How to Earn 100K per week by Streamlining Industries in Cities Skylines

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what the heck is this guy doing here he's beached no we're gonna have a huge natural disaster on our hands something has gone wrong hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and today as always we have absolutely tons of plans let me just briefly outline those for you we've got a couple of fixes that you guys have spotted in the comments which we'll get to i need to sort of work a bit on our industry area we have a brand new factory that we're going to unlock as well which means we need to rebalance some industries to give us the resources we need to do that but before we dive into rebuilding and expanding and all of that stuff there's a couple of changes over here in our new area we were asking for a name for this area here lafayette hills now which area is that that is the outside of this area and i can't remember who commented a biggie pardon but they said look you're missing a trick there lafayette hills there we go sorted so that's the naming of that one thank you for that um also underground here if we just have a quick look at this metro line look at that look at the steepness of that metro line there it's down really low and it's up super high no idea what is happening there so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take that is that a tree or is that yeah that's a tree there we go we're going to get that there ctrl h and set that as the same height it's hard to find the zone underground is that the one yeah there we go actually i said what we'll do we'll slope these we'll take that one there that one there that one there that one there and that one there and we'll just slope the whole lot and then hopefully this one still seems super high here i don't know whether it's because of the uh okay what we'll do then look at that one there that one there that one there and then we'll select those ones yeah there we go that looks a lot better slightly little dip over here but it's not slowing them down excellent that's good that's fine everything's still moving here really well so we're gonna leave it at that uh over here where we've got our oh we're going to be doing the alien rock park today as well over here where we've got our island here which i still haven't named which we will get to um in a moment we had a tunnel under here and the idea was that this tunnel was only going to bring in um some of the services and things we wanted all the cargo to come in via the let's get out of the movie mods come on yeah we wanted the cargo coming in via the cargo harbor and we wanted the people coming in via the ferry stop and at the moment this road is set up to accept everything and i'm just wondering whether we could hmm i'm slightly reconsidering my my options here whether i do want to turn this off for anything let us turn off so we'll grab let's do it this end here so we're going to use this tool this tool and grab that piece of road and i'm gonna bang cars i'm gonna man cars he's like i'm a car i'm not a car i'm going down that's fine buses are fine taxes are fine can i ban trucks as well and we'll just leave all the services in the garbage look this guy he's gonna go for it anyway sneaky so and so so now they're gonna have to use our cargo harbour which is gonna be interesting whether that is gonna kill this whole island or not we should check it out we'll come back and we'll see how that works in a little bit and just looking at this i think we could also help these people on here by adding a barges mod uh thing on here as well we've got one over here here we go to transfer some of our cargo around i think that might be a good idea so could we just sort of extend this a bit and add it on here i think that'll still work okay so let's give that a go suppose already occupied don't be so silly no it's not there we go we'll get the move it mods uh we'll take the height of that control h make it the same height as that there we go we're going to grab that road there and we're going to bring this one out to here that just seems a little bit too high yeah i suppose that road is a little bit higher over there all right we'll go with that and then we'll just smoothly smooth out the land so let's grab here make the brush size a bit bigger right click in the middle to get the size that we want i'm just going to sort of build this out a little bit like that and hopefully how big is this barge mod oh it's actually got a road built into it okay let's just pause a sec because this needs to go uh that road needs to go there you're gonna let me delete that there we go and then hopefully we can needs a bit more space okay hold on hold on i'm wondering how far away we could get that so it still works if we sort of go i would say there that should be okay and then we'll grab this and slide it out a bit there we go we'll double click on nodes and we'll just grab that node there excellent and then we'll just move and move that over to the end excellent and then control h and set that as the same height as this one excellent i think that'll fit in there okay the water will go in a minute and then we'll just reconnect up our ferries again i might now i'm thinking about this i might swap my ferries around with this or should we just leave it all the same they could they're going to end up using the same pathway anyway so let's just connect them up we'll see how it goes so that's going to come that's going to go over the top of that with no problem uh yeah okay we'll connect it up we'll see how it goes there we go so they can still come around there let's get rid of the water on the land there we go everything is hooked up so that should now work we can also set some stuff in here if we want to uh what have we got over here what's been done got our big fish market isn't bringing enough