How to Solve Road Spaghetti Traffic in Cities Skylines!

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then it's going underneath there through wall through a load of stuff here you've got a lot of where is this one going hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of fix your city with me biffer and here we are in the city sent in by matt the city of greytown and you mentioned you've got a lot of problems with your industrial traffic and with your train traffic so we're going to be taking a look at that and even though the overall traffic in your city isn't too bad there's a lot of places that are very big red hot spots as we can see traffic backing up right onto the highway that is just going to cause more and more problems we've got some hot spots creeping in here and there there's another big here we go another big hot spot over here and your train traffic is really bad throughout the city so we're going to take a look at that this highway is struggling yeah you've got a lot of spaghetti going on uh in your city so we're going to try and hopefully i'm not going to fix it all but we'll take a look at that as well so these sort of problems you really want to nip them in the bud before they become too bad because the longer you leave the city running with problems like this the worse it's gonna get but you've been paying attention to your junctions very nice very nice lots of roundabouts in your city which is good so yeah we can see we're getting lots of issues not enough goods we're getting buildings being abandoned i think good seems to be the main problem let's swing around this way around your city yeah okay so maybe let's start over here in this area in your industry and see what we can do so as we can see the traffic coming off the highway is backing right up now to this next junction intersection and passed it all the way up here so we really need to get this fixed you've done your lane mathematics yep we've got two lanes going off one going on let's just check on here by the way for those that want to know we have despawning turned off and yeah you've got this set up so one going off two going on then you've got your hugo through which is good so all of that is done which is great so then let's follow this down here yep you've given them each their own lane coming in nice to see somebody who's been watching my videos and putting some of these things into practice before we even get started and then here we go we've got two lanes coming into a roundabout that's got four lanes on i would say that is a bit overkill so i generally tend to go for one more lane on your roundabout than you have coming in oh i can see why you've done it you've got three lanes over here okay that is probably a bit overkill through here um but i don't really want to change it it's going to mess up your markings so i can see why you've done it i'm gonna change this one down to three anyway um because not that many people are coming out this way and using it and i'm gonna check what that is yeah all set up so we've got the giveaway signs all the stuff shift control and click there which is good and coming down here so we've got giveaway for the people coming on which is good uh-huh we've got i just spotted out the corner of my eye so you've got an ah right okay let me delete these we're not gonna need any of those through there is there any down here as we get down there it's not too bad okay um what you really want to make sure you've got dedicated lanes people going in one's for going on but in between so this is a node as you can see cars can change lane in a node you don't want them changing the lane in the middle of a road like this when it's that busy normally if it's not that busy it's not a problem but you can see it starts people getting in each other's way so if you want to pick a lane they'll do it here so that's no problem i'm going to stop it there as well further on it's not too much of an issue it's an issue here look so don't do that pick your correct lane here and then carry on through is that like a bridge section so i'm going to say no there as well and then when you get here pick your lane let's just make sure yeah we want that giveaway everybody carrying on that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine and you've got dedicated lanes for everybody as well so that's good so overall what we want to do is get these people coming in quicker and not stopping so much here which they are doing a lot of and i'm just wondering why you've crossed these two over whether that makes much of a difference what i would probably do here i'm just going to delete all of this now let's remove this remove that and remove all of that there we go we've solved the traffic moving on to the next normally joking of course um so we're going to add on to here so we've got what have we got coming in and out two lanes coming in yep so we want a nice four lane road something like this will do there we go so then i'm gonna go on to this road here and then let's have a look what i would probably do is something like this [Music] let's make sure they've got dedicated turning lanes here for coming in and out uh down here should be okay we just want to make sure that roundabout is still set up correctly there we go and the same over here as we've changed it excellent this might become a hot spot we will see this might end up being a roundabout but let's unpause the game there and everybody's going to start thinking what to do so now they've got a choice they don't all go in through that one and they don't all come out through that one now they can go either way uh what i'm also gonna do i mean it's gonna take a while for all of these guys to work it out i'm gonna stop them changing lanes just a couple of nodes back there and just so we can keep it moving and what i might do here is say go straight on but you can go down a lane that one goes straight