Converting a Barren Island into Alcatraz in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines here in our city of new zealand and boy have i got some plans for you today we are going to be building a prison island yes remember that little island that's out in the sea we are going to be building a prison on that we're going to be expanding our population i really want to get to 30k today so we can unlock a new square which will be fantastic and i also want to build something inside the ferry about and we have some cool names that you've all been suggesting suggesting managed to say that word the second time round so let's dive in and get stuck into our cool plans for today let's have some light there we go now we can see what we're doing so let's just zoom out a little bit and here is the island that we're talking about all the way over here this island i've been really thinking what to do with it and the suggestion of having some sort of like alcatraz type thing on here i thought was just absolutely brilliant so we'll get to that in a moment before we do that i'm not quite sure how i'm going to do that to be honest but before we do that there was a fantastic suggestion of what to do with our what is now going to be called our ferry about now that name was suggested by let me just get my list feb sorry i said february about i meant ferry go round by red mackenzie that was the best suggestion fairy go round i love it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put in here a little zone like that and we are going to call that ferry go bound if i could spell very correctly even more impressive there we go the ferry go round there we go and i just removed all the policies off that because we don't need it in this little zone and then the other suggestion was to put a little island in the middle here which i think is a fantastic idea so i'm going to grab my landscaping tool that we have and i'm hoping i can put this on and use that at the same time yeah we can but let's just make this a little bit go make that a little smaller yeah that'll probably i don't like it too big there we go that'll be good then if we put this back on excellent now we can see what we're doing so i'm gonna oh i'm gonna left click just to take that up a bit i'm going to grab this tool here right click right in the middle and then we're going to level that terrain out and try and get a little island in here [Music] how does that look oh look at that that looks perfect i think i want that to go a little bit higher [Music] yeah there we go look at that i just want to make sure that all the ships can still get past okay or grief yet with all that tsunami of water going on yeah that looks okay they're getting by all right excellent and then on the top here it suggested perhaps a little lighthouse but you know what i think we need to get this up to more of a point to get a lighthouse on there one second yeah there we go a little bit more pointy i'm liking the look of that and then we just need a lighthouse to go on top and i know that there's one here along the coast i'm just wondering whether with the use of the move it mods i could steal this thing okay okay let's just do marquee selection double click on props that is weird it's grabbing all the stuff around there how about decal no buildings ah turns out i have a ploppable abandoned lighthouse already in my list and it's exactly the same thing oh excellent and it's a little bit bigger than i thought uh we need to remove this sort of boy thing that's up here can i get rid of that uh no do you know what i'm gonna move it let's move it with that no let's just get everything on there we go i'm going to put that [Music] down in the sea and then i'm going to copy that and i'm going to put one there one there and one there all the way around the island oh look at that it's all this is quite big actually oh look at that we've got a nice straight edge along there i pop that on there like that and i think if i use the move-it mod we can sink that into the rocks just a little bit yep there we go and then we just need to sort of feather this bit out here a bit and you know what i think that looks pretty good i'm liking that i'm liking that and it's abandoned so there's no way of getting here unless you have a little rowing boat i think that looks good excellent so there we go that's our ferry about so now i've done some work on one little island i may put some rocks around the bottom of this now i'm looking at it hold on hold on hold on before yeah that looks a little bit better just a little bit more detail so yeah now we've done our ferry about island in the middle here let's have a look at that i like that yeah i think that looks cool i like it okay now we're gonna come over to here so my thoughts on the prison i have got the interactive prison pack by bad peanut so i will link that in the description below or if not you can just search prison and it comes right up on the top of the list on the steam workshop and it gives you a few different items so we've got the let's just put it over here so we can see what like a small prison block we've got a large prison block we've of course got the normal prison that comes with the game we then have some prison watch towers and then we have this road which is really cool let's just find a flat bit of land because this has there we go the gate at the fence i should say built into it and then you've got the prison wire which you can then attach i think to these let's grab our recreational facility there we go look that lines up with the gate which is fantastic that's it look and then we can just build off of here and it all sets itself up as it should do come on come on can we do it this way oh for goodness sake come on