fish over there so i'll tell you what we add fish to this there we go and then hopefully our fish factory i should say will get served a bit better because more fish will come over here so let's see what happens we'll keep an eye on that area there okay so that's a couple of fixes so let us run over here to this area hawkeyborky um industry area so what i want to do is fit into here a new factory that popped up a few episodes ago this one here i think it's the biggest factory there is size wise the car factory so that needs plastic glass and metals all special goods that we are making and i want to pop it into this area it might just mean that we need to sort of restructure this little area a tiny bit so what i'm gonna do here is this let's just bring that up to here grab this here now what other roads have we got no other roads down here okay so that'll be accessed for just this so move it mod copy that and put on snapping and that's snapping oh there we go that's what we want oh oh oh i want it snapping to the edge of the road is that actually doing it yeah there we go excellent and then we'll just set these up the same as they were before so the last two paper and petroleum so these are all set on empty as they're just a little buffer there we go if they need to be used and then all of this can go and you know what will be easier actually if we use the move it mod and just select all of that and go yep goodbye there we go excellent just get rid of that fence good good so that's cleared out this sort of space here and now i'm thinking this road can actually connect here instead this is going to turn into a bit of a hawky bulky junction it's going to make this a main road i'll tell you what let's just pop in the factory and see what we get so we need to save this rock here but what i'm going to do is grab that rock and also let's try that again that rock there and hold shift and get that lock there there we go and then we're gonna move them come on all right so it's hot grabbing the rocks there it is we got them yes we're going to move those rocks all the way over to our new rock park because this is what we're going to do from now on there we go so that one there let's just grab this one oh he's outside the area come on we can do it yes come on and then i'll shift him over so any rocks that we need to save from now on are going to end up in our rock park that's what i want to do so now we should be able to pop this factory in here it's like ever so slightly overlapping the railway lines that's okay we can fix that [Music] there we go that's fine this has got access all the way down here let's just grab this road let's move these trees first i want to pull that all the way to the end yeah that's okay so that's got access in there so now we can bring the road in here actually in the middle of this that is much better so let's do that there we go so there we go access in and out there which is good so we can keep that moving so they're going to be starved of resources and so we might just need to store a few more things around here because what have we got access to so it needs animal products plastic glass and metals we've got plastics glass we're struggling for metals we've got loads so animal products i don't think we have a storage for those so what we could do actually is use some of these change this to animal products and we're going to fill that up how many does this store 45 tons what are these store 400 tons okay these are all going to become animal products on field let me just do that there we go good excellent so that's going to be the storage for that and hopefully we can start bringing those over but i do need i do know we need to up our glass production this is obviously just got some delivery um so let's just come down here and there's something we could do to help with that so over this side of the city we do have two factories we've got the glass manufacturing plant which is 3968 units per week and we have another glass manufacturing plant which is 3968 units per week well we can adjust those if we go into our or industry we now have access to the fiberglass plant which is six six thousand four hundred units per week so twelve thousand eight hundred instead of you know about eight thousand um so we could remove these so let's get rid of that and how much bigger is this it's like one warehouse width bigger so could i move that over here okay let's just check what it is at the moment empty on glass empty on glass okay so it's just for looks and storage if we needed it and then we can pop that in there let's just check that's the same yep that's fine so immediately that is up to well it will get some raw materials in a moment and then we're going to need to do the same over here i just want to actually that on its own once it gets going it's added a lot more and what's going on with the power powers okay water's okay yeah it's fine yeah i think we'll upgrade both so i'll tell you what we're gonna do we probably don't need two of these so let's just delete that one there let's just pause again and delete that one there and that should then fit in uh we'll do it there yeah perfect there we go what's going on with this little thing here oh we've got this little bit i've drawn in here yeah let's change this a bit oh that is just the end of it oh i didn't realize oh what a bonehead okay well that felt over here instead uh on that road there yeah there we go we'll pop that in it's just the slope of the land and the power is going nuts i think this is bringing power through to this area over here let's just speed that up again and see what's going what is going on is that fire somewhere or is it that literally it because i've removed oh yeah look the power's not jumping across there anymore huh okay i'll tell you what we'll do we will go to our emergency services we'll go over here and we'll grab