through that one goes straight through but you can go up a lane now i normally wouldn't do that as much as this and once this traffic all goes down i would say you don't need all of that and also what i don't want is anybody up here going in here if they're already here i want them to go straight through not come up and turn left so i'm just going to change this to say no left turn just go straight on so nobody's cutting across the traffic in fact yeah they cut across the traffic coming out that way of course which is fine just wondering how busy this is gonna get i might just change this actually now i've done that i'm gonna change this around the other way so this is the main movement through let's grab that one there stop turning off those for me thank you that's the main movement through and this is the one that comes off i think that is going to work a bit better there we go as you can see this is getting pretty busy so most people do want to come to over here rather than over here i'm just checking what have you got so you've got like a passenger train station uh what is this coming up here oh it's a walking path very nice okay oh there we go that's what i was looking for you do have a cargo rail terminal over here which is great not many people seem to be using it though see traffic's gone down to 48 already so let's follow this one here that's definitely a train one that loops under here comes over here and it's not stopping anywhere where is it going to stop they need to unload their goods somewhere and then it's yep still underground here so it's going underneath the metro i'm assuming this is it here yeah and then it's coming out here then it's coming out there and it's going underneath there through whoa through a load of stuff here you've got a lot of where is this one going and then it comes over to here okay so your goods can come over to this side onto the island which is good um where else can it go let's i'm lost now here we go let's follow this the other way so that was this one so we're above ground so we can go out the city or you can come up here so you do have a set foot passenger and cargo rail that is good it comes down here it can only go this way now it's all backing up as we can see so it can be unloaded over here what sort of buildings do we have so in you'll connect to your industry to your industry and then that can go outside the city and then that can go outside the city yeah what you really want to try and do is because obviously your industry's going to make the goods and then they're going to be transported to your commercial so any place where you've got commercial you need to be able to unload so at the minute you're just connecting your industry to your industry and then you're outside of the city and that's it whereas for instance over here a lot of commercial although this has got industry quite nearby yeah maybe we'll just take a look at those train lines in a moment there we go so things are flowing which is good just noticed on this roundabout you've got a traffic light here so let's control shift and left click on here and it's not getting rid of it oh okay well let's turn off oh it's a time traffic light that's why well let's get rid of that we'll stop and remove don't put traffic lights on your roundabouts that is not a good idea let's just check there's none on this one no that's okay so i was running much better with three lanes having these four lanes here is just a little bit too much even though i can see why you've done it so you know no no complaints there it's because of the size of your roads there we go excellent [Music] so something else i like to do sometimes as well when you've got a lot of traffic like this that all wants to come into one roundabout is you want to make it easier for these guys to get in and out of the roundabout so you've got a couple of choices i mean you could try making the node a little bit bigger we can sort of let's put that up to say 20 gives a better sweeping curve around there more vehicles will hopefully get out and we can do this one here where they're going so we'll pop that up to 20. um yeah let's do it for all of these around here for 20 and we've got space to do that one as well 18 19 20 yeah just about just about and hopefully i get out a little bit quicker another thing you can do which i'm actually going to do on this roundabout is we're first of all going to brace this roundabout so we can add a couple of roads across like this just to stop the roundabout from changing shape i'm going to delete this road here um yep that's fine and then we're going to use let's have a look let's have a look let's go into here and we're going to take this one and we want so the two roads going in i actually do it this way round but put anarchy on there we go and then that one there excellent then we'll just turn that one round so we can also use the movement mod just to move those in a bit so what you're getting now instead of let's take this junction as an example it being an almost right-hand turn this truck's going to come up and have to go it's not quite 90 degrees because we've made this node bigger but get the idea it's quite a sharp turn now we've got this nice slope and the time you actually hit the roundabout you're almost facing the exact direction that you want to go which is good so we could probably just move those a bit let's just remove these extra roads in the middle there we go we'll start running that everybody'll work out what's going on excellent and now hopefully these people here will get out a lot quicker i do just need to make sure the roundabout still set up accurately oh what's going on here i've accidentally turned a piece of road the wrong way around how the heck did i do that that wasn't like that before was it now it's looking like it's going the other way it's the lane arrows are facing in the wrong direction something weird is going