you were so close to doing it anyway you get the id you get the idea and it all works together and i think you can sort of clip these in and they will butt up to let's just actually test this out let's go a bit further with that then let's go up here with that yeah automatically keeps the fence and then if we do that yeah there we go look clips in with the fence absolutely perfectly up against the road that is very clever i like that excellent yeah so we've got those items there we've got this one here which of course now won't butt up against the road will it might need to put a normal road in there but i think we can do something with that on here and the plan is is to maybe use a little section at the back here for the prison and then the other side i think this side to have some housing and stuff like that so let me just work out exactly how we're going to do this so i'm thinking whether i can make this without a road so we need a ferry on here for the people to come and go to different places um we would need a industrial port of some sort to get goods in and out or we could make it self-sufficient if we put commercial on here do i want industrial on here as well probably not yeah so some sort of port i think would be good so i'm thinking this little area here could actually work out quite well if we could do something with that let's grab our key wall that we've got here and see how this would look if we just sort of drew this in like this sort of that interior key wall that we've got going on and then if we use the move it mod to get all of this at the same height so that is definitely gonna have to come up so i'd do that the same height as that and then do everything else the same height as this let's have a look so if i do that what node that node holding shift that node holding shift that node then control h yeah there we go that is better and then we can smooth out the water here so we'll grab our level terrain add a little bit add a little bit more perfect and where's the level i'm looking about there so we bring that in right up to there excellent that will fill up with water that sort of used a protected sort of area there hopefully that's enough room for the ferry and the other thing that we need to get in uh here we go maybe just a small oh yes plenty of room plenty of room plenty of room so we could a fairy pier i think would be too big just a bog standard ferry here we need to smooth out some of this land a bit as well don't we unfortunately so let's grab that height there and try not to mess up our waterway down here so i want that height there let's just smooth this out then i've got to remove some trees as well don't worry i've seen it i've seen it so if we go into our tree menu which is pretty tremendous you know actually we've got tree brush here look i can just go zoop get rid of those get rid of those there we go a little bit of flooding going on [Music] no i think we've got it i think we've got it so let's get our ferry again if we put that say along the side there that should be good we can fiddle with the height in a bit and then a cargo hub that's massive and where's that trying to connect to over there oh darn it do i have ferry paths ship path okay so i can draw in the ship okay let me just see if i can finagle this to get this all to fit in actually there we go look we've got the cargo hard but that's actually the one i wanted not the cargo hub so let's get our ship path and we can bring that uh if we can turn this on so we can see it i think that's this one here yeah so we could just bring that round here connect that to there just bring that round there yeah that'll work perfectly so let's get our cargo harbor can i put that on the side this side yep i can and then we can put this back on this side yeah got a little port thing going on there we can work on that i'm going to use the move it mods just to drop all of this down a bit so it's level there we go excellent and then we might just do the same on here yeah let's drop this down a bit as well so that's level actually if i do that and control h set that the same height as that yeah there we go evidence the same height cool beans then we can get our roadway in right okay that is a good start so now we need to find a little flat piece of land for our prison and i'm thinking maybe along here yeah because this is like quite a high ridge that comes over the top so anything around the back here is going to be hidden sound noise views of the prisoners all of that sort of thing so if we perhaps use this little bit here it is gonna mean flattening this out a tiny touch and again we're moving some trees so let us just do that see what we've got to work with that is not too shabby actually so if we take maybe that height there and just level that out a little bit i don't quite know how much space we're going to need and then our road can sort of curve around here let's make that a bit bigger you can always terraform again if we need less space that'll work out okay so let's grab that road and then we're going to sort of follow our nose up here so let's go like that and then that could literally come straight up there we can smooth that out a bit so we'll grab that node that node that node and that'll be fine and then we'll use this tool here slope objects there we go excellent and then i'm actually going to just do a new level of land up to that road there we go excellent excellent and then along here i do want to put some sort of toll road to sort of visually give you the feeling of it being a gate as you come in so two-way toll booth i think that's the one i want one way let's just plop it down and have a look yeah that's the one i want so we are going to pop that actually along here so if i delete say that