ourselves an earthquake sensor and we're gonna pop that can i put this on instead yeah we're gonna pop that right in the middle there there we go joined it all up again everybody happy [Music] yes everybody's happy excellent good so that's going to be glass on empty um and yeah that's fine so this is going to be making even more glass we need to check our all production is plentiful we have so much over here stored in our big bulk ore storage so that should keep up with that and this should produce even more glass and then it's going to be taken around the city via got trucks here we've got our barges mod over here we've got a barges going backwards and forwards look coming to get more stuff and this is already churning away so oh look seven thousand nine hundred and thirty six seven thousand nine hundred and thirty six what are they actually saying here six thousand four so even more than it should do well that's fantastic i've obviously got some bonuses going on there somewhere cool beans that's good so now when we come back over this side here we are excellent we should start seeing our glass one filling up so we'll wait to see but i mean this is the thing we want to keep the on as long as long as this is producing 150 000. look at that 12 000 the output per week our money is gonna go up so much that soon i'm not promising it yet i as your mayor biffer of new teal and promise we will reduce taxes at some point in the near future maybe even give free transportation how much money so we make about yeah so nine thousand let's have a look so trains is the biggest thing we're making about eight 000. we could literally just with the money we're making from that car factory give free transportation to everybody everywhere hmm that is an interesting concept let me know what you think about that in the comments below i love this jubilee car factory and you know what they're going to be making here everybody's decided that they would love one of the old cars it's now the model t car factory that's what they've always wanted let's have a look at the spawn points in here how's that working so they're spawning right out there everybody's always wanted a model t and now we can just make them um where is like the entrance and the exit to the warehouse you can hear all the automated machines going mad inside we could we could have it coming out of there couldn't we instead so if we add a point cargo truck oh look it's been updated we've got cargo trucks now here we come so let's just pause that a sec and i had a point i'm going to add cargo truck because i think an episode or two ago that wasn't there and we're going to delete cargo truck from there and so this one here i want to go down let's go down a bit more there we go i know this is where the cars are coming in at but i think this will look cool we're going to go like this so they're on this side of the roads that'd be this side so if we go like that and just see what that looks like if we do it underneath you can't even see it let's go back a little bit more let's see how that works oh hang on i've got spawn and unspawn yeah go now you might just drop those off there oh he's gonna drive across the thing all right tell you what let's bring it forward a bit hopefully he'll come up there and go round we'll see what happens let's just keep an eye on this for a minute or two see if any more turn up will leave yeah yeah i'm not sure quite like it there yeah i think we need to be yeah rebalancing our industries a lot more we need a lot more goods tons of animal products these ones down here aren't quite filled up yet okay let's add in so let's have a quick look here so i've got tons of plastics over there let's pop a couple of plastics over here so they're just a little bit nearer so let's just change that to plastics and that to plastics and then gla metals was the other one we should have a thing full of metal you've got this one full of metals here so they've got to come down there go round there and up again i wonder if it's just a bit too far could we add like a back we could add a back road here yeah look at this and now hopefully this will bring it all a little bit closer so let's go there and along there is there a pillow under there there is let's go there then there we go oh that's it has curved it for me and then hopefully that is then scenes being a bit closer and should deliver those a bit better to these guys here and they're not going to be waiting so much let's see what happens yeah there we go they're turning up again i had to reset the spawn points on this it had sort of freaked out a bit and wasn't quite working so yeah i'll pass that on to the uh mod developer anyway oh there we go there's some model t cars going out oh they're going to come back around this way again that doesn't quite look how i uh pictured them but let's take a look as they come past yeah there we go oh very swish very nice i like those yep so that's running well that's working perfectly fine goods are all turning up excellent so that is going to provide 86 more jobs and we did have a bit of a need if you look down here was it three percent yeah still at three percent so we do need another three thousand odd jobs uh jobs available people oh population there we go no that's not right is it but anyway we've got three percent of people that don't have a job which what's this one needing glass still struggling for the glass hmm i think these ones over here these are all filled up so it's glass still i know whether we could put a glass factory over here do they need to be inside needs to be inside industry area i don't know we could sort of be a bit hawkey bulky with the industry area and sort of drag it up over there but i wonder if we could just fit another one in here along the coast what's that building nurse only a recycling center let's add another one over here i want to just see