Citizens Go MAD for Trams & Heat in Cities Skylines Vanilla!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in antarctica yes that's right our vanilla no modded snowy city and the plans we have for today are to get heating to all of our lovely people we've neglected that so far and we keep getting rolling power issues brown out because they're using electricity to heat themselves rather than the heating systems that are built into the game and i also want to try and get over to green power as well as expanding as well so we've got lots of things to look at today let's come out of that view there there we go so this is how we are at the moment struggling for water we've got six thousand nearly seven thousand people our next target is nine thousand um but we'll worry about that when we get there so these poor people with their water problems we'll come back to you we're still having trash problems one of the things that we could do is um yeah i want to empty this but i don't want to empty at the moment i think just thinking about our green issues green problems that we've got um you know what i'm just going to leave that i believe that for now let's look at our water problems so in the heating tab over here uh we have heating availability their consumption at the moment would be at 69 70 megawatts um our boiler station can make 120 megawatts our geothermal heating plant can make 80 megawatts and what's the difference keep 800 a week 600 a week so that's cheaper cost 75 000 at cost 68 so negligible difference we've got 316 000 now which is just fantastic have i got any loans that i can pay back yes i have let's pay that right back um so not a huge difference pollution 75 pollution 75 oh noise pollution so pollution zero this one's pollution 35 so maybe these with the no pollution a bit cheaper upkeep so two of those would be 160 but the cost to be 1200 a week yeah i mean this is the greener option isn't it so maybe this is the one we have to go for if we're gonna just try and do stuff the green way and that will not quite cover us but we can afford it we can afford it so that is probably going to end up in here somewhere well actually as we were going to be removing most of this anyway i wonder whether we could just pop it all over here um as our industry we've got our timber industry we've got our other industry coming in here i think that might be a better idea if we just sort of build something on the end here so let's maybe do that instead um let's go for the industry looking road oh we've got asymmetrical three-lane roads how exciting uh we'll use some of those i do like a good asymmetrical road i'm gonna come in here and this is gonna sort of be behind here uh actually let me just change this a bit if i come up there i'm sort of seeing we might end up with some sort of connection at the end there and then build off of this and then we'll fill this little spot in yeah i think that's how we're gonna go okay so this is going to go straight out like that i know we do need to upgrade all of our pipes uh to this pipe so i'm just wondering shall we do that first as that is going to be a big cost yeah let's do that and now they're all going to start complaining that they haven't got heat now that it's become something that is possibly an option for them i'm not sure whether our buildings over here need the heat but um i've done it anyway so there we go we can see this nice orange line covering everybody so we've got all the heat that we need uh yep and now we need to go over to the other side there we go i'm pretty sure that's the whole city that was oh apart from this over here which we'll need to do that was pretty expensive wasn't it so i'll tell you what we might as well just finish off and do all of these um yeah we'll just go like that and like that that was a lot of money wasn't it yeah what's this guy down here who's complaining so that is there we go forestry main building complaining about heat so yes everybody will complain about heat if the pipes are in but they don't have any option to get any heat yet so we're going to go for this because we're forcing ourselves to go green even though we get more power out of this one um let us just button that up against the road there can we afford two of those new so we'll have one for now and then we'll as soon as we get the option uh let's just pop that all the way to the end as soon as we get the option to get another one oh my goodness we've literally spent all of our money giving them not enough heat and they don't need the water pipe as well this one would do both won't it yikes yeah we're really struggling we are really struggling for everything so i tell you what i'm probably going to do is just leave the city to run for a few moments get some more muller in it shouldn't take too long and then we can continue expanding although you are now complaining about lack of sewage treatment which i don't want to be a problem um what is that going to cost us we do have green options so inland water treatment plant we've been using the inland water treatments but we want to use the eco one which we're just making this harder for ourselves actually we don't have access so 28 000 for the eco one advanced 28 000 so it might just be that we need to just go for a couple of these and these aren't that expensive are they they are 5 000 no we can actually pop these behind here and that really sort of fits in with that look that we've got there so that