on here yep no idea what that was but we're all sorted now excellent so now hopefully these vehicles here will just get out that little bit quicker onto here and into their destination you also have only one connection between your industry up here and between this area down here and leaving this area via this road which is this roundabout over here which is causing a lot of traffic that will come in up here so i'm gonna add another road across here as well there we go so we've got this connection through here to this roundabout and there's a lot of these vehicles now that are happy to use this which will head straight out of the city and stop clogging this up so much so we're going to leave that running and while we take a look at another part of the city and we'll come back to that a bit later oh just to check our traffic score we're now up to 60 percent which is great we had a big dip now it's getting a lot better okay so i found this little hot spot here it's not really backing up too much but it's probably not going to take long for it to sort of get right back here to the roundabout and cause more issues let's just see what's going on here so it looks to me like it's probably quite a simple fix so we just do control left click here and give everybody dedicated lanes instead of all using the same lanes we'll say no lane switch in there or there or even there to be honest you can pick your lane when you come in go all the way through and then what have we got have we got time traffic lights on here no we've got normal traffic lights i'm gonna get rid of those and i'm going to put giveaway for this traffic coming up here there we go we'll just speed that up and they should stop coming out let these people go there we go so that's not backing up there anymore this shouldn't back up here too much this isn't backing up there we go the red color is leaving let's just watch this just for a minute or two just to make sure it's okay yeah look there we go that's all fine no problem at all everybody's moving on excellent okay so over here on prospect square you've got this little island going on a lot of traffic happening on here let's just see if we can work out what's going on looks like you've got a big loop going all the way around you've got an airport over here you've got a cargo uh island terminal number five down here with the cargo going in and out and then we've got a harbour and we've got a cargo harbor so a heck of a lot of things going on here what have you got mostly shops a little bit of industry down here as well yes so that is a lot of things all happening at once and it's all happening in the same direction i'm just wondering whether we could maybe see what's happening is most are going all the way around because i want to get to the cargo everybody else doesn't want to cuts through the middle how do they actually leave this place uh oh this where does this road go so we're off the roundabout here going out this road comes in up here okay so they're coming up there then they've got to go all the way back okay let's just use some of the in-game tools we're going to take the traffic routes we're going to click on this road under here that's coming in and just see where everybody's going it's got a lot of private vehicles coming down here and they're all coming up and they're all coming around and they're all going back through here and some are going straight on and spreading up there the most are coming down here and going that way so that just seems a long way to go and a lot of traffic to add um if we click the one that's going out so to be honest i think i'm gonna leave it as you've got it set up um i normally try and do that with the city rather than just rebuilding huge chunks of it and we're gonna see if we can get a little bit of lane mathematics here to try and solve the problem you've got so let's have a look so they slow down we can see here as this comes out because that's two lanes coming out and you've got two lanes plus another two lanes although only one of them is really being used all joining onto this so that's just not enough lanes and all sort of slowing down here as well i'm not quite sure maybe just people getting out the cars and stuff i'm just wondering whether yeah you've gone from three lanes down to two lanes which is good you just don't need this great big long road up here so i'll tell you what i'm gonna do is i am going to uh this one here we're gonna downgrade this at two lanes a little bit sooner there we go and then we're going to downgrade the last little section to one lane and i could do it without breaking everything if i turn that off and do that there we go so we should have one lane coming out of there now two lanes here so we can start working on some of these roads and for such a busy road it's one direction uh we definitely need yeah a better road on here so we're gonna grab a three-lane road coming through here instead of this two-lane road just to give us some more options and i'm gonna upgrade all of this along here so this was if this was a two-way road i'll be putting in a four-lane but as it's only a one-way this one will do so let me just go around and do this there we go excellent and then here where all the traffic comes out we're just gonna do a little bit of hugo there so they don't all get in each other's way so this lane that's coming out there gets his own lane this could actually do with being less lanes here couldn't it but never mind we're gonna go over there we're gonna put you into there as well so not 100 lane mathematics but i think that will be okay and then if we work back along here where we've got this area we can just do a control left click and that's giving one lane off and three lanes on yep that's fine and then also to make sure that that gives way uh we also don't want a ton of lane switching so they don't need to there that's like a blimp stop uh let's