that we've got so much that it's just not a problem because any extra we can just sell it anyway so i mean even another two and we know we've got enough ore to be going on for days so why not let's just add another couple in how wide is this gonna be let's have a look so that could go up to here so we could have this road yeah to there oh that's nice that's nice nice watery welcome to our new factory and then we can have that coming out to there and then we could literally have that up against here nope so we'll have that going around the other way there we go so we're going to set that to glass as empty so that's a buffer if it needs to put it somewhere before sending it out into the city it will pop it all in there and then it will head out into our city uh let's just fix this here we're going to turn that around there we go we're going to set that to give way so the main road can go through some dedicated turning lanes excellent and then we'll just grab some of these fences and just do a little something something around here [Music] okay here we go we've got our factories working away here i've just sort of shielded them a little bit with some trees just because we do have people living over in orlando over here on this side of our city although everybody who comes to live here doesn't know that they're probably going to end up working in the mines that was the whole point of this area um so seeing some factories on the distance but you know with the trees there that is not a bad view is it and then you've got the lights of the city at night over there we do need a little bit of parking over here just wondering whether we could do that let's uh do this let's grab that road bring that out a tiny touch make sure that's the same height as that and then maybe just a couple of the what's this one here that's a bit too big just a couple of these down the side to 3 that looks interesting doesn't it let's grab those and make those the same height as the road no okay let's oh there we go i think it did do it's just a bit slow what the heck is this guy doing here he's beached no we're gonna have a huge natural disaster on our hands something has gone wrong no it's okay we can fix that yes that's what i've done i've accidentally put my ferry path over the top there let's just fix that up [Music] there we go when i say i put my ferry path over the top there i didn't do that i moved the land over the top of the ferry path can we save this guy um if i grab the height of that don't worry we're gonna dig you out so you can get back to your deliveries yay we've saved him hooray enjoy deliver live love laugh what i thought of that there we go we can just rough this end up a little bit over here yeah that's fine that'll do excellent good good good so that's also going to provide let's have a look here probably not so many jobs uh another 85 workers times two plus over here as well i mean you know it's nowhere near what we need to fulfill our percentage but the idea is to get more glass so i'm going to let this run for a little bit check that we've got more glass hopefully our ore is going to keep up that is the other issue now we do have this out here which is 10 000 units per week could we fit in perhaps another one of those what do we have out in this area uh let's turn this on so we can see we have a little bit of all over here i reckon we could finagle another one in sort of here coming out this way as long as it doesn't impede on that like here straighten this bit out why not let us do that as well then um so we want this where is it in here somewhere this one and that will literally go right on there that'll be too close i reckon on the corner so that was like that no road connection don't worry about it and then can we sort of do something with this key around here yeah there we go that fits in okay wasn't as difficult as i thought just straightened out the key wall that's around here and then all we need to do is sneaky sneaky don't tell anybody we need to add some ore uh under here so let's have a look we've got lots of oil let's remove the oil we don't need that thank you kindly goodbye goodbye and then we'll add some all just a little bit under here oh hang on i can't see what i'm doing back again back again there we go just enough to make that bit in the middle nice and dark excellent oh it's going darker the wider we go the darker it gets yeah i think that's probably fine there we go so that is also now going to be producing or 10 912 ah funnily enough the same amount as that so that's doubled not doubled at all production double production from the seabed mining vessels anyway so yeah look we can see this is getting right down low so i'm going to keep an eye on this see how much of a difference these two make and hopefully we're keeping our industries chugging along making us money [Music] [Music] and there we go everything is balanced everything's working nicely lots of goods in here are warehouses full of glass full of metals full of plastics full of animal products full of all the stuff that we need and earning us absolutely tons of money every week ah so that one's 12 000 a week which is fantastic this one here is four thousand oh they go four thousand eight on sixty four a week is this one here nine thousand seven hundred and twenty eight a week ten thousand oh my goodness me that is so much money per week and just looking at our income uh it puts warehouses in here as well but basically our unique factories are earning almost it was there nearly at 70 000 per week that is absolutely nuts 76 000 per week oh wow i'm trying to keep my honest figure here for a second or two 85 000 a week [Music] oh my goodness 90 000 a week i want to get this up to a hundred thousand a week so i'm gonna see there's another factory i can add in um i've also just maneuvered this around a bit all of these cargo containers that