is good let's hook this one up there we go actually i feel like i need a water pipe just going down the end here and then we'll hook that onto there what does that take us up to speed up the game yeah that takes us up to plenty and the only other thing is water availability uh is there somewhere else i feel like this little spot here yeah there is pollution coming out of this these two factories and this plant here but i reckon that little spot there this little spot here will be okay what other options have we got we've got the inland oh that's the water treatment plant again um no hang on a sec oh that is an eco dog did i just just misread that oh that is an eco one oh yeah i just misread it no ignore me ignore me yeah i'm waiting for this big one here the large water tower but let's go for the small one whoa that was an auto save i think it's a t and we're going to pop that here am i going to regret that oh what's that save city another achievement unlocked i feel like i'm going to regret that let's give it a try we've done it i think we're far enough away from all the pollution to be okay so this is the ground yeah look there's nothing there at all let's just speed that up so what's that gonna give us yeah plenty of coverage everybody should be happy zero percent average drinking water pollution yep that's good okay so even though this one says the heating output is 80 megawatt actually producing a hundred megawatt even though now we need 102 thanks game but that is actually much better than i thought which is good so i don't know why there's a difference with that but there we go now a couple of policies that we may wish to add to our city um that we mentioned before so extra insulin insulation buildings require less energy for heating and produce less tax income because of the higher construction and maintenance cost so i think we might just need to check exactly what that is no electricity for heat so that would be good they can only use heat produced by heating services which we're almost there we're within a couple of percent weren't we so that could be good or then we can do the opposite so i just want to check what this extra insulation one could cost us yeah do you know what i can't find the information as to how much tax we would lose and i don't really want to lose any money so i'm going to say no electricity for heat because we're making more than we need anyway so let's just tick that i don't think this one here is going to change at all let's just speed the game up a bit no so we're definitely covering which means now we have got a huge boost in electricity so if we just drop this down let's have a look let's have a look yeah let's not go that low because we're expanding our city as well so back to 90 percent for that our water we'll leave that as it is so that's good so we're gonna save a bit of money that way and we're gonna keep everybody warm and we've got most attractive city award excellent so right let's just look into i want to shift out some of these items from over here so that inland water treatment plant we're gonna replace those with the eco inland water treatment plant i feel like we're perhaps gonna need a couple of those uh they're 5000 each so let's pop those in uh hook these up that's about as straight as they will go there we go yeah that's shot up and then this one here we are gonna delete and hopefully that's not too much of an issue we'll delete that pipe there as well don't need it so it's treatment actually you know what i'm gonna add one more in oh yeah these need the heat coverage as well yep don't worry we've got you guys i'll do a test actually while we're doing this i'm going to add that in there i'm going to add a normal pipe there right so let's look at the heating so i was sort of under the impression that before i started doing the heating today that you needed a heating pipe everywhere but as you can see there's this area of effect that goes around it so these have got normal water pipes coming up to them but if i extend this pipe out here without it snapping so it covers those buildings the area of effect that's there now that line is covering these and we can see that they're happy so actually in the future we don't need to convert every single pipe to a heating pipe even though now we're not quite getting enough over here darn it so that will be something to keep in mind what is it we actually needed for that it was 68 000 so we're not actually that far off of there so i'm not going to worry too much about that in a minute they'll just they've not had heating up till now we'll just uh we'll just deal with that so what else could we move over here we've got our geothermal power plant which actually we could put that in between these two here and then when i get this one i can pop that on the side so that's fine over there i like all the pipes and things really looks like a cool area nice nice nice excellent and we can expand that when we need to um what else so we've got our coal power plants which are going to be start to be replaced so for the geothermal we need oh man how much money did that cost to move it oh my life i completely forgot about the moving cost wow 40 000 to move that i forgot on hard mode half the price to move something good gravy good gravy okay uh still getting some trash problems around here it's this thing here we keep emptying it and then filling it again our trash coverage is trash so we this this is the figure