling this with parking and i know there's some park in there already but now it's got even more parking than it had before fantastic i just cannot get enough spaces around this thing here to stop it being red it's getting 100 visitors a week on average this has got 256 spaces this has got more than 80. this has got more than 80. this has got more than 80. and it's still red i don't know why i'm having doubts as to the complete working of the parking ai even though i've been told directly by the devs that yeah there's a couple of bugs but it should be working i'm not entirely sure i'm not entirely sure so what do you think about the parking ai in traffic manager i love the fact that it adds something new to the game something interesting it's one of those things that makes you make different decisions in your building and adds to the way the game works i just absolutely love that in the game so i'm going to leave it on for now even though i'm not 100 convinced that it works a hundred percent of the time we'll have to sort of see as we go along but i'm certainly going to be going around the city and adding some more parking in into lots of different places i i just whatever i do i can't get this thing to stop being red but i've been squeezing in parking and all sorts of other little teeny tiny places and i love it i love the way that it looks oh this one's been really used well so we're gonna keep doing it and we're gonna see how it helps in our city but let me know what you think in the comments below thank you as always for watching for supporting my channel i do really really appreciate it and i will see you all very soon have a fantastic day take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 170,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines parking AI, cities skylines TM:PE, cities skylines Traffic Manager, traffic manager president edition
Id: 20pyEA3GpAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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