were over here i've just moved around the back here which i think looks a lot better it's a lot closer as well and what other factories do we have that we haven't used yet let's take a look in our unique factories tab so we've got the petroleum refinery which is 8 000 units per week we don't know how much that's going to make us and the toy factory which is actually quite good i like that because it's a nice small one and the household plastic factory so either of those two actually aren't too big and i record could both fit into this area here so what i'm gonna do is grab one of these asymmetrical roads and that is going to come up here like that and then we're going to grab this industry road just to go a little bit further up there and let's pop in what have we got the household plastic is the bigger one that's going to go that side and the toy factory is a little bit smaller darn it no we'll have to move that over and that one's going to go this side as close to that road as it can there we go household plastic factory and then the other one is gonna go like that and they fit in nicely yeah i like that that is good in fact i'm gonna just budge this one down a touch come on up against the road should we do it up against the road like the other one yeah there we go that's fine that's good then we could add some parking down here with the parking with the trees too big again we'll just go for the small parking in here let me snap on the road one and two there i wonder whether a couple just behind here as well let's do that so we're gonna go one and get it right up close to there yep excellent that's looking good now what are these need this is when we get a shock petroleum and plastics or plastics we've got absolutely tons of we've got plastics up here this is all filled with plastics these three will be anyway so petroleum we need to add or water we need to add let's give these guys a water pipe or two why not you know they've just moved into the area let's make them feel welcome and give them some water there we go electricity should be fine yep that's fine oh this one's already filled up let's pop that up to there if we got petroleum stored around here anyway can these i bet these can't hold petroleum can they it's going to have to be one of these other storage devices i'll tell you what let's just check on here i'm pretty sure oh they can hold petroleum oh okay but i'm just wondering whether we could just use something slightly different instead if we use one of these will these hold petroleum as that to me makes a lot more sense no they're just oil all right we'll go with that i'm just going to add a little road out the back here just a small one and we'll add a couple of warehouses uh i want them this way round actually that looks quite good that way around doesn't it i will do it that way round that's fine and we'll put petroleum in here let's try that again and we'll put it on field there we go so that's going to hold petroleum for that plastics we've got covered and then this one here paper plain timber and plastics yeah we haven't got any of that in this area so i'm wondering if we could have like a little storage area around the back here let's grab this road i can come down there i can come in there and i can come out there and we'll try and match this up okay let's go down let's try that again let's go there and there and in fact if we move that out a tiny bit more we could fit some more parking it couldn't we so let's do that can i grab that park in there there we go excellent that looks good and then we'll put three little warehouses along the back so let's grab that's not too big that isn't too bad actually we have one two oh another block another lock to save here he comes let's get him let's drag him where he needs to go okay let's go look where's the rock park here it is alien rock park zoom zooms another rock for our collection oh it's growing we've got three rocks so far excellent excellent excellent there we go so let's pop another one of these there very good so these are paper plain timber oh we've already got plastics haven't we so let's just do filled with paper filled with plain timber and as we've got we need a lot of plastics let's just fill it with plastics as well why the heck not let's just give them some water there we go excellent we've got the big rubber ducky at tiny toys excellent which is going to be making us a huge amount of money so let's just wrap that one up to 150 thousand a hundred fifty percent i should say and then i'm just gonna keep an eye on this and see whether i've caused a whole load of traffic problems or whether we're gonna get all the goodies that we need to keep this going uh until we build anything else here i'm just gonna pop a few trees just around this area do you know what i've just realized we don't even have a forestry industry i thought i'd done that we've got farming which we did right near the beginning we've got all we've got oil as we've seen but forestry i'd marked out this area all the way over here for forestry and then we never actually did anything with it and unfortunately we can't bring those goods in let's have a look on here paper is produced by pulp mills and biomass pellets cannot be imported has to be produced locally so i could put down a pulp mill and a biomass pellet plant and we could i believe bring in the paper but yeah we can't do that so i don't know whether this on its own what's this making for us 4864 okay 4864 a week whether that's gonna push us over to a hundred thousand on its own or not okay so let's see if we can help this place get some paper and plain timber i'm just wondering whether this little area here with all of these trees we could just turn this into a teeny tiny forestry industry with just enough to keep this thing ticking over so let us grab our industry here we go zone and we're going to pop this into