we're looking at the landfill figure the landfills are going to go eventually but we need to keep on top of this otherwise it's just going to be an ongoing problem so recycling sensors i think they're the only thing that is probably going to stay over in this area so we're going to pop one more of those in and then hopefully that will start to deal with it right okay so we have a need for oh it's like killing the trees off because of the pollution from this look if we zoom out you can see it better i didn't actually realize that had pollution around it that's a little bit annoying it's not much at all yeah i think we're just going to ignore it i'll be honest so we did have some more options here and we do need more industry so let's take a look at this uh we have space and i think i misspoke in a previous episode so everyone's going to be railing me for that because i do it from time to time we currently have space for 236 workers we need 350 um to upgrade to the next level this is level two at the moment i think it is yeah um but we're only getting 230 workers coming to work here anyway but i think what happens is when you place extra items you just get a sort of boost that just happens and we've seen that before and we've unlocked the small tree sapling greenhouse and also some bigger storage but i want to go for a couple of these along this road so i think one there oh i didn't look how smooth it was before i did it darn it um can i quit zippity can i do a bit of smoothie [Music] smooth after the fact and i think i've tried this before let's put these up let's put that on to medium let's grab that height yes you can aha although that is going to sort of add a little drop down there but if i lower that make that a bit smaller maybe we could sort of come to a halfway sort of agreement between the two that doesn't look too bad that doesn't look too bad which means i probably could smooth this one out as well which i was struggling with before and i think it might have just been i didn't have the power up high enough on my yeah there we go look let's get gets rid of that big jump there was at the front that looks much better and then over here these are nestled into the hillside that's fine i like that um so what is that done for us if we look back over here 286 but we see we've suddenly attracted a lot more workers uh which is good um population unemployment sixteen percent we need to help people to get over here and i'm just wondering whether let's just check out our storage uh this is the only one isn't it so we have that unfilled and that gets filled up quite quickly let's pop another storage over here and we're going to use i think these are big oh that's not too bad actually that's okay so that'll give us i'm looking for the workers upkeep cost pollution noise pollution capacity freight truck what that don't give us any extra workers jobs like these oh and we've got forestry workers barracks oh i'd miss that workplace is 25 on that one i don't think this one gives us any workplaces no but this gives us 35 and increases the work efficiency of the workers in the industry area by five percent right okay so where could we pop one of those that would be a nice spot a feeling like sort of across the river over here would be quite a nice spot i feel like we do need some more storage let me just do that first um let's go back into this one and add i want to have one of these like right next to that let's smooth the land first what a great idea biffer it's almost like you're getting used to playing in vanilla i am i'm learning um that's almost not quite as flat as i would like it to be but let's yeah that's okay i'm fine with that very good very good so yeah what do you think if we run a little road across here we can just have some workers barracks on this little bit that sticks out why not why not let's get our industry area and just do that it's like the the people that run the cyprus timber processing which i've not had any names for yet but we will get to have decided that just to purchase this little bit of land the workers bags we could fit a couple here if we pop a road down the middle i reckon so if we weren't like that uh cannot build on water we could get it there and we could get it there so that's fifteen thousand it's gonna be thirty thousand we can't afford to and it's not actually even connected to over there and we've messed up some land darn it okay that's fine we can fix that um yes if we get this height here i'm just gonna bring that out a bit like this and then we're gonna smooth a bit of that in like that how's that that's not too bad yeah that's okay that's fine does that need to be connected to anything else to give us the benefits uh where's our industry's own name god oh it's there it's moved uh 321 workers so we're getting the benefit of the workers and we're getting the benefits of the efficiency in the less pollution oh that's good less pollution i wonder if that will affect the factory do you know i don't know we've got a fire how's our fire coverage we've got a fire truck right here he's on the case ah that is what we want to see and it's done thank you very much for being on the case i do appreciate that uh yeah i still feel like we need like a little bridge across here um so let us grab i'm gonna just take that load away and try and just build this up a bit i've got to keep in mind all the time about putting the land at the height i want it before i do things