bit there pop that here that's actually quite a way back isn't it um let's move that down a bit okay there we go i've moved it right up to the edge here right up to the edge to give us some room nice slope coming in there and then what i'm gonna do if we just grab our prison road we should be able to just upgrade that there we go excellent and then we're going to do this along here i'm just going to ana key that in actually yeah let's go up to there there we go and then we use the move it mod just to set all this at the same height there we go excellence as you come in you're alongside the fence as well very good very good very good and this maybe will come a little bit further and then we'll come up to there so the same height let's use a movement mod again shift shift shift oh my voice then control h there we go all the same height right so i want the large prison block right opposite here so that is like one of the first things you see as you pull up excellent and then alongside the side here we've got our small prism block let's turn off anarchy yeah so that actually how big is the recreational facility what i want actually is another road going up here a little bit further away there we go excellent that's how i want it and then off of here we can have a small prism block say there and then our recreational facilities around the back there should be okay yeah and this is like a bit of a prison yard type situation going on here and what i'm going to do is i'm just gonna connect these two up let's do that well that is completely the wrong sort of road well that's okay we can do this one and upgrade it there we go just might mean moving this down a little bit so let's grab that some sort of plop that in the middle there there we go i'm liking that and then what else have we got here we've got our prison watch towers so i'm wondering i think i feel like i want these in the corner here so we're gonna have one there then we're gonna have one over here yeah excellent and then we're gonna have one over here to watch the cummins and goings of this section so let's just flatten this out a tiny touch make that a lot smaller we'll grab that height there and just sort of lift that up yeah that should be okay it should be able to squeeze that in there oh there we go look at that right by the way to come in that is fantastic and then we've got this prison block over here i'm just wondering what we could do maybe just run the fence so overall let's have a look so criminals in prison 150 and they will spawn vans as well um this is another 40 but these roads are not connected to anything um so that might cause an issue with the vans coming and going we'll have to see how that works i mean we are going to have roads around the rest of the city so actually now i'm thinking about it we might need to hide a little road somewhere to connect this to the rest of the city because this is not going to bring criminals in by boat that's not how the game works but if we hide a little underground road somewhere a little tunnel i think we should be able to just sort of get around that issue in fact i'm going to do that now we're going to grab this here and we're going to sort of hide it and not talk about it and it's just going to live underground just to get the game working so if we grab that stop trying to upgrade go like this get that into there how's that looking yeah these are go yeah that's okay that'll do for now and then if we go underground nope that's a delete key let's do it this way we'll grab that and we're just going to go where's that going to come out i might do something different with this later but for now this is what we're going to do so it's going to come underwater and it's going to come up over here and then connect to there yep there we go that's it so that now connects to the outside so that now we'll send out some trucks there we go some proper prison trucks heading out to look for the criminals look at him oh i'm liking that let's just zoom along here watch him come through the the toll look at like the fbi all in a row very cool very cool okay we've got that zip zippity-doodle background here and then i want to add some more fencing along here this is a bit open so we've got our interactive prison fence which is unfortunately snapping to that node there well i don't want it to do that if i turn that off yeah that should be okay so can i just come along there i was hoping those two would snap together but if they don't that's no problem and then that can literally come along the side here and that can be it can't it actually if it finishes there that makes sense doesn't it and this one here you can sort of connect it up like that yeah there we go that's good this bit here certainly needs to have a whole load of concrete on it so i'm gonna fill this in not quite sure how that's gonna go with the roads but let's do the best we can there we go that went okay so we've got our weights and things here which is good do you know i'm actually thinking about popping another one of these over here we've got all of this space why don't we do that let's pop in a couple of recreational facilities yeah look at that we've got plenty of room for it let's do another one there and that gives you a bit of parking as well yeah i think that's good and then i feel like i need another tower down here yeah that should be good and these almost sort of double as an administrative building this one over here this is like the main prison i like that i like that and we can expand it as we need it but at the moment i mean we've got absolutely tons we've got 285 space for jail cells 96 detained criminals we are doing okay right that is a good start what we don't have over here is water or anything like that