here there we go and that will sort of do i think and that's going to be cool i'll tell you what let's put the thing down first so we've got this here our forestry main building which should be about to go bang on the end of that road right there there we go sawmill small dream plantation small log yard excellent yep that fits in nicely there whatever just move that over a bit now we'll leave that where it is so we've got the willow wood production and we're going to change this we're going to go for the name that we always go for the tea tree wood production excellent yep fantastic that is what we want and then i'm sort of thinking around here if we grab this road here and just see if we could come off the end and just sort of try and make the best use of this space that we've got here that we can acclaimed acclaimed okay thank you very much and then get some small tree plantations in here so if we went along like that we could fit one in there but not another one okay we could fit one up here i want to sort of fit a couple in next to each other that's what i'm trying to do um and then that unlocks our sawmill which is going to give us the planed timber which we just can't fit in there that's slightly annoying how much does that hang over could i just move this road over a touch so if i do that and do that is that gonna let me squeak it in or mana is gonna be so close how does that look with the rail line pulling right up against it you know what that looks okay that is fine for me so now this is going to give us plain timber which is one of the items that we want here so that should be delivered over to here first that's how it's all going to work but that's going to take a while to kick in let's give these lovely people some water pipes there we go that should be okay you happy you're happy excellent uh should we change these trees what have we got we've got beach we've got older we've got conifer what it's not conifer okay let's leave it on beach then yeah that'll do here we go we're bringing it over the first trees coming in but where are you going exporting faulty products i want you to pop them here please i'll tell you what it's probably gonna make me put down one of these uh in between this one and that one uh yeah i'll tell you what we're gonna grab that extend that and try to connect to something there won't you boy we're going to add that in there there we go and we're going to put this on balance yep that's fine and then these will start exporting here and then bring them round to here what i'm going to do also is add in some car parking we're going to go one either side like that excellent there we go plain timber in any second now we'll get a plane timber truck come out dropping off some more waterfalls new products yeah so we need somewhere to store the raw forestry products as well we saw that we are running short in space already in this area um here would be nice if we could squeeze it in so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get that move that's the end i'm going to get that and budget right up to there i'm going to get this and bring up another candidate okay zoom out zoom out yeah we're not gonna get time to do the whole alien rock park concert thing today but our rock collection is growing there we go yeah so along here uh this one i'm gonna do that and then i'm going to just put a little bit of storage in here for our raw forestry products that'll do nicely nice teeny tiny little warehouse what have we got uh not that one this one here uh that one is quite big that one is quite small uh that should be fine so we're going to pop in here zone foster products see that's the same thing and we'll have that as filled so that's now the buffer from the two small tree plantations raw forestry products into here and then that will come round into here and then we've got a buffer for the planed timber oh that's in there as well and then the buffers are plain timbers over here anyway we'll have that why not i don't know what actually we won't i'm gonna take it away because they're costing us a lot of money aren't they so yeah that's gonna be stored in there that's gonna come to here that's gonna come over to there so the only thing we're short on is the paper and we can't get the paper until we unlock so that's the medium tree plantation i think that's going to be the next level so that's the sawmill biomass pellet plant yes you might have to let this run for a while see what it we need to get to the next level actually let's check it on here workers until next level 150 we've got space for 126. oh man this is going to be this is going to be tough well i'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to just change this again we're going to move that up here so we can fit a road down the side like this and see if we can squeeze something else in here there we go let's just move this over a tiny touch there we go so how many jobs is that giving us 146 oh man we're so close we are so close let's just check our power up before my whole city dies it hooks across there now anyway excellent so we don't need that very good oh man we're so short on space i mean i couldn't learn if i went over the top here could i fit another one in here should know what we could talk about cramming stuff in i tell ya let's make use of this space here as it is all an industry type area and having that near a built-up area like this just because it's trees surely that would not be an issue there we go got a little bit of access over the highway makes use of this treed area over here it's hot it's like there's almost nothing there which is fantastic hidden away and that gives us a potential of 166 workers well we only need 150 and a load of resources to get to the next level and that might be just what we need so we'll let that run for a bit by the way these backed up trains here i'm not quite sure