because i'm just so used to move it modding stuff to you know to the height i want so we're gonna go there and then this has got a nice sort of bridge like that to there and then connect that up yeah there we go that's okay that's nice so they've got that connection over there um and then they're gonna need some watering heating so i'm gonna go straight for the heating pipe these lovely people let go and electricity i'm just gonna run that it's not gonna let me alongside here into there is that gonna connect enough to connect yes excellent excellent excellent good so i reckon when i've got enough money uh to pop my second one of these in oh if it jumped uh we will have enough workers or enough spaces to do it so let's just take another quick look what was it fifteen thousand okay i'm just gonna run the game until we get fifteen thousand so i can do that and then we can move on to the next thing and a few minutes later we have the money oh i can actually get that right opposite let's move smooth the land smooth the land okay let's do that i want this height sort of about like let me take that road out there sort of about like that let's go out to there that's right and can i get that right opposite i can i can nice nice nice and do we need to i don't think we need to smooth that land anymore that has just looked very very nice excellent so what has that done for us now 356 so we've got spa and look immediately the amount of workers jumps up it's a weird thing i think each building you place just automatically comes with some workers which is handy when you're just trying to push things over i mean i could literally just chuck something down probably and jump over that but we'll let the game run and we should be able to just do that ourselves cool right what is next on the cards the heating i think it's going to be just waiting to fill the heating where is the heating one there it is because we're not quite at the level we need i'm just thinking actually yeah the water one and the heating one comes into the same thing so i tell you what i'm gonna do is do that because i'm assuming only a small amount of them are going to use the heat electricity and it's not going to suddenly yeah because if we do the other way our heating that spare goes consumption is 118 so we'll turn that off consumption 122. yeah availability goes down so it's only a little bit of a difference at the moment so that's fine well while we're waiting to make more money i want to check our traffic still 92 which is great this is just all busy right this one down here we do have our asymmetric three-lane road so there's a lot of people coming in and out of here and i'm just gonna pop that in there so we're gonna get dedicated lane for that way and for that way which is good um [Music] see these little side rows that are coming in and not that busy so i'm not going to bother with that [Music] i don't think down there needs it and then there is a sort of a trick um that we could do with the dedicated lanes we want to change that one so now we've got two that way and one this way if that one was a one i think that'd still go both ways wouldn't it yeah we'll do that anyway to help them there i think that'll be okay and then what about the other side of the bridge not too busy so i don't think we need to worry all the way around here no we're fine you still with the flipping heating even though i've turned the policy off see that's annoying i've said to them use your use the electricity if you want to and more and more of them were complaining about the heating no i don't get that they shouldn't be complaining they should just be one of those a distance thing yeah probably you're just gonna have to complain aren't you when we get to it we'll get to it while we're waiting for that let's fill some of our need for industry or offices so we've got our zone over here which we've set up to be a forestry zone for our industry so i'm just going to expand that and take in some of these other roads over here as well that's not going to cover all of that um i'm going to remove this one this was going to be a farming one it's just not going to happen we're not going to do farming here i'm just going to put these two zones in the same place so there we go um and then we can add in some more industry and they will end up being a farming style industry do we want to come up there i think sort of here and here are going to be in offices at some point but i definitely think all of these can be industry and it should be as there's a demand for those we should quite quickly there we go oh another auto save there we go we should quite quickly get these to fill up there we go fantastic and i love the look of these buildings with all the timber stacked up just really really cool i love it and of course now on these as well just look brilliant really cool detail i mean you know for the vanilla no mods not using any extra assets and stuff like that the game does just look fantastic doesn't it i mean i am playing in 4k which i think really helps as well but yeah looking good looking good so of course that's increased our need for heat but yeah it's just a a time game to earn the money but what i would like to do while we're waiting for that is just spruce up this area a little bit down here and of course as soon as the temperature drops everyone starts complaining about a lack of heating but there we go that is the way it's going to go i don't think i've