stop it there let's stop it there again just because it's so busy i wanted them to keep moving um does this really need to be a roundabout probably not there's barely any traffic coming out of here so i'm going to say you just keep going and i'm going to turn off the giveaway sign there i just want you to keep on going keep moving and let's maybe just keep this road going around here there we go don't slow down excellent um so this is only two lanes along here so we can change that we're gonna unlock it there and there and i'm gonna upgrade this also to three lanes which is not letting me do was it already unlocked let's try that again yeah i think it was already unlocked so that's fine and then i'm also going to do this here as well so what that should do is only people on this blue line can go in everybody else is straight ahead so they can pick where they're gonna go before they get there so we're gonna dedicated turning lanes here oh we need to unlock this one as well yep okay let me do that and then we'll upgrade that excellent so now we're going to get a dedicated turning lane for going up here the other two for going straight on uh oh missed one let's grab that one there we go over here we want a dedicated turning lane excellent let's have a look dedicated turning lane there dedicated turning lane there uh people crossing over that's fine and i think well actually that we've got the cargo here so let's do the similar thing there as well so they'll turn in if they need to but they won't change lane unnecessarily that's gonna be giveaway with dedicated turning lanes um this one there we go and there and that is probably about it so hopefully this will just keep moving and then what we probably could do as well here what's the speed on these roads they're all 40. i mean i would maybe up those to 60 all the way around this outside section so if you hold shift it will go between one junction and the next there we go and then left click and it will apply that [Music] there we go that's all the way around i mean i think this is just going to end up being super super busy let's just say no lane switching there or there pick your lane when you come off the roundabout but hopefully that will just keep it moving a little bit more and if you're not going into here then you'll take another lane and that should be a bit better let's just have a look 65 percent okay so that's the outside what about the inside so we've got this one is two lanes going in each direction and then here they're struggling to get out okay i would maybe perhaps put on here let's just upgrade this one as well to four lane as it's obviously being used as a really really busy road there we go and also yeah these are four lanes anyway excellent look at that twice as many can get out now than before [Music] there we go barely a few moments later and all the traffic that was backed up on this little road has gone so then coming down here to the roundabout that's working okay let's just double check that set open set up okay which looks like it is and then this down here is getting super busy we've got dedicated lanes for going off and then of course they start joining on here to loop around again so if they want to leave i think we need another little road here just to help them leave this area a little bit quicker instead of going around in a massive big loop so we're literally going to add let's grab that that is gonna go from there to there and to be honest we're probably gonna get a lot of traffic coming down there that's gonna save it in other places there we go control left click dedicated lane let's just see how many people from here go down there there we go it's only a few minutes later i've added some traffic lights here to let these guys out when they need to go this isn't backing up that's not backing up this is all cleared up around here now let's just shifty fire along here that's going okay this is merging all right yep that is looking it's moving it's busy but it's moving so yeah that is good oh it's not been long 75 so these little hot spots make all the difference so just a little tip for you with regard to your road usage that you've got going on here so you've got this main road a collector coming through here with the roundabout and then a collector would carry on but it's like you've used that type of road for everything in this area they've got these great big wide roads whereas the little roads coming off the sides that are the busiest are the smallest roads so all of these people are feeding into these teeny tiny small bows to try and get in and out of this area and it is not enough uh space so i mean i can rather than trying to destroy all the houses and things that you've got along here and just rebuilding the whole thing i'm going to make this through here at least a collector as it should be you can stop emptying there we go that joins into this collector which joins into this collector and i think we'll just ignore that the roads through the middle also humongous big collectors and then this one along here as well you might notice that people are slightly unhappy that's just because there's no trees on that boat but already look there's a bit of traffic building up there that's gone down um this has got two lanes coming in and two lanes on the roundabout which is not enough so let's get the no parking version of this and we'll just upgrade all of that give some extra lanes and then we'll just do a quick setup control shift left click so that should give you dedicated lanes off all the giveaway signs you need and all that sort of good stuff and you can see the same sort of issue on here you've got this big collector coming in here hitting the roundabout collector into a roundabout and that collector should continue all the way around here until it hits this collector perhaps going up to the highway and then all these other roads in the middle here should