so let me just run some water pipes and then we're gonna need electricity and all of that good stuff as well okay that's got all the pipes set up i'm just gonna pop in here an advanced eco water doohickey thingy there we go would that be too big to put alongside it cannot build on water can we anarchy that in actually that'll do for now i think we can smooth that out let's hook that up we're just getting a bit low on water in this area there we go i'm not entirely sure that pipe's hooked up there so let's try that again we'll grab that i've got no i've got my nose not connected that's what it is there we go that should be fine we'll let that work away let's smooth out this land a tiny bit here okay and for power we could also add some power in here couldn't we we've got the geothermal plant we've got the ocean energy i did want to add that in somewhere could we have that working off of this island off of a road down here how much power oh that was the one that cost like 6 000 a week oh no no no no no let's stick with the geothermal plant and we can have that off of a road over here oh goodness me don't spend too much money that we haven't got so if we just go straight along here like this uh okay if you can go straight that would be fantastic come on you can do it oh yes of course let's get our nodes connecting back on again aha there we go let's play ball okay so we've got that one in there and then we can have that going against that oh it's going to butt right up against there no we're going to move all that down let's get our move it mods let's put that on and we're going to grab that load and just move it all down a little bit more and then control h all of that height yep that's good excellent and then we'll smoothly smooth this land out a little bit [Music] not entirely sure what this guy is doing here i think uh she's looking like she's gonna escape um okay i think maybe we need to get some security out here there's like a tower right there you can see the devil breaking out the cars just gonna run them over not quite sure that's how what my prison's working but anyhoo i think we'll just look the other way and admire what else we've done down here okay let's come out of that view let's come over here so i've added a few little things over at the front here there we go just a warehouse bit of storage container action going on just to give it a bit more of a dock looking vibe um and then over here yeah just another little warehouse next to our water filtration system so we need to get this hooked up of course to the main setup so let's grab our ferry pathway and that is going to connect over here so we can just do i think round there will be fine over the top and then let's just try and stick with our better turning that we've been trying to do if we go to there and then there no okay let's do it this way all right i'm going to put anarchy on i think that'll be perfectly fine very good and then what we can do if we grab our ferry line i'm going to drag that one all the way down to there there we go so we shall get some ferries coming in they're excellent and i'm also thinking what we're going to put in stock in these maybe just commercial goods there's also this one commercial zone goods and we'll put them on empty and then if we do end up doing any industry over here we can always change that can't we let's do this one on empty as well excellent there we go very good [Music] yeah took a little break from the prison decided to add a little bit more detail here on our abandoned lighthouse island thing that we've got going on and i really like it got like a little gardener at the front some chairs that have been forgotten when they moved out i've added a little path looks a lot more realistic a little path coming down here perhaps where you'd pull up your little boats if you can row in between all of the cargo ships and ferries coming and going but yeah i like that i like that so back over here to our island this is working rather nicely over here i'm loving the way it's looking so what we need to think now is about adding in a way to get from here over to the rest of the island on some houses so where we're gonna build i reckon this little section here if we let's remove some trees let us do some tree removal and let's grab the tree brush this section here let's have a look it's got a nice little beach sort of area we can i don't want to totally flatten it out this bit here can have some houses um this bit here can have some houses and maybe even this bit along the front but we do need to flatten it out just a tiny bit so let's see what we can come up with [Music] there we go i don't think that should be too bad and take out a few more trees there so i'm hopefully just leaving enough room um i want to go for a bike oh yeah it's on here now isn't it bike there we go i want to go for a two lane road with bicycles and i want to leave as much room around the road as possible for adding in houses and things like that so the idea here was to sort of bring that through here [Music] okay we have the start of the road network on this side of our island but back over here again just had a little thought there is a way to get goods without shipping them in so we may not even have to use this cargo harbor i don't know we might leave it there for now but i'm just going to delete this road from along here and i'm going to add in just a small fishing harbor could we fit in one of the larger ones oh that's quite big let's just go for the small fishing harbor i'm going to pop that there and then i'll redraw this road here so it connects up there we go nice and straight excellent um yeah that is quite close so that there you can see the arrows where the boats come in for our cargo harbor even