upgraded that pipe there which is probably why these people are complaining there we go we can at least keep some people happy which is good oh i've just realized we've got enough money for another geothermal heating plant thing excellent yeah and that is going to snap straight into there next to this uh let's get this road to come out a little bit more uh i'll leave some space there we might end up with another geothermal power plant next to it and then let's hook that in um okay so we're gonna have that one going out there and then that one can come straight down nice now our heating availability is through the roof so policies no electricity for heat we don't need that and yeah we can't actually adjust like the way we do with water and electricity our heating sort of budget but that's fine we've just got absolutely plenty now for when we want to move on so excellent right i want to look at our electricity availability now so let's look at our budget so if we pop that on like a hundred percent like that so we've got consumption is 125 production is 200. so if we switch out that produces 40 and we switch it out for one of those that produces 80. so it produces double uh the cost upkeep is 700 per week this is not quite double okay so that's good so as soon as we've got 81 000 i'm gonna pop another one of these in and i reckon then we can start losing some more of our coal power plants over there oh there we go two things happened at once we got extra money and our park has reached level two which is great so we'll have a look at that in a second um so let us add in what were we actually going to be adding a geothermal plant so let's pop that in what have we got going on here a solar updraft tower what is that going to cost us a hundred and twelve thousand do you know what i'm going to come back to that because i want to get this with two of these i want them evenly spaced out and i would like to build another area for the updraft tower we'll cover that another time um so i'm just going to change this around if i go there and along like that and then up here yeah there we go then we can go down the back there along there and down there almost almost that was so close there we go and in fact that could continue down there and that just gives us a nice little extra section i'm liking that of where all of these can go excellent so what has that done for our power our power is through the roof so now i'm going to start removing these this one's going to go first there we go let us speed the game along so we're producing tons so that one can go next oh getting some traffic here yep there we go and i think this one could go as well how about that oh we're getting close to the limit we're definitely only on 100 but that's good so now our pollution will drop down a bit so there's where one was wasn't it there and there so this sort of bulk of pollution will go we're still getting some pollution of course from our recycling centers and definitely from this thing over here but that is good that is good so just a bit confused again because these say they should do 80 and oh it is doing 80 and that's 280 yep that's fine excellent so over to our park our mana garden over here we've unlocked a couple of extra things that we can add in if we wish let's just take a quick look um so we've got this here the park chess board and we've got the park pier and the park here we don't actually have any water in here so apart from doing a bit of detailing with some other things will chessboard fit in would i have left enough room i just left enough room do you know what let's pop that in there i'm gonna remove a couple of trees but why not a bit of outdoor chess there we go someone's already loving it i think that looks nice doesn't it and then what would that take us here so visitors we just have to wait for entertainment until next level we are so close i think we can we can get that with some pagodas do we have the pagodas unlocked ah we don't we have all of these old things here did these make a difference i can never remember um 420 we're on let's put down like some food stalls and stuff like that okay there's a few items and oh no we've got 448 i'm a bonehead yet again biffin leaves it wrong it did go up didn't it 420 is what we need to hit we've got 448 out of 420 yeah so again just to wait in time to get up to level three fantastic and as this is our only park we're gonna do an advertising campaign to get more visitors we can afford the 200 a week no problem it's our main park because the only one we've got so we'll make it main park which gives us some bonuses um we're not organized fireworks celebrate yeah we're gonna not do five fireworks because we're right in the middle of where everybody lives night tours 30 more visitors during night time cost 50 a week we're gonna do that even more fun 10 per amusement building we'll do that and recycle garbage doesn't go towards this one so that actually should really help let's have a look in our park tab yes i thought it might affect the land value a bit but no it hasn't so there we go right so now i'd like to try and get rid of this landfill site and i've tried to empty this so many times in previous episodes but it sort of overfills these i mean when this gets up to the reserve they won't send out any trucks into the city to pick up any more and that one's almost up to 200 000 so that one's got a bit of space that is almost up to it as well we've got another one