be smaller roads um a big mistake a lot of people make is we just need bigger roads there's a lot of traffic build bigger roads and that's one of the things that sort of happens in real life as well and unfortunately uh in the game at least you build bigger roads it doesn't always work the game gets a little bit confused so this squish about that you've got up here probably could be working a little bit better let's just have a look what we've got going on here so two lanes in and out i'm just going to see if i can just tidy this up a little bit so i'm going to give this a go in our network multi-tool arrange at circle i've selected all of these nodes and then i believe it's just press enter no press space oh the game is paused oh that's because i press space i that's a click it says on the screen click to complete in a circle um and then we can sort of yeah i think that's probably okay press enter oh there we go look at that isn't that so much better oh that is good oh let's try that again on this one you can see me actually do it this time so network multi-tool arrange just need to go around the node selecting them all there we go it sees the circle click on there and it will do the size we can change where the center is um and then also we can stretch out the size of this as well can we always that just double click to re-center position oh okay and then enter there we go keeps the rows the same size oh that just looks so much better isn't it proper round roundabout and like before just to try and help these people here get in and out we're going to sort of move this over a bit like this so it's less of an angle there we go as they come out into this roundabout and we'll do the same over here as well and then looking at this little junction here these cars are never going to get out because there's so many coming down here to get onto your train terminal now i wouldn't have that off the main road like this i would give it its own little section out of the way which would mean that this traffic can keep moving let's just look underground what's going on over here so i can reconnect this up again after i delete all of this [Music] there we go so i've moved it back off the main road there i probably could have done with moving it slightly more over to the left but we'll go with that for now let's give a dedicated lanes anybody coming off here can go up there or they can go straight on um i'm also going to stop anybody here cutting across the traffic if they want to get up there they need to go round the round about um here we can have a dedicated lane these people coming out so now if we just let this run [Music] we should see less cars coming this way or less traffic coming this way which means these can clear out um i'm also i'll tell you what i'm going to do oh what's going on there don't want to click the wrong button there we go got it back again i'm also going to stop these going right and so no sorry stop them going left there we go and so you can only go right they have to go around the roundabout and back again which means they should get out a little bit quicker and this should stop backing up there we go we've got our i've made this a one u road here let's just move that over a touch there we go so they go in they come out everything is working better oh is that traffic lights there we don't want traffic lights there oh there isn't traffic lights there why are you stopping you can just keep going keep going keep going through don't slow down don't pass go don't collect 200 excellent and here i'm gonna do this so you go through into there you go to there and then i mean this traffic is nearly almost gone but i'm just gonna put those two into there instead of making this an asymmetrical road there we go look we can see all this is this is all cleared up down here now because there's not a lot of traffic blocking them up and we can do the same look all of this is all trying to get out up there uh they do have another way out these aren't one-way roads are they no so maybe we could do something similar here as well there we go so we have no left turns i can go down to the roundabout round and back again and then over here where these people want to get out um i would rather they head down this way so let us just change this you want to turn right only and actually i'm going to upgrade this little bit at the end to be two-lane yeah that'll do we'll just use this one that's fine there we go excellent oh it's changed back again let's fix that point and oink there we go excellent so you can just keep on moving there we go and again a few minutes later this is all moving nicely this isn't backing up down here this isn't backing up this main road keeps on moving excellent oh and this needs some water we'll sort that out so another reason for keeping your road usage um correct is where you've got a big collector road like this where it meets another big collector you normally need something here to help with the traffic which would be a traffic light let's see if the time traffic lights are working yeah there we go so something in like that will help each collector have the ability to move its traffic through this junction because at the minute this road here is backing up onto here which is stopping this coming out but because this is a collector and this is a collector that needs to be a time traffic light and then if you follow those rules this is the collector this is the collector so this would need to be a time traffic light and then you follow this around this is a collector so you got so many collectors that yeah that is going to cause more issues than it's worth but hopefully a time traffic light in here will make this work a lot better and it went back up on here so much [Music] there you go hasn't taken too long every time the lights change this only backs up a little way until the lights change again this isn't backing up onto here