though we might not be needing this later so i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to just draw this out a little bit further i'm going to use the move it more to get that to the same height as that oh and this one here ctrl h select the one there we go and i might just move this down oh i am still going to move it mod on let's select that and move do i still need the land or is that automatically going to pop that in for me it is yeah there we go excellent so with that a little bit further out that i wonder if this could fit over here next to it actually that might just be pushing it a bit too far i don't think that's too bad i don't think that's too bad and then we can just tidy this area up here [Music] do you know what i've moved it over here and i think that looks a little bit better on that side leaves this bit open and then all we need down here as well oh we need to set up the fishing don't we let's just get that going out here so we're going to be getting lots of anchovy which is fantastic so let's draw this out and i know there's a definite distance you can go to get a hundred percent but i don't think we're going to be too worried about getting that exactly right i want to at least get 100 anyway but we'll see how we go i just want to make sure it doesn't get in the way of all the other ships that are coming and going we'll see how that goes and then we just need down here we've got a choice a fish market which will sell direct to customers or and this is the one the fish factory which would turn those fish into goods that will go to our commercial zones aha and we might be able to just squeeze that in on the back here if we just put in a little bit more land yep and when it stops flooding i think that will be perfectly fine there we go and this is going to be taking in the fish and turn them into commercial zone good so i might just make use of all of this storage over here and set this to commercial zone goods balanced and did we do that with these ones as well we put them to empty but i'm going to put those to balance as well just to keep oh we've got some stock in here already but just to keep those as a nice stock which can then be sent out to uh any industry that we have and we could also sell them direct we'll see how we go we'll see how many we end up with okay so let's take a look at the rest of the area here and of course we're gonna need a name for this island highland district was just the name that it randomly generated but bearing in mind what we've got here prison the harbour all the stuff going on the fishing and we're going to have some self-sufficient housing over here so we're going to use this one then let me know your chosen name in the description below we're going to have organic and local produce and also there's a little something something that's been added to the city which i'm not sure whether anybody has spotted yet i'm not going to say anything about it if you've been watching my videos for a while or you know me well you might have spotted this thing in the city if you've spotted what uh you think i am talking about let me know in the comments below if you've have absolutely no clue at all then uh yeah well we shall see what happens so i'm going to put some of these i'm going to put a few shops sort of there i mean we're really not going to need that many shops and maybe just some there as well and then the rest of this is literally going to be oh i don't know that one this one is literally going to be all of that it's not too many housing i might squeeze a few more on but let's just see what we get growing in here [Music] and as these people are growing i've completely forgotten to put in any services at all these people are not going to want to live out here if they don't have their bio hazards up yeah no we're not putting that in um so let's just pop in a few little things and hope we can sort of cover that's a good spot for that gives coverage over the whole thing i do like these little fire houses maybe this one let's go for this small fire station and that can go there and a police station just our little basic three um i know police station coverage goes a little bit further let's pop that against the mountain there and then of course we're going to need a school elementary school oh man these things all of these services take up so much space don't they and a high score right opposite and then the other thing i'm going to do is put a bus in um let us grab our buses and i just want about what is that there oh yeah it's the prison one i just want our bus to come all the way here from the harbour and i want it to stop outside oh hang on a sec oh yeah this is connected yeah yeah yeah that can come all the way from there all the way into this area so i mean one stop actually just come up here first outside the schools then you can come back on the way back and stop there and then let you come back to here that that is going to be it nothing more than that and that is bus line nine how many buses are we gonna get on there three million five now let's put that down to three let's change the line color and then we'll name it at once we know what this area is going to be and that should definitely encourage some more people in yeah i thought i just need to move some of these things around a bit okay let's see who grows into this area well it hasn't taken long is it look at that barely of the houses come out of the ground and they're catching fire absolutely fantastic i like this little community here hidden behind the mountains and even though there is a fire station over here somewhere where did i put it i can't remember over here somewhere it's taking the helicopters all the way from the island to come over oh man some of these