haven't we somewhere let's go into this tab one two three oh that's it we didn't add any more over there over there no so we may hit our limit again we do have the option for the incinerator which if we did it would be like a really limited thing that we'd end up just deleting and losing and i'm wondering whether we could just do that or the pollution just for now don't worry everybody it is going to be turning trash into power we're going to get that as well that is going to be like a one-time thing so we can empty this out and that is going to take a few minutes and i reckon by the time that's done we'll get our money back again so i'm not too concerned and we've done it it's taken a while but the thing is now empty and we've made a load of money well i've been waiting over half a million tea leaves which is absolutely fantastic so yeah that thing is now gone that never to return oh quick auto save there so our garbage processing is still quite bad so i'm going to leave the incinerator well i say it's quite bad we're just about in the green so i'm going to leave our incinerator here for now um what are we going to get green wise as time goes on floating garbage collector so that's just for water pollution and then we get the waste transfer facility and the waste processing complex so not really green in a sense of it's not green at all it's just normal normal garbage collection we have the recycling center so that's pollution 25 this is pollution 10 so actually then we've got the big one which is a lot we'll see how it goes uh that was pollution 100 so that really isn't helping no but as soon as we can we'll remove all of them okay couple of other things i want to take care of in the city um to do with mass transit before we do that we're getting a little bit of a death wave and we've only got one cemetery over here which is getting pretty full and all the trucks are out and we haven't unlocked yet anything else that we can use medical helicopter no so let us add another cemetery just around here somewhere just thinking where would be a good spot for that i just think is this road gonna connect down here i think it probably is so let's just do this uh if we bring that in there to here is that going to let us do it yeah there we go and then could you just pop that off the side there like that that'll be okay and we just check the road junction yeah we don't want that we'll go for a stop sign and that is coming out right on a main road that is a really bad place to put it and now i'm going to move it and it's going to cost me flipping 5 000. oh okay it's not too bad yeah we'll have that off the side there that is a much better idea little tiny house excellent good yeah much happier with that so that's that one issue and then buses we've got no transit at all now we do have the trolley bus we do have the tram and we do have metro as well and we have taxes we have probably got all sorts of stuff oh wow so much stuff has been unlocked postal services oh my god yeah we found out we don't really need that either we'll probably end up adding some in i'm just wondering whether a tram uh through the middle here we've got this nice big road that goes all the way through the middle we're also going to end up with another big road over here although that is going to mean getting the tram around if we did it like that if we had the tram up here they would need a turnaround we could remove those houses i'm just wondering whether that would be good we could lend just looking so then what we could do is run the tram up here and along here and connect it up to our business area i don't see why not and it's still four lane road with tram tracks yeah go on go on let's go for a tram it's going to go up to there let's just run this hopefully without deleting anything a couple of houses that's fine oh we're going to lose our bridge no [Music] darn it can i just run a tram track alongside the bridge i didn't even think of that so if i came out of there we might be able to do something darn it or if i came down this road and then went across like that shucks because i like this bridge but yeah we're gonna end up losing it i think we're gonna have to come out here in the best way that we can which seems to be right there and then if that comes over that's not going to be happy is it oh it does there okay let's just line this up oh as soon as i did that it won't let me okay let's go there i want to get this straight do you know what would help is if i did this but had my connection on we're going to delete these again so don't worry about this we're going to come out there and that's going to come across there and then that's going to come over here and connect to that could we do that we go down oh we go up what's the closest we can get and then we can go into there okay and then if we delete these at least then it's running you know straight across which is what we want and then this has got to try and get in this side like that i don't feel like that's what we would do how about we just went straight into like down here instead we're gonna lose a business hmm let's delete that and that so that's gonna come there and then join back onto here this needs to be upgraded to that one and then this road down here needs to be changed back to that it's gonna mean some businesses some houses i should say need to come back again that's fine uh you're gonna go there and you're gonna go there yeah and then this can be upgraded