anymore which means this has become free this is getting quite busy down here because going in the other direction you've got the same problem you've again got a collector meeting a collector i'm just wondering on this one whether we could go with a giveaway sign there just to keep these people going they've got dedicated lanes but yeah that is definitely something to keep in mind um when you're building i'm just thinking here if we do that and that then they'll pick their lane here and they'll just keep going it's not getting each other's way and again a collector meeting a collector with these should just be normal side roads because what you would have here is give way like that yeah i think that is one of the main things that's causing problems in your cities your overuse of the larger roads instead of using smaller roads but overall this area has got a lot better let's check our percentage so 72 not too bad i think we just need to let it run for a while and another hot spot here going from this great big spaghetti of intersection through down to this little roundabout here i'll be interested to see where all these cars would like to go so we just picked this road here so most of them are coming down here a lot of them are then coming back down the other way where are they coming from this road over here um okay that is super super busy did i click the right road yeah i did okay so what can we do to help these people down here and i'm just looking at your lame maths and you've you know you've done it right so coming off of here one plus one this goes to two plus you've got this one which means it goes into three but then when this highway ends here um can we help these people get out a bit better i mean i'm just wondering whether even just moving that over like that will help because again it's that angle thing that we've spoken of before just helping them get out much much quicker down here so we sort of shiftify all of this down line it all up like that that might help then let's just check and make sure this is all set up correctly yep so and you've got four lanes here i don't know in my mind the game just seems to struggle when you get four lane roundabouts but i can see why you've done it because you've got the three lanes here uh because there's so much traffic i'm gonna say hugo there quite a way back here i want them to pick their lane and you've done it there so i'm gonna take that one off i'm going to do that yeah you've done that already so they don't cross over their hashes then we'll have do you know what just to keep it all going because there's a lot going on here i'm going to say if you want to go down and you use that one and we'll do green going down as well and then if you want to go up whoops use these next ones and again don't do this throughout all of your city oh i see a lot of maps that come in with this down probably because you've seen me doing it but it's just when we're trying to get down the bulk of traffic to move it through and come out the end here and go somewhere and then hopefully this will get a little bit better so let me just watch this for a minute just decided to make one more change here it's getting so busy so i've had three lanes here one lane going off just cutting out the roundabout all together and then two lanes going on to the roundabout and then i've downgraded this to a three-lane roundabout and it is just running so much better there we go and anybody wants to go off can go up there there we go like the donut truck there and it is now keeping this running free which is fantastic so back at the junction near the industry that we worked on the industry area it worked on first of all this is running much much better remember before it was backing all the way up the highway everything's running nice and smoothly now so yeah even though we've not been able to get up to 80 percent any places that are sort of red are still moving and most of the cities we said is okay and it's i think it solved your train problem as well we've got no backing up trains in fact there's where all the trains gone it's really oh there they are look there's some trains moving there so there are still trains moving around and things are still pottering along well it's just uh there's so many yeah there's so many things in this city that you would need to change to get that up to near 80 percent and one of the things being your use of road hierarchy i would certainly suggest you look into that and i would perhaps give one more tip here with your highways that you've got just think where are people wanting to get to with a highway so they're coming down here and want to get through the city they can do uh maybe see this section through here you've got a highway junction than the highway roads but really this isn't going anywhere it's dead ending over here actually is it connecting to this highway here it probably is underground isn't it oh my goodness me the spaghetti the spaghetti but the spaghetti's working there we go look this is running okay not half as busy as it was before so those few little bottlenecks in those areas have made a world of difference okay well if you want to get your city checked out there's a link in the description to submit it maybe you've enjoyed city fixing check out the video that's on the screen and subscribe before you go thank you very much for watching i will see you all for the next one take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 105,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines Traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines how to fix traffic, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines fix your city, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, Cities Skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: 4rYt27DLlw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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