have already gone out of business what's your problem let's put these on whoa that's your problem i accidentally had my notification icons turned off whoops okay let us just run a power cable over the top of the mountain like that yikes at the water should be hooked up yeah that's fine oh man i'm just wondering whether we could put a cable car up and over the mountain would an area like this shell out for a cable car do you know what i don't think so i think they would just drive through the mountain pass that we've got here with the tree in the middle of the road and i think that would work perfectly fine okay hopefully everyone's going to move back in and be happy now and while they're all moving in and being happy what we could also quickly do is just pop a couple of parks in that's something else that's really going to help our area here could we put something special over here like a nice japanese garden what's the area of effect that could pretty much cover almost everything i tell you what i'm gonna pop that at the end over here so that's going to cover that much then we need something over here to cover this area and a little dog park has got a pretty big area of effect so i'm going to slide that in by the mountain there and that should increase the land value of all of this once that kicks in yeah there we go well let's see how that goes for now and people are moving in which is fantastic what are we up to 26 500 i'm not sure we're going to hit 30 000 with this although i am sort of looking around thinking like we've got this space over here i tell what we're going to do we're going to remove some of these trees so we can get a good lie of the land uh not under there we're not we're going to do it with the forest brush and i'm going to let's have a look let's have a look if i put this one on we'll get the terrain so i'm thinking let's go a bit smaller on that along here and sort of around to here and down here maybe we could fit some in we could have a little winding yeah let's see what we can do here let's flatten this out a bit as well i'm going to take maybe that level so i've right clicked and i have a left click there we go so we're going to get a level of houses here i just want enough space so i can put a road through there and get enough space for houses either side and then this road's going to sort of wind up here so if we use that that's not how we do it if we right click there and then go down there we go so we can run a road up there to the top and then i think even if it sort of comes around here a bit like that we can have a prominent promontory commentary i'm looking for a word that's something to do with that like that and then we could even have actually let's go with that let's go with that and see how that works [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so while this thing is filling up i've just got like a floating cafe and a little whatever this one's called over here which looks really nice there we go i'm just thinking about in a little park over the top we've got like the top of this here which i think is crying out for a nature reserve so why don't we put something like that on the top here so let's grab our park area and i think we'll just sort of fill in a big chunk of the middle here and go sort of down here as well so loads of people have got access to it we're going to come over here that's the end of the road there we'll go there and then not sure you're gonna get access from this side but certainly from this side and then let's have a look what options do we have nature reserve oh it's all unlocked fantastic so nature reserve main gate i forgot yeah we've got that other major nature reserve haven't we uh manga i just want a small that's the small one in fact i'm just thinking could i fit a large gate in like over here somewhere if we just sort of finagle this a little bit let's move that round here uh let's grab our wall road that one there and just sort of go straight out like that and then we can add our main gates there there we go and everybody's pleased we could just use the move it mod just uh get this all the right height yeah that's okay i feel like i want to i think there's a lot of land here that i need to sort of go through and smooth things out but for now we'll go what we've got and then this path here actually where else we're going to get a gate we want to get there i want to get over here somewhere so what is this building here that is just a house so can we squeeze let's bring that out a bit and then set that at the same height as oh that's a bit too low can i squeeze a teeny tiny gate in here as well uh side gate slope too steep nope we need to do a bit of land finagling wash size a bit smaller oh the houses are gone oh i'm sorry there we go so we've got an entrance there an entrance here and then another entrance over here there would be perfect so let's get our park area what and then we need a name for this whatever the island's called we'll end up naming the park area similar as well right let me run a path around here and see what we get [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i'm really pleased how that build turned out i think it looks really cool let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to let me know your name suggestions for our new island too if you did enjoy this video consider subscribing leave a like and maybe check out the next video on the screen have a fantastic day and i will see you all for the next one take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 306,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines prison island, cities skylines alcatraz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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