what's going on but i keep getting let's have a look through here yeah they're going to take a minute or two to clear what happened was is i had an industry train a freight train like this with another one stuck on top of it both in this space here which was really weird so i've delete deleted one of them and now the rest will get moving i've just got to work through their backlog so while we're waiting for that to fill in another name that's just been given to me which is absolutely fantastic so we've got lafayette hills over here but for this little center section here it's going to be sugar cube square which i thought was an absolutely brilliant name because all of these you know if you squint they look a bit like sugar cubes don't name cool okay right let's let this run for a while until we get to level two and then hopefully we'll get the last product that we need hey look at that it just happened just while i was sat here watching 100 000 ah a week that is absolutely brilliant and my expenses are 40 000. now that includes because we've got in here warehouses i do have a lot of warehouses so if i trim down on the warehouses we can make even more but over a hundred thousand a week that is absolutely fan flipping tastic 106 000. oh it's getting up there which is great we're getting close on this as well 76 so one other name that i wanted to change if we come over here by the way she's hooked up with power and water now just doesn't get the services going but yes some people are using it every now and again we were calling it the spider hub or something like that one because of how it looks it's going to be the t ranchula terminal i know it's yeah suppose it is a tournament isn't it yeah but the t ventura terminal tarantula t vantula you get the idea and it looks a little bit like a spider i thought with its 10 legs and there is a 10 leg spider it's called the camel spider so yeah very scary spider but yeah there we go so yep back in a sec when tea tree wood production upgrades and just what i think of it there is a bus line that runs down here to bring people into this area so what i'm thinking of doing is just if i grab that stop there yeah that's going to go all the way around the houses isn't oh no no i don't want that stop delete i'll grab this one here and just run a stop up into this general vicinity um i reckon there and that's sort of in the middle of all of this and hopefully just help get some more people to come into work over here we're getting there we're getting there right it's been a slow cruel to get up there we're nearly 150 what i've done to help is i've had a couple of paths in um so we've got this path here that comes up and over the highway and comes into this area over here crest heights that connects to this path which goes over here which connects to this side of crest heights to help all of these people get over the highway to work and then this side fairview heights that we haven't renamed yet i've added a path over the top just to help people generally get to this area to come into work as well to hopefully give a bit of a boost so we're at 142 oh my goodness it's been so long please get up to 150. i've also put on the policies improved work safety supervision um so increases working health hopefully that will encourage some more to come over there we only need seven more hey finally that took so flipping long so now we have the biomass pellet plant furniture factory sawdust storage forest workers barracks and small tree saplings so let's have a look at this biomass pellet plant and see if that is the thing we're waiting for if it isn't then paper oh what's this one doing down here i can't remember painting but yeah paper is the one we want so we've got we've got to try and fit that in somewhere um how big is this that's this one oh my goodness that's huge [Music] what piece of space could we use over here somewhere to build this in could we shift these to down here and then utilize this space i bet we could uh yeah let me just move this around one sec and there we go a little bit of finagling later and we've managed to fit all of this into here oh it all works yeah it's all hooked up so this is just waiting for its raw forestry products to be brought over and that can be made into paper at the moment that's going to be sort of brought around this way and up there and through there we could add another little road on over here couldn't we i'll tell you what let's get this one here and if that connects straight across here let's put a little curve on there like oh not like that i don't want it like that i want it a bit further down actually no that'll be okay we'll go with that and then we'll just make that giveaway coming out give them dedicated turning lanes there we go so they can come out there head out into the wider world of our industrial estate let's just bring that down a little bit move that one over a little bit there we go excellent and bring the items over here so it won't be very long and this will be producing the paper that we need there we go that'll be coming over here already this is waiting for some paper i've got the symbol turned off there we go and hopefully it won't be long and that will fill up make us even more money there we go the first delivery of tiny toys going out into the city that is what we want to see wow that took so long i hope you enjoyed that episode we've got so much more cool stuff going on in our industry area i think it's looking fantastic let me know what you think about it in the comments below and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one have a fantastic day i'll see you soon take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 174,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, Metro Hub
Id: PZ9ly5DT-B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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