down here and we'll sort of continue it down to the end here um yeah we'll see what happens with that i just want to put a turn around here just for now so i'm going to give them plenty of space so that's going to come off of there and that's got to cross over there is that better the other way around yeah that can go in there and then come over there yeah there we go so that's a turn around that end and then we'll come all the way over here and this isn't going to give us a huge amount of room is it how about we do something like this if we come out with that i mean these houses these are going to go these are going to go these are going to go so we've got a lot of space and then could we put a little tiny roundabouty thing in here yeah let's give that a go like that not quite round but near enough uh does that crossover come straight out no that's fine and just have that as a turnaround for this here and then all we need to add is a tram depot um which do you know what i might just bring that over here or this side let's go that side it's just going to mean we're going to have to upgrade that wow trams coming to the city and everybody's suddenly happy let me get this little tiny bit in here there we go so now we have tram access to everything and now we can create a line so this way is the one that's going to go this side we have lots of stops near things we know there's going to be something in there and then every other sort of block like that right by the school up over there that's gonna come up over the top excellent and this is gonna stop in the middle so yeah we're gonna go there and then on the way back so this shouldn't affect the traffic at all uh we will see hopefully i didn't miss a stop there oh actually what we didn't do was we didn't put it out towards the industry did we everyone's upgrading now because they've got access to mass transit oh they can't turn around because it's too far down there okay that's what we'll do we'll get rid of that one just go round that's fine here's a tram achievement unlocked yeah i was going to go up here wasn't i forgot about that was it this road here yes let's do that we can add that in so that's going to go up here and along the top which actually means we probably don't need that turnaround we could have gone up here in a long time when we repurposed that industry area we might change that yeah this is going to come all the way along here i don't know what we're going to do we can use the one-way road do i want to use one-way roads on here one-way tram roads yeah do you know what i am i'm gonna do this like that and we'll go the same way that the roundabouts go which is anti-clockwise so that would be this way just like a mini sort of tram roundabout car thing there we go like that so they can drop everybody off there we need some walking paths and things in there but we'll do that and then i think what we'll do is we'll move like that stop up there and now that's got to go all the way to the top excellent so that should cover this area see now these are all upgrading because they're stops being added to this area and then we'll do the same here come on it looks like they're doing the loop twice not quite sure what's going on there that is a bit weird isn't it and then we can add a stop here stop here i think it's just when i'm making the stops is it or something weird gone on one there one there one here and then they go back again and we've got the stops going the other way [Music] there we go sorted i've just brought up the other line there so it doesn't cross over where it comes out the road which is good i think that should be pretty good so why don't we follow one of our trams and see what this looks like going through our city [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and there we go back to the turnaround again there are so many people let's come out of this and look at our line details so many people wanting to use the tram wow wow 400 where the heck's that so that's the stop here in the so this is the middle one where most of the people are that is just nuts we need more trams 384 yeah that's the same one and then 115 over here yeah so that's in the middle of the area where people are again 147 further down okay yeah we definitely need more tram i'm going to double it to 16 and i hope i'm not causing a traffic problem uh yeah that's always just going to be busy this little bit here yeah because this is like a weird junction now i might have it come off and go over here somewhere i don't know i just i think we'll leave it like that for now so i think that's pretty good for this episode we've grown the city got a ton of money added mass transport which everybody is absolutely loving and we've almost gone green with pretty much everything we can so far in the game with our water uh production and recycling and our power which is great so what do you reckon let me know in the comments below thank you very much for watching be here tomorrow for the next episode of new zealand which is my modded series and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on that and uh leave a like if you enjoyed it as well why not have a fantastic day take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 115,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play, cities skylines trams, cities skylines heating
Id: chGCpQEZmZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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